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แบบฝึกหัด รายวิชาพื้นฐาน ภาษาอังกฤษ

Wor k bo o k

Express Publishing-ACT. ชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ 3
กลุ่มสาระการเรียนรู้ภาษาต่างประเทศ K
ตามหลักสูตรแกนกลางการศึกษาขั้นพื้นฐาน พุทธศักราช 2551 E
Copyright © Express Publishing, 2018 Y
© Aksorn Charoen Tat ACT. Co., Ltd. 2018 ผู้เรียบเรียง
Virginia Evans
Jenny Dooley
ผศ. พรสวรรค์ สีป้อ
นางสุภาภรณ์ สิปปเวสม์
นางสาวกัลยา เวทยาวงศ์
นายสุเมธินท์ แสงไตรรัตน์นุกูล

พิมพ์ครั้งที่ 2
รหัสสินค้า 2332170

พิมพ์ครั้งที่ 2
รหัสสินค้า  2342249
Module 1 Module 4
1a ............................................................ 4-5 4a ............................................................ 28-29
1b ............................................................ 6-7 4b ............................................................ 30-31
1c ............................................................ 8-9 4c ............................................................ 32-33
1d & 1e ................................................. 10 4d & 4e ................................................. 34
1f ............................................................ 11 4f ............................................................ 35

Module 2 Module 5
2a ............................................................ 12-13 5a ............................................................ 36-37
E 2b ............................................................ 14-15 5b ............................................................ 38-39
2c ............................................................ 16-17 5c ............................................................ 40-41
2d & 2e ................................................. 18 5d & 5e ................................................. 42
2f ............................................................ 19 5f ............................................................ 43

Module 3 Module 6
3a ............................................................ 20-21 6a ............................................................ 44-45
3b ............................................................ 22-23 6b ............................................................ 46-47
3c ............................................................ 24-25 6c ............................................................ 48-49
3d & 3e ................................................. 26 6d & 6e ................................................. 50
3f ............................................................ 27 6f ............................................................ 51
Module 7 Vocabulary Bank 1 .................................. 102-103
7a ............................................................ 52-53 Vocabulary Bank 2 .................................. 104-106
7b ............................................................ 54-55 Vocabulary Bank 3 .................................. 107-110
7c ............................................................ 56-57 Vocabulary Bank 4 .................................. 111-113
7d & 7e ................................................. 58 Vocabulary Bank 5 .................................. 114-116
7f ............................................................ 59 Vocabulary Bank 6 .................................. 117-119
Vocabulary Bank 7 .................................. 120-123
Vocabulary Bank 8 .................................. 124-128
Module 8
8a ............................................................ 60-61
Translator’s Corner ................................. 129-134 K
8b ............................................................ 62-65 E
Irregular Verbs ......................................... 135 Y
8c ............................................................ 66-67
American English - British
8d & 8e ................................................... 68
English Guide ....................................... 136
8f ............................................................ 69
Answer Key Section ................................ 137-140
Tapescripts .............................................. 141-144
Grammar Bank 1 .................................... 70-79
Grammar Bank 2 .................................... 80-81
Grammar Bank 3 .................................... 82-83
Grammar Bank 4 .................................... 84-85
Grammar Bank 5 .................................... 86-89
Grammar Bank 6 .................................... 90-91
Levels Of Difficulty
Grammar Bank 7 .................................... 92-95 ★ = easy
Grammar Bank 8 .................................... 96-101 ★★ = more challenging
• Jobs & Qualities 2
Read the text and fill in the gaps with the words in the
list. ★
1 a) Find eight job qualities. ★ • body • pointed • sideshow • forked • dressing

a f k i l l i i i u

Van sideshow performer who we meet
Vanter is a 1) ....................
f f i t t e r l i l
in his 2) ....................
backstage dressing room. Van is really weird.
a a d a r i n g a s

He pointed teeth like a vampire and a
has got 3) .........................
4) ...........................
long forked tongue like a lizard. He has got
p a t i e n t d i l
tattoos all over his body and also wears red and green
b s k i l f u l r i
5) ........................... paint. Don’t miss his show – it is even
p a r t i s t i c l
stranger than he is.
d f n r a a i l i l
i b a t b r a v e i
f e i n l e a l e i 3
a) Match the
words to form
i s f l e x i b l e
job titles. ★

b) Use the words from the

K puzzle to complete the
Y sentences. ★★ 1 f crocodile a controller
2 e storm b expert
1  A bomb disposal expert needs to 3 d underwater c decorator
be very .......................
brave . 4 a air traffic d photographer
2 A patient
nurse should be very ................ 5 b bomb disposal e chaser
........................ with people. 6 c interior f trainer
3 A sideshow
performer is usually
quite ......................... b) Now write the job title next to each task. ★
and creative. 1 takes pictures of fish underwater photographer
4 An acrobat 2 helps pilots fly air traffic controller
needs to be 3 designs rooms interior decorator
very ................... 4 teaches an animal tricks ....................................................
crocodile trainer
daring .
and .................. 5 follows very bad weather ....................................................
storm chaser
5 A teacher needs 6 stops things from exploding ....................................................
bomb disposal expert
to be ....................
and arrive on


Fill in the gaps with earn, busy, costumes,
make, swing, double, extends, pressure. ★★
b) Now label the pictures
using five job titles. ★
1 pressure
Sales people are often under ...............................
to sell a lot. 1
2 Young children love to see clowns in funny
costumes .
3 The child ...............................
extends his hand slowly to graphic
touch the dog. 4
4 earn a living from
Many artists ...............................
performing in the streets.
5 Some fish can blow up their bodies to airline pilot
double their normal size.
............................... 2
6 Performers can make lots of money in the
............................... streets of capital cities. make-up
7 swing
Models have to be careful not to ........................ artist
their arms too much when they walk. 5
8 The performers arrive from behind the audience
and ............................... their way through the K
crowd to the stage. E
Complete the sentences with high, long,
part, shifts, well. ★ shop
......................... bus driver
1 Mr Brown is a manager and gets paid very

well .
very ....................
Most doctors and nurses work long
Use the words to write sentences about the
jobs in Ex. 6a. ★★
hours. drives buses flies planes sells things
3 part
Adam is a student but works .................-time in prepares actors’ faces
organises holidays
a DVD club.
4 shifts
Factory workers usually work ................. . draws pictures helps people with problems
5 high wages.
Factory workers don’t get .................
1 A make-up artist prepares actors’ faces.
a) Match the words to form job titles. ★

2 A ........
An airline
3 ........
driver drives buses.
pilot f lies planes.
1 e airline a assistant
A shop
4 ........ assistant sells things.
2 g social b artist
A travel
5 ........ agent organises holidays.
3 a shop c programmer
A graphic
6 ........ designer draws pictures.
4 f bus d agent
A social
7 ........ worker helps people with problems.
5 h graphic e pilot
d travel
c computer

f driver
g worker
Choose one of the jobs in Ex. 6a. Write a
short paragraph about the job. ★★ answer)
8 b make-up h designer An airline pilot f lies planes from one place to another. He
is highly trained and needs to be very skilful. He also needs
to be reliable and brave. An airline pilot gets paid well. WORKBOOK

Grammar • Present simple vs
• Present continuous Present continuous

1 Complete the gaps with the present
continuous form of the verbs in brackets. ★

3 Putsimplethe orverbsthe inpresent
brackets into the present
continuous. ★

1 Mrs Harvard .............................

is shopping (shop) in the
town centre now. Hi Laura,
are doing (do) their homework at
2 They .........................
have got
I hope you are well. I 1) ..................................
am helping
(have got) two summer jobs. I 2) ..........................
the moment. (help) my sister in her café for a few weeks. We
3 is wearing (wear)
Look at Anna! She ............................. get up (get up) at 7 am because my
3) ...........................
a beautiful dress. sister 4) .............................
opens (open) her café at
4 Jane ............................
is thinking (think) about going out I 5) ..........................
8 am. finish (finish) at 2 pm and
tonight. 6) ...............................
go (go) home for a rest.
am working (work) in a shop for the
5 I ........................... am also
I 7) ........................
working (also/work) in a DVD club in
summer. the evenings this month. Today is Sunday so my

sister are relaxing (relax) in the
and I 8) ..............................
Look at the pictures and correct the
sentences using the verbs: sleep, play, run,

garden and 9) ................................ (enjoy) the
is doing (do) the
sunshine. My dad 10) ...........................
shop, read. ★★ is cooking
gardening and my mum 11) .............................
K (cook) a big Sunday lunch.
E 1 Lisa is having breakfast. Well, that’s all for now.
Y Sally
Lisa isn’t having breakfast.
She is sleeping.
Circle the correct tense. ★
2 Emma is playing tennis. 1 Dorothy is wanting / wants to become a nurse.
..... isn,t playing
........................................ 2 We are starting / start school at 9 am every day.
..... She is reading.
........................................ 3 Philip works / is working in a café every
4 They are believing / believe what the teacher
3 They are watching a film.
They aren,t watching a
5 Jack knows / is knowing all the answers to the
..... They are playing
6 The train leaves / is leaving at 6 pm every day
4 Orla is cooking dinner. except Sunday.
..... is not cooking
......................................... 7 Tony moves / is moving to New York next
..... She is shopping.
......................................... month.
8 They go / are going out tonight.
5 They are cycling in the park.
..... are not cycling
5 Write three things you usually do at the
weekend and three things you are doing this
in .the
..... park. They are
........................................ weekend. ★★ (ดู Answer Key Section ท้ายเล่ม)
• Comparatives – Superlatives • Singular/Plural nouns
Write sentences, as in the example. ★★
1 Brazil/big/Italy – Brazil is bigger than Italy.

9 Circle the correct words. ★

1 Your new jeans is / are lovely!

Frank/tall/Rupert – Frank is taller than Rupert.
............................................. 2 My dad’s favourite game is / are billiards.

3 Amy’s dress/nice/Nora’s –Amy
,s dress, is nicer
................................. 3 Do you know where the scissors is / are?
than Nora s. bicycle
This bicycle/expensive/my bicycle – This .................. 4 Hannah thinks physics is / are boring.
more expensive than my bicycle. 5 There isn’t / aren’t enough money to buy a new
Noel/short/Ned – ..Noel is shorter than Ned.
.............................................. car.
6 Maura is happier than
Maura/happy/Harriet – ....................................... 6 Measles is / are a disease.
7 The outskirts of my town is / are very quiet.
Put the adjectives in brackets into the
comparative or superlative form. ★
8 Binoculars is / are useful for seeing long
A: the best
What is 1) .......................................... (good) job 9 Sandra’s favourite food is / are pasta.
in the world? 10 Is / Are those your new shorts?
B: I think it is a pilot.
A: Is Jane 2) .cleverer/more
clever(clever) Linda?
• Grammar revision
B: the most intelligent
Yes. Jane is 3) .................................................... 10 Choose the correct words/phrases.

(intelligent) girl in the class. 1 ...... on Saturdays, John?

A: Is Brian a good singer?
A Do you work B Are you working E
C Does he work Y
B: the worst
No! He is 4) ............................................... (bad)
singer in the world. 2 Brad ...... early every day.
A isn’t waking up B does wake up
A: Do you like Vienna? C doesn’t wake up
B: It’s beautiful
nice but I think Prague is 5) ......................... 3 Dan is ...... to get up.
.............................. (beautiful) Vienna. A lazy enough B enough lazy
A: We won again. C too lazy
B: better than
I know. Your team is 6) ...................................... 4 Fred ...... about buying a new laptop.
(good) ours. A is thinking B thinks C think
5 I ...... staying in bed at the weekend.
• too – enough A am loving B love C would love
Complete the sentences with too or enough.

6 Bridget is the ...... player on the team.
A better B best C better than
1 Jamie is ..............
too tired to do any work today. 7 Ken is ...... taller than Pete.
2 Mary is not old enough
.............. to get a driving licence. A much B more C many
3 Is Liam fast ..............
enough to win the race? 8 Samantha is ...... clever as Emily.
4 too big for me.
These shoes are .............. A much B as C very
Jules isn’t well  e..............
nough to go to school today.

6 too expensive
That mobile phone is far .............. 11 Compare
two members of your family.
Use these words: old, tall, short, happy,
for me. beautiful, patient, young. ★★
(ดู Answer Key Section ท้ายเล่ม) WORKBOOK


1 Match the people to their descriptions. ★

Emma Brian Jane Ruth Kate

1 She has got some wrinkles. ............................ 4 She has got a dimple on
2 He is a teenager. Brian
............................ her cheek. Emma
3 She has got curly hair. Jane
............................ 5 She is in her late twenties. Kate

Match the adjectives to their opposites. ★
Circle the odd word out. ★
1 thin -- patient -- slim -- skinny
E 1 b outgoing a impatient
Y 2 spiky -- curly -- wavy -- rude
2 c polite b reserved
3 polite -- honest -- sensitive -- oval
3 d selfish c rude
4 freckles -- wrinkles -- dimples --
4 a patient d generous
5 reserved -- honest -- skinny -- easy-going
Circle the correct adjective. ★
1 A waiter needs to be very fit / patient when Reading
talking to customers.
2 Jack is really easy-going / honest. He is calm
Read the text on p. 9 and mark the
sentences T (true), F (false) or DS 
about everything. (doesn’t say). ★
3 You can trust Dan. He is very reserved / honest. 1 Jack’s mother always makes
4 He is a bit rude / reserved and doesn’t speak to DS
him a cooked breakfast. ........
strangers easily. F
2 Jack earns his spending money. ........
5 Jane is very straight / sensitive. She gets upset T
3 Jack’s father is a lawyer. ........
easily. 4 Jack knows he is fortunate. DS
6 An airline pilot needs to be careful / cheerful 5 F
Jamal has breakfast at home. ........
when he flies. F
6 Jamal gets paid good wages. ........
7 Maria loves meeting new people. She is very 7 T
Jamal works seven days a week. ........
easy-going / outgoing.
8 Ben can be quite short / rude. He should try to
be nicer to people.

