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Beginner Workbook with key New MicaGivua, English Course i Tim Falla Liz and John Soars OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS CONTENTS You will need to listen to the cassette for some exercises. IF you don't have the cassette, you can read the tapescripts on ppBI-8%. What’syourname? 5 What's this in English? 7 ‘Translation 7 Everyday English TNembers ei0and plurals 8 Countries 10 Pronunciation 11 Cities and countries 11 Where are you from? hefShe, hisfher 12 Vyou, mylyour 13 1s Listening This is Carmen 4 Translation 14 Everyday English Numbers 11-30 14 Coney Jobs Negatives — isn’t 5 16 ‘Address, phone number... What's your job? Questions and short answers 2 Pronunciation Word stress Listenin, A conversation with Kirsty 16 v7 ‘Translation 8 Reading ‘An international team Everyday English Social expressions 18 19 The family 21 2 Possessive ’s Possessive adjectives 23 Listening Winston's family 23 Vocabulary Jobs, countries, numbers, families 24 Pronunciation Word stress hashhave 24 ‘Translation 24 4 Reading Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones 25 Everyday English The alphabet 25 On the phone 25 rns Sports, food, and drinks 25 Present Simple Uyoulthey 27 Questions and answers Reading and listening ‘Ataparty 29 28 Listening Do you like Bristol? 29 » ‘Translation Vocabulary and pronunciation Languages and nationalities 30 Everyday English Numbers and prices 31 ri The time 32 Present Simple helshelit 33 Questions and negatives Yes/No questions» 35 doldoesidon'védoesn't 35 ‘Translation 35 Vocabulary Acrossword 36 Listening Anna's day 37 Your day Everyday English Days of the week. infowiat 37 Object pronouns 38 thistthat 38 Questions words why and because 39 0 Listening ‘An interview with Dan Brat 40 Vocabulary Adjectives 40 Translation 41 Reading ‘A postcard from San Francisco 2 Everyday English Cant...t 43 Rooms and furniture 44 ‘There islare 45 Pronunciation Word stress 46 Prepos Reading and writing Ourhouse 47 ions 46 Translation 48 Everyday English Directions 48 Sa wasivere born 50 Writing Famous people 51 yeyears 50 Past Simple irregular verbs 53 ‘Translation Vocabulary 3 Everyday English ‘When's your birthday? 54 Past Simple Regular verbs Pronunciation 56 Irregular verbs 56 Listening Mike's day 57 Writing Last Saturday 58 Questions and negatives 58 ‘Translation 59 Vocabulary Sports and leisure Reading Ned's holiday 60 Everyday English Filling in forms 61 0 Activities 62 canjean't 63 Listening Can Ibe in your pop group? 64 Pronunciation anand can't 64 Requests and offers 64 ‘Translation 65 Vocabulary Odd one out 65 Everyday English ‘What's the problem? ro wantand would like 67 66 Inarestaurant Food and drink 68 ‘What would you Tike to cat? 68 Pronunciation Odd one out 70 ‘Translation 70 Reading You are what you eat Everyday English Going shopping Colours 72 70 Present Continuous 72 Present Simple and Present Continuous 74 ‘Translation 74 Reading Summer in Portugal 75 Vocabulary Clothes 75 Everyday English What's the matter? 76 Present Continuous for future 7; Listening Hasna diary 78 Pronunciation Shifting sentence stress 78 ‘Translation 78 Vocabulary nsport and travel 78 Te Smiths Everyday English Going sightseeing, 80 What's your name? « What's this in English? ys Numbers 1-10 and plurals What's your name? 3 GBD Listen. Match the conversations and photos 1 Put the sentences in the correct conversation | 1 | 2] 3 | 4 order. Photo a 1 [| My name's Claudia, i Hello, Claudia. Hello. I'm Jean. What's your 2 |_| Fine, thanks Hi, Massimo. How are you? Hello, Petra. Very well, thanks. And you? Put the words in the correct order. 1 you! How / are /? How are you? thanks / Very / well James fis This name / What's / your /? name's / Raquel / My AS Unit = Hello! 5 4 Complete the conversations. 5. Write the conversations. K I PierreDupont Hello. My name's Pierre 1 Klaus Fischer Hello. My name's Dupont. What's your 2 Alicia Gonzalez Alicia. Alicia Gonzalee Denise Minjon a | i 2 Pierre Hello, Alicia are you? 2 Denise Hello, Klaus. Alicia thanks. And 2 Pierre Very Klaus Denise 3 Alicia Pierre this is Aya Saito. Aya, Pierze pean Paolo Silvetti AyaSaito Hello, Pierre. Pierze wAya, pea 6 Unit + Hello! What's this in English? 6 Listen and repeat. ‘abag abook acamera a | showse photograph a sai 7 Write sentences, }O) - —)) LS Q) “S ZY 8 Translation 8 Write the sentences in your language. 1 How are you? 2 Fine, thanks. And you? 3) What's your name? 4 My name's Davi. 5 What's this? 6 sa book Unit | = Hello! 7 Everyday English Numbers 1-10 and plurals 9 Write the numbers 1 eight °o ESS fo Terminal 3 f= 10° GHED Write the numbers. 1 Listen. Write the numbers. 8 Unit + Hello! Countries + Where are you from? * he/she, his/her; f Wyou ,my/your + Numbers 1I-30 ey Countries 1 What are the countries? Write aj, o,and 1 1 Blelaletipi] s (SPL a 2 PRD] Cebecm) GEOR: 6 LOL 4 FED 2 Write the countries, ORS 10 Unit2 + Your world Pronunciation \ 3 GERD Put these countries into the correct columns, A,B, C,D, oF E England Brazil Australia Spain Japan France Italy a 8 Spain Brazil Cities and countries 4 Write questions and answers. “Bacelone Boston Oxford Milan Paris Riode Janeiro Sydney Tokyo 1 A Where's Barcelona? aa B Hsinpain B 2A : SA eee EEE 5 3A 6A — e ’ ‘Write the countries. [England Scotland Wales Northern treland: | Northern Irland L 3 4 epee Unit 2 + Your world W Where are you from? he/she, his/her 6 ‘Write questions and answers. 1A What's his name? B His name's Gianni A Where’s he from? B He's from Ita 2A Whats name? B Her name's A Where's from? B She's from Bee from? Bp o> from 3 A What's name? B His name’s A Where's from? B He's from 12 Unit2 + Your world wb Wyou, my/your 7 Complete the conversations. 1 Henri Isabel Henri Isabel Henri 2 Henri Isabel Henri Isabel Ana Isabel Ana Hello, My name's Henri. What's Isabel. Where you Coimbra, in Portugal. Where from? from Paris, «Isabel are you? sthanks. And z Isabel is Ana Portugal. Ana Isabel are you Coimbra Oh, Coimbra, Reading They're from... 8 Read and listen This is Roberto. He's in Sydney. He's from htaly. He's a computer programmer This is Brigitte and Jean-Claude. they're ‘married and they're from France. Brigitte is a teacher and Jean-Claude is a photographer. This is a photograph of Yuri. She's from Japan. She's a doctor. Her hospital isin the centre of Tokyo. 9 Complete the sentences. 1. Roberto is in Sydney 2. Hes from 3 Hesa 4 Brigitte and Jean-Claude are 5 They're from 6 Brigitte isa 7 isa photographer, 8 Yumiis from 9 she'sa 10 Her is in the centre of Tokyo. Unit2 + Your world 1 Listening This is Carmen 0 Look atthe photograph and listen. ‘Choose the correct answers Carmen is @doctor> a teacher. 1 2 She's in She's from Madrid. 3 This is a photograph of her house / her school. 4 Her school is in the centre of Liverpool / London. 5. Her teacher is Andrew | Anthony. 6 He's from England / Scotland. Translation TI Write the sentences in your language. 1 Where are you from? 2 Pim fom Brazil 3. Where's Eduardo from? 4. He's from Spain. 5. They're from the United States, 6 Her name is Susan. His name is Mike. 14 Unit2 + Your world Everyday English Numbers 11-30 n Listen and repeat. n 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 13 Match the numbers and words. 23 eighteen) 22) twenty-eight twenty-one 25 fifteen) 13 ‘nineteen. 12 Da 18 twenty-nine) 15) thi twenty) 27 seventeen. 20/ fourteen \2b ( Sixteen 21 1 ree 24 24. twenty-seven) 14 twenty-thre e ema ar iweny-two 1 wenty-four. 28 Celeven> 30, 14 Write the numbers. 1 IB thirteen on 224 70 32 8 30 45 927 5 20 10 2 15 Write the numbers. 11+ I= twenty-two 6 4x4 2 Tx4= 7 Bx B= 3 3xb= 8 20-1- 47462 9 1B +1B= 3 30-1= 10 5x5 6 Listen. Write the numbers. 116 6 3 8 4 9 5 10 Jobs + Negatives isn’t + Address, phone number .. Social expressions / Jobs 1 What ate the jobs? Use a, 6, i o,and u LA What’shicJob? 2A What's her job? B He'sanurce, B She's a police officer 6 Unit 3 + Personal information 15 Negatives — isn’t 3 Write sentences with is and isn’t, he / student ¥ / teacher 7 1 Heien'tactudent. He's a teacher. she / taxi driver % / shop assistant 7 1 16 Unit3 + Personal information 1 Address, phone number ... . 4. Write the words on thei tity card, Address Age Country Job Married? Phone number Name Name Rosalinda Cantarelli Italy 33 via Pavan, Milan 482 9762 23 ‘Nurse Yes Questions and short answers 5 Write the questions. 1 What's her name? Rosalinda Cantareli 33 via Pavan, Milan, 4 2 482 9762. 5 1 She’ 23, 6 2 She's a nurse. Yes, she is. 6 Answer these questions about Rosalinda Cantarelli Use short answers. 1 Is Rosalinda from the United States? 5 Is she 237 No, she isnt : 2 Is she from France? 6 Isshea shop assistant? 3 Isshe from Italy? 7 Isshea nurse? 4 Isshe 222 8 Isshe married? What's your job? Questions and short answers 7 GEEB Answer the questions about you. Write short answers. 1 Are you Tom Walker? ‘Are you from Rome? Are you a student? ‘Are you 24? ‘Are you married? Write questions, Put the words in the correct order. 1 your / what's / name /? What's your name? are / where /‘from / you? address / your f what's /? your / what's / number f phone / ? are / you / how / old /? what's job / your /? married / you / are /? Now answer the questions in exercise 8. Answer about you. 1 Myname is Translation 10 Write the sentences in your language 1 Pm not married, What's your job? “Is James from Scotland?’ ‘No, he isn't? “How old is she? ‘She's twenty-six ‘Sonya and Paul aren’t from France. Pronunciation W Listen and repeat . le Spain seven Italy thanks camera photograph a ut the words into the correct columns A, BorG ‘book car doctor fine student | hospital number nurse officer | Portugal sandwich hamburger | 8 c | . . | Unit 3 + Personal information 17 Listening Reading A conversation with Kirsty ‘An international team 1 GERD Listen tothe conversation. Completethe 45 QE Read and listen to the interview: Answer the questions information, Interviewer This is Paul, Ashley, Michael, and Carlos. They're basketball players. Now, you're | Name Kirsty Logan American, aren't you? | Aahley Well Plan are Ameren, Bate Cans oa Michael No,I'mnot American. Pm from Canada SAR | vanneor = ves [no And Carlos is from Cuba Interviewer Uh, huh. An international team! And you're cane on tour in England, Townicrry Perth Ashley That'sright. Were at the London Arena ADDRESS King Street” Michael London's great! Interviewer Good. Now, how old are yout PHONE NUMBER Paul Tm 21. Ashley and Michael are 22. Carlos AndI'm 24 Interviewer OK. Thanks! And welcome to England! 