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BUS 1211: Intro. To Sociology and Psychology


Mr. Ahmad Bin Yamin

Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Business Administration
Fareast International University


Md. Tamim Hossain (ID# 18201006)

Faculty of Business Administration
Fareast International University

Fareast International University

December 20, 2019
December 20, 2019

Mr. Ahmad Bin Yamin

Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Business Administration
Fareast International University
House # 50, Road # 11, Block – C, Banani, Dhaka-1213, Bangladesh

Subject: Submission of Assignment

Dear Sir,

This is to inform you that I am, Md. Tamim Hossain, submitting my assignment on “Selected
Questions” to you which is aligned with the course ‘BUS 1211: Introduction to Sociology and

It is true that it could have been done in better way if there would not be the limitations.
I hope you will assess my report considering the limitations of the study. Hence, I am always
prepared to welcome any further clarification that may require. Your kind
advice will encourage me to do further research in future.

Sincerely Yours,

Md. Tamim Hossain

ID# 18201006
Department: F.B.A.
Program: B.B.A.

Table of Contents.

Section Particulars Page

A Define Psychology? 1
B What are the key elements of sociology and psychology that are 1
vital for university students to choose and prefer any university for
their academic programs?

C Point out the 10 major social and 10 psychological factor that you 2
believe needed to be solved and how you can solve them to
motivate, inspire students to choose any academic institution for
their graduate and undergraduate education in Bangladesh.
Introduction to Sociology and psychology Fall 2k19 1

A. Define Psychology?

Psychology is the study of the mind and behavior, according to the American
Psychological Association. It is the study of the mind, how it works, and how it affects
behavior. ... Psychology is the study of behavior and the mind.

According to Marriam Webster dictionary, psychology is the science of mind and

behavior or the mental or behavioral characteristics of an individual or group. Particularly,
the study of mind and behavior in relation to a particular field of knowledge or activity.

B. What are the key elements of sociology and psychology that are vital for university
students to choose and prefer any university for their academic programs?

Key elements of sociology:

1. Values
2. Groups and Institutions
3. Organizations
4. Collectives
5. Roles
6. Norms

Key elements of psychology:

1. Altruism (selflessness)
2. Attitudes.
3. Attraction and close relationships.
4. Attribution (acknowledgement)
5. Persuasion.
6. Conformity.
7. Empathy
Introduction to Sociology and psychology Fall 2k19 2

C. Point out the 10 major social and 10 psychological factor that you believe needed to
be solved and how you can solve them to motivate, inspire students to choose any
academic institution for their graduate and undergraduate education in Bangladesh.

10 Major Social Factors and 10 Major Psychological Factors, which need to be solved,
are giving below with recommendations to admit any university or academic program in
perspective of Bangladesh:-

(10 Major Social Factors)

1. Bully or Ragging
: It’s a pleasure to inform that strict law with labor imprisonment has been introduced
to secure the future of our country. To know how harsh Ragging can be! Watch film
Table 21 which touches upon the pertinent social issue of ragging or read T. Rafael
Cimino’s novel Table 21.

2. Awful Advice
: You must be aware of your surroundings. There are very few people who know how
to do right things on right time. So, take advice from experts who can understand your
passion and advice.

3. Costly Education
: Only public universities and institutions are catering almost free education. Now-a-
days many banks and financial institutions introduced insurance scheme and loan for
higher studies in private universities which secure students’ career and affordability.

4. Employment Bias
: Public universities, i.e., Dhaka University, get preferences because many interviewers
of the board have employment bias. So, we must priority the skill not the institutions.

5. Prestige Concern
: In the world of change, one earn prestige and honor through knowledge and empathy.
Introduction to Sociology and psychology Fall 2k19 3

6. Salary Discrimination
: It’s often observed in gender discrimination, but as the world changing and focusing
on skill and knowledge, won’t be lusted for long.

7. Relatives’ Domination
: It is I who will lead my own life, so, it is wise not to be confused and dominated by
others’ decisions and thoughts.

8. Brain Drain
: Creating more job and research opportunity accompanied by working ambience might
be an alternative to alleviate the percentage of brain drain.

