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Esmolol in acute ischemic syndromes

Rita G. Mitchell, RN, MSN,a Marcus F. Stoddard, MD,b Ori Ben-Yehuda, MD,c Kul B. Aggarwal, MD,d
Kent S. Allenby, MD,e Raul A. Trillo, MD,e Ruth Loyd, MS,e Cheng-Tao Chang, PhD,e and
Arthur J. Labovitz, MD,a for the EMIT Investigators

Background ␤-Blockers have been shown to reduce both morbidity and mortality rates in patients with acute coro-
nary syndromes. However, because of potential side effects, their use is limited in patients who might benefit the most
from such therapy. It was thought that the use of an ultra-short-acting intravenous ␤-blocker might produce similar results
with fewer complications in those patients with relative contraindications to ␤-blocker therapy.
Methods Accordingly, we evaluated the use of esmolol in patients with acute coronary syndromes and relative con-
traindication to ␤-blocker therapy in a prospective randomized trial. One hundred eight patients at 21 sites received an
infusion of intravenous esmolol or standard therapy on admission and were followed for 6 weeks from the day of admis-
sion. The primary efficacy outcome was a composite event consisting of any of the following that occurred during the in-
dex hospitalization: death, myocardial (re)infarction, recurrent ischemia, or arrhythmia as well as silent myocardial isch-
emia assessed by ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring. Safety end points including hypotension,
bradyarrhythmias, new or worsening congestive heart failure, and bronchospasm were also recorded.
Results Event rates for primary end points were similar in the 2 groups: death (2% in the standard care group vs 4%
in the group receiving esmolol), myocardial (re)infarction (4% standard vs 7% esmolol), ischemia (12% vs 13%), arrhyth-
mias (4% vs 2%), and silent ischemia (13% vs 15%). There was a higher incidence of transient hypotension in the group
receiving esmolol (2% vs 16%), but all such events were noted to resolve after discontinuation of the esmolol infusion.
There were no additional differences in safety end points: bradycardia (2% for those receiving standard care vs 9% re-
ceiving esmolol), new congestive heart failure (10% vs 16%), bronchospasm (0% vs 7%), and heart block (2% vs 2%).
Conclusions The use of an ultra-short-acting ␤-blocker such as esmolol might offer an alternative to patients with con-
traindications to standard ␤-blocker therapy. Although this trial had limited power to detect safety and efficacy differences
between the 2 therapies, it was observed that safety end points, which occurred during esmolol administration, resolved
readily when the infusions were decreased or discontinued. Additional testing is needed to substantiate these findings.
(Am Heart J 2002;144:e9.)

The use of intravenous ␤-blockers in the acute gible” have side effects such as hypotension or
phases of myocardial infarction and unstable angina bradycardia during initiation of therapy, necessitating
has been shown to reduce in-hospital morbidity and premature discontinuation of ␤-blocker treatment.3,4,9
mortality rates.1-7 Despite the demonstrated efficacy of The availability of an intravenous ultra-short-acting
intravenous ␤-blockers, their use has been observed to ␤-blocker, esmolol, may alleviate clinical concerns re-
be limited in patients with acute myocardial infarction garding the potential to precipitate and sustain
and unstable angina.5,8 The limited use of intravenous ␤-blocker-associated adverse side effects.
␤-blockers in patients with acute ischemic syndromes The use of intravenous esmolol in acute ischemic
appears to be largely attributable to preexisting rela- syndromes has been limited by studies of small sample
tive or absolute contraindications. In addition, be- sizes.10-17 These preliminary studies, however, have
tween 5% and 10% of patients who are “␤-blocker eli-
demonstrated that intravenous esmolol is associated
with infarct size reduction in an animal model10 and is
well tolerated in patients with acute ischemic syn-
From the aSt Louis University Health Sciences Center, St Louis, Mo, bUniversity of Louis-
ville, Louisville, Ky, cUniversity of California, San Diego, San Diego, Calif, dUniversity
dromes11,12 and left ventricular systolic dysfunc-
of Missouri, Columbia, Mo, and eBaxter Pharmaceutical Products Inc, New Provi- tion.13-17 The safety and efficacy of intravenous esmo-
dence, NJ. lol compared with standard long-acting intravenous
Submitted April 9, 2001; accepted February 27, 2002.
