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The judge supported the lawyer.

We turned around.
He beat someone else yesterday.
She performed well.
She introduced me to my boyfriend at the party.
He reached me.
My friend introduced me to my husband
He supported his children.
She turned into a woman.
our son was sick
He seemed interested in coming with us.
She introduced me to her boyfriend.
She appeared at night.
She introduced me to her boyfriend.
I touched the flowers.
The missing girl was found last night
He appeared on television.
It seemed familiar.
The customer was unhappy with our offer.
There was much activity around the plane.
She turned into a woman.
We turned around.
He thought she was not angry anymore.
I was born there
No oigo nada de este altavoz.
If he plays with the ball in the room, he will break something (Si él juega con la
pelota en la habitación, romperá algo.)
What direction will she Choose
They will never be able to return to Earth
I will add a little salt.
The town will change in another ten years
He prefers to eat healthy food.
What is the food that you will never cook
She will cover the baby with a blanket.
You will continue eating
She says that she will call you later
We will not drink water from that bottle
You will count from one to five
I will call again later
Today I will exercise more than yesterday
We will finish eating.
I will feel well. (me sentire bien)
One day, you will find somebody special.
We will follow you
Spring will arrive soon.
Our team has to give weekly presentations.
You never know what will happen.
Will you leave the door open
Do you know when he will eat (¿Sabes cuándo vendrá él?)
I will lose my job.
I will never leave you.
I will let the dog eat.
I will look at them.
Who wants to learn golf?
They will present the conversation to the class.
Your father will not offer you a choice.
Next year they will present the award.
I will miss these children very much.
It is going to rain this afternoon.
The new school will offer programs for children.
When will I receive my order?
At what time will I see you (a que hora te vere)
They will reduce the number of hours for every teacher
I will remember Pedro.
I know that he will never return.
He will not say yes.
He will return from work at seven.
They will stay at home.
We will start when he comes.
 I am going to show him my car.
They will serve wine and beer.
 I will try it next week.
We will think about you
In this chapter we will use properties
What sort of art do you think she will like
I will try it next week.
I will want more food.
If you write a review, we will give you a discount
I will not watch that movie.
We will access his profile here.
I will access your profile here
I will write down your name and address.
Les gusta oír a su hijo tocando la flauta.
Me gustan las artes, sobre todo el cine
I like that film a lot
My friend hears a flute.
She has played the flute since she was Young
Escribieron poesía en chino.
Learning poetry is a good exercise for the memory
. It is not my style.
It was not my style.
He has a better figure this summer
What kind of literatura
The audience was quiet during the performance
It is an Italian collection.
The restaurant opening was great.
I have a painting in my room
He is rich enough to buy the painting.

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