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Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

Complejo Regional Centro sede San José Chiapa

Ingeniería de Automatización y Autotrónica

English 2
Section 2
Teacher: Xochitl Leonor Alonso Valerdi
Questionnaire about the Story of Dracula
Student: Brandon Andrés Vargas Chico
Chapter 3
1) Jonathan fell asleep in an unlocked room. When he woke up, the air was full of Golden
a) What did the Golden dust change into?
Change to the shape of three young women
b) What did Dracula do when he came into the room?
He took Jonathan's wife away
c) What did he say?
He said: come back, he is mine, ¡how dare you touch him!

2) Dracula asked Jonathan to write three letters to Mina.

a) Did Jonathan write what he wanted in the letters?
No, he was very afraid of him and wrote all the words of Count Dracula
b) What did Jonathan think that the Count was planning to do?
He thought Count Dracula intended to kill him
c) What was the date Jonathan put on the last letter?
It was June 29

3) On 29th June, Dracula spoke to Jonathan.

a) What did Dracula say?
He said they had to separate because he had to travel to England tomorrow
b) What did Jonathan decide to do?
He decided to follow him to his room
c) What did Jonathan see from the window in the passage?
How Count Dracula Came Out the Window

4) Jonathan found a way into an old chapel.

a) How many wooden boxes were in the chapel?
There were 50 wooden boxes
b) Who did Jonathan find in one of the boxes?
To Count Dracula
c) What did he look like?
Her hair was gray, her face was fat and red

5) Jonathan Heard some men coming. He left the chapel quickly.

a) What were the men doing to the boxes?
They were hitting the lids of the boxes
b) Where was Dracula going?
Count Dracula was on his way to England

6) What did Jonathan do?

Jonathan returned to the earl's room. And he took some gold coins in his pockets and
ran to the open window. He went out the window and slowly came down the wall

Chapter 4
1) Mina received letters from Jonathan. Why was she very worried?
Because the letters he received were short and strange

2) Mina went to stay with her friend Lucy West

a) Where did Lucy live?
Lived in a small town in Hythe by the sea
b) What did they do every day?
They went for a walk
c) Where did Lucy like going to most of all?
Lucy likes to walk to the old church on the hill
3) There was a storm on the night of 8th August. Lucy´s servant said that a ship had been
a) Where had the ship come from?
From Vama
b) What did he the servant say was strange about the ship?
That there was no one on the ship
c) What happened as soon as the ship touched the shore?
The woman continues, a huge dog jumps and he runs away up the hill

4) The ship was full of big, wooden boxes. What was in the box that broke open?
It was full of earth

5) That night, Mina woke up. Lucy was not in the bedroom.
a) Where did mina find Lucy?
At the door of the churchyard
b) What did Mina notice on Lucy´s throat as she put her to bed?
I notice there were two red marks on Lucy's throat

6) After that night, Lucy became paler and paler.

a) Why did Mina want to send a telegram to Arthur?
Because I wanted to tell you that Lucy was sick
b) Why would Lucy not let her?
Because Arthur was doing important work and didn't want to worry him
c) Why did Mina lock the bedroom door?
Because Lucy walked asleep and she closed the door to keep her safe

7) One night, Mina found Lucy leaning out of the bedroom window.
a) What was sitting beside Lucy?
A huge black bird
b) What did Mina notice about the marks on Lucy’s throat?
That the marks were already red and painful

8) Why did Mina have to leave at once?

Because he got a face where he said that Jonathan was safe

9) Mina asked Jonathan about Castle Dracula. What did Jonathan reply?
Jonathan mentioned to Mina that terrible things happened right there and he couldn't
tell her yet.

10) Who did Jonathan see on their first evening in London?

To Count Dracula

11) A telegram was waiting for Mina when she got home
a) Who was the telegram from?
Dr. Arthur
b) What did the telegram say?
That Lucy had already died and that they buried her yesterday

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