The Birds Nest Final

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 The Bird’s Nest

Prepared by

Ashley Painter, Antoinette Musco, Anthony Silva, Dara Genovese,

Francesca Addesso, Maria Galuppo and Nathan King
Normal Networkers
COM 378.002 
Illinois State University
(Interrupted by COVID-19 halfway through project)

April 2nd, 2020

Table of Contents     Page

Executive Summary.............................................................................................................. 3
1.0  Organization Background ..............................................................................................4

1.1 Business definition .........................................................................................................4

1.2 Vision..............................................................................................................................4

1.3 Mission...........................................................................................................................4

1.4 Value Proposition............................................................................................................5

1.5 Organization Structure....................................................................................................5-6

1.6 History & Culture ..........................................................................................................6-7

2.0  Situation Analysis..........................................................................................................7

2.1 Definition & Scope of Situation.....................................................................................7-8

2.2 Stakeholders Affected ...................................................................................................8

2.3 Competition ..................................................................................................................9

2.4 SWOT Analysis.............................................................................................................9-13

2.5 Market Position.............................................................................................................13

3.0  Plan .............................................................................................................................14

3.1 Objectives, Strategies & Tactics...................................................................................14-17


Executive Summary

The Birds Nest is an organization in Normal that specializes in Illinois State pride attire and custom
made apparel that helps students, organizations, faculty, and schools represent themselves with their
own creativity. The Birds Nest seeks to grow its business and create more than just apparel and
improve organization overall within their company. 

This document presents a proposed plan for the 2020-2021 year to increase awareness and
organization to help become a more active apparel shop. The information below to improve the
Bird’s Nest current operations came from multiple interviews with the manager and owner, Brian
Martin. This plan was created after many meetings and research done to help the company grow. In
order to create reasonable growth and help reach the organization's goals, our team came up with
these objectives: 
 To increase social media awareness on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter among college
students in Bloomington-Normal by 15% by December 2020
 To increase organizational structure at the Bird’s Nest by December 2020
 To stabilize employee retention by 7% at the Bird’s Nest by December 2020. 
 To increase foot traffic by 5% by December 2020.
 To increase sales by 5% by December 2020.
 To increase positive attitudes towards sports amongst customers by 7% by December 2020. 

The goal is to achieve each of these objectives and have the plan to be successful in the end. There
are benchmarks for each objective and tactics for specific things to be done to help make this
successful for the Bird’s Nest. Once improvements of the Birds Nest are increased, there will be
more opportunities for the organization to receive more orders and make their brand grow more.
Having organization and employee retention become better allows a more successful environment for
the organization and employees. All these objectives are hopeful of leading to the final one to
increase positive attitudes towards sports amongst customers by 7% by December 2020. More
positive attitudes about sports will increase foot traffic and sales within the organization and more
custom apparel to be made for the community. 

1.0  Organization This section will provide various amounts of information within the
Background organization that is fundamental in helping the company’s success.
Below will be detail on its style of business, vision, mission, value
proposition, organizational structure, history and culture. This
information overall will help our team with further parts of our plan in
sections 2.0 and 3.0.

1.1 Business Definition The Bird’s Nest has been serving the Bloomington- Normal community
for three years since 2017. Their current location is 503 S. Main St., in
downtown normal. The Bird’s Nest is a custom shirt shop located in the
heart of Normal, IL on Illinois State University’s Campus. It continues
to provide services to express school spirit, promote organizations, and
customize the creativity of individuals on clothing or accessories. The
Bird’s nest relies on its employees, customers, and community to
operate productively.  

The Bird’s Nest is supported by students, organizations, faculty, and

alum that repeatedly order from them. The Bird’s Nest aims to produce
well-designed apparel that is delivered quickly and created with quality
material. This business prides itself on having an ongoing, mutual, and
beneficial relationship with its customers. 
1.2 Vision Normal Networkers created a vision at Bird’s Nest because there is
currently none. The Bird’s Nest can either use the provided vision
statement moving forward or prepare a new one based on Normal
Networkers recommendations.

To be the leading customer-centric apparel retailer in Bloomington-

Normal. We want to provide our customers with the best customizable
apparel experience with low prices and quality customer service, all at
a fast rate. We aim to expand and grow through Greek life and the
Illinois State apparel market. At the Bird’s Nest. We strive to achieve
business and financial success through our customer’s ideas.

