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INTRODUCTION Have you ever thought about how 64
million European children spend more
More than time at school than anywhere else
other than their own home? In total,
they attend approximately 200 school

64m 4.5m 200 days each year, which corresponds to

almost one full year inside a classroom
throughout their primary school years 1.
European school teachers spend days in school
children and around per year So how do we go about designing those
classrooms to be healthier and more
supportive of great learning outcomes?

This is a question that is perhaps more

important than ever, as Europe and the
UK are soon to see a boom in the cons-
Children spend around truction and renovation of schools not
experienced since the 1970s. What a

70% 1
… and many studies show tremendous opportunity this is for both
that a well-designed indoor architects and educators to rethink
school environment will what an educational facility should be
of their time indoors year indoor promote improved know- and how the physical environment can
corresponding to throughout primary ledge and learning, as well as be designed to have a positive impact
almost school years children’s health and on learning.
well-being. 1 SINPHONIE final report link

New research design of the physical learning space could also be applied to other types
Recent research conducted by Pro- has been isolated in real life situations. of buildings - creating better health-
fessor Peter Barrett and his team of In the past, specific aspects such as air care facilities, better work spaces
This guide, and the HEAD study on which it is largely
school design experts at the University quality have been studied, but how it all and better living places etc.
based, assesses three primary physical characteristics of
school design which have been found to be particularly of Salford, UK, showed clear evidence comes together for real people in real
influential to learning: that well-designed primary schools spaces has, until now, been based on
• Naturalness: Light, temperature and air quality. These can substantially boost children’s aca- gut-feeling and wishful thinking.
elements together account for half the learning impact demic performance in reading, writing For three years, researchers on the
of a school design
• Classroom design*: Ownership and flexibility, account and maths. HEAD project carried out detailed sur-
ing for a quarter of the learning impact Their ground-breaking study, the veys of 153 classrooms from 27 diverse
• Stimulation: Complexity and colour, also accounting
HEAD Project (Holistic Evidence and schools and collected performance
for a quarter of the learning impact
Design)1, concluded that differences in statistics for pupils studying in those
*In the HEAD Study, Classroom design is referred to as “individualisation”.
the physical characteristics of class- spaces.
Additionally, we look at acoustics, which the HEAD study rooms explained 16% of the variation
acknowledges as a "secondary factor" to naturalness. This in learning progress over a year for the The importance of sensory factors
means that it is evidently an important factor in learning,
but that it "was competed out in importance by other 3766 students included in the study. The study considered a wide range
factors". Put simply, the better designed the of sensory factors and used multi-
classroom, the better children do aca- level statistical modelling to isolate
demically. the effects of classroom design from
other factors, such as the pupils them-
The vital design elements selves and their teachers.
The findings outlined in the HEAD As noted by researchers in the
study reveal that certain design ele- report, “Surprisingly, whole-school fac-
ments are intrinsic to improving learn- tors (e.g. size, navigation routes, spe-
ing in the classroom. These are: cialist facilities, play facilities) do not
seem to be anywhere near as important
• Daylight as the design of the individual class-
• Indoor air quality rooms. The message is that, first and
• Acoustic environment foremost, each classroom has to be
• Temperature well designed.”
• Classroom design Below you will find practical guide-
• Stimulation lines on how to implement the HEAD
findings in your next educational faci-
This is the first time that clear evidence lity project.
of the effect on users of the overall Whilst reading these guidelines,

2 Clever Classrooms – Summary Report

why not consider how these design prin-
of the HEAD Project link ciples (for optimal learning outcomes)


Daylight 5
Case: Sågbäcksgymnasiet 10
Indoor air quality 14
Case: Ryparken Lille Skole 16
Acoustic environment 19
Temperature 21
Case: Hessenwaldschule 24
Classroom design 27
Stimulation 30



1 DAYLIGHT We all know that the best antidote to
the ‘winter blues’ is a break in a warmer,
sunnier climate, preferably with white
sandy beaches and clear blue waters.
The reinvigorating effect of natu-
ral light and warmth can also be felt on
a smaller scale, and in a wide range of
environments, from homes and offices,
to public buildings, schools and univer-
sities. It is perhaps no surprise then,
that when a recent study 1 looked at
how the physical design of educational
buildings affects student performance,
one of the significant individual para-
meters was lighting.

1 Impact of Lighting on School Perfor-

mance in European Classrooms (2016)
C. Maesano and I. Annesi-Maesano,
CLIMA 2016, 12th REHVA World Con-
gress 2016, Aalborg link

Building better schools 5



Students with the most daylight in their classrooms Students that had a well-designed skylight in their Students in classrooms where windows could be 1999 by George Loisos for The California Board for Energy
Efficiency Program. Submitted by HESCHONG MAHONE
progressed: room improved: opened were found to progress:

Test score results for over 21,000 students in 2000

20% 26% 19–20% 7–8%

classrooms from districts, located in Orange County,
California, Seattle, Washington, and Fort Collins, Colorado

faster on math tests faster on reading tests faster than those without a skylight faster than those with fixed windows