Compare Jack and Jamal’s
daily routines. Write
sentences. ★★
(ดู Answer Key Section ท้ายเล่ม) as
Jack’s alarm clock goes off at 7:30
another school day begins in the UK.
Jack wakes up at 7:30
Downstairs, his mum is cooking him a delicious
whereas Jamal gets up as breakfast and his dad is waiting to drive him to school.
the sun is rising. Like many teenagers, he has a busy social life and
lots of friends. His parents give him plenty of pocket
Jack has breakfast in money and apart from his schoolwork he has no other
the morning but Jamal responsibilities. He’s outgoing and hardworking and
wants to be a lawyer like his dad when he grows up.
doesn’t have any breakfast. Not everyone is as lucky as Jack, though.
 Jamal gets up as the sun is rising and walks to
the diamond mine. The summer sun rises early
in Africa. July is always the hottest month, but it’s cooler down in
the mine. Jamal digs for diamonds in places that larger boys
can’t reach. He’s twelve years old and small and thin for his age so
there’s a lot of work for him to do. He stops at noon for ten minutes
to eat his first meal of the day.
. Jamal’s job is very dangerous and he doesn’t get paid a lot. The
money he makes, helps to buy food for his family. He’s hardworking and
works long hours every day of the week and only goes home when night is
falling. Jamal’s a clever boy, but he can’t go to school so his father is teaching
him to read. When Jamal sleeps at night, he dreams of becoming a teacher or
a doctor. But his life is only going to get harder not easier as he grows up. K
Listening Dictation

7 at school.
Listen to Mary talking to Steve at a ‘careers evening’
Which job is each person interested in? ★

8 gaps.Listen and fill in the

Alea is a 1) su......he
rg art..... . She works in
spita....l. in nthe town centre.
a 2) ......

Ev ery morning, she 3) wa
......s ....
up. at
7:30 am and takes the undergr
ound to
work. She usually starts work
2 b Carl at 9 am

an d finishes at 4) ............ 5 ..... pm. This
1 h Mary morning, the sun is shining an
n 3 c Shelly d Alea
a heart surgeo 5) ......fee good. She is wearing he
b actor ourite 6) ......dr...... r
c teacher fav ess..... because she has
d social worke an interview with a medical ma
e TV presen te r

to talk about 7)  ...... he......
r job..... . On days like
f lawyer
g pilot
tod ay, Alea really 8)  ......lov her job.
h fashion
4 g Jason WORKBOOK
5 a Margaret 9
1d1c& 1e 4
Vocabulary 3
f lared

1 Label the pictures with
the words: flared, flat,
polka-dot, tartan, skirt 5
tight-fitting. ★ f lat
...................... tight-fitting
...................... shoes
dress jeans

Look at the pictures and describe what the people are
wearing. ★★ (Suggested answer)
Everyday English

Emma is wearing ........... and f lat
jeans ........... ...

4 Complete the dialogue with the
phrases/sentences. ★

Jane shoes.
...................... also wearin
She is........... a
...........g.......... • it really suits you
white ........................................... • She has great taste in clothes
...................................................... • You look great in that skirt
• It fits you perfectly
Jan e is wearing ...... bla......
ck ......
shoes ......wit
... h
a tart
...... an
......t ......
..... A: Hi, Jane! 1) ................................
You look great in .
Is it new?
that skirt
K ..................................................... B: Yes, I bought it yesterday with
Y these shoes.
It fits you perfectly .
A: 2) ...............................................

Complete the sentences with the words below. ★
• self-respect • confident • property • compare
B: Thanks! You look good too.
A: Really? Do you like my top?
3) ........................................
B: Yes, it really suits you .
• tease • affect • admit • put right • cheerful
It’s lovely.
1 confident whereas I am quite shy.
My brother is very ....................... A: Thanks! It’s a gift from my mum.
2 affect your health in a good
A positive attitude can ....................... She has great taste in clothes
B: 4) ................................................,
3 cheerful and never
We like Emma because she’s always .......................
in a bad mood.

4 It’s admit when you are wrong.
a good idea to .......................
Write a dialogue similar to the
one in Ex. 4. Use these ideas.
5 property
That camera is Anna’s ....................... . It’s hers. ★★
6 compare
Never ....................... yourself to others. We’re all meant to be (ดู Answer Key Section ท้ายเล่ม)
7 tease each
My mum gets angry when my sister and I ....................... • jeans look nice
other. • new polo-neck
8 self-respect
Having ....................... means knowing you are valuable and jumper
deserve to be treated well by other people. • from my mum
9 Occasionally, my friends and I argue. But we always
put right our disagreements.

• An article describing a person
Write a topic sentence for the paragraph
below. ★★ (Suggested answer)

1 Read the article and put the paragraphs in
the correct order. ★
Tina has a wonderful personality.
She is very kind and caring and is always ready
to help people. She is also very outgoing and
makes friends easily. However, she can be a bit
A 2 Mark looks really cool and is quite sensitive at times.
popular. He is 16 years old. He is tall and well
built. He has got brown eyes and short brown hair.
He usually wears casual clothes such as jeans and 4
Rewrite the sentences using the linkers in
brackets. ★
a T-shirt or loose-fitting shirt. He is very easy-
going and open-minded. He has got a great sense 1 George has got short brown hair. He has got
of humour. Although he gets on well with most

blue eyes. (and) ..George has got short brown
people, he can be a bit reserved at times.
hair .and
......... blue eyes.
B 4 All in all, I think that Mark is a great 2 Nora does water sports. She loves the
guy. I love hanging out with him. I hope that we

outdoors. (because) ..Nora does water sports
can be friends forever.
......... she loves the outdoors.
C 1 One of my favourite people is Mark. I 3 Oliver is very friendly. He can be a bit
first met him about four years ago at a football

insensitive. (but) .Oliver is very friendly, but
................................................ E
he can
......... be a bit insensitive.
.................................................................... Y
match and now we are very good friends.
D 3 Mark has got lots 4 Mary is very slim. She has got long black hair.
of interests. He is crazy about
(with) ..................................................................
Mary is very slim with long black
football. He plays almost every
day and is the best player on 5 Linda speaks French. She speaks Italian.
the school team. He hopes to (also) ..Linda speaks French and also Italian.
become a professional player .............................................................................
one day. He collects football
outfits and goes to matches
Think of someone you know. Answer the
questions in the plan. ★
all the time. He also likes (ดู Answer Key Section ท้ายเล่ม)
basketball and volleyball. Plan
Para 1: Who is the person?
How are you related?
Para 2: How old is she/he?
Find and replace the topic sentences in the
article with the topic sentences below. ★
What does she/he look like?
What clothes does she/he wear?
(ดู Answer Key Section ท้ายเล่ม) What is she/he like?
1 Mark is a very active person.
2 Mark looks really good and has a great Para 3: What are her/his hobbies/interests?
Para 4: How do you feel about her/him?
3 In conclusion, I think Mark is fantastic.
4 Mark is one of the people I like best.
Use the answers in the plan to write an
article about the person. ★★
(ดู Answer Key Section ท้ายเล่ม) WORKBOOK

• Natural phenomena

1 phenomena.
a) Find eight natural

earthquake drought
1 ...................... 2 ......................
e a r t h q u a k e h
w r f l o o d i p n u
a v a g h n c b l m r
v t o r n a d o i l r
a q u e r s t y g s i hurricane
3 ...................... tornado
4 ......................
l a s t d f g u h i c
a c v s i b u j t s a
n b r u p n i o n o n
c z x n a e d f i p e
h t i a p j k n n a r avalanche f lood
5 ...................... 6 ......................
e d r m d r o u g h t
q e w i v o l e a n s

E b) Use the words in Ex. 1a to
Y lightning
label the pictures. ★ 7 ...................... tsunami
8 ......................

Match the words to form collocations. Then complete the
sentences. ★
Use six of the words from Ex. 1
to complete the sentences. ★ 1 a lightning a strike
2 e world b road
1 lightning
We saw the ..................................
3 c forest c ranger
in the sky before we heard the 4 b mountain d bolt
thunder. 5 f ranger e record
2 The river broke its banks and 6 d lightning f station
f lood
caused a(n) ................................ .
1 A lightning strike damaged the oldest tree in the forest.
3 Three alpine skiers were injured
The rescue team brought the lost hikers to the ranger station
in a(n) ...........................
avalanche yesterday. ........................................... so they could get warm and have
4 All the plants are dying because something to eat.
of the ......................................... . 3 lightning bolt
Did you see that .................................................... in the sky?
5 Several buildings collapsed It was so big and bright.
during the ..................................
earthquake . world record
4 Many people want to break a ...................................................
6 tsunami
The ........................... covered the so that they can become famous.
island in water.
5 It’s forest ranger
the job of a .................................................... to guard and
protect the forest.
6 mountain road
We stopped our car on a ..........................................................
to have a picnic and pick some berries.

• Injuries, Accidents & First aid 6
Complete the sentences with bandage, pack,
Label the parts of the body. ★
• wrist • ankle • leg • head
cream, dressing, X-ray, cast. ★
Bob cut his toe so he put a(n) bandage ................ on it.
• toe • shoulder • chest • finger
• eyebrow • stomach 2 pack
He twisted his ankle so he put an ice .....................
on it.
1 ......................
wrist 3 Jane put a(n) .....................
dressing on the wound.
5 ......................
4 X-ray to see which
Doctors asked for a(n) .....................
2 ...................... eyebrow
6 ...................... bones were broken.
3 ...................... 5 The doctor asked Jenny to wear a plaster
7 ...................... cast .
6 When Bob burnt his hand, he put some
8 ...................... cream on it.

Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the correct
form. ★
• survive • knock • occur • lose
• cool off • burn off K
4 ...................... leg
9 ...................... E
1 cool off after a day
Jim went for a swim to .....................
in the sun.
10 ...................... 2 A person .....................
survived in the mountains for
seven days without food.
Fill in the gaps with the correct verbs. ★
1 Rob     
c................ his finger while he was using a

all his hair.
When the lightning struck him, it .........................
burned off
knife. 4 During the hurricane, a piece of wood hit him
2 Jane h....................... her head when she fell on knocked him unconscious.
on the head and .....................
the floor. 5 The man .....................
lost his foot after his car
 urnt/burned her hand while she was
3 Fran b....................... accident.
lighting a fire. 6 occurred
The earthquake .................... when everyone was
4 Akim b....................... his eye in a karate sleeping.
5 James c................. his foot on a piece of glass.
  prained his wrist while he was
6 Ken s....................... 8
Jenny had an accident yesterday. Use these
words to write about what happened. ★★
playing volleyball. (ดู Answer Key Section ท้ายเล่ม)
7 Jake t....................... his ankle while he was • cycling in park • fell • twisted ankle
playing basketball. • cut leg • hospital • clean wound
8 Harry p....................... a muscle as he was • put dressing on it • have an X-ray
picking up a heavy box. • rest it


• Past continuous
Write sentences about yourself. Use the past
continuous. What were you doing … ★★
(Suggested answer) ,

1 Look at Paul’s schedule and write what he
was doing at: ★
at 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon? At
yesterday afternoon,
3 o clock
I was doing my homework.
• 7:15 • 8:15 • 9:25 • 12:10
2 at At 10 o,clock this
10 o’clock this morning? ................................
• 14:20 • 16:45 morning, I was having
................................. an English lesson.

3 three Three hours ago, I was
hours ago? ................................................
7:00-8:00 12:00-13:10 having my breakfast.
have breakfast eat lunch with friends ................................. ..............................................
4 Last Saturday, I was staying
last Saturday? .....................................................
8:00-8:20 14:00-15:30 ,
at my friend s house.
................................. ..............................................
At 8 o,clock last night,
go to school study for history test
at 8 o’clock last night? .......................................
9:20-11:00 16:00-17:00 I was watching TV.
have a maths lesson play tennis ................................. ..............................................
6 Last summer, I was attending
last summer? .....................................................
1 At 7:15, Paul was having breakfast. a summer school...............................................
2 At
........8:15, he was going to school.
..................................................................... 7
at half past seven yesterday morning? .............. At half past
At 9:25,
3 ........ he was having a maths lesson.
..................................................................... seven yesterday morning,
................................. I was getting ready
At 12:10, he was eating lunch with his friends. 8
this time last week? ...........................................
for school.
4 ........ .....................................................................
K At 14:20,
5 ........ he was studying for a history test.
..................................................................... This time last week,
................................. I was studying for an exam.
E At 16:45,
6 ........ he was playing tennis.
Y • Past simple vs Past continuous
What were the people doing yesterday
afternoon at 6 o’clock? Write questions.

4 Circle the correct tense.
1 They watched / were watching TV when the

Then answer them, as in the example. ★ earthquake happened / was happening.

1 Greg/read comics? (surf the Internet) 2 The tsunami hit / was hitting the coast yesterday
Was Greg reading comics? morning.
No, he wasn’t. He was surfing the Internet. 3 Mary was using / used a bandage because she
2 Alan and Mark/play football? (do their cut / was cutting her leg.
homework) 4 The children screamed / were screaming when
Were Alan and Mark playing football?
............................................................................. the lightning bolt struck / was striking a tree in
.........they weren,t. They were doing their
.................................................................... their garden.
Rita/tidy her room? (walk her dog)
homework. 5 George was burning / burnt his hand while he
........ Rita tidying her room?
Was..................................................................... was cooking / cooked lunch.
.........she wasn,t. She was walking her dog.
.................................................................... 6 The group was skiing / skied down the slope
4 Jack/play in the park? (do the shopping) when an avalanche was occurring / occurred.
........ Jack playing in the park? 7 Jenny was frying / fried fish when she was
.........he wasn,t. He was doing the shopping.
.................................................................... burning / burnt her hand.
5 Tammy and Frank/cook dinner? (sleep)
......... Tammy and Frank cooking dinner?
.........they weren,t. They were sleeping.

Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple • Grammar revision
or the past continuous. ★
Choose the correct words/phrases. ★
1 Fred ...... football at 8 pm yesterday.
Last night, there 1) .................................................. (be)
a major car accident on the M1 motorway. A car A played B were playing
2) ...................................... (smash) into a truck. C was playing

Fortunately, was
everybody 3) .......................................... (be) 2 Dick ...... always buy Ann flowers when he
OK. The driver 4) .......................................... (tell) us that visited her.
was driving
as he 5) ........................................... (drive), he A is used B would C used
6) .............................................
saw (see) a deer that 3 Paula and John .... when Paula burnt her hand.
7) .........................................
was running (run) towards his car. He
8) ....................................
tried (try) to avoid the animal, but A were cooking B was cooking
he 9) ................................................. (lose) control of the C cooked

car. spun
The car 10) ........................................ (spin) round 4 Martha was tidying her room and her mum ......
and round until it 11) ............................................... dinner.
(crash) into a truck that 12) ................................... (be) A cooked B were cooking
on the side of the road. Nobody knows where the deer C was cooking
13) ........................................... (go) or if it’s alive. It just 5 They were cycling in the park when they ......
disappeared (disappear).
14) ..........................................
and hit their heads.
A crashed B were crashing
• used to/would/be used to C was crashing K

6 Circle the words/phrases. ★ 6 What ...... this morning at eight o’clock?
A you were doing B did you do
1 Stephanie and Kylie
are used to / C were you doing
didn’t use to walk to 7 We ...... when you called but we had our
school, but they earphones on.
do now. A didn’t sleep B weren’t sleeping
2 Dan and Ricky C wasn’t sleeping
8 Emily ...... a great film at the cinema on Friday
would / is used to
always go cycling
A was seeing B did see C saw
on Saturdays before
9 Greg is not used to ...... in a hot country.
Ricky moved away.
A live B living C lives
3 Shirley used to /
10 ...... Albert ...... for the bus when he saw the
would have long
curly hair, but she A Did ... wait B While ... waited
cut it. C Was ... waiting
4 Jared is a football
captain so he is
used to work /
Use the words/phrases to write sentences
about you. Use the past simple or the past
working in a team. continuous. ★★ (ดู Answer Key Section ท้ายเล่ม)
while when as since
last week yesterday afternoon

Reading Vocabulary

1 Read the text below and write T (true) or F (false).
1 Earthquakes don’t happen very often.


3 Complete the text with the
words below. ★
2 There are a lot of earthquakes in California. T
....... • severe • path
3 Even weak earthquakes can do lots of damage. T
....... • experienced • cliff
• suffering • critical • party
Read the text and choose the correct answer A, B
or C. ★★
• alive • airlift • washed
• hike • rescue

Earthquakes are actually more It was a warm and sunny spring day.
common than most people My brother and I decided to go for
think. In fact, in some places a walk in the forest. We were both
around the world, like experienced hikers and we knew
1) ......................
California, earthquakes can our way around the forest very well.
occur every day. Most of these However, we learnt that even people
K earthquakes are not that strong. who know what they are doing can get
E The location of an earthquake is themselves into danger.
Y As we were preparing for our
a big factor in whether or not it will
cause damage. When an earthquake occurs hike we heard that there was
2) ..................,
a long way from the earth’s surface, it doesn’t do any harm to severe
a 3) ........................ storm coming but
people or buildings. However, when an earthquake occurs near we didn’t pay attention. What a mistake!
or on the surface, there will be problems. An earthquake doesn’t Soon after leaving, the sky turned black
have to be high on the Richter scale to cause damage; it just and it started to rain heavily.
has to happen at the right place. The best thing you can do in an Suddenly a wave of water came
earthquake is stay calm and know how to protect yourself. washed
towards us and 4) .............................
path .
away everything in its 5) .....................
We finally came to a stop at the foot of
1 In places like California, earthquakes a 6) .............................
cliff . I turned to my
A can happen daily. B don’t happen daily. brother and saw that he had a deep
C happen every week. suffering from
cut. He was 7) .............................
2 When an earthquake happens far from the surface, loss of blood and I knew he was in
A there is a lot of damage. B there is no damage. critical condition.
8) .............................
C it does harm to people. A couple of hours later, a search
3 An earthquake causes damage when 9) .............................
party came to our
A it’s high on the Richter scale.
10) ............................. . I was fine but
airlift my brother
they had to 11) ....................
B it’s low on the Richter scale.
to a hospital. We were happy to be
C it happens at the right place. 12) .............................
alive and promised to
4 The best thing you can do in an earthquake is pay more attention to the weather
A to be protective. B not panic. C stay still. forecasts.

Complete the sentences with the words or
phrases below. ★
• got stuck • pain • ran out • survive
• furious • drowned • survival skills
 Listen to
Nick’s story and
circle A, B or C. ★
1 furious
David was ...................................... when he saw
1 What happened to
the children break the window.
2 We ...............................................
ran out of milk, so Eric
A He twisted his ankle.
went to buy some more at the supermarket.
B He sprained his wrist.
3 survive
Some animals can .................................................
C He broke his leg.
without water for many weeks.
2 What was he doing when it happened?
4 pain
My brother was in a lot of ....................................
A He was playing tennis.
when he broke his leg.
B He was playing football.
5 got stuck
Our car ............................................... in the mud,
C He was going home.
so we had to push it out.
6 Mark didn’t know how to swim and almost 3 Where did he go after he got hurt?
....................................... . A He went to hospital.
7 Our camp guide taught us some .......................... B He went home.
survival skills while we were camping
........................................ C He saw his doctor.
in the forest. 4 What did they do to him? K
A They gave him an injection.
5 1 d national
Match the words to form phrases. ★
a canopy
B They put his leg in a plaster cast.
C They put an ice pack on his leg.
2 c severe b condition 5 When can he play sports again?
3 a jungle c exhaustion A in two weeks B in a month
4 e search d park C in a year
5 b critical e party
6 f heavy f rainfall Dictation
Circle the correct words. ★
1 They found the injured man lying / laying on the
 Listen and fill in the gaps in the story.
2 Survivors of earthquakes often suffer / pain from forest road
Matthew was driving along a 1) .........................
exhaustion. when suddenly it started to rain heavily and
3 If you have an accident, stay out in the open so lightning
2) ................................. struck his car. Matthew
helicopters can look / spot you. lost
3) ......................... control of the car. It slid off the road
4 To stay alive / living in a dangerous situation, pain
and hit a tree. Matthew felt a severe 4) .........................
you need to be calm and brave. all over his body. He thought that he was in critical
5 The team did everything they could to rescue /
condition and was very afraid. Then he woke up
5) ........................
save the men from the mountain.
plaster cast. He escaped with a
in hospital in a 6) .....................
broken leg. The doctors say he was fortunate
7) .........................
6 Jack was once lost / missed in a jungle for three survive such a serious crash.
to 8) .........................
days and survived.

2d2c& 2e
a headache
3 ...................... a sore throat
5 ......................

1 Label the pictures. ★

1 ...................... a stomach
6 ......................
a cough
2 ...................... a temperature
4 ...................... ache
Use the words in Ex. 1 to complete the
exchanges. ★
Everyday English

1 A: Oh, toothache
I can’t stand this .....................................

4 Complete the dialogue with the
correct phrases/sentences. ★
any longer.
B: You should really see a dentist. • What’s wrong
• I feel terrible
got a terrible ............................................
2 A: I’ve headache .
• I can’t stand it any longer
B: Why don’t you take a painkiller?
K • Why don’t you
E 3 A: What’s wrong with your voice, Jane? • I suppose you’re right
Y B: I’ve got a .........................................................
sore throat . • You don’t look well
4 temperature
A: Oh. You’ve got a .............................................. .
A: Hi Lillie! Are you OK? 1) You don’t look well.
B: I think I’ll have a hot lemon juice and go to
B: Oh, 2) ……………….......................………….,
I feel terrible Jill.
bed. ,
A: Oh dear! 3) ……………….......................………….?
What s wrong
5 A: Hmm! Sorry but I’ve got this awful
B: I’ve got a terrible headache.
.......................................................................... .
A: Really! Why don,t you
4) ……………….......................…………. lie
B: Would you like me to get you some syrup? down for a while and relax?
Fill in the gaps with ungrateful, saying, bite,
worth, scratch, share. ★
B: I’d love to, but I have to cook dinner for
1 scratch my back? It’s itchy.
Can you please .................... A: Did you take a painkiller?
2 That red lump on my leg is a mosquito B: Yes, I took one a couple of hours ago.
bite .
.................... A: Oh! And it still hurts?
3 A popular ....................
saying in English is ‘lightning B: Yeah, I can,t stand it any longer .
5) ……………….......................………….
never strikes twice.’ A: Maybe you should see your doctor.
4 He is so ....................!
ungrateful I spent all afternoon I suppose you,re right .
B: 6) ……………….......................………….
helping him and he didn’t even say thank you! A: Go on then. I can finish the cooking for you.
5 Don’t pay £50 for that T-shirt. It’s not B: That’s so nice of you. OK!
worth it.
6 “Shall we ...................
share the cost of the taxi?” 5
Your friend has got toothache. Write a
short dialogue giving him/her advice. ★★
“Of course!” (ดู Answer Key Section ท้ายเล่ม)

• A story
Read the first paragraph of the story in Ex. 1
and complete the table. ★

1 Read the story and put the events in the
order they happened. ★

A It was a beautiful morning last summer and a warm

Time one morning last summer
gentle breeze was blowing when my dad and I left
the harbour in our small sailing yacht. My mum was Place the harbour
standing on the pier waving happily. “Be careful, won’t
you?” she shouted as the boat moved slowly in the water. Weather beautiful morning – warm
gentle breeze
B We sailed for about two hours before we reached
our favourite bay. Dad let the anchor down and tied Main
the boat to a large rock on the shore using a long rope. Characters my parents and me
We put on our masks and fins and dived into the warm
water. There were fish everywhere. It was amazing! Time
passed by and suddenly the sky became dark grey and
Read the rubric and use the words/phrases
in the list to write the first paragraph of the
a strong wind started blowing. We were swimming back story. ★ (ดู Answer Key Section ท้ายเล่ม)
to the boat when suddenly a large wave came our way
and threw my dad against a rock. I swam towards him A school magazine asked students to write
and saw that he was unconscious. I grabbed him under a story about a frightening or dangerous
the arms and pulled him to the yacht. It was difficult but experience they had. K
somehow I managed to get him back on the boat. • winter • school holidays Y
C I was terrified but I knew I had to save my dad. I • trip to the mountains • snowing gently
used the boat’s radio to call for help. Within minutes a • my parents, my brother and I
rescue boat arrived and took us to the shore where an
ambulance was waiting. My dad had a broken shoulder
and a lot of cuts but he recovered quickly. I was glad 5
Put the events of a story in the correct order.

that I saved him but it was the most frightening moment a 4 My brother was lying unconscious in the
in my life.
a 4 a large wave threw my dad against a rock b 1 We couldn’t wait to get to our chalet in the
b 3 a strong wind started blowing mountains.
c 5 a rescue boat took us to the shore c 6 A helicopter came and took us to hospital.
d 1 we went sailing d 2 We went skiing down the slopes.
e 2 we dived into the water e 8 I was relieved that he was OK.
5 I used my mobile phone to call for help.
Read the story again and say which
paragraph tells us: ★★
g 7 My brother had a broken leg and arm but he
1 when and where the story took place? A
....... left hospital after a few days.
2 how the writer felt about what h 3 We were going really fast and my brother hit a
happened? C
....... tree.
3 what happened in the end?
4 what the climax event is?
Now write the story in Ex. 4. Use the
sentences in Ex. 5 as well as the first
5 who the main characters are? A
....... paragraph you wrote in Ex. 4. ★★
(ดู Answer Key Section ท้ายเล่ม) WORKBOOK

• Sports

1 Use the hints and the pictures to do the crossword. ★

5 swimming under water using a snorkel
6 sliding down snow
1 flying like a bird
2 travelling in a canoe 1
3 falling through the sky 2 h 3
4 racing motorcycles over c s a
rough land a k n
5 riding on a board
4 n y g
5 m o d -
with two 5 s n o r k l l i n g
wheels k t i v l
a o n i i
t c g n d
E e r g i
Y b o n
o s g
a s
6 s n o w b o a r d i n g

a) Match the words to form
phrases. ★
b) Now use the phrases in Ex. 2a to complete the
sentences. ★
1 d shark a a competition 1 sharp pain
Jim fell off his bike and felt a ...................................................
2 f catch b death as he hit the ground.
3 e sharp c obstacles 2 Life is not always easy and we often have to ..........................
4 c overcome d attack
overcome obstacles
................................................................................................. .
5 a enter e pain 3 Jane likes to take her surfboard down to the beach and
6 b escape f a wave
..... a wave
............................................................................................ .

4 We’re enter a competition
going to ........................................................................ .
The prize is £100.
WORKBOOK 5 shark attack
The man lost his arm in a ...................................................... .
Circle the correct words. ★ • Sports equipment
1 Gary is a talented athlete and his future looks
bright / beautiful.

