Week 5 Lesson Slides

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Monday 11th November 2019

Spelling - Week 5

1. who 1. because 1. poison Destroy

2. boy 2. been 2. different Avoid
3. here 3. appear 3. disappear Moisture
4. oil 4. choice 4. didn’t disappointed
5. got 5. destroy 5. great Toilet
6. find 6. cheer 6. steer
7. year 7. or 7. annoy
8. toy 8. long 8. couldn’t

Sound of the week is: oy and eer

The different letter combinations that make this sound are: oi and ear
Examples of words that make this sound are: boy, coin and deer, ear
Learning Intention

We are learning how good readers ask and answer

questions to help them understand what they are reading.
Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge
Learning Intention Success Criteria
We Are Learning to... I will be successful if I can...

I will be successful if I can:

● Recall the purpose and audience of a
We are learning to persuasive text.
● Identify convincing reasons used in a
expand on our reasons text.
● Identify and explain the purpose of
when writing a expanding reasons
persuasive text ● Match the reasons to the expansion.
● Choose one reason to rewrite in your
own words including your own
language of opinion, language of
modality and appropriate conjunctions.
What is the purpose of
persuasive texts?
Can I Have a Stegosaurus Mum?
by Lois Grambling

Think about who the audience is while viewing the text

Knee to Knee, Eye to Eye

Discuss one reason for why you

should get a stegosaurus.

Write your partners reasoning

on your show me board.
Knee to Knee, Eye to Eye

Discuss one reason for why you

should get a stegosaurus.

Write your partners reasoning

on your show me board.

Make your reason more

My stegosaurus could sleep
with me in my bed every night.

Now let’s make it more convincing!

Activity Matching Activity

Match the reason with the expanded version.

Reading with
Miss Crescini Reading Groups
We are learning how
Crossword Because good readers ask
Tall questions.
worksheet Find
Reading with Miss
and Ipads. didn’t
Remembrance Day

Cubes Skip count forwards in 5 from 62

Skip count backwards in 5s from 84

Spheres Skip count forwards in 2s from 30

Skip backwards in 2s from 100.

Pyramids Skip count forwards in 5s from 10.

Skip count backwards in 5s from 100
Read these numbers out loud and write the number
before and after

MONEY Monday
How much money can
you see?

How much more do

you need to have
Learning Intention
We are learning to estimate the capacity of
Learning Intention
We are learning to estimate the capacity of containers.

Task Success Criteria

Mrs Bear has to find containers that hold different You will be successful if you can:
amounts for her family to use. - Select an appropriate informal unit to measure
a container
Can you help Mrs Bear by estimating first and then - Estimate the amount of an informal unit that
using items to measure containers and record what the container will hold.
you found? - Find the total it will hold
- Record your results
- Continue to measure other containers.
- Share your results
capacity, container, liquid, full, empty, volume, gap,
measure, estimate,more,less
Container Unit of Measure Estimate Total

The _____________ held more than the __________________

Learning Intention

We are learning how to deal with put downs

What do put downs...

look like

feel like sound like

Tuesday 12th November 2019

Cubes Skip count forwards in 5 from 62

Skip count backwards in 5s from 84

Spheres Skip count forwards in 2s from 30

Skip backwards in 2s from 100.

Pyramids Skip count forwards in 5s from 10.

Skip count backwards in 5s from 100
Number Ninjas
Read these numbers out loud and write the number
before and after

it Apart’ Tuesday
It Apart’ Tuesday
Use MAB to make this number. Show this number in more than one way.
Write the number in words.
What is the value of ___ in this number?
Round this number to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000.
Partition this number into standard form and non-standard form.
What is 10 more? 100 more? 1000 more?
What is 10 less? 100 less? 1000 less?
Use the digits above to create the second largest number you can.
Learning Intention
We are learning to estimate the capacity of
Move the below items that contain liquid onto the number line in order of
those that hold the least water to those that hold the most.

least most
Learning Intention
We are learning to estimate the capacity of containers and compare them.

