I Dec 0S 2010 L: ',.,..,R. .,R !. (Rs - Iffi

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Case 2:10-cv-00285-KS -MTP Document 1 Filed 12/03/10 Page 1 of 35

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HATTIESBURG DIVISION .r f 1.4r i ,.r . .. lr







(Jury Trial Requested)

COMES NOW TravelersCasmlty and Surety Companyof America ("II4IreleE) and

files this ComplaintagainstSpencerCopeland,Nan Copeland,SherryFrazier,Maria J. Durham

d,&/aSouthLamarTruck & Trailer Sales,JohnDoes I - 5, and JaneRoes I - 5 (collectively,



1. This case revolves around the plundering of an establishedMississippi

constructioncompany,C.E. FrazierConstructionCompany,Inc. ("I&Ziq.-eqnstructisg"). It

exposesthe efforts of certain extendedfamily membersto steal and convert assetsof Frazier

Constructionand to depriveTravelersofits rights in thoseassets,andto then funnelthe stolen

- includingthatof a shamconstructioncompany-
moniesin andout of numerousbankaccounts

to concealandlaunderthosemonies.

2. Defendantscommittedanddeployedtheir fraudulentactionswhile Travelerswas

providinghundredsof thousands to help it meetits obligations

of dollarsto FrazierConstruction
Case 2:10-cv-00285-KS -MTP Document 1 Filed 12/03/10 Page 2 of 35

and completethe projectsthat Travelershad bonded. When FrazierConstructioncollapsed,

Travelersincurredmore than six million dollarsin losses. After monthsof digging,dozensof

depositionsand other efforts, Travelersdiscovereda stashof moniesstolenfrom


FrazierConstructionandworse- a civil conspiracyto convert,conceal,launder,andspendthose

monies. Travelersseeksto recoverthosemoniesand to recoverfrom the Defendantsthat

participatedin andbenefittedfrom the wrongful andunlawfrrlactionssetforth herein.


3. Travelersis a Connecticutcorporationwith its principalplaceofbusinesslocated

at OneTower Square,Hartford,Connecticut.For diversityofjurisdiction purposes,Travelersis

deemedto be a citizenof the Stateof Connecticut.

4. SpencerCopelandis an adultresidentcitizenof the Stateof Mississippiand may

be servedwith SummonsandComplaintat 734OakmontParkway,Ridgeland,Mississippi.For

diversity ofjurisdiction purposes,SpencerCopelandis deemedto be a citizen ofthe Stateof


5. Nan Copelandis an adult residentcitizenof the Stateof Mississippiand may be

servedwith Summonsand Complaintat 108 SummersLane, fudgeland,Mississippi' For

diversity of jurisdiction purposes,Nan Copelandis deemedto be a citizen of the State of


6. SherryFrazieris an adult residentcitizen of the Stateof Florida and may be

servedwith SummonsandComplaintat777 HarborBoulevard,Destin,Florida. For diversityof

jurisdictionpulposes,ShenyFrazieris deemedto be a citizenofthe StateofFlorida.

7. Maria J. Durham d/b/a South Lamar Truck & Trailer Salesis an adult resident

citizenof the Stateof Mississippiandmay be servedwith Summonsand Complaintat 824 Old

Highway 11, Lumberton,Mississippi. For diversityof jurisdictionpurposes,Maria J. Durham

Case 2:10-cv-00285-KS -MTP Document 1 Filed 12/03/10 Page 3 of 35

d/b/aSouthLamarTruck & TrailerSalesis deemedto be a cilizenof the Stateof Mississippi.

L JohnDoes I - 5 andJaneRoesI - 5 areindividualswho knew about,participated

in andconspiredto commitor aid in the commissionof the wrongfulactssetforth herein. The

identity of theseindividualsis cunently unknown,but during the courseof discoveryit is

anticipatedthat their identitywill becomeknown,at which time Travelersreservesthe right to

amendthis Complaintto addtheseindividualsasa partydefendant.


9. This Courthassubjectmatterjurisdictionof this litigationpursuantto 28 U.S.C.$

Influenceand Com:pt
1331becausePlaintiffs causeof action arisesunderthe Racketeering

OrganizationsAct (RICO), 18 U.S.C. gg 1961et. seq. This Court further has subjectmatter

jurisdiction of this litigation pursuantto 28 U.S.C. $ 1332 as diversity of citizenship is

andthe amountin controversyexceeds$75,000.This Courtfurtherhassupplemental


jurisdictionoverthe statelaw claimsasserted

hereinpursuantto 28 U.S.C.$ 1367.

10. This Court haspersonaljurisdictionover all defendants

in this litigation as they

reside and/or conduct businessin the State of Mississippi. Additionally, the defendants

tortuousactsin wholeor in partin the Stateof Mississippi.

committedthe enumerated

11. Venueis properin this Courtpursuant part

to 28 U.S.C.$1391(b)asa substantial

of the eventsor omissionsgiving rise to Travelers'claim occurredin the SouthemDistrict of



12. From2002through2007,Travelersprovideda numberofsurety bondsto Frazier

Construction. A surety bond is a three-partyinstrumentbetweena sur€ty, a contractor,and a

performthe contractwith the projectowner,

projectowner. Ifthe contractorcannotsuccessfully
Case 2:10-cv-00285-KS -MTP Document 1 Filed 12/03/10 Page 4 of 35

the suretyassumes that the projectis completedand

the contractor'sresponsibilities

thatcertainjob costsarepaid.

13. Frazier Constructionwas owned and operatedby C.E. Frazier, Jr. ('C.E.

Frazier"),Austin Frazier,andClaiborneFrazier(collectively,the "Fraziers").C.E.Frazieris the

fatherof Austin andClaibomeFrazier.

14. To induce Travelersto issue the surety bonds,Frazier Constructionand the

Fraziersexecutedto Travelersa GeneralAgreementof Indemnity(the"IndemnityAgreement"),

a copy of which is attachedheretoasExhibit"A."

15. Pursuantto the Indemnity Agreement,Frazier Constructionand the Fraziers

that Travelersincurredunderthe surety

agreedto indemnifyTravelersibr any lossesor expenses

bonds. To securethis obligation,FrazierConstructionand the FraziersgrantedTravelersa

security interest in all of their personalproperty (including Frazier Construction'sheavy

equipment). Travelersperfectedthis securityinterestby filing thosecertainUCC-I financing

statements of State,copiesattachedheretoasExhibit "8."

with the MississippiSemetary

16. In late 2007, Travelersreceivedan unusuallylarge numberof paymentclaims

and suppliersunderthe suretybondsissuedto FrazierConstruction.The

from subcontractors

FraziersassuredTravelersthat the claimswerethe resultof short-termcash-flowproblemsand

payroll,overhead,and other
requestedthat TravelersprovidefinancingofFrazier Construction's

paymentobligationsso it couldcompletethe bondedprojects.

17. Austin FrazierrepeatedlyassuredTravelersthat he would upholdhis obligations

and that Frazier Constructionwould completethe bondedprojectsin a cost efficient and

responsiblemanner. SeeDecember11,2007e-mailfrom Austin Frazierto Travelers("Bruce,I

havethoughtlong and hardaboutwherewe standwith respectto [Travelers].. . , We want to

Case 2:10-cv-00285-KS -MTP Document 1 Filed 12/03/10 Page 5 of 35

give you and your organizationwhat you want and to make [Travelers]whole at the end of the

day. . . . I feel that I candefinitelyfinish thesejobs the mostcosteftcient way possiblewith the

lease[sic] exposureto the bondingcompany.");seealsoDecember12,2007e-mailfrom Austin

Frazierto Travelers("I would like to havethe opportunityto againlay out the reasonsthat I want

to finish all my projects. . . . The Suretyneedsme to help get all additionalmoniesowed on

andI am preparedto
thesejobs fight....I havePrideinwhatldo. Iknowthisisrealirrelevant

in your mind but it meansa lot to me to finish my obligationsthat I currentlyhave."),copies

attachedheretoasExhibit "C."

