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This paper is a requirement to fulfill the course assignment



Desi Puspitasari, M.Pd




Feri Nofitasari (204180032)




COMPREHENSION IN NARRATIVE TEXT (A Quasi-Exsperimental Study at the Third
Grade Students of MTsN II Pamulang)

(Tami Asriani)

(, Insitutional Repository UIN

Syarif Hidayatul Jakarta, published at April 2nd, 2015)

1) Background of the research

Reading is activity more people read to find out information from newspaper
textbook, internet and other source, to gain their knowledge to enrich their vocabulary or
just pleasure. According to Harmer, reading is not beneficial for their career, study or
simply for pleasure but also reading is useful for language acquisition. In English
Education field, reading skill would be improving students to understand the text or
integrate new idea from the text. The researcher found some problems in reading
activities for students such as: First, students have limited number of vocabulary. It is the
problem for students who make them fail to answer the question because they didn’t
know the meanings of many words. Second, students have different background
knowledge that didn’t have connect with the unfamiliar text. Third, teaching and learning
environment are problems that make them interest in the subject. As the English teacher,
the teacher has to create interesting model of teaching and learning process which make
students relaxed and fun to student comprehending in reading narrative tex. The teacher
brings the material in learning process by using soft music or classical as the background
and motivate for students. To create the classroom comfortable in reading process
without students under pressure to get ideas from they read. Therefore, based on the
explanation above, the writer is eager to conduct study about the effectiveness of
suggestopedia on students’ reading comprehension in narrative text (A Quasi-
Experiment Study at the Third Grade Students of MTsN II Pamulang).
2) Research questions
The research question of this study is “Is Suggestopedia Effective on Student’s
Reading Comprehension in Narrative Text at the Third Grade Students of MTsN II
3) Research objectives
The objective of this study is to prove whether using suggestopedia is effective on
students’ reading comprehension in narrative text at MTsN II Pamulang.
4) Theoretical framework
a) Reading Comprehension
Reading comprehension is the process to take meaning of the text from writer
that involves experience and prior knowledge that the reader has. This process also
can be harmonious with the purpose of reading. The reader comprehends the ideas
from the text with the intellect by analyzing and organizing ideas to get accurate
ideas or information. In order to understand the text, a reader must be able to
identify words rapidly know the meaning of almost all the words and be able to
combine units of meaning into a coherent message (Peter Westwood, 2001: 10).
Readers must use information already acquired to filter, interpret, organize, and
establish relationships with the new incoming information on the page. Therefore,
reading comprehension is the process of simultaneously extracting and constructing
meaning though interaction and involved with written language to build the same
ideas or to get same perception which is they read of information (Cathrine Snow,
2002: 11).
b) Narrative Text
Narrative is a text to tell activity in the past which increase problematic
experience and solution to amuse and give a moral value for the readers (Drs.
Pardiyono, 2007: 94). In narrative text students are expected to understand about the
context and to find the moral value of the story. This narrative text tells a story which
raises the problematic experience in the past and resolution to amuse the reader
which consist of some character, plot, setting, and action. Narrative text have the
problematic experience like fable, legend, folktale, etc. This text teach the students of
story’s lesson which devided into orientation, complication, sequence of events and
coda or moral value (Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, 2003:3). From some of
the opinions above, it can be concluded that narrative is a kind of text which make
the reader enjoy, interest, feel amuse, and laughing with the story and to teach or
inform the reader the moral value of the story.
c) Sugggestopedia
Suggestopedia is a teaching method that is based on modern understanding of
how human brain works and how we learn most effectively. The aims of this method
are make the students fun, enjoy, focus, concentrate, and relax of the material
without fears during learning process. The teacher creates the relaxed state by using
games, role play, rhythmic music, positive suggestion or using several pictures or
poster colorful as a tool. This kind of activity help the students create their
imagination, relaxation, and make a leaning process cheerful (Richard: 1993). Music
in the learning process background to make students focus, concentrate of the
material. Therefore, suggestopedia is an effective learning method that used
suggestion, music, and positive words to create an atmosphere encouraging, relaxed
and inside can give the positive impression (Diane Larse-Freeman, 2000: 84-85).
5) Research method
a) Research design
The data was taken and analyzed by quantitatively to find the effectiveness on
students’ reading comprehension in narrative text by suggestopedia.There are
experimental group by using suggestopedia method and control group by using
traditional method. The method of study is quasi-experimental study using
nonequivalent control group design.
b) Subject of the study & how to get the subject
The population of the study was the third grade students in MTsN II Pamulang.
There are 10 classes which is less of 40 students in each class. Thus, total of
population is about 328 students. The sample of the study is only two classes of third
grade students. The writer used purposive sampling to determine sample that took in
first class is 9.1 as the experimental group and second class is 9.4 as control group.
c) Instruments of the study
The writer collected the data by test as research instrument. There were two tests
of data collection in this study ; pre-test and post-test. The writer gave the same test
for experimental and control group. The writer gave items to 34 subjects to measure
validity and reliability in pre-test and post-test. There were 25 items of multiple
choices. The score in each item was 4 for correct answer. Then, students will get 100
point if all the answer correctly. On the other hand, the writer used ANATES
program to measure and reliability of the test. From the calculating using ANATES
program in pre-test and post-test the writer found score 25 significance of items and
post-test got score 28 significance of items.
d) Data collection techniques
a. Pre-test
The pre-test conducted both of the groups, experimental and control group in
order to know students’ on reading comprehension in narrative text before
treatment given.
b. Treatment
The writer taught reading narrative text both of experimental and control
group. In experimental group the writer delivered the material by using
suggestopedia method exept using suggestopedia in control group.
c. Post-test
The post-test was given after the teacher gave treatment to know whether or
not the change on students’ reading comprehension ability in narrative text.
6) Findings
Table 1.1 Frequency distribution of Experimental and Controlled Class (Pre-test)

