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John Carlo De Vela

PSC1102-SEC 3

Dr Carolina G. Hernandez's article THE RISE OF WOMEN’S POLITICAL AND


of women in politics and society. Among South East Asia, the Philippines is one of the countries
where we can see gender equality. The Philippines has less gender gap than other countries
because of the country’s history where we can see numerous women who bravely stood up in the
time of needs. Examples of these people are Gabriela Silang, Melchora Aquino, and Corazon
Aquino. Having female heroes made it easy for people to accept or rather see males and females
Female politicians are also a factor of gender equality in the country, although most of the
female politicians are used as alter-egos of their male relatives or simply because they are part of
political dynasties. Women's job has changed throughout the years, and it was only the mid-20th
century when waves of feminism started that eventually led to the rights women have now. It is
also mentioned how women are boosting the economy, but they get unequal treatment by having
fewer resources than men, having less income than men. Women are also victims of domestic
violence, especially the domestic workers who experience maltreatment from their bosses; they
are asked to work long hours and sometimes even raped or killed. Most of these cases are seen
from domestic workers in the Middle East because most of the domestic workers are females,
and the gender gap in the Middle East is terrible. These kinds of countries still embrace the
traditional patriarchal system, and they lack specific policies on the prevention of gender

What caught my attention in the article most was the claim in the article that female politicians
are alter-egos of male politicians some of the given examples in the article were Cory Aquino the
wife of Ninoy Aquino, and Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, the daughter of Diosdado Macapagal.
Modern-day examples of politicians that serve as an alter-ego to their male relatives are Grace
Poe, the daughter of Fernando Poe and Leni Robredo wife of the Jesse Robredo. However, some
female politicians are standouts and did not have any male relatives to lean on their political
careers like Miriam Defensor Santiago and Risa Hontiveros. They are examples that female
politicians in the country are possible even though they are not a relative of someone in a
political dynasty as long they have the capability and skill for that particular position in the
Women always had less political representation not only in our country but all around the world,
and it is time to change that and fight for women empowerment that can lead to the benefit of the
whole country. The Philippines already have laws that promote gender equality laws like Magna
Carta of Women or Republic Act 9710 and RA 7192 or the Women in Development and Nation
Building Act the purpose of these laws is to have equal opportunities in civic and political life. In
decision making and choices, we can see that even with less budget and power Vice President
Leni Robredo is doing better. Than President Rodrigo Duterte that has emergency powers and
budget but still there is no improvement in the ongoing pandemic in the country. This gender
disparity is a hindrance in the growth of the country. When women participate in the workforce,
the economic growth rate will increase. Gender equality is a benefit for the whole nation.

Women play a massive role in society nowadays. I can see the importance of women simply
because I look up to certain of them. Most of our family income comes from my mother, and she
is currently the chief nurse of a government hospital in Manila. Some jobs require care and
compassion, and giving these are better done by women than men. Being educators, nurses,
doctors are some examples of jobs that are better done by women than men. Based on my
experience because most of my teachers and the persons I look up to are females, and they
deserve equality. Women are more equipped than men to deal with specific problems in society.
Being able to know strong women is a privilege; however, there are people out there who are
currently experiencing domestic violence from their partners. But cannot be divorced simply
because the bill cannot be passed due to people who do not understand the struggle. Nothing
understands a woman more than a woman that is why we have to elect female representatives to
promote and make policies for the benefit of females and promote gender equality in the country.

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