5 Complete the words. Match five of them to
the pictures. ★

2 After the accident, the sea changed / turned red. 1 You wear g..............
loves to keep your hands warm
3 Bob didn’t realise / understand that his nose was when you go snowboarding.
bleeding. 2 You use a p..............
  addle to move through the water
4 Jeff lost / missed a lot of blood when he cut his when you go rafting.
arm. 3 You wear f..............
  lippers on your feet when you go
5 I won’t let / leave anything stop me from snorkelling.
winning. 4 You surf on a b..............
 oard .
 oggles over your eyes when you go
5 You wear g..............
6 I was so disappointed to take fifth place / post in
the championship.
   ads to protect your legs when you
6 You use p..............
7 Bart injured his leg but a few months late / later
play cricket.
he was back on the field. 7 You use a b..............
  at to hit the ball when you play
8 All players dream of winning / earning the cricket.
national championships.
Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the
verbs in the list. ★
• rank • strike • catch • carry • rush
• pull • fit • promise A 3
1 Mike ............................
fitted his car with special doors
to help him get in and out. C 7
2 Everyone ...........................
rushed to help Amanda when
she fell off her bike.
3 ranked
Ian is a great tennis player and ..........................
third in his country.
4 Dave promised himself to do everything
to win the match.
5 pull
He used a rope to ............................ himself up
on to the wall. D 1
6 The girl was surfing when terror suddenly
E 4
struck .
7 I love surfing and often go to the beach to 6
Use the verbs in Ex. 4 to write a summary of
Bethany Hamilton’s story (Student’s Book p. 34).
............................ a wave. Write about: ★★ (ดู Answer Key Section ท้ายเล่ม)
8 The man ...........................
carried the injured boy to his • who she is • what happened
car and drove to the hospital. • where she was
• what happened after her accident WORKBOOK

Grammar • have been – have gone
• Present perfect vs Present perfect

3 Fillhas ingone.the gaps with have/has been or have/

1 Write the past participles of these verbs. ★ 1 A: Is Patrick there?
B: N o, he ..........................................................
has gone the
1 see – .................
seen 11 arrive – .................
arrived supermarket.
2 do – .................
done 12 swim – .................
swum 2 A: David speaks Spanish very well.
3 drink – .................
drunk 13 fall – .................
fallen B: has been
That’s because he .........................................
4 bring – .................
brought 14 fly – .................
f lown ..................................... to Spain many times.
5 sing – .................
sung 15 take – .................
taken 3 A: Can I talk to the kids?
6 make – .................
made 16 give – .................
given B: I’m afraid they aren’t here. They ...................
7 catch – .................
caught 17 read – .................
read have gone
.................................................... to the park.
8 ring – .................
rung 18 hear – .................
heard 4 A: Where’s Jack?
9 leave – .................
left 19 find – .................
B: He’s has gone
not here. He ..........................................
10 feed – .................
fed 20 come – .................
come ......................................... to his friend’s house.
5 A: Have you visited Rome?
Put the verbs in brackets into the present
perfect or the present perfect continuous. ★
B: No, I haven’t. But my sister ..........................
...... has gone there. She left
K 1 Harry ...............................................
has just come (just/come) a week ago.
Y home. 6 A: Where do you want to go today?
2 We ........................................................
have not been (not/be)
B: Let’s have
go to the zoo. We ..................................
to Spain yet. been
not .................................................. there for a
3 Jane has been shopping (shop) long time.
all morning and now she’s feeling tired.

4 She has lived
............................................................ (live) • just – yet – already – since – for
in Ireland since 1999.
5 has written
The author .............................................. (write)
Circle the correct words. ★
1 They haven’t booked their places at the camp
a lot of best-selling novels. already / yet.
6 .... Has he bought (he/buy) 2 She has for / just come in.
gifts for everyone? 3 Julie has yet / already gone to sleep.

7 Kim has won
............................................................ (win) 4 It hasn’t rained just / for three weeks.
two gold medals so far. 5 Don’t come in here! I’ve just / yet cleaned the
8 Peter hasn,t called
............................................. (not/call) yet. floor!
9 .... Have you found (you/find) 6 He hasn’t been to his grandparents’ house
the car keys? already / since last summer.
10 .... Has Peter booked (Peter/book) 7 Ed has lived in Russia for / since 1995.
a table for Dad’s birthday? 8 Has Frank left yet / just?
Have you been waiting (you/wait) long?
11 .................................................. 9 I haven’t talked to him since / for days.
long has
12 How John been working (John/work)
in this company?

• Present perfect vs Past simple • so – such

5 Circle the correct tense.
1 Jenny has come / came back from her hiking

7 Complete the sentences with so or such.
1 so warm that we went on
The weather was .............

trip. She’s exhausted. a picnic.

2 When we were on holiday, we have walked / 2 She was .............
such a good athlete that she won a
walked for two hours every day. gold medal.
3 Michael left / has left for the airport three 3 such
It was ............. delicious bread that we ate the
hours ago. whole loaf!
4 Anna has decided / decided to buy a new 4 so quietly that no
He came into the room .............
computer last week. one heard him.
5 The Robinsons don’t live here any more. They
moved / have moved to Liverpool two years • Grammar revision

6 Alex didn’t make / hasn’t made any plans for

8 Choose the correct words/phrases. ★

1 They’ve never ........... in a helicopter before.

the weekend yet.
7 The children saw / have seen a lot of exotic A flew B flown C flowed
animals at the zoo last Monday. 2 Bridget has lived here ........... 1999.
8 John has heard / heard that joke before. A for B since C as
Put the verbs in brackets into the past
simple, the present perfect or the present
3 Mark is out. He ........... to the shop.
A has gone B go C has been
perfect continuous. ★★ 4 Have you ........... been to Rome?
A never B yet C ever
Last summer my cousin, Ellie, and I 1) ......................
(go) camping on my uncle’s farm. On the first 5 Jude ........... scuba diving yesterday.
night we 2) .......................... (put) up our tent in a A has gone B went C has been
field and went to bed. In the middle of the night 6 We have played tennis ........... several years.
I 3) ........................
woke (wake) up and saw Ellie sitting A since B for C by
up in her sleeping bag. She looked terrified. “What
are you doing?” I asked her. “Why aren’t you 7 Has Nigel finished work ...........?
have been (be) awake for
asleep?” “I 4) ..................................... A just B yet C ever
three hours,” she replied. “Someone 8 Where ........... last night?
has been moving (move)
5) .............................................
A have you been B have you gone
around outside all the time, making
strange noises.” We waited until it C did you go
6) ........................ got (get) light and went
outside to investigate. Then Ellie
7) ................................
started (start) to laugh.
Use the words/phrases to write sentences in
the present perfect or the past simple. ★★
(ดู Answer Key Section ท้ายเล่ม)
“I don’t believe it!” she cried. “We • two days ago • last night • yet
have been listening(listen) to a cow
8) .................................... • since last summer • for two years
all night!” There in front of us one of my • just • yesterday • for • already
uncle’s herd was calmly munching grass.
It was the funniest holiday experience I
9) .......................................
have ever had (ever/have)! WORKBOOK

Reading 2
Read the text again and answer the

Read the text and choose the correct answer
A, B or C. ★
questions. ★★
1 When did the team start playing their cellos in
strange places?
......In 2003
2 How many members are there in the Extreme
Extreme Cello is 1) ............. extreme sport that you Cello team?
might not have heard 2) ............. before. Along with ........Three
Extreme Ironing, it’s one of the 3) ............. extreme 3 Why does the team do Extreme Cello?
sports around. In 2003, two teachers and a university To....................................................................
......... raise money for charity
professor from England started playing their cellos 4 Apart from Britain, where else has the team
in unusual outdoor places to raise money 4) ............. performed?
charity. 5) ............. then, they have earned fame as the Ireland
......... ....................................................................
Extreme Cello Players and have given performances 5 Why do team members need to be in good
in extreme locations all over Britain and Ireland. In shape?
2006, they played on the roofs of 42 churches around Because Extreme Cello is a physical sport.
......... ....................................................................
England in 12 days. The team has also climbed the
6 What kind of challenges does the team want to
four highest mountains in Britain and Ireland with
their cellos. That’s 4,445 m of climbing! As Clare try in the future?
K ........Something
even more extreme.
E Wallace, the oldest member of the team, explains,
Y Extreme Cello is not just about music: “Extreme
Cello is actually a physical 6) ............. . A cello is a big
instrument and we have climbed many stone stairs
and steep hills on our adventures.” The team spend

3 Match the words to form phrases. Then use
them to complete the sentences. ★
a lot of time in the gym to keep 7) ............. and follow 1 c board a the name
a healthy 8) ............. . But what’s next for the Extreme 2 d check b the law
Cello team? James Reese, the youngest member 3 f import c a flight
of the team, says that Extreme Cello will continue: 4 a release d the luggage
“We’ve faced a number of challenges in 5 b break e passport
the past, but we are always looking for 6 e lose f endangered species
something new – something even more
1 You need to show your passport before you
board a f light .
1 A the B a C one 2
It is against the law to import endangered species
..................................... .
2 A for B about C by 3 released the name of
The police haven’t ..........................................
3 A new B newer C newest the man they are looking for.
4 A to B of C for 4 If you ..............................
lose your ..............................,
5 A Since B From C By you can’t travel.
6 A game B sport C fun 5 check the luggage
There are trained officers who ...........................
7 A in form B in fit C in shape
before it goes on a plane.
8 A plan B diet C food
6 break the law should go
People who .......................................
to prison.

Circle the correct words. ★ Listening
1 Carl missed / lost his flight and had to wait for
another one.

6 talking
You will listen to Fiona and Stewart
about their weekend plans. For
2 Many people are late to work because of train questions 1-5, choose the correct answer
jams / delays. A, B or C. ★
3 When entering the country, you must declare /
1 Next weekend, Fiona is going to a(n) ....... .
preserve any valuable goods.
A extreme sports camp
4 The customs officer / ranger arrested the man
for transporting live animals. B outdoor activity camp
5 It is illegal to enter / import banned goods into C canoeing camp
the country. 2 To go canoeing, you should wear a life jacket
6 The police charged / broke the man with theft. and ....... .
7 The airline missed / lost my luggage, so I had A a helmet B a paddle C goggles
to buy new clothes.
3 Every Wednesday, Fiona ....... in the park.
8 They investigated / checked his luggage for
A goes skateboarding
illegal goods.
B does an extreme sport
9 Drivers spend a lot of time in traffic delays /
C plays football
jams in the city.
4 When he was in Australia, Stewart ....... . K
10 The man put the dead animals in a special E
liquid to preserve / keep them. A won a swimming race Y
11 The airline released / declared the new flight B went snorkelling
schedules. C went fishing
5 At the weekend, Stewart is going to ....... .
Circle the correct prepositions. ★
A go camping B go canoeing
C play cricket


7 Listen and fill in the gaps. ★★

A 1) .....................................................
passenger boarded a
1 Have you heard for / about the shark flight from Singapore to London. When he
attack? declare anything
arrived, he didn’t 2) ............................................
2 The boy was charged with / of importing a scorpion
but customs officers found 3) ..........................
endangered species. .......................... in his luggage. They said that
3 You need to think about / for the risks. he 4) .................................................
broke the law because he
4 When did you arrive at / in Kent?
lied to them and he tried to 5) ...................... import
5 It was scary but for / at least no one endangered species . They arrested him
was hurt. and 6) ..........................................
charged him.


3d3c& 3e
Vocabulary Everyday English

1 Choose the correct words to
complete the sentences. ★
Complete the exchanges using the phrases below. ★
• Where are you off to • Don’t worry about it
1 Do ....... activities. • Oh, did I
A physical B natural
1 A: I’m really sorry I forgot to call you last night, Emma.
C psychic
2 Athletes eat a diet high in ....... to
Don,t worry about it
B: ....................................................................................................
keep muscles strong. Where are you off to
2 A: ................................................................................, Charlotte?
A fat B protein C fruit B: To Sam’s. Do you want to come with me?
3 If you don’t drink enough water, 3 A: You left a window open yesterday, Ben.
you’ll get ....... . B: Oh, did I
................................................................................? I’m sorry.
A dehydrated B finished
C kept 4
Complete the dialogue with the correct sentences. ★
• That’s OK • Have you been waiting long
4 Potatoes are an excellent ....... of
energy. • I’d better go • I’m really sorry
A source B supply C origin

A: Hi Have you been waiting
Charlotte, I’m sorry I’m late. 1) ............................................
5 Kim tried to follow a(n) ....... diet long
with the right amount of fruit and B: No, not long. So, are you ready to play squash?
vegetables. A: Actually, I can’t play squash today.
E A even B equal B: Oh no! Why not?
Y C balanced A: My parents just called me to say I have to babysit my little

brother I,m really sorry
this afternoon. 2) ........................................................ .
Match the words to form
phrases. Then use three
B: 3) s OK
A: I’m free tomorrow afternoon though. Why don’t we play

phrases to complete the squash then?

sentences below. ★ B: Sure!
A: Great.
,d better go
Well, 4) ......................................................................... .
1 g balanced a fit
2 a keep b products Have a good afternoon.
3 f in good c drinks B: Thanks. You too!
c sugary
e starchy
d in fat
e food 5 (ดู Answer Key Section ท้ายเล่ม)
Write a new dialogue using the ideas below. ★★

6 b dairy f shape A B
7 d high g diet Greet B. Apologise for being late. Greet A. Ask A if
Ask how long they have been A is ready to go
1 It’s very important to follow a waiting. surfing.
.. ..................................................
balanced diet . Say you can’t. Ask why not.
2 keep fit
The only way to ........................... Give reason (e.g. not finished Accept A’s apology.
............. is to do lots of exercises. your essay yet). Apologise.

3 Don’t eat food that is .high in fat
.................. Suggest another day to go surfing. Agree.
Say you’d better go. Wish B a Thank A. Wish A the
........................ such as fast food. good day. same.