Task Success Criteria

Miss Ohanessian has three containers. She wants You will be successful if you can:
to find which container holds the most and least. In - Select an appropriate informal unit to measure
pairs, measure three containers and order the a container
- Estimate the amount of an informal unit that
containers from least to the most.
the container will hold.
- Find the total it will hold
- Order your containers from least to can hold
the most.
- Record your results
- Share your results
capacity, container, liquid, full, empty, volume, gap,
measure, estimate,more,less

Share what you found with the class.

Spelling worksheet
Reading Groups
Reading with Tuesday (part 1)
Miss Crescini

We are learning how

Read with Mrs Pittavino Because good
Reading with
Miss Crescini Reading Groups
Tuesday (Part 1)
We are learning how
Crossword Because good readers ask
Tall questions.
worksheet Find
Spelling worksheet
Thursday 14th November 2019
Reading Groups
Spelling worksheet
Comprehension Because
Read with Miss
Reading with
Miss Crescini didn’t
Spelling - Week 5

1. who 1. because 1. poison Destroy

2. boy 2. been 2. different Avoid
3. here 3. appear 3. disappear Moisture
4. oil 4. choice 4. didn’t disappointed
5. got 5. destroy 5. great Toilet
6. find 6. cheer 6. steer
7. year 7. or 7. annoy
8. toy 8. long 8. couldn’t

Sound of the week is: oy and eer

The different letter combinations that make this sound are: oi and ear
Examples of words that make this sound are: boy, coin and deer, ear
Pick a word with the
sound oy or eer and
make a compound
Learning Intention Success Criteria
We Are Learning to... I will be successful if I can...

I will be successful if I can:

We are learning to ● Recall the purpose of expanding

expand on our reasons ● Identify language of opinion, modality
and time connectives within a text.
when writing a ● Discuss why students should not wear
persuasive text ●
their uniform to school
Expand your reasons in a group
● Use language of opinion, modality and
time connectives
What is the purpose of
expanding reasons?
Should Children Do Homework?

I strongly believe that students in Year One should not have to do homework. Here are the reasons why I think this is
so important.

Firstly, I feel that students need a break from work when they come home. They should be playing with friends and
spending time with family.

Secondly, students should have time to participate in other activities. Students could play sport, learn an instrument
or join a group.

Thirdly, all families are different. Some students might need to help out after school.

In my opinion, I definetly think schools should not be setting homework for students in Year One. There are much
better ways that students could be using this time.
Should Children Do Homework?

I strongly believe that students in Year One should not have to do homework. Here are the reasons why I think this is
so important.

Firstly, I feel that students need a break from work when they come home. They should be playing with friends and
spending time with family.

Secondly, students should have time to participate in other activities. Students could play sport, learn an instrument
or join a group.

Thirdly, all families are different. Some students might need to help out after school.

In my opinion, I definetly think schools should not be setting homework for students in Year One. There are much
better ways that students could be using this time.
Language of Opinion
Time Connectives
Students should not wear their uniform to
school everyday

In groups of three discuss...

One reason why students should not wear their uniform to school everyday
Students should not wear their uniform to
school everyday

In groups of three discuss...

One reason why students should not wear their uniform to school everyday

Add language of opinion to your reason

Students should not wear their uniform to
school everyday

In groups of three discuss...

One reason why students should not wear their uniform to school everyday

Add language of opinion to your reason

Add a modality word to your reason

Students should not wear their uniform to
school everyday

In groups of three discuss...

One reason why students should not wear their uniform to school everyday

Add language of opinion to your reason

Add a modality word to your reason

Add a time connective to your reason

Students should not wear their uniform to
school everyday


It is annoying

It takes too long to get ready

It gets too hot


Cubes Skip count forwards in 5 from 62

Skip count backwards in 5s from 84

Spheres Skip count forwards in 2s from 30

Skip backwards in 2s from 100.

Pyramids Skip count forwards in 5s from 10.

Skip count backwards in 5s from 100
Read these numbers out loud and write the number
before and after

‘Think out Loud’ Thursday
*Read the problem.
What month are we in? *What is it asking you to do?
*What important words and
numbers will help you answer
What is the date? the question?
*Solve the problem using a tool
How many days to the end from he toolbox to help you.
*Prove that your answer is
of the month? correct.

