UTLAPPC Energy Saving Incentives For Steam Pressure Let

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Appendix C.

Energy Saving Incentives for Steam Pressure Let-

Down in a Turbine Versus a Let-Down Valve

The sample calculations in this Appendix prove the substantial economic benefit of
letting steam pressure down through a turbine (to recover the pressure work energy)
as compared to let-down through a valve or orifice.
Many processes require low pressure steam for heating fluids. Often, this steam is
made available by letting-down pressure through a pressure reducing valve. When
we do this we waste the pressure work energy as rejected heat in the valve. Consid-
erable savings can be made by using a turbine to let-down the pressure. When
given a choice between let-down through a valve or through a turbine, always
choose the turbine.
The following example illustrates this dictum. The yearly savings are substantial.
Steam Requirement:
50 MMBtu/hr of 15 psig steam to heat a reboiler.
Steam Source:
Boiler steam at 675°F and 600 psig.
Turbine efficiency =50%
Boiler Efficiency = 80%
Fuel Cost = $15/bbl
Power Cost = 5¢/kW-hr
Enthalpy in Steam @ 600 psig, 675°F =1335 Btu/lb
Enthalpy in Steam @ 15 psig =1072 Btu/lb
Fuel Heat Content = 6.3 MMBtu/bbl

Case 1
Let-down through a valve. See Figure C-1. The valve dissipates the pressure work
energy as waste heat. The steam rate required from the high pressure header is:

50 × 10 6 Btu/ht
m v = ----------------------------------------------- = 44800 lb/hr
( 1335 – 218 )Btu/lb
(Eq. C-1)

Chevron Corporation C-1 December 1989

Appendix C Utilities Manual

Case 2
Let-down through a turbine. See Figure C-2. The turbine produces an adiabatic
expansion from 675°F and 600 psig to 15 psig. Assuming constant entropy, the
energy recovered by a turbine is:
∆h = (hin - hout) (eff)
= (1335 - 1072) (0.50)
= 131 Btu/lb
The theoretical steam rate for the expansion is 12.94 Btu/kW-hr.
The enthalpy in the steam out of the turbine is 1335 - 131 = 1204 Btu/lb. Thus the
steam rate required from the high pressure header is:

50 × 10 6 Btu/ht
m t = ----------------------------------------------- = 50700 lb/hr
( 1204 – 218 )Btu/lb
(Eq. C-2)
This steam can produce electricity that will displace power that would otherwise be
purchased. Remember, the turbine efficiency is 50%.

50700 lb/hr
Power = ---------------------------------------------------------- = 1960 kW
12.94 lb/k W – hr ( 0.50 )
(Eq. C-3)
Savings = (1960 kW) (5¢/kW) (8760 hr/yr)
= $856,000/yr
To produce this power some extra steam and thus extra fuel was needed, compared
to Case 1. The difference represents the net yearly savings.
Incremental Fuel = (50700 - 44800) lb/hr
(1335 - 218) Btu/lb = 6.60 x 106 Btu/hr

( 6.60 × 10 6 Btu/hr ) ( $15/bbl ) ( 8760 hr/yr )

Fuel Cost = -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
( 0.80 eff ) ( 6.3 × 10 6 Btu/bbl )

= $172,000/yr
(Eq. C-4)
Net Savings = $858,000 - $172,000
= $686,000/yr

December 1989 C-2 Chevron Corporation

Utilities Manual Appendix C

Fig. C-1 Steam Let-down Through a Valve

Chevron Corporation C-3 December 1989

Appendix C Utilities Manual

Fig. C-2 Steam Let-down Through a Turbine

December 1989 C-4 Chevron Corporation

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