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Annual Report 2008

2008 Annual Report

Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited

Our hope...
for a better tomorrow...
“Hope” nurtures life - With soaring spirits, its slits the shadows, rips the dusk and meet the
light to grow endlessly. This is the law of nature. Here at SNGPL we have strengthened our
belief at this very order of nature.

We strive to improve the quality of life of our customers… future generations and our great
nation. We must join hands to wisely use the natural energy available to us. Let’s cherish
what remains with us and foster its maximum play. Let’s keep the dreams of our coming
generations alive and their stoves aflame.

Let’s mold one another dreams, hold each others’ fragile hopes together by being conscious
of our responsibility to conserve. We owe it to our coming generations and to keep the light
of hope in their eyes alive.


Company Secretary
Annual Report
Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited 2008

04 Our Vision / Mission
06 Overall Strategic Objectives
09 Core Values
10 Statement of Ethics & Business Practices
14 The Profile
22 The Board
24 Corporate Governance
26 Sub Committees of the Board
32 Statement of Compliance with the
Code of Corporate Governance
34 SNGPL’s Profile
36 Vital Information
38 Milestones
40 Decade at a Glance
42 Transmission System
46 Notice of Annual General Meeting
48 Chairman’s Review & Directors’ Report
68 Pattern of Shareholding
71 Categories of Shareholders
72 Summary of Six Years
74 Vertical Analysis
75 Horizontal Analysis

Audited Financial Statements 2008

78 Review Report to the Members
79 Auditors’ Report
80 Balance Sheet
82 Profit and Loss Account
83 Cash Flow Statement
84 Statement of Changes in Equity
85 Notes to the Financial Statements
125 Proxy Form

2008 Annual Report
Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited

2008 Performance

The Company posted pre-tax profit Rs 3,981 Growth of Total Assets

(Rupees in million)
million for the year ended June 30, 2008. The

balance sheet indicates total assets of Rs 97,648 83,685

million representing increase of 16.69% over


the previous year. The Company kept its pace


consistent throughout the year and provided


record number of gas connections to industrial,

commercial and domestic consumers, by
expanding its distribution and transmission
network upto 66,967 Kms in Punjab, NWFP & 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Azad Jamu & Kashmir. With the expansion of

the network the Company's gas sales have also
increased. The gross profit ratio and interest
coverage ratios have been increased Debtors Turnover Ratio
(In times)
considerably, whereas the debt equity ratio has

reduced. These factors improved due to



optimum utilization of Company’s resources

and stringent financial controls in the Company.

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Annual Report
Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited 2008

Interest Coverage Ratio Transmission & Distribution Network Net Turnover

(In times) (In kilometers) (Rupees in million)










2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Customers' Growth Dividend Per Share Debt:Equity Ratio

(In numbers) (In %) (In times)









Bonus 10%

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

2008 Annual Report
Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited

Our Vision & Mission

To be the leading integrated natural
gas provider in the region seeking
to improve the quality of life of our
customers and achieve maximum
benefit for our stakeholders by
providing an uninterrupted and
environment friendly energy

A commitment to deliver natural
gas to all doorsteps in our chosen
a re a s t h ro u g h c o n t i n u o u s
expansion of our network, by
optimally employing technological,
human and organizational
resources, best practices and high
ethical standards.