14 Answer the questions about Kirsty. Use short answers. 1 Where are Paul and Ashley from? 1 IsKirsty No, she ion 2 Are Michael and Carlos American? Is Kirsty a student? Where are they now? 3. Is shea shop assistant? 4 How old are Ashley and Mich 4 Isshe married? Is Carlos 212 5. Is she from Scotland? 6 Is she from Edinburgh? Isher phone number 417 18 Unit3 + Personal information evening. Everyday English IT Write Good morning, Good Social ex sfternoon, or Good: 20. Unit 3 +-Personal information —_ The family 1 Are the sentences true (7) or false (X)? Correct the false ones. 1 The family + Possessive’s + Possessive adjectives Philip is Elizabeth's husband. Charles is Elizabeth’ brother. Charis is Elizabeth's son. Elizabeth is Philip's wife. Edward is Andrew's sister. Philip and Elizabeth are Anne's parents. Flizaheth is Andrew's father Edward is Elizabeth and Philip's son. Charles, Andrew, and Edward are Elizabeth's sons. Anne is Philip's mother. has/have + The alphabet + On the phone POE 2 Complete the sentences. Andrew is Philip and Elizabeth's som Philip and Elizabeth are Andrew's Charles is Anne and Edward's Elizabeth is Edward's Elizabeth is Philip's 5 Charles, Anne, Andrew, and Edward are Elizabeth and Philip's ‘Anne is Charles and Andrew's Philip is Edward and Anne's Anne is Philip's Philip is Elizabeth's Unit 4 + Family and friends 21 1. This Paolo’s television, ie Og nD S 6 7 8 9 0 5 Angela's father is a taxi driver. 1 22 Unit 4 + Family and friends 5 Adds,’ or. My name’ Pilar. Cathy and Liam are doctors. My parents® are in Germany. What your address? ‘This is the « cher book. ‘They are police officer Where is Vicky bag? Hername Paula Their sons are Mark and Harry 10. Her husband _ name is Antonio, Possessive adjectives 6 Write the possessive adjectives. Subject Possessive pronouns | adjectives i my he she they 7 Complete the sentences with a possessive adjective, 1 We're from Scotland, Our house is in Glasgow. 2 ‘What's job?’ ma 3 ‘What are names? ‘She's Sonia and he's Olivier? 4 This is my daughter. name's Victoria 5 Tim married wie’ Halian 6 ‘My brother, John, is in London “Oh, what’ address?” 7 ane and Ia hospital isin Manchester. doctors Listening Winston's family 8 Listen to Winston. Choose the correct answers. 1 Winston is 20/ ZO) 2 Winston is a restaurant manager bank manager 3 Winston's wife’s name is Carol Karen 4 5 She's a nurse teacher. Jessica is 5/6. 7 Their children are at school / university. 8 Carol's father is a shop assistant police officer. Unit 4 + Family and friends 23 Vocabulary Jobs, countries, numbers, families 9 Put the words into the correct columns. “Australia Brazil doctor father nineteen Japan wife nurse twelve six son Spain | hnusinessman sister twenty-three teacher Jobs Countries, Australia. Families Pronunciation 10 GERD Listen and repeat ‘ : ic house married Japan | photograph 11 EEE Pur the words into the correct columns, A, B, C, orD. “address Brazil son hello wile daughter family France children | businessman husband manager 2A Unita» Family and fiends has/have T2 Write six true sentences about you, your family, and your friends. Use the words inthe box. “Germancer a brother a computer adictionary adog ajob ahouse | an English teacher ahusband a wife two children 1 Mybrother has a German car. 2 Uhave a Japanese TV. 3 1B Complete the sentences. Use has and have. 1 Paul has to brothers 2 We two dogs. 3 You an falian name. 4 She 1 good dictionary. 5. Thisbook 80 pages. 61 aicomputer 7 My daughter a house in London, Translation 14 Write the sentences in your language. 1 Michael is Beate's husband 2 What's your sister’s phone number? 3. Myson has a good job. My parents have a house in France 5 Lhave two children, Reading 15 Read the text and answer the questions. Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones his is a photo of Michael Douglas and his wife, Michael is from the United States. He's fifty-seven and he's married to Catherine Zeta-Jones. She's thirty-two and she's from Wales. They're both actors. They have one child. Their son’s name is Dylan. He's two. Michael and Catherine have the same birthday — 25th September. 1 Where's Michael Douglas from? He's from the United States. 2. How old is he? 3. What's his wife's name? 4 Where's she from? 5 What are their jobs? 6 What's their son’s name? How old is he? 8 When's Michael and Catherine's birthday? Everyday English The alphabet ty Put the letters into the correct columns. abedefghijkim | noparstuvwryz | ao W Listen, Write the words. 1 teacher 5 ghee 6 3 7 eee On the phone B Put the lines in the correct place in the conversation, ‘And your name ist Good morning-Bath English Language Centre: How do you spel your surname? ‘Thank you for telephoning. Goodbye. ‘Thank you. Pm sorry. He isntin his office, ‘What's your phone number? A (1) S00d morning. Bath English Language Centre, B Hello. The director, Mike Stevens, please. a B Akemi Ishikawa B 813 5824 9687. Weg Sg B Goodbye. Unit 4 + Family and friends 25 Sports, food, and drinks + Present Simple ~ //you/they, us questions and answers * Languages and nationalities Numbers and prices ¥ Ce Sports, food, and drinks 1 ‘Complete the words. 26 Units + it'smy life! Present Simple \/you/they 2. Write true sentences about you. 5 coffee 1 deer Uke beer. /Ldon't tke beer. 6 football z 2 swimming 7 Italian food 3 pizza 8 wine 4 Chinese food 9 hamburgers 3. Write answers Do you like Do you like rie poaiareat Do you like football? oranges? Do you like Do you like 4 Answer the questions. Write true answers about you. Do you speak English? Yes, do. 5 Do you like English? 1 2. Do you live in Moscow? No, dont, Live in Pais. 4 6 Do you drink coffee? Do you live in England? 4. Do you work in an office? ad oe leer Unit S + It’s my lifel 27 5. Read the text. Answer the questions. Javier isn't married but Jorge Is. His wife's name is Teresa. They hhave a house in the country, near Oviedo, Javier's flal is in the centre of Ovieds, DEBT Javier and Jorge are_ brothers ‘They're from Chie, but they dont live in Chile now. They live in Spain, Theyre both doctors and _ Javier and Jorg like Spanish food they workin a hospital in Oviedo, and wine. They play sports. They They speak Spanish, ofcourse, and ike football and skiing but they they speak English and French, don! like tennis or swimming. 1 Do Javier and Jorge live in Chile? No, they don't. They lve in Spain. Do they work in a hospital? Yes they do, 3 Do they speak Spanish? 4 Do they speak English and German? Do Jorge and Teresa live in the centre of Oviedo? 6 Do Javier and Jorge like Spanish food and wine? Do they play sports? 8 Do they like tennis and swimming? 28 Unit + tts my life! Questions and answers 6 Put the words in the right order. 1 you! where f do /live /? Where do vou Ive? like / you / Chinese food / do 1? 3. work/ do / where / you /? 4 yous drink / do / coffee /? 5 like / what sports / you / do /? 6 do/speak / how many languages / you /? Answer the questions in exercise 6. Write true answers about you. Write questions. 1 Jean-Marie and Hélene work in Paris. Do they workin Paris? 2 They have a dog. 3. They play football 4 Pedro and Concha like Coca-Cola, 5 Olga and Dimitra live near the centre of town, 6 They drink beer. 7 They work in a bank. 9 Complete the sentences with is, are, or do. "Do you like skiing?" “Yes, I “Where Jacek from?’ ‘He _from Poland? you from France?’ ‘No, I'm from Germany: How ___ you spell nurse’ Dinaand Vicky students they live in a flat?” “Yes, they she a teacher?” “Yes, she What sports ___ they play? Reading and listening Ata party 10 Complete the conversation Akiko Hello. My (1) name's Akiko. Luc Hi.(2) Luc Akiko Where (3) you (4) uct Luc Pm fron France. 1 (5) in Paris. Akiko Really? [like Paris, Luc Where (6) you come (7) : Akiko (8) from Japan. Lue Where in Japan? Akiko I'm from Tokyo (9) Ilive (20) Osaka, Lue What's (1) jobe Akiko (12) have a job. I'm (13) student, What's your (4) 2 Inc (15) ina shop. Akiko (16) you like i? Luc Its OK. Listening Do you like Bristol? 1 Listen to the conversation. Who says these things, Paolo or Susan? Write Por S. 1 fm from Italy. 2 Live in Bristol. 3 Twork ina bank 4 Doyoulike Bristol? __ 5 Tlivein London, 6 ma restaurant manager 7 ‘dont like English food very much. Translation 12 Write the sentences in your language. 1. Tike ice-cream. 2. They don't drink coffee. 4 ‘Do you like your job?” “Yes, Ido! Unit § + It’s my fel 29 Vocabulary and pronunciation Languages and nationalities B Put the nationalities into the correct [A columns, A, B, C, or D. “German Japanese Brazilian English rench Spanish Italian 14 Write the languages. 2 I'm from England. Tspeak 4m from aly I speak Im from Brazil speak Portuguese 6 I'm from Spain. speak 1S Write five true sentences. ie Brazian | 1 dont tke English fod. | English _ 2 drink | French eat | 1] dont) | eat | German ote : | like Italian eee = | | Portuguese | Bowes | 5 | Spanish ie 6 30 Unit 5 + It’s my life! Everyday English Numbers and prices 6 ‘Match the numbers and words. Pevent-hee — weyiena_) forty-eight 2 fifty-one ” fifty-five 86 sixty-four 2 seventy-nine eighty-six ninety-two: pe Fao pounds ninety-ninie> 8 Listen, Write the prices you hear. 1 £3.74 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 v Listen to the conversations. Write the prices. 7 UBRARY INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA Unit 5 + ts my lifel 31 The time + Present Simple - he/she/it, usually/sometimes/never + Questions and negatives - Yes/No questions, do/does/don't/doesn't » Days of the week ao The time a Listen, Draw the times 1 Write the times. 12% T What time do you....? 3 “Answer the questions. Write true answers about you. 1 What time do you get up? Loetupat 2. What time do you have breakfast? What time do you go to work/school? 4. What time do you have lunch? 5 What time do you get home? 6 What time do you go to bed? 32 Unit 6 + Every day Present Simple he/shesit 4 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences about Marta’s day. [Marta getsup at seven thirty. tea and toast for breakfast, 3 She home at 4 She to work by car. “5 She a sandwich for lunch 6 She home at 7 She sometimes out in the evening usually/sometimes/never 5. Write the sentences again with the words in brackets. 