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CAPE 2019

Name of Candidate: Abha Persaud

Subject: Communication Studies

Territory: Guyana

Center Number: 090100

Candidate Number: 0901000060

Teacher: Mohanie Sudama

How does changing over

Title of Project:
to a green economy affects local or
small businesses and local people in

Score Awarded: ____

Introduction Exposition Reflective Piece Analysis

Table of Contents

Contents Page Number

Title of project…………………………………………………… 3

Acknowledgement……………………………………………… 4

General Introduction…………………………………………… 5

Reflective piece preface………………………………………… 6

Reflective piece………………………………………………… 7

Analysis………………………………………………………… 10

Conclusion……………………………………………………… 12

Bibliography…………………………………………………… 13

Appendix……………………………………………………… 12

 Exposition 13
 CD-RW of Internal assessment 16

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Title of project

“How does the changing over to a green economy affect local and small businesses in
“Benefits and drawbacks of a green economy”

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The successful completion of this study would not have been possible without the assistance
and cooperation of a number of people. I would like to thank my friends and family for the
massive support and the precious time spent helping me to carry out this project.

Members of my family have been a constant source of encouragement and assistance. I

would like to thank my parents for supporting me with the financial support and my teacher
for guiding me throughout this project.

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General Introduction

A green economy in Guyana can be thought of an alternative vision for growth and
development which generate growth and improvements in people lives. Guyana has always
been trying to become a green economy but due to the lack of commitment by the people to
move th country forward in achieving a green economy. The purpose of this portfolio was
conducted to enlighten the good and bad of a green economy with the theme “Benefits and
drawbacks of a green economy”.

The exposition consists of an oral presentation on the benefits and drawbacks of a green
economy. The reflective piece is a short story based on a general change and effects endured
to businesses and local people in Guyana as a result of changing over to a green economy.

The researcher found this topic issue interesting as a result of various news broadcast on
challenges faced by small businesses and local people when changing over to a green
economy. As an aspiring business woman, this topic will help the researcher enormously in
terms of setting and achieving her goals. Additionally, this topic will broaden her
understanding of the issue, which will be of great help in her Management of Business and
Entrepreneurship examination.

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Reflective piece preface

The reflective piece is in a form of a short story entitled, “It’s changing”. The main purpose
for this short story is to shed the public’s attention on the negative and positive effects of a
green economy on local businesses. The purpose of this reflective piece is to give persons in
my country which is Guyana an idea of what our country is heading to whether it is a positive
or negative thing to a future green economy.

The reflective piece created by the researcher is mainly intended for the general public and
businesses in Guyana and also the government officials. It can be used in a professional
context and can be dramatized with a role play. Persons who are very educated in the general
public could have a better awareness of what is happen in their surroundings.

The intended age of the audience includes person from as young as 16 and up; because
students are the future of our nation. It is crucial for them to be aware of how they can be

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Reflective Piece
It’s changing

One midday, whilst on vacation, I decided to visit one of my best friends since childhood,

As I was making my way to the house I overheard someone said, “watch she nah, them ah
dress up and walk all ova n ah we these punishing fuh sum food n money,” which I paid no
attention to.

As I made my way into Ronda’s yard, I recalled it did not look the same. I had visited her
often when we were children but could now scarcely recognize the place. As I entered the
yard I saw there were vegetable plants at the side of their house, some chickens running in the
yard and it seemed as though no one was home. I thought to myself, “when I visited Ronda
before I didn’t have to call when I entered their yard but times have changed”.

After two or three calls she came outside. “LOOK AT YOU RONDA!!! You look so different”
I exclaimed in disbelieved and excitement.

In excitement she Ronda exclaimed, “eh eh gyal, watch how lang me na see u, me think ayo
gan ah merica n suh, ah u da Ella?” We hugged and then went inside to catch up.

As I made my way inside her home, there was nothing different from what I saw the last time
but there were not too many stuffs in the house. As I was waiting for her to come out back,
she had an enamel cup in her hand. “gyal me only gat wata or me can guh buy wan small
drinks” said Ronda.