1.3 Mission The Bird’s Nest mission of “Turn ideas into apparel” has remained the
same for the past three years. 

1.4 Value Proposition The value proposition is a concise outline showing what sets apart the
Bird’s Nest from any other competitors in the area. The Bird’s Nest
prides themselves on having a quick, reliable service with excellent
customer service. The Bird’s Nest primary focus is to sell clothing to the
Illinois State community here in Bloomington-Normal. 

Slogan: We tackle every job ranging from customs one-offs to bulk


Key Message Platform:   

 Having Style never stops.

o The Bird’s Nest has hundreds of design ideas that will
keep every person styled in their own way. 
 Were more than just a T-shirt shop. 
o   The family environment and strong community bond is
the glue that holds Bird’s Nest and its customers
together. The Bird’s Nest creates a happy and
memorable shopping experience. 
 Bird’s Nest employing the community.
o The Bird’s Nest is an excellent place to work while
being in school. It gives students flexible hours with
their studies but also offers the Bird’s Nest the upper
hand advantage. When hiring students around campus,
it creates word of mouth amongst the students, which
gives the Bird’s Nest a sense of home amongst

1.5 Organization      The Bird’s Nest organizational structure consists of a full-time manager.
Structure Below the manager are 11 part-time employees and a few family
volunteers. If short on staff, or need extra help, family relatives will
come to the store and spend their time where it’s needed. Family
relatives are needed due to a few full-time employees and employee
retention from the workers being mostly part-time college students. 

Below is the name of the current full-time and part-time employees and
the position they currently hold. 

  Manager- Brian Martin  

  Niko Elias- Part-Time   
 Kylie Milliken- Part-Time
 Julia Kringbaum- Part-Time
 Quinn Robinson- Part-Time
 Katie Pradum- Part-Time
 Lorelie Martin- Part-Time
 Belle Pierpointe - Part-Time

1.6 History & Culture   Before the Bird’s Nest opened in 2017, the manager and owner, Brian
Martin, ran an apparel shop out of his house. He started a business called
J and B apparel. Within a few years, he wanted to expand his business to
a retail shop where he could help the Illinois State University
community. As Brian explored the Bloomington-Normal community, he
came across a business owner who needed a subleaser to split the cost of
a space he owned. Brian thought this would be a great start to his career
and decided to take the space. Now, the Bird’s Nest has been open for
three years, where they rely on students, organizations, teams, and
Registered Student Organizations to continue the business. 

The organization relates to the community because it helps college

students represent their college. It also promotes greek life throughout
campus by customizing greek apparel. The Bird’s Nest gives registered
student organizations and teams the ability to order in bulk with quick

The public views The Bird’s Nest as a business with outstanding service
and great prices. The Bird’s Nest performs above and beyond to help
with orders that need to be done quickly. The t-shirts that were made
were of great quality. While the public views The Bird’s Nest has a
place with great service and quality, there is a lack of awareness about it
in the community. The public perceives The Bird’s Nest as a reputable
business but they wish they knew more about it and it was advertised

The Bird’s Nest values its employees with equal attentiveness without
promotions or competitions. Brian manages with understanding that his
employees are mainly college students, so he is flexible with schedule.
The schedule is run by employee availability and the manager works
around that. Shifts normally range from 4-6 hours for part-time. 

2.0  Situation Analysis   Analysis of The Bird’s Nest’s business situation is important because it
faces pressures from its internal and external environments. The current
internal environment has experienced varied scheduling due to reliance
on temporary student workers. This has resulted in a high rate of
turnover among employees. The Bird’s Nest also faces external
challenges as it withstands high competition from other apparel
businesses. This has resulted in customers choosing a different shop to
purchase clothes. The recent employee retention rate has been low due
to temporary student employees causing schedules to vary. The current
state external environment between employees and the community has a
limited social media presence affecting customers not to choose The
Bird’s Nest as their top custom apparel destination. This section lays out
background information on the business and critical internal and
external issues.