What season are we in?

more than
less than
less than same as more than
less than same as more than
less than same as more than
less than same as more than
Learning Intention
We are learning to estimate the capacity of containers and compare them.

Task Success Criteria

Miss Ohanessian has three containers. She wants You will be successful if you can:
to find which container holds the most and least. In - Select an appropriate informal unit to measure
pairs, measure three containers and order the a container
- Estimate the amount of an informal unit that
containers from least to the most.
the container will hold.
- Find the total it will hold
- Order your containers from least to can hold
the most.
- Record your results
- Share your results
capacity, container, liquid, full, empty, volume, gap,
measure, estimate,more,less
finish worksheet from last lesson
Learning Intention
We are learning to describe the use of spaces.
My favourite place is

I can recognise my favourite place by


Draw a picture of your favourite place with the features you use to
recognise it.
Friday 15th November 2019
Term 4 Week 5 Sound Review Test

1.________________ 1

2.________________ 2
Reading Groups
Crossword Friday

Spelling worksheet Because

Reading with
Miss Crescini Toy
Read with Miss didn’t
Learning Intention Success Criteria
We Are Learning to... I will be successful if I can...

I will be successful if I can:

We are learning to ● Recall the purpose of expanding

expand on our reasons ● Discuss why homework should be
when writing a ● Expand your reasons
persuasive text ● Use language of opinion, modality and
time connectives
● Organise my reasons into paragraphs
What is the purpose of
expanding reasons?
Students should not wear their
uniform to school everyday.

Now let’s make it more convincing!

Knee to Knee, Eye to Eye

Discuss one reason for why

homework should be banned.
Knee to Knee, Eye to Eye

Discuss one reason for why

homework should be banned.

Make your reason more

Homework Should Be Banned
Activity Use the reasons from the brainstorm and expand on them in
your writing.

Make sure you include

● language of opinion
● modality
● time connectives

Cubes Skip count forwards in 5 from 62

Skip count backwards in 5s from 84

Spheres Skip count forwards in 2s from 30

Skip backwards in 2s from 100.

Pyramids Skip count forwards in 5s from 10.

Skip count backwards in 5s from 100
less than same as more than
less than same as more than
less than same as more than
less than same as more than
less than same as more than
Learning Intention
We are learning to estimate the capacity of
Learning Intention
We are learning to estimate the capacity of containers that hold the same amount.

Task Success Criteria

Miss Ohanessian has two different size containers. You will be successful if you can:
She wants to know if the containers hold the same - Select an appropriate informal unit to measure
amount. a container
- Estimate the amount of an informal unit that
the container will hold.
Can you find how much the containers hold? - Find the total it will hold and if different
shapes hold the same amount.
- Record your results

capacity, container, liquid, full, empty, volume, gap,
measure, estimate,more,less
Yellow =
Red =

The yellow cylinder has __________

the red cylinder
How do we know
objects hold the
same amount?
Can objects that look
different hold the
same amount?
Where do frogs live?
Where do frogs live?

Why are frogs important to the environment?

Write three facts about

Cubes Skip count forwards in 5 from 62

Skip count backwards in 5s from 84

Spheres Skip count forwards in 2s from 30

Skip backwards in 2s from 100.

Pyramids Skip count forwards in 5s from 10.

Skip count backwards in 5s from 100
less than same as more than
less than same as more than
less than same as more than
less than same as more than
less than same as more than
Learning Intention
We are learning to estimate the capacity of
Learning Intention
We are learning to estimate the capacity of containers that hold the same amount.

Task Success Criteria

Miss Ohanessian has two different size containers. You will be successful if you can:
She wants to know if the containers hold the same - Select an appropriate informal unit to measure
amount. a container
- Estimate the amount of an informal unit that
the container will hold.
Can you find how much the containers hold? - Find the total it will hold and if different
shapes hold the same amount.
- Record your results

capacity, container, liquid, full, empty, volume, gap,
measure, estimate,more,less
Thinking wall

An important message is ….
It makes me feel…
It is important because..

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