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Can we conquer pain?

Joachim Scholz and Clifford J. Woolf
© 2002 Nature Publishing Group

Neural Plasticity Research Group, Department of Anesthesia, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02129, USA
Correspondence should be addressed to C.J.W. (

Published online 28 October 2002; doi:10.1038/nn942

Pain can be an adaptive sensation, an early warning to protect the body from tissue injury. By the
introduction of hypersensitivity to normally innocuous stimuli, pain may also aid in repair after tissue
damage. Pain can also be maladaptive, reflecting pathological function of the nervous system.
Multiple molecular and cellular mechanisms operate alone and in combination within the peripheral
and central nervous systems to produce the different forms of pain. Elucidation of these mechanisms
is key to the development of treatments that specifically target underlying causes rather than just
symptoms. This new approach promises to revolutionize pain diagnosis and management.

There is an extraordinary dichotomy in the pain field. Exciting The threshold for eliciting pain has to be high enough that it
progress is being made in dissecting out the molecular and cel- does not interfere with normal activities but low enough that it
lular mechanisms that operate in sensory pathways to generate can be evoked before frank tissue damage occurs. This threshold
those neural signals that we ultimately interpret as pain1,2. How- is not fixed and can be shifted either up or down, which may be
ever, for many patients, pain continues to produce severe dis- either adaptive or maladaptive. Shifts in pain threshold and
tress, dominating and disrupting the quality of their lives. Much responsiveness are an expression of neural plasticity, the neuro-
of currently available clinical treatment is only partially effective biological means by which changes in the nervous system can
and may be accompanied by distressing side effects or have abuse modulate the response to any stimulus. Such plasticity or modi-
potential3. Increasing numbers of elderly people in the popula- fiability of the sensory system essentially characterizes clinical
tion means a rising prevalence of age-related painful conditions pain syndromes2,6.
like osteoarthritis that require successful pain treatment 4 . Once tissue has been damaged mechanically or by infection,
Improvements in the management of cancer increase life ischemia, tumor growth or an autoimmune process, multiple
expectancy, but are accompanied by a rise in the cumulative inci- chemical mediators are released from damaged and inflamma-
dence of tumor-related pain syndromes as well as of pain asso- tory cells. The resulting ‘inflammatory soup’ is rich in cytokines,
ciated with therapy, such as chemotherapy-induced painful growth factors, kinins, purines, amines, prostanoids and ions,
polyneuropathy. The unmet clinical need, the personal suffer- including protons7,8. Some inflammatory mediators directly
ing and societal economic costs of pain are substantial. To bridge activate nociceptors, evoking pain. Others act together to pro-
the gap between the ever-advancing understanding of the neu- duce a sensitization of the somatosensory nervous system, which
robiology of pain and the lack of success in clinical pain thera- is characteristic for inflammatory pain, enabling easier activa-
py, a greater and more sophisticated effort needs to be directed to tion of the pain pathway until the tissue heals (Fig. 1b). Mal-
the discovery of targets for new analgesics. In addition, the clin- adaptive plasticity represents those changes that generate
ical approach to pain needs to be reevaluated: a change is spontaneous and exaggerated pain with no discernable protec-
required from an empirical management strategy to one where tive or reparative role. The pain becomes the pathology, typi-
the mechanisms responsible for pain in an individual patient are cally via damage to or dysfunction of the peripheral or central
identified and tackled with specific treatments5. nervous system, termed ‘neuropathic pain’ (Fig. 1c). A reduc-
tion in pain sensitivity by recruiting intrinsic inhibitory mech-
Why pain? anisms can also occur, particularly in those conditions where
Although we use a single word to describe any feeling that is an emergency reaction is a greater imperative than preventing
unpleasant and hurts, this does not mean that pain is a mono- tissue damage9.
lithic entity. There is pain as a sensory experience and pain as
perceptual metaphor of suffering or grief. We deal here only Pain mechanisms
with the former. Pain the sensation can be further split into dis- Nociceptive, inflammatory and neuropathic pain result from
tinct categories. Pain normally serves as a warning device, an diverse mechanisms. Some of these mechanisms are unique to
alarm system activated in response to impending damage to the one painful condition; others are present in multiple clinical syn-
organism. This nociceptive pain is activated only by noxious dromes, or may be expressed at different times during the nat-
stimuli acting on a specialized high-threshold sensory apparatus ural history of a syndrome. In some patients, a single mechanism
(Fig. 1a). Nociception is essential for the survival of organisms may produce their pain; in others, multiple mechanisms may
in a potentially hostile environment. Nociceptive pain, once it contribute. The same symptom (for example, pain in response
is present, once the alarm has gone off, so dominates attention to light touch of the skin) may be generated by a number of
that it is more like a motivational drive than a sensation, resem- mechanisms. Moreover, a single mechanism (for example, upreg-
bling hunger, thirst or sexual desire. ulation of a voltage-gated sodium channel) may potentially pro-