2.1 Definition & Scope of The Bird’s Nest is an organization that sells custom apparel (t-shirts,
Situation sweatshirts) throughout the Bloomington-Normal area. A lot of students,
alumni, faculty, and registered student organizations use this t-shirt to
shop for clothing. While the business has been up and running for three
years, each business will face some challenges that need addressing.
Some external issues that they are facing include marketing and sales.
Currently, they are not as active as they want to be on social media.
Additionally, they are facing internal issues such as employee retention
and internal coordination, which is causing disorganization among
employees in the business. 

The Bird’s Nest has not achieved the sales that it wants to grow. One
key external issue that is important to recognize is by not being as active
on social media; the public is not aware of the business’ deals,
promotions, and services. Mainly, the Bird’s Nest is not reaching
potential customers. Since social media is a big part of our society
today, it will help give the Bird’s Nest an advantage over other local
custom apparel retailers. Foot traffic is partially also affected by this
because there is not enough reach spread across their social media. Foot
traffic is an essential part of running a successful business because it
leads to higher sales and revenue numbers.

 Internal issues include employee retention, scheduling, and internal

organization. The Bird’s Nest hires several student employees, but due
to the length of a college degree (four years), many do not last long. 5%
of employees turnover yearly. It does, however, give college students
the opportunity to work close to campus. It benefits the Bird’s Nest
because the employees are easily available and can help out in short
notice. Having low employee retention rates affect scheduling, which
then affects employees being absent, confused with the schedule, and
the business being short-handed. Another internal issue the organization
faces is the lack of technology for larger order requests. Often, order
forms are misplaced or lost between shifts causing the business to either
forget about the order or not complete it at all. Doing things
electronically would make orders easily accessible and organized.
Overall, organization is key to the Bird’s Nest being a high-functioning

2.2 Stakeholders The Bird’s Nest has multiple public's that work within the Bloomington-
Affected  Normal area. The stakeholders involved with this business all have an
integral function that helps with the store’s success. The external
stakeholders include outside vendors that provide supplies to the store.
Along with vendors, Bird’s Nest relies on the community to help keep
business booming. This company needs to serve and appreciate its
external support systems. The internal stakeholders hold a more
responsible role in this company. The owner and manager, Brian Martin,
and his family are the sole owners of this company. They oversee
multiple employees and volunteers that act as internal stakeholders as
well. The volunteers are family members that express willingness to
help during busy hours. Employees and volunteers are essential to Bird’s
Nest because they help with customer services.

2.3 Competition The Bird’s Nest is unique because of its low prices and fast service in
the Bloomington-Normal area. However, low prices and fast service
does not eliminate potential competitors. This is not something The
Bird’s Nest can change, but it is important to discuss the possible
competitors in the nearby area. Below are different competitors in the
area that pose a threat to The Bird’s Nest.

 Campustown Supplies: Campustown supplies location is in uptown,

Normal. The store offers school spirit at lower prices, as well as
accessories and custom print apparel. This store is on the same level of
success with Bird’s Nest and possibly is the biggest competitor in the
Alamo 2: This is a bookstore on campus. The location is right next to the
largest dorm on campus. The Alamo 2 sells high-quality apparel,
accessories, and has a convenience food section. This store also provides
a textbook section that allows students to buy/rent textbooks each

 ISU Barnes and Noble: The official ISU bookstore. This is a brand new
location in the Bone Center on campus. Not only does this store offer
high- quality spirit wear and accessories, but they have an entire
textbook section. This brings in a lot of foot traffic from students
looking to buy their  new textbooks for the next semester.
Varsity Sportswear: Varsity Sportswear is located in the heart of
Normal. Varsity Sportswear offers an abundance of products from
apparel to custom blankets. Not only is the store available for people to
walk in, but they have an online shop for customers not to have to leave
their house to buy products. 

University Tees: Online t-shirt shop that universities around the country
use for Greek life organizations. They create custom greek life apparel
with unique and updated designs. Their website is simple to navigate
through to create quotes and purchase in bulk.  

Located below, our team put together a SWOT analysis that highlights
2.4 SWOT Analysis the Bird’s Nest strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
Strengths resemble what the Bird’s Nest does well internally, while the
weaknesses resemble what the Bird’s Nest could improve. The
opportunities portion resembles openings for something positive to
happen, and threats resemble things that could negatively affect the
Bird’s Nest externally. The SWOT also included aspects, implications,
and actions that will help make the company more successful overall. 