Annual Report
Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited 2008

On the way to hit

outperform targets

2008 Annual Report
Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited

Overall Strategic Objectives

Following are the key objectives and goals of the Long term
Company: • Designing and laying of additional
transmission capacity (bigger dia lines and/or
Enhancement of System Capacity: increasing compression power) keeping in
Short term view the availability of gas either through
• Transport additional gas from developing imports and/or indigenous sources.
fields and correspondingly increase the • Based on the availability of gas, to extend
transmission system capacity as and when gas distribution network to new towns and
required through de-bottlenecking, removal villages to achieve the vision of gas at every
of anomalies and enhancing compression doorstep.
Long term Increase in Gas Sales:
• Increasing transmission system capacity Short term
keeping in view the availability of gas through • Add new consumers as per annual allocation
additional loop lines, laying bigger diameter as well as under various GOP/Provincial
lines and installing additional compression schemes and directives.
power. Long term
• Efforts to maximize sales of available gas
Expansion of Transmission and Distribution
through new gas purchase agreements.
• Continuing efforts with GOP for enhanced
Short term allocation of gas to the SNGPL franchise
• Extend gas distribution network and supply area to boost sales.
mains in existing towns and villages. Target: • Augment gas sales revenue by taking steps
to proceed to all District Headquarters with GOP concurrence to restrict the load
depending upon the obtainable gas. curtailment policy especially during winters.
Annual Report
Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited 2008

Rehabilitation of Transmission and • Increase earnings per share and thereby

Distribution Network enhance dividends to share holders.
Short term • Ensure adequate financial reserves so that
• Carrying out of continuous and regular the Company’s dependence on expensive
maintenance of transmission and distribution borrowed capital is reduced.
networks to ensure an acceptable level of • Continuous monitoring of various ratios and
operational efficiency of the system. billing receivable position to ensure Company
• Regular patrolling and checking of lines for profitability.
evaluating safety and system weaknesses. and become one of the leading companies in
• Regular carrying out of leak surveys and Pakistan based on profitability and return to
technical evaluation of the pipeline system stakeholders.
to ensure maximum efficiency.
Improvements in Consumer Services:
Long term
Short term
• Monitoring and surveys to undertake
preventive replacement of pipeline and allied • Implement customer care and billing system
systems to avoid ruptures, leakages and within the time frame advised by the Board.
reduce UFG. • To achieve a higher level of complaint
• Development of a T&D rehabilitation plan for resolution through introduction of new
the systematic replacement of network automated call-centres.
segments necessitated due to ageing. • Continuous efforts be made to increase the
customer base especially industrial and
Reduction in Unaccounted for Gas Losses: commercial keeping in view the availability
Short term of gas

• Restrict/reduce UFG losses to OGRA • Bill payment through ATMs, POS Terminals,
benchmarks for each year. internet, co-branded cards.

Long term • Continuing adherence to performance and

service standards and bench marks notified
• Attain OGRA’s UFG benchmark and reduce
by OGRA.
it to 4% by 2011-12.
• Expand the use of hand-held computerised
• Achieve inter national level of UFG
meter reading systems.
benchmarks applicable to integrated and
diversified companies of similar size. • Establishment of new consumer
service/complaint centres which are fully
equipped with requisite IT facilities for on the
Improvement in Profitability:
spot resolution of consumer complaints.
Short term
Long term
• Continuous efforts to reduce transmission
• Geographical/manageable bifurcation of
and distribution costs, introduction of less
expensive inputs (polyethylene pipes) etc.
• Upgrading of major towns into sub regions
• Reduce/rationalize general and administrative
with adequate financial and operational
expenses keeping in view Board guidelines.
Long term
To cater to a fair return to shareholders take
continuous steps to:
2008 Annual Report
Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited

• Invest in the construction of additional regional • Geoghraphical information system (GIS) to

