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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Division of Oriental Mindoro


Effects of Sales Promotion to the Students Buying Decision in Purchasing a Product

A Qualitative Research

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Subject


Submitted by:





Submitted to:


March 2020

Sales Promotion is given by the marketers to attract consumers to buy their product. It

calls lots of attention because of the money that the consumers can save by purchasing

products under sales promotion. According to the study of Bhatti (2018), sales promotion has a

great impact in influencing the consumer to buy a product. Social media also have an impact in

the purchasing decision of the consumer and balance the relationship of sales promotion and

consumer buying behaviors. It is apparent that each consumer has his own personal trait when

selecting a product and making a purchase decision. However, it has been observed that with

the increase in the sales promotion offered by every brand nowadays, the perception of the

consumers and their buying behavior has change because customers believed that the prices of

all products are cheaper than normal when offered sales promotion, also they felt they are

getting a good deal, and therefore, they make a purchase decision when a sales promotion is

offered. With this, researchers conducted a study at Leuteboro National High School about the

effects of sales promotion in the buying behavior of students in purchasing a product. It resulted

that sales promotion affects them by giving them motivation to buy the product because of the

money that they can save with sales promotion. Discounts attract them the most. It also

changes their behavior and have temptations in purchasing a product because of sales

promotion. It is recommended to use have more discounts but still have quality in the product.

Title Page

Title Page i

Fly leaf ii

Abstract iii

Acknowledgment iv

Table of Contents v


Background of the Study 1-2

Statement of the Problem 2

Theoretical Framework 2-5

Conceptual Framework 6

Significance of the Study 7

Scope and Delimitation 7

Definition of Terms 8


Research Design 14

Research Locale 15

Participants of the Respondents 15-16

Sampling Technique 16

Research Instruments 16-18

Validity of Research Instruments 19

Reliability of Research Instruments 19

Data Gathering Procedure 19

Data Analysis Procedure 19


OF DATA 21-28







The study are greatly appreciative to the following individual who contributed and
supported the conduct of the study.

To Him, who is the creator of the world’s greatest discoveries, His unfailing
wisdom lent to us made the conduct of the research possible.

Mr. Loreto S. Labrador, Principal IV of Leuteboro National High School, his

affirmation on the study and support led to the completion of the study.

Dr. Agnes J. Bumacod, Assistant Principal of Leuteboro National High School,

her authorization had made this research study into existence.

Mr. Arman Narciso, Inquiries subject teacher, his guidance, support,

consideration and encouragement motivated the researchers to finish the study.

The subject teachers, for their consideration and understanding by lending

some of their time for research purposes.

The researchers’ parents, both moral and financial support that greatly driven
the researchers to carry out this research study.

The participants of the study, the research study would not be complete
without them.

The researchers’ peers, for their motivation and moral support.

And lastly, the researchers’ themselves, for the effort that they have exhibited
all throughout the duration of this study and for accomplishing the research at its best.


According to the study of Bhatti (2018), sales promotion has a great impact in

influencing the consumer to buy a product. Social media also have an impact in the

purchasing decision of the consumer and balance the relationship of sales promotion

and consumer buying behaviors. On the other hand, discounts don’t seem to have an

impact on purchasing items. It is apparent that each consumer has his own personal

trait when selecting a product and making a purchase decision. However, it has been

observed that with the increase in the sales promotion offered by every brand

nowadays, the perception of the consumers and their buying behavior has change. is

because customers believed that the prices of all products are cheaper than normal

when offered sales promotion, also they felt they are getting a good deal, and therefore,

they make a purchase decision when a sales promotion is offered.