18. Earlierthat year,Austin Frazier,ClaibomeFrazier,and C.E. Frazierhad also e-

to Travelersshowingthat they continuedto

mailed and/orfaxedpersonalfinancialstatements

own millions of dollarsin assets.

19. and their financial recotdsoTravelers

Based on the Fraziers' representations

agreedto provideshort-termfundingfor FrazierConstruction'soperations.In additionto the

and suppliersthat FrazierConstruction

millions of dollarsthat Travelerspaid to subcontractors

had failed to pay on bondedjobs, from December2007 to July 2008, Travelersincurred

approximately$350,000in fundingFrazierConstruction's

obligationsthat Travelersotherwisewould not haveincurred.

20. In 2008,FrazierConstructioncollapsed.It was in completefinancialshambles.

The true financialconditionof FrazierConstructionwas concealedby the submissionof false

and fabricatedfinancial statementsandrecordsto Travelers.

21. In orderto protectits interests,Travelerswas forcedto take-overand complete

jobs. To date,Travelershaspaid over $6 million in claimsand

severalof FrazierConstruction's

underthe suretybondsissuedto FrazierConstruction.

Case 2:10-cv-00285-KS -MTP Document 1 Filed 12/03/10 Page 6 of 35

22. While TravelerswashelpingFrazierConstructionand its principalsby providing

Austin Frazier and Claiborne

hundredsof thousandsof dollars in financingand assistance,

Frazierwith the aidingandabettingof the Defendants

weresecretlyat work.

23. On the eve of Frazier Construction'simplosion,Austin Frazier and his step-

brother, SpencerCopeland,siphoned-offover a quarter of a million dollars of Frazier

Construction'sassetsusingbankaccountsat numerousfinancialinstifutionsanda shellcompany

createdto concealandlaunderthemoniesandtheir actions.

24. For example,Austin Frazier,ClaibomeFrazier,and SpencerCopelandmoved

FrazierConstruction'sheavy equipmentto their hunting camp in Belzoni, Mississippi,in an

attemptto concealits locationfrom Travelers.

25. Austin FrazierandSpencerCopelandthensoldsomeof this equipmentthrougha

businessnamed South Lamar Truck & Trailer Sales,located in Hattiesburg,,Mississippi.

Travelers,which hada lien on the equipment,wasnot notifiedof the saleanddid not receivethe

the proceeds(nearly$50,000)
proceedsfrom the sale. Instead,in an act oftheft andconversion,

were depositedinto SpencerCopeland'spersonalbank accountat RegionsBank (accountno.


26. On informationand belief, Maria J. Durhamd/bia SouthLamarTruck & Trailer

Salesknew (or actedwith deliberateindifference)thatthe heavyequipmentshesoldon behalfof

FrazierConstruction,Austin Frazierand/orSpencerCopelandwas eitherstolenor subjectto a

to the fair marketvalue

lien asthe proceedsrealizedfrom the saleweregrosslydisproportionate

of the heavy equipmentand/orbasedon the methodby which the heavyequipmentwas sold.

Additionally, in responseto Travelers'subpoenain Austin Frazier'sbankruptcycase,l itt an

I Austin Frazierand ClaiborneFrazierfiled Chapter7 bankruptcyin an attemptto dischargemillions of

dollarsof indebtednessowed to Travelersand other creditors. Travelersfiled an adversaryproceedingin their
Case 2:10-cv-00285-KS -MTP Document 1 Filed 12/03/10 Page 7 of 35

apparentfurtheranceofthe civil conspiracyandan attemptto fraudulentlyconcealtheir actions,

Maria Durhamstatedunderoath "[a]fter diligent search,I find no apparenttransactionin our

attachedheretoas Exhibit "D."

files pertainingto this matter." SeeResponseto Subpoena,

Travelers.however.has sincediscoveredsix checksfrom SouthLamarTruck & Trailer Sales

totaling$57,500payableto eitherC.E. FrazierConstruction

or SpencerCopeland.SeeRedacted

Checks,attachedheretoasExhibit "E." MariaDurhamsignedthreeof the checks.Seeid.

27. Despitehis sworn testimonyin his bankruptcycaseconfirmingthat he did not

owrr any of the heavy equipmentstoredat the hunting campand that he was not attemptingto

sell it, ClaibomeFrazier sold a TH-63 Loaderto a local Belzoni farmer for $13,000.2 See

copiesattachedheretoasExhibit"F." While the $10,000

RedactedChecksand SaleDocuments,

check was made payable to Frazier Construction,Claibome Frazier stole and convertedthe

negotiableinstrumentby endorsingthe checkand he or his wife, SherryFrazier,depositedthe

check into Sherry'sbank account. In fuitheranceof the civil conspiracy,SherryFrazierthen

barsand storesin Mississippiand Destin,

spentsomeor all of the stolenmoniesat restaurants,

Floridaovera periodofdays.

28. Additionally,from December2007to February2008,Austin Frazierand Spencer

Copelandfraudulentlydiverted approximately$275,000in FrazierConstructionchecksand

moniesinto SpencerCopeland'spersonalbankaccountat Regions.For example,they diverted

over $100,000in checkspayableto FrazierConstructioninto SpencerCopelard'spersonalbank

account,includingthe following:

bankruptcycasesobjectingto the dischargeability of the indebtedness owed to Travelersbasedon the Fraziers'

convertingcontact proceedsand submittingfalseand fraudulentfinancialstatements to induceTravelersto issue
the suretybonds. It was duringthe discoveryphaseof theseadversary proceedingsthat Travelersdiscoveredthe
fraudandtheft thatthe Fraziersandothershadwillfully, intentionally, perpetrated
maliciously on Travelers.
'The farmerpaid for
the equipmentwith a $10,000checkpayableto FrazierConstructionand a $700
checkpayableto ClaibomeFrazierwith theremainderto bepaidoverthenextfew months.
Case 2:10-cv-00285-KS -MTP Document 1 Filed 12/03/10 Page 8 of 35


AGC Workers
Co. 2/t/08
FrazierConstruction 1.97

FrazierConshuctionCo. 1/28108 $5,000.00
Trailer Sales

FrazierConstruction t/28t08 $22,000.00

PaigeL. Purvis,P.A. Co.

FrazierConstruction t/25108 $27,684.40

AGC Workers
FrazierConstruction l/r 8/08 $3,877.00

SouthLamarTruck &
FrazierConstruction U17t08 $2,200.00
Trailer Sales

SouthLamarTruck &
FrazierConstruction t/16t08 $14,000.00
Trailer Sales

AGC Workers
FrazierConstruction r/r4t08 r .00

Ci$, of Ridgeland Co.

FrazierConstruction t2/r7107 $227.14
City of Ridgeland Co.
FrazierConstruction tzt17t07 s7r.97
City of Ridgeland Co.
FrazierConstruction rztr7t07 s59.74
Metlife Co.
FrazierConstruction r2t13t07 $204.98
AGC Workers l2ll2/07
FrazierConstruction $16,001.00

Office Depot Co.

FrazierConstruction $100.00

District Frazier Co. 1Lll6l07
Construction $8,500.001

29. Austin FrazierandSpencerCopelandconvertedthesecheckswhile Travelerswas

frrndingFrazierConstruction'spayroll, overheadand otherpaymentobligations- obligations

These monies were conffact proceeds for the bonded Pearl Elementary School job that Frazier
Construction and the Frazierswere obligatedto hold in trust to payjob costs.
Case 2:10-cv-00285-KS -MTP Document 1 Filed 12/03/10 Page 9 of 35

that couldhaveand shouldhavebeensatisfiedwith the moniesconvertedby Austin Frazierand


30. Austin Frazierand SpencerCopelandalsoconvertedover $93,000in checksthat

Frazier Constructionhad written to its employeesand subcontractorsby forging the

anddepositingtheminto SpencerCopeland'spersonalbankaccount.