1062 nature neuroscience supplement • volume 5 • november 2002


a Nociceptive pain Pain

Fig. 1. Nociceptive, inflammatory and neuro-
pathic pain. (a) Noxious stimuli are transduced
into electrical activity at the peripheral termi-
TRPV1 reaction nals of unmyelinated C-fiber and thinly myeli-
TRPV2 nated Aδ-fiber nociceptors by specific
TRPV3 DRG receptors or ion channels sensitive to heat,
TREK-1 (cell body) mechanical stimuli, protons and cold. This
activity is conducted to the spinal cord and,
© 2002 Nature Publishing Group

TRPV1 after transmission in central pathways, to the

ASIC cortex, where the sensation of pain is experi-
Acid DRASIC enced. (b) Damaged tissue, inflammatory and
tumor cells release chemical mediators creat-
ing an ‘inflammatory soup’ that activates or
modifies the stimulus response properties of
DRASIC nociceptor afferents. This, in turn, sets up
TREK-1 Spinal cord changes in the responsiveness of neurons in
the CNS (Fig. 2). (c) Neuropathic pain arises
from lesions to or dysfunction of the nervous
system. Conditions affecting the peripheral
nervous system, as in carpal tunnel syndrome,
the spinal cord after traumatic injuries or the
brain after stroke, can all cause neuropathic
pain, which is characterized by a combination
of neurological deficits and pain.
b Inflammatory pain Mast cell

to higher centers 11 . Activity in the

Neutrophil spinothalamic tract relays through the
Macrophage granulocyte thalamus to the somatosensory cortex
and associated areas. The parabrachial
nucleus of the brainstem has connec-
tions to the ventral medial nucleus of the
hippocampus and the central nucleus of
the amygdala, brain regions involved in
the affective response to pain. Impulses
Histamine H+ from supraspinal centers are integrated
Serotonin Nerve growth factor in the midbrain periaqueductal gray,
Bradykinin TNFα
Prostaglandins Endothelins Pain treatment options: which is pivotal in modulating descend-
ATP Interleukins Cox2 inhibitors ing facilitation and inhibition of noci-
Opioids ceptive input mainly via the nucleus
raphe magnus11.
Nociceptor function is substantially
c Neuropathic pain modified in response to tissue damage,
Spinal cord inflammation or injury of the nervous
injury system. Post-translational and tran-
scriptional changes can profoundly alter
the threshold, excitability and transmis-
sion properties of nociceptors, con-
Thalamic stroke tributing to pain hypersensitivity and
Carpal tunnel spontaneous pain (Fig. 2). Changes can
be localized to the peripheral terminal
Pain treatment options: (peripheral sensitization), the site of
Tricyclic antidepressants axonal injury or the central synapse, or
produce general alterations in mem-
Na+ channel blockers
NMDA receptor antagonists brane properties. Some of the changes
Opioids are rapid, as with a reduction in heat
pain threshold following phosphoryla-
Debbie Maizels
tion of the heat transducer receptors
duce different symptoms like spontaneous burning pain, shock- TRPV1 (VR1) and TRPV2 (VRL-1). Others require retrograde
like pain or paresthesias (pins and needles)10. transport of signals to the cell body, activation of signal trans-
Nociceptor Aδ and C somatosensory afferent terminals duction cascades, changes in transcription and then orthograde
transduce external noxious stimuli into electrical activity. The transport of proteins to the peripheral or central terminals12.
resultant action potentials are conducted to the dorsal horn of Activation of nociceptors is not, however, the only way to
the spinal cord, and the input is conveyed, after synaptic pro- trigger pain. After peripheral tissue injury or damage to the
cessing, via the spinothalamic and spinoparabrachial pathways nervous system, low-threshold sensory fibers, which normally

