Task 2 - Writiiing Task Forum

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Unit 1

Asking and giving relevant information

Presented by:
Mayerli montañez perez código: 60267864

Group: 90021_110

Presented to:
Robinson Fernando Copete

National University Open And Distance - Unad

Basic Science School Technology and Engineering - ECBTI
March 15 of 2018
Stage 1: Entering to E-book/Online Content.
Go to the Learning Environment, and enter to E-book / Online Content
(Contenido en Linea) to develop the activities of UNIT 1. level B1, Module 1.

Stage 2: Using conditionals.

Go to the level B1, Module 1, section Activities, topic 1. Using conditionals,

and watch the video about “Jessica is getting married next month”. Analyze
and complete the sentences with the words you hear of the exercise that you
find down of it.

Take a screenshot of it and post it in the Writing collaborative forum.

Stage 3: talking about habits and their results.

Read the explanation of Topic 2. talking about habits and their results, and
develop the activity that you find there. Take a screenshot and post it in the
Writing task forum.
Stage 4: using Topics 3 and 4.

Develop the activities of Topic 3. talking about scientific facts, Topic 4. order of
clauses in conditionals.

Take a screenshot of each one and post them in the Writing task forum.
I if eat chocolate, I get a headache.

Stage 5: Using Future Factual Conditional.

Write 10 sentences using the Future Factual Conditional, taking into account
the explanation of Topic 6. Reading e-mail messages, and publish them in the
Writing task forum. They must be written for you, not copied from any web

 If I had won the lottery, I would have bought a house by the sea.
 If I don’t try, they’ll think I’m a chicken.
 If I have time, I”ll finish that letter.
 If the weather is good, we’ll go to the beach.
 If I mix red and blue, I get purple.
 I’ll call you if I have time.
 If you'd finished before, we'd have gone to the movies.
 If I go to Paris, I’ll visit my friend John.
 I’ll visit him if I go to Paris.

Stage 6: Using topics 10 and 11.

Develop the activities of Topic 10. identifying phrasal verbs and Topic 11.
understanding phrasal verbs in context. You can find them in the down part of
the topic.
Stage 7: applying your knowledge.
Choose ten phrasal verbs from the exercise of Topic 10. identifying phrasal
verbs and Topic 11. understanding phrasal verbs in context and write a
text where you use them. These verbs must be underlined to distinguish them
in the written.
You have to choose one of the following two topics:
-Telling what you did last vacation (Where did you go? How long did you
stay there? Who did you go with? How much did you pay for that? Which place
did you like the most?)
Write a short note in the forum telling the topic you chose.
Text length: 70 words to 80 words.

Stage 8: Publish your text

You must publish your text written with the ten phrasal verbs in the Writing
task forum.

Stage 9: Send your feedback

my vacation as usual I flight to visit my mother with my miguel son in canyon,

the sandy. To get there we must travel 18 hours approximately during the trip
you can see a very beautiful landscape, the food is very delicious. then I have
to go down and look for a bus that will take us to a town called BARANOA, it's
40 minutes from there. With the company of my mother and miguel we
observe the sea that is spectacular, we enjoyed a lot.

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