The consumers are already aware on the practices in the market. Some

consumer waits from some sales promotion like freebies before deciding in purchasing

a product. So that sales promotion became a competition in the market because good

sales promotion leads to better sales. The sales promotion practice in the industry draw

these consumers to the product and make them do impulse purchase. was realized
that the consumer may not go through the entire decision making process anytime they

want to purchase a service or product. This may be so because the evoked sets which

present the consumer with established alternatives may inform the consumer’s

judgements in deciding which service or product to buy. This may eventually prevent the

consumer from going through all the stages of decision making because of experience

and available information. It was also observed that the consumer would mostly

consider which servicer is offering the best discount and the kind of service that satisfies

their need. (Darko, 2018)

In this study determined two things the sales promotion and brand name that

affects the buying behavior of the consumer and these reasons leads to the production

of good quality products. The sales promotions influence the buying decisions of

consumer. Sales promotion strategies will lead to consumer buying behavior an

improvement by shortening the decision process towards purchasing products. The

sales promotion will beneficial to consumer buying decision. (Shrestha, 2015)

According to (Shamsi, 2018), in his study of the Impact of Sales promotion on

Consumer Behavior: An Analytical Study of Readymade Garments and Footwear

Segments, it can be used by marketer if they want or wish to attract new consumer

because attracting more consumer may result attracting more income and get their
products tried by them, discount is proven to be more effective than the other sales

promotion buy one get one that has to be used with as it is not found much impactful in

the selected segments. The study also reveals that discount positively influences

consumer’s purchase intention which can be linked to the results of the present study as

well, yet it’s both proven to be effective. The study also suggests that buy one get one

should be implemented with circumspection because it’s not always working on sales


This study focuses on four sales promotion techniques namely price discount,

free sample, buy one get one free and loyalty program. These four techniques are all

proven to have a good result in promoting a product. Price discount is good to used in a

supermarket. Free samples are tested to attract consumer to buy products. Buy one get

one is good to increase sales. Lastly, loyalty program has the highest impact among all.

It highly attract the buying decision of the consumer and at the same time sales will not

be affected. (Pathmini, 2016)

The market should choose a sales promotion carefully because the consumers

purchasing power gets higher depending on a sales promotion of the market. When a

consumer received a financial benefit from sales promotion their mental well-being

change. (WONG Ai Jean, Rashad Yazdanifard 2019)

Sales promotion gives big impact to any business even though sales promotion

power didn’t last long and marketers are required to always upgrade their promotion.

Spending time in shopping is part of the life of the respondents and sales promotion

changes their shopping pattern. Buy- one- get- one highly influence the consumer.

There are other sales promotion like discounts. Based on the result of the study, some

male consumer feels ashamed buying products on discounts but female consumer

strongly disagree as they said that they can save more money through discounts. Some

consumer think that products on sale didn’t have that much quality compared to

products on regular price but they sometimes still buy because of sales promotion.

(Nakarmi, 2018)

Sales Promotion, helps increase the sales. Marketers used sales promotion to call

the attention of consumer. It shows that consumer has positive feedbacks on sales

promotion, like coupon premium and point of sales display. (Adella, 2017)

Mahsa Familmaleki, Alireza Aghighi and Kambiz Hamidi conducted an analyzation to

the influence of sales promotion on consumer purchasing behavior. It is cited from

Ghafrane Ashraf on that buying behavior can be influenced by sales promotion through

different promotion technique free sample, price discount, social surrounding and

physical surrounding.
Jean – Woo Park also conducted a study about the relationship of sales promotion,

customer satisfaction, customer value and behavior intention. It shows that there is a

relationship between cutting price, CENTS off, customer satisfaction, customer value

image and behavioral intention. Duty free shop of witness the good effects on sales

promotion to the increase of level of customer satisfaction.



This chapter presents the research design, research locale, sample or the

respondents of the study, the instrument employed in data gathering, data collection

procedure and data analysis procedure.

Research Design

Qualitative case study research served as the main methodology for this study.

