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What is the diagnosis that occurs in patients ?

fusion is a disorder in which two teeth join together in the protective layer of the tooth
(enamel), a substance between the coating and the root (dentin) or between the two. 
Dental fusion is a deformity in the form of the union of two adjacent tooth seeds which
is developing. and is the result of mutations at the time of embryological development
fusion, concrescence is the root of 2 or more teeth that are joined by cementum only
after the formation of dental crowns.
Tooth fusion is the result of combining two developing seeds.
Physical characteristics possessed by the patient? 
fusion can be determined by looking at the condition of the teeth where there are two
teeth joined together. On radiographic examination, it will appear that the joining part
is the enamel layer (the outermost layer of hard tooth tissue) and dentin (the second
layer of hard tooth tissue). 

There is usually only one space in the tooth that contains blood vessels and nerves, but
it can also be separated into two.
What is the etiology of the patient?
Its etiology was related to genetic or local factors
Some say this is caused by the union of two tooth, heredity, race and there are also
states that happen by chance .
fusion occurs due to pressure or physical force that causes contact during tooth
formation. This contact will result in epithelial tissue necrosis that separates the two
teeth so
that another fusion occurs is that fusion occurs due to the persistence of interdental
lamina of the two tooth gears. "" In addition there are genetic factors with autosomal
dominant inheritance patterns with low penetration
What is the management that can be done for these patients?
Trearment of fused teeth depends on the location and extent of fusion.
People with dental fusion are advised to visit the dentist as early as possible. Treatment
depends on the location and extent, so the method of treatment is quite varied. The
treatment provided includes patching at the intersection of the two crowns to prevent
caries in the area.
The purpose of the treatment was to improve the esthetic performance and
subsequently keep the teeth until rhe exfoliation timegums
Oral manifestations if not treated?
These anomalies could result in deotal caries, esthetic problems, periodontal disease,
dental malocclusion, and hypodontia in permanent dentilion
Is there an Examination to detect abnormalities?
The examination can begin with a clinical and radiological examination. enough to count
the number of all teeth. If it turns out the number is less than normal, it can be
ascertained that the abnormality is dental fusion.
CT scan examination can be done to see the condition of the roots and pulp chamber
Pathophysiology of Down Syndrome?
What is the comparative diagnosis of the scenario?
Macem fusi :
Fusion may be compatible or incomplete.
Tooth fusion that occurs perfectly is characterized by the presence of a large clinical
crown and the absence of a clear groove.This situation occurs in the early stages of
odontogenesis. calcified dental tissues. While fusion is not perfect is the union of some
seeds teeth. clinically it is characterized by the presence of a groove which divides the
tooth crown. which reuadi as tired as the formation of the crown.
"In the case of fusion is usually the number of teeth is reduced by one tooth for fusion
to occur as a result of the merging of two tooth germ and forming one tooth with a
large crown

Is the result of the union of the adjacent tooth crown during development 
Radiography unusual shape or size of fused teeth appeal
Diagnosis: geminasi and makrodontia
treatment is done is 
if the extraction of primary teeth, and restorative care

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