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ASSESSMENT OF STUDENT LEARNING of the average performances of the population tested.

• Assessment of learning focuses on the development and utilization
of assessment tools to improve the teaching-learning process. • Criterion-referenced measure is a measuring device with a
predetermined level of success or standard on the part of the testtakers.
• Measurement refers to the quantitative aspect of evaluation where
it involves the outcomes that can be quantified statistically. • Norm-referenced measure is a test that is scored on the basis of the
norm or standard level of accomplishment by the whole group taking
• Measurement is also defined as the process in determiningand the tests.
differentiating the information about the attributes or characteristics
of things. • The TYPES OF ASSESSMENT are Placement Assessment, Diagnostic
Assessment, Formative Assessment, and Summative Assessment.
• Evaluation is the qualitative aspect of determining the outcomes of
learning and it involves value judgment. • Placement Assessment is concerned with the entry performance of
the student, where its purpose is to determine the prerequisite
• Testing is a method used to measure the level of achievement or skills, degree of mastery of the course objectives and the best mode
performance of the learners. of learning.

• Test consists of questions or exercises or other devices for measuring • Diagnostic assessment is a type of assessment given before
the outcomes of learning. instruction where it aims to identify the strengths and weaknesses
of the students regarding the topics to be discussed.
• The three CLASSIFICATIONS OF TESTS are according to manner of
response, according to method of preparation, and according to the • Formative assessment is a type of assessment used to monitor the
nature of answer. learning progress of the students during or after instruction.

• Objective tests are tests, which have definite answers and therefore • Summative assessment is a type of assessment usually given at the
are not subject to personal bias. end of a course or unit.

• Teacher-made tests or educational tests are constructed by the • The MODES OF ASSESSMENT are Traditional Assessment,
teachers based on the contents of different subjects taught. Performance Assessment, and Portfolio Assessment.

• Diagnostic tests are used to measure a student’s strengths and • Traditional assessment is in which student typically select an answer
weaknesses, usually to identify deficiencies in skills or performance. or recall information to complete the assessment.

• Formative testing is done to monitor students’ attainment of the • Performance assessment is an assessment in which students are
instructional objectives. asked to perform real-world tasks that demonstrate meaningful
application of essential knowledge and skills.
• Summative testing is done at the conclusion of instructional and
measures the extent to which students have attained the desired • Portfolio assessment is based on the assumption that it is a dynamic
outcomes. assessment.

• A standardized test is already valid, reliable and objective and is a • The most reliable tool for seeing the development in a student’s
test for which contents have been selected and for which norms or ability to write is a portfolio assessment.
standards have been established.
• The KEY TO EFFECTIVE TESTING includes the Objectives, Instruction,
• Standards or norms are the goals to be achieved, expressed in terms Assessment, and Evaluation.

• Objectives is the specific statements of the aim of the instruction, • Fairness mandates that the test should not be biased to the
where it should express what the students should be able to do or examinees.
know as a result of taking the course.
• Evaluation is used to examine the performance of students and
• Instruction consists of all the elements of the curriculum designed comparing and judging its quality.
to teach the subject, including the lesson plans, study guide, and
reading and homework assignment. • The TYPES OF VALIDITY are Content Validity, Criterion-related
validity, and Concurrent Validity.
• Assessment is the process of gathering, describing or quantifying
information about the performance of the learner and testing • Content validity is a validation that refers to the relationship
between a test and instructional objectives and it establishes the
components of the subject. content so that the test measures what it is supposed to measure.

• The factors to consider when constructing GOOD TEST ITEMS are • Criterion-Related Validity is a type of validation that refers to the
validity, reliability, administrability, scorability, appropriateness, extent to which scores from a test relate to theoretically similar
adequacy, fairness, and objectivity. measures.

• Validity refers to the degree to which a test measures what it is • The two types of CRITERION-RELATED VALIDITY are Construct Validity
intended to measure. and Predictive Validity.