4 ways to improve the daylight condition Why daylight? rally welcomed as a source of lighting nal obstructions, extensions above (e.g.
in classrooms Several studies have shown that day- in buildings throughout Europe. overhangs, balconies) and to the sides
light is not only good for children’s over- When windows or skylights face (e.g. extension of the building itself),
1. Ensure that daylight is the superior light source for most of all health and wellbeing, but that it can North, the daylight entering a space depth of the room, etc. When taking all
the daylit hours during the year, when designing schools and
also significantly improve academic tends to be softer and more diffused, these factors into account, a skylight
performance. with subtle changes in light levels and typically provides more than twice the
2. Select solar shading systems that can ensure a high level of One such study 1 was conducted by colour texture throughout the day. With amount of daylight than a facade win-
daylight quality and maintain view to the outside. the Sorbonne University using SINPHO- other orientations, sunlight enhances dow of equal size.
NIE Study data, covering 13 European the overall brightness of interiors, with
3. Concentrate on the schools most utilized spaces – invest in countries with a total of 2,387 chil- specific areas of concentrated light. Controlling excessive glare
daylight solutions where the students are – and allow slightly Glare is created when areas that are
dren participating. It concluded that The challenge of designing with
darker areas within the room, if needed.
academic performance can increase daylight is particularly evident in deep too bright are located within the field
4. Integrate successful architectural daylight solutions in the by up to 15% when students work in classrooms, where there is a considera- of view, or when the contrast ratio is
overall school design, that combines the advantages of classrooms with larger windows – due ble distance between windows and the high. Nevertheless, glare caused by
windows both in the façade and in the roof. both to increased daylight, and a bet- back of the room. Here there is often a daylight differs from glare caused by
ter view to the outside world. disparity in light levels – bright near electric light sources in terms of the
The Clever Classrooms study 2 con- the windows and darker further back. size, complex luminance distribu-
ducted by the University of Salford, UK, In situations where the shape or size tion and acceptance of the users (e.g.
concluded that good daylight helps to of classrooms does not allow for ade- people tend to be more tolerant of glare
More daylight improves learning
create a sense of physical and mental quate light levels throughout, and/or in a daylit environment) 4. While high
Pupils working in classrooms with larger windows
performed up to 15% better in both mathematical comfort, its benefits more far-reaching where the possibility of window space levels of daylight in a classroom pro-
and logic tests, compared to classrooms with small than merely an aid to sight. is limited, skylights are often the opti- vided via large windows and skylights
windows. mum solution. Where there is no direct are optimum, they still need to be con-
How to design with daylight access to the sky due to constructed trolled to avoid the excessive glare
While daylight does occasionally need floors above, light shafts can be an that can come from direct sunlight.
to be supplemented by ample, high effective alternative. This issue becomes increasingly acute
quality artificial lighting when outside One of the collateral benefits of cre- with today’s widespread use of interac-
light levels are too low, where possi- ating openings for daylight is that they tive whiteboards and projectors in
Roof windows and skylights are ble we should aim to make daylight the also provide us a connection to the out- classrooms.
generally less affected by outside main source of lighting in schools. If it doors, allowing us to follow changes in One important aspect to consider
obstructions than windows in is properly controlled, sunlight is gene- when controlling glare and contrast is
the weather, the time of the day and
the façade.
Clear sky view Clear sky view 1 Impact of Lighting on School Perfor- year. the orientation of the windows. Larger
mance in European Classrooms (2016) There are many factors to take into expanses of glazing should ideally be
C. Maesano and I. Annesi-Maesano,
account when considering how much facing north, in order to allow diffu-
CLIMA 2016, 12th REHVA World Con-
Obstructed view
gress 2016, Aalborg link daylight will be gained from windows sed daylight to penetrate as much as
2 Clever Classrooms (2015), Summary possible throughout the day/year.
Obstructed view
report of the HEAD project, University
or skylights. These include glazing
of Salford, Manchester link transmittance, wall thickness, exter-

Building better schools 7

Building standards and light levels Another effective solution for glare con- dimly-lit room. The recommendation winter months, while also providing
trol is the installation of easily opera- between visual task and near surroun- fresh air throughout the year, impro-
Daylight performance in an interior space sion of an interior illuminance higher or equal
ble opaque blinds to control daylight dings is a 1:10 “luminance ratio” within ving indoor air quality and helping
depends largely on the availability and prop- to 100 lux is required over 95% of the work
erties of daylight at the building’s location (i.e. plane. In a space lit only by roof windows in a levels. An alternative to blinds is per- the field of view. This luminance ratio regulate temperature.
the prevailing climatic conditions). The pro- nearly horizontal roof construction, the target manent external shading, but this may is an expression of the ratio between
posed European Daylight Standard (FprEN daylight level need to be achieved across 95% still require the use of additional shad- the luminance within the central
17037) suggests changing the basis of day- of the relevant floor area. The corresponding ing devices, depending on individual cir- vision and the peripheral vision of the
light evaluations to ‘daylight factor targets’ target daylight factors for each European cap- cumstances and requirements. Other surroundings 3.
based on the occurrence of outdoor illumi- ital, is available in the standard, but values are
solar protection devices such as cur-
nance levels from recorded climatic data. The higher for countries located in Northern Europe
‘climate connectivity’ of the proposal states compared to Southern Europe due to the natu- tains, roller blinds etc., made in textile, Windows vs. skylights
that a space should achieve a target daylight ral decrease in daylight availability. film or perforated opaque materials Good daylight distribution across a
level at work-plane height across a specified The absolute light levels that are needed for a can be used. These will all reduce the room is often best achieved by using
percentage of the relevant floor area for half particular visual task will depend on the char- occurrence of glare to differing degrees, several different sources of daylight,
of the daylight hours in the year. The target acter of the task and the visual environment depending on: optical properties of the such as a combination of skylights
daylight level is based on the provision of an where it is performed. A European Standard,
material; orientation of the window; and windows, and this can also ensure
interior illuminance higher or equal to 300 lux, EN 12464-1: Light and lighting — Lighting
corresponding to the requirement for lighting of work places — Part 1: Indoor work places, geographical location and annual sun- reduced levels of glare and contrast.
at work places (see below). The target daylight provides information on the indoor light lev- shine hours; glazing area and trans- However, let’s not forget the impor-
level needs to be achieved for 50% of the rele- els applicable for a school environment. Gen- mittance of the pane and the distance tance of a view: “When we are sitting
vant floor area in a space with windows in the erally, the following interior light levels are of the user from the light source. The next to a window, we would rather
façade or in an inclined roof. In addition, a min- recommended: material properties and levels of glare tolerate a high amount of daylight and
imum target daylight level based on the provi-
protection for these type of solar pro- enjoy the view outside than draw the
tection devices are defined in European blinds down and use artificial lighting.”4
Standard EN 14501 Blinds and shut- For spaces where even large areas
ters, and the draft European Standard of window glazing will not allow
FprEN 17037 Daylight in Buildings. enough daylight to penetrate, or where
Equally important is the issue of their installation is simply not possible
contrast. When considering both glare – such as very large classrooms, lec-
and contrast, the difference between ture theatres or indoor common areas
Lux level Visual task level Building spaces absolute brightness and relative in the centre of a building – skylights
brightness is critical. Consider how are a great option to consider. Ope-
Limited to movement
100 Circulation areas, corridors high-beam headlights can be blinding rable skylights strategically located in
and casual perception
at night, while hardly noticeable during the overall building design allow plenty
Classrooms (minimum lux level for all areas of a classroom), the day. Similarly, a strong source of of daylight to penetrate in the dark
300 Fairly simple
tutorial rooms, computer practice rooms light will cause much less glare and
contrast in a generally brightly-lit room 3 CLEAR Luminance Ratios, link
Auditoriums, lecture halls, practical rooms and laboratories, 4 ”Design Innovations for Contemporary
500 Moderately difficult compared to, say, a single large window Interiors and Civic Art”, Luciano Crespi,
libraries (reading areas), blackboard/whiteboard in classrooms
with direct sunlight in an otherwise 2016