31. Travelersfirndedat least six of thesestolencheckstotaling $37,770. These

checkswere written from a joint bank accountthat Travelersestablishedand firndedwhen it

agreedto finance FrazierConstruction'spaymentobligationsin 2007-2008. Austin Frazier

fraudulentlyinducedTravelersinto signing checksmade payableto one or more specific

subcontractors endorsement
andthenhe and/orSpencerCopelandforgedthe subcontractor's and

depositedthe checksinto SpencerCopeland'spersonalbank account. Austin Frazierand/or

SpencerCopelandthen issueda checkfrom SpencerCopeland'spersonalbank accountto the

for a lesseramount.AustinFrazierandSpencerCopelandpocketedthe difference.


32. Having amassedover $275,000in stolenand launderedmonies,in Januaryof

2008,Austin Frazierand SpencerCopelandcreated"ConstructionTechSolutions,Inc." for the

solepurposeof furtherconcealingandlaunderingthe moniesdepositedinto SpencerCopeland's

personalbankaccount.SeeArticlesof Incorporation,

33. In furtherance on January9, 2008,Spencercopelandopeneda

ofthis conspiracy,

TechSolutions(accountno. x2631).
bankaccountat RegionsBankfor Construction

34. That sameday, he transferred$142,643.58from his personalbank accountinto

the newly openedbankaccountfor Construction

35. from his personal

On January22,2008,SpencerCopelandtransferred$24,378.12

bankaccountinto the bankaccountfor Construction
Case 2:10-cv-00285-KS -MTP Document 1 Filed 12/03/10 Page 10 of 35

36. On February4,2008, SpencerCopelandtransferred$56,266.42from his personal

bankaccountinto the bankaccountfor Construction


.Jt. Approximately$20,000in checkspayableto Frazier Constructionwere also

depositedinto the bankaccountfor Construction


38. From January2008throughMarch 2009,Austin Frazie\ SpencerCopelandand

otherswithdrewover$300,000dollarsfrom the bankaccountof ConstructionTechSolutionsfor

their own personaluse and enjoyment- includingwithdrawingover $250,000in cash from

ATM's acrossthe country. For example,in July 2008,AustinFrazier,SpencerCopelandand/or

othersmadethe followins withdrawals:

ofitr$ ATM'Wl0*rl{rl
wrrdratrs fts*re Rldod$d F. ftdoohrrd f€Oag}r @ |n0,00
AtM Rdtnc Rldildst'tdBt. Ridgddtd IGC4glt -a66e--- 340.00
o7fiIt {00J0
0trgl aTl vfli#'rd fi€ddt !,# HslborS Fi{lldiltt lrsRFc2lo4il {668 saoro
07m ArX We,A.r|c nalot t-dr Hfltlot I RdSdfl|d ',6Rfczlotr:l f,6oe !OOi0
07,48 rifi;iuru;r*u n$*q GI(s Hstot s Edecd HsFuc2104li 165€
0? I Cbft*e.rd q,ttffi UnivrBityd tl O6od tfit g$g arp0"oo
0?tnt iriiiffieiliiikie,;o;Fli{A aii; rinemo .tr<l*tn *tsFcl|'it80 E'60 ts"m
$tfl1 rin iitriftrci iuflm;A erlr,r at H Ridit ',* r"d,*t {er-9! !{1f !F0 tm,00
0tr{ t orrr Frrolrwca
fiH;sl.r@d tFtt{A olrr
$rlhdrflral nEqgfi@q
ATUtltftdf||tEt HiOi"'* r.|i[g,*rrtt !4Q!!lt'!1S NEE
A'irtd$rffhdrt d F4donB
62m OH c$t Jlltadr l*Sllrgt86 [fie ,too,00
sfl't,l :8.00
0?n4 isre*efrlfmhs; Eblt corfoy Jrclilor tlB 8608 ..------- -, 'l{.{ll
o?t1{ iru wilhd.r*rl SnE&€." E dG Sritdffs Ftr" ftdlaHftd ltr TrgB Eo€A
Co,€ G. Ridg|Ed Me ,!60 t1!,00
OTNIF ctrsctcso Prftlr*t6 P€tc8n 3I"re
Chsc*Csd Pmhrse ButrEb lndd w t{dosnt t S ![6S
07Ils Chlc{C€d PushEt* ltlcr[ S ExPsr us 8659 s:*
!d ,BlEMAn i659 tg6-s
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s?dt ATI' $illM tfmt aot csnrnti]P fi't c{.rrs{o N![r orErE LAFqtiF.t (E' 103.s
q7,tr'l Antr WbHrsyrsl80r con sntio- ml Cs'*ro Nnr *hrrs llF$6# *80
r$se go,ta.. $ef T lorr O qqqt LA
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f#wh*Hffi mom.m" uffi**s*

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07n0 Am Vu&rlrd fbdsE RH06lstSff, FdqFbrd F*Fc{s$r

ldlffirEtmls t1*61?'ll

39. In furtheranceof the conspiracyand in orderto fraudulentlyconcealthe stolen

monies,on October1, 2008, SpencerCopelandprocuredtwo cashier'schecksin the sum of

$75.000eachthatweredrawnon the bankaccountof Construction

Case 2:10-cv-00285-KS -MTP Document 1 Filed 12/03/10 Page 11 of 35

40. On that same day, SpencerCopelandopened a personalbank account at

Merchants& FarmersBank (accountno. x3120) and depositedone of the $75,000cashier's

checksinto thataccount(no othermonieswereeverdepositedinto this account).

41. To further concealthe locationof the launderedmonies,SpencerCopelandalso

openeda personalbankaccountat TrustmarkBank (accountno. x1089)anddepositedthe other

$75,000cashier'scheckinto thataccount.

42. SpencerCopelandthentransferred$45,000to Austin Frazierfrom this Trustmark



SpencerCopeland Austin Frazier tvt0/09 $6,000

SpencerCopeland AustinFrazier r|rr/09 s4,000

SpencerCopeland Austin Frazier tt/16t09 $4,000

SpencerCopeland Austin Frazier tul7t09 $6,000

SpencerCopeland Austin Frazier tl/20/09 $4,000

SpencerCopeland Austin Frazier tt/23/09 $6,000

SpencerCopeland Austin Frazier tt/27/09 $4,000

SpencerCopeland Austin Frazer tt/30/09 $6,000

SpencerCopeland Austin Frazier 12/15/09 $5,000

43. As Travelers'investigationintensified,on Januaryll, 2010,SpencerCopeland

procuredan "Official Check"in the sumof $76,599.80

thatwasdrawnon his personalaccountat

Merchants& FarmersBank and made payableto his mother,Nan W. Copeland. Spencer

Copelandwrote on the debit transactionform: 'Neededfor MothersHome Renovation." His

mother,Nan Copeland,depositedthe checkinto her personalbank accountat RegionsBank

Case 2:10-cv-00285-KS -MTP Document 1 Filed 12/03/10 Page 12 of 35

(accountno. x2514). One day later, SpencerCopelandclosedhis accountat Merchants&


44. SpencerCopelandalso procuredan "Offrcial Check" in the sum of $10,099.81

that was drawnon his personalaccountat TrustmarkBank, Nan Copelandlikewisedeposited

this checkinto herpersonalaacountat RegionsBank. SpencerCopelandthenclosedhis account

at TrustmarkBank.