• To test the validity of the test, it is to be pretested in order to • Construct validity is a type of validation that measures the extent to
determine of it really measures what it intends to measure or what which a test measures a hypothetical and unobservable variable or
it purports to measure. quality, such as intelligence, math achievement, performance
anxiety, etc.
• Reliability refers to the consistency of scores obtained by the same
person when retested using the same instrument or one that is • Predictive validity is a type of validation that measure the extent to
parallel to it. which person’s current test results can be used to estimate accurately
what that person’s performance or other criterion, such as test score,
• The test of reliability is the consistency of the results when it is will be at a later time.
determined to different groups of individuals with similar
characteristics in different places at different times. • Concurrent validity is a type of validation that require the correlation
of the predictor or concurrent measure with the criterion measure,
• Scorability states that the test should be easy to score, directions which can be used to determine whether a test is useful to use as a
for scoring should be clear, and the test developer should provide predictor or as a substitute measure.
the answer sheet and the answer key.
• Objectivity is the degree to which personal bias is eliminated in the
• Appropriateness mandates that the test items that the teacher scoring of the answers.
construct must assess the exact performances called for in the
learning objectives. • Nominal scales classify objects or events by assigning numbers to
them, which are arbitrary and imply no quantification, but the
• Adequacy states that the test should contain a wide sampling of categories must be mutually exclusive and exhaustive.
items to determine the educational outcomes or abilities so that
the resulting scores are representative of the total performance in • Ordinal scales classify and assign rank order.
the areas measured.

• Interval scalesor also known as equal interval or equal unit is needed are spread about the mean.
to be able to add or subtract scores.
• Variance is the average squared difference between the scores and
• Ratio scaleis where the zero is not arbitrary; a score of zero includes the mean.
the absence of what is being measured.
• The standard deviation indicates how spread out the scores are, but
• Norm-referenced interpretation is where an individual’s score is it is expressed in the same units as the original scores.
interpreted by comparing it to the scores of a defined group, often
called the normative group. • A graph of a distribution of test scores is better understood that the
frequency distribution or a table of numbers because the general
• Criterion-Referenced Interpretation means referencing an shape of the distribution is clear from the graph.
individual’s performance to some criterion that is a defined
performance level. • A teacher must use an Essay type of test the student’s ability to
organize ideas.
• The stages in TEST CONSTRUCTION are Planning the test, Trying Out
the test, Establishing Test Validity, Establishing the Test Reliability, • NSAT and NEAT results are interpreted against a set mastery level,
and Interpreting the Test Score. which means that the tests fall under criterion – referenced test
because it describes the student’s mastery of the objectives.
• Frequency distribution is a technique for describing a set of test
scores where the possible score values and the number of persons • The first step in planning an achievement test is to define the
who achieved each score are listed. instructional objective.

• Measures of central tendency is computed to know where on the • Skewed score distribution means the score are concentrated more
scale of measurement a distribution is located. at one end or the other end.

• Measures of dispersion is used to know how the scores are dispersed • Normal distribution means that the mean, median, and mode are
in the distribution. equal.

• The three commonly used MEASURES OF CENTRAL TENDENCY are • When the computed value or r for Math and Science is 0.90, it implies
the mean, median and mode. that the higher the scores in Math, the higher the scores in Science
because r=0.90 means a high positive correlation.
• The mean of a set of scores is the arithmetic mean and is found by
summing the scores and dividing the sum by the number of • An objective that is in the highest level in Bloom’s taxonomy is rating
scores. three different methods of controlling tree growth because it deals
with evaluation.
• Median is the point that divides the distribution in half, which is
half of the scores fall above the median and half of the scores fall • Inferential is a type of statistics that draws conclusions about the
below the median. sample being studied.

• Mode is the most frequently occurring score in the distribution. • Generosity error is the error teachers commit when they tend to
overrate the achievement of students identified by and aptitude
• Range is the difference between the highest score and the lowest tests as gifted because they expect achievement and giftedness to
score. go together.

