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Hello Students!

It’s a whole new world to navigate right now, and

you, like me, may be having some anxious
thoughts. This is completely normal, it’s only natural
to feel uneasy and nervous. You can start by taking
one day at a time, taking care of ourselves, and
learning to ask for support. Try to stay connected
via facetime, phone calls, online forums, apartment
patios, classroom teams, whatever you can think of!

The following is a workbook full of colouring,

resources, mental wellness skills, and activities to
give your mind a break. Whether you are feeling
anxious or just board give it a try!

So... if you have a printer, print this bad boy off, and
grab your pencil crayons and favorite playlist. If you
don't have a printer open the PDF in preview, click

on the tool box , and partake the best you

can. Everything in Blue and Underlined is a link to a
website or resource. Share with whomever you feel
comfortable. #physicalnotsocial

Insight Timer

Foundry BC
Health Canada Resource
Mindful online magazine
Mental health support for men
BC Gov Support

Phone Resources:
Kids Help Phone Text, Online Chat, 24-Hours a day. 1-800-668-6868.
Crisis line Mental Health Line:604 310-6789, 1-800-SUICIDE: 1-800-784-2433
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA’s) Disaster
Distress Hotline: 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746
Call 310-Mental Health at 310-6789 (no area code needed)
Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre: Call toll-free in BC: 1-800-665- 1822
My daily personal self care list:

Social activities I can take part in while physically distancing:

2 week free trial of yoga

Down Dog Yoga/fitness Apps

All apps are complete free for students and teachers until July 1st

7 Min Workout
App by down dog, 7 minute workouts you can do in your house

Nike Run Club
Coaching and motivation, make challenges with friends

At home fitness classes

Live fitness classes with a 30-day free trial (use code ATHOME)

15 day free trial

Psychology Today
Articles and lists of counselors that work via phone or skype
Use this 3 point check technique when you are feeling a strong emotion to help break it
down into 3 steps, and understand what you are feeling to help ground you. Use the
emotion wheel on the previous page to help you be specific with your emotion.

Situation:_____________________ Emotion:____________________

Physical Sensations

Thoughts Behaviors (What are you doing)

Ground yourself to the present moment using a cue (breath, feeling the floor beneath
your feet) to ground

Do a three point check

1. What are you thinking right now
2. What are you feeling in your body right now
3. What are your behaviors? What are you doing right now? What do you feel like

Ask yourself:

Is my response (thoughts, physical feelings, behaviours) consistent with what is going

on right now?

Am I reacting to something from the past or a prediction about the future?

Bring your response in line with the present moment Keep breathing
Name The

Hemlock, Arbutus, Maple, Western Red Cedar, Pacific Dogwood, Alpine Larch,
Douglas Fir, Sitka Spruce, Pacific Silver Fir
Having a hard time sleeping?
Follow Here to Help’s tips
Tip #1 Avoid caffeine close to bedtime

Tip #2 Avoid alcohol close to bedtime

Tip #3 Unwind (no screen time)

Tip #4 Exercise a few hours before bedtime

Research shows that people who exercise regularly (30 to 60 minutes, three times a
week) have deeper sleep.

Tip #5 Follow the same routine

Tip #6 Avoid naps if you experience sleep problems

It's best to keep naps short, around 30 minutes at most

Tip #7 Avoid going to bed too hungry or too full

Tip #8 Get up if you do not fall asleep within half an hour get up if you don't fall asleep
within 30 minutes. Leave your bedroom and do something relaxing.

Tip #9 Make your bedroom comfortable and only use it for sleeping

Tip #10 Challenge the belief you can't function without a perfect night's sleep
When you can't sleep, you might check the clock and worry about getting through the
upcoming day. This increases anxiety and makes it even harder to fall back asleep.
Turn the clock away from your view.

For more tips on managing difficult thoughts that can disturb sleep, see Here to Help’s
Healthy Thinking Wellness Module
Use the sleep skills diary below to track your progress.
Remind yourself that it takes time to change sleep behaviours and see positive results.

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