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1. Perennialism The curriculum of perennialist  Perennialism and

is universal on the view of essentialism is both
human being possess the same traditional and
essential nature preserving the past
 Perennialism and
The teacher is the facilitator essentialism is same in
and coaches and students are terms of society; group
engage in discovering values, acceptance of
norms cooperative and
Educational value is conforming behavior
unchanging, absolute and  The educational
universal process focusses on
teaching while the
2. Essentialism educational value is
Also known as bring back to fixed, absolute and
basic (4 subjects: Math, objective
Science, Filipino and English  Progressivism and
reconstructionism are
The curriculum includes similar contemporary,
traditional disciplines discovery and
The teacher teaches for
learners to acquire basic  Progressivism and
knowledge, skills and values. reconstructionism are
3. Progressivism both reconstructing
present and shaping the
Progressivist accept future
impermanence of life the  The is educational
inevitability value subjective,
changeable and
The curriculum is identified as relative while the
relevant and need-based. educational process is
fixed, absolute and
Teachers teach to develop objective focusses on
learners into becoming active self- learning
enlightened and intelligent
 Overall they are
citizens of a democratic
focuses on teaching
and learning process as
4. Reconstructionism
well as the main center
such as the curriculum,
teacher and learners.
The outcomes are to improve
 The similarities of
and change the society
Teachers acts as agent and

Prepared by: Arguelles, Bendicio, Pacifico, Paderes

facilitator in educational perennialism and
project including research recontructionism is
particularly about the
learners were the
teacher is the one who
provided and make a
way for the learner to
acquire and gain
learning from different
style of four
philosophies of
education. Also for
learners future, for
them to develop higher
order thinking skills
and to become
effective citizen.

2. Explain the influence of the 4 Philosophies in Curriculum

Philosophy is an established knowledge that supports education. The philosophy
underpins dimensions and conflicts of education. Philosophy is closely related to education,
philosophy is the theory and knowledge while education is the practice. Philosophy is not just
foundational to education but also a key instrument in establishing a curriculum. It influences
on a large extent the educational decisions, choices and alternatives. Without philosophy, the
curriculum that consists the wholeness of environment that the school creates in order to
develop children in all aspects will never be possible. Philosophies such as perennialism,
essentialism, progressivism and reconstructionism serve as the starting point and source as well
of curriculum development. These philosophies reflect the considerations to be made that will
inspire the contents of the curriculum.
The four philosophies discussed had great influence on the curriculum. Each philosophy
has its own beliefs that constitutes what should education should aspire that has formative
effect on the individuals. Curriculum decisions are anchored on several issues in education and
in order to address these issues, curriculum designers should be clear about their belief system
to definitely lead to consistent curriculum. Philosophies provide framework for the aims and
methods of the school that are essential to all activities. Philosophy is also considered in the
selection of educational purposes. Before one propose to teach a particular body of knowledge,
it is a need to know first his/her philosophy befor me introducing the content. If one knew
his/her philosophy then it would be easy to convince others to accept the idea. Philosophies

Prepared by: Arguelles, Bendicio, Pacifico, Paderes

ffom our perspective, are the basis for the subsequent decisions ranging from determination of
aims and selection, organization and implementation of the curriculum in the classroom. It is
clear as crystal that philosophies assist educators, curriculum makers and teachers by guiding
them in different tasks such as defining the goals, contents, the process of teaching and
learning as well as the learning experiences and activities they want to integrate. Decisions
made regarding curriculum is determined by philosophy. The philosophy that they desired to
follow will help curricuralists to define the kind of learning students must have and how they
can acquire it. In addition, these philosophies also entail to seek what appropriate instructional
materials, strategies should be used and how students will be evaluated. Although
philosophies transcend from different times, its relation in guiding the development,
management and delivery of education by means of curriculum never faded and gone obsolete.
Perrenialism that focuses on educating the rational person, essentialism that promotes
intellectual growth and competent person, progressivism that pursues democratic and social
living and lastly, reconstructionism that improves and reconstruct the society, to name a few,
formed the basis of curriculum.
No philosophy should be seen isolated from one another. No single philosophy, old or
new, should dominate other philosophies when making decisions about curriculum. Curriculum
designers, educatirs and teachers should adopt an approach where there is no emphasis on one
particular philosophy. What the education need is a philosophy that will offer solutions to
problems in this contemporary world, a philosophy that will direct as to what we are trying to
achieve and a philosophy that will cater the needs of individual in this society

Prepared by: Arguelles, Bendicio, Pacifico, Paderes

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