1 Marta has breakfast at 7.45. (usually) Marta usually has breakfast at 7.45, 2. Marta goes to work by bus. (never) 3 She has a sandwich in her office. (usually) 4 She leaves work at 5.30, (usually) 5. She works in the evening. (never) 6 She goes toa restaurant in the evening. (sometimes) Write three sentences about you. Use usually, sometimes, and never. 1 usually goto work by ar. Unit 6 + Every day 33 Questions and negatives 7 Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Angeles / get up / does / what time J? What time does Angeles get up? 2 live / where / Angeles / does /? 3. breakfast / does / have / she /? 4 go/ when / she / does to the concert hall /? 5. she / usually have / does / lunch / where /? 6 she / sometimes do / does / in the afternoon / what /? dinner / have / does / she / what time /? 8 usually go out / in the friends /? ning / she / does / with Angeles Pérez les Pérez is a violinist. She plays in the New York Philharmonic. She lives flat in Manhattan. e gets up at six o’clock and has a cup of coffee. She practises the lin until eight o'clock. She doesn’t have breakfast. At nine o'clock she goes to the concert hall and plays ‘with the orchestra, She usually has lunch at home. In the afternoon Mie atiximeligoes for a walkin Géntral Park, and then listens to Baik: « Yass of beer the she usually goes out with . She never listens to music evening! 34 Unit 6 + Every day 8 Read and listen to the text. Answer the ‘questions in exercise 7 1 She gets up at sixo'elock 9 Complete the sentences about Angeles. Use the negative. 1 She doesn't get_ up at seven o'clock. 2 She_ in a house. 3 She _ _ breakfast 4 She lunch at work. 5 She____wine with her dinner. 6 She to music in the evening. 10 Make the sentences negative. 1 Andreas lives in Britain, ‘Andreas doesn't live in Britain, 2. Shinji leaves work at one forty 3 Raoul goes to work by taxi 4 Ramiro eats toast for breakfast gets home at four thirty. 6 Oliver speaks French. 7 Lidia works in a bank. 8 Raquel has three children. Yes/No questions TI Look at the information about Rosa and Paolo. Write questions and short answers. 1 getup early? 2. goto work by car? 3. drink wine? 4 speak English? Rosa 1A Does Rosa get up early? B Yes, she does, 2A oe 1 A Doss Paolo get up early? B No, he doesn't v * v v do/does/don't/doesn’t 12 Complete the sentences. Use do, does, don’ or doesn't 1 ‘Does he have breakfast?” ‘No, he doesn't 2 2 We speak Spanish, but we speak French 3 you like beer?” ‘No, L : 4 they usually yo out in the evening? "Yes, they Frangoise live in Spain?’ “Yes, she 6 He have an American car. He has a fapanese ca She usualy goes to bed at twelve o'clock she go to bed early. Translation ‘13. Write the sentences in your language. 1. She leaves home at eight forty-five, 2 ‘Does Idoia live in Manchester?” ‘No, she doesn't! 3. ‘Where does Thomas live?’ ‘In Oxford? 4. Maria doesn’t go to work by bus. ‘Osman never stays at home in the evening, Unit 6 - Every day 35 Vocabulary 14 Complete the crossword. H 03 P Across > Antonella isa doctor. She works ina __. (8 leters) Sandra never in restaurants (4 letters) usually have a glass of at seven o'clock. (4 letters) She has a German __ I's a BMW.(3 letters) “What's your __ number? "243806? (5 letters) 11 ‘Are you from Canada?” "Yes, 1 ! (2 letters) 12 ten, thirty, forty fifty... (6 letters) 14 ‘What's yourjob?? ‘Tm a__ driver’ (4 letters) 15 ‘What's your name?’ © ‘name's Joseph (2 letters) 16 She's __ artist. (2 letters) 36 Unit + Every day 6 Down + 2 He lives in Spain, but he doesnt speak __. (7 letters) 3 Do youwant __or coffee? (3 letters) 6 Today is Thursday. Tomorrow is (letters) 7. Weave two children —a daughter and a Gletters) 9 ‘Doyou like 2 "No, don't ike Italian food? letters) 10 645= letters) 13. ‘What __ isi, please? ‘Its ten o'dock? (4 letters) Listening ‘Anna's day 15 GERD Listen. what does Anna do at these times? 110,00 in the evening ‘She goes to work. 2 6.15in the morning 3. 7.30/in the morning 4. 3.00 in the afternoon 5 3.30in the afternoon 6 8.30in the evening Writing Your day play have breakfast/lunch/dinner go to school/work gethome get up listen to music watch television go shopping in the morning/afternoon/evening usually/sometimesinever stayathome go out Everyday English Days of the week 7 Write the days ofthe week. Lodmyna = Monday ryfadi ee dyetasu = tyushdra 3 4 5 dusayn 6 dwyseeadn = 7 adtyrsua = 18 Write the days of the week in the correct order. Sunday in/on/at 19 Complete the sentences. Use in, om, oF at, 1 Iplay tennis on Saturday morning, 2 Tusually have lunch __ one o'clock. 3 Inever getup late Sunday morning. 4 What do you do 5 We sometimes listen to the radio the weekend? the evening 6 Wednesday I sometimes go swimming. 7 ___ the morning he works at home. 8 ‘What time do you leave work?” * Give thinty? 9 They usually stay athome __ the afternoon. Unit 6 + Every day 37 Object pronouns « this/that * Question words J why and because + Adjectives * Can/...? Object pronouns this/that 1 Complete the chart. 4 Write questions and answers. Subject Object pronouns | — pronouns 1 me. he z she it | they =| 1A What's that? 2A What's this? aA B itsanat. B tteabanana. B 2 Choose the correct words. Do you lite GiB) he? Thisis phot of she her = You nee isten tome! my! I ‘Mr Jones teaches us/ we English. She likes you / your very much Ee 3 Complete the sentences. Use object pronouns. aa see 1 don't watch TV in the afternoon. watch it in the evening, B 2 ‘Do you like hamburgers?” ‘No, 1 hate r 3. ‘Do you love Pete?" ‘No, but I like very much. 4, Idon't have lunch at home. I have at the office 3. My grandparents live near our house. They always visit at the weekend. 6 ‘Isthata photo of PY, 7A eA 9 it is. 'm with my husband, David? 38° Unit 7 + Places | like 5. Write sentences. 1 Thisisa phone. That's ahamburger. Question words 6 Match 2 question word in A with an answer in B. 5 Wiel a [3 How..? >| p tn Teanisand osha 3 vnee.? | Ve caine [awe YA cree, 3 why) APE Asanwich and Coe @ Howold \ 2K be tm2s $ Wimvemal P9g Anineceloc nth string How mee AGE tn tae 9 Howmmany Lj Bees she do ave car 7 Write questions. Then choose an answer from B in exercise 6. 1 does /for lunch / have / what | Emily /7 What does Emily have for lunch? Answer: 6 2 that / how much / dictionary /is /? Answer 3 you/ dof what time f start work J? See eaeeeeeee star Answer! 4 Pierre / to work / how / does / go /? ae Answers 5 play do / how many / you / sports /? ae Answer: 6 to school / walk / Sandra / does / why /? a E Answer: 7 does /live | where / Maria /? Answer 8 favourite pop star / your / who / is /? : Answer 9 old how/ you /are/? Answer: 8 Answer the questions. Write true answers about you. 1 Where do you usually go on holiday? ‘What music do you listen tot 3. Who do you like on TV? 4 Why do you want to learn English? 3. How many brothers and sisters do you have? Unit 7 + Places like 39 why and because 9 Match the questions and answers. Questions 1 Why do you go to the beach every day? 2 Why don’t you drink beer? 3 Why do you always have pizza for lunch? 4 Why do you get up at ten o'clock? 5 Why do you live in the country? Answers a Because I don't like the city! Because I don't start work until eleven o'lock. © Because I like Italian food. 4. Because I love swimming Because I don't like i Listening An interview with Dan Brat 40 Listen to the interview with Dan Brat Choose the correct answers. Dan has our / ad) houses 2. Dan’s favourite house isin Hollywood | Hawaii 3. Dan is/ isn’t married, 4. Billy-Jo is wife number five wife number nine 5 Dan and Billy-Jo always / never work together. 6 Dan likes doesn't like her movies. Dan has six/ seven / eight children Unit 7 + Places I lke Vocabulary Adjectives 1 Match the words and pictures. big cheap cold expensive horrible hot lovely new old small 1 cold 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 Catherine 12 Writes sentences about the pictures in exercise 11 1 Pablo's coffee is cold. 1B Write one word in each sentence. Choose a or ‘an where necessary. big expensive. friendly horrible lovely new old small cheap like expensive cars. 2 Thavea/an_ computer 3 Tliveina/an _ house/lat 4 Thavea/an dictionary. 5 Thavea/an 3; 6 Tam ! Translation 14 Write the sentences in your language. How much money do you have? “Why don't you like him?” “Because he's horrible!” “What's ‘Ws computer? This is a camera It’s a beautiful old building. Unit 7 + Places Ithke 41 Reading A postcard from San Francisco WS. Read the postcard. Correct the sentences. Dear Eva, Lm im San Francisco. Lm on holiday with my Friend Mark. ‘San Prancisco is a beautiful city, but the buildings aren't 1d. The people are ve oe Pry os fe Foods if Eva Eysmond ie land very cheap'). feralcles erie, swith Stvect of the ci See modern ct it ise semfortiie, London SW3 4EP “he weather is very bot, We 32 to the beach every day. I love é ‘snienerirg ‘n the Pacitie Ocean! England See you Soon, oe Tom 1 Tomis in San Diego. Tom s in San Francisco, 2. The buildings in San Francisco are very old 5 The hotel is very old. 6 The hotel is cheap and comfortable, 3. The food is horrible. ‘The weather is cold, 4. The food is expensive. 8. They go shopping every day. 42. Unit7 + Places | like Everyday Englis| Cant 6 Listen. Match v Put the sentences in the correct place in the ‘conversations. C Thave a pizza, please? the conversations and photos. . How much is it? Comersttin | 1 [2 [3] 4] 5 Homme | cant ; ice | £230 | gael seat ; a Can I have a ticket to London, please? Can I send an email, please? Here's your ticket and £5 change Can Thelp you? a 1 A Can tryon this jacket, please? B Of course. The changing rooms are just here. 2A B Sure, Single or return? A Single, please. B That's £15, please. A There you are B Thank you. £20. OK. PC Number 15. pa minute. Pay at the end, please. Good afternoon. Of course. £50. A B A B A z B Yes, can I change this traveller's cheque, please? A B A B There you are A How much is it? B A Thank you. B £5, Here's £2.70 change, Unit 7 + Places like 43 Rooms and furniture * There is/are Prepositions * Directions Rooms and furniture 1 GERD What are the rooms? 2 Look at the picture. Write the names of the rooms. 