Company-owned office buildings for be designed and integrated with Billing, Sales,
customer convenience and reduction of Customer Services etc.
excessive rental payments.
• Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) system for Human Resource Development:
all consumers so as to accelerate the meter
Short term
reading process and reduce transcription
• Upgrade human resource skills through
billing errors.
systematic formal training programme
• Full compliance with OGRA performance
especially executives and staff involved in
and service standards.
critical operational activities.
• Hire new executives and staff, in accordance
Adoption of Information Technology:
with the approved staff strength, to handle
Short term system expansion and provide quality service
• Full implementation monitoring and to consumers.
improvement of ERP within the Board Long term
specified guidelines.
• Hire, retain, motivate and train qualified
• Enhancement of technical capacity by employees for every approved position in
increasing IT enabling capabilities of the the Company as per best international
Company. practices.
• Continuous improvements and expansion • Continuous upgrading of SNGPL Training
of the communication system (voice/digital) Institute so that it achieves the status of best
and transmission of data at an affordable training institution in the gas sector in the
cost. Region.
• Introduction of latest technology in customer
service/complaint centre for facilitating Pursue Pipeline Construction and Advisory
complaint resolution. Business:
• Document management and Archival System Short term
through digitization of important Company
• Employee the expertise developed in gas
pipeline construction in pursuing such
Long term projects both in and outside Pakistan.
• Integrate sales, distribution, billing and • Provide advisory services to new companies
customer service information on a single in the natural gas transmission and
database under one roof to improve the distribution sector in the developing countries.
quality and speed of the decision making
Long term
• Establish a standing as an international gas
• Continuous introduction of state of the art
pipeline contractor and as a centre of
new technology in the telecom field to
excellence in the natural gas transmission
facilitate data access, data transfer, voice
and distribution corporate sector.
communications, SCADA control and
monitoring etc.
• Electronic billing and payments through

Annual Report
Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited 2008

Core Values
We are committed - to our vision, mission and to
creating and delivering stakeholder value.

We are courteous - with our customers,
stakeholders, and towards each other and
encourage open communication.

We are competent - and strive to continuously
develop and improve our skills and business

We are responsible - as individuals and as teams
- for our work and our actions. We welcome
scrutiny, and we hold ourselves accountable.

We have integrity - as individuals and as teams
- our decisions are characterized by honesty and

2008 Annual Report
Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited

Statement of Ethics & Business Practices...

SNGPL requires its entire staff both executive SNGPL staff members are forbidden from
staff and subordinate employees, the observance holding any financial interest, directly or
of the highest ethical standards in the conduct indirectly in any organization supplying goods
of its business activities to minimize the significant or services to the Company.
risk associated with non compliance. The policy
• SNGPL staff should not participate in any
on Business Principles and Ethical Risk is intended
external activity that competes, directly or
to assist SNGPL staff in meeting the standards
indirectly, with the Company.
of professional and personal integrity expected
and required of them. SNGPL staff will act with • SNGPL staff should not engage in any outside
integrity at all times, to protect and safeguard the business or activity that might interfere with
reputation of the Company. Contravention of this their duties and responsibilities to the
policy will be regarded as misconduct. Company.

SNGPL will ensure that, through this policy and • No staff member should sell, lease or buy
through other means of communication, all its equipment, material or services to or from
staff is aware of the required standards, rules and the Company except when as an employee
regulations. it may be necessary in the normal course of
his/her duties.
Following are certain specific guidelines in respect
of the above. • Staff members are not permitted to conduct
personal business activities on the Company's
Conflict of interest premises or to use Company facilities for such
Each staff member has a prime responsibility to purpose.
the Company and is expected to avoid any activity
• If a staff member has direct interest, indirect
that could interfere with that responsibility. Staff
interest or family connections, with an external
should not engage in activities or transactions
organization that has business dealing with
which may give rise to, or which may be seen to
SNGPL, details of such connections and
be giving rise to conflict between their personal
interests should be fully disclosed to the
interests and the interest of the Company. Such
conflict could arise in a number of ways and a
number of situations. The following paragraph • Staff members should disclose to the
outlines some specifically forbidden situations. Management the details in respect of any
This list is, however not exhaustive. In case of relationship(s) with other staff members; and\
doubt the advice of the Management should be
• Staff members shall not perform any act or
get involved in any situation that potentially
• SNGPL purchase equipment, material and could conflict with the principles outlined
services for various aspects of its operations. above.