Building better schools 8

How to design with daylight?

Daylight factor % Daylight factor % Daylight factor %

10.00 10.00 10.00

8.75 8.75 8.75
7.50 7.50 7.50
6.25 6.25 6.25
5.00 5.00 5.00
3.75 3.75 3.75
2.50 2.50 2.50
1.25 1.25 1.25

Small facade window Large facade window Small facade window + roof windows
(10% glazing to floor area ratio) (30% glazing to floor area ratio) 20% glazing to floor area ratio (11%
facade window + 9% roof windows)
• a DF of 2%, only a few metres • a DF of 2% approximately 4.5
from the facade metres from the facade • a combination of facade and
• low daylight levels at the back • daylight levels very high near roof windows provides
of the room window and low values at the generous and useful DF levels
• only workplaces close to back over the entire work plane
window can be considered • the first two workplaces can • use of roof windows means
daylit. be considered daylit. better daylighting performance
and visual comfort
• all of the three workplaces can
be considered well daylit.

Building better schools 9

CASE 1 In 2012 local authorities ended more
than 10 years of talks by adopting a plan
to refurbish the old vocational school
SÅGBÄCKS­ in Huddinge, Sweden. The school, origi-
GYMNASIET nally built in 1961, represented clas-
sic 60s architecture and was of good
Rebuilding a school’s character quality. Still, fifty years of wear had left
with plenty of daylight its mark, and when the refurbishment
plans were agreed upon they included
the replacement of more than a 100
old skylights.

Building better schools 10

An iconic industrial style perfect Åsa Machado explains: “The sawtooth minate the interior. While the old sky-
for skylights ceiling and the possibility of skylights lights had frosted glass with dimming
One of the defining characteristics were central to our plans; we realised effect and extremely poor energy per-
of Sågbäcksgymnasiet is its saw- this very early on. We decided to give formance, the new ones will be able to
tooth roof. The classic feature of the the entire school access to what we support and nourish the new assembly
industrial age quickly became a focal believe was the premises’ best side.” area with plenty of daylight, ventilation
point for the project leaders at Origo The sawtooth roof allows four and energy control.
Arkitekter, the leading architect firm. bands of north-faced skylights to illu-

Café and lounge area

100 modules

The full length of the installation is visible from the assembly area even
across the classroom dividers. Daylight is directed into the classrooms
from above.

Building better schools 11

Leading a vocational school, you advantage of the ceiling’s potential. want to be the best in our sector. Our
need to invest in your students “The skylight was key to the positive students are important and we want
Principal Hans Almgren describes the change. The architects always strived them to enjoy a nice and agreeable
school as “a solid building in classic to open the building up, let in light and environment. This affects their confi-
modernist style”, and he is glad the create visual depth. We have no dead dence and their willingness to study.”
refurbishment plan was able to main- corners, and no dark corners.”
tain the look and feel of the original Hans Almgren is well aware of the Activity increases in a bright and
architecture: “They have managed to importance of creating a learning envi- spacious environment
preserve something that is part of the ronment that is both inspiring and dig- Inside the building, the change is signi-
school’s soul - the 60s quality”, he says. nifying. A vocational school is always at ficant. While the old brown wire glass
The principal is especially pleased risk of being regarded as a second-rate of the previous skylights left the inte-
with the way the new central area with choice, he admits, and that is why the rior murky at best, the new flow of day-
its dominating sawtooth ceiling per- setting is so important. light has transformed the environment
forms, reinventing the original aes- “It is probably true that vocational entirely, triggering a notable rise in stu-
thetics of the building and taking full training is not highly regarded, but we dent activity.

Building better schools 12

Building better schools 13
2 INDOOR Poor indoor air quality can not only se-
riously inhibit students’ concentration
Ventilation in schools can be provided mechanically
using fans and/or by natural airflows through open
AIR QUALITY and overall performance, but can also
windows and doors. lead to increased absenteeism due to
illness. Adequate ventilation is there-
fore imperative for healthy classroom
design to help students flourish.