45. On the sameday that Nan Copelanddepositedthe $76,599.80check and the

$10,099.81checkfrom SpencerCopelandinto her personalaccountat RegionsBank, shealso

deposited$33,360in cash. Laterthat day,Nan Copelandwired $120,000from her accountat

Regionsto a real estatetrustaccountof Ball, Ball, Matthews& Novak,P.A. at CompassBankin

Birmingham,Alabama. Nan Copelandusedthesemoniesto purchasea U-Stor-It mini-storage

buildingin Macon,Georgia.The propertyis titled to Nan Copeland.Austin Frazierservedas a

witnessto Nan Copeland'ssignatureon theDeedof TrustandPromissoryNote.

46. On March 30, 2009, SpencerCopeland withdrew the remaining monies

($6,539.50)in the bank accountfor ConstructionTech Solutionsand closedthat account.On


47. SpencerCopelandwas deposedin Austin Frazier's bankruptcycase and he

testifiedaboutthe moniesdepositedinto thebankaccountof ConstructionTechSolutions:

a. Isn't it true that these moneys c€Imefrom the

conversionof Travelers'collateral?
A. I invoke my fifth amendmentright.
a. Isn't it truethat you participatedin the conversionof
this collateral?
A. I invokemy frfth amendment
a. hn't it true that you participatedin the transferof
this moneyinto this bankaccount?

Case 2:10-cv-00285-KS -MTP Document 1 Filed 12/03/10 Page 13 of 35

A. I invokemy fifth amendment


48. SpencerCopelandalsotestifiedaboutthecashier'schecksdrawnon that account:

a. Austin Frazier facilitated and assisted you ln

procuringthis cashier'scheck,correct?
A. I invokemy fifth amendment
a. And you cashedthis cashier'scheck,did you not?
A. I invokemy fifth amendment
a. And, in fact,you transfenedthesemoneysto another
shellaccount.Isn't thatcorrect?
A. I invoke my fifth amendmentright.
a. And thesemoneysalsocamefrom the conversionof
Travelers'[] collateral.Isn't thatcorrect?
A. I invokemy fifth amendment right.
a. A conversionthat bothyou andAustinFrazierknew
of, parlicipatedin, and financially benefittedfrom,
A. I invoke my fifth amendmentright.


First Claim for Relief


49. Travelersspecificallyrefersto andreallegeseachofthe precedingand subsequent

allegationsof the Complaintasthoughfully setforth herein.

50. SpencerCopelanddid knowingly,willfully, and intentionallyconvertTravelers'

lien in certaincollateralby surreptitiouslyselling,or causingto be sold, that certainheavy

equipmentownedby FrazierConstructionat SouthLamarTruck and Trailer and by failing to

notify Travelersofthe saleand by failing to remit any proceedsofthe saleto Travelersandby

concealingthe saleproceedsfrom fravelers and by using the proceedsfor his own personal


Case 2:10-cv-00285-KS -MTP Document 1 Filed 12/03/10 Page 14 of 35

51. SpencerCopeland did knowingly, willfully, and intentionally convert the

proceedsfrom the saleof that certainheavyequipmentand otherassetsof FrazierConstruction

on which Travelershad a lien by depositingthoseproceeds,or permittingthemto be deposited,

into his personalbank accountand the bankaccountof ConstructionTech Solutions. Spencer

Copelandusedall or partofthe proceedsfor his own personalbenefitandfinancialgain.

52. SpencerCopelanddid knowingly, willfully, and intentionally convert those

certaincheckspayableto subconffactors that werewritten from thejoint

of FrazierConstruction

andfirndedfor FrazierConstruction.SpencerCopeland
bank accountthat Travelersestablished

into his personalbankaccountandthe

depositedthosechecks,or permittedthemto be deposited,

bankaccountof ConstructionTechSolutions.SpencerCopelandusedall or partof thosemonies

fbr his own personalbenefitandfinancialgain.

53. Nan Copelanddid knowingly,willfully, and intentionallyconvertthe proceeds

from the saleof that certainheavyequipmentandotherassetsof FrazierConstructionon which

Travelershada lien andconvertthosemoniesthat rightfullybelongedto Travelersby depositing

the monies,or permittingthem to be deposited,into her personalbank accountand using the

moniesfor herovin personalbenefitandfinancialgain.

54. SherryFrazierdid knowingly,willfully, and intentionallyconvertthe proceeds

from the saleof that certainheavyequipmentandotherassetsof FrazierConstructionon which

Travelershada lien andconvertthosemoniesthat rightfullybelongedto Travelersby depositing

the monies,or permittingthem to be deposited,into her personalbank accountand using the

moniesfor her own personalbenefitandfinancialgain.

55. Maria J. Durham d,/b/aSouth Lamar Truck & Trailer Salesdid knowingly,

willfully, and intentionallysell certain heavy equipmentof Frazier Constructionon which

Case 2:10-cv-00285-KS -MTP Document 1 Filed 12/03/10 Page 15 of 35

Travelershad a lien for a fraction of the fair marketvalue of that equipmentand usedpart of the

proceedsfrom the salefor herown personalbenefitandfinancialgain.

56. As a directandproximateresultof Defendants'malicious,willfrrl, andintentional

actions,Travelershas beenpermanentlydeprivedof, and has lost, hundredsof thousandsof

dollarsof propertyandmoney.

57. Travelersis entitledto an awardof compensatory andattorneys'feesfor


Defendants'conversionof Travelers'propertyandmoney.

SecondClaim for Relief

Unjust Enrichment

58. Travelersspecificallyrefersto andreallegeseachofthe precedingandsubsequent

allegationsof the Complaintasthoughfully setforth herein.

59. havebeenunjustlyenrichedby wrongfirllyreceivingandusingcertain


moniesandpropertyat the expense

anddetrimentof Travelers.

60. Travelersis entitledto an awardof compensatory proximatelycausedby


andattributedto Defendants'uniustenrichment.

Third Claim for Relief

Civil Conspiracy

61. Travelersspecificallyrefersto andreallegeseachofthe precedingandsubsequent

allegationsof the Complaintasthoughfully setforth herein.

62. did knowingly,willfully, andintentionallyparticipatein and conspire


to commit, or aid in the commissionof, the wrongful and unlawfirl acts identified in the

Complaintfor the purposeof converting,defrauding,and deprivingTravelersof its moneyand


Case 2:10-cv-00285-KS -MTP Document 1 Filed 12/03/10 Page 16 of 35

63. As a directandproximateresultof Defendants'malicious,willfirl andintentional

actions,Travelershassufferedhundredsofthousandsofdollars in damagesandis entitledto an

awardof compensatory

64. Defendantsshould be held jointly and severallyliable for all unlawful and

wrongfulactionscommittedin furtherance
of saidconspiracy.

Fourth Claim for Relief

Civil RICO

65. Travelersspecificallyrefersto andreallegeseachofthe precedingandsubsequent

allegationsof the Complaintasthoughfully setforth herein.

66. At all timesrelevantto this Complaint,AustinFrazier,ClaiborneFrazier,Spencer

Copeland,and ConstructionTech Solutionswas and is an "association-in-fact"


definedby l8 U.S.C.$ 1961(4).

67. The enterpriseis engagedin, andits activitiesaffect,interstatecommercethrough

the useof fraudulentinterstatewire transfersandmoneylarurderingactivities affectingnumerous

throughoutthe country.

68. with the enterpriseand actively

Defendantsknowingly and willfully associated

the conductof the enterprise'saffairs,directly and

conducted,participatodin, and perpetrated

activityin violationof l8 U.S.C.$ 1962(c).

indirectly,througha pattemof racketeering

69. Defendantsknowingly and willfully conspiredto violate subsection(c) of 18

U.S.C.$ 1962in violationof 18U.S.C.$ 1962(d).