• A letter about your holiday 4
Replace the words in bold
with the correct subject/object

1 Look at the letter and answer the questions.
1 It is from Jane to Rupert.

Who is it from/to? ..................................................................
pronoun or possessive
determiner. ★
everyday vocabulary, e.g. Hi, loads and short letter. It uses 1 Nigel and Brad do lots of sports.
Is it formal or informal? Why? ..It.............................................
is an ofinformal forms. Nigel and Brad love the outdoors.
Hi Rupert, They
A Greetings from Ireland! We’re having a fantastic time .....................................................
here. We’re travelling around and staying in guesthouses 2 Jane joined a tennis club. Her
along the way. mum bought Jane a tennis
B It’s a very beautiful country and surprisingly the weather racquet.
has been excellent. It hasn’t rained at all since we arrived two her
weeks ago. So far we’ve been to the south and the west. We 3 Judith plays squash. Judith has
went to Blarney on our second day and I kissed the Blarney
Stone. They say that people who kiss the stone become great a match tomorrow.
speakers. Then we travelled up the west coast to Galway, a She
lovely coastal town. We’ve been to lots of lovely villages too. 4 Where’s Dave? Have you seen
I’ve taken loads of photographs. We haven’t been to Dublin Dave?
yet so I haven’t done much shopping. him
C I love it here. The people are very hospitable. I’ve made 5 Brian is very upset. They lost
so many friends. The fish and seafood is delicious too. K
I hope you are well and I look forward to seeing you when I Brian’s luggage. E
his Y
get back next month. .....................................................
Take care,
Jane 5 holiday. Think of where you
Imagine you are abroad on a

are, where you are staying,

Read the letter again and say in which paragraph: ★
1 describes what Jane has/hasn’t done so far? B
what the weather is like, what
you have/haven’t done, how
2 says how Jane feels about the place? C
...... you feel about the place. Write
3 says where Jane is and where Jane is staying? A
...... sentences. ★★ (Suggested answer)
4 describes the weather? B
...... I..,................................................
m in Scotland on holiday.
We ,re staying in a hotel by the lake.
Complete the table with phrases
from the letter. ★
Formal &
Informal style
The weather has been a bit cold.
We have been going for long walks.
haven,t been swimming yet.
When writing to I..................................................
have eaten some delicious food.
friends, we use ..................................................
The Scottish people are very friendly.
Formal Informal informal style: short ,I..................................................
ve had a great holiday.
Greetings from ... forms and everyday
I am writing to …
We have been to … We,ve been to ...
vocabulary and
phrases. We use
formal style when
Now use your sentences from
Ex. 5 and the letter in Ex. 1
Yours faithfully, Take care, as a model to write a letter to
writing to people
we don’t know. your English penfriend about
your holiday. ★★
(ดู Answer Key Section  WORKBOOK

ท้ายเล่ม) 27
• Breaking the law
Read the news report and choose the correct
words to complete the gaps in the text. ★

1 match
Read the witnesses’ descriptions and then
them to the crime. ★
The police will release the name of the criminal
behind the Hill Street burglaries later today. The
• arson • robbery • shoplifting police 1) .................... the man after they found
• burglary • vandalism his wallet at a house he 2) .................... . The man
says he did not 3) .................... the crime and that
someone 4) .................... his wallet. The police also
There were four of them. They believe the man 5) .................... various cars in the
wore masks and ran from the neighbourhood, as he has received many speeding
bank with bags of money. 6) .................... while driving different cars. If the
court 7) .................... him guilty, he will go to prison
1 ................................................. for a minimum of four years.

I saw her put the scarf in 1 A arrested B caught C accused

her bag and just leave the 2 A robbed B broke into C vandalised
store! 3 A do B commit C make
4 A kidnapped B robbed C stole
K shoplifting
2 ................................................. 5 A stole B mugged C kidnapped
Y 6 A fines B prizes C tickets
They started it at the back of 7 A finds B sentences C feels
the building. Soon there were
flames and smoke everywhere! 3
Circle the correct words.
1 The police caught the boy who robbed / stole the
old man’s wallet.
3 ................................................. 2 The burglars broke / robbed into the house while
the family was away.
3 The driver had to pay a fine for driving over the
They broke windows and
sprayed paint all over the speed law / limit.
walls of the school. 4 Some campers put / started a forest fire.
5 You shouldn’t violate / break someone’s privacy.
6 The security cameras captured / caught images
4 ................................................. of the robbers.
7 Many women use creams to try to keep / hold
I saw him break into the
house and leave with a their young looks.
laptop under his arm. 8 The lady put / took the shop owner to court for
selling broken goods.
9 Most people never do / commit crimes.
5 ................................................. 10 My sister earned / won a competition for the
best poem in her school magazine.

• Crime 7
Write your own sentences using the phrases

4 Find six criminals. ★

from Ex. 6. ★★ (Suggested answer)
1 The
.........boy had to do six weeks community service for
vandalising the statue.
g e f t p e g e m p u e The .firefighters
2 ........ had to work all day and night to put
the forest fire out.
e m r t h i e f e e n k The .vandal
3 ........ sprayed paint on the walls of the school.
e b i l b e e d d r l i You .....................................................................
4 ........ need a driving licence to drive a car.
g u r a b m b l u t r d Old age
5 ........ pensioners often need help with everyday
r o b b e r f v h e i n The .man
6 ........ did a six month jail term for burglary.
n e h r u a o a d m n a We .had
7 ........ to fill in an entry form to enter the
r k r t l v f n u u n p
Circle the correct words. ★
1 The shop assistant accused the woman of / for
b u r g l a r l t e e r
e l a o e r m h a r u g
2 The judge sentenced the vandal in / to one
a d n v o r r r u v e u
month of community work.
3 If a person does something very bad, we should
Complete the sentences with the words from
Ex. 4. ★ 4
put them to / in prison.
The court found the man guilty for / of burglary.
1 burglar
The police caught the ......................................... K
5 The police are appealing for / to help in searching E
as he was leaving the house. Y
for the bank robbers.
2 A ..................................................
vandal sprayed paint
6 Street cameras caught the muggers at / in
on the statues in the main square.
3 A ..........................................
mugger attacked and stole
money from an old lady in the street.
4 The kidnapper demanded a 9
Complete the table. ★

lot of money to release the woman. verb person noun action noun
5 robber
A bank ................................................ got away vandalise vandal vandalism
1) ......................
with over £10,000. steal thief
2) ...................... theft
6 thief
The police chased the ........................................ burgle burglar burglary
3) ......................
and got the man’s bag back. rob robber
4) ...................... robbery
– arsonist arson
5) ......................
Match the words to form phrases. ★ mug
6) ...................... mugger mugging
1 d community a term
e forest
f spray
b form
c licence
10 Use
the phrases below to write a short
story. (ดู Answer Key Section ท้ายเล่ม)
4 c driving d service • man finds burglar in his flat
5 g old age e fire • burglar runs away/escapes across roof
6 a jail f paint • very dark/falls down chimney
7 b entry g pensioners • police catch burglar stuck in the chimney

Grammar • Adjectives
• Past perfect
3 Put the adjectives in the correct order. ★

1 perfect.
Put the verbs in brackets into the past

to h e a r you’ve been
r: I’m so rr y
The car stopped because we ..had run out of
............................ Police office m e w h a t they stole.
. Please tell ok two 1) ...
............................................... (run out of) petrol. burgled, Sir b u rg la rs to
ly. The /19th
2 David knew Manchester well because he Man: Certain (oil

had visited (visit) the city before. able......1......
Had Karen ever ...........................
ridden (ride) lu a b le ) paintings,
3 ........................... century /v a
b r a n d ..n..e ..w.. .. .. .. .. ..
a bicycle before she had her accident? a 2)  ............ d n e w ) la p top, three 3) 
4 The police officer didn’t stop running until he ch/bran
(white/15-in n g b la c
.. k
.. ..s il
.. ..k..............
had caught (catch) the thief. lo
...... .. .. .. .. ..
.. g dresses,
5 had finished
By the time they ................................................. g ) e v e n in
(silk/black/l rge...a...n...tiq ... u
...e... ......m...o...
my wife’s 4) /large) engagement ring
(finish) painting the kitchen, Bob and Pat were ...
very tired.
(antique/dia nsiv
e S w
.. ..e..d.. is ...ital
6 When we got to the theatre, the play ................. e
ex..p...... .. .. .. .. ..
had already started and a(n) 5)  ..
..................................................... (already/start).
h /d ig it a l/ e xpensive)
K 7 had tidied
After he ...................................................... (tidy) (Swedis
E his flat, he went out. camera. k you, Sir.
Y ff ic e r: T h a n

8 Johnny had already done (already/do) his
...................................... Police o
homework by the time his mother got home.

• Past perfect continuous • Adjectives: -ing/-ed endings

2 theUsesentences.
the past perfect continuous to complete

4 the -ing form of the words in brackets.
Complete the sentences with the -ed or

1 The detective ..had beenforwatching
building an hour the
.................................................... 1 I’m so ..................................
bored (bore) today! There’s
(watch the building/an hour) when he saw a man nothing to do.
come out. 2 interesting (interest)
I think it would be ...............................
Max spoke German well because he ..had been
................ to join a volunteer group.
..... it since 2001
............................................... (study it/2001). 3 surprised
Tom was very ..................................... (surprise)
had been working since 5 am
3 The rescue team ................................................. to see Emma at the party.
(work/5 am) before they found the survivors.
4 I’m excited
really ..................................... (excite) about
had since
been 2007 living here (live here/2007)
4 We ............................................ going to the Science Museum tomorrow.
when we decided to move back to our village. 5 amazing
There are some .................................... (amaze)
had been ringing for five
5 The telephone ..................................................... minutes high tech gadgets to fight crime.
(ring/five minutes) before I answered it. 6 shocking
The news was ...................................... (shock).
had for beentwofeelingweeksunwell (feel unwell/
6 Miriam ........................................... 7 Crime in this area hasn’t dropped. It’s very .......
two weeks) before she went to the doctor. disappointing (disappoint).
7 Lucy .had been playing the piano since shea child

(play the piano/she was a child).

Write three sentences about yourself
using -ing adjectives and three using -ed
Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the
adjectives in brackets. ★
adjectives. ★★
1 You well
speak English .................................. (good).
2 angrily
Sam shouted .......................................... (angry)
at his friend.
3 late
I got up ............................... (late) this morning.
4 incredibly
Slow down! You’re driving ..................................
(incredible) quickly.
5 hard
Katie is trying .......................................... (hard)
to find a job.
6 peacefully
The children were sleeping ................................
(peaceful) in their beds.
-ing (Suggested answer)
1 I find physics boring, but I love chemistry. • Grammar revision
2 ....
3 ....
exciting. sports like bungee jumping
eat spinach because it tastes

8 Choose the correct words/phrases.
1 Bill had been working ...... all morning.

-ed A hard B harder C hardly

4 .... tired if I spend too many hours on
PC. 2 Dad gave Mum a(n) ...... bowl for her birthday.
I .get
5 .... very annoyed with people who litter.
.......................................................................... K
A oval-shaped small crystal E
I .feel
6 .... worried about the lack of safety on
.......................................................................... Y
the streets. B crystal small oval-shaped
C small oval-shaped crystal
• Adverbs 3 She had already ...... the film.

6 Underline the adverb in each sentence and
write M (manner), F (frequency), D (degree),
A seen B saw C see
4 “Could you explain that again, please? It’s
P (place) or T (time). ★
rather ...... .”
1 My brother runs fast. M
....... A confuse B confused C confusing
2 We’re going to the zoo tomorrow. T
....... 5 Make sure you read the instructions ...... .
3 She stood up quickly and left A caring B careful C carefully
the room. M
6 Had she ...... by the time you got home?
4 Sam visited his grandparents yesterday. T
A eaten B eating C ate
5 It was quite dark when we got home. D
6 We always do our homework after 7 Alex felt sick. He had been ...... sweets all
school. F
....... afternoon.
7 It was raining so we stayed indoors. P
....... A eating B eaten C ate
8 Jack is very funny. He makes everybody 8 “Why are you ......?”
laugh. D
....... A surprise B surprising C surprised
9 There’s been an accident. Call an
ambulance immediately! T
....... 9
Write sentences using the adverbs/adverbial
phrase: slowly, quite, next week, never,
10 Police believe the thief lives locally. P
....... upstairs. ★★ (ดู Answer Key Section ท้ายเล่ม)

Vocabulary 2
Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the correct

1 Find and circle six words related to jungle
survival. Complete the sentences using
form. ★
• build • separate • survive • hiss • rustle
these words. ★ 1 separate from your
You should never .........................
guide during a hike.
2 hiss as he
Jack heard a snake .........................
walked through the grass.
3 rustle as the wind
The leaves began to .........................
picked up.
4 built
We ......................... a campfire and spent the
night there.
5 survived
My dad once ......................... in a forest for a

t u n r e s c u e

3 an You will hear a recorded message on
answering machine about a children’s
K c a m p f i r e p centre. Listen and fill in the gaps. ★★
Y s j l p s o u n s
d u u t c c g u t
f n r n s e u s r
u g r t g p i i e
t l r i a p d p a
o e t l d m e n m Callingwood
s u r v i v a l q Children’s Centre
We are a children’s charity
1 Our g............................... explained the exhibits
to us. The centre offers lessons in:
2    tream
We stopped at a s........................... to drink some art and reading
1) ..................
water. Please donate:
3 ampfire
At night we started a c........................... to keep books
money and 2) ..................
Volunteer for the kids
us warm and safe. clubs
3) ..................
4 The j........................... is full of insects, dangerous Outside, the centre has a
snakes and tropical plants. playground
4) ..................
5 Before the safari, they gave us some The centre is open
s........................... tips of what to do if we get every day except Sundays.
5) ..................,
The search team came to our r...................  escue .