• The variance measures how widely the scores in the distribution • Portfolio assessment measures the students’ growth and

development. • A Z-value can be used to compare the performance of the students,

because it tells the number of standard deviations equivalent to a
• Formative testing is the test most fit for mastery learning because it raw score, where the higher the value of Z score, the better the
is done after or during a discussion where the feedback can be used performance of a certain student is.
to determine whether the students have a mastery of the subject
matter. • Mean is the measure of position that is appropriate then the
distribution is skewed.
• A characteristic of an imperfect type of matching set is that an item
may have no answer at all. • The analysis of Variance utilizing the F-test is the appropriate
significance test to run between three or more means.
• Determining the effectiveness of distracters is included in an item
analysis. • In standard deviation, the higher the value of standard deviation
on the average, the scores are farther from the mean value,
• Discrimination index is the difference between the proportion of where as the smaller the value of the standard deviation on
high-performing students who the item right and the proportion of the average, the scores are closer to the mean value.
low-students who got an item right.
• When the value of standard deviation is small, the scores are
• A positive discrimination index means that more students from the concentrated around the mean value because the smaller the value
upper group got the item correctly. of the standard deviation the more concentrated the scores are to
the mean value.
• A negative discrimination indextakes place when the proportion of
the students who got an item right in the low performing group is • When the distribution is skewed the most appropriate measure of
greater than the students in the upper performing group. central tendency is Median.

• Zero discrimination happens when the proportion of the student • In the parlance of test construction, TOS means Table of
who got an item right in the upper-performing group and lowperforming Specifications.
group is equal.
• Range is a measure of variation that is easily affected by the
• When points in the scatter gram are spread evenly in all directions, extreme scores.
this means that there is no correlation between two variables.
• Mode is the measure of central tendency that can be determined
• A norm-referenced statement is comparing the performance of a by mere inspection because mode can be identified by just counting
certain student with the performance of other student/s. the score/s that occurred the most in a distribution.

• Content is a type of validity that is needed for a test on course • The description of each criteria to serve as standard, very clear
objectives and scopes. descriptions of performance level, rating scale, and mastery levels
of achievement are considerations that are important in developing
• When there are extreme scores the mean will not be a very reliable a SCORING RUBRIC.
measure of central tendency.
• A rubric is developmental.
• The sum of all the scores in a distribution always equals the mean
times the N because the sum of all the scores is equal to the product • Performance-based assessment emphasizes process and product.
of the mean and the number of scores (N). Formula: Mean =
Summation of Scores/N • Kohlberg and other researchers used moral dilemma to measure
the awareness of values.

• Emphasis on grades and honors goes with the spirit of “ assessment

• PROJECTIVE PERSONALITY TEST includes Sentence Completion test, of learning”.
Word Association test, and Thematic Apperception Test.
• Split-half method and KuderRischardson measure internal
• An anecdotal report is a note written by the teacher regarding consistency of the test scores of the students.
incidents at the classroom that might need special attention in the
future. • Test-retest measures the stability of the test scores.

• One of the strengths of an autobiography as a technique for • Parallel methodmeasures the equivalence.
personality appraisal is it makes the presentation of intimate
experiences possible. • The expression “grading on the curve” means the performance of a
certain student compared to the performance of other students in
• Carl Roger is considered the main proponent of Non-Directive the group.
• Scoring rubrics has criteria of level of achievement to serve as
• Sharing the secrets of a counselee with other members of the standard, has a clear description of performance in each level, and
faculty is in violation of confidentiality. has a rating scheme.

• Counselors can break confidentiality rule in cases of planned suicide • When constructing a matching type of test the options must be
or planned hurting/killing of somebody. greater than the descriptions, the directions must state the basis of
matching, and the descriptions must be in Column A and options in
• Sinforoso Padilla is considered the father of counseling in the Column B.
• Extended Essay test can effectively measure HOTS cognitive
• Portfolio is the pre-planned collection of samples of student works, learning objectives.
assessed results and other output produced by the students.
• An objective test can cover a large sampling of content areas, timeconsuming
• Assessment is said to be authentic when the teacher gives students to prepare, and there is a single or best answer.
real-life tasks to accomplish.
• Objective tests measures low-level thinking skills, such as
• The main purpose of a teacher using a standardized test is to engage knowledge, comprehension, and application.
in easy scoring.

• Marking on a normative basis follows the normal distribution curve.

• A scoring rubric is important in a self-assessment to be effective.

• The main purpose of administering a pretest and a post-test to

students is to measure gains in learning.

• An assessment activity that is most appropriate to measure the

objective “ to explain the meaning of molecular bonding” for the
group with strong interpersonal intelligence is to demonstrate
molecular bonding using students as atoms.

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