1 ivilgn moro 4 igndin omor ‘A. bedroom D living room pee in e 2 thramboo 5 kenchit a 7 i 3 loitte 6 dreobom oo oS OH 4 Unit 8 + Where | live 3 Match the words to the numbers in the picture in exercise 2. armchair bed CD player cooker lamp magazine picture shower sofa table TV video recorder | There is/are 4 Look at the picture, Make six sentences with There is) There's...and There ar 1 There are two armcalrs inthe living room, 2 There’sacat nthe kitchen. 5 Look at the picture. Then write short answers. 1 Isthezea TV in the dining rors? No, there isnt 2 Are there any books in the living room? Yes, there are. 3. Istherea table in the kitchen? 4 Ate there any chairs in the bathroom? Is there a sofa in the living room? 6 Are there any books in the dining room? 7. Is there a magazine in the toilet? 8 Are there any armchairs in the living room? 6 Look atthe picture. Then write questions and answers. 1 TV/ bedroom /? ‘A lethere a TVin the bedroom 7 B Yes, there is, 2 chairs / kitchen /2 A. Are there any chairs inthe kitchen? B No,therearen't 3, magazine fiving room /? A B 4 pictures / dining room J? 5 picture / toilet /? A 6 TV/bathroom /? ieee B - 7 CDs/ bedroom? AL — B 8 table /dining room /? a B 7 Match a question in A with an answer in B. A B 1 Is Manolo in the a Yes,thereare, living room? ae 2 Is there a table in b No, he isn't the bathroom? | © Yes, they are 3 Is this your book? 4 Is Corrine from Britain? | d No, there isn't. 5 Are there any magazines |e Yes,itis. on the table? 6 Are Kimand Frances | | No,she isn’t married? | ees pete Unit 8 + Where live 45 8 Answer the questions. Write true answers about you. 1 How many rooms are there in your house or lat? 2 Isthere a CD player? 3 Isthere'a TV in your bedroom? 4 Istherea shower in the bathroom? 5 Aredl Pronunciation ir 9 Where is the stress? Put the words intothe | @+ = correct columns. | kitchen afternoon armchair because computer delicious dictionary expensive fantastic holiday horrible Japan kitchen languages | lovely magazine never Portuguese until | 1es in the toilet? Prepositions 10 Label the pictures. Use in, on, under, and next to 1 under 2 3 c TI Complete the sentences. Use in, on, under, or next to, Sey Ite VE te 1 The TV is next to the armchair. 2 The keys are thefloor. 3 The mobile phone is the drawer. ATTY ai ji<~.,

| ES |A[O | vc W Listen and look at the map on p49, Follow the directions. Where are you? Start from the Chinese restaurant, You are at the theatre Start from the theatre, You are at the > Start from the chemist. You are at the Start from the railway station, You are at the Start from the Internet café You are at the Einemne Post Office \gE 2 Newsagent if et VICTORIA STREET TREET E \v=T a 7a — Ag a R: Stati Theatre ti 18 Complete the conversations. Write directions. 3. Start from the post office 1 Start from the chemist A Excuse me, [s there a bank near here? A Excuse me. Is there a bank near here? B B Yee, go down Station Road. Go past King’s Road ‘and Oxford Road, Turn let into Queen Street. The bank i onthe right 2. Start from the theatre. A Excuse me. Is there a supermarket near here? 4 Start from the rai ay station. B A Excuse me. Is B Unit 8 + Where live 49 Saying years » was/were born Past Simple ~ irregular verbs » When's your birthday? Saying years 1 Write the years. 1 1980 nineteen eighty 4 1848 Soe 7 1815 2 2000 5 2002 8 2020 394 ai HU y aeacuacaaaacaEe 9 445 2 Listen. Write the years. 1 2005 3 5 7 2 4 6 i esienaeeat was/were born 3 Look at the family. Listen to Francesca and write the years. Alberto Maria 1930 oe FS Posa Alessandro Francesca Arianna Donatella 50 Unit 9 + Happy birthday! 4 Write questions and answers. 1 Maria ‘A When was Maria born? B Shewas born n 1930, Alessandro A B 3 Arianna and Donatella A B 4 Antonella and Rosa 6 Marco A B Sofia and Luigi A B 8 Francesca A B 9. Alberto and Maria A B 5. Write five sentences about people in your family. 1 My mother was born in 2 Writing Famous people 6 Look at the information about William Shakespeare and complete the text Williom Shakespeare writer e Stratford England 1564 ‘Anne Hathaway Susannah (1582), Hornet and Judith (1585) © Wiliam Shotespeare was (1) tr, He in Stratford, England, in (3) His wife's name (4) Anne and his children’s names (5) Susannah , Hamnet, and Judith, ‘Susannah (6) in 1582, ond Hamnet and Judith (7) in 1585. T Lookat the information about Mozart and write a text. EE, SE Wolfgong Amadeus Mozort Salzburg Austria 1756 Constanze Cor (1784) Fronz (1791) Unit 9 + Happy birthday! 51 52 8 Write questions and answers about Amy Johnson, ‘Amy Johnson pilot Hull, England 1903 Jim Mollison — The first woman to fly from England to Australia 1 anactor? A. Was Amy Johnson an actor? B No, che wasn't. She was a pilot 2 English? A B 3 born in Liverpool? A B 4 born in 19132 A B 5 husband's name fim Mollison? A B Unit 9 * Happy birthday! 10 Write negative and positi fe sentences, | Mozart: German X Austrian 7 Mozart wasn't German. He was Austrian, Charles Dickens: musician % writer 7 3. Agatha Christi: from Scotland X from England 7 4 Bill Clinton: President of Canada President of the USA 5. Marie Curie: French ¥ Polish 7 6 Laurel and Hardy: Australian American 7 Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman: singers X actors 7 Complete the sentences. Use was, were, wasn't, and weren't. 1 [was in London yesterday. ar she at home yesterday afternoon?” “No, she 3 They born in Italy. They born in Spain. They're Spanish, 4 ‘Where you born? 1 born in France? 5 you at the office yesterday?” "No, we 6° the born in 1985?" ‘No, he born in 1985. He born in 1975? Past Simple - irregular verbs w ‘Complete the irregular forms. Use a, e, i, 0, and u. L amis was Sway = «__d 2ae ower 6 sce sw 3 buy ob ght 7 take ot _k 4 0 wont 12 Complete the text. Use the irregular verbs in the box. bought said saw saw look was went went were Ni rones sam sith. V7 Ima writer and I work at home. There's a computer in my office, but it's very old So, yesterday morning I (1) went to London to buy a new computer. allot of ‘computers in shops in Oxford Street, but they (3) very expensive. hen T (4) small shop near Hyde. ark, The computers rere were very cheap (6) ____a computer for £499, The shop assistant SS aa ey |] But yesterday evening r(8) the same ‘computer on television. It (9) £299! Twas very upset! computer home Unit 9 - Happy birthday! 53 Translation 1B. Write the sentences in your language. 1 When were you born? 2. Michelangelo was a painter. 3. They weren't at home yesterday. I went shopping yesterday afternoon, 5 [bought a new CD player. 10 n 1 3 4 5 6 ybrfreau 7 i 9 Everyday English When's your birthday? 15 Write the months. rayujan January lujy laipr demebere reoboet E bemepestr nuej tuuasg ahmer erbneomy Vocabulary 4 Write the words in the correct columns. armchair daughter watch big wine bed bank dining room horrible husband | jeeerexe- Kitchen table listen nurse old parents play post office railway station Sunday tea __teacher Thursday bathroom Wednesday businessman [Food drink | Jobs Rooms ice-cream Places: Days of the week Furniture Verbs 54 Unit 9 » Happy birthday! 12 yam 16 Write the months in the correct order. January v Match the numbers and words. floth) (eighth 18 Listen, Write the dates. 19 Write six true sentences about your family and your friends’ birthdays. 1 January Sra 1 Mymother' birthday ison June Sth, aoe 2 gag 3 - 3 z 4 4 B 5 — 6 6 eae 7 z cia 8 9 22 0 : ; Wn Py 2 : 4 @ 8 Unit 9 + Happy birthday! 55 Past Simple Regular verbs Write the past tense forms. 1 play pleved 2 cook 3 stay 4 work 5 listen 6 watch Pronunciation 2 GHD Pur the verbs from exercise 1 into the 3 correct columns, A or B. A lu Complete the sentences. Use the verbs from exercise 1 1 Kate and David stayed at home yesterday evening, 21 to the radio yesterday afternoon, 3 We television from five o'clock until nine o'clock. 4 Madeleine a delicious meal for us yesterday evening, 5 Pam ather computer yesterday morning, 6 Ben football on Saturday. Unit 10 - We had a good time! Past Simple ~ regular and irregular verbs + Questions and negatives + Sports and leisure + Filling in forms Irregular verbs 4 Find the past tense forms of these verbs: buy, eat, get up, go, have, see. lAl> ey tT a . | ay A a = \p/| Use the verbs from exercise 4 5 Complete the text. Naomi (1) got up at eight o'clock yesterday morning and 2) 1 shower. At ten o'clock she (3) for a walk. She (4) a magazine and a sandwich at the newsagent. The weather was lovely, so the sandwich in the park. In the afternoon she (6) her friends, Cathy and Vieky. Listening Mike's day 6 Listen to Mike. Put the pictures in the correct order. Unit 10 + We hada good time! 57 Writing Last Saturday 8 Write about what you did last Saturday. Questions and negatives 9 GD Write quest »ns and answers about Emilio, a | A Did Emilia go shopping vesterday? esterday | goshopping -~ doalotofhomework ¥ | B Yes,he dd. | scehis friends X watch television 7 2 A Didhe see his friends ? play football X go to work X | buya newspaper listen tothe radiow” ies eee - 3A eae aA B eo 5A B ete oA eon B 7A ‘ B aA B . 5B. Unit 10 - We had a good time! 10 Write questions. 12 Write negative sentences. 1 do/ you/ yesterday morning / did / 1 She went to a party yesterday evening, what /? ‘She dlan’t goto a party yesterday evening. What did woe do yatarday maralno?, 2. We saw our friends yesterday. 2 last weekend / who f you / did /see /? - 3. They got up late yesterday morning, 3. did f get home f what time / 4 Tou giyed tense yesterday evening / you /? Pee ‘ 5 hada big breakfast. 4 homework / you / last week / did / howinuch/ de/? 6. Hedid a lot of housework at the weekend. 7 We watched a film on TV yesterday evening, 5 this morning / what / you / have / did / ~ for breakfast |? 8 Last week I stayed ina hotel in Paris. 6 where / you / did / yesterday / lunch / Translation have /? B Write the sentences in your language. 1. She watched television yesterday evening. Tl Answer the questions in exercise 10. 2. Twent to London yesterday. ae Write about you. . 