Annual Report
Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited 2008

Confidentiality and accurately reflected in the books and the

records of the Company. No false or fictitious
Staff members should not keep or make copies
entries should be made or misleading reports
of correspondence, documents, papers and
pertaining to the Company or its operations should
records, list of suppliers or consumers without
be issued.
the consent of the Company. Company's
information and records should be kept on Relationships and dealings with Government
Company premises only and unpublished officials, media, suppliers, consultants and other
information may be disclosed to external parties SNGPL's relationships and dealings with
organizations/individuals only on “need to know” Government officials, external agencies, parties
basis. In case of doubt in this regard, the and individuals should, at all times, be such the
Management's advice should be sought. SNGPL's integrity and its reputation would not
be damaged if details of the relationship or dealings
Contributions were to become public knowledge.
No contribution shall be made to any organization
or to any individual who either holds public office It is the responsibility of each SNGPL staff member
or is a candidate for public office. to exercise good judgment so as to act in a
manner that will reflect favorably on the Company
Inducement payments and the individual staff member should only make
Staff members should not give or receive statements to the media, speeches in public
payments that are intended to influence a business forums, or publish articles in newspapers etc.
decision or to compromise independent judgment; with prior authorization. In a personal capacity
nor should any staff member receive money for also, due care should be taken while discussing
having given Company business to an outside the Company performance or plans with outsiders.
agency. Payment of any nature to Government Staff members having questions on how to comply
officials to induce them to perform their duties is with this requirement should consult with the
strictly prohibited. Management.

Proper record of funds, assets, Health and safety

receipts and disbursements Every staff member should take reasonable care
to ensure the health and safety of him/her self
All funds, assets, receipts and disbursements
and others, who may be affected by his/her acts
should be properly recorded in the books of the
or omissions at work. Staff members should not
Company. In particular, no funds or accounts
tamper with or misuse any item provided by the
should be established or maintained for a purpose
Company to secure the safety, health and welfare
that is not fully and accurately reflected in the
of its staff and for the protection of the environment.
books and records of the Company. Funds and
assets received or disbursement should be fully

2008 Annual Report
Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited

Environment Work place harassment

To preserve and protect the environment, all SNGPL staff will maintain an environment that is
SNGPL staff members should; free from harassment and in which all employees
are equally respected. Workplace harassment is
• Design and operate the Company's facilities
defined as any action that creates an intimidating,
and processes so as to ensure the trust of
hostile or offensive work environment. Such actions
adjoining communities.
include, but are not limited to, sexual harassment,
• Promote resource conservations, waste disparaging comments based on gender, religion,
minimization and the minimization of the race or ethnicity.
release of chemicals / gas into the
environment. Regulatory Compliance and
Corporate Governance
• Provide employees customers, supplies,
public authorities and communities with SNGPL co-operates fully with all governmental
appropriate information for informed decision and regulatory bodies and is committed to high
making; and standards of corporate governance. We comply
fully with our obligations under the Listing Rules
• Strive continuously to improve environmental of the Stock Exchanges of the country.
awareness and protection.
Alcohol, drugs and gambling • All information and explanations supplied to
The use of alcohol in any form is prohibited on the auditors must be completed and not
all Company locations / premises. Similarly, the misleading.
use of drugs, except under medical advice, is
prohibited on all Company locations / premises. • SNGPL will not knowingly assist in fraudulent
Any staff member arriving at a work place under activities (e.g. tax evasion, etc.). If one has
the influence of alcohol or drugs will not be any reason to believe that fraudulent activities
permitted to enter the premises and will be liable are taking place (whether within the company
to disciplinary action. or by others with whom the Company has
business), one must report it to the concerned
All forms of gambling / betting on the Company's departmental head immediately.
premises are forbidden.
• All the financial transactions will remain within
Receiving gifts the ambit of Memorandum and Articles of
No employee shall seek accept or permit himself Association of the Company.
/ herself or any member of his/her family to accept
any gift or favor, the receipt of which will place
him/her under form of officials obligation to the
donor. As part of building relationship with
consumers, suppliers, etc. staff members may
receive occasional gifts provided that the gift is
of nominal value (e.g. pens, Notepads, calendars,
diaries, key chains or such promotional material)
and the gift is neither intended nor perceived by
others to be intended to improperly influence
business decision.