4 a) Read the text and choose a subheading for each paragraph. ★

1 Holding out hope 2 Thousands of kids 3 A successful programme

A 3 What does it take to keep kids safe on the B 1 Unfortunately in many parts of the world,
streets? In a neighbourhood in LA, all it takes is people have failed to protect their children. In
a couple of caring grandmother’s. Virgie Simon Tanzania, many children are living and working in
and Maxine Duff became the first volunteers for the streets. Most of these children have to survive
KidWatch 11 years ago. Since then, they have through difficult and dangerous situations with no
watched children as they travel to and from hope for the future. That’s why, some people got
school. These two grandmas and another 1,000 together and started The Mobile School of Hope. It
residents keep a watchful eye every day. They is a box-like trailer that opens up into many panels.
wear bright yellow KidWatch T-shirts so that Twice a week, the Street Educator pushes this unit
children know where to run to when in trouble. into the town centre. Each session gathers up to 30 K
These volunteers get special training by the children. During this time, the kids learn about how E
local police department and know what to do to keep safe and stay healthy. They also learn that
in emergency situations. This programme has there are many opportunities available to them. This
brought the community together and made it a programme brings hope into the children’s lives and
friendlier and safer place to live in. helps some of them leave the streets forever.

b) Read the text again and mark the Dictation

sentences T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t
say). ★★

5 Listen and fill in the gaps. ★★

1 Two grandmothers were the first

to join KidWatch. T
Last weekend a 1) ..................................... broke
2 KidWatch volunteers wear special T-shirts into my house when I was away. He
to attract the children’s attention. T
2) .........................................
stole my laptop and some
3 The Mobile School of Hope is in LA. F
money. I called the 3) .................................. and
4 The Mobile School of Hope teaches kids a few days later they phoned me to tell me
to be safe and healthy on the streets. T
4) .......................................
they arrested someone in the
5 The Mobile School of Hope moves around neighbourhood. The court sentenced him to
the city to different locations. DS
5) ......................................
six months in prison and I got my
6 The Mobile School of Hope is open laptop back but not my money.
everyday. F

4d4c& 4e
Vocabulary Everyday English

1 Do the crossword. 1

Complete the dialogue with the sentences. ★
• I’m afraid not
n 3
• You’re welcome
s t a m p
k 4
5 s 6 i p • Can you tell me what you saw
w 8 7 t b n u • What happened then
9 e p l a y g r o u n d n A: What’s your name please, sir?
a v e
10 s l s c B: Jeremy Paxton.
t k t 11 12 s t o m a c h A: OK, Mr Paxton. You were in the clothes store
e 13
a f
m l i e s when the shoplifter was there.
a 1) ......................................................................?
Can you tell me what you saw
Across r B: Yes. I saw a boy of about 15, pick up a leather
2 To bring one’s foot down with force jacket and put it into his bag.
8 An outdoor area (usually with swings and What happened then
A: 2) ......................................................................?
seesaws) where children go to play B: He ran out of the shop and jumped into a car
10 A person who works for a master that was waiting for him. The car drove off
12 The part of the body below the chest down the main street.
13 Untrue statements A: Did you see the car’s number plate?
K I,m afraid not
E Down B: 3) ..................................................................... .
Y 1 Not nice: mean A: OK. Thank you for your time, sir.
3 Gentle in temper or behaviour You,re welcome
B: 4) ..................................................................... .
4 To hit with the hand closed into a fist
5 Not strong in character 4
When you were walking home from school
yesterday, you saw a man spraying paint on
6 A person who is in charge of others a wall. You gave an eyewitness statement
7 One of the brightly coloured parts of a flower to a policeman. Write the dialogue you had
9 The slender stalk supporting a flower with the policeman. Use the dialogue in
11 A feeling of great worry caused by the knowledge Ex. 3 as a model. ★★
of danger (ดู Answer Key Section ท้ายเล่ม)
Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the correct
form. ★
• ignore • stand up • stamp • hit
1 The bully ...................
stamped on the boy’s foot and took
his money.
2 The girl was crying because her classmate
hit her on the face.
3 You must ..................
stand up to bullies. Don’t let them
get their way.
4 ignore them.
If people call you names, just ...................


• A letter giving advice
Read the two letters and put the paragraphs in the correct order. ★

Dear Anabel,
and that
A 3 I hope my advice helps you. Just try to underst
Your Agony Aunt in most cases acne is only temporary.
Dear Annie, k that
B 1 I was sorry to hear you feel this way, but I thin
I have acne on my face and I
hate it. How can I get rid of it? I can help you.
of your
Should I get C 2 You should visit a doctor to find out the cause
cosmetic surgery? acne. Sometimes people get acne because of
poor diet or
Anabel, 15 or minerals. It
because they aren’t getting the right vitamins
its. This can
would be a good idea to change your eating hab
ss causes
dramatically improve your acne. Sometimes stre
rts and activities
acne. Have you thought about doing more spo
to help you relax? This will help Giving advice K
you feel better. The right thing would be E
to ... Y
Annie You should ...
Why don’t you ...
Replace the phrases in bold in
the text with the phrases
Match the advice to the
solutions. ★
This will ...
After you do this, you ...
below. ★ Advice Solutions
• The right thing would be to 1 c join a gym or a sports club a they will make you look
You should
...................................................... 2 a buy loose-fitting clothes better

Why don’t you do 3 d don’t change anything b you won’t put on any
Have you thought about doing 4 b drink more water and fresh
...................................................... more weight
• I think the best thing would fruit juice c you’ll keep fit and lose
It would be a good idea to
be to ........................................... weight

Read the letter below. What is
Laurie’s problem? ★
d people will accept you
the way you are
Laurie has put on six kilos/weight. Use some of the ideas in Ex. 4 to write a letter to Laurie
Dear Annie,
5 giving your advice (100 words). Follow the plan. ★★
I’ve put on six kilos and I don’t feel (ดู Answer Key Section ท้ายเล่ม)
Para 1: express sympathy – I’m sorry to hear ...
comfortable. What should I do? Para 2: your advice – I think the best thing to do is to ...
Desperate Laurie (16) Para 3: closing remarks – I hope my advice helps you ...

Vocabulary A
• Environmental problems

1 Match the pictures to the problems. ★

1 C deforestation
2 E energy waste B
3 D endangered species
4 B rubbish
5 A air pollution D

Complete the sentences with the verbs in
the correct form. ★
• save • worship • threaten • survive
• protect • preserve • face • clean up
1 threaten
Several forms of pollution ..................................
the environment.
2 is going to clean up
The local green group ........................................
the beach next Saturday.
3 worshipped
In ancient times, people .....................................
Circle the correct words. ★
1 Many ancient monuments around the world are
a variety of gods. in / at danger.
4 protect
We need to do more to ....................................... 2 Everyone of us is responsible of / for keeping
the environment. the planet clean.
5 save
Greenpeace is doing a lot to ............................... 3 Stonehenge is at / in risk because of air
whales. pollution.
6 Archaeologists are not sure if the monument 4 The effects on / of water pollution on sea life can
will survive for long.
.......................... be terrible.
7 Conservationists are doing everything they can 5 The Greeks built the temple in / at the 5th
preserve the temple.
to .......................... century BC.
8 face
A number of animal species ............................... 6 You should turn off your computer when it is not
extinction unless we do something. on / in use.

Complete the sentences with the correct
words. ★
b) Use six of the phrases from Ex. 5a to
complete the sentences. ★
• cultural • polluted • rising • responsible
• melting • public
1 The Sphinx is a ......................................
national symbol of Egypt.
Rising seas worry many islanders.
1 .........................
2 The pollution in the sea and on the beaches is
Melting ice is putting many seals at risk.
2 ......................... spoiling many holiday destinations .
3 Using .........................
public transport can help reduce
3 Car exhaust fumes can damage monuments
pollution. busy roads
located along ...................................... .
4 Stonehenge and the Tower of London are two
4 People can help reduce air pollution by using
cultural sites in the UK.
......................... public transport .
5 The coast of California has got a lot of
5 Traffic pollution in South East Asian countries
polluted beaches.
destroys monuments.
6 Many people believe that industries are
6 More and more
responsible for pollution.
plants and animals

a) Match the words to form phrases. ★ are becoming
endangered species
............................... .

1 g endangered a symbol E
2 d traffic b destinations Y
3 c busy c roads
4 h car d pollution
a national
e humid
e weather
f transport 6
Circle the correct words. ★
1 We all have the power / strength to make a
7 f public g species
8 b holiday h parks difference in the world.
2 Heavy rain hurts / damages the old buildings.
3 Stonehenge is an important cultural site / sight
of the UK.
4 Conservationists are working hard / hardly to
save the building.
5 We will face / meet many problems in the future.
6 There are drawings of extinct / lost animals in
the caves.
7 It is very important to preserve our historic /
historical monuments.

Write your own sentences with the words
from Ex. 6. ★★
(ดู Answer Key Section ท้ายเล่ม)

Grammar • will – Present continuous –
• will – be going to Future continuous

1 Write
What is going to happen?
sentences using
3 Circle the correct words/phrases.
1 Did you hear? Mary will get / is getting married

the phrases below and next year.

be going to. ★ 2 John will meet / is meeting Helen at 4 pm.
• get on a bus 2 3 This time next week I will lie / will be lying on
• buy a new bicycle the beach.
• play football 4 People will not have / will not be having paper
• go on holiday money in 2050.
5 Phone me at 10 o’clock. I won’t be sleeping /
3 am not sleeping then.
1 Jessica .........................
is going to go... 6 Will you go / Are you going to the ‘Save the
on holiday
....................................... . Whale’ talk tonight?
2 Tim and Ken ..................
are going 7 This time tomorrow I will take / will be taking
to play football
....................................... . 4 my exam!
3 Lindsay is...........................
going to get 8 Do you think people will ever live / are ever
K on a bus
....................................... . living on the moon?
E is going to buy
4 Julian ..............................
new bicycle . • Conditionals type 0-3
Fill in the gaps with will or am/is/are going
to and the verbs in brackets. ★

4 Complete the sentences with the correct
form of the verbs in brackets. What type of
conditional is each sentence? ★
1 A: Our class is planting trees in the park today. Type 2
will come (come) and help you! 1 If I were rich, I .............................
would buy (buy) a yacht.
B: I .................................
2 get/will get
If you sit in the sun too long, you ......................
2 A: My sister
going to have (have) a baby.
sunburnt. Type 0/1
B: That’s great!
3 If everyone ................................................
had joined (join)
3 A: Are you busy on Saturday morning? yesterday’s beach clean-up, we would have had
I ....................................
B: Yes, am going to cut (cut) the grass. a clean beach. Type 3
4 A: Do you and Josh want to go out? 4 will watch
If I get home early, I ...........................................
B: No, we ..are going to (watch) a film on TV.
(watch) the wildlife documentary. Type 1
5 A: The sky is very dark. 5 Unless we stop chopping down trees, plants and
B: It ........................................................
is going to rain (rain). ...............................
wildlife will die (die). Type 1
6 A: Can you come to the beach clean-up on had known (know) it was such a
6 If we .................................
Sunday? long way, we would have taken a taxi. Type 3
will do (do) my best to make it.
B: I ............................ 7 don,t water
Plants die if you .................................................
7 A: People will live
................................................. (live)
(not/water) them. Type 0
a lot longer in the future. 8 If public transport was more reliable, people
B: Do you think so? would stop
........................................ (stop) using their cars.
Complete the conditional sentences using • Grammar revision
your own ideas. ★★ (Suggested answer)
1 When I go to bed late, I feel tired the next day. 8
Choose the correct words/phrases. ★
1 If only Emma ...... here!
If I lived by a beach, I ..would swim every day.
.................................... A is B be C were
When someone adds 10 + 20, they ..................... get 30
2 I’m sure scientists ...... our environmental
will staysome in and problems.
4 If
it’s raining this weekend, I watch DVDs.
A are solving B would solve
5 If my friend hadn’t studied for her English test,
she ..wouldn
,t have got such a good mark .
C will solve
3 I won’t forgive you unless you ...... you are
Circle the correct words/phrases. ★
1 Don’t go! Wait until the light turns / will turn
A say B don’t say C won’t say
green. 4 Now that I know this fish is endangered,
2 I’ll call you when I put / will put some credit in I ...... eat it anymore.
my mobile. A won’t to B am not going to
3 When will Jessica / is Jessica arrive? C won’t
4 Please tidy your room before I get / will get 5 I will wait until I ...... from you.
home. A am hearing B hear C will hear
6 We ...... Alex tonight. We arranged it yesterday.
• wishes A will have seen B will see Y
Write sentences using if only/I wish, as in
the example. ★★
C are seeing
7 Remember to lock the front door when you
1 The exam was difficult. ...... .
If only the exam hadn’t been difficult. A had left B will leave C leave
I wish the exam hadn’t been difficult.
8 If I were you, I ...... so much junk food.
2 Our holiday is over tomorrow.
If.....only our holiday wasn,t/weren,t over tomorrow.
A wouldn’t eat B won’t eat
I wish
..... our holiday wasn,t/weren,t over tomorrow.
C don’t eat
3 I didn’t adopt the baby seal. 9 When I get details of the clean-up campaign,
If .only
..... I had adopted the baby seal.
...................................................................... I ...... you.
I wish
..... I had adopted the baby seal.
....................................................................... A call B will call C am calling
4 Our neighbours don’t recycle their rubbish! 10 Oh dear! If I ...... Sam was a vegetarian,
If .only
..... our neighbours recycled their rubbish!
...................................................................... I wouldn’t have cooked roast beef.
I wish
..... our neighbours recycled their rubbish!
....................................................................... A know B had known C knew
5 I bought the red jacket not the blue one. 11 If everyone recycled, it ...... the planet.
If .only
..... I had bought the blue jacket.
...................................................................... A will help B helps C would help
I wish
..... I had bought the blue jacket.
....................................................................... 12 If I ...... my mobile at home, I would have got
6 We spent all our money. your text message.
If .only
..... we hadn,t spent all our money.
...................................................................... A didn’t leave B hadn’t left
I wish
..... we hadn,t spent all our money.
....................................................................... C don’t leave


1 Read the text below and mark the sentences T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say). ★

Our planet is in danger, and we are responsible for this situation! But it’s not
too late. We will have to work together to help save our home.
Did you know that man destroys 50 acres of rainforest every minute? If
you throw away two aluminium cans, you waste more energy than one
billion of the world’s poorest people use in one day! Air conditioning uses
10 times more energy than a fan and so the pollution it creates is 10 times
greater. There are mountains of rubbish everywhere, the Arctic ice cap is melting and
animals are becoming extinct.
So what can we do to help? Surprisingly, it’s very easy, but we all have to do a little every day, otherwise
things will never change. Save electricity: turn off lights, computers, laptops and TVs when you don’t need
them. Don’t use air conditioning, use a fan instead. One of the best ways to help the planet is to ride a bike
to school. This way you will save money, get more exercise and, more importantly, you won’t pollute the air.
Reuse and recycle and you will help the planet in a positive way!