3. They didn’t see their friends 2 4. ‘Did you get up late?” “Yes, I did’ : —- 5. What did you do yesterday morning? ee z e 5 = 6 Unit 10 + We had good time! 59 Vocabulary Sports and leisure 4 Match the words and pictures. Then write go or play. [ ascball ca iee-hockey Js dancing football ice-skating sailing tennis walking windsurfing golf skiing 60 Unit 10 - We had a good time! Reading Neds holiday 1S. Read the text. Correct the sentences 1 Last summer Ned and Hannah went to Spain, They dnt goto Span, They went fo aly 2 ‘They had a terrible time 3 They stayed in a hotel 4. Every morning they got up at eleven o'clock “WF ast summer my wife, Hannah, and I “went on holiday to Italy: We had a d really good time. We stayed in a house with our friends, Graham and Rachel. Every morning we got up at nine o'clock and cooked breakfast. Then we went swimming. ‘The weather was lovely ~ hot and sunny. We usually had lunch in a café near the beach, Hannah and Rachel usually played tennis in the afternoon, but Graham and I went windsurfing or played golf. < In the evening we cooked a big meal in the house and then went dancing. We got home very late and then usually played cards. We never went to bed early! Everyday English Filling in forms 16 HDB Listen to the conversation in the sports centre. Fill in the form. 5. The weather was horrible. 6 Hannah and Rachel played golf in the afternoon, In the evening they had a meal in a restaurant. 8 After dinner they went swimming, Sports Gentre APPLICATION FORM Mr Ms Miss Ms (pasate) What sports are you interested in? wpeasecice) swimming squash fitness training basketball athletics tennis SSS Unit 10 + We had a good time! 61 Activities « can/can’t + Requests and offers What's the problem? Activities 1 GHIBD Match the words and pictures. play the piano run speak Fre useacomputer draw ride horse 6 Unit 1 + We can do it! can/can't 2 Write about you. Write three sentences with can and three sentences with can’t, Use the activities in exercise 1 1 Lean draw. 2 lean'tmake a cake. 3 3 Write sentences. Bill ‘Amanda | jill and Sam read music v x v use a computer v x v ride a horse x v x Bill read music Billcan read music. 2 Amanda /use a computer Amanda cant use 3 Bill use a computer 4 Bill ride a horse 5 Amanda / read music 6 Amanda /ridea horse 7 Jilland Sam j read music 8 Jilland Sam / use a computer 9 Jill and Sam / ride a horse 4 ‘Write questions and answers. 1 Amanda / read music? ‘A. Can Amanda read music? B No, she can't, Bill / use a computer? ‘A Can illuse a computer? B Yes,he-can 3. Bill / read music? A B 4 Bill ride a horse? A B 5. Amanda / use a computer? A B 6 Amanda / ride a horse? A B 7 Jilland Sam / read music? A B 8 filland Sam / use a computer? A B 9 fill and Sam / ride a horse? A B 5 Answer the questions about you. 1 Can you drive? Can you read music? 3 Can you swim? 4 Can you ski? 5 Can you cook? 6 Can you understand Japanese? Unit + We can do it! 63 Listening an I be in your pop group? 6 GHIBD Lisa wants to be in the pop group, Raincloud. Listen to the interview and choose the correct answers. 1 Lisa (hias)/ doesn't have all Raineloud's CDs. 2 Lisa cau / can’t play the guitar, 3. Lisa eau / can't play the piano. 4 Lisa camr/ can't read music very well. 5 Last year Raincloud were on tour in France f Ireland, 6 Lisa can / can’t drive. Lisa can can’t sp 8 Lisa cas / can’t under 9 Lisa cam/ can’t speak German very well, Pronunciation Listen and repeat Kon! nw ‘ka:nt/ Yestean | Tearrt swim Can you swim? a Listen to the sentences. Tick the pronunciation (of can/can'tin each sentence. 64 Unit Tl + We cando it! Requests and offers 9 Write one question with Can ... in each picture. Use the words in the box. [-come-tomy party have a pizza, please help you | speak more slowly, please _tell me the time, please Canyoucome to seyparty? 1 10 Now write the answers to the questions in exercise 9. T’'m sorry. Can you understand now? Ies about ten forty-five. When isit? Yes, I want to buy this newspaper. Yes, of course. Small, medium, or large? Translation Tl Write the sentences in your language. can play the piano. Ben can't speak French, 3 ‘Can you coole? “Yes, lean! 4 Can you speak more slowly, plese? 5. Can Ihave a coffe, please? 6 Can help you? Vocabulary Odd one out ‘12 Which word is different? re 2 December autumn summer _—_ spring 3 swimming windsurfing football sailing 4 March September. Tuesday May 5 weekend morning afternoon evening 6 Ustened bought cooked stayed 7 living room dining room kitchen garden Unit T+ We candoitl 65 ' Everyday English What's the problem? 1B Complete the conversations, Match the sentences and the pictures. A don't understand this word. sy-¥m really sorry- B Checkiit in your dictionary. A Pmlost. Can youl B Where do you mputer doesn’t work. push this button? 66 Unit + We can do it! want and would like + Ina restaurant ‘ST Food and drink * Going shopping want and would like 2 Write sentences 1 acup of tea eee Uke a cup ote, please 1. Write sentences from the box. [ Va like a stamp. ] | ini es be ets ga | 2 change some traveler's cheques | Ta ike to buy her new CD. | Udlike to change some traveler's cheques, please | Httikete: havee-big party — | 3. aglass of water | Ve like to see the new Stephen Spielberg im. | 1 like to use your dictionary | 4. play chess 5 listen toa CD It’s my birthday next week (ke to havea bia party. 6 astamp I don't understand this word, 7 acup of coffee 8 buya computer 3 GHD Write questions. 1 a sandwich? ‘Would you like a sandwich? 2 come to my party? Would you ike to come tomy party? 3 watch a video? 4. a glass of orange juice? I want to go to the cinema tonight. 5 some cake? 6 go skiing? 7 apizeat 8 playa computer game? Unit 12 + Thank you very much! 67 Ina restaurant Food and drink 4 Complete the words. Use a, ej, o,and u, fe x Lcheese What would you like to eat? 5 Number the lines in the correct order. Waiter And what would you like for your main course? Yes, of course. Thank you. T) Are you ready to order? Certainly. glass of white wine 7 The fish, Very good. And what would you like to drink? Martha Can I havea glass of white wine, please? And P' like bottle of mineral water too. Can Ihave the fish, please? Yes, er, like the soup to stat, please 68 Unit 12 - Thank you very much! 6 GHEBY Listen to the conversation. Look at the menu and tick ¥ the things Simon orders. prsteetieterd irae rr E aT amare me eam : » To start Meat To drink % seafood cocktail 1 steak and fries Dred wine Qa tomato soup roast chicken and salad — [_) white wine Oo beer > Burgers Side orders ordhae juice (hamburger, salad, and fries [_] fries Os mineral water ag > cheeseburger, salad, and fries [_| mixed salad OC coffee oO S Sandwiches Desserts it a {ham DO ice-cream O > chicken (chocolate cake ga © cheese C1 apple pie and cream (i) : fruit salad o Jenna can canwe Roane Roan oan wan vanw an oancance 7 Put the words in the correct order. Then use them to 8 complete the conversation. cooked /like J would / How / you /it/? main course / your / for / And /? to/ yous Ate/ order ready #2 glass /a/ of / white /like / wine / Pd like / what / you /to start / would J? 1/ roast /have / chicken / the / Can Waiter (1)Are youready to order? Jane Yes, we are. Mike, (2) Mike I'd like the seafood cocktail, please. Jane And can I have tomato soup? Waiter Certainly. (3) Mike I like a steak, please. Waiter (4)_ Mike Medium Waiter Certainly. And for yout Jane (5) _ iat __, please? Waiter And what would you like to drink? Jame (6) » please, Waiter Very good. And for you? Mike Can I have a glass of mineral water, please? Waiter Thank you. Write a conversation in a restaurant. Use the menu in exercise 6, Waiter Unit 12 + Thank you very much! 69 Pronunciation 9 Which sound is different? Lit (like ive him 2 thank family day and 3 new when bed went 4 drive ride sister 5 usually my family February 6 post go shop _slowly lunch much usually but Translation 10 Write the sentences in your language. 1 Td like a cup of coffee, please. Td like to buy a dictionary. 3. ‘Would you like a glass of wine?” ‘ies, please’ 4 [want to send an email 5. What would you like to do this evening? 70 Unit 12 « Thank you very much! Reading You are what you eat Tl Read the four texts. Answer the questions, Write the CREO ie) fish, Vegetables, and era cl --3 Pek emo MgC) Pasir Hello, I'm Helga. I'm German. | never eat meat or fish -I'm vegetarian. | only eat vegetables and fruit. | sometimes go out for a meal with friends. There are a lot of good vegetarian restaurants in Berlin. # 1 Who loves cooking? sake 2. Who goes to a bar in the evening with friends? 3. Who doesn't eat meat? 4. Who loves junk food? Hi, I'm Mitsuo. I'm a businessman and | live in Tokyo. | usually finish work at seven o'clock in the evening. Then | go out with my friends to a bar near the office. We usually have chicken or fish and we drink beer or ‘sake’ - Japanese wine. SG) Gre Var always have a burger and friés for lunch and a bottle of Coke. eta: a) mum cooks @ big fe eee vegetables. But | only Cau a Who sometimes goes out for a ‘meal with friends? Who eats lots of vegetables, fruit, and fish? Who only eats meat for dinner? Who drinks beer? Everyday English Going shopping 2 Listen to the six conversations. Where are the B people? Tick V the places. ReprPy) Inthestreet | In acothes shop | 7 | ‘At the market | | ina newsagent Complete the conversations. Use the words in the box. Doyousell inasize44 No, thanks that’sall The changing rooms try on two kilos of -Whereean-Hbuy- Next to 1 A. Excuse me. Where can Lbuy a phone card? B_Inanewsagent. A. Istherea newsagent near here? B_Yes,a hundred metres from here. the church, 2 A CanIhelp you? B ____.1'm just looking. 3. A. Excuse me. Do you have this jumper B_No\I'm sorry ."That’s all we have. 4A Téliketo this T-shirt, please. B_ Sure, What size are you? ‘A. Lthink I'ma thirty-eight. B Fine. are over there. 5 A. Yes, madam. What would you like? B 'dlike _ _______ apples, please A. Anything else? BN s thanks, How rmuch is that? 6 A. Excuse me, _ pens? B_ No\I'm sorry. I don't A Where can [buy them? B Try the newsagent, Unit 12 + Thank you very much! 71 Colours * Present Continuous + Present Simple and Present Continuous * Clothes * What's the matter? Colours Present Continuous 1 GED Write the colours. 2 Write the -ing forms. black blue bro wash washing sr) whe ow | 2 ims ee 3 drive driving a 4 study e Srun 6 make 7 sit 8 watch 9 phone 10 eat 3 Write sentences. 1 He read /a magazine He's reading a magazin. 1) learn / English 3 We/ sit /in the living room 4 She / tak / to her sister 5 They enjoy the fin 1 lo 6 He/ dance : ms 6 8 72 Unit 3 + Here and now 4 Write negative and positive sentences. 