Reprint requests: Arthur J. Labovitz, MD, Saint Louis University Health Sciences Center,
␤-blockers has not been evaluated in randomized trials.
3635 Vista at Grand Ave, St Louis, MO 63110-1250. The Multicenter Study of Expanded Utilization of
E-mail: Intravenous Beta-Blocker Therapy in Acute Ischemic
Copyright 2002, Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.
1097-6744/2002/$35.00 ⫹ 0 4/90/126114
Syndromes: The Esmolol Myocardial Ischemia Trial
doi:10.1067/mhj.2002.126114 (EMIT) was a randomized study designed to assess the
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108 Mitchell et al
November 2002

safety, tolerability, and clinical efficacy of the addition fibrillation/flutter, bundle branch block, preexcitation syn-
of intravenous esmolol to “standard care” therapy as drome (ie, Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome), and permanent
compared with “standard care” therapy alone, which ventricular pacemakers were also excluded. Also excluded
did not include intravenous ␤-blockers, among patients were patients for whom surgical revascularization (coronary
artery bypass grafting) was planned at the time of screening.
with acute transmural myocardial infarct and/or unsta-
Patients with known or suspected drug or alcohol abuse
ble angina/non-Q-wave myocardial infarction with rela- were not included because of the potential for problems
tive contraindications to ␤-blocker therapy. with patient follow-up. Patients with serious advanced illness
were not studied. Patients who had received ␤-blockers
within 24 hours of screening were not included to prevent
Methods contamination of results from previous ␤-blocker use. Be-
Participating sites and investigators cause of a previously identified interaction between intrave-
nous calcium-channel blockers and esmolol, patients who
Patients were enrolled at 21 sites in the United States. Full
had received intravenous calcium-channel blockers within 48
institutional review board approval was obtained at each in-
hours of screening were not considered for participation.
stitution before patient enrollment. Saint Louis University was
Eligible subjects were randomly assigned by means of a
the Clinical Coordinating Center. Electrocardiograms and am-
telephone, computer-driven response system on a 24-hour
bulatory electrocardiograms were analyzed at the core labs at
“on-demand” basis. This telephone system ensured proper
the Clinical Coordinating Center.
sequence allocation and immediate coordinating center con-
firmation of enrollment and provided security against poten-
Patient selection, recruitment, and random tial randomization bias. Random assignment was stratified by
assignment the type of presenting acute ischemic syndrome (ie, acute
Patients who were examined at the hospital within 12 transmural myocardial infarction or unstable angina/non-Q-
hours of chest pain, who met criteria for acute transmural wave myocardial infarction as determined by the screening
myocardial infarction (ie, ST-segment elevation) or unstable electrocardiogram). On the basis of the telephone random
angina/non-Q-wave myocardial infarction (ie, non-ST-segment assignment, consented patients were randomly assigned to 1
elevation), were considered for enrollment in the study. of 2 treatment groups: (1) intravenous esmolol for 16 to 30
Acute transmural myocardial infarction was defined as angina- hours plus “standard medical therapy,” followed by oral
type chest discomfort of ⬎20 minutes duration, unresponsive metoprolol, or (2) “standard therapy” alone, which did not
to sublingual nitroglycerin and/or nitroglycerin spray therapy, include planned intravenous ␤-blockers.