Case study is a research methodology that has commonly used in social science. It is

also a research strategy and an empirical inquiry that investigates a phenomenon within

its real- life content. Case studies are based on an in- depth investigation of a single

individual, group or event to explore the causes of underlying principles. It is an

analysis of persons, groups, events, decisions, periods, policies, institutions or other

systems that are studied holistically by one or more methods. A case study research

can be single or multiple case studies. It includes qualitative evidence and benefits from

the prior development of theoretical propositions. (PressAcademia,2018)

The researchers used qualitative research which they believed that it can help to

obtain knowledge and information in their research problem to further know the

credibility of this study.Also, they believed that it is suitable in their research problem to

further distinguish the purpose and objectives of this study knowledge and also a deep
meaning and understanding to identify the reasonably credibility of the central idea of

the study.

Research Locale

This study was conducted in Leuteboro National High School during the second

semester of Academic Year 2019- 2020. The structured questionnaires were asked in

the respondents through interview during their free time.

Participants of the Respondents

For this study, the experience of the consumer with their buying behavior towards

sales promotion. The case of this study was any Senior High Student who experience

buying with the influence of sales promotion. The researchers collected detailed

information by interviewing the chosen respondents and by giving questionnaire to

other. In the procedure of collecting data, the researchers gathered different information

or data including the sample on how consumer is affected by sales promotion. The

participants of the interview were selected five (5) students from Leuteboro National

High School who are obsessed with milk tea. The researchers kept the name of the

interviewees confidential and used an alias for each participant instead. The

interviewees were described using age, gender, grade level,strand, and body frame.

Murs - 17, female, Grade 12, ABM, slightly thin

Tin- 18, female, Grade 12, HUMSS, slightly thin

Gel - 17, female, Grade 12, HUMSS, slightly thin

Cap - 17, female, Grade 12, STEM, long and lean

Rub - 17, female, Grade 12, ABM,slightly thin

Sampling Technique

They were chosen by the researchers using the non- probability purposive or

judgmental sampling. Purposive or Judgmental Sampling technique is a sampling base

on how the researchers judge the respondents on how they can be capable on

answering the researcher question. (Crossman, 2020)

The researchers chose purposive or judgmental sampling technique because

they believe that the research questions that they have was cannot be answer by

anyone and the researchers need to chose those who have experience in sales

promotion in order to answer the research questions accurately. Purposive sampling

technique was used to gather valid and reliable data from the participants which suit the

research topic properly.

Research Instruments

The main data gathering instrument for this study was researcher- made

interview questions.
The generated questionnaires were asked to the respondents and consisted of

the following questions:

1. Do you go to mall?

1.1 How often do you go to mall?

1.2 Where do you get your money when going to mall?

2. What section you often visit when going to mall?

2.1 Why do you always go in that particular section?

3. Are you familiar in sales promotion?

3.1 What particular sales promotion you prefer the most?

3.2 Does sales promotion influence you in your buying decision in purchasing a


3.2.1 If yes, in what way?

3.2.2 If no, why do you think that it doesn’t influence you at all?

4. Does the product with sales promotion meet your satisfaction when purchasing it?

5. Do you like discounted products?

5.1 What discounted product you are fond of?

5.2 What do you prefer more, buying a discounted product or those that do not


6. What do you think is the advantage of buying a discounted product?

7. What is your behaviour when you see sales promotion?

7.1 Do you consider the money that you have in purchasing a discounted


8. Do you tell it to others like in your friends or family member when you know about

sales promotion?

8.1 If yes, what did you do next?

8.2 If No, Why did you keep it secret?

9. Do you go to check the said sales promotion when you know about it?

10. Where do you get your knowledge about a particular sales promotion of the


11. Are there temptations to buy the product with sales promotion like discounts?

11.1. If yes, how did you manage it?

11.2 If No, are you willing to manage?

12. What improvements do you look for in a sales promotion?

Validity of the Research Instrument

In determining the validity of the research instrument, the researchers consulted

an expert for the validity of interview questionnaire. The researchers south for approval

of their their research adviser, Mr. Arman D. Narciso, to validate the questionnaire.

