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M. A. Schubert, C. C. Müller-Goymann
Technische Universität Carolo-Wilhelmina zu Braunschweig, Institut für Pharmazeutische Technologie, Mendelssohnstr. 1, D-38106 Braunschweig

INTRODUCTION SAXD measurement of the interlamellar distance d

The effect of Br-HCl on the colloidal microstructure of lecithin
Bromhexine hydrochloride (Br-HCl) is a potent mucolytic

Solubilized amount of Br-HCl [mg]

was evaluated by SAXD. The measurements were performed
agent that acts by itself and its metabolites e.g. ambroxol. Due 50

with binary and ternary systems containing water and P 90G in

to the low solubility of Br-HCl in water (4.54 mg/g) and a
40 different concentrations. Ternary systems were loaded with the
partition coefficient of 10.60 for n-octanol / buffer of pH 7.4
maximal amount of Br-HCl. Both binary and ternary systems
[1], an investigation of the interactions between the drug and 30
showed interference patterns that correspond to a lamellar
colloidal drug delivery systems (DDS) seems to be appropriate.
bilayer microstructure [2]. Furthermore, the incorporation of
As colloidal DDS model aqueous lecithin dispersions were 20
Br-HCl leads to a significant decrease of the interlamellar
distance d from 6.4 nm to 4.2 nm that is independent from the
P 90G concentration. The distance d in the lamellar micro-
The aim of the present work is to achieve a better understand-
structure results from the phospholipid bilayer and interlamel-
ing of the mode of interactions between the drug and colloidal 0
0 5 10 15 20
larly bound water. Therefore, the decrease of d by the incorpo-
lecithin associates in aqueous systems and to develop a model Phospholipon 90G - concentration [%] ration of Br-HCl results from either a reduction of interlamel-
that takes into account the structural changes that are observed
larly bound water or a new arrangement of the fatty acid chains
by the interactions between drug and carrier.
Figure 1: Influence of the lecithin concentration on the in the bilayer.
EXPERIMENTAL METHODS maximal solubility of Br-HCl in ternary systems 31
P NMR spectroscopy
• Materials 31
P NMR was used to locate and characterise the site and mode
of incorporation of Br-HCl in the lecithin bilayer. Both binary
- Bromhexine hydrochloride (Br-HCl) was supplied by and ternary systems display one relatively narrow and symmet-
Thomae (D-Biberach/Riß). rical peak, reflecting isotropic motional averaging and arising
- Phospholipon® 90G (P 90G) is a highly purified mostly from lateral diffusion and Brownian tumble [3]. As no
sojabean lecithin that contains at least 90% phosphati- shift split is observed interparticular interactions can be
dylcholine. P 90G was supplied by Rhône-Poulenc- excluded and the incorporation within the bilayer structure
Rorer (D-Köln). appears to be homogeneous. Based on the small chemical shift
- Water was used in bidistilled quality. of Br-HCl loaded systems in contrast to drug free systems the
incorporation of Br-HCl seems not to influence the phosphate
- Deuterium oxide (D2O) was purchased from Aldrich
group of P 90G. Therefore can be concluded that the incorpo-
ration of Br-HCl takes place in the lipophilic part of the
phospholipid bilayer. Furthermore, Br-HCl reduces the half-
• Preparation of binary and ternary systems
line width (∆ν1/2) of the systems of which a homogeneous and
All components depending on the composition of the systems narrow particle size distribution can be deduced.
were weighed in sealed containers up to a lecithin concentra-
tion of 20% (m/m). The mixtures were stirred with a Teflon Table 1: 31P NMR results of binary and ternary systems
coated magnet for 20 minutes at 333 K. Stirring was continued
Figure 2: TEM micrograph of a lamellar vesicle disper-
until room temperature was reached. composition [%] Peakposition ∆ν
sion containing 10% lecithin, 1.5% Br-HCl and
88.5% water (bar = 500nm) P90 G D2O Br-HCl [ppm] [ppm]
• Methods
High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) 5 95 - - 0.18412 0.58