and new or presumably new ST-segment elevation of ⬎10
mm in at least 2 of the 3 inferior leads (II, III, aVF), in at Study procedures
least 2 contiguous precordial leads (V1-V6), or in leads I and Patients were observed for a period of 30 minutes before
aVL. Unstable angina/non-Q-wave myocardial infarction was random assignment. During this period, a limited physical
defined as symptoms of cardiac ischemia (angina or anginal examination, pretrial medication history, chest radiograph,
equivalent) lasting at least 5 minutes, unrelieved by sublin- and screening electrocardiogram were obtained. A rate-pres-
gual nitroglycerin and/or nitroglycerin spray therapy, and ei- sure product (RPP) was calculated (systolic blood pressure ⫻
ther positive creatine kinase (CK), CK-MB enzymes, or con- heart rate) by use of readings obtained during the baseline
comitant electrocardiographic changes: ST-segment period. At the investigator’s clinical discretion, standard med-
depression (⬎0.5 mm), T-wave inversion of ⱖ1 mm, or tran- ical therapies for patients with acute coronary ischemia were
sient (⬍20 minutes) ST-segment elevation. At least 1 relative initiated for all patients during this time. This included
contraindication to ␤-blockade was necessary for the patient thrombolytic therapy, intravenous heparin, aspirin, nitrates,
to be enrolled. Relative contraindications included docu- and narcotics. Among patients not previously taking calcium-
mented left ventricular dysfunction, mild congestive heart channel blockers, the use of short-acting dihydropyridine
failure, history of bronchospastic airway disease (without agents were discouraged. For patients previously receiving
acute bronchospasm), prolonged electrocardiographic PR calcium-channel blockers, it was suggested that attempts be
interval (⬎0.25 seconds and ⬍0.30 seconds), controlled, in- made to discontinue their use at the discretion of the individ-
sulin-requiring diabetes mellitus, hypotension (systolic blood ual investigator. Oral calcium-channel blockers were allowed
pressure ⱖ100 mm Hg but 108 mm Hg), bradycardia (heart in patients with refractory angina as clinically indicated. In
rate ⱖ55 but 68 beats/min), and concomitant use of AV addition, oral AV node-blocking calcium-channel blockers (ie,
node-blocking calcium-channel blockers (ie, diltiazem, vera- diltiazem or verapamil) could be used in the “standard care
pamil). All patients gave written voluntary informed consent only” group if they were believed to be necessary by the in-
before random assignment in the study. vestigator to slow heart rate response. The use of intrave-
Patients were excluded from the study for severe bradycar- nous calcium-channel blockers was prohibited in patients
dia (heart rate ⬍55 beats/min), hypotension (systolic blood receiving esmolol. If the investigator deemed it necessary to
pressure ⬍100 mm Hg unresponsive to fluids), prolonged use intravenous calcium-channel blockers, a washout period
electrocardiographic PR segment (ⱖ0.30 seconds), second- of no less than 60 minutes was required between the discon-
or third-degree AV block or junctional rhythm, acute bron- tinuation of esmolol and the initiation of intravenous calcium-
chospastic episode, severe congestive heart failure, history of channel blockers.
uncontrolled diabetes, and pregnancy. Because of the diffi- After random assignment, patients in the treatment arm of
culty in interpreting Holter recordings, patients with atrial the study were given a bolus dose of 500 ␮g/kg intravenous
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Volume 144, Number 5

esmolol administered slowly over 1 minute. This was immedi- manifested by pain of ⱖ20 minutes duration or ⱖ2 recurrent
ately followed by a maintenance infusion of 50 ␮g/kg/min, episodes occurring within a 30-minute period. To define pro-
with titration in increments of 50 ␮g/kg/min every 5 to 15 cedure-related myocardial infarctions, serial enzymes and
minutes. Measurement of heart rate and blood pressure, electrocardiograms were also collected for all patients under-
along with chest auscultation, were done before each titra- going percutaneous or surgical coronary revascularization
tion of esmolol. This regimen was followed until one of the procedures.
