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Luis Eduardo Garcia


The rules of how to form the past in English are easier than those of the present. The rules
are the same for all subjects (I, you, he, she, it, we, they). -Ed is added to the verb in the
affirmative and didn't in the negative (a contraction of "did" and "not"). To form a
question, add Did at the beginning of the sentence.
Affirmative - He walked.
Negative - He didn't walk.
Interrogative - Did he walk?
If the verb already ends with e, just add d.
practice - practiced
If the verb ends with a consonant and then the y, change the y to i and then add -ed.
cry - cried
If the word ends in consonant, vowel, consonant, and the last syllable is strong, double the
last letter.
plan - planned
Write sentences in the past. If the verb is not in the list of irregular verbs above, it is
regular (-ed).
1. (+) He/learn English _____He learnt English. ____________
2. (-) She/buy shoes at the mall ___She didn’t buy shoes at the mall. __
3. (?) They/study English at the university __Did they study English at the university?
4. (+) I/need a vacation ________I needed vacation. _______________
5. (-) My friend/live in an apartment _____My friend did not live in an apartment. __
6. (?) The children/see a movie _______Did the children see a movie? ______
7. (+) She/eat pizza ____________She ate pizza. ______
8. (-) They/ drink coffee ____________They didn’t drink coffee. _______
9. (?) They/plant trees ____________Did they plant trees? ___________

Look for the error in the following sentences. Write the corrected sentence.
10. He didn't saw the movie. _____He didn’t see the movie._____
11. Did he finished the homework? _____Did he finish the homework?___
12. The baby cryed _____________The baby cried. ________________
13. He eated the food _________He ate the food.__________
14. The car stoped __________The car stopped._______
15. Write a short story using the verbs list in past above

Hi guys, mi name is Eduardo Garcia, I study Zoothecia. My last

vacations, I went whit my family to the beach, it was beautiful.
We ate hungry several days because we didn't want to diet. We
met many people in the bay, they were spectacular days, we
hope to return soon. bye

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