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N AT I V E F I S H S O C I E T Y / N AT I V E F I S H S O C I E T Y. O R G / F A L L 2 019


Brett Tallman


Jessica De Boer



Mark Sherwood,
Talking Turkey 2 Executive Director
Tom Derry,
River Steward Legacy 4 Director of Wild Steelhead Funding

Considering All The Options 6 Jake Crawford, A Lesson From One Of Conser vation’s Great Success Stories
River Steward Program Director
Watershed Moments 9 Jennifer Fairbrother

Respect and Responsibility 12

Campaign & Columbia River
Regional Director I ’m not a hunter. I’m not a big fan of
cranberry sauce. On Thanksgiving, I reach
for the mashed potatoes. Unlike Ben Franklin,
to be limitless, and were hunted and poached
relentlessly. The forests they used for roosting,
feeding, and breeding were logged and turned

Mark Sherwood,
Executive Director
The Precautionary Approach 14 Conrad Gowell,
Fellowship Program Director I’m happy with the bald eagle as our national into farmland. Like other imperiled species,
The Successes of Our Failures 17 J. Michelle Swope, bird. I do tie muddlers with turkey tail feathers habitat loss and overharvest drove turkeys
Washington Regional Coordinator and brake for toms on Highway 38 along the toward extinction. ABOVE
The Resonance of Many Voices 19 lower Umpqua River, but otherwise don’t give
Tracy Buckner, Once imperiled
Office Manager & Events gobblers much thought—until lately. There’s An early attempt to save wild turkeys involved
and now abundant,
more to wild turkeys than meets the eye. raising them in hatcheries. At first, they were bred
the revival of
BOARD OF DIRECTORS and raised in pens before being released into the
the American
Paul Fortino, Chair The recovery of wild turkeys may be the wild. These turkeys domesticated quickly. They
NAT I V E FI SH SOC IETY greatest wildlife conservation story in hung around farms and roads, where they were
wild turkey is
Doug DeRoy, Vice Chair
not only one of
Melissa Brown, Secretary American history—a story that provides a easily picked off by predators and poachers. In an
813 7th St. Suite 200A conservation’s great
@nfswildfish Russell Loeb, Treasurer blueprint for restoring other imperiled species, attempt to improve their survival, wild turkeys
Oregon City, OR 97045
including native fish. were captured, bred, and their offspring raised in success stories, Kyan Bartel
hatcheries. There were challenges with breeding, it’s an excellent Justin Cetas
When Europeans arrived in North America, so captured wild toms were then bred with example for wild
Rob Elam
wild turkeys were found from Canada to domesticated hens. Still, predators, which had fish advocates to
Spencer Miles
Mexico, and numbered in the millions. By the upper hand in the cleared fields and forests, follow.
Native Fish Society is a tax-exempt, non-profit charitable organization.
the early twentieth century, just 30,000 birds continued to pick off hatchery turkeys. Between Art: Courtesy of the
remained. Many conservationists believed that 1925 and 1944, Missouri’s Conservation John James Audubon
wild turkeys would soon be a thing of the past. Commission spent $100,000 releasing 15,000 Center
"A case could be made that fishing home C OVER
hatchery turkeys in a futile attempt to recover
Wild spring Chinook salmon in a summer refuge pool on an
water and taking good care of it is what an Oregon Coast stream.Photo: Duncan Berry, Salmon River Steward Early Europeans settlers had no understanding their ailing populations. Thankfully, the hatchery
angler should do." of turkey biology or habitat. They were thought approach was abandoned.
—TOM MCGUANE Ahead of the North Creek culvert removal, volunteers salvaged
1 S T R O N G R U N S FA L L 2 0 1 9 S T R O N G R U N S FA L L 2 0 1 9 2
native fish like these juvenile coho salmon.
Photo: Conrad Gowell, Fellowship Program Director
DIRECTOR Starting with conservationists like Teddy
Roosevelt and later with citizen-based groups
do nothing for salmon habitat and fail to
encourage respectful harvest. They were

like the National Wild Turkey Federation, built at the base of dams that blocked habitat
turkey habitat was identified and protected. and supported by extractive industries that
Biologists studied their biological needs and degraded it. Historically, hatcheries promised

respectful hunting regulations began to reflect more fish than nature could produce, so
their tenuous condition. Strong enforcement overfishing wasn’t addressed. Now, anglers are
mechanisms curbed poaching. Slowly but surely, encouraged to harvest all hatchery fish to keep
the wild turkey began to scratch its way back them from spawning with imperiled wild fish.