Reliability of the Research Instrument

To test the reliability of the research instrument, the researchers conducted pre-

interview to ten (10) chosen sample participants. The interview were done twice.

Data Collection Procedures

Before the conduct of the research, the researchers sought permission to pursue

the study through a letter addressed to the Principal of Leuteboro National High School

through the Assistant Principal. Upon approval, the researchers carried out the

interviews with the selected respondents.

Data Analysis Procedure

In this study, the researchers collected data through interview. In order to

organize, summarize and analyze the data, the researchers recorded and reviewed the
answers of the respondents. Interviews were conducted and analyzed using content

analysis and frequency analysis. The researchers interviewed five (5) in their

perspective classroom and gave questionnaire to thirty (30) respondents. The

responses of data gathered from interview were evaluated through coding by using

symbols liked letters or words to represent arbitrary or subjective data. The data the

researchers collected were visually represented in the form of charts and power point

Chapter 4

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of data gathered in the


Description of the Participants

The participants of the study were Senior High School students from Leuteboro

National High School.

Table 1. Effects of Sales Promotion to the Participant's Decision in Buying


How does sales promotion Number of Participants Percentage of Participants

affects the participant’s

decision in buying


Motivation 12 34%
Can save money 11 31%
Affordability 6 17%
Not Affected 2 6%
Addiction 1 3%
Way it is promoted 1 3%
Option 1 3%
Decision Making 1 3%
Total 35 100%

As shown in Table 1, Sales Promotion affects consumer to be motivated to buy a

product. Consumers get interested in purchasing a product because they can save

money through sales promotions like discounts and buy- one- get- one promo. Six (6) of

the respondents answered that it is more affordable when products are under sales

promotion. There is a respondent said that sales promotion makes them addicted in

purchasing a product because of its cheaper price. Also, one (1) of the respondent was

affected by the way the said sales promotion was presented in the public. Also, there

was a respondent who answered that sales promotion affects their decision making in

buying a product and the other one stated that sales promotion gives option in

purchasing a product. But, there are two (2) respondents who cited that they are not

affected of sales promotion at all and one of the respondents reason was because

sometimes sales promotion was given because the products are damaged and the

other one said that it is because the respondent know that sales promotion is a tool

used by marketers to attract more customers.

Based on the results of the interview to five participants, they were all aware that

they are affected to sales promotion whenever they purchase product. The interview

revealed that they at least purchase product when it has sales promotion. It was

identified that sales promotion affects the participant’s buying decision in the way that

they are motivated to buy a product. Rub, stated that “Naiimpluwensiyahan ako ng mga
sales promotion na yun sa pamamagitan po ng pagbabagong isip halimbawa po ay

bibili po ako nga isang product tapos nalaman kong may discount yun parang mas

mahihikayat akong bumili ng products na yun.” (I am influenced by that sales promotion

in a way that I am changing my mind for example I’m about to buy a product then I’ll

find out that there’s a discount so I am more encourage to buy that product.) Meanwhile

Gel (2020), said that “Syempre kapag may mga discounts kunyare 50% 20% off parang

mas naeencourage akong bumili kase ang laking magiging tipid ko non kesa doon sa

talagang SRP nya.” (Off course when there’s a discount like 50% 20% off I’m

encourage to buy because I can save more compare to their real SRP.)

On the other hand, product with sales promotion is more affordable. Cap stated that

“For example, if I’m buying a certain product then it is buy-one-take-one it looks like it is

more affordable.” Moreover, one interviewees answered that she is not affected at all

whenever there’s a sales promotion. Stated by Tin “Sometimes I don’t care because

some sales promotion was used to sell damaged product”.

Table 1.1. Sales Promotion that Attracts the Respondents Most.

