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How to Get a Job

(1) Getting a job can be a little (adjective). (2) But follow these five simple steps
and you should have a job in (amount of time) or less!

1. (3) First, you have to find a job you want. (4) You could try using a (noun)
(5) or looking at (place). (6) You can even search websites such as (website). (7)
The possibilities are (adjective).
2. (8) You shouldn’t stop once you find one job! (9) It’s best
to (verb) to (number) jobs if you want to get hired.
3. (10) Once you find your job, you need to (verb). (11) You will have to create
a resume and a (noun). (12) Your resume should list your education and
past (plural noun). (13) You should explain why you are the (adjective) person.
(14) You may also be asked for a (plural noun).
4. (15) Once you (verb) in your application, (16) you have to wait (adverb
ending in –ly) (17) for a (noun) from the employer.
5. (18) For the interview you should wear a nice (piece of clothing) (19) and
make sure there are no (plural noun) in your clothes. (20) When you walk in the
room, shake the person’s (body part). (21) Then answer all her (plural noun). (22)
After you leave, make sure to send a (noun) to thank her.

(23) With any luck, you will get a (adjective) call from the company (24) offering
you a (noun). (25) If not, keep (verb ending in –ing)! (26) You can practice
interviews with your (Family member) (27) or even with your pet (animal) for
next time!

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