Building better schools 14

Speed 4 ways to improve the indoor air quality Poor indoor air quality in classrooms as high as 15% 2. tilation, the air quality becomes poor in
in classrooms doesn’t just impact students’ ability In a recent study, an intervention just 30 minutes.
% to concentrate, it can also harm their was made to improve ventilation rates
1. Open the windows and air out during the lessons. Most overall health and wellbeing. in 16 classrooms. The results of com- 3. Mechanical ventilation
schools in Europe have been designed for natural ventilation. According to the US Environmen- puterised tasks performed by more Where natural ventilation is inade-
Normalized Performance (speed)

110 tal Protection Agency (EPA), almost than 200 pupils showed significantly quate or problematic, it can be
2. Innovative natural ventilation solutions, e.g. demand
one in 13 children of school age in the faster and more accurate responses for improved with the introduction of
controlled natural ventilation, can maintain the CO level
100 ² US suffers from asthma, the leading choice reaction, colour word vigilance, mechanical ventilation.
within the recommended range.
cause of school absenteeism due to picture memory and word recognition
3. Mechanical ventilation systems can ensure an optimum level chronic illness 1. in the classrooms with higher ventila- 4. CO sensors
of air quality without compromising thermal comfort in colder It’s also thought that the develo- tion rates. Installing CO² svensors in classrooms
ping bodies of children are more su- According to the findings of the allows teachers to monitor the indoor
4. Hybrid solutions can combine the advantages of both natural
sceptible to harmful environmental Clever Classrooms study 3, require- air quality and adjust the level of venti-
0 2 4 6 8 10
and mechanical ventilation. exposures than those of adults. Chil- ments for good ventilation in class- lation accordingly. CO² concentration is
Outdoor Air Supply Rate (L/s per person)
dren breathe more air, eat more food rooms are: often used as an indicator of indoor air
Accuracy and drink more liquid in proportion to quality. Outdoor air contains a CO² con-
their body weight than adults do. This 1. Controlled ventilation centration of approximately 400 ppm.
% alone makes the air quality in schools Windows and skylights with large An indoor CO² level of 1150 ppm pro-
a matter of concern. opening sizes, ideally with multi- vides adequate air quality, 1400 ppm
120 Alarmingly, studies of human expo- ple openings, allow users to ventilate will ensure good indoor air quality in
classrooms effectively in different cir-
Normalized Performance (errors)

sure to air pollutants, also carried out most situations, and 1600 ppm indi-
by the EPA, indicate that indoor levels cumstances. Top-opening windows cates poor air quality (CEN, 2007) 4.
100 of pollutants may be two to five times and skylights, located high in the room There’s no doubt that creating a
– and on occasion even up to 100 times – but with mechanisms which are easy good indoor climate should be a key
90 higher than outdoor levels. to access and operate, allow the ho- focus of all school modernisation pro-
Inadequate ventilation leads to ttest and stalest air to escape more jects and new school builds. This will
increased pollution levels, a particular efficiently. Roller blinds should not be provide better overall facilities for
70 problem in classrooms where children fitted to these top-opening windows students to learn and thrive in and for
0 2 4 6 8 10 1 Why Indoor Air Quality is Important to and skylights if they block the air-flow.
Schools (EPA) link
have a lower volume of air per child due educators to work effectively. Good
Outdoor Air Supply Rate (L/s per person) 2 Bako-Biro et al: Evaluation of indoor to high occupancy density. A signifi- ventilation is crucial, as it is the only
environmental quality conditions in cant body of research provides compe- 2. Room volume way to maintain good indoor air quali-
elementary schools classrooms in the
Student performance versus ventilation rate based on a study in lling evidence of an association between The larger the classroom, the greater ty and keep pollutants at acceptable
United Arab Emirates, 2012
Denmark. Performance was based on the speed (left figure) and 3 Clever Classrooms, Summary report of improved student performance and the dilution of levels of carbon dioxide levels.
accuracy (right figure) of completing various school work tasks. the HEAD project, University of Salford, and pollutants and the longer good air
Manchester (2015) increased classroom ventilation rates.
The various data points represent results from multiple
4 CEN (2007) EN 15251: Indoor environ- Typical reported improvements in per- quality can be maintained. In an ave-
experiments and multiple types of work tasks.
mental input parameters for design and rage size classroom with a volume of
assessment of energy performance of
formance with increased ventilation
buildings. rates range from a few percent up to 181 cubic metres, 30 pupils and no ven-

Building better schools 15

CASE 2 Ryparken Lille Skole (literally “Ryparken
little school”) is situated in a century-old
former textile factory in Copenhagen.
RYPARKEN For years the school and its inhabitants
LILLE SKOLE suffered the building’s decrepit condi-
tions, until in the early 2010s, the school
From textile factory to teaching board decided to start a major renova-
facility tion project. It would include replace-
ment of the old single-pane skylights,
with 85 fixed and 12 vented triple-pane
VELUX Modular Skylights.

