Bi N B N Kióm Tra Inspection Report Vinashin Trader Pp00 1 Kõt Qu Thö Hö L I

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Biªn b¶n kiÓm tra

c«ng ty ®ãng tÇu B¹ch §»ng

No: …./….
Bach Dang Shinco Inspection report
Tªn s¶n ThiÕt kÕ : PP00
Project.No. Date : 04/ 3/
phÈm vinashin trader 1
Product 2006
H¹ng môc KÕt qu¶ thö hÖ l¸i
Item Result of steering gear test
§iÒu kiÖn thö (test condition ) :
+ Ngµy thö / Data : + Mín níc mòi ( Draft FWD ) 3.7 M
+ Thêi gian thö / Time: 9 a.m + Mín níc l¸i ( Draft AFT ) 5.6 M
+ §Þa ®iÓm thö / Test + Lîng chiÕm níc ( Displacement )
place :LONG CH¢U 6343Tones
+ Thêi tiÕt / Weather : Good + Hµnh tr×nh c¬ b¶n ( Base course ):
+ Tr¹ng th¸i vïng biÓn/ Sea state: + T¶i cña m¸y ( Engine load )
Smoothly  MCR
- §é s©u níc vïng biÓn / Depth: 23 + VËn tèc ban ®Çu ( Initial speed )
- Tèc ®é giã / Wind velo. : + Vßng quay ban ®Çu (Initial rev. )
m/sec 510 RPM
- Híng giã / .Dir. :
¸p lùc lín nhÊt cña b¬m : Dßng ®iÖn
Thêi gian tr«i
Bar Current of
(Max. Pressure of Elec. Motor
Elapsed time
Hydraulic motor ) (A)
(sec )
0-P350 14 35 21
B¬m sè
No.1 P350-
24 30 20
No.1 S300
Pump S350-
24 30 20.5
P350-0 13 10 14
0-P350 13 35 21
B¬m sè
No.2 P350-
24 30 20.5
No.2 S300
Pump S350-
24 30 19.5
P350-0 13 10 13
0-P150 6 35 21
B¬m sù P150-
10 30 20.5
cè 1 S150
N01 S150-0 5 10 14
0-P150 5 35 21
B¬m sù P150-
11 30 19.5
cè 2 S150
N02 S150-0 6 10 13
¸p lùc dÇu ®Þnh møc/ Limit oil pressure: 125 Bar
Dßng ®iÖn ®Þnh møc/ Limit current : A
* Chó ý (Note ) :+ Thêi gian quay b¸nh l¸i theo yªu cÇu cña quy ph¹m
Required time to turn rudder by rule
+ Víi hÖ thèng thêng
With normal system :  28 sec
+ Víi hÖ thèng sù cè
With emergency system:  60 sec
KÕt luËn / Conclusion :§¹t yªu cÇu / Satisfactory

chñ tÇu ®¨ng kiÓm VN ®¨ng kiÓm GL kcs c«ng ty

Ship owner class VR class GL q.c of shinco

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