ENGLISH II - The Earthquake PDF

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Rae auC ELC ij: @ Elizabeth Laird Bish English Orkin (ae | ees The Earthquake Elizabeth Laird Level 2 Series Editors: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter ah a Han eer ne tal pa fe ea a a “Thee ia co a ac ‘Bein agen em vl Seen AC a da mer pt of pi im sn rn gm ey a itn gino sr Regain ewig kn on ae 2 in Contents Actives 1 wv Ghupre | TwoTikews 1 2 ATablelor Too 4 Acres? 8 Chaper3—SividsSory 10 Actives 4 ‘Chap Neighbours 16 Glug Gabi Seay 9 Actives 4 2 CChaperé Lib Pa 2 Activites 5 28 Chapter? Thies 30 Aetves u Chuper 8 Home 36 Tukabout ie 4 Wit abou i a Project Inthe News ~ Earthquakes a 714 What's the book about? What do you know about earthquakes? Tak to ather students and make Two Tickets notes ere. "anol youth abot Mec, Hic bathe bd man. Yn ng aie Sia Notes ail had kind face andineligent brown eyes. He usually had a iaageeoe endl smile Bu there was no smile on hie fice ody. He was happy Td like to be sich as Maro’ he thought. ‘But Tm only good old (Gabriel. Siva kes me, How she does. She thinks Im kind ad nice Buc she chinks Tn boring to. Boing old Gaby, shat’ me Gabel had wo thcket fra fim. There wae 2rd ose onthe rable in his sitng-oom, He took the rose andthe tickets and wee ut ° Am hour ltr, Gabriel arrived athe door of Sivas at. When she 42! What happens first? opened the doo, she dds smile a him, ‘Oh, hl’ she sid “What eo? 1 Looks the picture on page 1. What do you tink? ‘What the young man thinking? Whats the young weman thinking? Dba 2 Lookat the picture on page 2. ‘8 Whats the younger man thinking? 1 Whats the elder man thinking? ‘¢ Which mando you ite more? Why? oe “Dont you remember, Siva” std Gabriel. "es Sunday evening ‘Wet going tothe cinema. Ive go the tickets. 1s that great nw fil You sid “What co you ca std Siva, T cane go outwith you thieving Tin busy. dot remenber ‘Bt I called you on Thursday!’ Gabriel sid, ‘You wanted to come!" Silvia pushed her beni dark hair out of he ys, She dd look a Gabel ‘Oh dear she sid. That was pid of me. Tn ely sve. Pease on be angry, Gabriel. Come back tomorrow. Well oto the lim She began shut the door. ‘Silvia’ Gabriel sid angrily, You going out with Mare! I know you sre! want o ell you something abour Maco. He's rich, buc he a bad ‘man. You'e being stupid, Sin He stopped. Siva wasnt thee, ‘Tim talking othe doos’ he thought angily. He looked a he rose in his BSPTESIIS hand. Then he threw iconco the round. Behind him, he head qlee laugh. He turned, There was 2 ‘man onthe stars. His ches were expensive, and there were ewenty ted roses in his hand, Ie was Maco. “Oh dea, Gabriel’ Marco laughed, she busy tonight? Does she want ogo ou with you? Itry now, Pchaps shel go ‘ot with me Gabriel ddl answer He walked quickly away and went oven to che set Iwas aor Sunday evening. There was no wind. Alo of people were inthe strc. Thy sat in the parks and drank inthe cafés. Young men snd women talked and laughed, Gabriel did want ro loot them, He Fee woo uahappy. He ook out the «wo tickets paid for them,’ he thought, ‘and igs wonderful ln. go without hee! 'm nor going to think about Siva Delgado Il go and seth film, and Il enjoy i The Pasa cinema was big, old building in the cee of town. The doors werent open, so there were loc of people outside Gabriel waited vith them, ‘When the doors opened, people went quickly inside to the chet ofc. Bur Gabriel had hisicket, so he waited outside. Teas 8.27 pm. And a that minute, the earthquake happened. ‘route ve) an bean eget grounds Bldg ten A Table for Two Mar did row both Dele mony. Hes hips ‘heel and ter esensve thing, and eid hom all ao stood atthe door of Sivas Rat and watched Gabe! leaving He looked carly ar his clothes and his shoes Why didnt Siva ‘open the door? She was in cher, Then, suddenly, it opened. ‘Silvia dear’ Marco sad, yo look wonder.” He stopped Siva did look wonderful, Her face was red, and she Jooked unhappy “Gabriel eid something o hex!’ Marco though. "Wea mani? That young man does like me, nd don ike hi’ He fllowed Siva inc the sitng-room. Tm meal ead.’ she sud. Have drink. I'l come ina minute,” “Marco knew the Delgado’ siing-oom wel, He went tothe able and gota drink. Then he st down in an expensive armchair, He liked the ia. There were beautifl pictures onthe walls, and everything in the room looked very expensive. Sibi ve with her mother Hee father was dead, Before he ded, “Mr Delgado had a good job. He had cars and frends and alot of| ‘money. Bur the Delgadae werent 2 ich family now, and Sibi ‘mother was The doctor oen ‘came and visited her. Sometimes, ‘Mis Delgado had ogo to hospital She had to have good food and expensive medicines. The Delgados ide have much money now, sd abl Yu te maine hen oe Marco dirt know about the Dlgades’ money. He saw tei pictures ‘heir jewellery and ocher expensive things, and he ike them ll. ‘iia Mis Delgado called weakly trom her bedroom. Are you there, dear Wha are you doing? I somebody with you? Who it Mother’ she sd." only Marco head Siva answer ‘I'l Gabriel. Were going to see len! "AH thought Maro, 'So Ms Delgado doesn like me! Mrs Delgado likes dear Gabel! He went bic to che table and had another drink, ‘esha you don like me, Mrs Delgado,’ Marco thought. ‘But your Aaughter does. Oh yes. She likes me very much. He smiled Ten minutes later, Siva came into the room agai, Her dat ir wat beau Her big, brown eyes wer excited, Her des wa very pest She smiled happily Hell, Mare,’she sid. ready now” He put down his ls and stood up. "Wel going to hives wonderful, wonderful evening he sd, ° (Outside, i was very hot. Maren drove is car fi. Siva fel the wind in her hi. Ie wae good. ere Yo were -on jut ge poate “Gabriel hasnt goea car thought Silvia. She rurned and looked at Marco. Whete are we going” she asked “Tm taking you to the Onss Resauran” Mato sid‘ he best. restaurant in town, 1 very expensive of couse, ut nothing is 00 good far you, Sia. know aloof gs, uc youre the most beau’ “The Oasis Rexaurant was eo lometres ouside the town. Thee were lot of big cats ouside it. Marco pushed open the dors. Inside, ie vas nay dark. There were prety litle lights o the ables, anda man played quiet musi, Some people lapped ‘Good evening sn the manage sd to Marco. "called this afernoon, sid Marco. T wane a able for wo." “OF coun. Please follow me the manger sid “Marco and Siva flowed him tothe back of the resauran. The table was near the door tthe kitchen. Whites went in and out with food and deo Pome — “Marco looked atthe anager angrily. I dont want ‘hus table he sd, We want tobe neat the Scene. have ‘ohave a better table “Tom sorry, si said the manager Tare do tha, ‘We're busy this evening, Come ea next time, Then ‘an pu you neat che Scene He began to walk away ‘ica minute ssid Marco, “Tin noc happy’ with this Youve gor. "Tn very sory said the manager again. can give you beer able now Late, peshaps.” But. aid Marco, People began to turn round snd look at Maco Sia loked athe foo. Matco lays did this. He always wanted the bet plce in the restaurant, nthe thea ora the focal game. Sia put her hand on Marcos arm. “This bles OK,’ she sd. "T dont want vo change. Why .? "Be quit, my des’ sid Maco. "Leave histo me’ He cured bac to the manage. ‘Now he sid you lien to me” “Bveybody' watching us now’ though« Silva She caught is am again. ‘lee you in a minute she said. ‘Ti going to the washroom” She walked beeween the ables ro a door athe other end ofthe restaurant. She sw young men and women dancing, Older people laughed and talked. They al looked happy: ‘The washroom was outside the restaurant, in asl garden, Silvia ‘opened the door and walked into the garden. Tewas 8.27 pam. Anda hat minute, the earthquake happened | 28 Were you right? Look bck at your answers to Activity 12 on page Then nish these Calvi ie Sha, bush dost ely wat 010th |: sah bi, She wan go Wi Heisa’.. rman wih clothes. Gabriel thinks that he femme Mat He thinks thar Sidi is being. ‘Marco knows that she likes him rv than Gabriel, He’ rat Gail | 22 What more did you learn? 1 What happens fist? Write the numbers, 1-6. Maro dives Svs tothe Oasis Restaurant ' ‘Siva goesto the washroom outside the resturant Maro looks the Degaos expensive pictures, 4 Marco peaks arg othe estaurant manage. «Sve her oter that she ging xt wth Cabri. 1 Thereis an earthquate, Mateo? eae eleeerne etree 4 Mrs Delgado? 7 25 Language in use When se opaned the door she di’ sie at him When he coos opened, people went uc ise Look atthe sentences inthe box Then make the sentences below nto one sentence. Put when at the begining of tach canta on the middle. 