following conditions was met: (1) the attainment of a target
RPP decrement of 30% from baseline, (2) a peak dose of 300
End points
␮g/kg/min drug administration, or (3) development of a
safety end point. A 30% decrement in RPP has historically The primary efficacy outcome was a composite event con-
been used to indicate an appropriate reduction in heart rate sisting of any of the following that occur during the index
and blood pressure. A safety end point was considered to hospitalization: (1) death, (2) nonfatal myocardial (re)infarc-
tion, (3)recurrent ischemia, (4) nonfatal cardiac arrest, (5)
have been met if the subject had new congestive heart fail-
nonfatal ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation, or (6) silent
ure (evidenced by new rales greater than one third of poste-
myocardial ischemia episodes assessed by ambulatory electro-
rior lung fields, new third heart sound, or new radiographic
cardiographic monitoring in the 24 hours after random as-
evidence of pulmonary edema), second- or third-degree heart
signment. Myocardial ischemic episodes on ambulatory elec-
block, bronchospastic episode, systolic blood pressure ⬍90
trocardiographic monitoring were defined according to the
mm Hg unresponsive to fluids, or severe bradycardia ⬍50
initial randomization group. For patients admitted with ST-
beats/min. Intravenous esmolol dosage was decrementally
segment elevation, a recurrent myocardial ischemic event
adjusted to one-half the current dose if a safety end point
was defined as new ST-segment elevation of ⱖ1 mm or new
was met. If symptoms persisted for ⬎30 minutes, the intrave-
ST-segment depression of ⱖ1 mm, after return to ST-segment
nous esmolol infusion was discontinued. If symptoms re-
“isoelectric” point and lasting ⱖ1 minute in duration, with or
solved within 30 minutes, attempts were made to increase
without concomitant ischemic chest pain. Patients enrolled
the esmolol infusion rate to a previously tolerated dose. The
with ST-segment depression were noted to have recurrent
protocol infusion of intravenous esmolol was maintained for
myocardial ischemia if they had new ST-segment depression
a period of 16 to 30 hours after initiation of therapy. Blood
or elevation ⱖ1 mm after the return of the ST segment to
pressure, heart rate, and chest auscultation were performed
isoelectric baseline and lasting ⱖ1 mm in duration with or
throughout the maintenance infusion.
without concomitant ischemic chest pain.
If the esmolol infusion did not require protocol-mandated
Secondary end points were assessed during a follow-up
drug discontinuation; 12.5 to 25 mg of oral metoprolol was
phone call 6 weeks after random assignment. The points
administered 30 minutes before discontinuation of the intra-
evaluated were death, myocardial infarction, rehospitalization
venous esmolol infusion. Metoprolol was titrated as clinically
for cardiac causes, and classification of anginal status and
tolerated up to a dose of 100 mg a day for a minimum of 6
congestive heart failure status as defined by the New York
Heart Association (NYHA) functional capacity classification.
Patients randomly assigned to the control arm of the study
were treated with standard therapies that did not include
intravenous ␤-blockers. Routine use of oral ␤-blockers during Statistical analysis
the study period was strongly discouraged but left to the dis- The primary efficacy outcome was predefined in the proto-
cretion of the individual investigator in the event of recur- col as a composite event consisting of the occurrence of (1)
rent ischemia unresponsive to other medical therapies. Oral death, (2) nonfatal infarction or reinfarction, (3) recurrent
␤-blockers were prohibited during the first 24 hours of the ischemia, (4) nonfatal cardiac arrest, (5) nonfatal ventricular
study while data on silent ischemia were being collected by tachycardia or fibrillation, or (6) silent myocardial ischemia
the Holter monitor. Patients assigned to the standard care defined by ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring be-
group were assessed every 15 minutes during the administra- fore hospital discharge. The main analysis of this outcome
tion and titration of the standard care medications until was planned to compare its frequency in the esmolol and
symptom resolution or development of a safety end point. control groups by use of a ␹2 test. The frequency of each
Electrocardiograms were obtained at screening and during component was also to be compared between groups, with
the baseline observation period and repeated at 12 hours, 24 an adjustment for multiple comparisons to maintain the over-
hours, 3 days, and on the day of discharge. A Holter monitor all ␣-level for these tests at 0.05.