Annual Report
Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited 2008

bridging the gap
you and your comfort

2008 Annual Report
Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited

The Profile

Mr. Tariq Iqbal Khan Mr. A. Rashid Lone

Chairman Chief Executive/Managing Director

Chairman / Managing Director, National Investment Director, Sui Southern Gas Company, Inter State
Trust. Mr. Tariq Iqbal Khan combines very rich Gas Systems (Pvt) Limited, Petroleum Institute
and diversified experience of Industry, Capital of Pakistan. He is a registered professional
Markets, Corporate Sector, Company Law and Engineer with Pakistan Engineering Council and
as such he has been associated with the leading Fellow Member of Pakistan Institute of Chemical
Institutions and organizations of the Country. He Engineers.
is a founder Director of Islamabad Stock Exchange
and also had been its president from 1995 to Mr. Lone has several years of experience in gas
1998. industry particularly in the planning, designing,
construction and operations of natural gas
He has served as Member, Tax policy and Co- transmission and distribution networks in Pakistan.
ordination in Central Board of Revenue and later He has successfully completed several mega
joined Securities and Exchange Commission of pipeline projects per international standards using
Pakistan as a Commissioner and officiated as local expertise and without foreign lending. He is
acting Chairman in 2000. A Chartered Accountant a Chemical Engineer by profession holding B.Sc
from A.F. Ferguson & Company. (Hons.) and M.Sc (Chemical Engineering) degrees
from the University of Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.

Annual Report
Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited 2008

Mr. Muhammad Razi Abbas Mr. S. M. Asghar

Director Director

Additional Finance Secretary, Finance Division, Director, Dawood Hercules Chemicals Limited
Director, National Telecom Corporation, Pakistan and Dawood Lawrencepur Limited. Has vast
Mineral Development Corporation, Mari Gas industrial experience in finance, taxation, legal
Company Limited, Inter State Gas Systems (Pvt) and corporate affairs. Fellow Member of the
Limited, Private Power Infrastructure Board, Institute of Chartered Accountants and Associate
Gawadar Port Implementation Authority, Saudi- Member of the Institute of Cost and Management
Pak Industrial & Agriculture Investment Company Accountants of Pakistan.
and Government Holdings (Pvt) Limited. Mr. Razi
has over 33 years experience of different positions
in Government sector. Holds master degrees in
Development Administration & Strategic Studies
and LLB from Punjab University, Lahore.

2008 Annual Report
Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited

Mr. A. Samad Dawood Mr. Shahzada Dawood

Director Director

Chairman of Central Insurance Co. Limited and Chief Executive, Dawood Hercules Chemicals
Chief Executive of Dawood Corporation (Pvt.) Limited and Member on the Boards of Central
Limited and Patek (Pvt.) Limited. Mr. Samad is Insurance Company Limited, Dawood
director on the board(s) of The Dawood Group, Lawrencepur Limited, Engro Polymer & Chemicals
Dawood Hercules Chemicals Limited, ABL-Asset Limited, Engro Foods (Pvt) Limited, Engro Vopak
Management Co. Limited, Inbox Business Terminal Limited, Engro Energy Limited, Engro
Technologies and Sach International (Pvt.) Limited. Innovative Automation Limited, Sach International
He is a certified director of Corporate Governance (Pvt) Limited, and Dawood Corporation (Pvt)
from Pakistan Institute of Corporate Governance. Limited. Master degree in Textile Marketing and
He is a Graduate in Economics from University LLB.
College London UK.