Sales Promotion Number of Participants Percentage of Participants

Discounts 33 94%
Buy- One- Get- One 2 6%
Total 35 100%

To support the data in Table 1, Table1.1 shows the Sales Promotion that attracts

the respondents the most was presented. Ninety four percent (94%) or thirty three (33)
of the respondents answered that they are attracted to discounted products. Only six

percent (6%) or two of the respondents are attracted to Buy- One- Get- One.

Table 2. Participant's Behavior Whenever They Learn Product with Big Discounts

How do the students Number of Participants Percentage of Participants

behave whenever they

learn about products with

big discounts?
Attracted 22 63%
Excited 7 20%
Delighted 3 9%
No Feeling at All 2 6%
Misdoubting 1 3%
Total 35 100%

All the respondent shows different behavior when they learn about big discounts.

Most of the respondents are attracted as sixty three percent (63%) or twenty two of the

respondents answered it. Twenty percent (20%) or seven (7) of the respondents shows

excitement when know about big discounts. There are nine percent (9%) or three (3) of

the respondent response that they are delighted with it. But there are six percent (6%)

or two (2) of the respondent didn’t care about it and three percent (3%) or one (1) of the

respondent answered that there is a doubt in sales promotion because some sales

promotion was given because it is damaged or needed to be sold because it is near to

Another themed revealed in the study that most of the participants’ behavior

whenever they learn about products with big discount is that they got easily attracted.

Tin said that “Na aattract agad kasi nga may sales”(I’m easily attracted ‘cause there’s a

sales). Meanwhile, some are also feel excitement, Gel stated that “Na eexcite bumili

parang ganon” (It’s like I’m excited).

Table 2.1. Consideration of money towards their behavior

Do You consider your Number of Participants Percentage of Participants

money in purchasing a

Yes 35 100%
No 0 0
Total 35 100%

Still, the respondents put consideration in the money they have before

purchasing product with discounts regardless of the behavior they have when they

figure out about big discounts.

It supports the study of WONG Ai Jean, Rashad Yazdanifard(2019) that the the

market should choose a sales promotion carefully because the consumers purchasing

power gets higher depending on a sales promotion of the market. When a consumer

received a financial benefit from sales promotion their mental well-being change.

This supports the study of Shrestha (2015) that two things the sales promotion

and brand name that affects the buying behavior of the consumer and these reasons
leads to the production of good quality products. The sales promotions influence the

buying decisions of consumer. Sales promotion strategies will lead to consumer buying

behavior an improvement by shortening the decision process towards purchasing

products. The sales promotion will beneficial to consumer buying decision.

Table 3. Participant’s Temptation to Buy Management Strategies When They

Know about the Sales Promotion

Are there temptation to buy Number of Participants Percentage of Participants

management strategies

that the learners employ

when knowing about the

sales promotion?

Yes 35 100%
No 0 0
Total 35 100%

All of the respondent respond that there are temptations to buy management

strategies that the learners employ when knowing about the sales promotion.

Table 3.1. Temptation Management of the Respondents

How do you manage Number of Participants Percentage of Participants

manage temptations?
Consideration of Money 24 69%
Consideration of Needs 8 23%
Consideration of Things 2 6%
Communication 1 3%
Total 35 100%

Respondents have four consideration in managing their temptations. Sixty nine

Percent or twenty four (24) of the respondents consider their money. There are eight (8)

or twenty three percent (23%) of the respondents consider their needs in managing their

temptations. Two (2) of the respondents consider the thing in discounts in managing

their temptations and one (1) of the respondents consider communication.



This chapter will show the conclusions and recommendations of the researchers

regarding the results of the interview and questionnaire given to the respondents.


From the results of the study, it is concluded that market can increase their

sales because of sales promotion as people are really attracted to sales promotion.