Building better schools 16

“Our wonderful school needed a loving Making the most of the circum- the challenges for architects working in In fact, it is actually possible to
hand, not only to ensure the longevity stances seasonal climates: how to ensure good specify VELUX Modular Skylights
of the building itself, but also to make The old textile factory-turned-school indoor climate while providing ade- with up to 50% venting modules, and
sure that the school is a pleasant place was showing considerable signs of quate daylight throughout the year? all modules look identical when closed,
for children and employees alike.” age. The roof was leaking and energy Obviously, a key component is to so design is not compromised in any
consumption from heating the buil- have proper, thermally insulated win- way.
Mette Lisbjerg Jensen, ding had quite literally gone through dows and skylights with double glazing Furthermore, the vented modu-
headmaster the roof. Demolition was never an as a minimum. By modern standards, les can be set to work automatically.
option as it would be too expensive, the single-pane glass of the existing These automatic vented modules are
and in any case, these iconic buildings windows in Ryparken Lille Skole was particularly beneficial in a school like
are listed for preservation. So instead, a veritable thermal bridge, allowing Ryparken Lille Skole, where classes
the school decided on a renovation pro- heat to hemorrhage through the roof. and breaks run in fixed intervals. This
ject to modernize the building while With the highly effective thermal pro- means a ventilation schedule can be
improving the school’s indoor climate perties of their new triple-paned set up where the vented modules work
with more daylight, fresher air and be- VELUX Modular Skylights, however, together with CO² sensors, automati-
tter temperature control. letting in plenty of daylight in winter cally opening during the breaks if fresh
It didn’t take long for the architects no longer means plummeting temper- air is needed.
to look towards the sky in achieving the atures and sky-high heating bills. Automatic vented modules also
school’s vision, as the iconic sawtooth ensure a healthier indoor climate, with
roof with its dark-painted northlight Fresh air through the roof less CO², less particles in the air and
glass was a perfect opportunity for Insulation is only part of the story. In better natural cooling in the warmer
striking multiple birds with one stone. order to help maintain good CO² le- summer months.
vels and pleasant summer temperatures “We are extremely happy with
Comfortable temperatures and you also need access to fresh air – par- the result. The school has become a
CO² levels throughout the year ticularly in a building like Ryparken Lille much better work place with a better
In a seasonal climate like Denmark’s, Skole, where facade windows are limi- environment for everybody,” says
securing a comfortable indoor climate ted. To ensure effective ventilation of Mette Lisbjerg Jensen, headmaster of
can be tricky. Not enough windows and the classrooms, one key goal for the Ryparken Lille Skole.
other venting options means tempera- project was to create a large vented
tures can spike in the summer, while a area. Poor indoor air quality impacts
lack of ventilation can mean elevated VELUX Modular Skylights provide school children’s performance
CO² levels and poor indoor air quality the optimal ventilation solution, with Studies have shown that poor indoor
all year round. Too many windows, on 12 venting modules installed in the air quality reduces children’s academic
the other hand, and the building’s users project. This allows for significant le- performance, while good air quality
may freeze in the cold winter months. vels of ventilation, while increasing the enhances performance in the class-
That is, of course, unless the windows comfort, health, wellbeing and perfor- room.
are properly insulated. This is one of mance of pupils.

Building better schools 17

Building better schools 18
3 ACOUSTIC One important function of the building
envelope is to protect the interior from
ENVIRONMENT unwanted outdoor noise. Sound insula-
tion is an important parameter of buil-
ding components, as outdoor noise can
have negative effects on health, mood
and learning capabilities. Our percep-
tion plays an important role in identi-
fying whether it is sound (positive) or
noise that we hear. Unwanted noise
is irritating or annoying, and in severe
circumstance harmful 1. Comfortable
auditory perception and freedom from
intrusive background noise are vital for
enabling communication in classrooms
and allowing students to concentrate.
noise-or-sound link

Building better schools 19

Typical sound levels When designing classrooms, the aim the road as possible on the school site, lings. Inside the classroom, unwanted
should be to provide optimal conditions facing them away from the road, and noise can be reduced by using a false
for the production and reception of introducing slopes and embankments ceiling with acoustic tiles, tables and
-15 dB
desirable sounds (such as the teacher covered with plants as buffers. The chairs with rubber feet, and the addi-
-8 dB speaking to students, and vice versa) challenge then becomes controlling tion of acoustic panels if necessary.
and the blocking of intrusive sounds noise without sacrificing too much Porous materials can also be used
10 m (such as playground noise and traffic). daylight, ventilation and a view of the to absorb sound, while curtains can
0 dB Two studies, by Crandell and outside. A favoured solution to this improve the acoustics by dampening

Smaldino (2000)1 and Picard and Brad- challenge is the use of automatically echoes and reverberation.
ley (2001)2, summarised the findings controlled skylights, which open during
Room shape

Jet aircraft from several previous studies and con- breaks, thereby ensuring proper venti-
A comparison between a façade window and a skylight. Facing cluded that the acoustic environment lation and temperature control with- Seating arrangements within the class-

the street, the location of a skylight will show 8 dB lower noise of a classroom is a critical factor in the
out letting in traffic noise during class. room should ensure that teachers can

levels than the façade window. Moving the skylight towards the be readily heard by students, so the
academic and psychosocial achieve- Windows with a pane construction
back yard can reduce the noise level even more (approx. 15 dB).

Industry noise ment of children. The Clever Class- of 2 layers with different glass thick- closer they are, the better. A rectangu-
lar room with a higher length to width

rooms report (2015)3 also emphasises ness (e.g. 4mm and 6 mm) will achieve
that this is especially true in the case a better sound insulation than a win- ratio most easily allows for this type of

of children with Special Educational dow with a standard glazing unit. Panes seating set-up.

Conversation Needs. with 3-layer glass units with different This is not to say that room shape

Some crucial factors to consider distances between glass, and glass alone can replace proper acoustics.
Open plan office
As we will discuss in chapters 5 and

that enhance and improve the acous- thickness, also perform better than the
tic environment of classrooms include: standard solution. Using a different gas 6, flexibility is one of several factors

Rain noise filling will also have an effect – kryp- which are very important to classroom

Controlling external noise ton gives better sound insulation. And design.