1 We usualy play football in the evening, but today 2 ‘They usually drink wine with their dinner. But today wearen't paying football. Were playing tennis. wine 3 He usually sis next to Marco in class. But today 4 Lusually have lunch in the office. But today next to Marco, lunch in the office. next to Maria, anc in a at, 5. She usually walks to school. But this morning 6 You usually wear a jacket to work. But today to school jacket. to school, a T-shirt and jeans! Unit B+ Here and now 73 4 5 GERD Look at the picture. Write questions and answers. B Yes, shes 2 Paul and Pascal play tennis? ‘A. bre Paul and Paceal playing tennie?_ 1B No.they arent. They're playing football, 3 Elena / read a book? A ieee 4 Pascal and Paul / wear T-shirts? A B 5 Roberto /sit/on the beach? A B 6 Roberto and Elena / swim? A B 7. Elena / drink / Coca-Cola? B 8 Roberto f read a magazine? leh B « Netadaae Present Simple and Present Continuous 6 Complete the sentences. Use am, is, are, do, and docs. 1 ‘Do you like pizza?’ 2 ‘What you doing?’ ‘I__ reading? 3 ‘__ she drive to work?” ‘No, she walks? 4‘Where 1 do.” __ you live?" ‘In London? 5 Look! He wearing yellow trousers! 6° hele skiing?’ ‘Yes, he 7 Complete the sentences, Use ’m1 not, isn't, aren't, don’t, and doesn't. George doesnt like vegetables. This film is terrible! We 1 2 enjoying it 3 ‘Is Luke cooking dinner?" ‘No, he 4 They go out in the evening, They always stay at home. 1 ____ going to work today because it’s Sunday. 6 She has.adog, but she ___have a cat. Translation 8 Write the sentences in your language. 1 He's learning English. 2 You aren't listening to me! 3. What are you wearing today? 4 What do you wear at weekends? 5 They usually work in the evening, but this evening they're watching TV. Rea ding Summer in Portugal Dear card, ele having a great tine in 9 Read the postcard and answer the Abafeira, We're. sitting in a cate ‘oatlons near the beach. Pauls reading the 1 Where are Lisa and Paul? newspaper and I'm artting this : postcard 40 you! Tne. Sun's Shining They're in Albufeira. and i#°S realy hot. 2. What’ Paul doing? tie come 4o Portage every summer. Carol Miler ie asuaty cay with muy Sriends Ana Z o h 24 Clinton Road: 3. What’ the weather liket and 26, bk Anis par ater in ott because. Ana's parents are staying Edinburg GH 2AW sith then 4 Where do they usualy stay? The beaches here are Lantastic. Scotland lie go Swinning every morning. Did ou enjou your holiday in America? See you 820m. Love, What do Lisa and Paul do every ‘isa and Past morning? Where are they staying this year? Vocabulary 0 Listen and look at the pictures. Who is it? Weite the letters. Clothes La a eeu 10 What are the clothes? 2 eee 6 8 1 u 2 toosb boots strouesr tsshor taoe intraers umpjer sdres riskt sanldsa hirts oeshs jacteh 7 i if Unit B - Here andnow 75 1. Lookat the pictures. Describe Mikeand Everyday English Carol's clothes. What's the matter? 14 GHEE Match the words and pictures. ae hhot hungry bored thirsty tired 1 What are you wearing? What colours are 18 Match alline in A with a line in B. your clothes? A B 1 Pmbungry. ~) a Why don't you havea drink? 2 Tmthirsty. ] b Why don't you put on your coat? 3: I'mhot © Why don't you sit down and relax? 4 Tmcold. d Why don't you have a sandwich? 5 Imbored. ~[ e Why don't you go to the cinema? 6 T'mtired. £ Why don't you go for a swim? 76 Unit 13 - Here and now ¥ A L \ i } Present Continuous for future : Transport and travel * Going sightseeing Present Continuous for future 3, Write questions and answers about Joann’ plans or 1 Look at Charlie's diary for next week. Write sentences next Friday. about his plans. 2.00 pm meet Jim - 830m. tron to London 7100 pm go to the cinema with Jane meet Sophe at Paddington Station — = 100 pm. trom to Canbrdge +0 100 am see the dentist aes = 2.00 pm play football = 5.00 pm. go bock to Oxtord go to bed early p “Staak drive to Liverpoal Satur pm visit Uncle Joseph 1 where /go J Friday morning? 1 aba ate a anacie ‘A Where’s Joanna going on Fridey morning? i Bho’ going to London a 2 how/ travel? a A 5 B 2 6 3. who / mect? A z 2 Which sentences describe the present? Which Bb sentences describe the future? Write P or F. 4. where / meet / her? 1 'm going to the cinema tomorrow evening, F a 2. Look! He’s wearing a red and green shirt. P B 3 Whatare you doing tomorrow? 5 when / go/ to Cambridge? 4 Pm really enjoying this meal. The fish is ‘x delicious! B 5 Where are you going on Tuesday? 6 why /go/ to Cambridge? 6 ‘What's the weather like?’ “The sun’s shining, but x it’sa bit cold? i; 7 ‘Wheres Joe?” ‘He's watching TV in the living # wat do Eeitay evening A 8 Next weekend they're staying at home. ct they're staying at - Unit 14 + Its time to got 77 Listening Hannah’ diary 4 Look at Hannah’s diary for next week. Listen to the four phone conversations and complete her diary Conversation 1: with Pete Conversation 2: with Lisa Conversation 3: with Jack Conversation 4: with Tina pnts ee A, p00 pm. see the dentist SS ast RaRRTA Pronunciation 5 Listen and repeat. “What's your name?” ‘Mark. What’ your name?” “Where do you live?” “In Paris. Where do you live?” 6 Underline the stressed words in these conversations. Then listen and check. 1 “What's your job?” {Vm a doctor. What's your job? “What would you like?” “A coffe. What would you like? 3 ‘Where do you work? “In Rome, Where do you work?” 4 ‘Where are you from?” “Prague. Where are you from?” 78 Unit 14 = It’s time to go! Translation 7. Write the sentences in your language. 1 Tm going to Rome tomorrow. How long are you staying there? 3. What are you doing on Friday evening? 4 ‘Where's Ian?’ “He's playing football’ Vocabulary Transport and travel a 4 Label the ctor anid 1 motorbike 9 Complete the text. Use the words in the box. arrived -booked caught collected had packed went Last week we decided to goto Pars for the weekend. ‘We phoned the travel agent on Thursday and (1) booked the lights and hotel. Inthe evening we @ i) the tickets from the travel agent. We ‘our bags and on Friday morning I drove to the airport on Friday evening and “ the plane at 7.30, We (5) at the hotel at 9.30, On Saturday and Sunday we © sightseeing in Paris and we came back on ‘Sunday evening. We (7) a great time! Reading and listening The Smiths 10 ‘Read and listen to the text. Put the pictures in the correct order. Where’s our car!? Last Saturday John and Vanessa Smith visited Amsterdam. They went by car. They left their car in a street near a canal. Then they ‘went sightseeing, At four o'dock they decided to go back to their car But where was it? They forgot the name of the street! They looked for the car for four hours and then went tothe police. Mr and Mrs Smith stayed in Amsterdam for five ‘We can't find our can’ days, but they didn’t find said Me Smith to the police their car. On Wednesday offices they caught the plane back ‘The Smiths “Where did you leave it?” 10 London, A week later asked the officer, the police in Amsterdam “Er ... near a canal, I phoned the Smiths. think,” said Mr Smith. We found your car ‘But there are lots of today,’ the officer said. canals in Amsterdam, Mr ‘Would you like to collect Smith .." i? TI Answer the questions about the text. How did the Smiths travel to Amsterdam? They went by car. ‘Where did they leave their car? How long did they stay in Amsterdam? Did they find their car? How did they get back to London? When did the police find their car? ‘Acanal in Amsterdam Unit 14 + tes time to gol 79 Everyday English ° Going sightseeing 12 Match a ine in A with a line in B. ans 1 Td like a map of the tows, please. ~\ 2 Where does the bus || b From ten thirty to six go from? |] every day 3 When is the church| | c¢ £4 for adults and £2 a Itgoes from the bus, station in George Street. open? for children 4 How much isit to d Here you are. | rs get in? E Open from i to every doy 13. GHEBD Listen and complete the posters. Adults. Children y }, Open from mt Adults Children 80 Unit 14 = It'stime to go! Workbook key 2 2 Very well thanks. 3 Thisis James, 4: Whats your name? 5 My name's Raquel 3ac3a ab 41 Pierre Dupont Hello. My name's Piesee Dupont. What's your name? Alicia Gonzalez Alicia. Alicia Gonasler 2 Pierre Hello, Alicia, How are you? Alicia. Fine/OK thanks. And you? this is Aya Saito Aya, thi is Pierre Dupont. Aya Pierre Hello, aya 10 Hello, Pere. 5 1 Klaus Fischer Hello. My name's Klaus Fischer. What's your name? Denise Minjon Denise. Denise Minjon, 2 Denise Hello, Klaus. How are you? Klaus Very well, thanks. And you? Denise Fine, thanks 3 Klaus Denise this is Paolo Silver. Paolo, ths is Denise Minjon. Paolo Silvetti Hello, Denise, Denise Hello, Paolo. 7 2 Wsahouse 3 Wsacar 4 Ie’sa hamburger, 5 Wsa book. 6 Iesa sandwich. 7 Wsacamera B lesa television. 9 Ws a bag. 10 lesa computer. F aseven Sten 4 six 5 one 6 five 7 two 8 three 9 four 10 nine, nine, nine W2s 39 41 52 68 76 84.97 100 Was 31 49 57 710 82 Tas 3s 4s Sea 6s 7s Bs 9s 10s 65 TB2 ninebooks 3 tenbags 4 one computer 5 twa televisions 6 three hhouses 7 six photographs 8 seven sondwiches 9 eight hamburgers 10 four cameras Unit 2 1 2 TheUnitedStates 3 Japan 4 France 5 Spain 6 Australi Titly & England 22 France 3 Spain 4 tly 5 The United States 6 Japan Australia 8 Bras 3 A France B England C Japan D Italy E Australia 4-2 Where’ Boston? Its in the United States 3 Where's Oxford? Tes in England. 4 Where's Milane Wes in tly, 5 Where's Paris? Ie in France 6 Where's Rio de Janeiro? Wes in Broil 7 Where’ Sydney? Is in Australi, 8 Where's Tokyo? sin Japan, 5 2 Scotland 3 Wales 4 England 6 2 whats hername? Her name's Amy Wheres she from? She's from the Unzed States. Whar’ is name? His name's Luis ‘Where's he from? He's from Brazil 4 Whar’ hername? Her name's Junko Where's she oon! She's from Japan, Whats his name? His name’ Steven Where’ he from? He's from Austealia, 6 What's her name? Her name's Denise, Where's she from? She's from France Henri Hello. My name's Henti Whar’ your name? Isabel [sabe Henri Where ave you from, Isabel? | sabe Coimbra, in Portugal Where | ‘are you from? Henri I'm from Patis, | 2 Hlenst Hello, abel. How are you? | tsabel Fine thanks, And you? | eri Very wel hans abel hii | ‘Ana, She's from Portal [seta dna Hol abe. Whee yo font Isabel In rom Coimbra shin for Cai, tl 9 2 \taly 3 computer programmer 4 mated 3 France 6 teacher Tapan 9 doctor Workbook key 85 86 102 She’ from 3 her school 4 London 5 Andrew 6 Scotland B iteleven 12 10elve 13 thiteen M fourteen 15 fftoon 16 sixteen, IT seventeen 18-ighteen 19 nineteen 2orwenty 21 wwenty-one 22twenty-two 23 twenty-three 2a wwenty-four 25 twenty-five 26 1wenty- 28 wwenty-cight- 29 twenty-nine 30 thirty 27 twenty-seven 142 wenty-nine 3 twelve 4 ffcen 5 twenty 6 seventeen 7 eleven 8 tiny 9 twentyseven 10 twenty-one 152 twenty-eight 3 eighteen 4 thirteen 5 twenty-three 6 sixteen 7 twenty-four 8 nineteen 9 twenty-six 10 twenty-five W211 327 413 530 615 712 829 920 1018 Unit 3 1 2 businessman 3 doctor 4 nurse 5 police officer 6 shop assistant 7 student 8 teacher 2-3 What his job? He'sa taxi driver 4 What'sher job? ‘hos a teacher. 