Urban Legends

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The Licked Hand

A young girl is left home alone with only her dog to protect her. On the news that night, they
announced there was a serial killer on the loose in the local area. Before she goes to bed, she
locks all the doors and tries to lock all the windows, but the one in the basement won't close.
She decides to leave it open, but locks the basement door and goes to bed. Her dog takes its
customary place under her bed.

In the deep of night she awakens to a dripping sound coming from the bathroom. The girl is
too scared to go check so she reaches her hand under the bed. She feels a reassuring lick from
her dog and falls back to sleep. She reawakens to the dripping sound, reaches her hand down
to the dog where she feels the reassuring lick and falls back to sleep. Once more, she awakens
to the dripping sound. She reaches her hand down and feels the lick of her dog.

Now curious about the dripping sound, she gets up and slowly walks towards the bathroom,
the dripping sound getting louder as she approaches. She reaches the bathroom and turns on
the light. She is greeted by a horrific sight; hanging from the shower nozzle is her dog with its
throat slit open and its blood dripping into the bathtub.

Something on the bathroom mirror catches her eye; she turns around. Written on the wall in
her dog's blood are the words "HUMANS CAN LICK TOO".

 A similar alteration include a girl who walks to the faucet each time to try and shut it
off, not bothering to turn on the lights (or caused by a power outage). She pats her dog
on the head each time she walks to the bathroom, but in the morning finds her dogs
head on the sink dripping. The person telling the story then asks "who's head was she
 In some versions, the woman is in her 20s while in others she is elderly. The dog is
sometimes discovered skinned and in others, beheaded. The location of the dog's body
is sometimes in the girl's closet, fridge, or behind her couch or even above the kitchen
 The dripping sound always awakens the girl. This is always followed by the discovery
the next morning that the dripping sound was not a leaky faucet but the dog's dripping
 In lighter versions, the dog is not killed but locked in the basement. In darker versions,
the girl's parents are murdered or the girl herself is killed.
 In other versions the girl has a roommate who is killed instead, and the dog is later
found by the police hiding under the couch in the downstairs living room, dorm, or
 Other versions of the story include her going downstairs to call the police, and when
they arrive she finds the dog dead, and the officer states the "Humans can lick too"
 Another version has the girl as a young child who often has nightmares. The girl's
mother gets the dog for her and he licks her hand every night which stops the
nightmare. One night she is woken by a nightmare but feels the lick and goes back to
sleep only to wake up the next morning to find her mother and the dog dead with the
message daubed on the wall.
 Some versions of the story end with the girl looking out the window and seeing the
murderer (who has quite a frightening face) who then yells "HUMANS CAN LICK
TOO!" sometimes waving his fist, also in those versions some don't say whether the
dog is killed or not.
 In some versions of the story, the message reads "HUMANS CAN LICK TOO, MY
DEAR" making the killer seem even more creepy.
 The killer is described as a serial killing clown in many versions, with the message

When A Stranger Calls

A teenage girl is babysitting one evening. The children have been put to bed and the
babysitter is in the living room watching TV. The phone rings, and she hears either silence, a
man laughing, or heavy breathing. A man asks her to "check the children". When she asks
who he is, he hangs up. Rather than checking on the children, the teenager decides to ignore
the call. The stranger calls back several times, and the babysitter becomes frightened and calls
the operator. She asks him to trace the call. When the stranger calls back again, the babysitter
manages to keep him talking for several minutes; afterward, the operator calls to say that the
calls are coming from the other telephone line inside the house and the police are on their
way. As the terrified babysitter races toward the door, she sees a shadowy figure coming
down the stairs; she runs from the house into the arms of the awaiting police. They arrest
and/or kill a madman wielding a bloody butcher knife. The children are all dead, silently
hacked to pieces by the madman, who had gotten into the house through an upstairs window,
murdering the children as they slept in their beds.
Frightened and Fearless
There are two girls; Sandra who is totally fearless and Marie who gets frightened when you tap her on
the shoulder.

Though they are very different, they are good friends and Marie has agreed to spend the night at the
Sandra’s house for one full weekend. Though Sandra loves to watch horror movies, Marie is too
scared to watch them with her so they decide to tell each other ghost stories. Sandra is the expert on
any type of frightening story and she really wants to scare Marie. She tells her stories of babysitters
hacked to death, children eaten alive and all sorts of terrible happenings.

After some time, many stories and lots of drinks and snacks, Sandra has to pee and excuses herself to
the bathroom. Minutes pass and all Marie could think of are all the stories she had just heard. She
feels like Sandra has been taking a long time in the bathroom and when she listens and doesn’t here
running water she begins to worry.

Suddenly she realizes that Sandra must be playing a joke on her so Marie decides to wait her out.
While she waits, the phone rings and she jumps. She realizes that she’s been holding her breath and
her hands are closed into tight fists. She tries to shake herself to calm down, telling herself that
everything is fine. Why is she letting Sandra to freak her out like this? The phone continues to ring
and since she thinks that Sandra doesn’t want to spoil her joke by answering the phone, Marie
reaches to pick up the receiver. "Hello?" she says nervously. All she can hear is breathing on the other
end of the line and then a “click”.

Marie can feel herself beginning to panic. She climbs into Sandra’s bed and pulls the covers over her
head. Finally she hears scuffling of feet and she thinks they are Sandra’s but the sound passes by the
door and does not pause. Marie is too frightened to call out Sandra’s name and eventually she hears
the feet again but this time they seem very far away. Suddenly a scream rips through the house.

The whole house is dark except for Sandra’s room but Marie is so shaken that she decides she’s got to
go find her friend. She leaves the bedroom and begins to inch down the hallway, still praying that this
was some giant hoax and Sandra would jump out and tickle her and they would laugh and it would all
be over. Finally she turned a corner and saw Sandra sitting at the end of the hall, leaning against the
wall. Marie sighed. The fear was gone. She knew it was just Sandra messing with her head.

She found a light switch and flicked it on. To her horror the light revealed Sandra, covered in blood,
her eyes were gouged out, and her stomach ripped open. Marie let out a terrified scream as she read
the words painted in Sandra’s own blood over her mutilated corpse. "She became her own Urban

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