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Name: Manalese, Nikko R.

Section: 5ChE-C


 The purpose of sex changed with time. A hundred years ago, sex was done for
procreation. In the 20th century, sex was viewed as something done for pleasure.
 The purpose of sex, biblically, is to participate in divine love. The pleasure
experienced is only divine accompaniment.
 When pleasure is the goal of sex, a baby (the product of sex) is regarded as a
hindrance. This leads to contraception or perhaps abortion.
 Genitals are made for generation. When this purpose is disregarded, generation
becomes degeneration.
 Human sexuality, when respected, is a commitment to acknowledge the fruit of
the act. Consequently, this leads to being a responsible family.


 God made male and female. Anything other than that is the result of the fall,
which entered with original sin.
 God likens His love for his people like the love of one’s husband for his wife.
 God made man and woman for His eternal marital plan- to marry us.
 God is the initiator of life and husbands become the image of this. Husbands are
obliged to love their wives as Christ loves the Church.
 God loves us, wants marry us, and wants His bride to conceive eternal life within

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