Sales Promotion can help them save money that is why they always consider the
sales promotion. They consider the benefits of purchasing a product under sales

promotion. But there are still some who didn’t consider sales promotion because of

the knowledge that sales promotion is given because of the eagerness to sell the

product for some reason like it is damage. But among all the sales promotion,

discounts attracts the consumers the best. Many are attracted to discounts because

of the money that they can save with discounts like 20% or 50% off. Money is really

a big deal to consumers. Still, consumers has consideration in purchasing a product

under sales promotion and consideration of money leads them all followed by

consideration of needs, things and communication. Sales Promotion changes the

behavior of the consumer in a way that it can make them excited, attracted,

delighted and sometimes doubting and even didn’t care at all. It makes them feel it

because of the money that they can save. Sales Promotion also temp the costumers

to buy products because of the money that they can save again.


From the results of the study, it is concluded that marketers should improve their

sales promotion because there are still some who didn’t care about it. There is still

doubts when it comes to sales promotion. Marketers should implement Discounts as

their main sales promotion as it attracts the consumers the best. Still, consumer

should analyze the product under sales promotion like discounts because some of

the products are discounted because of damage. Consumer can practice much

better temptation and behavior management when it comes to sales promotion.

Respondents also suggest that marketers should implement discounts with quality.

Discounted products should still have quality.Some also wants more discounted

product. There is a respondent who suggest that sales promotion should be easily

seen by consumers because there are some sales promotion that is hidden in some





Bhatti, A. (2018. Sales promotion and price Discount Effect on Consumer Purchase
Intention with the Moderating Role of Social Media in Pakistan. From

Crossman, A., (2020). Understanding Purposive Sampling: An Overview of the Method

ang Its Application, ThoughtCo.

Mahsa, F. (2015). Analyzing the Influence of Sales Promotion on Customer Purchasing

Behavior. From

Mohd, S. (2018). Impact of Sales Promotion on Consumer Behavior: An Analytical

Study of Readymade Garments and Footwear Segments. From

PressAcademia, (2018), Definition of Case Study

.The impact of sales promotion on consumer buying behavior in the telecom industry.

Syed, A. (2015). Impact of Sales Promotion on consumer buying behavior in Pakistan.




Impact of Sale Promotıon Technıques on Consumers’ Impulse Buyıng Behavıour

towards Apparels at Bangalore. From



Shrestha, A. (2015). Effects of Sales Promotion on Purchasing Decision of Customer A

Case Study of Baskin Robbins Ice-Cream Franchise Thailand. From

The Role of Sales Promotions on Consumer Purchase Intention. From:




BEHAVIOR: Retrieve July 12 2012 from> SALES…

Effects of Sales Promotion to the Students Buying Decision in Purchasing a




Dear Student-Participant,

The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of sales promotion to the students
buying decision in purchasing a product.

Please do not hesitate to ask the researchers a questions about the study before
participating or during the study. It would be an honor for us to impart the findings with you after
the completion of the research. We guarantee you that the data to be obtained from you will be
kept confidential.

Thank you and God bless.

Name: ________________________________________________

Grade and Section: ______________________________________

Direction: Put a check on your answer.

1. Do you go to mall?

1.1 How often do you go to mall?


1.2 Where do you get your money when going to mall?

_____From my parents
_____From my allowance
_____From my savings
_____If others please specify
2. What section you often visit when going to mall?
_____Clothing section
_____Shoes section
_____Cosmetics Section
_____Book store Section
_____Accessories Section
_____If others please specify
2.1 Why do you always go in that particular section?
3. Are you familiar in sales promotion?
3.1 What particular sales promotion you prefer the most?
_____ Discounts
_____Buy-one-get-one free
_____If any please specify
3.2Does sales promotion influence you in your buying decision in purchasing a
3.2.1 If yes, in what way?
3.2.1If no, why do you think that it doesn’t influence you at all?
4. Does the product with sales promotion meet your satisfaction when purchasing it?
5. Do you like discounted products?
5.1What discounted product you are fond of?
_____If any please specify

5.2 What do you prefer more?

_____Discounted product
_____Regular price
_____If others please specify
6. What do you think is the advantage of buying a discounted product?
_____Can save more money
_____Can buy more products
_____Can have more options
_____If any please specify
7. What is your behavior when you see sales promotion?
____No feeling at all
____If any please specify