70. The patternofracketeeringactivity engagedin by Defendantsis relatedas it has

the sameor similar purpose,results,participants,victims and methodsof commission.The

activity was to accomplishthe commongoal of (a) convertingand

puryoseof the racketeering

plunderingthe moniesand assetsof FrazierConstructionand Travelers'rights in thoseassets,

Case 2:10-cv-00285-KS -MTP Document 1 Filed 12/03/10 Page 17 of 35

(b) concealingandlaunderingthosemoniesandassets,
and(c) spendingthosemoniesandassets

for Defendants'personalbenefitandfinancialgain.

71. activity werethe Fraziersand their extended

The participantsin the racketeering

family members,andthe primaryvictim wasTravelers.Theparticipantsusedthe samemethods

of commission- convertingthe moniesand launderingthem tluoughpersonaland shambank


72. havecontinuouslyengagedin this patternofracketeeringactivity over


the pastfour years.

73. The patternof racketeeringactivity engagedin by Defendantsconstitutetwo or

morepredicateactsof wire fraud(18 U.S.C.$ 1343),moneylaundering(18 U.S.C.$ 1956),

of stolengoodsandmonies(18 U.S.C.$ 2314),all of which are

activity"asdefinedby 18U.S.C.$ 1961(lXB).

74. Pursuantto 18 U.S.C. $ 1343,one or more of the Defendantsknowingly and

intentionallytransmitted,causedto be transmitted,and,/orconspiredto transmit,the materially

recordsand other documentsidentified abovevia

false and misleadingfinancial statements,

interstatewire transmissionto Travelersfor the purposeof obtainingmoney or property by

meansof falseor fraudulentpretenses, or promises,includingbut not limited to



a. On or aboutJanuary22,2007,Austin Frazier,ClaibomeFrazierand C'E. Ftazier

to Travelersa
submittedor causedto be submittedvia interstatewire transmission

materially false and fraudulent Financial Statement and Supplementary

Informationfor C.E. FrazierConstructionCompany,Inc. for the Six Months

EndedOctober31, 2006 inducingTravelersto issuea $12,6 million bond for

Case 2:10-cv-00285-KS -MTP Document 1 Filed 12/03/10 Page 18 of 35

Frczier Constructionon the MississippiValley State University project and

inducing Travelersto finance Frazier Construction'soverhead,expensesand

certainotherpaymentobligationsfrom December2007to July 2008;

b. On or aboutFebruary26,2007,AustinFrazier,ClaibomeFrazierandC.E.Frazier

to Travelersa
submittedor causedto be submittedvia interstatewire transmission

materiallyfalse and fraudulentCompiledStatementof FinancialConditionfor

Austin Frazier as of Januarv31. 2007 inducins Travelersto finance Frazier

Construction'soverhead,"*n.nr* and certainoi*. ourrn"o, obligationsfrom

December2007to July 2008;

c. On or aboutFebruary26,2007, AustinFrazier,ClaiborneFrazierandC.E.Frazier

to Travelersa
submittedor causedto be submittedvia interstatewire transmission

of FinancialConditionfor H.

ClaiborneFrazieras of January31,2007 inducingTravelersto financeFrazier

Construction'soverhead,expensesand certainother paymentobligationsfrom

December2007to July 2008;

d. On or aboutFebruary26,2007,AustinFrazier,ClaibomeFrazierandC.E.Frazier

to Travelersa
submittedor causedto be submittedvia interstatewire transmission

materiallyfalse and fraudulentCompiledStatementof FinancialConditionfor

C.E. Frazier,Jr. as of January31, 2007 inducingTravelersto finance Ftaziet

Construction'soverhead,expensesand certainother paymentobligationsfrom

December2007to July 2008;

e. On November26,2007,AustinFrazier submittedvia interstatewire transmission

to Travelers materiallv false and fraudulent financial records of Frazier

Case 2:10-cv-00285-KS -MTP Document 1 Filed 12/03/10 Page 19 of 35

Construction'spurportedOpenPayablesfor "All Jobs" throughDecember11,

2007inducingTravelersto financeFrazierConstruction's

certainotherpaymentobligationsfrom December2007ro July 2008;

f. On December10. 2001 and December19.2007. Austin Fraziersubmittedvia

to Travelerscertaine-mailsand a facsimileinducing
interstatewire transmission

Travelersto approveand issue checksto a certain subcontractorthat were

convertedby SpencerCopelandandAustinFrazier;

g. On Decemberll, 2007, AustinFraziersubmittedvia interstatewire transmission

to Travelerscertaine-mailsseekingto induceTravelersinto financingFnziet

Construction'soverhead,expensesand certain other paymentobligationsand

permitting Austin Frazier to complete bonded jobs on behalf of Frazier


h. From December2007 to at least February2008, Austin Frazier submittedor

causedto be submittedvia interstatewire transmissionsto Travelerscertain

and suppliersinducingTravelersto
paymentrequestsfor certainsubcontractors

approve and issue checks to these subcontractorsand suppliers that were

convertedby SpencerCopelandandAustinFnziet.

75. Pursuantto 18 U.S.C. $ 1956,one or more of the Defendantsknowingly and

intentionally conductedcertain financial transactions,in which Defendantsknew that the

the proceedsof some

propertyand/ormoniesinvolvedin the financialtransactions

fbrm of unla'vdulactivity, for the purposeof concealingor disguisingthe nature,location,

source,ownership,or control of the proceedsof suchunlawful activitiesand/orto promoteor

Case 2:10-cv-00285-KS -MTP Document 1 Filed 12/03/10 Page 20 of 35

carry on suchunlawfulactivities,and/orto avoida transactionreportingrequirementunderstate

or federallaw, includingbut not limitedto the following:

From December2007 to February2008, SpencerCopelandand Austin Frazier

convertedanddepositedover $100,000in checkspayableto FrazierConstruction

into SpencerCopeland'spersonalbank accountat RegionsBank to concealthe

locationandownershipoftheseproceedsfiom Travelers;

b. On December5,2007, SpencerCopelandandAustinFrazierdepositeda checkin

the amountof $ 18,570from FrazierConstructionpayableto "CopelandHauling"

into SpencerCopeland'spersonalbank accountat RegionsBank to concealthe

locationandownershipoftheseill-gottenproceedsfrom Travelers;

c. On December7,2008, SpencerCopelandandAustin Frazierdepositeda checkin

the amount of $6,200 from South Lamar Truck & Trailer Salespayableto

SpencerCopelandfor the sale of that certain heavy equipmentof Frazier

Construction,on which Travelershad a lien, into SpencerCopeland'spersonal

bank accountat RegionsBank to concealthe locationand ownershipof these

proceedsfrom Travelers;

d. On January16,2008,SpencerCopelandandAustin Frazierdepositeda checkin

the amountof $14.000from South Lamar Truck & Trailer Salespayableto

Frazier Constructionfor the sale of that certain heavy equipmentof Frazier

Construction,on which Travelershad a lien, into SpencerCopeland'spersonal

bank accountat RegionsBank to concealthe locationand ownershipof these

proceedsfrom Travelers;

Case 2:10-cv-00285-KS -MTP Document 1 Filed 12/03/10 Page 21 of 35

e. On January16,2008,SpencerCopelandandAustin Frazierdepositeda checkin

the amountof $2,200from SouthLamarTruck& TrailerSalespayableto Frazier

Constructionfor the saleof that certainheavyequipmentof FrazierConstruction,

on which Travelershad a lien, into SpencerCopeland'spersonalbank accountat

RegionsBank to concealthe location and ownershipof theseproceedsfrom


On January28,2008, SpencerCopelandandAustin Frazierdepositeda checkin

the amountof $22,000from South Lamar Truck & Trailer Salespayableto

Frazier Consffuctionfor the sale of that certain heavy equipmentof Frazier

Construction,on which Travelershad a lien, into SpencerCopeland'spersonal

bank accountat RegionsBank to concealthe locationand ownershipof these

proceedsfrom Travelers;