from the brink and into prairies, woodlands, We make the fish, hatcheries claim, so we can
and river valleys across the American landscape. take as much as we want. This kind of thinking
Today, with an estimated population of more does not lend itself to respectful harvest or
than seven million birds, the wild turkey is respect for habitat.
alive, well, and strutting its stuff. HONORING THE CONTRIBUTIONS
If the story of the American wild turkey has
I suspect that anyone familiar with the decline proven anything, it’s that hatcheries are not a OF PAST RIVER STEWARDS AND
of wild salmon in the Pacific Northwest and path to abundance. What is? First, let’s work BUILDING ON THEIR WISDOM
Wild revival the failure of hatcheries to revive them will together to establish more rivers without
requires both find this story as poignant as I did. If we are releases of hatchery fish. Second, let’s identify

healthy habitats serious about reviving abundant wild fish, its and reform the hatcheries that cause the most ne summer, camped on Oregon’s Molalla unexpected as that moment on the Molalla and WORDS
and respectful message is loud and clear. harm to fish and people. Finally, let’s shift River, I was kept up all night by what they must rise to the occasion. Other times, it is Jake Crawford, River
fisheries. In Alaska, public investment in fish conservation toward sounded like twenty-pound boulders being calculated ahead of time to accomplish a strategic Steward Program
strict fisheries So here’s the blueprint: addressing the root causes of wild fish decline: dropped into a nearby pool. The next morning, objective. Inevitably, stewardship of a watershed Director
enforcement has overfishing, habitat degradation, and the lack I went looking for the culprits with a mask and works its way into our volunteers’s everyday
allowed both the 1. Protect and fix habitat. of volitional fish passage. snorkel. Spring Chinook, it turned out, were to lives, so the scope of their contributions can be
Bristol Bay salmon 2. Respect life when you take it. blame for my sleepless night. When I rose from challenging to describe.
fishery and the The final lesson of the wild turkey is: even when the river to clear fog from my mask, I was greeted PHOTO

wild salmon of the That’s it. the situation is truly dire, we can bring a species by Molalla River Steward Mark Schmidt. This year, we are proud to announce a new NFS The late Mark
Nanek River to back from the brink. If we focus our energy, our River Steward Legacy identity to honor volunteers Schmidt was
flourish. We at Native Fish Society have talked at resources, and our passion on the right things, He was sharing promising pools where I could who have made important contributions to our a passionate
Photo: Conrad length about the economic, genetic, and we can restore abundant wild salmon in the find staging Chinook when a car approached. The mission, but no longer carry the River Steward advocate for the
Gowell, Fellowship ecological impacts of salmon hatcheries. But Pacific Northwest. Let’s go together, let’s do it driver wanted to know about a nearby property title. I am proud to recognize the late Mark Molalla River and
Program Director perhaps more importantly, salmon hatcheries together—it’s the only way. for sale. Naturally, we started talking about the Schmidt on our Legacy list and honor his years its wild, native fish.
Molalla’s many qualities. Mark passionately of stewardship. His name is now listed alongside We are proud to
described the native fish, their unique run others whose passion, knowledge, and time recognize Mark
timings, and even offered local knowledge on have advanced Native Fish Society’s cause and on the NFS River
fishing tactics, seasons, and regulations. enriched the River Steward Program. Steward Legacy list.
Photo: Russ Ricketts
Native Fish Society exists to revive “I don’t give a damn about regulations,” the Our volunteers are critical to Native Fish
abundant wild fish, free flowing rivers, would-be buyer interrupted. “If I own riverfront Society’s mission. The NFS Legacy List includes
and thriving local communities. We property, I’ll harvest whatever I want whenever volunteers who, for whatever reason, are no
want to empower you to take action I want.” longer able to serve this role. Whether because
on behalf of wild rivers and native of a change in occupation, a move to a new
fish. Visit to find “Then you would be a poacher,” Mark replied, location, or an addition to their family, the list
out more about volunteering as a River calmly. “That’s a problem because I’ll call you in includes former NFS River Stewards who we
Steward, lending your special skill for being a poacher, and your neighbor over there want to honor. Even though they’ve moved
to our conservation campaigns as a would call you a poacher, and everyone in this on, we are still building on their contributions,
Native Fish Fellow, or joining the wild community would know that you are a poacher.” shared knowledge, and place-based wisdom. We
fish movement as an NFS Member. are proud to honor them with the NFS River
Sometimes a River Steward’s call to action is as Steward Legacy identity.

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Jennifer Fairbrother,
Campaign &
A t Native Fish Society, much of the work
we undertake is about connection. The
connection of our River Stewards and Members
It’s possible that no amount of operational
and infrastructural changes to the Deschutes’
dams can ameliorate their detrimental impacts
water quality from changes in operations at the
dams and SWW, as well as changes to other
influencing factors in the upper Deschutes
SWW and changes in upper basin inputs like
nitrogen and tributary temperatures could
impact water quality in the lower river. As

