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Government of Pakistan

National Training Bureau

3 Month’s Microwave Technician

Name : Roll No : Time 2 Hours

Total Marks:100
Q1. MCQ Section (15)

1. Microwave frequency band __ to __

2. For communication microwave frequency band is ___ to ___
3. For long rang communication which frequency can be used 7Ghz,8Ghz, 23Ghz,38Ghz
4. V =________
5. Maximum distance for microwave communication is____ km
6. A simple transmission system consist of Transmitter, Receiver & __________
7. Passive relay station can be used up to maximum _____km
8. ISM band is of 2.4 Ghz & ________ Ghz
9. By increasing in frequency wavelength increases T/F
10. 2.4ghz is used is wifi T/F
11. 5.8ghz is licensed frequency T/F
12. 1mW =……….dbm
13. Unit of Transmitted power is
a) db b) dbm c) dbr
14. Receivers sensitivity measures in
a) db b) dbm c) dbr
15. losses measures in
a) db b) dbm c) dbr

Q. 2 Fill in the blanks (15)

1. AM Band range is …………………………………………………………….
2. SD……………………………………………………………………
3. FDMA……………………………………………………………………
4. TDMA……………………………………………………………………
5. FDD……………………………………………………………………
6. TDD……………………………………………………………………
7. T/R Spacing……………………………………………………………………
8. 9Ghz is used for………………Communication
9. IDU……………………………………………………………………
10. POE……………………………………………………………………
11. 1+0 means ……………………………………………………………………………………….?
12. 1+n means…………………………………………………………..?
13. FSL……………………………………………………….?
14. Minimum System operating Margin for Microwave communication is……………dbm?
15. 900/1800/2100Ghz frequencies are use in ……………?

Short questions: (Solve any 05 Questions each question is of 05 Marks) (25)

Q1. Explain wired & wireless transmission medium in detail 05
Q2. What is free space loss draw graph for FSL 05
Q3. What is microwave communication 05
Q4. What are frequently used digital microwave frequency bands 05
Q5. Comparison between fiber optics & Microwave Communication 05
Q6. Types of Fading in microwave communication 05

LONG Questions: (Solve any 3 Questions) (45)

1. What types of equipment is used in microwave Communication 15
2. Write down advantages & disadvantage of microwave communication 15
3. What things need to check site serving 15
4. Types of tower & draw there diagram 15

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