was applied to the patient immediately after random assign- At the 6-week follow-up contact, data were collected on
ment and before initiation of esmolol infusion (if applicable). the occurrence of (1) death, (2) myocardial infarction or rein-
Holter monitoring continued for a total of 24 hours from the farction, (3) hospitalization for cardiac causes, (4) anginal
time the Holter was applied. Electrocardiograms and Holter status defined by the NYHA functional capacity classification,
tapes were forwarded to the core laboratories for indepen- and (5) functional capacity defined by NYHA classification.
dent, blinded assessment by cardiologists. Serial cardiac en- The frequency of these events between esmolol and control
zymes (total CK, CK-MB) were obtained at baseline/study en- groups was to be compared by use of the log rank test and
try and 8 and 16 hours after the baseline sample was Kaplan-Meier estimates of distribution of time to events.
obtained. The primary safety outcome was a predefined composite
Serial enzymes and electrocardiograms were collected in event consisting of occurrence and persistence of any of the
the event of clinically suspected myocardial ischemia or re- following for ⬎30 minutes in the standard care group or for
current ischemic chest pain and/or myocardial (re)infarction ⬎30 minutes after a reduction of the esmolol dose or after
American Heart Journal
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November 2002

initial observation in the esmolol group: (1) development of

Table I. Baseline clinical and demographic characteristics of
new congestive heart failure (new rales greater than one
the study group
third of posterior lung fields, new third heart sound, or new
radiographic evidence of pulmonary edema), (2) advanced Esmolol Standard
second- or third-degree heart block, (3) occurrence of new Variable (n ⴝ 55) (n ⴝ 53)
bronchospastic episode, (4) systolic blood pressure ⬍90 mm
Hg unresponsive to volume replacement, or (5) severe brady- Male (%) 26 40
cardia (⬍50 beats/min). One-tailed tests at an overall ␣ level Race
of 0.05 were used. White 35 35
The sample size was planned to be 250 patients per treat- Black 18 11
Other 2 7
ment group, which, with a primary efficacy outcome of
Age (y) 58.1 (31.7-88.3) 60.4 (35.0-84.4)
ⱖ0.70 in the control group, would have had a power ⱖ0.9 Heart rate (beats/min) 81.0 (58-125) 78.7 (56-109)
to detect a 20% reduction of this outcome in the esmolol Systolic blood pressure (mm Hg) 128.1 (95-200) 130.7 (97-197)
group, with an ␣-level of ⬍0.05. Relative contraindication
Because of patient recruitment problems, the study was Left ventricular dysfunction 12 14
terminated after 109 patients were enrolled. Therefore, the Mild CHF 18 15
results from this study were considered exploratory, not con- Bronchospastic disease 20 11
firmatory. Because of the small sample size, the planned anal- Prolonged PR interval 1 0
yses were not performed. Instead, the Fisher exact procedure IDDM 9 11
Hypotension 14 15
was used on each efficacy outcome individually as well as on
Bradycardia 17 19
the composite outcome as a whole, with no adjustment for
Calcium-channel blockers 12 9
the ␣-level. For the 6-week follow-up efficacy data, the Fisher ECG criteria
exact procedure was used on cardiac hospitalization for car- ST elevation (%) 23 21
diac causes and the composite end point, and the ␹2 proce- non-ST elevation 32 32
dure was used for anginal status. No probability value was
calculated for the other 2 end points at 6-week follow-up CHF, Congestive heart failure; IDDM, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus; ECG,
(death and myocardial infarction or reinfarction) because
there was no occurrence in either treatment group.