Perfectly adapted
to life in the desert,
Columbia Regional to the places they hold dear; the connection of to the health and function of the river. Yet the Basin. of yet, no silver bullet has emerged that will redside rainbows
Director communities to the ecological, social, spiritual, potential costs and benefits to water quality, improve problematic water quality indicators are the native trout
and economic benefits of rivers; and the fisheries, tribal needs, and community interests The study and modeling provide insight into including dissolved oxygen, pH, nutrient of the Deschutes
connection of wild fish to the health of their that would result from truly reconnecting the several key findings. According to the report’s loading, algae concentrations, and periphyton River Basin.
ABOVE homewaters. This ethos of connection resonates river—through dam removal—has yet to be authors, the SWW does perform as intended to abundance. Scenarios that may improve some
Likely the result deeply in our efforts to reform dam operations considered or evaluated. modify water temperatures downstream of the water quality parameters are infeasible—such
of warmer, around the region. dam. But this solution, which seeks to imitate as the idea of reducing anthropogenic nitrogen
early-season On the Deschutes, thanks to the publication of a connected river while still maintaining inputs to the reservoirs by 75%. Others come
temperatures and We often speak of dams as the blockage in a multi-year water quality study and modeling dams as major barriers, has had unintended at the expense of fisheries reintroduction and
increased nutrient the circulatory system of a watershed. Like a report, new information is now available that consequences for water quality. temperature goals for the lower basin. NFS, our
loading from blockage in an artery, dams impede the flow makes this the opportune time to consider partners, state agencies, the public, and dam
PGE’s Selective of water, nutrients, and vital system functions. the full suite of future options for the basin. The study’s conclusions suggest that temperature managers must weigh the costs and benefits of
Water Withdrawal And like a human heart deprived of its vital The study, commissioned by Portland General and fish passage operations at the SWW are any operational or infrastructural changes to
operations, both needs, a river too can fail and even die when it’s Electric, the operator of the Pelton Round now sending more nutrients and algae into the Deschutes dam operations.
the composition cut in two by a dam. Butte hydroelectric project, tested current lower river. In order to increase downstream
and prevalence of water quality in the basin for comparison to temperatures in the spring and early summer, The water quality study and modeling will
algae in the lower In some basins, like central Oregon’s Deschutes historical data, in order to assess how changes the SWW is releasing the warmer, nutrient- provide us all with a better understanding
Deschutes have River, dam operators are being forced to address in dam operations and infrastructure have rich surface waters from the reservoirs. Likely of the various trade offs, and allow us to
changed over the the problematic impacts of their infrastructure impacted water quality. Specifically, the the result of warmer, early-season temperatures consider other potential scenarios as well.
last few years. and operations in an effort to reconnect the river study analyzed whether the Selective Water and increased nutrient loading from SWW To better understand the limits of the
and restore wild fisheries both above and below Withdrawal system—a structure used to mimic operations, both the composition and model, two independent reviews have been
Photo: Bob Wick
the dams. However, it is becoming increasingly natural water temperatures downstream of the prevalence of algae in the lower Deschutes have commissioned, one by PGE and the other
clear that expensive technofixes, which attempt Pelton Round Butte hydroelectric project— changed over the last few years. by the conservation organizations engaged
to mimic the function of free-flowing rivers, has changed water quality in the reservoirs and on the Pelton Round Butte Fish Committee,
may merely exacerbate the problems impacting lower river. Second, the project created a model Eleven model scenarios were evaluated including Trout Unlimited, American Rivers,
a river caused in part by the dams themselves. to assess potential impacts to downstream exploring how operational adjustments at the WaterWatch, and NFS.

5 S T R O N G R U N S FA L L 2 0 1 9 S T R O N G R U N S FA L L 2 0 1 9 6

ABOVE Much of the current narrative about the either of these fixes will be enough to meet the A PHOTO ESSAY OF THE NORTH CREEK RESTORATION
It is becoming Deschutes River revolves around comparisons water-quality and fish-recovery goals that the
increasingly clear
that expensive
of the lower river before and after the initiation
of water temperature control and upper basin
fisheries reintroduction efforts. But this focus
multiplicity of interests in the basin share.

As project managers explore options to improve

D rip, drip, drop . . . . The first rain drops of
fall arrive, closing out summer's stretching
rays. The drops keep coming, turning into a
fire and decided that they where going to do
something about the culvert blocking sixteen
miles of premium spawning habitat. As the years

