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Operation in System

Hany Ferdinando
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Petra Christian University
General Overview
 Convolution both in continuous- and
discrete-time system
 De-convolution in discrete-time system

Operation in system 2
Convolution (discrete)
 The output of a system can be analyzed
with impulse response sequence
 Impulse response is response of a system
due to an impulse sequence as input
 n  hn means ‘input n gives output hn‘
 c{n}  c{hn}
 c{n±m}  c{hn±m}

Operation in system 3
Convolution (discrete)

 For a signal uk, we can write

u k  ...  u  2 k  2  u 1 k 1  u o k  u1 k 1  ...

uk  u 
j  
j k j

 uj{dk-j} gives output uj{hk-j}

 Applying the superposition property,
the total response is merely the sum of
the individual response of the uj{hk-j}
Operation in system 4
Convolution (discrete)
 Thus the output sequence is

yk  u h
j  
j k j  uk * hk

 If we let m = k-j, then

 
yk  u
m  
k m hm  h
m  
m u k  m  hk * u k

Operation in system 5
Convolution Operation
 Calculate the sequence for every k
  
y1  u h
j  
j 1 j , y2  u h
j  
j 2 j , y3  u h
j  
j 3 j ,...

 To find y1, we need h1-n, then the

shifted h1-n is multiplied with u
 For others k, the procedures are
Operation in system 6
Example and Exercise
 h(n) = (½)n for n ≥ 0 (even) and 0 for n
is odd, u(n) = {1,2} do it with u*h and
 h(n) = {1,2,1}, u(n) = {1,2,1}
 h(n) = (½)n for n ≥ 0, u(n) = (¼)n for n ≥
 … (get other exercises from the books)

Operation in system 7
Convolution (discrete)
 If both signal is positive semi infinite,
then we can use table matrix to
calculate the convolution
 Place the values of one signal at the
top row and the other at the left most
 Be careful!! You have to verify the first

Operation in system 8
Convolution (continuous)
 To derive procedure for convolution in
continuous-time system is similar to
that of discrete-time system
 The input is decomposed into a sum of
impulse function, then express the
output as a sum of the response
resulting from individual impulses

Operation in system 9
Convolution Operation

 The formula is y (t )   u ( )h(t   )dt
 Remark:
 Inside the integral, ‘t’ is transformed into
 h(t)  h() and u(t)  u()
 Get h(-) and shift it to the right to get

Operation in system 10
Convolution Operation
 Always draw the signals before
convolving them, this is important to
get the limit for integration
 It is calculated based on the range,
e.g. 0<t<1, 1<t<2, 2<t<3, etc.

Operation in system 11
Examples and Exercises
 Convolve h(t) = 1 for 0≤t≤2 with u(t) = t
for t≥0
 h(t) = 1 for 0≤t≤1 and -1 for 1≤t≤2, u(t)
= t for 0≤t≤2

Operation in system 12
Deconvolution (discrete only)
 It is how to ‘undo’ convolution
 From the output y and input u
relationship, one can derive the
impulse response h, etc.
 Application:
 To find transfer function of a system
 To measure the linearity of unknown

Operation in system 13
Deconvolution formulation
 To find u: k 1
y k   u m hk  m
uk  m 0

 To find h: k 1
y k   hm u k  m
hk  m 0


Operation in system 14
 Input u = {1,½} and output y = (½)k for
k ≥ 0. Find h!

Operation in system 15
The operations in system are discussed! Students
have to exercise themselves in order to understand
those operation well.
The next topic is Fourier analysis. Read the Signals
and Linear Systems by Robert A. Gabel (p. 239-255)
or Modern Signals and System by Huibert Kwakernaak
(p. 330-367) or Signals and System by Alan V.
Oppenheim (p.161-179)

Operation in system 16

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