A Cold Glass of Water Argument: Overview of Case Study

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A Cold Glass of Water Argument 

Criteria, Template, Rubric 

Overview of Case Study 
Guiding Question: 
Does ice melt faster in saltwater or freshwater? Why does it matter? 
Long-Term Learning Target: 
I can argue using evidence why ice melting faster or slower in saltwater compared to freshwater has an 
impact on the world we live in.​ ​(Short Term Learning targets can be found in the PowerPoint on 
Argument using evidence from learning and research supporting the guiding question, and answering 
the Long-Term Learning Target. 
Criteria for Argument 
Group Presentation supporting claim of “Why does it matter?” ​(First Slides) 
*Introduce Argument and Claim 
*Summarize learning experience in this case study 
*3 pieces of evidence from the learning we did in class and/or articles we have read 
*Short conclusion to bring together your pieces of evidence 
Individual:​ (Last Slides-each person does the following, and at the end of the presentation each person 
will have time to present these sides) 
*How has this experience been different from a traditional/normal learning experience? We took a 
learning style quiz at the beginning of the year, has this helped you? 
*What were your strengths and weaknesses in this case study? 
*What advice would you give the freshmen next year doing this experience?  
If your groups decides to use something other than slides just make sure it has the criteria listed above 
and fulfills the Rubric. 
  0  1  2  3  4 
Introduction  Not Present  Many  A few errors  Well explained and  X 
(Group)  errors  and/or  claim makes sense 
and/or  confusing 
confusing  points 
Summarize  Not Present  Many  A few errors  Well explained  X 
Learning  errors  and/or  learning 
Experience  and/or  confusing  experience and no 
(Group)  confusing  points  errors 
3 Pieces of  Not Present  Many  2 of the claims  1 of the claims does  All 3 Pieces of 
Evidence  errors  do not make  not make  evidence support 
(Group)  and/or  sense/not  sense/not  claim with little to 
confusing  thorough/many  thorough/mistakes  no errors 
Short  Not Present  Many  A few errors  Well explained  X 
Conclusion  errors  and/or  learning 
(Group)  and/or  confusing  experience and no 
confusing  points  errors 
Explanation  Not Present  Many  A few errors  Well explained  Student shows 
of  errors  and/or  learning  great amount of 
Experience  and/or  confusing  experience   reflection and well 
(Individual)  confusing  points  explained 
Strengths  Not Present  Many  A few errors  Well explained  Student shows 
and  errors  and/or  learning  great amount of 
Weaknesses  and/or  confusing  experience   reflection and well 
(Individual)  confusing  points  explained 
Advice  Not Present  Some  Well explained  X  X 
(individual)  errors  learning 
  and/or  experience and 
confusing  no errors 
Total: _____________/20pts 
Scoring for Portfolio:​ 0=0pts 1-5=1pt 6-10=2pts 11-15=3pts 16-20=4pts 

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