On January28,2008, SpencerCopelandandAustin Frazierdepositeda checkin

the amountof $5,000from SouthLamarTruck& TrailerSalespayableto Frazier

Constructionfor the saleof that certainheavyequipmentof FrazierConstruction,

on which Travelershad a lien, into SpencerCopeland'spersonalbank accountat

RegionsBank to concealthe locationand ownershipof theseproceedsfrom


h. On January4, 2008,SpencerCopelandand Austin Frazierconverteda checkin

drawnon the joint bank

the amountof $5,250payableto a certainsubcontractor

accountat WachoviaBank fundedby Travelersand depositedthe check into

SpencerCopeland'spersonalbank accountat RegionsBank to concealthe

locationandownershipoftheseproceedsfrom Travelers;

Case 2:10-cv-00285-KS -MTP Document 1 Filed 12/03/10 Page 22 of 35

i. On January 9, 2008, Spencer Copeland and Austin Frazier transf'ened

5142,623.50in convertedmonies from SpencerCopeland'spersonal bank

accountat RegionsBank into the bankaccountof ConstructionTech Solutionat

RegionsBank to I'urtherconcealthe locationand ownershipof theseproceeds


j . On January 22, 2008, SpencerCopeland and Austin Frczier transf-erred

524,378.12in convertedmoniesfrom SpencerCopeland'spersonalbank account

at RegionsBank into the bank accountof ConstructionTech Solutionto further

concealthe locationandownershipoftheseproceedsfrom Travelers;

k. On January11,2008,SpencerCopelandandAustin Frazierconverteda checkin

drawn on the joint

the amountof $8,787.50payableto a certainsubcontractor

bankaccountat WachoviaBankfundedby Travelersanddepositedthe checkinto

SpencerCopeland'spersonalbank accountat Regions Bank to concealthe

from Travelers;

l. On January22,2008, SpencerCopelandandAustin Fnzier convededa checkin

drawn on the joint

the amountof $8,288.75payableto a certainsubcontractor

bankaccountat WachoviaBankfundedby Travelersanddepositedthe checkinto

SpencerCopeland'spersonalbank accountat RegionsBank to concealthe

from Travelers;

On January25,2008,SpencerCopelandandAustin Frazierconvefleda checkin

drawn on the joint

the amountof $1,812.50payableto a certainsubcontractor

bankaccountat WachoviaBankfundedby Travelersanddepositedthe checkinto

Case 2:10-cv-00285-KS -MTP Document 1 Filed 12/03/10 Page 23 of 35

SpencerCopeland'spersonalbank accountat Regions Bank to concealthe

locationandownershipof theseproceedsfrom Travelers;

On F'ebruary4, 2008, Spencer Copeland and Austin Frazier transferred

556,266.42in convertedmoniesfrom SpencerCopeland'spersonalbankaccount

at RegionsBank into the bankaccountof ConstructionTechSolutionat Regions

Bank to fuither concealthe location and ownershipof theseproceedsfrom


o . On February11,2008,SpencerCopelandandAustin Frazierconverteda checkin

drawn on the joint

the amountof $3,893.75payableto a certainsubcontractor

bankaccountat WachoviaBankfundedby Travelersanddepositedthe checkinto

SpencerCopeland'spersonalbank accountat RegionsBank to concealthe

locationandownershipoftheseproceedsfrom Travelers;

p. From January2008to December22,2009, SpencerCopelandandAustin Ftaziet

depositedover $20,000in convertedcheckspayableto FrazierConstructioninto

the bank accountof ConstructionTechSolutionsat RegionsBank to concealthe

locationandownershipoftheseproceedsfrom Travelers;

q . On October1, 2008,SpencerCopelandandAustinFrazierprocuredtwo cashier's

checksin the sum of $75,000eachdrawnon the convertedmoniesin the bank

account of ConstructionTech Solutionsto further concealthe location and

ownershipof theseproceedsfrom Travelers;

r. On Octoberl, 2008, SpencerCopelanddepositedone of the $75'000cashiet's

checksinto his personalbank accountat Merchants& FarmersBank to fuither

concealthe locationandownershipoftheseproceedsfrom Travelers;

Case 2:10-cv-00285-KS -MTP Document 1 Filed 12/03/10 Page 24 of 35

one ofthe $75,000cashier's

On October1,2008, SpencerCopelanddeposited

checksinto his personalbank accountat TrustmarkBank to further concealthe

locationandownershipoftheseproceedsfrom Travelers;

On January11',2010,SpencerCopelandprocuredan "Official Check"in the sum

of $76,599.80drau.non the convertedmoniesin his personalbank accountat

Merchants& FarmersBank andpayableto his mother,Nan Copeland,to further

concealthe locationandownershipoftheseproceedsfrom Travelers;

On March 13,2009,SherryFrazierandClaibomeFrazierdepositeda checkin the

amountof $10,000from Fred Crrayto FrazierConstructionfor the sale of that

certainheavyequipmentof FrazierConstruction,on which Travelershad a lien,

into SherryFrazier'spersonalbank accountat TrustmarkBank to concealthe

locationandownershipoftheseproceedsfrom Travelers;

On April 29,2009,SherryFrazierandClaibomeFrazierdepositeda checkin the

amountof $700from FredGray to ClaibomeFrazierfor the saleof that certain

heavy equipmentof FrazierConstruction,on which Travelershad a lien' into

SherryFrazier'spersonalbankaccountat TrustmarkBankto concealthe location

andownershipoftheseproceedsfrom Travelers;

w. On January12, 2070,Nan Copelanddepositedthe $76,599.80checkdrawn on

convefiedmoniesin SpencerCopeland'spersonalbank accountat Merchants&

FarmersBank into her personalbankaccountat RegionsBank to furtherconceal

the locationandownershipoftheseproceedsfrom Travelers;

the $10,099.81
On January12,2010,Nan Copelanddeposited

convertedmoniesin SpencerCopeland'spersonalbank accountat Trustmark

Case 2:10-cv-00285-KS -MTP Document 1 Filed 12/03/10 Page 25 of 35

Bank into her personalbank accountat RegionsBank to further concealthe

locationandownershipoftheseproceedsfrom Travelers;

v. On January72,2070,Nan Copelanddeposited$33,360in convertedmoniesinto

her personalbank accountat RegionsBank to further concealthe locationand

ownershipoftheseproceedsfrom Travelers;and

On January72,2010, Nan Copelandtransferred5120,000in convertedmonies

from her personalbankacoountat RegionsBankto a bankaccountfor Ball, Ball,

Matthews& Novak, P.A. at CompassBank in Alabamafor the purposeof

purchasingcertainrealpropertyin Macon,Georgiato furtherconcealthe location

andownershipof thesemoniesfrom Travelers.

76. Pursuantto 18 U.S.C. g 2314, someor all of the Defendantsknowingly and

intentionallytransfenedand/ortransmittedin interstatecommercemoniesand/orotherpropefty

in excessof $5,000knowing that thesemoniesand/orpropertyhad beenstolen,convertedor

takenby fraud,includingbut not limited to the following;

a. On March 14, 2008, Austin Frazier transferredthrough interstatecommerce

$6,703.01in convertedmoniesto AmericanExpressfrom the bank accountfor


b. On April 25, 2008, Austin Frazier transferredthrough interstatecommerce

$6,794.59in convertedmoniesto AmericanExpressfrom the bank accountfor


c . On June 26, 2008, Austin Frazier transfenedthrough interstate commerce

55,201.21 in convertedmoniesto AmericanExpressfrom the bank account for


Case 2:10-cv-00285-KS -MTP Document 1 Filed 12/03/10 Page 26 of 35

d. From February2008 to March 2009, Austin Frazier, SpencerCopeland,and

Sheny Fraziertransferredthroughinterstatecommerceover $5,000in converted

moniesvia multiple ATM and debit card transactionsin Florida, Mississippi,


On Januaty 12, 2010, Nan Copelandtransfenedthrough hterstate commerce

$120,000in convertedmonies from her bank accountat Regions Bank in

Mississippito the bank accountfor Ball, Ball, Matthews& Novak, P.A. at

CompassBankin Alabama.