(living room/kitchen) Classrooms situated away from busy finally, laminations are another way to A good acoustic environment in

areas of a school – such as the play- achieve higher sound insulation of the classrooms allows teachers to be heard
If a teacher’s table is placed in the middle of the long side, the
ground and reception areas – will be glazing unit. clearly and reduces distraction from

distance to the corner (X) is shorter than if the table is placed in
the middle of the short side (Y). less impacted by external noise. In external noise. It also allows students

some cases, external noise interference Internal noise to work effectively together in groups

can be controlled by using areas such In principle, sound generated inside when required, while permitting the
Leaves in soft wind as corridors, toilets and store rooms as a building can be separated into two concentration necessary for solo pro-
1 Crandell and Smaldino: Classroom
Acoustics for Children With Normal buffer zones. sources of transmission – airborne ject work, or when sitting exams.
Hearing and With Hearing Impairment, Ideally, schools should be sited sound and sound transmitted through
away from busy roads. However, if the building itself. Airborne sound, from
2 Picard and Bradley: Revisiting speech
interference in classrooms. 2001 the school is located on or near a busy human activities in adjacent class-
3 Clever Classrooms, Summary report of road, traffic noise can be mitigated by rooms or from mechanical noise, tra-
the HEAD project, University of Salford,
Manchester (2015) placing classrooms as far away from vels through air, walls, floors and cei-

Building better schools 20

4 TEMPERATURE Just like the bowls of porridge in the
well-known fairytale of Goldilocks and
the Three Bears, the temperature in
classrooms should be neither too hot,
nor too cold, but just right.

Building better schools 21

4 ways to improve the indoor temperature An important consideration in the optimal temperature range associa- Cooling solutions
condition in classrooms design of classrooms is the provision ted with better learning outcomes. Natural ventilative cooling achieved
of good thermal conditions based on Zeiler and Boxem (2009) 2 carried out by opening windows and skylights is
1. Use solar shading and natural ventilation in summer to energy-efficient technologies such as a thorough review in order to demons- a fast and direct way to influence the
prevent high indoor temperatures, that would reduce learning natural ventilation, solar shading and trate the effects of thermal quality in thermal indoor environment. An open
intelligent building design (for the schools on the learning performance of window creates increased air motion,
2. Specify energy-efficient mechanical ventilation with
warmer months), and efficient, adjus- students. Mendell and Heath (2005) 3, and if the outdoor temperature is lower
systematically use of natural ventilation, to reach an energy table heating (for the colder months). meanwhile, reviewed evidence for the than the indoor temperature, then the
neutral strategy for cooling. It is increasingly accepted that effect of indoor environmental quality indoor temperature will fall.
there is no such thing as a ‘natural’ com- on both performance and attendance, Even when the outdoor air tempera-
3. Design with windows in the façade and the roof to allow good
fort temperature. The best results with and Fisk (2017) 4 did an extensive litera- ture is slightly higher than indoors, the
air flow across the space (e.g. cross ventilation, stack effect).
regards to cooling and heating can be ture review about ventilation problems elevated air speed due to increased air-
4. Integrate successful solar shading solutions in the school achieved by providing occupants with in schools, its impact on student per- flow will increase cooling of the body.
design by interrelating air quality, air temperature, view and personal and adaptive options, such formance, health and absence. These Natural ventilation for cooling can
daylight in an iterative approach. as access to personally operable win- studies found that as temperature and be done in two ways – day ventilation
dows, personal control over sun shad- humidity increase, students report and night ventilation:
ing, and possibly also desk fans and greater discomfort and their levels of
other such devices. In general terms, achievement and task performance • Ventilation during the day removes
buildings should connect people to the deteriorate, as a result of decreasing excess heat from inside the building by
outdoors as much as possible and pro- attention spans. High classroom tem- creating high levels of movement in the
vide shelter from it only as much as is peratures have also been associated air.
necessary1. with headaches and eye, ear, nose and • Night ventilation (also referred to
In Europe, all countries have poli- throat symptoms, while high humidity as night cooling) will cool down a buil-
cies for minimum indoor temperature levels can lead to increasing incidence ding’s thermal mass (walls, floor, furni-
in school classrooms set out in their of mould, which can in turn cause or ture, etc.) at night using cool outdoor air.
legislation or standards. These mini- exacerbate a range of health problems. The following day, less cooling energy is
mum requirements vary from coun- needed within the building as the ther-
try to country, as well as by season, mal mass has already been cooled.
but range from 17°C to 20°C. Fewer
European countries have standards 2 Zeiler & Boxem (2009). Effects of Orientation of the classroom and sha-
thermal activated building systems in
for maximum indoor air temperature ding control also play an important part
schools on thermal comfort in winter.
in classrooms, but for those that do, Building and Environment. link in creating consistent thermal comfort.
these vary from 22°C to 29°C. 3 Mendell and Heath (2005). Do Indoor Large windows and skylights can be
Pollutants and Thermal Conditions
For the past several decades, in Schools Influence Student Perfor- oriented to allow maximum sunlight
researchers have been studying the mance? A Critical Review of the Litera- to penetrate in the winter months, and
ture. Indoor Air
1 4 Fisk (2017) The ventilation problem in
shaded with moveable shading devices
health-matters link schools: literature review. Indoor Air to block out sunlight in the summer

Building better schools 22

months as needed.
Field studies show that people in
naturally ventilated buildings accept
higher temperatures 5. This effect of
the body adapting to its surroundings
is referred to as adaptive thermal com-
100% fort. A prerequisite for designing with
adaptive thermal comfort in mind is
that people can freely adapt their cloth-
ing and operate windows. The conse-
80% quence of adaptation is that thermal
comfort can be achieved in warm cli-
70% mates without air conditioning, by
using natural ventilation, solar sha-
ding and intelligent building design. In
60% countries with the hottest summers,
52% ceiling fans or mechanical air-condi-
tioning units may be required in addi-
tion to natural ventilation and shading.

40% Heating solutions

The Clever Classrooms study (2015) 6
found that better temperature control
was achieved in winter when rooms
were fitted with radiators with ther-
20% mostatic controls. In contrast, under-
During breaks
floor heating was associated with poor
Teaching hours heating control in individual classrooms
After school time due to longer response lag times.
0% During night
The study also recommended that
all methods of temperature control
in classrooms be easily operable and
readily accessible to teachers.
5 de Dear and Brager (1998). Developing
an Adaptive Model of Thermal Comfort
and Preference. ASHRAE Transactions
This graph from the SINPHONIE study, conducted in 114
6 Clever Classrooms (2015), Summary
schools in 23 European countries, gives a clear indication of report of the HEAD project, University
the times at which windows are opened during the day. No of Salford, Manchester link
evidence of the use of night ventilation was reported.