  Aspect Implications Actions

Strengths Lower prices More affordable Keep prices the

for apparel apparel for same, and spread
and limited- income awareness about
merchandise students. More low price items.
than other affordable Also, match
competing prices for bulk prices compared
custom orders.   to other apparel
merchandise and local places.
shops in the

Quality Their customer Keep hiring

customer service is employees with
service unique because exceptional
any customer’s customer service
ideas come to skills and
life through emphasize
their apparel. politeness when

School Spirit Selling ISU Keep creating

apparel and new designs and
merchandise apparel every year
helps bring in that entail ISU
ISU students logos. Market ISU
and people that apparel to all
identify with generations
the University. because their
apparel is
timelessly worn.
Market apparel
for more specific
events such as
special weekends,
and events. 

Weaknesses The Bird’s They have Be more active on

Nest is not Facebook, Instagram,
active on Twitter, and Facebook, and
social media, Instagram Twitter. Construct
so they are pages, but they a social media
not reaching are not active or plan to establish
their current. It is consistency with
customers.  challenging to social media
track posts. Post
engagement of giveaways and
their audiences free items to get
because there is more engagement
limited social and customers to
media presence. come into the
store. They could
also hire a non-
paid intern to run
their social

Scheduling Employees Send out a weekly

employees  have a hard Google
time knowing Spreadsheet to
when they are employees to
working work a minimum
because there is of 3 shifts a week
not an online so that they can
set schedule plan out their
that goes out work schedule
each week.  accordingly. 

Opportunities Festival ISU Easier to Set up a tent at

market their Festival ISU, with
apparel with free T-shirts and
major foot giveaways to
traffic of all make The Bird’s
students at the Nest more known.

Bar Crawl Increase in More social

Apparel  custom apparel media
for various Bar advertisements on
crawls for ability to custom
events/group make apparel and
organizations. employees speak
to greek life

Part-time job Direct contact Set up a table and

Fair and with potential include job
Internship employees and applications and
Fair  opportunities to apparel
market their incentives. 
Threats  Bone ISU Loss of revenue Create more
apparel shop due to the merchandise
opening  expansion of outside the
the official standard of the
Illinois State Barnes and Noble
bookstore.   bookstore. 

Greek Less Market more to

life/frats partnerships Greek life still on
being banned with RSO’s and campus and create
from campus  lack of market.  Brand


2.5 Market Position The Birds Nest strives to “turn ideas into apparel,” which is why it
serves anyone who wants to bring life to their ideas in various types of
apparel. The Birds Nest provides exceptional customer service and
strives to give the best results. Due to a lack of employee retention, it’s
hard for the Birds Nest to maintain trained customer associates. The
Birds Nest represents a variety of Illinois State University college
students, parents, Alumni, and large registered student organizations or
organizations around campus. The Birds Nest continues to provide
affordable prices and deals for custom-made apparel and a well-
maintained image. The Birds Nest can grow and maintain its image by
following this proposed plan to improve overall company success. 

3.0  The specific plan the organization must do this fiscal year to get it closer to
Implementation realizing its vision are specified and defined in this section. Use this paragraph to
Plan    adequately foreground the substance of the following subsections.
3.1 Objectives, Below there is a table that outlines the objectives, strategies, and tactics that are
Strategies, & essential in the Bird’s Nest strategic plan. Objectives are important because they
Tactics focus on the desired effect while being supported by benchmarks and rationales.
Rationales are vital because it explains why the objective/ goal will help the
organization. Benchmarks are a point of reference for the desired goal. Strategies
narrow down the ways to help achieve objectives and perform them efficiently.
Tactics are the specific tasks our team has set out to help achieve the overall
success and objectives. 

Objectives  Strategies  Tactics 

Objective 1:  Social Media -Post giveaways on Instagram,

To increase social media Strategy  Facebook, and Twitter.
awareness on Facebook,
Instagram, and Twitter among -Create a social media calendar for
college students in relevant weekly posts. 
Bloomington-Normal by 15%
by December 2020.   -Hire a non-paid intern to run
social media accounts. 
This will help raise knowledge
of the Bird’s Nest among
college students in

Benchmark: Facebook has

4,000 people who like their
page. Instagram has 285
followers. Twitter has 28

Objective 2: Employee -Weekly meetings.