1 Gabriels at. Gabel tok arse and two tikes ‘when Gaby eft te fit ne ook a rae ond wo tickets 2 He ave at Siva’ Fiat Shia wasn’ very endl 13 Marco laughed at Cail He saw Gabriel cusde Si’ doce, 4 Gael went Une ine Gabel Sv at. 5 Maro sew thei table He was angry wth the manage 6 Eeybody in th estauret looked happy Siva went ouside. | 24 What happens next? ‘Look atthe words a the bottom of pages 10 and 11. Whats Siva going to see and hear? Wite four ofthe words under these pictures. ) ae | 2. When theaters hee | cab eee ren ! b stir s Silvia’s Story dati tprnnina sian sell Ts ese aun seams the ground moved under Si ee. Help! What isi What happening” she though. “There wae terrible nie, and she looked up into the sky. Pehaps the noise and she shaking «ame fom a plane ‘Suddenly, the lights went out, and ic was realy da. Then people stared eo scream, Sv dst move. She could move “Its an earthquake she though, ‘Oh, no, please, nl “The ground moved agin. Along era started to rn up from the bottom ofthe wall in fone of her othe op. Then the wall opened, and Silvia could se the people inside the restaurant. They tied co run. Their screams were tetble. She could se hands pushing and pling. She could see thei faces and their eyes The were tecibly fea “Then the wal fl, and che oof came down. iia couldnt se the faces and hands now The Oasis Restaura wast there [eas only rabble Silvia couldst move. She couldn scream, "Marco in there! she though. ‘Marco, and the manager, and and ‘hose people. They Ob. Lean «I dont.” rte a) Aten ser hg hen ore 8 Bea El wnensomng atc morse, hy amy me Sum to tourer you esi Aaa ey lu a ‘Senta bmen evs a ‘SEMG a ratory aoe gr heen near ap Sn There was another loud nose Behind he. Silva tured, Another building fll And another. And another Suddenly, she remembered her mother, ° Silvia wie vo get out of he garden into the street, bu it wasn easy She had to climb over a broken wall She could climb inher evening shoes. She took them offand cated them inher hand. She got upto the top ofthe wall and ll dowa ito the src, Her prety des was dtsy ‘no: and she had cuts omer. ‘These were people everywhere. They ran up and down the sce nd sereamed. Some peopl ied to pull he rubble away fom a building, "Come and help” one of them ideo Sil. ‘My lise boy's under there. Help me, please! Tm soc said Sibi, T have to find my mother There were cars everywhere to, Everybody wanted to ge aay fom ‘he buildings and ou inc the coun “Stop! Take me with you Take me home! she screamed at them. But they dds hear her Tey dda top. len yt a Mhensometing ten youca t "Tithave co wal she thought." along way, but Ian do it. have 10 go home and help my mother. have a Silvia bean to ran, It was ey. There was rubble across the oad. roof ello the ground behind her. A wall suddenly el in fron of het, Se climbed overt and sared to cun again Te waste dark now. The sky was ed and blac with ies and thick, black smoke Silvia had only one idea inher hea, Thee was nobody with her smother, She was il in herbed. She cout move easly. Perhaps he was hur. Pechapsshe was, 'No! cought Sil. ‘She’ nor dead! Oh, please, no, please! She all righ. [know she it Mothe! Mothe” ‘She wat in he cen of town now. She looked ound the square “There were some houss, and che big church clock showed the right ime But the hotel next oc was only 2 ruin The Pa was in the same square. For the fst time, Silvia topped and watched. Bremen and policemen carried people our ofthe cinema “What happened” she asked i “The oof el the gil ad. "Hundreds of people ae dead. ‘Perhaps Gabriel dds go, thoughe Siva. ‘Or perhaps he came too Fae ot.” She dial wan thnk about Gabriel now. Te idea was roo cerible The Delgado’ building was near the town cent, a the end ofa see. Siva began torn again. She could sea big ir. She could hear people creaming The buldng next ro he Delgados home was arin. Men and ‘women pulled at che rubble. iva knew chem, They were her neighbours, They wanted t find ther famlies and fends. But che Delgados'uilng ws there. There was a bg rac i he fone wal, and sore windows were broken. But che building looked se “Hey, don goin there’ man called to Siva, ‘e's oo dangerous” But Silva da’ sop. She pushed open the door and went in, Inside it was dark. She eed the ight, but they idee work. Quickly, She an up the stairs othe “The font doo was open "Mosher she alle youll sight? Is me! Mother, where ae you? | Se went to her mothe’ bedroom. The door was open, bus thee was ‘nobody in the bed. Mrs Delgado wasn thers hou ou iho ae pc ate neo ie as whenyon arent ohing peeping once ye » Aathities 3 8 Were you right? tock bck at Activity 24 Then nish the sentences. Wit the etter. 