7.1 Do you consider the money that you have in purchasing a discounted

8. Do you tell it to others like in your friends or family member when you know about
sales promotion?
8.1 If yes, what did you do next?
____Encourage them to buy
____Inviting them to buy
____If others please specify
8.2 If No, Why did you keep it secret?
9. Do you go to check the said sales promotion when you know about it?
10. Where do you get your knowledge about a particular sales promotion of the product?
____Internet/ online
____If others please specify
11. Are there temptations to buy the product with sales promotion like discounts?
11.1 If yes, how did you manage it?
_____By considering my money
_____By considering my need
_____If others please specify
11.2 If No, are you willing to manage?

12. What improvements do you look for a sales promotion?

_____More discounts on product

_____Discounted product with quality

Thank you for participating!

Babao Aiza S.

Tolentino Hyla O.
Ortegal Melan Colle

Rivera Patricia



Effects of Sales Promotion to the Students Buying Decision in Purchasing a


Letter of Consent to the Participant

Dear participant,

Good day!

We are Grade 12 Diego Silang under Accountancy Business and Management strand
who are currently doing a research on effects of sales promotion on the student’s
buying decision in purchasing a product. The study is a major requirements for Inquiries
subject. In this regard, we would like to solicit your permission to interview you to learn
more about the said topic.

If you choose to participate in this study,we will schedule a time to meet with you at your
most convenient time. During this time we would like to ask questions concerning on
your purchasing decision in buying a product. This interview will take approximately 10
minutes. With your permission, we would like to audiotape the interview in order to
focus on the conversation. Only the group will have access to the tape. The recordings
will be transcribed and we will remove any identifiers during the transcription. The tape
will then be erased and your identity will be kept confidential and will not be revealed in
the final manuscript.

We are thanking you in advance for your consideration to participate in this study.

Respectfully yours,

Babao, Aiza

Ortega, Melan Colle

Rivera, Patricia

Tolentino, Hyla

Participant’s Personal Information and Approval Sheet





I fully understand the purpose and significance of the study, the listed name
above and my signed shows my willingness to participate on the said study.

Participant’s signature over printed name

1. Do you go to mall?
1.1 How often do you go to mall?
1.2 Where do you get your money when going to mall?
2. What section you often visit when going to mall?
2.1 Why do you always go in that particular section?
3. Are you familiar in sales promotion?
3.1 What particular sales promotion you prefer the most?
3.2 Does sales promotion influence you in your buying decision in purchasing a
3.2.1 If yes, in what way?
3.2.2 If no, why do you think that it doesn’t influence you at all?
4. Does the product with sales promotion meet your satisfaction when purchasing
5. Do you like discounted products?
5.1 What discounted product you are fond of?
5.2 What do you prefer more?
6. What do you think is the advantage of buying a discounted product?
7. What is your behaviour when you see sales promotion?
7.1 Do you consider the money that you have in purchasing a discounted
8. Do you tell it to others like in your friends or family member when you know about
sales promotion?
8.1 If yes, what did you do next?
8.2 If No, Why did you keep it secret?
9. Do you go to check the said sales promotion when you know about it?
10. Where do you get your knowledge about a particular sales promotion of the
11. Are there temptations to buy the product with sales promotion like discounts?
9.1. If yes, how did you manage it?
9.2 If No, are you willing to manage?
12. What improvements do you look for in a sales promotion?

Prepared by:

Melan Colle Ortega
Patricia Rivera
Hyla Tolentino

Reviewed and Approved by:

Arman D. Narciso
Research Teacher



Questions Code Category Theme

Yes, kapag may Can save money
sales mas madami
kang nabibili
compare sa pera
mo. (Yes, when
there is sales you
can buy more
compare your
Syempre kapag Can save money
may mga discounts
kumyare 50% 20%
off parang mas
akong bumili kase
ang laking magiging
tipid ko non kesa
doon sa talagang
How does sales SRP nya. (Off Effects of sales
promotion affects course when there’s promotion to the
the participants a discount like 50% participant's
decision in buying 20% off I’m decision in buying
products? encourage to buy products.
because I can save
more compare to
their real SRP.) 

