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Philosophy of Education

Britney Sawyer

The primary purpose of education is to develop a student intellectual ability to assimilate

in society as a citizen in the community. It is important to remember that the education process
that a student goes through defines who they will become as a productive adult in society.
It is a team effort to bring up a child in the way that they should go. To develop thinkers
there are many ways to successfully approach this tremendous task. But one thing that all
educators have to keep in mind is that all people think in different ways. Developing thinkers is
what all educators should do. But as we have learned both through experience and curriculum it
takes time. Developing thinkers that know how to handle various issues in the best possible way
should be the goal of all educators and parents combined. It is important to teach students to
work smarter not harder. For most children society as they know it revolves around the school
culture and the home environment. Unfortunately, there are many students that have the best of
one world and the worst of another. School should be the example and the epidemy of what
society should run like. It is through basic interaction with peers that all humans learn how to be
the best person they can be. Cultural heritage is the basis of who we are. It is our culture that
defines us, binds us, and make us the peoples that we are. Without heritage there would nothing
distinct to the locations that a student resides in. So yes, to learn tolerance of other cultures is to
demonstrate a society that can live in harmony. As children grow it is important to let children
learn about their environment in the safest possible way.
This includes allowing them to explore and experience their interest for the workplace.
So, if there is student interested in banking then the educator should be able to try to tie in these
interests in the lesson being taught in the class. The more interested that student is in the subject
the more likely they will succeed in class. The nature of knowledge is when a student is able to
analyze and relate to particular learning experience. The nature of learning is like a scaffolding
process where each new skill is derived from the previous learning event. As the learning
objectives get more complicated so does the understanding that goes with that skill.
There are many ways to approach a student with different teaching techniques. As the 21st
century classroom changes so should the class materials. Most of the time based on the past
students are expected to memorize facts and would be less adapt to the metaphysical needs of
society. These needs would be integrating social skills, adaptability, and developing sense of
emotional well-being. When a person may hear the word curriculum, they may think oh no a
bunch of book work is going to happen!! But to teach there are many ways to change the “book
work” into activities and projects that allow the student to take charge of what they are learning.
The role of curriculum in the classroom should evolve with the demographic and social needs of
the students. In today’s environments in the classrooms are not that of yesteryear.
The curriculum and standards should be tied together to be interactive lesson plan. The
nature of all children in general is that they are naturally curious about their surroundings.
Because of these children are more likely to pick up on behaviors and learn more about their
environments in a way that is different from an adult learner…The natural basis of learning is
based off of our environment. The main idea for teaching a student is to condition them to the
classroom procedures and rules in the class. As professor Baltrip has stated in many of her
lectures each student needs to be able to learn in his or her own unique way. Not all students are
the same type of learners. There is the visual/spatial learner who has to be able to learn through a
visual explanation. The verbal/linguistic is the learner that has to be able to process information
through both written and read aloud situations.
The logical/mathematical student is able to calculate numbers and reasons of logic to
obtain the proper information. Bodily/Kinetics learning is when the student has the need to be
moving about in a sort of fashion. An example of this is hand movement or general body
movement. Musical/Rhythmic learners typically learn through the rhythm of music and sound.
Interpersonal intelligence is when a person learns best from plenty social and group setting
learning experiences and opportunities. Intrapersonal students learn quietly on their own and
tend to independent learners. A naturalist learner usually learns best when they are made aware
of nature’s calming effects.
An example of this is doing an activity outside, listening to calming nature sounds, or
being able to observe the nature in action. Effective classroom management is when the teacher
is able to manage the students while continuing the lesson. Classroom management approach
should reflect how effective the teacher can teach while ensuring the whole class is on task and
learning efficiently. The Nature of Value (Axiology) is basically the study of morals and ethics.
To create an environment of moral and ethics in a classroom setting the teacher must enforce
expectations continuously. Morals and Values are instilled into our students at a very early age.
These are the very foundation blocks of society as we know it. The teacher has an ethical
responsibility to themselves and the students they work with to present a strong, safe, and caring
classroom. Many students that come through school may not experience this concept in their
home environment and it is then the very existence of the student’s social basis. It is through
participation and discussion that the student/teacher will learn the strengths and weaknesses that
they may have in class. It is my honest thought that negative reinforcement is not something that
should be handed out lightly. School rules in handbooks tend to focus more on the does and
don’ts. But it is very few and far between you hear of a school that issues positive reinforcement
guideline handbooks either. A teacher cannot lead if they are not willing to be the example and
the leader of the classroom bubble.

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