2g 1 Pople started to scream — 2 Along rack started 01 up the wall 3 Thereof ame down OQ 4 Siva wanted finder mater ( 5 Stvisceamed atthe ives ( 6 Awa fein on of er, 7 Thebig church dock showed the ight tine | 33 Language in use {3 soshehadto limb overit. but ivia couldnt move, band the restaurant was ubble. ¢ and then the wall opened butthehotel nexttoit asa so she could’ lok forthe ruin. litle boy. but they didn't hear er. | 32 What more did you learn? Why does Siva worry about her math 1. befor sheaves home? Mobo Read the sentences in the box ‘Then write could, could or had ton the sentences below, 1 She. takeoff her shoes 2 She vs walk because nobody stoped eer, 3. She nnn $0 big fre 4. She nnn Dt people screaming sitetoe put on heights becouse they did't work. 6 She nnn od her mathe inthe lt | a4 What happens next? 11 What wil iva do now? What do you think? Circle Yes or No. 2 Shewil find hermotherinthe kitchen Yes No She wl hep her neighbours. Yes No © She will put on dierent shoes. Yes No 4: She il ok fo Marco. Yes No 2 Look at this picture, What do you think? 2 Who's the old man? conoren Neighbours Whar my mt Shi at rt. ob sh ch Dime the Wh! Whe did te via sa down on her mothers bed and cried. Whereis she” she thought, "Who wih he? Wht ean do?" ‘She stood up. Her Fc hut, so she went ro her bedroom for some beter shoes, She started co takeofF her des, bu then she head anther Joud noise. Another building fl. “Lane stay here inside the building she thoughs. ‘Ito dangerous’ ‘She went quickly out ofthe at and down int the steet. Then she stopped. ‘Where can Igo? What can I do? she thought. ist, she had tofind her mother. Aer that but no, he dial wane think about ‘Maco, He was inthe in ofthe Oasis Restaurant. And she couldnt ‘ink about Gabi, Peshaps he wasn the runs ofthe Pa cinema Suddenly, she sw a neighbour. The old man lived in the next boilding She went ro him and put her hand on his am. “Oh, Me Enrique she sid. "Youre safe” ‘The old man didat move. He didn see or hea hee Hi face was ‘white and his hands shook. He started cry quily. Silvia shook his arm, "Mr Enrique! she si, ts me, Siva Delgado, Where’ my mothe? ‘Shes notin ou at. You know she cant walk, Did somebody take he? Who? Where did they go?” ‘The old man turned and looked at he. ‘Siva ~ Ms Delgado =I dont know he sid‘ ca remember. “There was someting ~ yes I chink.. petps it was Me Gari. Yes, Me Garcia, che man from the second floor in your building. He carted her ven and put he in his car. es, chat’ it. Fewas Me Garcia’ "Buc where ae they? sid Sibi, "Where did they go? "He id something sai che old man, ‘I dont remember. He said, “Tell Siva. “Tell me what? Pease remember, Mr Eatiques Please” eee "He id. et something about pa said Me Ensiques "Yes that vrai, “Te safe in the pak,” he sai He wanted vo go away from the buildings, Pase herve. To Liberty Park” ‘Siva looked at Mr. Enrique sd, old fae and put her arm round sim, “Thank you, oh, hank you, she sai ‘Tl come back later. help you then “Hllp me? You art help me’ said Mr Enrique.‘ havent gor anything now. My wife, ey home." Liber Prk was outside the town, past the football round. Siva stated to walk, Then she stopped. Her mother was ol andl She had to take her medicines, And they were on the tale nex wher mother bed Tewas dangerous, bu Sibi dda chink shout it Se an back neo the flat She found a big bag and pu int it some warm clothes and her mothe’ medicine bots. Then she en ouside again and sur the door behind hee, Tewas long way o Liberty Park. Sibi started walking. Gabriel’s Story Ska best walt. Hef eri weak Hiri are ‘rer bay nd bad t,t be nay _ Atheists, Gad unde he Pn. A of people wanted to uy thet tickes, and they went inside. But he had his che. He was safe because he waited outside. Gabriel heard theft sounds ofthe earthquake But he dae sc che buildings when they fl. He dds hee the screams. Some rubble hit him on the head and he flo the ground. Ar long ime, he heard somebody. war a woman. "Look a this young man’ the woman sai. ‘she dead?” ‘No’ ad another womsn, "but