5 What's his job? He's businetsman, 6 What's her job? She's a doctor. 7 What’ his job? He's shop assistant 8 What'sher job? Sho'sa student He'sa police officer 4 She isn'ta taxi driver. She's shop assistant Workbook key 4 Country Address Phone number Age Job Married? 5.2 where's she from? 3 What’ her address? 4 Whats her phone number? 5 How olds shet 6 What’sher job? | 7 isshe marred? 6 2 Nosheisnt. 3 Yes,sheis. 4 No,she isn't, 5 Yes. she is, 6 No,sheisn't. 7 Yes,she is 8 Yes, she's, 7 Allanswers: Yes, am./'No, 8 2 Whereare you from? 3 What's your address? 44 What's your phone number? 5 How old are your 6 Whats your job? 7 Are you married? TA car fine, nurse B doctor, student, number, sandwich C hosptil officer, Portugal, hamburger Bage 18 Job Shop assistant Martie? No Country Scotland Adres 43 King treet Phone number 417 8924 142 No,sheisn't. 3 Yes, shes 4 No,sheisn't. 5 Yes, she's, | 6 Nosheisn't. 7 No,itisn't | 151 They're frm the United States. | 2 No, they aren. (Michaels fom Canada and Carlos from Cuba.) 3 They're in London, England 4 They re22, 5 Noheisn'. (He's 24.) 162 Good morning, 3 Good afternoon. 4 Good evening. § Good night 172 Good evening, 3 Good morning 4.Good afternoon. 5 Good morning. 6 Good evening, 7 Good afternoon. 182 Obythanks. 3 Pardon? 4 Sorey! 5 1 don’t know. Unit 4 lav 4X Edvard is Andrew's brother. sv 6 X tlinbeth is Andrew's mother, 1 av 9 X Anne is Pils davghiee. 2 2 porens 3 brother mother 5 wife 6 children 7 sister 8 father 9 daughter 10 husband 3 2 Thisis Sums comers aT 4 This is it’s bag 5 Thisis abies computer. |G Thivis Franks dictionary. 1 This is Aiko car 8 Thisis David's dog. 4oie Tis Sas 9K sis Prancesca’s house 4P SP bis BP 9P wP ss 6s 7% 10% your his her they their 3 their 6 his 72 yom 5 My 4 Her 7 Our 8 2 restaurant manager 3 Carol 4.2 S teacher 66 7 school 8 police officer | 9 obs: doctor nurse, businessman, teacher (Counties: Braz, japan Spain ‘Numbers: nineteen, twelve, sk, twenty-three Families father, wife, son, sister TI Ason, wife, France B daughter children, husband Brazil, hello family, manager, businessman Ba have 4 has 5 has T has 3 have 6 have 52 Nessz. 3 Her name's Catherine Zeta-Jones. 44 She’ from Wales. 5 They're actors 6 His name’ Dylan, 7 Hestwo. 8 Ie’son 25th September. Gsew fi fe) fal fous fu) text obd tae he Mm y q j dm w koe n gos a & 72 Brazil 3 family 4 husband 5 daughter 6 photograph 7 wife 82 And your name is? 3 How do you spell your surname? 4 Thank you. ['m sory He int in his office. What's your phone number? 5 Thank you for telephoning. Goodbye Jnit 5 Sports:2 swimming 3 skiing 4 tennis Food:5 Chinese food 6 hamburgers 7 ice-cream 8 Kalan food 9 pizza 10 oranges Drinks: 11 tea 12 beer 13 coffee 14 wine 15 Coca-Cola 3 NoIdon't. 4 Yes, Ido. 5 Yes, ldo. 6 No.Ldon'. 7 No,ldon't. 8 Yes,1do. 3 Yes they do 44 No, they don’t. They speak English and French, 5 No, they don’t They ive inthe ‘country, near Oviedo. 6 Yes, they da 7 Yes,they do. 8 No,they don't They like football and sing 6 2 Do you like Chinese food? 3 Where do you work? 4 Do you drink coffee? 15 What sports do you like? 66 How many languages do you speak? 8 2 Dothey haves dog? 3 Do they play football? 4 Do they like Coea-Colat 5 Do they lve near the entre of town? 6 Dothey drink beer? 7 Do they work ina bank? 9 ido 2islis 3 Are Sure 6 Doldo 7 lis 102 1%m 3 are 4 from 5 live 6 do. 7 from 8 Tim 9 but. 10 in 11 your 12 dont 13a 14 job 15 work 16 Do 4 do 8 do Wap 3p 45 58 6577 TBA French B English, Spanish Japanese, Portuguese D Brazilian, Iaian V42 English 3 French 4 Italian 5 Japanese 6 Spanish 7 German VGrowenty three 23 thirty-seven 37 sixty-four 64 seventy-nine 79 fory-cight 48 eighty-six 86 fify-one 81 ninety-two 92 fifty-five 55 Tip seventeen p £299 two pounds ninety-nine sap Sifty-cight p. sp fep £2647 twenty-six pounds forty-seven £15.55 fifteen pounds fifty-five 75p seventy-five p £649 six pounds forty-nine 43p forty three p £99 ninety-nine pounds £1.68 one pound sity-cight Sop sixty £5.72 five pounds seventy-two 53.81 three pounds eighty-one 9p ninety-cight p 182 59 3 £4999 4 84p 5 £2810 6 £6245 7 50p 8 £1923, 192 «87.50 3 E130 4 S65 5 £1.95 6 £9999 7 Bop 8 532.49 | Unit 6 1-2 Wecight fitcen, 3 Ie ten thin 4 eefourforty-ive. 5 I fv cr 6 Wesicthiy, 7 Ieseven een, 8 snineodock 21100 31030 4435 3 Lis 6.345 4-2 has 3 leaves ight shiny 4 goes 5 has 6 gets/sixolock 7 goss 2 Marta never anes to work by bs 3 Se unully has sandwich inher ofce 4 She usualy eaves work at 530, 5 ‘She never works inthe evening 6 She sometimes goes to a retarant in the evening. 2 Where does Angeles vet 3 Docs she have breaklst? 4 When does se go othe concert all '5 Where does she usally have inch? 6 What does she sometimes do inthe afternoon? 7 What time does she have dinner? 8 Does she us go ou inthe evening wth fiends? She lives ina flat in Manhattan. No, she doesnt. She goes to the concert hal at ine cdlock, 5 She usally has lunch at home. 66 She sometimes goes for a walk in (Central Park, and then istens to music 7 Atsixoldock. 8 Yes, she does. 2 docsntlive 3 docs’ have 4 doesnthave 5 doesn’t drink 6 doesn't listen 102 Shinji doesnt leave work at one forty-five. 5 Raoul doesn’ go to work by taxi 4 Ramiro dosn't eat toast for breakfast 5 ict doesn’t get home at four thirty. 66 Oliver doesn't speak French. 7 Lidia doesnt work in a bank 8 Raquel doesnt have theee children, Rosa 2 Does Rosa go to work by car? | No,she doesn 3 Does Rosa drink wine? Yes, she does. 4 Does Rosa speak English? Yes, she does Workbook key 87 Paolo 2 Does Paolo go to work by car? Yes he does 3 Does Paolo drink wine? No,he doce’ 4 Does Paolo speak English? No, he does 122 don't 3 Do/ don't 4 Do do 5 Does /does 6 doest't 7 docsat V4 see p93 152 Sheleaves work. 3 She goes to bed. 4 She gets up, 5 She as lunch, 6 Shehas dinner, 72 Friday 3 Tuesday 4 Thursday 5 Sunday 6 Wednesday 7 Saturday 18 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. 192 at 30n 4at 7In BAL Din Sin 6 On Unit 7, 1 you he she him her they. them 2 2 her 32 them 3 him 4 it 43 What’ thar? Is ahouse 4 What's thist Iesaglass, 5 What’ that? lesa computer, 6 What’ that? Isa tax 7 What’ thist lesan ice-cream, 8 What’ thist Isa camera 9 What's that? Iesataxi 3 them 4 me Sus 6 you Sus 6 you Weslbockiog 5.3 Thisis dictionary. 4 Thatsa sandwich, 5 Thatsa TV. 6 This ie pizza, 7 That'sabag. 62a sh 4c 5i 75 8d Ob of 7 2 How much is that dictionary? Answers d 3 What time do you start work Answer 4 How does Pierre goto work? Answer: '5 How many sports do you play? Answer: 6 Why does Sandra walk to school? Answersi 17 Where does Maria lve? Answers 8 Who is your favourite pop star? Answer: 9 How old are you? Answer: Dre 3c 4b Sa 102 Hawai 3 is 4 wife number five 5 never 6 likes 7 seven Ta hot 3 old 4 new 5 dig 6 small 7 expensive 8 cheap 9 horrible 10 lovely 12 2 Pilar'scoffeis hot 3 Alberto’ caris old 4 Sarab’scaris new, 5 Alain’ apple is big 6 dit’ apples small. 7 Maurice's computer is expensive '8 Yaris computer is cheap. 9 Keith's hamburger is horrible. 10 Catherine’ hamburger is lovey. 15.2 The buildings in San Francisco arent very od 3 The food is fatastc 4 The food is cheap. 5 The hotel is very moder, 6 The hotel is cheap bu it isnt comfortable | 7 The weather is very ho. | # They go to the beach every day Wr2c 3b 4d 5a 172 Can Lhave a ticket to London, please? ‘Here's your ticket and £5 change. 3 Can Isend an email, please? How much iit 4 Can Thelp you? How much i itt 5 Can Ihave a pizza, please? £230, Unit 8 1 2 bathtoom 5 toilet 4 dining room, 5 kitchen 6 bedroom 2A bedroom B toilet € bathroom D living room | ining room F ‘kitchen 3.2 magazine 3 lamp 4 picture 5 shower 6 TV 7 sofe 8 CD player 9 armchair 10 video recorder 11 table 12 cooker | 4 Sample answers 3 There's telephone in the living room, 4 There are four caisin the dining 5 There's TV inthe bedroom, 6 There are two pictures in the dining 7 Theresa magazine in the bedroom. 8 There are two lamps inthe bedroom, 5.3 No, there isn’. 4 No, there aren’. 5 Yes, there is 6 Noythere aren 7 No, there is’. 8 Yes there are. 6 3 Istherea magazine in the living room? No, there isn't. 4 Are there any pictures inthe bathroom? Yes, there are. 5 Is theeea picture in the tile? Yes, there is 6 Is there a TV in the bathroom? No, there isnt. 7 Are there any CDs in the bedroom? No, there aten'. 8 Is therea table inthe dining room? Yes, there i 72d de 4f 5a 6 9 Aarmchain lovely never B because, fapan, unt C dictionary, holiday horibl, languages Deomputer dsicious expensive, tate E afternoon, magazine, Portuguese 102 in M2on 3 in 4 under 6 on under T2 see p93 TB2 There are wo, 3 Yes, there is 44 They sit in the living room and watch television of listen to music. 5 On the walls inthe dining room, 6 No, it isnt Ws new. 7 They have lunch in the dining room. 8 Yes, theres. 9 Yes, they're very happy 16 See pos 172 City Hotel 5 newsagent 4 post office 5 church Bon 4 nexto 5 on/ neat 10 18 sample answers 2. Yes go down Pak Sret. Tur right into London Road, Go past the Internet (Café. The supermarket ison the right 2 Yeosgo dows Chueh Suet. Tarn right into Oxford Road, Then turn left at the Gity Hotel into Queen Steet. Thebank ison the lef. 4 Yes go down Station Road, past Patk street and Oxford Road. Turn right into King’s Road, Te ci the eft, next to the newsagent Unit 9 1.2 Two thousand 5 nineteen ninety-nine 4 cighteen forty-eight 5 two thousand and to 6 inetoon cightyseven 7 eighteen fifteen ' two thousand and wwenty 9 nimetcon forty-five 221976 31588 4194 5.2003 6 1750 7 1862 8 1995 3. Maria 1930 Roberto 1955 | Sofa 1957 Ligh 1957 Rosa 1959 Antonells 1959 Marco 1960 Alessandro 1978 Francesca 1980 Arianna 1985 Donatella 1985 4/2 When was Alessandeo born? He was born in 1978 3 When were Arianna and Donatella born? They were born in 1985, 4 When were Antonella and Rosa born? They were born in 1959, 5 When was Roberto born? He was born in 1955 (6 When was Marco born? He was born in 1960. 7 When were Sofa and Luigi born? ‘They were born in 1957. 