nature neuroscience supplement • volume 5 • november 2002 1063


a Nociceptive pain b Peripheral sensitization Fig. 2. Nociceptor-mediated pain repre-

sents those pain conditions driven by activa-
tion of peripheral nociceptor sensory fibers.
(a) Nociceptive pain is produced under physio-
Nav1.8/1.9 logical conditions only by noxious stimuli acting
Na+ Na+
Nav1.8/1.9 Ca2+ Kv Nav1.8/1.9 on high-threshold nociceptors. (b) With inflam-
Na+ PKA mation, components of the ‘inflammatory soup’,
Ca2+ Ca2+ 2+
PKC Ca such as bradykinin or prostaglandins, bind to
© 2002 Nature Publishing Group

G-protein-coupled receptors and induce activa-
ASIC P2X3 ASIC P2X3 tion of protein kinases A and C in nociceptor
peripheral terminals, which then phosphorylate
Pg ion channels and receptors. As a result, the
threshold of activation of transducer receptors
H+ ATP such as TRPV1 is reduced, and the excitability of
the peripheral terminal membrane increases,
c Ectopic activity d Transcriptional changes in the DRG producing a state of heightened sensitivity,
Nociceptor Voltage-gated NGF Inflammatory termed ‘peripheral sensitization’. (c) After injury
activity Ca2+ channels mediators to nociceptor neurons, increases in transcription
or altered trafficking of sodium channels as well
Trk A as a reduction in potassium channels increases
Kv membrane excitability sufficiently so that action
Nav Na+ Ca2+
Ca2+ potentials are generated spontaneously (ectopic
Ca2+ activity). (d) Activity-dependent signal transduc-
PKA Transcription factor tion cascades and signaling pathways down-
Nav CaMK IV P P stream to receptors bound by cytokines and
Kv RNA growth factors act to modify transcription in
p38 nociceptor neurons. Altered production of
JNK numerous proteins modifies the phenotype of
the neurons, changing their transduction, con-
RNA polymerase II
Neuroma site duction and transmission properties.
Debbie Maizels