he's har, Tm —Tm ll righ’ said Gabriel. He id tose up The women moved ava. Gales arm hur teil He coulda move is Iewas broken. He sat in he suet. Then he sod up slowly and looked round. was neatly ark. Only the cs gave some light. He tid ofl his ead with hs hand. Then he remembered his arm A nurse came to him, ‘Where am I? What happened” he said ‘Youre in the garden of he hospital she sid "Your arms broken, Tm afraid, And youve got bad et on your head oo. We cant do more far you now. Thousands of people ate wating for al, and we have got medicines forall of hem. 1s no safe inside che hospital, but dost swore. Yo be light here. Say hee quietly and sleep” ‘She went aay. Gabriel watched her. Then he remembered Silvia He had ogo and ind he. He had to help Mes Delgado. Slowly, he stood up. He was weak ue could walk. The doctors and nurs dds see him, They were too bay. Gabriel lei the hospital and seared ro walk ack no town, "My family he hough. ‘Mum! Dad But they were along way away in another town. He coulda do anything for them, Then e though of Silvia. She was with Marc. He ‘couldnt help her. But there was nobody with Mrs Delgado. And she wal Tl go back the Delgado’ fa thought Gabriel. "Tan help Ms Delgada, and perhaps Il hea news of Sia? Slow he started to walk. He fee ersbly weak lis ight arm hurt very badly, and his bead too. Somes he nearly fl Hundred of people were in the see. A woman ran ino Gabriel By accident, she hit his arm. Ichure erly, Hesat down in the road. Everything went black. y ‘When Gabriel opened his eyes again he fel ery il. He ried ro i up and look ound. He was inthe ster now: He was on the ground with alot of ther people, Doctors and nurses moved quietly ound them. ns 9 tarragon sam moreso Tene {Sthenr one you hoes ere ‘non Py You mobo ste sad tomeng te eyo i hur ew cara “ered ouanen dora el 49 Were you right? Look back at your answers to Activity 34. What do you know about ‘via her mother and Me Garcia now? Tale to other students and write notes about these people. a 4a wnat more a you learn? Read hese sertencer abut Cabiel r hey rit) ron (1? 1 Heenan esate te crana——(—) 2 Sonos hs ar en te ed © 3 Hehasabeoken am. (eS “4 He wants to fnd Mes Delgado and hes abot Iva, 5 When he opens his yes hes inside the hospital, 16 Tense gies im some medicine. 7 Gabriel leaves the hospital. ‘on the right follow the words onthe et? 1 Sia could’ ay inthe 2 heel think building so sour Marco 2 Siva had to find her 1 chur trib mother 20 Me Carcia took Mes 3 tn wassafe inthe park, so . Delgado there 4: Ms Delgada had to at her 4 she went ito the medicines, 50 street. 5 Cabrel’ arm was broken so {he could lp them. 6 Gate fomdy ween 4 Sivin took them with voter toun.s0 he - 44 What happens next? Discuss the pictures in Chapter 6 Whats happening? Write one or two sentences about each picture. 1 page 26 Liberty Park pal hi fm thre bi ay “Thank you"? No edit Hewson wried aha ia ivi did lke walking. She usually aught a bus or took taxi. She was ited, and he back hur. ‘Bat she ddr hink about her back, or about the cus on het fet. She ‘vas with lor of other people. They all ha the same ide. They wanted ‘co leave the rown and go ino the country, away from the dangerous high buildings ‘A Fendly woman alld to Siva “Inc anybody with you, det she sid. ‘Wher your fay?” “There only my motes’ said Silvia.‘ think she' at Libery Park Im going to look for hex? ‘Dont worry youl ind he the woman sid kindly Silvia ele beter. ap he "Did you see che Grand Hoe” ssid a man. Isa mun, Hundkeds of people were inside it? “1s teil, tril he wife ssid, "T saw a baby.” She topped, ‘And the shopping centr, nother woman sid “The soe shop ill ight, bu the supermatker sa uin “The centre's bad’ sada man, “bur es wore cast of here. [was cout there when the earthquake happened.” “Near the tation? the kind woman ake. “No, near the Osis Restaurant the man id. Silvia started wo listen more crf “The Oasis isa lovely place,’ somebody said. Till right" "No, the man aid." uin. lor of people are dead. Bu the manager wasll sight. He wat a the back ofthe estaurane. [ews Better there. Hel be light. [wanted wo help the other pople, but Iwas ‘woried about my family. SI came back into con, Were al sf But ‘our home.’ He topped talking Sibi ened eo him, "Excuse me she sid. "Thee was a man inthe restaurant ~ the ‘manager was with him when — when. the earthquake... Dp you know ise all ight? “Yes sud che man. "He's alright. pulled him ou. Atal, dark man, Ista him? “es uid Si “The man lavghed. "Dont worry abou hm,’ he sid. He’ ine, My rend and I worked hard. We pulled him from the rubble but did he sy, "Thank you”? No, he ido He was only worried about his car. He did't help the other people under the ubble. He only had small euss on his face and hand bute wanted to ste «doctor. Other people were dead o nearly ded, bate was intrested in them, I'm sory. Ihe you friend? But, rely ‘ia did answer im. She wanted to think Marco waste dead! She was very happy about that, of cours, But she understond now: She was stupid. A seupd, suid gi. She dia lave Marco She didn ike him. She loved Gabriel. And now, pthaps, it was too ate. ‘Ac midnigh, here was another small earthquake. The people in the sod screamed. They wanted o run -but where could they go? Behind ‘hem, in che town, more buildings el ‘Oh, no, though Siva, When wil chi end?” . [Ac 12.30 am, Silvia rived at Liberty Park She looked round, There were thousands f people onthe ground. Other people stood and ale She ould sce ery well inthe thick smoke, Il never find Mother hers thoughe Siva, She began to wall up and down the pak "Mothe she called. Mother, me, Siva! Where ate you? Afr an ho she was very dred,“ nave ose down’ she hough. “Tl sare again in che morning. Bu now Im gong asleep somewhere. Then suddenly she head her name. She turned round, ‘Me Garcia! she suid, "Where Moth? ‘She hee sid Mr Garcia, ‘and sh alright. Bur she's very worried shout you. My wife wih her now: How did ou find us ‘Idea long story sd Sibi, "Tl tel you later. But now.” ‘know said Mr Gaia You want your mother. Come with me. -Mes Delgado was onthe ground with Mr Garou’ jacket undet her head Hee eyes were open, but her fice was whit. ‘Siva, my dear, youre sf she sid, and ook Sivas hand, ‘Tm happy now, I'm very happy Silvia took her mothers medicines out ofthe bag and gave he some, Mrs Delgado smiled “Thankyou, des she si Silvia sar and watched het Mrs Delgado shut her eyes and sep. Activites 5 83 Were you right? Look agin a th picts in Chapter 6 and tick) the it answer. 1 (page 24) Whats the woman saying o Siva? 8 Dontwonyouindbe’ (+) bb The you Well find her =) 2 (page 25) What ste angry man saying about Marco? 8 "Heheped alt of people ) “Hewas only wowed about his car! |) 3 (page 26) What Sivi thinking? leas nd Motherhere: neve find Mather here 4 page 27) Whats Ms Depo sing? 2 Timkapy row ) btm feeing very ) 2 What more did you learn? Tick () the eight picture. 1 Wiichisaruin? 2 Who pulls Marco from the ble? 22 B's urea ne cn nscianm (REET citcemneian’ fee Fire a eine fee 2 fonts rt ames SE pease ES a ar varonseene cs ameumpe enetaianan Bede nani {be) white, a (Gleep). __ 54 What happens next? Look atthe four pictures in Chapter 7 Then make these words into sentences about them, 1 ruins / There / at / re werk inthe ofa bulng men 2 ber Gabriel shoes ids /in/ Sia’ Jone of at 23 ue Mere ssn no ia ee 4 boy tals Cabrel ite / unhappy 2/10 Thieves ‘has irene, he tame plac by he ‘on dare fom anther wold, nab ‘owas early inthe morning when Gabriel rived at che Delgadoe’ fla His arm hurt badly, and he wat teribly thir ‘The street was quieter now: Most people were out in he country, o in the parks outside the town ut there were four or five men a workin the ruins ofthe building next door They pale the rabble away. Gabriel watched chem fora ‘minute Suddenly, they stopped working and listened, ‘can hea something! one man sai, "Here! I chink isa child. Quick! Come and help? Gabriel went co them, “Lean help’ he sid, (One of chem looked up and smiled at him, "Dont be stupid’ hes. "You've gor wo have two hands fo hsb. Go and st dow, Slowly, Gabriel wen up che sits othe Delgado a. The building ‘was dangerous, but he dda think about chat. He could eae che cries of the child. He fl eribe, Then he fel something on the oor under his foot. He looked down, Ic was his red ros, Iwas therein dhe same place, bythe font door. A rose fom another word, another if ‘The door ofthe fat was open. Gabriel called, Mrs Delgado Siva, ‘Ae you there!" “There was no answer, bt suddenly, wo men ran ou ofthe siting- oom. The first man went down the stairs before Gabriel could sop him. ‘Then the other man rn past. Gabriel put out