15 When was Francesca born? She was born in 1980. 9 Whieu mere Albests and Mavis bo? ‘They were born in 1930. 6 2 wasborn 3 1561 4 wae 5 were 6 wasborn 7 were born T Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was musician. He was born in Salobur, Aste, in 1756 His wifes name was Constanze and his children's oames vere Carl and Franz. Car was bor in 1784 and Franz wasbornin 1791. | 8 2 Vas Amy Johnson English? Yes, she was, 3 Wis she born in Liverpool? Nove wast. She ws born in Hl 44 Wasshebomn in 19132 Noy she was, She was born in 1903, $ Washer husband's name Jim Molison? Yesitwas 9 2 Charles Dickens wast a musician He was a writer. 3 Agatha Christie wasnt from Scotland. she was from England. 4 Bill Clinton wasn't President of Canada. He was President of the USA. 5 Marie Curie wasn't French She was Polish 6 Laurel and Hardy weren't Austealian, They were American 7 Humphry Bogart and Ingrid Bergenan weren't singers. They were actors 102 Was wasnt 4 were as 6 Was (waste / was M12 were 3 dought 5 said 6 saw 7 took 3 werent were 5 Were / weren't 4 went 122 saw 3 were 4 went 5 bought 6 said 7 took 8 saw 9 was V4 Food & drink: wine, ea Tobe nurse, teacher, businessman Rooms: dining ror, kitchen, bathroom Places: bank, post ofc, alway station Family daughter, husband, parents Days ofthe week: Sunday, Thursday, Wednesday urniture:armchais, bed, able Verbs: watch litn, play Adjectives: big horsibe, old 15 2 july 3 Apeil December October February September Tune 9 August 10 March 11 November 12 May Workbook key 89 6 February March April May June July August Septernber October November December Wend rd ah, 5th oh Th ath oth 10th Mth ih 13th Mth 13th 18 2 july 15th 3 March 22nd 44 November 12th 5 February 28th, 6 June Sth 17 September Lith 8 December 31st 9 Apriléth 10 August 19¢h 11 May 17th 12 October 10th 13 March Ist second third fourth th sixth seventh cighth sinh tenth eleventh well thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth Unit 10, 1 2 cooked 3 stayed 4 worked 5 listened 6 watched 2 Acooked, worked, watched B stayed, listened 3.2 listened 3 watched 4 cooked 5 worked 6 played 4 Seep94 5 2 had 3 went 4 bought 5 ate 6 saw 90 Workbook key. | | 6a4 ba cl d6 e7 £2 g9 h3 is Tav 3K av 5v 6x 9 3 Did he play football? No, dig’. 4 Did he buy a newspape Yes, he did. 5 Did hedo alot of homework? Noyhe didnt. 6 Did he watch television? Yes, he di, 7 Did he go to work? No, he didn’. 8 Did he listen to the radi? Yes, he did, 102 Who did you see last weekend? 3 What time did you get home yesterday evening? 4 How much homework did you do last, week! '5 What dia you have for breakfast this morning? 6 Where did you have hinch yesterday? 122 We didn’t see our friends yesterday. 3 They didi get up late yesteday morning 4 You didn't play tennis. 5 I didn’t have big breakfast. 6 He didn't doa lot of housework at the weekend, 7 We didnt wateh a film on TV yesterday evening 8 Last week I didnt stay ina hotel in Pars, V42 play golf 3 go windsurfing 4 go sailing 5 gowalking 6 go dancing 7 goice-skating 8 ply baseball 9 play football 10 playeards 11 play jce-hockey 12 go skiing 152 They hada really good time. 3 They stayed in & house with their friends, Graham and Rachel. 4 very morning they got up at nine olock 5 The weather was lovely hot and sunny 66 Hannah and Rachel usually played tennisin the afternoon, 7 In the evening they cooked a big meal in the house. 8 After dinner they went dancing, 16sec p95 Unit 11 1 2 videaborte 9 wea computer 4 diiveacar 5 draw 6 phy the guitar 7 run § speak French 9 playthe piano 3-3 Bll an wsea computer 4 bill ca ridea horse 5 Amanda ca ead music. 6 Amanda can ride hore 7 jilland Sam can read mu 8 jilland Sam can use a computer 9 Jilland Som cant ide a horse. 4-3 Can Bill read musice Yes, he ean, 4 Can Bill ride a horse? Noyhe can't, 5 Can Amanda use a computer? No, she can't | 6 Can Amanda ride a horse? Yes, she can 7 Can fill and Sam read music? Yes, they can, 8 Can jlland Sam usea computer? Yes, they can, 9 Can jilland Sam ride a horse? No, they cant, 6 2am Scan 4 cant 5 France Gant Team Bean 9 cant B2c 3A 4B 5C 6A 78 | 9 2 canthelp your | 3.Can you tell me the time, please? 4 Can Lave a pizza, please? 5 Can you speak more sow please? 102 Yes Fwant to buy this newspaper. 5 Ie about ren forty-five. 4 Yes of course Sma medium or large? 5 T'msorry. Can you understand now? 122 December 3 football 4 Tuesday 5 weekend 6 bought 7 garden 131 te doesnt mater 2 Tean'tfind my plane ticket, You putit on the tbl 31 doatt understand this word Check it in your dictionay. 4 This computer docs work. Did you push this baton? 5 Ymlos. Can you help me? ‘Where do you want to go? {6 What the mater? The CD players broken. Unit 12 1 2 rd keto ws your dictionary 3 [like to buy her new CD. 4 Ldlikea samp, 5 Clik tosse the new Stephen Spielberg film 6 Fike wo bea student agai! 2-3 Like a glass of water. 441 like to play hess, 5 Ud like to listen to CD, (like stamp. Td like a cup of coffee. Ud like wo buy a computer ‘Would you like co watch a video? Would you like glas of orange juice? ‘Would you like some cake? | ‘Would you like to go skiing? Would you like a pizza? ‘Would you like a playa computer game? chicken fish fies fait 6 mineral water 7 salad 8 soup 9 tomato 10 vegetables 5.2 Pike the soup to start, please 33 And what would you like for your 4.Can Thave the fish, please? | 5 The ish. Very good. And what would you like to drink? 6 Can Thavwe a glass of white wine, please? | 7 Certainly. A glass of white wine, | 8 And [dike a bote of mineral wate; t0. | 9 Yes, of course. Thank you. | tomato soup, roast chicken and salad, fries, apple pie and cream, beer, a cofiee 7 2 what would you like to sar? 3 And for your main course? 4 How would you ike it cooked? 5 Can [have the roast chicken 6 Fad like a glass of white wine 2day 3now 4 sister 6 shop 7 usvally 5 my M2 Mitsuo 3 Helgs 44 Serena 5 Helga and Mitsuo 6 Jake 7 Serena 8 Mitsuo 122 Ina newsagent 3 Inthe street 4 Ina dlothes shop 5 At the market 6 Ina newsagent BI Nexto 2 No,thanks 3 inasiee 44 4 tryon/ The changing rooms 5 two kilos of /tha'sall 6 Do you sell Unit 13 12 sed 3 white 4 green 5 brown 6 black 7 blue 8 grey 2 4 studying 5 running 6 making 7 siting 8 watching 9 phoning 10 eating 3.2 mlearning English 3 Were sitting in the living room, 4 She's talking to her sister. 5 They'te enjoying the fin 66 He's dancing 7 Ym workingat home. 4.2 shey aren't deinking/ They're drinking 3 he isnt sitting / He stting 4 Tm not having /Y' having 5 she ‘ans walking / She's unning 6 you arent wearing / You're wearing 5-3 Is Hens reading book? No, sh isn't She’ isting to music 4 Ace Pascal and Poul wearing Tshirts Yes they ae. 5 Is Robert sitting on the beach? Ys, hes, 6 are Roberto and Elena simning? No they are Robert is reading and Elena i listening to musi. 7 Is Elona drinking Coca-Cola? Yes, she is. 8 Is Roberto reading a magazine? No, he isn’, Hes readinga book. 2are/'m 3 Docs Ado Sis 6 Does /does 7 2arerit 3 isn't 4 don't 5 ‘mnot 6 doesn't 2 He reading the newspaper. 3 The sun's shining and it’ really hot. 4 They usually stay with their frends, Ana and Ze. 5 They're staving in a hotel 6 They go swimming, 102 trousers 3 shorts 4 coat 3 trainers 6 jumper 7 dress B skirt 9 sandals 10 shirt 11 shoes 12 Jacket 13 hat W2b 3c 4b 5d 6a 7c 8a T2 sample ansivers 1 Mike's wearing a jacket, a shirt, 2 Carol's wearing hat, coat, jumper, skirt, and boots 142 hor 3 hungry 4 cold nd shoes 5 thiesty 6 bored ra sf 4b se 6c Unit 14 1 2 0n Monday evening he's going tothe cinema with Jane 3 On Tuesday mooning he seeing the dents 4.0 Tues afernoon he plying Footbal 5 On Wesinewlay morning he’ driving 10 iverpoal 6 On Ween une Joseph 2srapsFrePp 7p sF 3-2 Hows she travelling? She's travelling by trai, 3 Who's she meeting? She's meeting Soph 4 Where's she meeting her She's meeting herat Paddington Station. Workbook key 91 '5 When's she going to Cambridge? She's going to Cambridge at one selock. 6 Why's she going to Cambria She's going to Cambridge to see Mike, 7 Whats she doing on Friday evening? She's ging tn hed early. 4. sample answers Monday: 800) go fora meal ith Bae ‘Tuesday: 8:30 pm mec Lisa and Markt the cinema Wednesday: 2.00 pm sce she dentist “hardy: 2.0 pm play tenis wth ack Friday: Goto London ~ met Tina at the station at 9.30 6 The stressed words are underlined. ‘What's your jab” ma doctor, What's your job?” What would you like” 92 Workbook key “A coffee. What would you Tike?” ‘¢ “Where do you work?” “In Rome, Where do you work? Where are you from “Prague Where are you from? underground 3 ship 4 bicycle 2 2 packed 3 collected 4 caught 5 arrived 6 went 7 had Was b2 5 a3 e1 f4 112 They left their carina sect near the city centre. 3 They stayed in Amstendam for five days, 4 No they dir’. 5 They caught the plane 6 The police found ther cara week. | Rra ab 4c | 8200 Prince Charles Park (Open from 10.00 to 4.00 Adults £8 Children £4 Science Museum Open from 9.30 to 6.00 every day Adults £5 Children £3, Bus Tour of the City ‘The bus leaves at 9.00, 11.00, 00nd 3.00 from Queen Street “The tour takes two hours Unit 6 14 Unit 8 12 Workbook key 3B Unit® 16 zi {fe o))] [Z| ee =e} |z] [ele S| WIM S lac} ov} chia} Z[=| [Ziel )elwi/Zz| fo wo] lelelahelel Jo} IZ} ISeis[-lzis} |= jel it IF a Unit 10 4 94 Workbook key Unit 10 Sports Centre APPLICATION FORM Me %oMs Miss Ms (lease tek) Boris Wehr. aD SEED 26, London Road. EEL 0X3 SEF. 01865 926841... German ‘What sports are you interested in? (pase circa) swimming Gao) Fines waining> basketball athletics tennis Warbhral Phonetic symbols Consonants Vowels ipl asin penipen! 25° fiiv asin see isi tow Sh warned ll aller cee 33° uf asin football /futbs:l/ 34 fay asin you us | 35 iv asin sun /san/ 9 /s! asin son/sanf | 10 iz! asin 700 /2u:! HW asin live iy 12. fm asin my ‘may! 13° i’ asin near /nie/ 14 sh’ asin happy "hepi’ 15 td asin red /red/ 36 /a/ asin learn /ls:nf 37 Jaf asin letter etal ee Diphthongs (two vowels together) 16 ff asin yes jes 17 iwi asin want wont 38 ev asin name /nenmi 18/0) asin thanks /Oxnks/ } 39° ‘oo! asin no/now 19° (8! asin the/do 40 fav asin my /may/ 20° if) asin she ii 41 /av/ asin how /hau/ 21 i) asin television /telw 42° for’ asin boy /bow! 22 AY’ asin child /farld/ 43 (ra) asin hear /hia/ 23° (03) asin German /'dse:man/ 44 Jeol asin where /wea/ 24 fy) asin English “ingltf/ | 88 fo3t asin tour toa!

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