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Name : Alyssa Amalia Azzahra

Class : 2C Nursing Academy

English II

Module 13

The answer page of 87

Activity 1 Task 2

1. Ma'am, now i am going to apply this infusion.

2. Please, lie flat on the couch.

3. I am going to roll round this (tourniquet) in your arm.

4. Ma'am you may feel a little pain, but I'll do this as quickly as I can.

5. Don' move while, ma'am.

6. Good, it is done.

The answer page of 89

Activity 4 Task 1

Nurse : Good morning, Mr. Zack.

Patient : Good morning, Nurse.

Nurse : How are you today?

Patient : Not so good I think.

Nurse : Mr. Zack, now i am going to apply this infusion. Would you lie flat on the couch, give me your
right hand, please.

Patient : Sure.

Nurse : Now, I am going to apply this (tourniquet) round your arm.

Patient : Sure.

Nurse : Now I am ready to give an injection into your vein. You may feel a bit pain.
Patient : Nurse, I am afraid of injection.

Nurse : I will do this as quickly as I can.

Patient : Ouch!

Nurse : Don't move while I am doing the injection. Fine. That's it. It's done.

Patient : Thanks.

Nurse : You are welcome.

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