his foot and the man fll cove iA box fell tothe ground. he man didn stop. He jumped up and an amy, Gabriel opened the box. Thete was jewellery inside “Ms, Delgado jewellery! he thought. "So the thieves are busy now!" He took the jewellery box into the fa. He looked round, The pictues were on the wall Silvis camera was on the able “Good he thought "The thieves det have much sme. They only took the jewelery, and ve go ic now “Then, neat one of che armchairs, he sw Sli dry evening shoes ‘He chough fora minute. For theft time for hours he sed, ‘Se wore those shoe sgh,” he thought. "So she came back bere afer the earthquake. She isn dead! She came home, and took her mother to safe place. Oh Silvia, Siva, you alright” rere it. eat gam tr ene bt eae he Gabel forgot his broken arm, andthe cut on his head, He was suddenly happy. "Til ok fr them,’ he choughe. “Tey ut inthe county know they ate, I'l ind them. Tl.” He stopped. Thats sup, e coughs. "Tl never find them, And Ica leave, Thesell be other hives ltr. seay here and lok afer the fa He went into the kitchen. There was no wate, of coun, but there sv some mil ‘Gabriel had along, long drink and then fel bet His head and his am hurt, but his leg ele stronger. And now he could think £ not safe inside he chought ‘stay in he src, Peshaps I can hep che other men, and wach the building too” He went out ofthe far and shut the door behind him. . Tha day andthe nextday, Gabriel worked wit che other men, He «couldnt move che rubble or pull people ou ofthe ruins. Buc he could do other jabs. The workers had wo have fod and drink, Gabriel found water and ‘ated ito them, Then he looked for food. Thee was shop 3 the end of thestreet. The windows and doors were broken. There was nobody thee “The manages dead, a man told him, Gabriel climbed through the broken door into the sop. He took some fod and cried ic back othe workers. The child from the ruins of the nex building was safe now. She was in ca, on her way o hospital [Buc the workers dda sop working, Osher pple wee under the ube. Gabriel could ear chee sean. He saw a mall boy in che sree, rwo or thee year ld. The child tied for his mothe. “She's atthe hospital’ one of che workers sad. “We pled her our We Aidt know about the child Gabriel sa down nex tothe ile boy and talked to him. He gave him some food and drink of water. Slowly, che child stopped crying, (Gabriel played wih him for hours. Then hs father ame and cok. him vay. ‘On the momning ofthe third di, firemen ative For the fr time, Cabri topped working. He coulda do anyching ‘now, Hest down in Font ofthe Delgados door and el sep. 63 Were you right? Look back at Activity 5.4.Then look at ths picture an answer the questions. 1 What id Gail do before thi? What ishe going to do next? ea What more did you learn? Finth the sentences. Write one word. 1 abel can't hlp the other men because he has Ie is dangerous but e goes up the stato Mrs Delgado By the front door efnds ised “women un out wih Ms Celgac’s ‘The second man fal over Gabriel's abril smiles when be ses Sivas Gabriel ca pl people out of the but he can els the works, He can hes the ofthe people under he rubble 9 He ith itl boy fr hous 0 When the eren ative, Gabriel als 663 Language in use Read the sentences in the box. Then finish the sentences with topped or started and an ing form. Gaveets arm nut, bt he (a. 2 He (wae) when he saw he warkers 3 Themen (wor) when thay heard 2 child’ ries, 4 Then they (took forthe hil 5 Gabriel (were) about ivi when he sau er shoes 6 He (hep) the workers 7 The boy (ca) when Gabriel gave him food and drink 8 care (2a) tthe boy when his father aves 664 What happens next? Read the name of Chapter 8 and the sentences below tin ais. Then look at the pictures. What are these people gong 0 do next? what do {yu think? Make notes. Home ‘There wat. man al in foe of er dor. He ke thin and ilk Hit fce and lt werd And iam it ead nthe tied day afer the earthquake, good news came to Libery Park. Me Gar had a radi in is ca, ‘Silvia, come and listen! he aaled to her. f “Thete wil not be another earthquake’ the nevareader ssid, "People can go back othe ‘Do you think i really safe Siva asked. Do you think we can go homes. Dangerous buildings home havea white eros on the door. Do not go inside chose buildings. Other Mr Garcia shook is hea. buildings are safe Iwill ay sha again. 