1 Our planet is at risk. T

....... 5 People use air conditioners more
2 People waste a lot of energy. T
....... than fans. DS
E 3 We use too many aluminium cans. ....... 6 Rubbish ends up on mountain tops. .......
Y 4 Pollution from a fan is 10 times greater 7 It’s too late to change the situation. F
than pollution from air conditioning. F
....... 8 Laptops waste electricity. DS

Read the leaflet and complete the notes. ★★

Come join us this Saturday and help us clean the local beaches!
If you want to come and help, be at the town hall on Saturday 23rd at 8 am. There you will join a group, and
a bus will take you to the beach nearby. We will give you rubbish bags and water, but you must bring your
own sunscreen and hat.

Date Saturday 23rd

Time 8 am

Meeting place town hall

What they will give you rubbish bags and water

What to bring the sunscreen and the hat

Means of transport bus

Vocabulary Listening

3 howl,
Fill in the gaps with blow, drizzle, freeze,
pour in the correct tense. ★

5 Listen and choose the correct pictures.
1 What will the weather be like tomorrow?

,s pouring rain. Let’s head
It looks like it ..............................

2 It’s froze
terribly cold. Everything ..................................
over last night. A B 3 C
3 You don’t really need your raincoat. It’s only
2 How many people are going to clean up?
.................................. .
4 It’s a good time to go sailing when the wind
is blowing lightly.
was howling last night. Did A B C 3
5 The wind ..................................
you hear it? 3 What will the girl do?

Fill in the gaps with contact, lines, eruptions,
freaks, forest, rain. ★
A B C 3
4 How far is the nearest beach? K
B 3
5 What is Katie doing?

1 Heavy ........................
rain can cause damage to A B 3 C
2 eruptions
There are about ten volcanic ........................ Dictation
everyday on the Earth.
3 Most chemical products we come into

6 Listen and fill in the gaps. ★★
contact with are dangerous.
....................... The Great Barrier Reef in Australia is the world’s largest
4 During the summer, hikers must be very reef. It is over 2,300 km long and is home to over 1,500
careful of .......................
forest fires. species of fish. Unfortunately, global warming
1) .....................
threatens its existence because coral reefs are
now 2) .....................
Some rare weather phenomena are ..freaks ...........
very pollution .
sensitive to temperature change and 3) .....................
of nature. Experts say that up to 95% of the reef may not
6 lines
Electrical power ..................................... often survive if temperatures continue to rise. It’s time
4) .....................
fall during strong storms. to do something or the reef will disappear and many of

its extinct .
fish will become 5) .....................


5d5c& 5e
Vocabulary 3
Circle the correct words. ★

a) Match the words to form phrases. ★ 1 The Amazon River is home to / for the pink
1 d fishing a facts
2 e native b project 2 Many species are in / at danger of disappearing.
3 c endangered c species 3 Chemicals are harmful for / to most animals.
4 a worrying d villages 4 Farmers have to stop throwing waste on / in
5 b school e people the river.
5 An oil tanker sank off / of the coast.
b) Use the phrases in Ex. 1a to complete
the sentences. ★ Everyday English
1 The ..........................................
native people of New Zealand 4
Complete the dialogue with the correct
phrases/sentences. ★
are the Maori.
The tiger is officially the world’s most ............... • That sounds great • Why don’t we
endangered species.
.................................. • I’m afraid I can’t • How about
3 fishing villages
There are many pretty ........................................ A: Hi Bob. Did you hear that the school is holding
on Japan’s coastline. a charity concert for WWF?
4 A study on ocean pollution has revealed some B: Really? 1) .......................................
That sounds great . When is it?
E worrying facts .
.................................. A: Why don,t we
Friday evening at 9 o’clock. 2) ...........................
Y 5 I interviewed a climate scientist as part of my go together?
school project on air pollution. I,m afraid I can,t . I have to work in the
B: 3) ...................................
Use the verbs in the correct form to
complete the sentences. ★
A: Oh, that’s too bad. Wait! I have an idea.
How about asking my sister to work
4) ...............................
• threaten • reflect • face (extinction) instead. She hates concerts.
• survive B: Brilliant idea! Let’s call her.
1 The demand for shark fin soup is currently
threatening the survival of many shark
.......................... 5
Use the poster to write a dialogue similar to
the one in Ex. 4. ★★(ดู Answer Key Section ท้ายเล่ม)
2 to ref  lect
Everyone should take a minute ..........................
Help us save
on what they can do to help the environment. the pink dolphin
3 Many people think it is unlikely that tigers of the
will survive in the 21st century.
.......................... Amazon
4 According to a recent report, almost half River
the world’s primate species are now Join our
facing extinction
.......................... . 24 hrs Marathon Basketball Tournament
Saturday 9th May, 9 am
School Gym

• An essay stating a problem & 3
Which of the sentences below can you use
to start the second and the third paragraph
offering solutions of the essay in Ex. 1? Write the paragraph

1 with
Read the essay and label the paragraphs
the correct headings. ★
number. ★★
A We could also fine people for dumping
A state the effects C state the problem B The problem is that there is litter all over the
B summary of opinion D offer solutions beach…
C There are some simple solutions to this
D We don’t understand why people are doing
1 C More and more people are coming to this.
the beach near our town. Unfortunately, many
2nd paragraph 3rd paragraph
people are leaving their rubbish behind them.
2 A This means that our beach is full of
rubbish and it is becoming too dirty and
dangerous to swim there. People will cut 4
Your teacher asked you to write an essay
offering solutions to the litter problem in and
themselves on broken glass or tins, and sea around your school. Match the problems, K
creatures will die when they swallow plastic effects and solutions. ★
bags or other rubbish. (ดู Answer Key Section ท้ายเล่ม)
3 D Fortunately, there are a few simple Problems Effects Solutions
solutions to this problem. First, we can organise Students throw The litter builds Put more bins
a clean-up day; we’ll all help clean up and also sweet wrappers up in and around
inform people of how important it is to keep the in playground school
beach clean. We should also put bins on the There are not Litter Four students
beach and put signs up to tell people to put their enough bins everywhere volunteer to
pick up litter
rubbish in these bins. every day
4 B To conclude, we can all help keep our There is no one Students have Put signs up
beach clean for everyone to enjoy and at the to pick up litter nowhere to put telling students
same time help protect the marine life in the their litter to use bins
Now write your essay. Think about what the
problem is, what the effects are, what the
solutions are. Use your answers from Ex. 4
Replace the words in bold in the text with
the words: in conclusion, to begin with,
to help you. ★★
luckily. ★ To conclude = In conclusion (ดู Answer Key Section ท้ายเล่ม)
First = To begin with
Fortunately = Luckily

Vocabulary • Space
• Means of communication
3 a)mission,
Fill in the gaps with
a) Find the means of communication. ★ satellites, exploration,
scientist, capsule, system,
greeting, station. ★
i n t e r n e t m i p F 1 Space ......................................
exploration will
t a f o w b a u o w o benefit everyone on our planet.
e t m y k s a j b l t
l f a x m a c h i n e 2 Our school buried a time
e f h a r e i u l u s capsule and hopefully
p e g q l e t t e r e .................................
h s b m p o m b p n s someone in the future will find
o w x z c o i y h o t
n d p a g e r l o n e it.
e s m p b e f a n b a E 3 How many planets are there in
s a t e l l i t e i b our solar ..............................?
A B C 4 mission
The spacecraft is on a .................
D to find life on other planets.
5 Do you know how astronauts
sleep on a space .........................?
K 6 scientist
My uncle is a ................................
E working for NASA.
Y b) Which of the means of communication do you use 7 satellites
Over 2,000 ................................ are
to: ★ (Suggested answer) currently orbiting the Earth.
call your friends? ..I....................................................................
call my friends on the telephone. 8 greeting
Susan shouted out a .....................
2 I find information on the Internet.
find information? ...................................................................... to her neighbour, Mr Barton.
send or receive a message? ..I...................................................
my sendmobileor receive
phone. messages on
4 I receive news on my mobile phone.
receive news? ..........................................................................
b) Fill in the gaps with launch,
Answer the questions about yourself. ★★ (Suggested answer)
1 How often do you send text messages (SMS)?
explore, land, receives. ★
1 launch
They plan to ...................................
I .send
.... text messages every day.
.............................................................................................. a satellite to monitor global
................................................................................................... warming.
2 NASA .............................
receives messages
2 When was the last time you wrote a letter? Who to? Why did
from Voyager about all the planets
you write it? .............................................................................
The last time I wrote a letter was last month. it passes.
I .wrote
.... to my penfriend to invite her to come and
stay with me. 3 When did the first spacecraft
3 Which means of communication do you use the most? Why? land on the moon?
I .mostly
.... use the mobile phone to send text messages.
.............................................................................................. 4 As a child, I wanted to
................................................................................................... explore space.
4 How often do you use the Internet? Where? What for?
I .use
.... the Internet two or three times a week at home.
I .like
.... chatting with my friends online and I also use it to
help me do my homework.
Complete the sentences with the verbs in
the list in the correct form. ★
Do the crossword. ★

Across 5 6
• transmit • communicate • carry
• greet • represent 2
1 transmit
Weather satellites ...............................................
signals back to Earth.
2 greet 1
How would you .................................................. s
someone who doesn’t speak your language? c 3
will represent i e
3 He the president e x
at the opening ceremony of the museum n t
t r s
2 s a
tomorrow. i a 4 8
4 carried
In 1977, Voyager 2 ........................................... a s t E
t e a
message from planet Earth. r r
5 Mobile phones and the Internet help people
5 s p a c e c r a f t
e h
communicate with each other easily.
....................................... s
6 a s t r o n a u t 7
r m
Choose four words from Exs. 3 & 4 and write
sentences using them. ★ (Suggested answer) Down
i o
a o
l a
8 p n e t
1 Our solar system is not the only one that
............................................................................. 1 Y
............................................................................. 4
2 ........ forecasts are now more accurate
with the help of satellites.
............................................................................. 7
A huge
3 ........ amount of money is spent on space
4 ........ are investigating the possibility
of life
........ on other planets.

Circle the correct words. ★
1 The captain was waiting to shake / greet the
astronauts as they boarded the rocket /
Imagine you are an astronaut on a NASA
mission. Write a short paragraph about what
capsule. you can see, what you’re doing, how you
2 Would you like to live on a desert / dessert feel. Use the vocabulary on this page. ★★answer)
island where nobody else lives? At......the moment I,m in the spacecraft writing my diary
3 The human / people race has always been entry
..... for today. The pen I use has got a string
fascinated by the possibility of discovering attached
..... to it so it won,t f loat away! Outside I can
extraterrestrials. see.......................................................................
..... the Earth far away in the distance. It looks
4 A time capsule was sent with Voyager 1 and 2 very.......................................................................
..... strange and very beautiful just now. I feel very
as a messenger / carrier to inhabitants / lucky
..... to have the chance to be here.
residents of other planets. WORKBOOK

Grammar • said – told

Reported statements
3 Fill in the gaps with said or told. ★

Circle the correct words/phrases. ★
1 “I’m going running this Saturday morning,”

Yesterday said
at school, my friend, Katie, 1) ..............
Alex said. Alex said him / he was going running

to told
me that she needed my help. She 2) ..............
me that she wasn’t doing well in her computer
that / this Saturday morning. said
studies class. She 3) .............. she didn’t like the
2 “Katie isn’t here,” he says. He says that Katie subject and that she had failed her last exam.
isn’t / wasn’t here. told her that computer studies are my
I 4) ..............
3 “I accidentally dropped my laptop yesterday,” said
favourite subject. I 5) .............. to her that I would
Isla said. Isla said her / she had accidentally be happy to help!
dropped her laptop the day before / that day.
4 “You can stay with my family this week,” Emma
said. Emma said that I / my could stay with
Read the dialogue. Then circle the correct
item. ★
her / hers family that week.
5 “We’re very busy now,” they said. They said Dorion: I’m very tired today. I can’t stop yawning!
that they / them were very busy today / then. Natalie: Well, you need to go to bed earlier.
6 “I will finish my essay tomorrow,” he said. Dorion: You’re right. I’ll try.
K He said that him / he would finish his / him
E essay the next day / that day. Dorion 1) said / told Natalie that he was very tired that
Y day. He 2) said / told that he couldn’t stop yawning.
Rewrite the direct speech as reported
speech. ★★
Natalie 3) said / told him that he needed to go to bed
earlier. Dorion 4) said to / told to Natalie that she was
1 “I’m going to buy a new mobile phone this right and that he would try.
week,” Samantha said.
Samantha said (that) she was going to buy a
new mobile phone that week. 5 (Suggested answer)
Rewrite the dialogue in reported speech. ★★

2 “I haven’t checked my email yet,” he said. Nathan: I’m watching the documentary about
(that) yet
email he hadn,t checked his
He said ............................................................ . space travel on TV tonight. It’s on at 8
3 “I have never been to France,” she said. o’clock.
She said (that) she had never been to France
........................................................... . Charlotte: I want to but I can’t. I’m going to my
4 “We can’t stay out late tonight,” they said. grandparents’ house for dinner this
They said (that)
they couldn,t stay out late .
that night
5 “I went out for dinner last night,” he said. Nathan: I will record it for you. I’ll give you the
He said ............................................................
(that) he before
had gone out for dinner . DVD at school tomorrow.
the night said he was watching
Nathan the documentary about
6 “I will call Sam later,” she said.
She said (that) she would call Sam later . space travel on TV that night. He said (that) it was on
........................................................... at 8 o,clock.
7 “My sister likes Japanese food,” Dan said.
Dan said ..........................................................
(that) Charlotte said (that) she wanted to but (that) she couldn,t.
food his sister liked Japanese . ....................................................................................
She said (that) she was going to her grandparent,s house
8 “They don’t look well,” he says.
He says ..(that) they don,t look well
.......................................................... . for dinner that evening.
WORKBOOK Nathan said (that) he would record it for her. He said
46 (that) he would give her the DVD at school the next day.
• Reported questions, • Grammar revision
commands/requests 8
Choose the correct words/phrases. ★