Matt Lund,
technofixes, Siletz River Steward
fails to consider the whole picture; it fails to the health and viability of the Deschutes steady pour. The rain keeps pouring, rivers went by, more drops fell with a letter campaign
which attempt to
acknowledge the profound changes wrought basin, it’s time to include the ultimate way begin to rise until they become muddy brown drawing interest, support, and inertia for the PHOTOS
mimic the function Conrad Gowell,
with the construction of the Pelton Round to reconnect the function of the river: dam and trees start floating down. With this change, project. The letter campaign led to partnerships
of free-flowing Fellowship Program
Butte dam complex more than fifty years removal. It’s time to assess the outcomes for the fall salmon make their initial push out of the with the local watershed council, the U.S.
rivers, may merely Director
ago. And it fails to consider the water quality basin in light of a changing climate with and estuaries into freshwater. Forest Service, and Native Fish Society. With
exacerbate the
impacts originating from the upper basin that without the dams. It’s time to explore ways to a shared commitment, the drops turned into a
problems impacting
the dams can only hide for so long. In many address the social, traditional, spiritual and High on a ridge, studded with old growth and steady drizzle. The drizzle became a torrential ABOVE
a river caused in
respects, the dam complex on the Deschutes has economic needs of local communities and the ferns, the soil becomes heavy and saturated. downpour as grant money materialized and Before and after:
part by the dams
historically ameliorated some of the problems Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs without The ground suddenly gives way on the steep engineering plans were finalized. Finally, the mouth of North
emanating from the upper basin by trapping the Deschutes River dams. slopes, sending a torrent of mud, boulders, supersaturation occurred as ground was broken, Creek in Oregon's
Photo: Jennifer warmer, nutrient-rich water in the reservoirs cobbles, and trees careening toward the river leading to the culvert’s removal and replacement Siletz River Basin.
Fairbrother while releasing cold, less nutrient-rich water With a struggling reintroduction program in the below. This landslide provides the stream with with a suitable structure that allowed aquatic
from the bottom of the dams during the spring upper basin, and dam operations exacerbating its structural elements, which create a healthy, life to migrate throughout North Creek.
and summer. The fact of the matter is that the water quality issues in the lower river, it’s time to complex environment.
loss of connection in the middle of such a large start considering all our options. The Deschutes Like the events leading up to a landslide, a single
and diverse basin has drastically altered the and its native fish are at the end of the line after That first rain drop was the catalyst initiating drop by itself is insignificant. But with each
lower river ever since the dams were erected. more than five decades of a disconnected river. substantial change in the watershed it fell on. successive drop, the point at which there is no
It’s time for us to evaluate whether reconnecting Insignificant by itself, yet a vital instigator to return becomes more probable. So it was with
Thus far, the options on the table have been the Deschutes is possible. the processes leading up to the point at which the North Creek Campaign. This project could
constrained. Some advocate for going back the ground gave way. A drop of water leads to not have been accomplished by an individual,
to dam operations before the SWW, while You can review the water quality study and rivers of rain. or even a single group. It was accomplished
others want to explore potential operational modeling report at: https://www.portlandgeneral. by many interconnected individuals who
adjustments to the existing temperature control com/corporate-responsibility/environmental- For the North Creek project, the first were committed to improving the health of
and fish reintroduction infrastructure. But, as stewardship/water-quality-habitat-protection/ metaphorical raindrop occurred when two a watershed, drop by drop. Thank you for
the modeling seems to suggest, it is unlikely that deschutes-river/deschutes-water-quality steelheaders met over a smokey streamside supporting the North Creek Campaign!

7 S T R O N G R U N S FA L L 2 0 1 9 S T R O N G R U N S FA L L 2 0 1 9 8

Speaking Up For The Wild Spring Chinook Of The Oregon Coast

A bout the time the first thimbleberries so many forms of harm. Gillnets have been WORDS

turn their bright, lipstick red is when to strung across rivers like a wall, blocking all Conrad Gowell,
head into the coastal range of Oregon in search migration to home gravels. Dynamite has been Fellowship Program
of cool water. In the shade of sitka spruce, flung into refuge pools like a weapon of mass
western hemlock, fir, and cedar, the mosses destruction. Forests have been stripped of
cover the riverside cobble that is interspersed their wealth, ore has been extracted from the
with Columbine blooms, tall sedges, and earth, embryos and offspring have been taken.
A school of spring
stonefly exoskeletons. Vultures soar above,
Chinook ride out
riding the thermals of the winds coming in off Truth is, these fish are tough and resilient
the summer in
the North Pacific, and kingfishers are poised and magnificent beings that do not need
refuge pool on
on their perches searching for food. saving. Instead, they need respect. They are
an Oregon Coast
here, asking for acknowledgment and the
Sitting there, bearing witness to the handful of basic conditions that allow them to live their stream.
spring Chinook salmon lying calmly in the pool, lives. I’m certain there is no one action that Photo: Duncan Berry,
I couldn’t think of how I could possibly break the will be able to give that, but, if the status Salmon River Steward
news to the public that these fish are threatened. quo continues, our relationship with spring
In the past, announcements of extinction and Chinook won’t continue.
extirpation have been forms of violence that
the environmental community has imparted In 1900, wild spring Chinook inhabited almost
on the psyche. Chronicles of devastation come every Oregon Coast river with a major estuary.
first, followed by a set of legal requirements that Over the next century, those fish would become
attempt to force massive societal change in order a poignant example of the shifting baseline.
to avert ecological collapse. It always starts with In 1991, the Coastal Chinook Management
“SAVE THE . . . (fill in the blank) . . . !!!” and ends Plans acknowledged eleven populations in what
with the same disheartening, divisive politics. would later be classified as the Oregon Coast
Evolutionarily Significant Unit. A 1998 document
In the past century-and-a-half, there have been from the Native Fish Status Report reduced that

S T R O N G R U N S FA L L 2 0 1 9 10

number to nine. In 2014, Oregon Department the remaining populations acknowledged in THE PRECAUTIONARY