1 donc know he si, "But I know one thing, Your mother can sty ‘Me Garcia and Siva listened again. Then Mr Gatca cured the radio haere Well take her bome to her be. You can look fe er there: Everywhere in Liberty Dat people asked question’, Many people wete wonted, Was the sersendes sgt They wee fil uf wma «earthquake, They wanted to stayin the country For another day or wo, Bat other people wanted t go home. They stared to move into the Silvia sar down next wo her mother “Were going home, Mothes’ she id. ‘Mr Garcia cared Mrs Delgado carey his cat She was a ight a, a chil. Siva opened the ack door of the cat, and Mr Garcia put Mrs Delgado inside. The journey ico town ook long time There was rable ‘verywhere and in some places there were tes aco the road. Me and Mes Garcia sarin the front ofthe ca and aed, They were worried about thie a, their frends and cei neighbours. Siva sarin he bac with her mother and looked out of che window. But she didnt sc the ruins or the rable or the fremen. She didnt hear the Gaci. “Will | see Gabriel agin” she cought. The ca sane in he Delgado sect and seopped outside die building "Look! Look! Ie isn here” ssd Mes Garcia “What ini there asked Siva “The whic cross! There's no white cos on our building, les safe! We can go home!" Mrs Garcia jumped out ofthe car and ran up che stats to her at. Mr Garcia smiled ivi “You go up fist and open the door he sid. My wife wil ne back ina minute. Then well erry your mocher up thesis Sivia went into the building and up che stair. Then she stopped “There was man asleep in font of he door, He looked shin andi is face and clothes were dir. And his em. hishead “Gabriel she sid Gabriel woke up and jumped to his Fc, He didi se Sia inthe ark, He only saw another hit "You cat come inher’ he si, "This isthe Delgado’ home. No nel sd Siva i, Gabriel sropped talking. His ead was hot His eg ele weak He didnt wane to ill nove, Not now “Isieyou? he id ‘si ealy you? He had something in his hand ‘wna couldnt sei very wel. hen she understood, Iwasa dig, dead, red rose, She took out of his hand “Thank you, Gabriel’ she sid. ‘Ws beaut’ Talk aboutit HEE dys ater iva ander mother ave home. Gals fesing beter Werk wth anther den ond es comet [indent] oa sa trate Te iy otertnd nae bu Mare eel tf nyeurhpr eon sour pn [Student B ]you recat el svi abot he thesia er mathe = fa the ed rose and the dirty evening shoes Ashe questions shut Merc. Ask he about he future BMEEEIEY sus the pictures. What do you think realy happens to Gabriel, Silvia and Marco after the story ends? Why? Thnk of another possible picture es ite a letter from Siva to Marco + Tellin how you feel about him now and why + Tel im abou you plans with or without Gabi. * Tel i that you doo ont want to se hin agi, Dear Mow eR “4 Work with three or four other students, When people have news about an earthquake early, they can make plans. What can they do? Ask people, oF ook onthe Internet. Then make notes. © Discuss earthquakes. How do they change peopl’ lives? Make notes, Notes 2 Where docarthquaks often happen’ ook at these maps and write the ames ofthe counties, her ste saet pacer yur se? er ist est cease! ‘Wich paces, ie rd oie a angst 7 ota 3) ead about thistle earthquake and cus thi question Why id itil many, many people? ie yo ve ear the soa tera earbake ate: 1) wat you el ance your fee ha yuino? ati you ea ase) Early on the morning of 26 December, 2004, an earthauake began Under the sea 160 kilometres from Sumatra, Indonesia. It was vey ‘rong and it happened sudden Nobody knew about bate happened. The sa oor moved anc pushed the water up 30 metres. « “This wall of water moved east and west, and inthe next seven hours itarrved at the beaches of many Asian and Alcan countries. It ile more than 225,000 people. Mre than 5,600,000 people lost their homes and had no clean wate: Pople think that about one {dof the dead were children i ayo aa a ‘or lau gt 5) Some countries often have smal earthquakes. But people in these places never know when there wil bea igearthquke Your town sine of these places sit alo near these? What can peopl do when they move int your town? What can they o when the ground starts shaking? ‘Whit page. with itures fr your town's newpaper Rt n't rake people very unhappy about the move fo the town!

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