Building better schools 23

CASE 3 Hessenwald School in Weiterstadt,
Germany, is an example of energy-
efficient, contemporary architecture
HESSENWALD- that offers a new teaching and peda-
SCHULE gogical concept. At the core of both
concept and building stands a well-
A new teaching concept realised lit and well-ventilated three-storey
through modern architecture atrium.

Building better schools 24

Modern architecture in rural in the district of Damburg-Dieburg, and
through mid, to lower secondary levels,
surroundings allowing pupils to switch levels depen-
in accordance with the Passive House
Everybody in the area is talking about ding on their performance. standard. The solid construction’s clear-
Hessenwald School. The professio- The whole school is designed to facili-
cut, low cubatures and good storage
nals, the local community, the pupils, the tate an open approach to learning; theproperties, ensure low maintenance
users and the teachers are all excited centre and focal point for this approach
costs through passive measures, while
about the new school complex. The is the atrium. The atrium’s cuboid struc-
robust construction materials will mean
school has 700 pupils from surround- ture is clearly visible from the outside
minimal maintenance over time. The
ing towns and villages, but despite its as an independent body, while inside it
heating is provided by a biomass system
size, Stuttgart-based architectural firm cuts through three storeys, connectingin a separate building. Overheating in
wulf architekten has succeeded in inte- different learning spaces. the summer is prevented largely by the
grating the building into its surroun- At the top of the atrium are six use of thermal mass in the exposed con-
dings by means of a cluster-like pavilion longlight constructions with VELUX crete ceilings, and by automated night-
design, whilst at the same time trans- Modular Skylights. They allow diffuse time cooling through the panels on the
lating the open pedagogical concept light to penetrate from the outside, crea-
facade and VELUX Modular Skylights
into a clear and contemporary architec- ating a balanced atmosphere. The sky- venting units in the atrium.
tural language. At the centre is a well-lit lights are set back in light wells cut This results in what the head of the
and well-ventilated atrium that ties the into the expanded metal ceiling, ma- school, Markus Bürger, describes as an
whole complex together. “ideal indoor climate”.
king them look almost like light fittings.
The three-storey atrium links the However, the bright, natural daylight “A climate in which one feels com-
assembly hall, break room, theatre and they provide turns them into a unique fortable, shaped by the great architec-
music room. Six longlight constructions feature that gives the atrium its stun-
ture, the lighting conditions and the
with VELUX Modular Skylights provide ning appearance. pleasant temperature. For the tea-
optimal daylight conditions. The diffuse, chers and pupils to work well together
cool brightness that enters the building Sustainability at the heart of the the base - that is, the space - has to be
through the longlights contrasts with complex right. What we’re talking about here is
the play of light from perforated sun- The VELUX Modular Skylights also not just an indoor climate, but a learning
screens on the façade, thereby creating support the building’s energy concept. climate,” says Markus Bürger.
a balanced atmosphere. In winter, the large glazed areas in the
This open architectural design su- roof contribute energy by warming the Showered with awards
“The best thing that you can do to pports an open approach to learning, air inside the atrium, thus also helping In 2017 the school received a host of
make people feel healthy is to use with a variety of shared spaces that to heat the different pavillions. In sum- architectural awards, demonstrating
materials and lots of light to create pupils can use independently. mer on the other hand, warm air can that with the Hessenwald School, wulf
good spaces.” escape through venting modules in the architekten have succeeded in answe-
Skylights as the centerpiece longlights to keep temperatures down. ring the challenges of new, progressive
Alexander Vohl, Hessenwald School brings together The school was designed according to approaches to teaching and learning
partner at wulf architekten different levels of schooling, from high, the guidelines for sustainable building with a modern architectural design.

Building better schools 25

5 CLASSROOM Well-designed classrooms can improve
students’ learning progress by around
DESIGN 16% in a single year. Ownership and
flexibility account for a quarter of this
learning impact, so let’s take a look at
these important factors in terms of
classroom design.

