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Prior to Writing Script

Before getting started I first wanted to find out what a podcast was and look at podcast

examplers as never before had I made a Podcast. Therefore I searched online for an example

of Softball podcast and found the following:

Example of Softball Podcast: ​

When researching what makes a good Podcast and analyzing example podcasts I noticed

some aspects that needed to be addressed within the podcast:

- Outline the game

- Outline the equipment

- Outline the rules

- Outline the positions and their roles in the game

- Suggest strategies that can be used in the game

- Outline possible techniques that can influence the game

Knowledge to be included in script:

- How the game is played

- Number of players per team

- Number of innings

- How long one entire game is

- Different positions

- Difference to baseball

- Best softball team

- What makes them the best softball team

- Special skills that are seen through the game



Good morning everyone! I am your host Tej Bains and thank you for tuning into Radiolab

101. For today’s topic, we will be focusing in on Softball talking about the rules of it, the

positions and as well as the special skills and techniques that are used in the game.

Rules of Softball:

Firstly, let's start off with the basic rules of Softball. Softball is a very engaging and active

sport that requires a blend of teamwork as well as individual skills. It is a variation of the

sport baseball and is played on a pitch smaller than that of baseball. Each softball team has 9

players. The entire game takes place over 7 innings and within each inning one team will bat

while the other will field before rotating when the second inning starts. Normally the away

team bats first whilst the home team fields first, then the teams switch roles for the next

inning. Each team bats once in each innings before the sides switch. The fielding team has

pitcher, catcher, a player on first base, second base, third base, three deep fielders and

shortstop. To get a point a batter must make it around all four bases and back to home plate

without being given out. The fielding team can prevent the batsmen by making them miss the

ball, catching the ball, tagging one of the bases before they reach it or tagging the batsmen

whilst they are running with the ball in hand. If the batter hits the ball past the line of the first

and third base he has hit it into the foul area thus deeming the ball as dead leading to a new

pitch. A home run is scored by hitting the ball over the outfield and into a dead ball area. This

thus allows the batsmen to stroll around the bases to score along with any additional batsmen

on base.

Now that we have talked about the basic rules of the game lets go more in-depth about

the positions before talking about possible strategies that can be implemented into the game.

Firstly as stated before there are 9 players in a team. When batting the order of the batters

must be done prior and must be kept throughout. Strategically speaking the strongest batters

should go forth and ninth when the bases would be filled as then a big hit would allow all

runners to reach home base thus scoring a point.

Then in terms of the fielding side as stated before the positions are ​pitcher, catcher, a

player on first base, second base, third base, three deep fielders and shortstop. Firstly,

strategically speaking the deep fielders should be quick runners strong throwers and good

catchers for balls that are hit far and high. Then for the players on the base, they should each

be exceptional catchers as they will have to be mostly catching to be able to catch the batters

out before reaching a base. For example, the third base positions is also known as the “hot

corner”. Here it is essential for the fielder on third base to be attentive and a good catcher as

the ball generally comes faster here as it is hit on the dominant side for right-hand batters. It

also allows you to be in a better visibility position to field fly balls that are short on your side.


Now that we have finished talking about strategies and positions lets talk about skills and

techniques that are used in the game such as the infamous knuckleball. A knuckleball is a

baseball pitch thrown to minimize the spin of the ball in flight thus causing an erratic and

unpredictable motion. If executed correctly its flies with zero spins causing the ball to dance

erratically and break up to 3 to 4 times in unpredictable directions before reaching a baffled

batter. Though, if executed poorly the slightest spin on the ball will cause a normal and easy

ball allowing the batter to get a home run. With risk comes reward, but I for one love

watching the beauty of the knuckleball within games.


Anyways that will be all for today’s softball podcast.Thank you for tuning in to Radiolab


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