The ancient of Fish and Wildlife released its Coastal Multi- the current management plan. They haven’t
divergence between Species Conservation and Management Plan, come back in the places they’ve been extirpated
early and late which cut the number of Oregon Coast ESUs from, and the ancient divergence between early
maturing Chinook to just two. From the Necanicum River south and late maturing Chinook is looking more and
is looking more and to the Coquille, the disappearance is becoming more like it only happened once.
normalized and accepted. The fish are being
We Need Catch-And-Release Fisheries For Wild Steelhead
more like it only
happened once. erased from human consciousness. The best available science is beginning to catch On Oregon’s South Coast
up with the cultural wisdom of tribes, which,

Photo: Conrad Gowell
Spring Chinook in the Oregon Coast ESU were since time immemorial, have acknowledged n southwest Oregon, longtime local anglers Unfortunately, history has demonstrated WORDS

previously petitioned for listing by the Oregon and respected these populations as distinct and guides have noticed a decline in numbers that agencies often permit the harvest of Jake Crawford, River
Natural Resources Council in 1994. In their and managed them accordingly. Researchers and size of wild steelhead returning to their wild populations to the point of critical Steward Program
review of the petition, the National Marine from the University of California Davis found waters. Starting in early 2018, Harvey Young conservation concern, only to close fishing Director
Fisheries Service (NMFS) acknowledged mounting evidence that, if these fish are lost, of Fishawk Guide Service started a petition altogether to try and rebuild a struggling run.
the unique life history, habitat needs, and they won’t be re-established from their fall for anglers of all gear types to generate support ABOVE
longstanding decline of spring Chinook, but Chinook cousins. In a study of their own, asking the Oregon Department of Fish and Given the dramatic decline of wild steelhead
ultimately decided that a listing was “not geneticists at the Southwest Fisheries Science Wildlife for a moratorium on wild steelhead across the Northwest, we believe it is in the
warranted.” The decision resulted from an Center of the National Marine Fisheries Service harvest in the southwest corner of the state. best interest to take a precautionary approach
regulations for
interpretation of genetic data by the agency that are arriving at that same alarming conclusion. to protect wild fish before populations collapse,
wild steelhead in
led to an aggregation of spring and fall Chinook When Harvey reached out asking for support, while still providing fishing opportunity.
southwest Oregon
populations. It was assumed that, because the In light of this new evidence, the Native Fish we connected him with River Stewards in the
would be the most
two species had a polyphyletic evolutionary Society, along with the Center for Biological area to get an understanding of what level of In June of 2018, Harvey submitted a written
history, they did not need to be managed Diversity and Umpqua Watersheds, has asked impact they were witnessing in their homewaters. petition signed by 655 anglers, with more than
equitable, and
separately. Essentially, the federal government NMFS to reconsider its “Not Warranted” 70 percent of the signatures coming from local
was betting that co-occurring spring and fall decision in order to adequately protect the We all shared concern over the lack of a southwest Oregon anglers, and the remainder easy-to-implement
Chinook populations were genetically similar Oregon Coast’s last remaining spring Chinook management plan, inadequate funding to from traveling anglers who visited the area to fish. management
enough that, if spring Chinook were extirpated, populations. We have faith that a recovery monitor the status of wild steelhead, and an action to protect
future runs could be re-established from fall planning process would not only show our increase in angling pressure in the area. In September, Harvey added more than 3,000 these important
Chinook populations. That theory continues respect and clarify our responsibilities, but electronic signatures from anglers across the populations from
to be tested. In 2018, only a couple dozen fish revive abundant spring Chinook throughout Sportfishing is the lifeblood of southwest region who want to see a moratorium on overharvest.
returned to the South Umpqua River, one of the Oregon Coast as well. Oregon during the winter months. wild steelhead harvest to ensure we protect Photo: Jason Hartwick

11 S T R O N G R U N S FA L L 2 0 1 9 S T R O N G R U N S FA L L 2 0 1 9 12
and-release regulations. This has proven to be an
effective management tool, while still providing
fishing opportunity for sport anglers.

Except the Salmon River and Big Elk Creek,

catch-and-release regulations for wild steelhead
are already in place on every river in Oregon
outside the Southwest Zone. Similar regulations
have existed in British Columbia and Idaho
since the 1980s, in California since 2010,
ABOVE these iconic fish before we are left to rebuild a and in Washington since 2015. In southeast
In southwest Oregon, recovering population. Alaska, in an effort to protect the resource, the
there are ten rivers department went to a 36-inch minimum limit
where anglers can The petition cites numerous reasons why catch- for anglers to harvest any steelhead, which,
still legally harvest and-release regulations for wild steelhead despite issues with size-selection bias, they
wild steelhead. would benefit anglers and businesses in believe protects more than 95 percent of those At the same time, an analysis of wild steelhead Ultimately, the Commission voted to decrease ABOVE