only produce innocuous sensations like light touch, can begin millennia—and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
to produce pain, a very substantial change in the normal func- (NSAIDs), a prototypic member of which is salicylic acid, the
tional specificity of the sensory system (Fig. 3). Although this active ingredient in willow bark, a folk remedy for inflamma-
pain obviously no longer represents the presence of a damaging tion and pain. The local anesthetic activity of cocaine was
external stimulus, to the individual it feels that the pain aris- reported one hundred years ago without any knowledge of sodi-
es in the periphery from a noxious stimulus. Such a shift in um channels. More recently, tricyclic antidepressants and anti-
the excitability of the CNS contributes to the hypersensi- convulsants, including carbamezepine and gabapentin, were
tivity to non-painful stimuli after surgery or during migraine found to produce analgesia empirically, not through any knowl-
attacks, as well as the diffuse muscle tenderness of myofas- edge of their molecular targets17. Triptans have substantially
cial syndromes, and sensory abnormalities of the gastro- improved the management of migraine. These 5-HT1B/1D ago-
intestinal tract in non-cardiac chest pain and irritable bowel nists were initially developed to produce cranial vasoconstric-
syndrome13,14. tion, but their inhibitory effects on trigeminal and second-order
Increases in synaptic transmission in the dorsal horn (central neurons may be more important18. One great success in mod-
sensitization) can begin almost immediately as a result of ern pain pharmacology has been the introduction of Cox2-spe-
activity-dependent phosphorylation and trafficking of receptors cific inhibitors, but rather than possessing improved efficacy,
or ion channels. Central sensitization can be sustained for some these drugs produce less gastric and bleeding side effects by not
time by transcriptional changes, including induction of genes inhibiting Cox1 (ref. 19).
such as Cox2 to generate PGE2, which alters the excitability of Genetic background affects nociceptive pain sensitivity in
neurons. Structural alterations in the synaptic contacts of low- animals and may influence susceptibility to the development of
threshold afferents with pain transmission neurons, or a reduc- persistent pain20. A patient’s gender or genes may also interfere
tion of inhibitory mechanisms due to a loss of interneurons, with the response to analgesic drugs. Different expression pat-
represent persistent changes in the CNS that eventually result in terns of opioid receptors may explain why some patients are
a fixed state of sensitization (Fig. 3). insensitive to opioids. The metabolism and biological availabili-
Immune cells may be involved in inflammatory pain, cancer ty of numerous drugs, including tricyclic antidepressants,
pain and pain after nerve injury. They are activated both in the codeine, tramadol and the NMDA antagonist dextromethor-
periphery and within the central nervous system in response to phan 21, depend on the allelic polymorphism of the hepatic
tissue damage, inflammation or mechanical nerve lesions15. The cytochrome P450 monooxygenase system.
immune reaction may increase nociception through the release of The mechanisms that individually or collectively produce pain
cytokines, but granulocytes and monocytes can also promote now need to be seen as representing the targets for the rational
analgesia by secreting β-endorphin and enkephalin16. development of novel analgesics. Two general approaches for the
discovery of novel pain targets have evolved: either evaluation in
A need for smarter drugs depth after a focused search of the particular role of an individ-
Current analgesics have been discovered by empirical observa- ual protein in producing pain1,2,11, or mass screening using high-
tion or serendipity. These include opiates—the analgesic activ- throughput mRNA or proteomic screens22. The former has been
ity of opium poppy extracts that have been recognized for used with great effectiveness to unravel many of those receptors

1064 nature neuroscience supplement • volume 5 • november 2002


a Immediate central sensitization b Delayed central sensitization

Nociceptive TrkB Dorsal horn EP/IP

afferent, neuron Inhibitory
central interneuron +
terminal src Nociceptive
afferent IL-1
© 2002 Nature Publishing Group

Cox2 PKA
+ Erk1/2
+ PGE2
SP mGlu-R
PKA Transcription
p38 – factor
IP3 receptor
NK1 RNA polymerase II
Dorsal DREAM
neuron Nucleus

c Changes in synaptic connectivity d Loss of inhibition

Nociceptive afferent

Non-nociceptive afferent


Sprouting after
nerve injury

Debbie Maizels

Fig. 3. Non-nociceptor-mediated pain is generated by sensory inputs that would normally produce an innocuous sensation, and reflects a change in
the functioning of central neurons. (a) Activity-dependent central sensitization. An immediate and relatively short-lasting increase in the excitability
and responsiveness of pain transmission dorsal horn neurons, which is due to phosphorylation of ion channels and receptors and follows nociceptor-
driven transmitter release and activation of intracellular kinases. Eventually, the response to normally subthreshold inputs is increased.
(b) Transcription-dependent central sensitization. Enhanced gene expression due to the activation of transcription factors, as well as the removal of
repressors like DREAM, results in long-lasting changes in the function of dorsal horn neurons. Cox2 induction leads to PGE2 production, which acts
pre- and postsynaptically to facilitate excitatory and reduce inhibitory transmission. (c) After peripheral nerve injury, the central terminals of myeli-
nated non-nociceptive Aβ-afferents sprout in the dorsal horn and form new connections with nociceptive neurons in laminae I and II. This re-wiring
of the circuitry of the spinal cord may contribute to persistent pain hypersensitivity. (d) Disinhibition. Normal sensory inflow is actively controlled by
inhibitory interneurons. Reduced synthesis of the inhibitory neurotransmitters GABA and glycine or loss of these inhibitory interneurons after
excessive release of the excitotoxic amino acid glutamate following peripheral nerve injury increases the excitability of pain transmission neurons
such that they begin to respond to normally innocuous inputs.