Br-HCl analyzis was performed by reversed phase chromatog- 5 94 1 - 0.23428 0.33

raphy using a column of Hypersil® ODS, 125·4 mm (Grom, D- Binary systems of P90 G and water 10 90 - - 0.1478 0.40
Herrenberg). The mobile phase consisted of acetonitrile and Ternary systems of P90 G, water and Br-HCl
Interlamellar distance d [Å]

phosphate buffer of pH 7.0 (80:20) with a flow rate 1.5 ml/min 70 10 89 1 - 0.19356 0.26
using a spectroflow 400 pump (Kratos, D-Weiterstadt). Peaks 60

were detected with a Beckman System Gold Detector Module 50

166 (Beckman, D-München) at a wave length of 240 nm, peak
identification and integration was carried out by Beckman 40 CONCLUSIONS
System Gold Software Version 6.01 (Beckman, D-München). 30
P 90G increases the maximal solubility of Br-HCl in water
Calibration was performed within a range of 10 ng/ml to 50 20 significantly. Both binary and ternary systems using P 90G
ng/ml with a correlation coefficient of 0.999. concentrations from 0% to 20% form a lamellar microstructure
as TEM and SAXD studies indicate and the incorporation of
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) 0
5 10 15 20 Br-HCl in the phospholipid bilayer reduces the interlamellar
Binary and ternary systems with a lecithin content up to 20 % Phospholipon 90G - concentration [%] distance d from 6.4 nm to 4.2 nm. 31P-NMR data suggest that
(m/m) were shock-frozen in melting nitrogen at 63 K between drug incorporation is homogeneous and that the site of drug
two flat gold holders. The frozen samples were fractured at 173 Figure 3: SAXD measurement of the interlamellar incorporation is in the lipophilic part of the bilayer structure
K in a BAF 400 (Balzers, D-Wiesbaden). Samples were distance d in binary and ternary systems effecting a new arrangement of the fatty acid chains of lecithin
shadowed with platinum/carbon (2 nm thickness) at 45° and that results in the observed decrease of the interlamellar
with pure carbon (20 nm) at 90° for replica preparation. A distance.
chloroform-methanol mixture (1:1 (v/v)) was used for cleaning
the replicas. The replicas on uncoated grids were viewed using RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
a transmission electron microscope EM 300 (Philips, D- Determination of the maximal solubility of Br-HCl
Kassel). We like to thank Rhône-Poulenc-Rorer and Thomae for kind
HPLC measurements of the maximal solubility of Br-HCl support with materials.
Small-Angle X-ray Diffractometry (SAXD) show that the maximal solubility is higher in ternary systems
than in the aqueous drug solution and that the maximal REFERENCES
SAXD studies were performed in a compact small-angle solubility increases linearly with growing P 90G concentration.
system connected to a PW 2213/20 X-ray tube (Philips, D- However, the maximal solubility of Br-HCl remains low. In [1] Ammar H. O., El-Nahhas S. A.; Improvement of some
Kassel) with a copper anode. A nickel foil served as Kβ-filter. order to solubilize 1.25 mg Br-HCl the addition of approxi- pharmaceutical properties of drugs by cyclodextrine
The tube voltage was 40 kV and the anode current 25 mA. An mately 10 mg P 90G is necessary. Yet can be concluded, that complexation - 3. Bromhexine hydrochloride, Phar-
OED 50 position sensitive detector (Braun, D-München) was the solubilization of the drug by the colloidal carrier results mazie 50 (1995), 408 – 410A. Schneeweis and C. C.
linked to a Canberra MCA 8100 multichannel analyser from an interaction between drug and carrier. Müller-Goymann
(Canberra Electronics, D-Frankfurt).
[2] Luzatti V., Mustacchi H., Skoulios A., Husson F., La
TEM studies structure des colloides d`association. I: les phases liq-
P Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (31P NMR)
After shock-freezing and replication multilamellar large uide-crystallines des systemes amphiphile-eau, Acta
P Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectra were obtained on a vesicles (MLV) were observed as typical colloidal structures of Cryst. 13 (1960), 660 – 667
AC Bruker 200MHz spectrometer (Bruker, D-Rheinstetten) at the lamellar mesophase for all investigated systems. There is
293 K with orthophosphoric acid as external reference. The [3] Westesen K. and Wehler T., physicochemical charac-
no change in the fundamental structure of the mesophase after terization of a model intravenous oil-in-water emulsion,
various systems were prepared as described above and solubilization of Br-HCl in binary systems containing lecithin
afterwards sonicated with a Soniprep 150 (MSE Scientific J. Pharm. Sci. 81 (1992), 777-786
and water. In figure 2 a typical micrograph of a lamellar vesicle
Instruments, GB-Crawley) for 10 cycles with 60 seconds on dispersion is shown.
and 60 seconds off each.

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