9. Quota
: In Bangladesh, Quota suppressed from bottom to top where higher studies and job
opportunity suffered most. Quota’s domination has been reduced by recent Quota
reform protest lead by DU-VP Noor.

10. Misusage of Internet and Social Media

: Every transaction has dual effect, so does the social media and internet. It is I who will
be the sufferer of misusage of any blessings or benefits. Monitoring and observation
can employed to suppress this time killing machine to use as it is needed. A Case has
been sued against Facebook as it kills potential time and growth of the youth.

(10 Major Psychological Factors)

1. Giving priority to Public University students, especially, Dhaka University

: If they focus, grow and invest time on learning rather than stick to this psychological
misconception, they would have created examples like Al-Khwarizmi and Steve Jobs.

2. Governmental Service Holders are King, i.e., BCS Cadres.

: Government service holders are king, people still believe this today. If this perspective
were changed, Bangladesh would have witnessed a different morning tomorrow. There
are many options such as career in Accountancy, Research, Health service, Advisory
etc. apart from Governmental services.
Introduction to Sociology and psychology Fall 2k19 4

3. What will people say?

: Do what you love and love what you do within legal, logical and worthwhile matters
and ignore the so called people.

4. ‘You can’t do’ culture

: There’s an old joke about a CEO who attended a presentation on corporate culture and
then asked his head of HR to “get me one of those things.” Of course it sounds ludicrous
— but like most jokes, this story is based on truth. Many organizations treat the creation,
maintenance, and periodic updating of their cultures in a cavalier manner. Either they pay
lip service to the kind of culture they want, but don’t do much about it — or worse, ignore
culture completely.

Very few personality can be found who didn’t face this culture. Stand from the crowd
and make rock and roll. A rhyme as under:

‘You have to find the cultural elements that bridge the gap between the companies as it is
and the company you want it to be.’ ~ A learning quote

5. Fear of failure
: ‘When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.
There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.
Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure’~ Paulo Coelho

6. Doing against passion

: If parents failed at something, they usually want their children to fulfill. This can be a
major obstacle to flourish the hidden potential of students. In order to go after the
passion, all you need to have the courage and make sure your audience feel the same
current as that of yours.

7. Money, Money and Money

: This course can boost the salary, this has lucrative career and that one has scholarship
and working opportunity and behind all this there is money.

Sir Ramanujan, A living legend of infinity, went after his passion rather than having
money. To know more, one can watch the film ‘The man who knew infinity’. Precisely,
opportunities and money can be one substance but cannot be the ultimate one.
Introduction to Sociology and psychology Fall 2k19 5

8. Stick to “ I am wise”
: Often people get confused of making decision and took a step without consulting. This
can mislead and disaster for the career path and thus need consultation from experts
who have adequate knowledge of respective sector.

The Qur'an says: ‘Thus it is due to mercy from Lord that you deal with them gently,
and had you been rough, hard hearted, they would certainly have dispersed from around
you; pardon them therefore and ask pardon for them, and take counsel with them in the
affair; so when you have decided, then place your trust in Lord; surely Lord loves those
who trust.’

9. Mental Stress
: To reduce mental stress
1. Exercise. Exercise is one of the most important things you can do to
combat stress. ...
2. Light a Candle. ...
3. Reduce Your Caffeine Intake. ...
4. Write It Down. ...
5. Chew Gum. ...
6. Spend Time With Friends and Family. ...
7. Laugh.

10. Bully or Ragging

: Is there joy in all this torture?

What is the use of all this sadism and making lives more difficult for others, the
one who is ragged, his friends and family?

Ragging is an offence, and has to be controlled and avoided at all costs on campus. It
becomes a very serious affair especially in hostels. Various stakeholders in college need
to work in tandem to stop ragging.

Here are a few ways of stopping ragging on campus by various stakeholders:

 College management : Stringent rules to be complied by all
 Anti-Ragging committee, Faculty, Non-teaching staff, Class representative,
Peers must be vigilant and keep an eye for abnormal behaviour among students
 Parents and siblings : keep in touch regularly and meet frequently
Each one has to do their bit to prevent ragging on campus. It is a team effort.

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