southwest Oregon, but the main points are populations from harvest. catch records in the Southwest Zone obtained the annual harvest limit from one wild steelhead In winter,
grounded in the fact that there is not a good through a public records request, showed that per day and five per year, to one wild steelhead
sportfishing is
understanding of the status and recent trends The National Marine Fisheries Service has between 2005 and 2016 wild steelhead harvest per day and three per year, and directed the
the lifeblood of
of wild steelhead in the region. identified fifteen Distinct Population Segments increased, in some places up to 1200 percent department to develop a Conservation Plan
southwest Oregon's
for steelhead across their native range in North (Elk River) and 650 percent (Sixes River). to study the issue further. We will continue
local economy.
First, ODFW has no management plan for America. Of the fifteen, eleven have been listed to advocate for wild steelhead by ensuring
eight out of the ten rivers in southwest Oregon under the federal Endangered Species Act In September 2018, Native Fish Society and the department moves forward with those Photo: Jason Hartwick
where wild steelhead harvest is still allowed. (Behnke, 2010). a coalition of anglers, businesses, and other directives this year.
Furthermore, monitoring has been dramatically non-profits presented testimony to the Oregon
reduced due to inadequate funding and increased In Oregon, six Distinct Population Segments for Fish and Wildlife Commission outlining our Implementing catch-and-release regulations for
demands elsewhere in the state. The East Fork steelhead have been identified and four of those concerns and requesting that they implement a wild steelhead in the Southwest Zone would be
Coquille and Sixes rivers are managed under are listed under the federal Endangered Species moratorium on wild steelhead harvest. the most cost-effective, equitable, and easy-to-
the Coastal Multi-Species Conservation and Act because populations have crashed warranting implement management action to protect these
Management Plan (CMP), which was adopted protection by federal law. We presented information about the lack of important populations from overharvest.
by the Commission in 2015. adequate data to support existing regulations.
Broadly speaking, wild steelhead across their According to the state’s Native Fish Conservation Our goal is to ensure that populations flourish,
Concerns remain about whether the department native range are in decline, and the majority of Policy, "When faced with scientific uncertainty not just survive, in southwest Oregon, and
is meeting their agreed-upon 10 percent harvest populations require further protection. concerning fish management, including status we're looking for your help in this effort. This
threshold for wild steelhead that was set in the assessments and the effectiveness of recovery fall, ODFW will be starting the public process
CMP and adopted by the Commission. The While wild steelhead on the Oregon coast strategies, the Department shall proceed for developing a new plan for the Rogue and
best available science suggests a harvest rate of are not currently protected under the Federal with precautionary strategies scaled to the South Coast rivers that incorporates steelhead
no more than 10 percent of fish that can spawn Endangered Species Act, ODFW's own data— Conservation risk". and cutthroat trout into existing fall and spring
multiple times like steelhead to protect their where it is available—has identified declining Chinook management plans.
diversity and resilience (Fujiwara, 2011). numbers of adult returns in the Southwest Given this mandate and inadequate funding to
Zone, and monitoring has been dramatically support the monitoring necessary to understand Join us in urging ODFW to protect the future
In the absence of good empirical data and adequate reduced as a result of funding limitations (see the current level of harvest impacts, we asked that of wild steelhead by adopting catch-and-release
funding for monitoring, fisheries managers The Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds the department take a precautionary approach regulations in southwest Oregon.
across the Northwest have implemented catch- Annual Reports available online). to wild steelhead management.

13 S T R O N G R U N S FA L L 2 0 1 9 S T R O N G R U N S FA L L 2 0 1 9 14

sent to the governor for her signature. We held

out hope that the governor would line-item
veto funding for the hatchery, but on August
9 Governor Brown signed the funding package
without a veto for the hatchery program.

While Leaburg ultimately received ongoing

temporary funding for the next two years,

there are so many aspects to this work that are
worth celebrating. We were closer than we have
ever come to shuttering a deadbeat hatchery

through a concerted legislative campaign. And
this success rested on the grassroots advocacy
of the many Oregonians who called, emailed,
and met with their state representatives, who
signed numerous action alerts to key decision-
makers, and who provided public testimony
about the need to rightsize Oregon's hatchery
The Next Chapter In Our Efforts To Let Leaburg Go! infrastructure to protect our rivers, our wild
fish, and our communities.