Table II. Summary of study end points

The analysis was performed on an intention-to-treat Esmolol Standard
(n ⴝ 55) (n ⴝ 52) P
basis (ie, 2 patients who were randomly assigned to
but did not receive esmolol were analyzed as part of
In-hospital end points (%)
the esmolol treatment group). One hundred eight ran- Death 2 (3.64) 1 (1.92) 1.000
domly assigned patients were enrolled between Sep- Nonfatal reinfarction 4 (7.27) 2 (3.85) .679
tember 1997 and February 1999. Sixty-six men and 42 Recurrent ischemia 7 (12.73) 6 (11.54) 1.000
women, with a mean age of 59.2 years, were evalu- Nonfatal cardiac arrest 0 (0.00) 0 (0.00) N/A
Nonfatal V Tach or fibrillation 1 (1.82) 2 (3.85) .611
ated. Fifty-five patients were randomly assigned to re- Silent myocardial ischemic episode 8 (14.81) 7 (13.46) 1.000
ceive intravenous esmolol with standard care, and 53 Composite end points 17 (30.91) 14 (26.92) .676
received standard care. Table I summarizes the base- 6-week end point (post index
line clinical and demographic characteristics of the 2 hospitalization) (%) n ⫽ 55 n ⫽ 53
study groups. Death 0 (0.00) 0 (0.00) N/A
Myocardial infarction 0 (0.00) 0 (0.00) N/A
The treatment arms were well matched with respect Cardiac rehospitalization 8 (14.55) 5 (9.43) .394
to age, race, and electrocardiographic criteria. Sixty- Anginal status n ⫽ 42 n ⫽ 39 .828
one percent of the men were assigned to the standard Class I 34 (80.95) 34 (87.18)
care arm and the 69% of the women received esmolol. Class II 4 (9.52) 2 (5.13)
Class III 2 (4.76) 2 (5.13)
Relative contraindications to ␤-blockers were similar in
Class IV 2 (4.76) 1 (2.56)
both subsets, with bradycardia, mild congestive heart CHF status n ⫽ 42 n ⫽ 38 .024
failure, and bronchospastic disease being the most fre- Class I 22 (52.38) 29 (76.32)
quent. Class II 11 (26.19) 3 (7.89)
The occurrence of in-hospital events was similar in Class III 5 (11.90) 6 (15.79)
Class IV 4 (9.52) 0 (0.00)
both groups, as demonstrated in Table II. A compari-
son of other indicators showed no significant differ-
ence between the 2 groups. The mean number of
hours in the ICU/CCU was 63.0 for those in the esmo- angioplasties (36% vs 49%), stent placements (32% vs
lol group and 72.4 for those receiving standard care 40%), rotational atherectomies (4% vs 0%), and coro-
alone. The number of cardiac catheterizations (71% in nary artery bypass graft surgeries (18% vs 26%) was
the esmolol group vs 69% in the standard care group), similar for both groups.
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Volume 144, Number 5

Table III. Safety end points

patients who received standard care. The 2 groups
were similar in the number of readmissions to the hos-
Esmolol (%) Standard (%) P pital for recurrent cardiac events (18.0% vs 12.0%).
There were no additional deaths or myocardial infarc-
CHF 7 8 NS tions reported in either group.
Hypotension 18* 2 ⬍.01
Bronchospasm 9* 0 ⬍.01
AV block 2 2 NS
Bradycardia 9* 2 NS Discussion
␤-Blockers are underutilized after an episode of
AV block, Atrioventricular block.