Data Experimental class Controlled class

Maximum score 92 88
Minimum score 52 52
Mean 67.48 69.7
Variance 116.746 80.683
Standard Derivation 10.804 8.982
Table 1.2 Frequency distribution of Experimental and Controlled Class (Post-test)
Data Experimental class Controlled class
Maximum score 96 88
Minimum score 60 56
Mean 78.25 72.9
Variance 70.470 90.24
Standard Derivation 8.394 9.499

Table 1.3 the Result of Experimental and Controlled Class (Post Test)

Statistic Experimental Controlled

Mean 78.25 72.9
Variance 70.47 90.24
S Gab 10.79 -
T-Value 2.07 -
T-Table 1.684 -
The Mean score of Experimental class was higher than mean
score of controlled class

From the the table above, the mean score pre-test (experimental class) was 67.48 it
changed in post-test after gave a treatment was 78.25. The mean score pre-test (controlled class)
was 67.7 it changed in post-test was 72.9. Thus, the increased men score in experimental class
was 10.77 but in controlled class only 3.2. Both of class from pre-test and post-test score got a
normality and homogeneity data which the value (p) < significant (α = 0.05). The gained of
hypothesis of test using t-test with significant 0.05 showed that t value (2.07) > ttable (1.684). It
concluded that there was a significant effect of using suggestopedia as a treatment in the
experimental class on students’ reading comprehension in narrative text.

7) Data analysis
The writer analyzes the data by using requirement test before. It consist of normality
test, homogeneity test, and t-test formulation. But, the writer just want to explain about t-
test formulation. The technique of data analysis in this study was statistical analysis with
t-test to know the effectiveness suggestopedia on students’ reading comprehension in
narrative text which significance α= 0,05. The criteria of the testing are, 1) If the t value ≤
ttable,, H0 is accepted and Ha is rejected, 2) If tvalue ˃ ttable , H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted.
8) Conclusion
The result of the statistical hypothesis on significance level α=0.05 that showed t value
was higher than ttable (2.07 >1.68), thus the H0 (Null hypothesis) was rejected and Ha
(Alternative hypothesis) was accepted. Therefore, there was a significant difference using
Suggestopedia on students’ reading comprehension in narrative text at the Third Grade
Students of MTsN II Pamulang.

Comment about this reserch

Suggestopedia is one of methods that can be used by teacher. It is a method that
desuggests the limitations that students have to help them to believe that they could be
successful in learning, so it can cultivate students’ motivation in learning. Then, it is one
of methods which concerns to students’ learning style because there are visual display,
audio, and physical involvements during learning process. Moreover, it involves
emotional meaning in given the lesson which help. By using this suggestopedia method,
students can lower their affective filter. Suggestopedia classes, in addition, are held in
ordinary rooms with comfortable chairs, a practice that may also help them relaxed.
Teacher can do numerous other things to lower the affective filter.
In my opinion, I think suggestopedia is very suitable to apply in the classroom
especially for ESL on students’ reading comprehension activity to make a different
atmosphere, give a pay attention in learning process, and make the students feel relax and
fun in teaching and learning process, because this kind of method or approach make
learning process more creative, attractive, and confident. Moreover, the teacher should
manage the material better in the class to make students focus and interest on the material
in reading comprehension and give students to build their imagination.

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