“No, no, that’s okay, I’ll have the water, thank you”. I replied

Sitting on the old looking wood chair Ronda was telling me about how life. She said, “yuh
see, things na bright with me right now, money na deh gyal, yuh see me na even gat wan
drinks? Things brown now, is na like time before. When yuh come in yuh na see me gat some
plants and them chicken running about? Is da me gat fa mind meh self gyal, if me na plant lil
bora or baagie, me na get fa eat n them chicken da me dies sell them eggs n sometimes me
does sell the chicken. This country get real bad, things real brown right now. See them want
fa turn into green economy now n people na gat money, suh wah gon happen to abi who nah
gat money? Me neighba pickney them stap school, them poor poor and when abi turn into

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green economy, abi na might get food even. Most ah them coolie people gettn’ nack aff them

I sat there listening to all her troubles. I remember thinking how lucky I was as I did not have
half the troubles she had. I asked her if the government was helping in anyway but she looked
disheartened even to that question. She replied looking a bit pale “gyal, them people only ah
see fa give who them want, themself ah thieve out de ting. Business bad now, even them
business man na gat money, tings get real dair.”

THEIR CITIZENS WHO PUNISHING AND STARVING?” I asked her in astonishment, God
why are they being treated like these I thought all this time while she told me these things.
She went on end about her troubles then she said that the talk of oil has made things even
worse, as jobs are being given to foreigners as opposed to citizens. She then went on to talk
about the continued effects of racism in the country and how it affected their livelihood.

I didn’t know what to say, I couldn’t believe how they are surviving in these conditions and
with this racism thing going on in or country I thought in my mind. She said while laughing.
“Yuh na see wan big pad lack pan me door when u come in? She said as a result of
instability and unrest its unsafe for people to be out late at night. The country was becoming
an even more dangerous place. I thought a green economy would have been environmentally
beneficial to the country but it seems as though the drawbacks vastly outweighed the benefits.

Not long after I decided to leave, feeling hopeless I gave her some words of encouragement
and some money to ease her sufferings in the short term at least.

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The reflective piece, ‘It’s Changing’ outlines the effects of Guyana changing over to a green
economy. Dialectal variations, language registers and communicative behaviors were present
in the short story. Registers describes the level of formality one speaks with. The narrator,
Ella and the friend Ronda, both use a different register. Ronda uses a basilect, which lacks
linguistic formality and is different through its use of vocabulary and grammar:

 “Eh eh gyal, watch how lang me na see u, me think ayo gan ah merica n suh, ah u da

Ella on the other hand, as a result of being educated in The US, speaks a different degree of
formality, acrolect. This register is considered to be highly formal and strictly styled:

 “No, no, that’s okay, I’ll have the water, thank you”.

It should be noted that despite’s Ella’s level standard English the conversation was still
casual. Both Ella and Ronda spoke in a language they regarded as comfortable. Also, since
the setting is in Guyana, these language registers are very common, thus accurately
portraying the reality of the situation.

Dialectal variation on the other hand, refers to the changes in one’s language due to
influences such as company, location and educational background. Dialectal variation is
shown by the narrator in two cases:

When speaking to Ronda casually: “LOOK AT YOU RONDA!!! You look so different”

When realizing the gravity of Ronda’s distress: “THESE PEOPLE CRAZY, WHY THEY

It can be see that in normal circumstances she chooses to use standard English with properly
structured grammar. However, in time of distress she seemed to have forgotten to speak in
standard English and spoken creole. It is possible that due to her educational background she
views standard English as superior. However, for a moment she spoke broken English which
demonstrates that she does not have complete command over her way of speaking,

These linguistic aspects contributed to the realism of the story and to the interests of the
targeted audience as it is relatable to them.

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This portfolio with the theme “Benefits and drawbacks of a green economy” has helped to
educate and enhance their knowledge about the good and bad of small businesses and local
people living in Guyana since Guyana is currently heading to a green economy/sector.

This internal assessment has helped the researcher to grasp various concepts for my
upcoming examination and it is beneficial since the portfolio consist of a reflective piece
which enhanced the research of a better knowledge of Communication Studies.

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 Simon, V., & Osborne, S. (2009). Communication Studies For CAPE Examinations.
Malaysia : Macmillan Publishers Limited .

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Namaskar miss and my colleagues, my name is Abha Persauud. I am doing this presentation
which is part of my internal assessment due to the fact that there is a lot of challenges faced
by small businesses and local people when changing over to a green economy.

