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Hamza Anees
Business Project

The single player

is a fascinating diversion which is fundamentally the same as and identified with the
genuine business world. For good execution in diversion, we require data about
bookkeeping estimations and hypothetical based hypothesis. When we have all data
then we can apply these data and distinctive systems to settle on choices in genuine
business world.

To play this amusement we need to do everything well ordered by considered all the
correct proportions uncommonly obligation/value and winning per annum. Different
proportions are additionally essential to get positive conjecture result reports diagram.
Business Project

This amusement is extremely useful in light of the fact that it additionally rehearse us to
play in genuine business world, same like that we need to experience immeasurably vital
strides like diverse examination of costs like generation, publicizing, mark advancement,
cost and so on.

Mike bicycles single player contains distinctive portions like value, advancement
creation, promoting, advertising, value, obligation and so on while playing this
amusement our definitive objective is to build SHV. For this reason, we need to expand
our benefit by choosing distinctive appropriate procedures remembering the contenders
adjusting inside our market line. At first we can choose the best value that suits our
business system. At that point quality is other primary element through which we can
get best come about by outlining gross edge and net pay also.

Dispersion edge and  extra bolster like having great brand name, nature of item, good
looking cost, having no obligation in light of the fact that as we have more obligation we
need to pay more intrigue, which will diminish our share esteem. For good outcomes
enter reports truly matters keeping in mind the end goal to give right positive
expectation for one year from now.

29th March at home

As instructed in tutorial, I have watched all videos given in smar sims software online that helps in functional
order for understanding the working of game. By learning objectives from videos ,manual effects a lot. As the
result was very different from what I got in the tutorial. As after following right step by step instructions ,I win
in third attempt with my SHV $17.21 against the competitors $15.71 And as govern the expense difference as
well. The main key factor of this game is to search and analyse the given information by determining the
investment of money based on analysis to increased the SHV.

The Year Ahead - 2018

2017 T1 - BUS303 Business Project - Saddiqe, Mehak - Fast and furious

Key Financial Results

Business Project

      Fast and       MountainTop

     furious    Cycles

Shareholder Value (SHV) $13.82 $13.04

Retail Sales 40 $12,456,950

Profit After Tax 2 $1,410,110

30th of March at home

Today, my target is on some particular order to

understand each decision step by step.


At the second step, there were additional decision on

naming and branding distribution. By following
instruction given in video ,I have search it that in order to
make more positive result it is important to refer to retail
segment . After increasing the price and %margin of Bike
and discounts .

-Increased support for sports storey by …

-Decreases margin

-increase the branding

Business Project

The Year Ahead - 2019

2017 T1 - BUS303 Business Project - Saddiqe, Mehak - Fast and

Key Financial Results

       Fast and        MountainTop

     furious    Cycles

Shareholder Value
(SHV) $16.02 $13.20

Retail Sales $15,568,120 $12,567,030

Profit After Tax $1,806,377 $1,181,559

31st of March at home

I focused on Frcast sale units according to last years result.

Forecast Sales and Production

Before Deciding the figure in forecast sales unit, I reduced the my market share for improvement of
awareness . if the market remains the same as like my market then I can sell it.

The Year Ahead - 2020

2017 T1 - BUS303 Business Project - Saddiqe, Mehak - Fast and furious

Key Financial Results

         Fast and       MountainTop

Business Project

   furious   Cycles

Shareholder Value
(SHV) $15.24 $11.86

Retail Sales $15,667,280 $12,821,760

Profit After Tax $1,463,566 $780,627

Enter this Year's Budget for each Advertising Media Type

Media Type Current Limits Previous

  TV 0 - 3,000,000 300,000

  Internet 0 - 3,000,000 250,000

  Magazines 0 - 3,000,000 700,000

Total 1,250,000 1,250,000

The Year Ahead - 2021

2017 T1 - BUS303 Business Project - Saddiqe, Mehak - Fast and furious

Key Financial Results

       Fast and        MountainTop

     furious    Cycles

Shareholder Value
(SHV) $18.96 $13.52

Retail Sales $25,065,160 $21,920,820

Profit After Tax $2,036,225 $278,779

Capacity Planner
Business Project

Capacity Efficiency Quality Reports


  Estimated Wastage 2,552

  Idle Capacity 1,698

  Planned Production 17,250

Calculated Capacity 21,500

Enter your Capacity Level for this year

SCU last period SCU this period $ Sell/SCU $ Buy/SCU $ Cost

10,000 -
21,500 94.95 200.00 0

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