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Palestine Polytechnic University

Civil and Architectural Engineering Department

Architectural Engineering

Applied Electricity Laboratory


Impedance Applications: Filter Circuits

Student: Aseel Aburayyan

Supervised by: Eng. Shehda Zahida

 Objectives

A. How to use the basic passive components in filter circuits.

B. Obtaining the frequency response for a given filter. (Low pass and
High pass filters).

 Materials:

1. Resistors
2. Wire.
3. Ground.
4. Capacitor.
5. Signal generator.
6. Oscilloscope.

 Procedures And Results:

A. Low Pass Filter:
 Procedures
1) Connect the circuit.
2) Vary the frequency of the signal generator according to the
values listed in Table 1. and the amplitude to 10 Vrms for a
sinusoidal signal.
3) Measure the output voltage across resistor R1.
4) Calculate the Cutoff frequency (ƒc ) according to the
following formula:
ƒc = R /2πL
R :represent the Resistance, and
L :represent the Inductance.
5. Draw a graph of output voltage as a function of frequency (semi-
log graph).

B. High Pass Filter.

 Procedures
1. Connect the circuit.
2. Repeat all the steps mentioned above and record your results in
3. Calculate the Cutoff frequency (ƒc ) according to the following
ƒc = 1 /2πRC

R represent the Resistance, and
C represent the capacitance.
4. Draw a graph of output voltage as a function of frequency(semi-log

 Solution and calculation:

 Table 1

Frequency 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 4 10 20 40
Voltage 9.998 9.997 10 10 9.997 9.98 9.92 9.691

Frequency 60 80 100 200 400 600 800 1000
Voltage 9.342 8.911 8.436 6.177 3.656 2.533 1.927 1.552

ƒc = R /2πL
= 1/ 2π * 10
= 159KHz
 Table 2

Frequency 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 4 10 20 40
Voltage 0.001 0.01 0.01 1.003 3.731 7.09 8.954 9.704

Frequency 60 80 100 200 400 600 800 1000
Voltage 9.865 9.924 9.951 9.988 9.997 9.998 9.999 9.999

ƒc = 1 /2πRC
= 1/ 2π * 1.6 * 1
= 99.5KHz
 Conclusion
1. Low pass filter:

low pass filter

output voltage

0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000

‫لكام زادت قمية الرتدد قلت قمية اجلهد الناجت وذكل ألن املواسع مقاوم للرتددات العالية فمينعها من العبور ويسمح للرتددات‬
‫‪.‬املنخفضة ابملرور‬
‫مجيع القمي اليت ترددها اقل من ‪ =KHz159fc‬قريبة من ‪ vrms10‬الهنا ‪ low pass filter‬يسمح لها ابملرور اما عند‬
‫اكرب من ‪ fc‬تصبح قريبة من الصفر وذكل الن املامنعة لها كبرية جدا‪.‬‬

‫‪2. High pass filter:‬‬

‫‪high pass filter‬‬

‫‪output voltage‬‬

‫‪0‬‬ ‫‪0.01‬‬ ‫‪0.1‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪10‬‬ ‫‪100‬‬ ‫‪1000‬‬

‫لكام زادت قمية الرتدد زادت قمية اجلهد الناجت وذكل الن ‪ inductor‬مقاوم للرتددات املنخفضة فمينعها من العبور ويسمح‬
‫للرتددات العالية ابملرور‪.‬‬
‫مجيع القمي اليت ترددها اكرب من ‪ =KHz99.5fc‬قريبة من ‪ vrms10‬الهنا ‪ hirh pass filter‬يسمح لها ابملرور اما عند‬
‫اقل من ‪ fc‬تصبح قريبة من الصفر وذكل الن املامنعة لها كبرية جدا‪.‬‬

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