Annual Report
Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited 2008

Mr. Abdul Bari Khan Mr. Umair Khan

Director Director

Chief Executive Officer of Pakistan Industrial Managing Director of Sui Southern Gas Company
Development Corporation (PIDC), and acting Limited (SSGCL) was appointed as Director of
chairman Pakistan Automobile Corporation Limited SNGPL on September 27, 2008. He was head
(PACO), Director, Pakistan Motorcar Company of Export Promotion Bureau (EPB). Executive
(Pvt) Limited, Sindh Engineering Limited, Arabian Director of State Life Insurance Corporation. Also
Sea Country Club Limited, Pakistan Hunting and served as Director Finance in Cotton Export
Sports Arms Development Corporation and Corporation (CEC). Consultant on World Trade
Republic Motors Limited. Member of the Board Organization (WTO) affairs and remained as Consul
of Governors of Lahore University of Management General of Pakistan in Hong Kong for five years.
Sciences (LUMS), Malakund University (MKU),
NWFP, Lasbela University of Agriculture, Water Mr. Khan belongs to Central Superior Services
and Marine Sciences (LUAWMS). He has vast (CSS) batch 1973, Government of Pakistan.
and diversified working experience in Public Sector. Masters in English Literature, Economics and
He is an MBA from Institute of Business LLB from the University of Punjab.
Administration (IBA), University of Karachi.

2008 Annual Report
Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited

Mian Raza Mansha Mr. Qasim Rabbani

Director Director

Chief Executive, D.G. Khan Cement Company Director, Sui Southern Gas Company Limited,
Limited. Director, MCB Bank Limited, Nishat Civil Aviation Authority, Trade Development
Hotels & Properties Limited and Nishat Powers Authority of Pakistan and American Life Insurance
Limited. Chairperson, Alumni Student Committee, Company Limited. Chairman, Human Resource
University of Pennsylvania. A graduate from the Committee, SNGPL. He has been Vice President,
University of Pennsylvania (USA). Treasurer and Council Member of the Marketing
Association of Pakistan. Member of the Board of
Governors of the IBA, University of Karachi and
a Member of their visiting faculty. He has diversified
experience in various multinational and local
companies. MBA from Institute of Business
Administration (IBA), University of Karachi.

Annual Report
Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited 2008

Mr. Arif Saeed Mr. Saeed Ullah Shah

Director Director

Chief Executive, Servis Industries Limited, Shahid Director General (Gas), Ministry of Petroleum &
Arif Investment (Pvt) Limited, Punjab Industrial Natural Resources (MP & NR), Government of
Estates Development & Management Company, Pakistan. Director, SSGCL, ISGSL and Pirkoh
Punjab Social Security Health Management Gas Company (Pvt) Limited. Ex-Director (Technical)
Company and Lahore Stock Exchange and Director General (Special Projects) of MP&NR
(Guarantee) Limited. Former Chairman, All Pakistan (GOP). A Petroleum Geologist by profession
Textile Mills Association (APTMA). B.A. (Hons) having vast experience of Petroleum Industry.
from Oxford University (UK). Holds B. Sc. (Hons) and M.Sc. Geology Degrees.

2008 Annual Report
Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited

Mr. Amanullah Shaikh Amer Tufail

Director Chief Financial Officer

Ex-Director, Sui Southern Gas Company Limited Fellow member of the Institute of Chartered
and Enar Petrotech Services. Member of Institute Accountants of Pakistan. He has over sixteen
of Petroleum, London and Institute of Engineers, years post qualification experience of local and
Pakistan. Has wide experience in Petroleum international markets with public & private sector
Industry, LPG, Gas Distribution, Cross Country entities and multilateral funding agencies on senior
Pipelines, Construction of Storage Terminals and positions.
Blending Plants. A graduate in Mechanical

Annual Report
Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited 2008

Uzma Adil Khan

Company Secretary

Fellow member of the Institute of Chartered

Accountants of Pakistan and Institute of Chartered
Secretaries and Managers having wide experience
in senior positions in textile, educational institutions
and SECP.


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