*Resolved within 30 minutes of discontinuation of infusion
acute myocardial ischemia, despite their proven advan-
tages. A retrospective study of 201,752 Medicare pa-
tients showed that only 34% of patients with a diagno-
sis of acute myocardial infarction received ␤-blockers
Safety of the ␤-blocker therapy was evaluated by at- but demonstrated a 40% lower mortality rate for those
tainment of safety end points (Table III). Nine patients patients who did receive ␤-blockers.8 In the National
in the esmolol group met a protocol-specified safety Registry of Myocardial Infarction (NRMI), intravenous
end point for which the esmolol was discontinued. At ␤-blockers were used in 17% of thrombolytic-treated
the discretion of the investigator, esmolol was also dis- patients and in 36% of all patients with acute myocar-
continued in 3 patients for other reasons: confusion dial infarction.5 The major reason for limited use of
and restlessness, an episode of ventricular tachycardia, intravenous ␤-blockers have included classically de-
and no coronary artery disease identified upon cardiac fined relative or absolute contraindications. In the
catheterization. Metoprolol In Acute Myocardial Infarction (MIAMI)
Congestive heart failure was noted in similar num- trial, patients screened for enrollment were ineligible
bers in both groups, as evidenced by new rales greater for random assignment because of contraindications to
than one third of posterior lung fields (7.3% of patients ␤-blockade: heart rate 65 beats/min (20.3%), systolic
receiving esmolol vs 5.8% of patients receiving stan- blood pressure 105 mm Hg or left ventricular failure
dard care), new third heart sound (0.0% vs 1.9%), and with rales ⬎10 cm (12.1%), and presence of chronic
new radiographic evidence of pulmonary edema (9.1% obstructive lung disease (3.1%).3 In addition, between
vs 1.9%). Second- or third-degree heart block occurred 5% and 10% of patients who are “␤-blockers eligible”
in both groups at a rate of 1.8% and 1.9%. A new bron- have side effects such as hypotension or bradycardia
chospastic event was observed in 9.1% of the esmolol during initiation of therapy, necessitating premature
treatment group but was not noted in those patients discontinuation of ␤-blocker treatment.3,4,9
receiving standard care (P ⫽ .037). Severe bradycardia The use of an ultra-short-acting ␤-blocker such as
(heart rate ⬍50 mm Hg) was noted in 9.1% of the es- esmolol would theoretically expand the group of pa-
molol ␤-blocker group compared with 1.92% of the tients eligible to receive ␤-blocker therapy in acute
standard care cohort (P ⫽ .206). ischemic syndromes by limiting any untoward adverse
In 18.2% of the patients receiving esmolol, an epi- events. Studies evaluating the use of esmolol in acute
sode of hypotension (systolic blood pressure ⬍90 mm ischemic syndromes have been limited. Early studies
Hg unresponsive to volume replacement) was noted demonstrated reduction in infarct size in an animal
compared with 1.9% of the control group. This differ- model.10 Esmolol has been shown to be well tolerated
ence was statistically significant (P ⫽ .008). Episodes in acute ischemic syndromes in patients with left ven-
of hypotension were reported in 11 patients. Three of tricular dysfunction.13,15,16
these patients were not taking esmolol at the time of Although class effect cannot be assumed, the EMIT
the hypotension. In 6 of the reported episodes, sys- study sought to demonstrate that an ultra-short-acting
tolic blood pressure increased above 90 after discon- ␤-blocker could be used safely in this group of pa-
tinuation of esmolol. A hypotensive episode was re- tients. Although this study was not powered to evalu-
ported in 1 patient who continued to have chest pain ate differences in clinical outcomes, the incidence of
throughout his hospitalization despite high doses of adverse clinical events in the 2 groups was similar.
intravenous nitroglycerin. This patient, who had dif- The incidence of hypotension was greater in the esmo-
fuse disease and was not a candidate for thrombolytic lol treatment group but was readily reversible by titra-
agents, was admitted with inferior changes and later tion of the drug.
had an anterior extension that ultimately led to his
death. Conclusions
At the time of the 6-week follow-up, 68.0% of those In patients at risk for complications secondary to the
patients in the esmolol arm were receiving continuing use of ␤-blockers, an ultra-short-acting ␤-blocker such
treatment with ␤-blockers compared with 46.9% of the as esmolol may offer an alternative. Because of the
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112 Mitchell et al
November 2002

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