and ion channels responsible for transducing noxious stimuli in Targeting pain mechanisms
the periphery and for modulating sensory processing in the dor- The notion that there is a class of drug, a universal analgesic, that
sal horn of the spinal cord (Fig. 4). The latter has only begun to can intrinsically reduce all pain, is obsolete and has to be aban-
be applied, but is revealing that many hundreds of genes change doned. Pain is heterogeneous in terms of etiological factors,
their expression in sensory neurons after damage to a peripher- mechanisms and temporal characteristics. Consequently, treat-
al nerve or exposure to inflamed tissue. These include genes never ment must be targeted not at the general symptom, the pain, or
before described in the nervous system, whose function is its temporal properties, acute or chronic, but rather at the under-
presently unknown. lying neurobiological mechanisms responsible (Fig. 5).

nature neuroscience supplement • volume 5 • november 2002 1065


Fig. 4. Key molecular elements The second need is to develop therapeutic tools to specifical-
in the transduction, transmis-
TRPV1, TRPV2, TRPV3, TRPM8 ly interrupt the particular pain mechanisms. This will require
ASIC, DRASIC sion and signal processing of
nociceptive input in the periph-
identifying the key molecular targets involved in the manifestation
BK1, BK2
P2X3 eral and central nervous sys- of the mechanism and finding specific activators or inhibitors,
tem represent potential targets whatever appropriate, by high-throughput pharmaceutical
Peripheral sensitization for the development of new screens with proof-of-concept trials in patients. One problem is
analgesics. what clinical outcome measures should be applied to evaluate
© 2002 Nature Publishing Group

Nav1.8 effects on pain mechanisms. Current clinical analgesic trials select

PKA, PKC isoforms, CaMK IV

Erk1/2, p38, JNK patients on the basis of disease and use crude global outcome
IL-1β, cPLA2, COX2, EP1, EP3, EP4
TNFα The first need, clearly, is measures; no effort is made to identify mechanisms. Symptoms,
to identify the major mech- signs and special investigations should be used to define mecha-
Membrane excitability anisms that participate in nisms participating in the generation of a painful condition. The
of primary afferents
Nav1.8, Nav1.9 producing clinical pain syn- number needed to treat (NNT), a measure of how many patients
K+ channel dromes. The validation of have to be treated to see a 50% response, varies from 1.7 to over
animal models, showing 10 for the analgesics currently available for neuropathic pain3.
Synaptic transmission
Presynaptic that they are actually surro- This reflects the lack of efficacy of empirically administered anal-
gates for mechanisms pre- gesics, some of which are aimed at targets that may not be
(mGlu-R) sent in human patients, is a expressed in a given patient. Cox2 inhibitors will only work, for
AMPA/kainate-R, NMDA-R, mGlu-R key issue. Although it is example, if Cox2 has been induced.
possible to produce a Although this decade has been dedicated the “Decade of Pain
K+ channels stereotyped pain-like Control and Research” by the US Congress, too little attention
behavior in animals, this continues to be directed at pain research, and success at control-
Central inhibition does not mean that the ling pain remains limited. However, conquering pain, using the
Glycine-R mechanisms involved in understanding of its nature, mechanisms and molecular com-
NE, 5-HT

Opioid receptors these models are identical ponents to drive the pharmaceutical screening and development
CB1 to those found in patients, of new analgesic drugs, is at last a realistic prospect, albeit a
where the complexity, onset daunting challenge.
Signal transduction
PKA, PKC isoforms and persistence of pain tend
ERK, p38, JNK
to be very different. Some RECEIVED 10 JULY; ACCEPTED 3 SEPTEMBER 2002
Debbie Maizels

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