Jennifer Fairbrother,
Campaign &
A friend and colleague once opined that
conservation professionals do a poor job
of celebrating the successes of our failures. We
ceasing hatchery production at Leaburg. In its
proposed budget for the coming biennium, the
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife asked
Thanks to the outpouring of engagement, the
question over whether the state would provide
Columbia Regional work hard and passionately to advance our the State of Oregon to pick up funding for the funding for Leaburg Hatchery was one of the
campaigns towards the end goals we have set facility and program. The aging facility is no biggest issues inside the capital this session—
for ourselves. This often involves late nights and longer necessary to meet the management goals some lawmakers reported hearing more from
weekends spent away from home and family. for the McKenzie River or Willamette Basin, their constituents about the hatchery than
And when we do succeed, when we are lucky while its continued operations impact water about public retirement reform! This advocacy
The best hatchery is enough to be at the end of a long journey, we quality and native fish and are detrimental to engaged and educated a large number of state
a healthy river. (sometimes) take pause to reflect and celebrate the recovery of threatened spring Chinook lawmakers on the ecological, economic, and
Photo: Conrad that road to success. salmon and winter steelhead. social issues surrounding fish hatcheries in the
Gowell state. The work we did to build relationships
But as with many things in life, we don't always Our work to shutter Leaburg Fish Hatchery and educate lawmakers has started a much
reach the goals we have set for ourselves on took many twists and turns throughout the larger conversation within the capital around
the timeline or through the methods we had legislative session. We successfully prevented hatcheries. With the help of all those who
hoped. At these points, we often find ourselves funding for the hatchery from being included in spoke up and took action, we have begun to
evaluating and analyzing what worked and the state's legislative budget process. But a walk change the narrative. Hatcheries are no longer
what didn't, but rarely do we take the time to out by Oregon Senate Republicans mere days just accepted; lawmakers are now considering
celebrate the successes we had in spite of falling before the end of the session threw Oregon’s the impacts they impart on our communities, will be sure to keep you in the loop on how you ABOVE

short of our goals. legislative process and the democracy it was rivers, and restoration of wild fisheries. can contribute to this important work. On the steps of the
founded on into chaos. To make a difficult capitol building in
During the 2019 Oregon legislative session, NFS situation even worse, funding for the Leaburg Native Fish Society remains committed to We may not have reached our end goal this time Salem, Oregon, NFS
Staff, River Stewards, and Members undertook Hatchery was added as part of a last-minute bill articulating and working toward a vision for around, but we sure had a lot of successes worth Staff and supporters
the work of shuttering the deadbeat Leaburg to appease lawmakers by funding pet projects. Leaburg that doesn't include hatchery fish celebrating along the way. We at the NFS team told state lawmakers
Fish Hatchery on Oregon's iconic McKenzie This bill didn’t receive a public hearing or even production. In the coming year, we will continue thank all of you who were a part of this hard to Let Leaburg Go!
River. The federal government, the owner of the time for the public to weigh in. It was passed to engage with communities to work together fought effort. We look forward to celebrating the
facility, announced last year that they would be in the final hours of the legislative session and toward a long-term solution for the facility. We next chapter with you.

15 S T R O N G R U N S FA L L 2 0 1 9 S T R O N G R U N S FA L L 2 0 1 9 16

outspoken activist for the watersheds of Puget
Sound. Her passion is contagious and easily
rubs off on anyone willing to share a cold beer

and listen to her talk about the fish and habitat
she so cherishes. In June, W4WF held a Ladies
Bugs & Brews event in Olympia where we met a
group of women not only interested in learning
to tie flies and imbibe in locally crafted beer,
but who want to learn more about how they
can be effective stewards for the watersheds


Tracy Buckner W4WF,

Office Manager &
A t Native Fish Society, our mission is most
resonant when we include many voices.
As an organization, we believe that we have
At the recent NFS River Steward Gathering
in Forks, Washington, we were delighted to
welcome a handful of new women to the table.
In our current state of affairs, it is imperative
that we act now, and often on the issues that
affect our planet. Dr. Jane Goodall once
that overlaps the ESA-listed steelhead B-runs.
This place, where we raise our children, where

At the Bugs &

Events a responsibility to create opportunities that Each of them brought unique knowledge and said that “one individual cannot possibly we live our lives, is under attack. Brews event
are welcoming and supportive of people who deep insights about their homewaters. It was make a difference, alone. It is individual in Olympia,
identify as women, who act on behalf of fish, inspiring to hear these women speak about efforts, collectively, that makes a noticeable How can women banding together make
ABOVE Washington, the
rivers, and communities. the successes and issues in and around the difference—all the difference in the world!” a difference? By expanding our skill set as
women of W4WF
W4WF was Olympic Peninsula. We were also fortunate to With the vast planned changes and rollbacks advocates, by not being afraid to take action
tied flies, imbibed
created to bring the Women For Wild Fish was created to bring the welcome and hear a presentation from Mara of environmental protections from the current OFTEN regardless of the outcome, by
in craft beer, and
voices of women voices of women together in order to champion Zimmerman, Executive Director for the Coast administration, there is no time more critical rejoicing in our victories and our failures, by
learned more about
together in order to our wild places and wild fish. It takes dedicated Salmon Partnership, who works to keep our for our voices. From the Pebble Mine threat expressing new perspectives and fresh ideas,
how to be effective
champion our wild people, with a deep connection to place to salmon runs, our livelihoods, and the way of life that will affect one of the world’s last great by “individual effort, collectively” our voices
stewards for their
places and wild steward the Pacific Northwest’s native fish that depends on these fish healthy in some of salmon fisheries on Bristol Bay, to the sharp become the megaphone for change.
fish. and our shared homewaters. We are fortunate the last best habitats in Washington State. You increase of logging on public lands—up 31
to have an increasing circle of thoughtful, go, girl! percent from 2017—which has negative We envision a place where our fish and Photo: Courtesy of J
Photo: Conrad Gowell
intelligent women across the Northwest impacts on wildlife habitat and promotes the watersheds are healthier because women are Michelle Swope
building such a movement. From Port Angeles, New members from Washington state are also rate of erosion; from oil and gas companies empowered to be the harbingers of cultural
Washington to Port Orford, Oregon, these flocking to the W4WF circle due in part to the gaining access to the habitat of imperiled sage wisdom and science-based education,
women are taking action for their homewaters strong leadership of NFS Washington Regional grouse across the West, to the recent Idaho regenerative practices, and advocacy. Let's make
and making a run for change. Coordinator J Michelle Swope. J Michelle is an Fish and Game Chinook kill fishery season our vision a reality. Welcome to our circle.