To increase employee Knowledge
knowledge of roles by 50% by strategies -Make an employee handbook so
December 2020.  the employees understand the rules
and regulations of the business.
Rational: Employees will have
a better understanding of their
roles within the business.

Benchmark: No current

Objective 3:  Audience -Monthly employee satisfaction

To increase employee retention participation  surveys.
rate by 7% at the Bird’s Nest by
December 2020.  -Make a google calendar for
employees to know their schedule.
Due to employees being college -Creation of flyers to attract and
students, employees don’t stay target freshmen and sophomore
at the Bird’s Nest long.  college students for employment
5% of employees leave each
year for better opportunities or
internships. There are no
opportunities for employees to
move up to an executive level. 

Objective 4: Engagement -Newsletter sent out including

To increase foot traffic by 5% Strategy  Promo’s, deals and events.
by December 2020. 
-Create flyers to advertise on
Rational:  campus 
Due to the location of Bird’s
Nest, there is not a lot of natural -Paid employees will travel to each
flowing foot traffic.  Greek chapter at Illinois State
during a chapter meeting to deliver
Benchmark: Currently around free Bird’s Nest Merch and
25 customers come in a day. In promote the business. 
August it is the busiest month
and around 50 customers per -Have a table festival ISU
month come in.  promoting the Bird’s Nest 

Objective 5: Marketing -Reach out to existing/ new

To increase sales by 5% by Strategy customers and ask what type of
December 2020. apparel they want to see in the
The store will increase revenue -Run promotions/deals on apparel.
in store and online.
-Make bar crawl apparel for
Benchmark: No current organizations. 

Objective 6:  Partnership -Target local sport team to consider

To increase positive attitudes Strategy forming a partnership between
towards sports amongst Bird’s Nest and their organization.
customers by 7% by December
2020 -Make apparel for marathon events
and also become a sponsor for the
Rational: event.
The store will increase their
revenue in sportswear and gain a -Sell licensed professional sports
positive look from local sport apparel at Bird’s Nest.
Benchmark: -Sponsor local sporting events and
No current benchmark promote merchandise giveaways.

The following table describes four categories of factors that could positively and
3.2 Critical negatively affect the Bird’s Nest when trying to fulfill its objectives. 
Success Factors -Opportunities include occasions where the Bird’s Nest can capitalize the
situation to build its image and increase member support and engagement
-Barriers include ideological, attitudinal, or social opposition to the Bird’s Nest.
-Environment includes internal and external factors that could affect the Bird’s
Nest objectives and operations.
-Resources include the employee and materials necessary to fulfill business

Objectives  Opportunitie Barriers Environment Resources 


To increase Increasing Potential to More Using the

social media engagement not gain customers use Bird’s Nest
followers and more other custom social media
and awareness of followers retail shops due intern to
engagement Bird’s Nest to from college to create a social
on the public by students.  recommendatio media
Facebook, routinely ns and positive campaign. 
Instagram, posting every reviews online.  Hire/train the
and Twitter week about intern. 
among potential
college deals,
students in promotions,a
Bloomingto nd events 
by 15% by
December 1

To increase Improving There may Motivated Create google

organization employee be different workplace and calendar for
internally at production factors that employees schedule.
the Bird’s leads to a affect each want to feel Create digital
Nest by more individual valued and order forms
December effective employee's important.  and train
2020.  work personal employees to
environment.  organization fill them out.
Promotes needs such Creation
excitement as order employee
on acquiring forms, handbooks
more digital and job
employees. presence, descriptions
and google and
calendar for responsibilitie
schedules.  s. Find a
meeting space
and make an
agenda for
the meeting. 

To stabilize Increase Employees Employee Incentive

employee stability leaving for satisfaction and program for
retention by among better willingness to employees
7% at the employees opportunitie stay and be that get good
Bird’s Nest and increase s and other acknowledged reviews.
by awareness of time for their work.  Contact
December job commitment Illinois State
2020.  opportunities.  s. hire-a-redbird
to post about
Boss creates,
collects, and
surveys and
puts them
into an excel
program to
insert the

To increase Spreading Potential Positive Reserve a

foot traffic awareness of clients engagement table for
by 5% by the Bird’s might with potential festival ISU
December Nest and already have clients and and create an
2020.  getting more a custom partnerships. appealing
partnerships retail shop table with
with they already coupons to
registered go to. get discounts
student Registered and special
organizations student offers on the
.  organization next order.
s and Greek Creation of
Life not newsletter
wanting to and flyers to
partner with distribute.
them.  Find times
that Greek
Life members
meet and
meetings to
talk about
Bird’s Nest.  