Naiimpluwensiyaha Motivation
n ako ng mga sales
promotion na yun sa
pamamagitan po ng Motivation
pagbabagong isip
halimbawa po ay
bibili po ako nga
isang products
tapos nalaman kong
may discount yun
parang mas
mahihikayat akong
bumili ng products
na yun. (I am
influenced by that
sales promotion in a
way that I am
changing my mind
for example I’m
about to buy a
product then I’ll find
out that there’s a
discount so I am
more encourage to
How does sales buy that product.)  Effects of sales
promotion affects Syempre kung promotion to the
the participants kunyari may bibilhin participant's
ako tapos yun yung Can save money
decision in buying kailangang decision in buying
products? kailangan ko talaga, products
ay hindi ko naman
kailangan, parang
ang gusto ko lang
yun nga gusto ko
lang syempre, pag
hindi, hindi kasi ako
bumibili yung gusto
ko lang ang binibili
ko ang kailangan ko Motivation
lang kunyari gusto
ko lang yun tapos
ang mura naman
syempre gora na
bili. ( Of course, if
ever I have
something to buy
then that’s what I
really need , I don’t
need, what I want is
what I want, if not, I
didn’t buy, what I
buy is what I need
and if it is
discounted then I
buy it. .

How do the students Na aattract agad Attracted Partcipant's

behave whenever kasi nga may behavior whenever
they learn about sales(I’m easily they learn product
products with big attracted ‘cause with big discounts
discounts there’s a sales)
Na eexcite bumili Excited
parang ganon (It’s
like I’m excited)

Excited at masaya Delighted

(excited and
Wala lang di naman No feeling at all
ako jan di nman
ako in to
(Nothing,I’m not in
to it.)
Syempre sabi ko Misdoubting
nga mapapamura
pero minsan yung
mga discounted
product ay
discounted lang
kasi damage (Of
course like what I
have said I can
save money but
products are
because there’s a

Yes, sinasabi ko Communication

kela mama pag
meron edi binibili
(Yes, I tell it to my
mom and if there is
then we buy)
Yes, Ina consider Consideration of
ko rin yung mga money
school fees ko,
kapag may budget
pa ko para sa
school fees ko at
meron pang pera
sa mga ganong
bagay edi go.
( Yes, I also
consider my school
Are there temptation fees , and if I still Participant’s
to buy management have money for temptation to buy
strategies that the school fees and for management
learners employ things like that then strategies when they
when knowing about go) know about the
the sales sales promotion.
Yes, Una pinag Consideration of
iisipan kung things
kailangan ko ba
talaga yun at kung
kailangan naman at
mura so bibilhin ko
na agad (Yes, I
think first if I really
need that and if it is
needed and it is
cheap so I’ll going
to buy it.)
Wala, ay depende Consideartion of
naman e kunyare things
discounted nga
yung product na
yun alangan
namang matempt
ako ay hindi ko
naman kailangan.
Sabi ko nga kanina
di naman ako
bumibili ng diko
kailangan. (None, It
depends because if
ever that it is
discounted how
can I be tempted if
I don’t need it. Like
what I’ve sai I didn’t
buy what I didn’t

Oo naman sympre, Consideration of

nakakatempt syang money
bumili pag may
sales promotion o
discounts sympre
mapapamura doon
pero di naman ako
bibili nun kung wala
naman akong pera.
( Yes of course,
there’s a
temptation when
there’s sales
promotion or
discounts, of
course I can save
but I won’t buy it if I
don’t have money.) Participant’s
temptation to buy
Are there temptation

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