77. The Defendants knowingly and wilfully conspired with and aided and abetted

one another to conduct and participate in the conduct of the enterprise's affairs, directly and

indirectly, through a pattem of racketeeringactivity by committing one or more of the predicate

asts identified above,including but not limited to the following:

a. Austin FrazierandClaibomeFrazierconspiredwith oneanotherto engagein one

or more of the abovepredicateacts to fraudulentlyinduce Travelersto bond

FrazierConstruction'sprojectsand to financeFrazierConstruction'soverhead,

expensesand paynent obligationstherebypermittingthe enterpriseto convert

contractproceedson bondedjobsandpermittingthe enterpriseto convertFrazier

Constructionmoniesthat otherwisewould have been used to fund overhead,


b. Austin Frazier, ClaiborneFrazier and SpencerCopelandconspiredwith one

anotherto commit in one or more of the abovepredicateacts to convertthe

heavyequipmentand to convert
proceedsfrom the saleofFrazier Construction's

otherassetsandmoniesof FrazierConstruction;

Case 2:10-cv-00285-KS -MTP Document 1 Filed 12/03/10 Page 27 of 35

c. Maria J. Durham d/b/a South Lamar Truck & Trailer Sales conspired with and

aided and abetted Austin Frazier and Spencer Copeland in their racketeering

activities by selling Frazier Construction's heavy equipment at a fraction of the

fair market value knowing that the heavy equipmentwas subject to a lien. Maria

J. Durham d/b/a South Lamar Truck & Trailer Sales aided and abeffed Austin

Frazier and SpencerCopelandin their racketeeringactivities by making one ofthe

checks payable to Spencer Copeland and concealing all evidence of the

transactions in response to Travelers subpoena.Maria J. Durham d/b/a South

Lamar lruck & Trailer Salesknowingly benefittedfrom the racketeeringactivity

by sharing in the proceeds from the sale of Frazier Construction's heavy


d. Austin Frazier, Claiborne Frazier, Spencer Copeland, Sherry Frazier and Nan

Copeland conspired with one another to engage in one or more of the above

predicate acts to advance a scheme to defraud Travelers by converting,

concealing, laundering, and using the converted monies for their own financial

benefit and gain.

78. To date, none of the defendantshas been convicted for perpetrating any of the

above-allegedpredicate acts. On March 6, 2009, Travelers obtained a $6,405,585.21 Final

Default Judgment against Frazier Construction,Frazier Development,C.E. Frazier, and certain

other Frazier entities arising from and relating to the above-allegedpredicateacts. See Travelers

Casualty and Surety Companyof America v. C.E. Frazier Construction Company,Inc., et. al.,ln

the United StatesDistrict Court for the Northem District of Mississippi, CauseNo. 3:08cv132-

GFID-DAS. On August 3,2010, Travelersobtaineda $5,000,000non-dischargeability

Case 2:10-cv-00285-KS -MTP Document 1 Filed 12/03/10 Page 28 of 35

predicateacts. See
againstAustin Frtrzierarising from and relating to the above-alleged

TravelersCasualtyand SuretyCompanyof Americav. AustinFrazier (In re: AustinF'razier),ln

the United StatesBankruptcyCourtfor the SouthernDistrict of Mississippi,AdversaryNo. 09-


79. employedtheir racketingactivitiesto defraudTravelersandto convert


Travelers'moneyandto depriveTravelersof its rights in certainassetsof FrazierConstruction

and the Indemnitors.As a directand proximatecauseof the predicateactsand the patternof

racketeering Travelerssuffereddamageto its businessandproperty.

activity of the Def-endants,

Fifth Claim for Relief

Fraudulenl Conveyance
Mis sissippi'sUniform Fraudulent TransferAct

80. Travelersspecificallyrefersto andreallegeseachofthe precedingand subsequent

allegationsof the Complaintasthoughfully setforth herein.

81. Defendantsfraudulentlyconveyedand transferredassetsto and from eachother

with the intentto hinder,delayanddefraudTravelers'rightsin andto thoseassets,includingbut

not limitedto the followins:

a. From December 2007 to February 2008, Spencer Copeland and Austin Ftazier

convertedand depositedover $100,000in checks payableto Frazier Construction

into SpencerCopeland's personal bank account at Regions Bank to conceal the

location and ownershipofthese proceedsfrom Travelers;

b. On December5, 2007, SpencerCopelandand Austin Fnziet depositeda check in

"Copeland Hauling"
the amount of $18,570 from Frazier Constructionpayableto

into SpencerCopeland's personalbank account at Regions Bank to conceal the

location and ownershipofthese ill-gotten proceedsfrom Travelers;

Case 2:10-cv-00285-KS -MTP Document 1 Filed 12/03/10 Page 29 of 35

c. On December7,2008, SpencerCopelandandAustin Frazierdepositeda checkin

the amount of $6,200 from South Lamar Truck & Trailer Salespayableto

SpencerCopelandfor the sale of that certain heavy equipmentof Frazier

Construction,on which Travelershad a lien, into SpencerCopeland'spersonal

bank accountat RegionsBank to concealthe locationand ownershipof these

proceedsfrom Travelers;

d. On January16, 2008,SpencerCopelandandAustin Frazierdepositeda checkin

the amourt of $14,000from South Lamar Truck & Trailer Salespayableto

Frazier Construction for the sale of that certain heavy equipment of Frazier

Construction,on which Travelershad a lien, into SpencerCopeland'spersonal

bank accountat RegionsBank to concealthe locationand ownershipof these

proceedsfrom Travelers;

On January16, 2008,SpencerCopelandandAustin Frazierdepositeda checkin

the amountof $2,200from SouthLamarTruck & TrailerSalespayableto Frazier

Constructionfor the saleof that certainheavyequipmentof FrazierConstruction,

on which Travelershad a lien, into SpencerCopeland'spersonalbankaccountat

RegionsBank to concealthe location and ownershipof theseproceedsliom


On January28, 2008,SpencerCopelandandAustin Frazierdepositeda checkin

the amountof $22,000from South Lamar Truck & Trailer Salespayableto

Frazier Constructionfor the sale of that certain heavy equipmentof Frazier

Construction,on which Travelershad a lien, into SpencerCopeland'spersonal

Case 2:10-cv-00285-KS -MTP Document 1 Filed 12/03/10 Page 30 of 35

bank accountat RegionsBank to concealthe locationand ownershipof these

proceedsfrom Travelers;

On January28,2008,SpencerCopelandandAustin Frazierdepositeda checkin

the amountof $5,000from SouthLamarTruck & TrailerSalespayableto Frazier

Constructionfor the saleof that certainheavyequipmentof FrazierConstruction,

on which Travelershad a lien, into SpencerCopeland'spersonalbank accountat

RegionsBank to concealthe location and ownershipof theseproceedsfrom


h. Maria J. Durhamd/b/a SouthLamarTruck & Trailer Salesconspiredwith and

aided and abettedAustin Frazier and SpencerCopelandin concealingthe

heavyequipmentby makingone
proceedsfrom the saleof FrazierConstruction's

of the checkspayableto SpencerCopelandand concealingall evidenceof the

in response
transactions to Travelerssubpoena;

On January4, 2008,SpencerCopelandand Austin Frazierconverteda checkin

drawnon the joint bank

the amountof $5,250payableto a certainsubcontractor

accountat WachoviaBank fundedby Travelersand depositedthe check into

SpencerCopeland'spersonalbank accountat RegionsBank to concealthe

from Travelers;