Building better schools 27

When children feel ownership of their a range of factors were found to be more private atmosphere. Break-
classroom they feel more responsibility, important in two categories: aspects out zones separate from the class-
and this has many positive implications that helped students identify with room, however, do not appear to
for both the children’s learning abilities “their” classroom; and aspects that are be effective.
and the formation of their identities. child-sensitive. • Rooms with varied floor plans pro-
Classrooms can also support individua- Recommendations from the report vide greater potential for creating
lisation by offering a variety of oppor- findings include: different activity areas for younger
tunities for different modes of learning, pupils. For older pupils, squarer and
meaning flexibility of layout is also key. • A classroom should have a distinc- larger rooms work more effectively
tive room design or characteristics in facilitating learning opportuni-
Fostering ownership that make it feel instantly familiar ties.
Physiological and psychological to children. • Adequate and accessible storage is
research indicates that personalisa- • It should include plenty of opportu- important, although too many cup-
tion of space is an important factor nity for pupils’ work to be displayed boards can take up useful learning
in the formation of an individual’s on walls and on dedicated display space. A good solution is to place
identity and sense of self-worth. tables. storage such as cupboards and
Several studies have found that inti- • It should include elements persona- coat pegs within extra-width cor-
mate and personalised spaces are lised for pupils such as named coat ridors, as long as circulation is not
better for absorbing, memorising and pegs, lockers and/or drawers. impeded.
recalling information1. When children • Well-designed furniture should be • Large, accessible wall areas pro-
feel ownership of their classroom, it used to create a learning space that vide flexible opportunities for the
appears to set the stage for cultivating is child-centred. Desks and chairs display of information and stu-
feelings of responsibility2. should be comfortable, interesting dents’ work.
Classrooms that demonstrate the and ergonomic according to chil- • Younger children, who spend a
results of students’ intellectual engage- dren’s age and size. lot of time engaged in play-based
ment – such as projects, displays and learning, benefit from a larger
models – have also been found to pro- Creating flexibility number of different learning
mote greater participation and involve- All classrooms require some degree of zones. Care should be paid to allow
ment in the learning process3. flexibility to cater for different modes clear through-routes between the
In the Clever Classrooms study, of learning. Recommendations from various zones. For older pupils, who
the Clever Classrooms study include: spend more time engaged in indi-
1 McMillan: Research in Education: A
vidual, formal learning or group
Conceptual Introduction. 1997
2 DeVries and Zan: Moral Classrooms, • Classrooms with clearly defined work, fewer learning zones are
This is an illustration of a classroom with several good features Moral Children: Creating a Construc- breakout zones or breakout rooms necessary.
of flexibility, inspired by the Clever Classrooms report: It has tivist Atmosphere in Early Education.
were found to impact positively on
defined learning zones, an attached breakout space, an optimum
shape with a teaching area relatively close to the furthest
3 Ulrich: A place of their own: children learning by providing for one-to- Paying due attention to children’s
and the physical environment, Human one and small group support in a needs for ownership and flexibility in
students as well as big wall areas for varied display options Ecology. 2004

Building better schools 28

“their” classroom is further enhanced
by giving the space links to nature and
the outside, such as providing win-
dows with views onto gardens, sky-
lights, and doors that open directly
onto play areas.
A modern and less traditional
option is to allow flexibility in seating
arrangements as well. New schools like
the Frederiksbjerg School in Aarhus,
Denmark, are experimenting with
this as can be seen in the image,
giving teachers an efficient and easy
option to break the usual pattern
of blackboard/whiteboard-based

Building better schools 29

6 STIMULATION While stimulation, colour and visual
complexity are important to crea-
ting a vibrant learning environment
in classrooms, what is the healthy ba-
lance between under-stimulation and

Building better schools 30

It can be easy to over-stimulate children • Visual diversity of floor layout most preferred colour among young
with vibrant colours and overly busy dis- and ceiling is enough to stimulate children and the elderly for an interior
plays, but a plain white enclosure is not pupils’ attention, while presenting environment, while blue is the most
the answer either. So how do we find a degree of order. Higher, simpler preferred colour among young adults,
the right balance in classroom design? ceiling forms can “decompress” office workers and male students”.
Theories suggest that diversity, the space, whereas more complex For the Clever Classrooms study
novelty or atypical elements introduce shapes can add to the complexity, (2015)4, colour elements were assessed
visual complexity, which, in turn, affects as long as a feeling of clutter and with low-brightness colours (white/
stimulation. However, there are diffe- disorder are avoided. pale) and high-brightness colours (red/
ring views on whether more or less stimu- • Visual displays on walls should be orange). The stimulation from the use of
lation is beneficial in children’s learning well-designed and organised. It is colour was found to be curvilinear, i.e.
environments. For example, a recent recommended to keep 20-50% of optimally pitched at a mid-level. Other
study cited in the Clever Classrooms wall space clear. findings concluded:
report has shown that children in “low • Placing display materials on win-
visual distraction” conditions spent dows should be avoided if possible • For wall areas, the core aspect is
less time off-task and obtained higher due to loss of light. curvilinear. Large, brightly coloured
learning scores than children in “high areas rated poorly, as did white
visual distraction” conditions1. This Are bright colours best? walls with few colour elements. An
study also found that learning scores Children are undoubtedly attracted to intermediate scenario, with light
were higher in sparse classrooms than bright colours. However, a functional walls in general plus a feature wall
in highly decorated classrooms. Mean- approach to colour in the classroom in a brighter colour, was found to
while, Read et al (1999)2 found that should focus on using colour to achieve be the most effective use for opti-
differentiated spaces with varying cei- positive outcomes such as increased mising learning.
ling heights and wall colours supported attention span and lower levels of eye • Against this relatively calm back-
cooperative behaviour, although the fatigue. drop, additional colour elements
effect could be counter-productive if For example, Jalil et al (2012)3 played a complementary, stimula-
the space became too complex. reviewed how different colours influ- ting role. As an example, relatively
ence work performance, cause certain bright colours on the floor, blinds,
1 Godwin and Fisher: Visual Environment,
Attention Allocation, and Learning in How much complexity? behaviours, create negative or posi- desks and chairs add extra high-
Young Children: When Too Much of a The results of the Clever Classrooms tive perceptions of surroundings and lights and splashes of colour.
Good Thing May Be Bad. 2014
2 Read et al: Impact of Space and Color study concluded that the effect of tasks, and influence moods and emo-
in the Physical Environment on Pre- complexity is curvilinear, meaning tions. Their conclusion: that coloured All in all, the conclusion is that class-
school Children’s Cooperative Behavior,
Environment and Behavior. 1999 that overly high or low levels of com- environments have significant effects rooms should never be dull and bo-
3 Jalil et al: Environmental Colour Impact plexity produced poorer learning con- on students’ learning ability and their ring, but careful attention to balance
upon Human Behaviour: A Review. and a sense of order is needed to avoid
ditions, whereas an intermediate level well-being.
4 Clever Classrooms (2015), Summary of visual complexity was optimal. The They state that while colour pre- over-stimulation.
report of the HEAD project, University study’s findings concluded that: ference is highly subjective, “red is the
of Salford, Manchester

Building better schools 31

Building better schools 32

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