Cover Letter

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February 20, 2020

Peace Corps Headquarters

1275 First St. NE
Washington, DC 20526

To Whom It May Concern:

After reading the Peace Corps mission to promote world peace and friendship, my answer was
simple. Finding an organization that aligns so closely with my values and ambitions immediately
inspired me to be a part of the journey. It is with great interest I write to you in regards to your
Maternal and Child Health Educator position for Rwanda, Africa.

Throughout my involvement working with under-resourced populations, I have felt the true and
raw feeling of gratification. I have discovered that collaborating with different cultures and
implementing community-based projects to promote positive change is exactly what I want to
pursue. As a student and soon to be nurse, I have had the ability to improve health and well-
being in a variety of settings including instances of poverty and despair. These rewarding
experiences motivate me to expand my global health knowledge and aspirations on a bigger
scale, and the Peace Corps is the perfect organization to foster these dreams of mine.

Throughout my journey within the nursing program at the University of Arizona, I have had the
opportunity to hold clinical experiences in both hospitals and community clinics on Indian
Reservations, local schools, shelters, and non-profit organizations. Combined, I have over 900
clinical hours that have helped craft my practice as a culturally competent nurse and educator.
During my maternal and newborn nursing clinical rotation, I was able to educate new and future
mothers on nutrition, safe sleep practices, developmental stages, and other topics valuable to the
infant’s health. This class taught me everything about reproductive health, pre-partum, intra-
partum, and post-partum stages. Additionally, I have taken a class focused on the growth and
development of the pediatric population allowing myself to become competent in this area of
knowledge. Together, my in-classroom education, and the skill assets I have gained out in the
clinical field, create myself to be a well-rounded candidate for your Maternal and Child Health
Educator Position.

To put it simply, I couldn’t imagine myself anywhere else after graduating nursing school other
than the Peace Corps. There are very few times in life that opportunities like this arise, and I feel
called in my life to serve now. I am moved by the opportunity to stand alongside and educate
some of the world’s most vulnerable populations and volunteer my time to them. There are a lot
of “what ifs” and unknowns that come with joining the Peace Corps. However, I know there is
one promise I can make to myself, the Peace Corps and Rwanda: I will come out an
extraordinary human with a remarkable experience that will forever impact my perspective on
the meaning of culture, community, and life. Thank you for your time and consideration, I look
forward to hearing back from you.

Brigid Clark

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