J ' On January 9, 2008, Spencer Copeland and Austin Frcziet transferred

9142,623.50in convertedmonies from SpencerCopeland'spersonal bank

accountat RegionsBank into the bankaccountofConstructionTechSolutionat

RegionsBank to further concealthe location and ownershipof theseproceeds

from Travelers;

Case 2:10-cv-00285-KS -MTP Document 1 Filed 12/03/10 Page 31 of 35

k. On January 22, 2008, Spencer Copeland and Austin Frazier transferred

$24,378.12in convertedmoniesfrom SpencerCopeland'spersonalbank account

at RegionsBank into the bank accountof ConstructionTech Solutionto further

concealthe locationandownershipoftheseproceedsfrom Travelers;

l . On January11, 2008,SpencerCopelandandAustin Frazierconverteda checkin

drawn on the joint

the amountof $8,787.50payableto a certainsubcontractor

bankaccountat WachoviaBankfundedby Travelersanddepositedthe checkinto

SpencerCopeland'spersonalbank accountat RegionsBank to concealthe

locationandownershipoftheseproceedsfrom Travelers;

On January22,2008, SpencerCopelandandAustin Frazierconverteda checkin

drawn on the joint

the amountof $8,288.75payableto a certainsubcontractor

bankaccountat WachoviaBankfundedby Travelersanddepositedthe checkinto

SpencerCopeland'spersonalbank accountat RegionsBank to concealthe

locationandownershipoftheseproceedsfrom Travelers;

On January25,2008,SpencerCopelandandAustin Frazierconverteda checkin

drawn on the joint

the amountof $1,812.50payableto a certainsubcontractor

bankaccountat WachoviaBankfundedby Travelersanddepositedthe checkinto

SpencerCopeland'spersonalbank accountat RegionsBank to concealthe

locationandownershipoftheseproceedsfrom Travelers;

o . On February 4, 2008, Spencer Copeland and Austin Ftaziet transferred

in convertedmoniesfrom SpencerCopeland'spersonalbank account


at RegionsBank into the bank accountof ConstructionTech Solutionat Regions

Case 2:10-cv-00285-KS -MTP Document 1 Filed 12/03/10 Page 32 of 35

Bank to further concealthe location and ownershipof these proceedsfrom


p. On FebruaryI l, 2008,SpencerCopelandandAustin Frazierconverteda checkin

drawn on the joint

the amountof $3,893.75payableto a certainsubcontractor

bank accountat WachoviaBank fundedby Travelersanddepositedthe checkinto

SpencerCopeland'spersonalbank accountat RegionsBank to concealthe

locationandownershipoftheseproceedsfrom Travelers;

q. From January2008to December22,2009, SpencerCopelandandAustin Frazier

depositedover $20,000in convertedcheckspayableto FrazierConstructioninto

the bankaccountof ConstructionTechSolutionsat RegionsBank to concealthe

locationandownershipoftheseproceedsfrom Travelers;

r. On October1, 2008,SpencerCopelandandAustinFrazierprocuredtwo cashier's

checksin the sum of $75,000eachdrawnon the convertedmoniesin the bank

accountof ConstructionTech Solutionsto further concealthe location and

ovmershipoftheseproceedsfrom Travelers;

S. On Octoberl. 2008, SpencerCopelanddepositedone of the $75,000cashier's

checksinto his personalbank accountat Merchants& FarmersBank to further

concealthe locationandownershipoftheseproceedsfrom Travelers;

one ofthe $75,000cashier's

On October1,2008, SpencerCopelanddeposited

checksinto his personalbank accountat TrustmarkBank to fiirther concealthe

locationandownershipoftheseproceedsfrom Travelers;

u . On January11,2010,SpencerCopelandprocuredan "Official Check"in the sum

of $76,599.80drawn on the convertedmoniesin his personalbank accountat

Case 2:10-cv-00285-KS -MTP Document 1 Filed 12/03/10 Page 33 of 35

Merchants& FarmersBank and payableto his mother,Nan Copeland,to further

concealthe locationandownershipoftheseproceedsfrom Travelers;

a checkin the
v. On March 13,2009,SherryFrazierandClaibomeFrazierdeposited

amountof $10,000from Fred Gray to FrazierConstructionfor the sale of that

certainheavyequipmentof FrazierConstruction,on which Travelershad a lien,

into Sherry Frazier's personalbank accountat TrustrnarkBank to concealthe

locationandownershipoftheseproceedsfrom Travelers;

On April 29,2009,SherryFrazierand ClaiborneFrazierdepositeda checkin the

amountof $700 from FredGray to ClaibomeFnzier for the saleof that certain

heavy equipmentof FrazierConstruction,on which Travelershad a lien, into

SherryFrazier'spersonalbankaccountat TrustmarkBankto concealthe location

andownershipoftheseproceedsfrom Travelers;

Nan Copelanddepositedthe $76,599.80checkdrawn on

On January12,,2010,,

convertedmoniesin SpencerCopeland'spersonalbank accountat Merchants&

FarmersBank into herpersonalbankaccountat RegionsBank to furtherconceal

the locationandownershipoftheseproceeds
from Travelers;

v. On January12,2010,Nan Copelanddepositedthe $10,099.81checkdrawn on

convertedmoniesin SpencerCopeland'spersonalbank accountat Trustmark

Bank into her personalbank accountat RegionsBank to further concealthe

locationandownershipoftheseproceedsfrom Travelers;

On January12,2010,Nan Copelanddeposited$33,360in convertedmoniesinto

her personalbank accountat RegionsBank to further concealthe locationand

ownershipoftheseproceedsfrom Travelers;and

Case 2:10-cv-00285-KS -MTP Document 1 Filed 12/03/10 Page 34 of 35

aa. On January12,2010, Nan Copelandtransfened$120,000in convertedmonies

from herpersonalbankaccountat RegionsBankto a bankaccountfor Ball, Ball,

Matthews& Novak, P.A. at CompassBank in Alabamafor the purposeof

purchasingcertainrealpropertyin Macon,Georgiato furtherconcealthe location

andownershipof thesemoniesfrom Travelers.

82. Travelers is entitled to have the above fraudulenttransfers,and all other

tiaudulent transf'ersby Def'endantsof assetsin which Travelershas an interest,avoidedand the

assetsand.iorproceedsfiom the saleofthe assetspaidoverto satisfyTravelers'claims.


the following relief:


O damagesin excessof $75,000exclusiveof interestand costsfor



(ii) damagesin excessof $75,000exclusiveof interestand costsfor



(iii) That eachDefendantbe held jointly and severallyliable for all wrongful and

unlawful actionscommittedin furtheranceof the civil conspiracyto convert,

defraud,anddepriveTravelersofits moneyandproperty;

(i") Compensatorydamagesfor Defendants'RICO violations in an amountto be

pursuantto l8 U.S.C.$ 1964;

determinedat trial andthe treblingof suchdamages

(v) That eachDefendantbe held jointly and severallyliable for all wrongful and

unlauful actionscommittedin firtheranceof the RICOenterprise;

(vi) Thatthe Defendants'fraudulenttransferof assetsbe avoidedandthe assetsand/or

proceedsbe turnedoveror paidto Travelersto satisfuits claims;

(vii) Attorneys'fees;
Case 2:10-cv-00285-KS -MTP Document 1 Filed 12/03/10 Page 35 of 35

(viii) andpostjudgmentinterest;

(i*) Courtcosts;and

(x) Suchotherandfurtherrelief thatTravelersmaybe entitledto underthe premises.

,"rr. rn.,]]Juyof December.20|0.

ly submitted,



PAUL M. ELLIS (MB# rozzse)



Butr-ER,SNow,O'M.qnn,SrpveNs& Cnwxnoa,PLLC
PostOfficeBox 6010
Ridgeland,MS 39158-601
(E) iack.crawfbrd(4',butlersnow.com
(E) paul.ellis@butlersnow.com



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