17 S T R O N G R U N S FA L L 2 0 1 9 S T R O N G R U N S FA L L 2 0 1 9 18
once again have access to roughly sixteen miles
of pristine habitat in Oregon's Siletz River Basin.


After more than sixty years, steelhead, coastal

cutthroat, lamprey, Chinook and coho salmon

S T R O N G R U N S FA L L 2 0 1 9
Photo: Conrad Gowell


DISTRICT C OORDINATOR Scott Baumer, Fifteenmile Creek Mark Homeyer, Snohomish, Marshal Moser, Williamson
Duncan Berry, Salmon Skykomish Daniel Peirce, Hood
Samantha Kannry,
Redwood Coast Bradley Bobbit, South Puget Kellen Igou, Winchuck Andrew Perrault, Klickitat
Sound Chris Johnson, Nooksack Dave Petersen, Lower Deschutes
Sunny Bourdon, Smith, Chetco Ken Johnson, Skagit Stanley Petrowski, South
Printed on 30% post-consumer recycled paper with environmentally conscious ink.

Rowan Baker Adam Bronstein, Metolius Jim and Lauren Kerr, Umpqua
Chris Frissell Ed Call, North Puget Sound Quillayute River Eric Reygers, EF Lewis
Philippe Gauthier Jonathan Knapp, Stilliguamish
Dave Carpenter, North Santiam Russ Ricketts, Wenatchee
Ed Hepp Alan L’Hommedieu, Sandy
Andrew Chione, Yamhill Jake Robinson, Coos Bay
David Herasimtschuk Dave Lacey, Hunter Creek
Brice Crayne, Toutle Terre Rogers, Molalla
Ernie Nieme Jeremy Lees, Tualatin
Chris Daughters, McKenzie Brent Ross, McKenzie
Allison Oliver Jena Lemke, Salmonberry
Derek Day, South Puget Sound Nick Rowell, Clackamas
Scott Schwarz
Tom Derry, Molalla Steve Lent, Washougal Marty Sheppard, Sandy
Todd Stevenson
Peter Donahower, Fifteenmile Bryce Levin, Snohomish Mia Sheppard, John Day
Dana Weigel Sheedy

Creek Matt Lund, Siletz

Oregon City, OR 97045

Octave Zangs Joyce Sherman, Salmonberry

813 7th St. Suite 200A

Dane Downing, Middle Fork & Bob Margulis, Yakima Eric Shoemaker, Necanicum
John Zemrose North Fork Eel, Black Butte Michael Mathis, Snake River Jason Small, South Sound Tribs
RIVER S TEWARDS Pat Dunham, John Day Lower Hell’s Canyon
James Smith, Hunter Creek
James Adams, Upper Deschutes Paul Engelmeyer, Tenmile Creek John McConnaughey, Washougal
Bryan Sohl, Umpqua, Rogue
Christie Adelsberger-Nichols, Scotty Evens, Salmon Dave McCoy, Snoqualmie
Sprague, Lost Mark Stangeland, North Umpqua
Ian Fergusson, Salmonberry Crystal McMahon, Sycan
Tyler Allen, Zigzag Sal Steinberg, Van Duzen
Paul Fortino, White Salmon Matt McQueen, Klickitat
Ryan Allred, Klamath Keith Stonebraker, Clearwater
Dave Gee, Hood Chris Menaul, Green/Duwamish
Barrett Ames, Clackamas David Thomas, McKenzie
Charles Gehr, Rogue Matthew Mendes, Warm Springs
Jim & Rachel Andras, Bear Creek Peter Tronquet, Yaquina, Siletz,
Jason Goebel, Washougal Mark Metzdorff, Lower Rogue
Tributaries Deschutes
Gena Goodman-Campbell, Upper Walt Weber, Lower Columbia
John Appleton, Grand Ronde Deschutes Spencer Miles, Nestucca, Tributaries
William Atlas, North Puget Jeff Hickman, Nehalem Tillamook Bay Rivers
Scott Willison, Stilliguamish

Sound Bart Mills, Johnson Creek
Todd Hirano, Wind Jodi Wilmoth, Little Deschutes
Rowan Baker, Tillamook, Forest Ed Miranda, Wood, Williamson,
& Marine Policy Ty Holloway, Umpqua
7 Mile
Jesse Barr, North Fork Lewis Paul Huston, Nisqually

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