The theme for my assessment is “How does changing over to a green economy affects local
or small businesses and local people in Guyana?”

What is a green economy? According to a green economy is said to be an

economy that aims at reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities and that aims for
sustainable development without degrading the environment. A green economy in Guyana
can be thought of an alternative vision for growth and development that can generate growth
and improvements in people lives. Guyana has always been trying to become a green
economy but due to the lack of commitment by the people to move th country forward in
achieving a green economy. In 2017, Guyana’s president said at the country’s National
Assembly that the green agenda will promote green economic sector such as promote
renewable energy generation development in ecotourism etc. Guyana promisedits citizens
that they will ensure a diversified and resilient economy while promoting a green economy
and secures a clean and healthy environment.

Yes changing over to a green economy affects local business and people. Some positive
impacts on local business are as follows:

 Improves sustainability

Reducing the environmental impact of your business will improve the sustainability of your
business. If you are less dependent on natural resources than your competitors and have ways
to deal with rising costs due to climate change, your business will have a greater chance of
long-term success.

 Running an environmentally friendly business helps you reduce your impact on the
environment and preserves natural resources. Your business can help the
environment in many ways. For example, you can:
 use products that reduce your reliance on natural resources (e.g. rainwater tanks,
solar hot water systems)
 use products that are made from recycled material (e.g. office supplies made from
recycled plastic, furniture made from recycled rubber)

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look at all your business activities to see if you can do anything differently (e.g. reducing air
travel by holding conference calls instead of interstate meetings).

Making your business environmentally friendly not only benefits the environment but can
also save you money.

 Good practice can attract new customers

 Promoting your environmentally friendly methods can set your business apart from
your competitors and attract new customers who want to buy products and services
from an environmentally friendly business.
 Recycling reduces your costs
 Avoiding, reducing, reusing and recycling can lower your costs. For example, a few
simple changes to how you deal with paper can involve your staff in environmentally
friendly processes while saving you money:
 avoid using materials unnecessarily
 reduce your paper needs by asking staff to print double-sided
 reuse by encouraging staff to use scrap paper for message-taking instead of
purchasing message pads
 recycle by shredding excess paper - you could recycle this commercially or invite
staff to take it home for their compost or mulch heaps.

Some negative impacts of green economy on local businesses are: shifting to a green
economy will hamper economic development and therefore its capability to reduce poverty.
Many people also question if the transition is even affordable, as many of its solutions are
seen as being costly. Developing countries also feel that they lack know-how regarding green
technology and that this will be a disadvantage when it comes to guaranteeing future markets.
hanging the market focus of a country’s main industries will also lead to job losses in
industries seen as being unsustainable or not environmentally friendly such as coal mining.
These companies and their employees will suffer the full impact of a green economy
transition, and supporting them will be essential in building a comprehensive and successful
green economy.

There is also a fear that developed countries and companies will exploit the green economy
model using their technological advantage and the environment as a pretext to gain market
access and guarantee a market share by using the excuse that their products are
environmentally friendly. A number of emerging countries have already expressed the fear

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that green economy can be used to promote commercial interests to the World Trade
Organization (WTO). In addition to not being able to keep up, the lack of technological
knowledge and resources prompts another concern that developing countries will be unable to
meet the required environmental standards imposed on their product export which would
subsequently affect their economic development. 

This misinterpretation – or misuse – of the green economy concept, could happen by

emerging countries using a transition as a pre-condition to receive loans, or the possibility of
debt renegotiation. Subsequently this could influence others to adopt a focus on achieving a
green economy purely through environmental measures without considering sustainable
development and social equity

Expanding the use of renewable energy is not only good for our energy self-sufficiency
andthe environment; it also has a significant positive impact on employment.There are a wide
variety of professions available in the renewable energy industry. This factcan make it
challenging to find the right professional niche, but it also provides the opportunity for
individuals with many different types and degrees of training to get involved with renewable
energy.some jobs such as those in communications, community outreach, sales or
marketing and businesssupport (for example; corporate planning and finance, accounting,
human resources, law, andinformation technology) can be found in almost every renewable
energy field. Other jobs are specific to individual renewable energy technologies of the five
main renewable energy powersources: wind, solar, bio-energy, geothermal and hydropower.

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