3.3 Key KPIs are measurable steps for the Bird’s Nest to take throughout the plan to
Performance ensure a successful result. The Bird’s Nest management should periodically use
Indicators the proposed meaturants and compare them to the benchmark, or the initial point
of comparison. 

 Objective 1: To increase social media followers on Facebook, Instagram, and

Twitter among college students in Bloomington-Normal by 15% by December 1

 Benchmark: Facebook has 4,000 people who like their page. Instagram
has 285 followers. Twitter has 28 followers. 
 KPI:Increase social media postings and engagement statistics on social
media platforms. 
o Utilize meltwater and monitor social media analytic. 

Objective 2: To increase organization internally at the Bird’s Nest by December


 Benchmark: No consistent meetings each week and they do not have a

schedule for workers to know when they are working. 
 KPI: Create monthly employee evaluations to establish a stronger
communication system between management and employees. 
o Implementation of online digital scheduling. 

Objective 3: To stabilize employee retention by 7% at the Bird’s Nest by

December 2020. 

 Benchmark: Between 1 and 2 people leave each year for better

opportunities or internships. There are no opportunities for employees to
move up to an executive level. 
 KPI: Set deadlines for surveys to be completed two weeks after
distribution and hold employees accountable for completion.
o Analyze this data and adjust future surveys as needed.   

Objective 4: To increase foot traffic by 5% by December 2020. (Break down


 Benchmark: No current benchmark. 

 KPI:  Increase foot traffic by 754 people per month in August and
September. This means in August and September 38 people per day need
to walk into the door. 
o The day after a large event or promotional deal release, track
foot traffic in the store through security footage.  (Greeter to
count people or figure out what days/ events are the busiest)

3.4 Budget & The budget for this plan includes the Bird’s nest internal and external income for
Resource the 2020-2021fiscal year (refer to appendix B for 2020-2021 budget) and is
Allocations subject to change for the 2021-2022 fiscal year. The budget includes expenses
that are taken from the suggested plan’s tactics to create new structure and
marketing plans for The Bird’s Nest. These expenses will be applied in
Objectives 1- 4. The expenses are proposed and low compared to the income
because the changes that need to be made are costly. 

3.5 Timeline Beginning with the proposal’s acceptance/approval...

3.6 Evaluation To evaluate the effectiveness of this plan, there must be measurements taken
Method & throughout and at the end of the plan in May 2020. The measurements to
Anticipated evaluate the plan’s effectiveness include: increasing social media postings and
Results engagement statistics on social media platforms, create monthly employee
evaluations to establish a stronger communication system between management
and employees, set deadlines for surveys to be completed two weeks after
distribution and hold employees accountable for completion, and the day after a
large event or promotional deal release track foot traffic in store through security
footage. These measurements are in correspondence with the KPIs that should be
measured throughout the duration of the plan. See Section 3.5 for KPIs and

 Objective 1: To increase social media followers on Facebook,

Instagram, and Twitter among college students in Bloomington-Normal
by 15% by December 1 2020.
o If social media followers increase by 15% December 1st, the
objective is successfully met.
o If the objective is unsuccessful, designate a separate formal
meeting with manager and social media intern to analyze
acquired data and move forward with updated tactics. 
 Objective 2: To increase organization internally at the Bird’s Nest by
December 2020
o The objective will be successfully met if they implement a
google calendar for scheduling, created an employee handbook
with rules and responsibilities, and made order form digital. 
o If the objective is unsuccessful, schedule bi-weekly staff
meetings to communicate and plan internal issues.
 Objective 3: To stabilize employee retention by 7% at the Bird’s Nest
by December 2020.
o If the employee retention is stabilized by 7% by December 2020,
then the objective is successfully met. 
o If the objective is unsuccessful, establish more job posting
content and establish more employee evaluations with the
 Objective 4: To increase foot traffic by 5% by December 2020.
o If foot traffic is increased by 5% in December 2020, then the
objective is successfully met.
o If the objective is unsuccessful, update social media promotion
and strategies to target potential customers. 

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