6 Rewrite the questions/commands/requests
in reported speech. ★
1 I ...... my sister not to touch my computer.
A told B said C says
1 “Why are you late?” he said.
He asked me why I was late. 2 Sam said ...... brother had bought a new iPod.
2 “Don’t speak to me,” she said. A he B him C his
She .........told me not to speak to her.
.................................................................... 3 “They are busy now,” he says. He says they ......
3 “Can you post a letter for me?” he said. busy now.
He asked
........ me whether/if I could post a letter
..................................................................... A was B were C are
“Tidy your room!” she said.
for him. 4 “I can’t help you ......,” she said.
She .told
........ me to tidy my room.
.................................................................... A the day before B today
5 “Please help me with my homework,” he said. C the next day
He asked
........ me to help him with his homework.
..................................................................... 5 “Please visit us soon!” they ...... .
A told B said C said to
Turn the reported conversation into direct
speech by filling in the gaps. ★★ 6 “...... Jessica home?” she said.
A Is B Whether C If
Anna told Dan she was going 7 He said that he was flying to Athens ...... . K
to buy a new laptop. She said A today B tomorrow E
her grandparents had given her Y
C the next day
some money for her birthday
the previous week. Dan asked 8 They said they ...... to their grandparents’ house
her which laptop she wanted to twice that week.
buy. Anna told him she would A were B had been C have been
buy the most expensive one she
could find! Dan told her not to 9 She told me ...... answer the phone.
buy an expensive laptop. Anna asked him why not. A not B don’t C not to
Dan told her because she didn’t need one. Anna
asked Dan to help her choose one. Dan told her that 10 They ...... if they could stay up late.
of course he would. A asked B said C told
11 “They aren’t away on holiday now,” she said.
Anna: I 1) ...........................................
am going to buy a new laptop. She said that they ...... away on holiday then.
gave me
My grandparents 2) ........................................ A aren’t B weren’t
some money for my birthday C haven’t been
last week .
3) ................................. 12 He said he ...... his wallet there.
Dan: do you want to buy
Which laptop 4) .................................................? A had found B has found
Anna:  can find
The most expensive one I 5) ...........................! C would find
Dan: Don
, t buy
6) .................................. an expensive laptop.
Anna: Why not?
Dan: don,t need
Because you 7) ....................................... one.
Write direct speech or reported speech
sentences using the following time
Anna: Will
8) .......................... you help me choose one? expressions: the week after, tomorrow,
Dan: I will
Of course 9) .................................................. . the day before, then, now, that day. ★★
(ดู Answer Key Section ท้ายเล่ม) WORKBOOK

Reading 2 Read again and complete the

1 DSRead(doesn’t
the text and mark the sentences T (true), F (false) or
say). ★
sentences about the Transition.
1 The Transition car is different
it can f ly
because ......................................
.................................................... .
2 Scientists probably didn’t
build the Transition in 1949
Have you ever imagined they didn,t have the
because ......................................
how much fun it would be right materials and technology.
if your car could transform 3 To be able to fly the Transition,
into an aeroplane? It sounds unbelievable, but now it can really
happen. An American company has produced the Transition, a
a sports pilot,s
you have to get ..........................
car with folding wings. You simply drive it to the airport, unfold licence
.................................................... .
the wings and take off. The vehicle can f ly for 500 miles on one
You can get this after .................twenty
, training
.................................................... .
tank of petrol.
Scientists designed the f irst f lying car in 1949, but they never 4 When you have finished flying
built it. Today, new materials and improved technology have the Transition for the day, you
made it possible for a car to actually f ly. A group of university park it in your garage
can ..............................................
students designed the Transition and then formed a company to .................................................... .
K make and sell the vehicles. The cars cost nearly $200,000. They 5 The manufacturers of the
Y are expensive, but they may get cheaper in the future. believe that
Transition isn,t
To f ly these amazing vehicles you only need a sports pilot’s
difficult to use
....................................... because
licence, which you can get after twenty hours’ training. It takes
just 15 seconds to change from a car to an aeroplane and at the anyone who can drive a car .
end of the day you can park it in your garage. can use its controls
In the future, the skies may be full of f lying cars. The manufacturers
say that we must stop thinking that f lying is diff icult. According
Answer the questions. ★★
(Suggested answer)
1 Why do you think the Transition
to them, anyone who can drive a car can f ly this machine as the think it,s expensive
is so expensive? ..I.......................
controls are the same. So, sixty years after the f irst design, the because the materials and technology
dream of a f lying car is f inally coming true!
that .it............................................
........ uses are still quite new, which
makes production costs high.
1 An American company has built the first flying car. T
2 Would you like to have one of
2 You can fly from your home. F
these flying cars? Why/Why
3 It costs a lot of money to use the airport. ..DS
.... I would love to have one of
not? ............................................
4 The vehicle does not need petrol. F
...... these f lying cars. It would be very
5 They have sold very few flying cars due to the high exciting
......... to f ly over the city and see
cost. ..DS
.... everything
......... from above. Also, it would
6 The cars might be less expensive in the future. T
...... be the............................................
perfect solution to traff ic jams.
3 Do you think we will all have
7 It takes twenty hours to become a sports pilot. T
...... flying cars in the future? Why/
8 The flying car cannot fit in a garage. F
...... Why not? I....................................
think it is very possible
9 All car drivers can fly the vehicle. T
...... that most people will have flying
10 The design of the flying car will change in the future. ..DS
.... cars .one
........ day. As technology develops,
.........will become more affordable.
Vocabulary 6 Answer the questions. (Suggested answer)

4 Fillrelatedin theto gaps with the correct words

computers. ★
I use my
What do you use your computer for? .................
computer for sending emails, playing games and
doing my homework.
1 She sent an e.........................
mail to her penfriend 2
Which search engine do you use? ..I.................... use Google
in Japan.
.... Yahoo.
 ocument 3 What is your favourite website? Why?
2 The d............................. got stuck in the printer.
.... favourite website is
3 Bob can b.........................................
  urn CDs on his
.... it has all the latest fashions.
4 How can you protect your computer from
4     nline
My mum does all her shopping o....................... . viruses? .The best way to protect my computer
5 The I................................... is a great source of from
.... viruses is to install antivirus software.
6   ownload
I was trying to d............................... the file all Listening
7 He is the only one who knows his secret 7 of communication
Listen and match the people to the means
they use the most. ★
p............................. .
8 I have a w.............................................
    ebcam on my People
Means of
computer so I can see my cousin in Australia communication
A telephone K
through the Internet. 1 B Steven B SMS E
9 Attach s.............................. to your computer if Y
you want to listen to music through it.
2 C Adrian C email
D letter
10    ickname
I use a n............................. when I go onto a 3 A Helen E fax
chatroom so that people don’t know who I am. 4 G Stacy F chat room
G mobile phone
5 F Daniel
5 Fill in the gaps with save, chat, prepare,
surf, read, print, design. ★
H pager

1 read the DVD,

My computer won’t ........................... Dictation
so I can’t watch it.
2 Can you ...........................
print the document and
8 Listen and fill in the gaps. ★★

leave it on my desk?

3 Don’t save
forget to ........................... the file before Teenagers in the UK spend about
you switch off the computer. 1) ..................................
30 hours a week online.
4 surf the Net every
My brother and I ........................... The 2) ..................................
majority of them use
evening. communicate with
the Internet to 3) ..................................
5 They ...........................
chat online in the evenings. play games .
friends and 4) ............................................
6 Larry is going to evening classes to learn
Many help
also use it to 5) .................................
to ...........................
how design websites. homework and
them with their 6) ...............................
7 Sam has to ...........................
prepare a PowerPoint the news .
a few use it to read 7) ..............................
presentation for a meeting at work.

6d6c& 6e
Vocabulary Everyday English

1 Match the words to form phrases. Use them
to complete the sentences. ★
Read and circle the correct sentences.
A: I don’t know how to copy this song to my

1 c cultural a compartment memory stick. Can you help me?

2 e body b your hand B: 1) a Of course. b That’s OK.
3 a train c slips First insert your memory stick into the slot in
4 b raise d experience the tower.
5 d embarrassing e language A: 2) a All right. b No problem.
B: Now click on the file for the song you want to
1 I had a first class ticket, so the conductor told copy.
train compartment .
me to sit in the first ......................................... A: 3) a Sure. Is it OK? b Got it! What’s
2 raise your hand if you
“Children, please ...................................... next?
want to leave the classroom,” the teacher said. B: Click on ‘Copy this file’ and a window will open.
Body language can be just as important
3 ..................................... A: 4) a Sounds good. b Then what?
as words in a job interview. B: Click on ‘Removable Disk’ and then on ‘Paste’.
4 “I advise you to read up on Chinese culture if A: 5) a Is that all? b What else?
cultural slips
you want to avoid making ...............................”, B: Yes.
K she said.
Choose the correct words. ★ 5 Replace the underlined sentences with the
sentences below. ★
1 get it wrong / mistake • What do I do next? • You’re welcome.
2 keep / hold my hands in my pockets • Done it! • what’s wrong?
3 rest / remaining of my stay 1 what
,s wrong?
Hey, are you OK? ................................................
4 show / introduce sb to sb else 2 Done it!
Got it! What’s next? ............................................
5 rise / raise my hand 3 What do I do next?
All right. Then what? ..........................................
4 You,re welcome.
No problem. .......................................................
Fill in the gaps with insult, cross, bow, hug,
change in the correct form. ★
1 Molly’s face .......................
changed when she heard the 6 Your friend is helping you to copy some
photos to your memory stick. Use the
good news. pictures below to help you write a dialogue.
2 crossed his legs.
Gary sat down and ....................... Use the dialogue in Ex. 4 as a model. ★★
3 bow when you meet
It is polite to ....................... (ดู Answer Key Section ท้ายเล่ม)
someone in Japan.
4 insult to smile at a
In Korea, it’s a(n) .......................
person you don’t know.
hugged her little brother to thank him
5 Lily .....................
for the present. C D


• A for-and-against essay
Underline the sentence which gives Jane’s
opinion and the topic sentences in the main

1 Read Jane’s essay and complete the table. ★ body paragraphs. ★

a) Put the sentences below in the correct
order to make a main body paragraph. Which
the topic sentence? ★ The topic sentence is: It could
be good for all teens to have their own laptop at school.
A 2 First of all, it would help them a lot with their
B 4 Also, it could help teachers to make lessons
Computer games are becoming more and more more interesting.
popular with teenagers. Is this good
(Topic or bad?
sentence) C 1 It could be good for all teens to have their own
Computer games can be good for teenagers. 1) Firstly, laptop at school.
some games are educational. 2) For example, they
can improve your maths, reading and problem- D 3 They could use the Internet, for example, to
solving skills. 3) Also, they are a safe way to spend find information.
your time. If you are at home with your friends, your E 5 Students could use webcams to communicate
parents know where you are. (Topic sentence)
4) On the other hand, some people believe that with students in other schools, for instance.
playing computer games is bad. They say that b) Write an alternative topic sentence for the
some games are very violent. They could change K
your personality or even encourage you to commit . paragraph. ★★ (Suggested answer) E
crimes. They can also distract you from more Making laptops available for all teens at
............................................................................. Y
important things. You may fall behind with your school can have a number of advantages.
homework, 5) for instance. (Jane,s opinion)
6) All in all, there are both good and bad things about
playing computer games. However, teens should be 5
Match the arguments to the examples. ★
careful about the kind of games they play. 1 d make good a talk to teachers,
friends in chat experts etc. around
rooms the world
Computer games
2 a opportunities to b strangers try to harm
advantages examples/details
Some games are They can improve your meet interesting you
educational. skills people c fall behind with
Games are a safe way You are at home with 3 b can be school work/neglect
to spend your time.  your friends. dangerous friends
disadvantages examples/details 4 c take up too d easy to find people
Computer games can They could change your much time with your interests
be violent. personality or encourage
you to commit crimes.
They distract you
from more important
You may fall behind with
your homework. 6

Portfolio Use the ideas in Ex. 5 and the
plan to write an essay called Should teens
Which of the linking expressions in bold: ★

1 list Firstly, Also
points? ..........................................................
use chat rooms? (90-100 words). ★★
(ดู Answer Key Section ท้ายเล่ม)
Para 1: state the topic
2 for example, for instance
give examples? .................................................. Para 2: advantages/examples
3 On the other hand
introduce the opposite opinion? ......................... Para 3: disadvantages/examples
4 All in all
introduce a conclusion? ..................................... Para 4: conclude & give opinion

Vocabulary • TV programmes
• Adjectives
3 Unscramble the words to find types of TV

1 Circle the correct words. ★

1 Jack told us a(n) ...... story that made us laugh.

programmes. Then use them to label the
pictures. ★
A childish B amusing C awful prstso gmemarpor lapy

2 The film has got ...... special effects. olcpie mdara hfsonai wsoh
A funny B curious C brilliant auernt mpgmrorae imfl
3 It was a very ...... documentary; you should see adarm whos uimcs erampomgr
A funny B terrible C interesting
4 With its ...... plot, the film is going to be a
A curious B gripping C special
5 It’s a ...... film with brilliant acting. 1 .....police drama
.......................... nature
2 ...............................
A delicious B human C touching programme
K 6 Oh, look at Peter Rabbit! He’s so ......!
Y A cute B terrible C childish

Complete the sentences with the correct
words in the list. ★

3 ............................... drama show
4 ...............................
• silly • boring • educational
• awful • fantastic
1 I nearly fell asleep during the film! It was so
2 fantastic . The acting
That police drama is ..........................
is top quality and so are the storylines.
3 I find those nature documentaries very music
5 ............................... 6 show
educational . I always learn a lot from
.......................... programme
4 awful
That sitcom is ..........................! It isn’t funny
and the acting is very poor.
5 silly .
I found the comedy show too ..........................
The jokes were ridiculous and childish.
7 ............................... sports
8 ...............................

Fill in the gaps with news, • Films
documentaries, chat, sitcom, soap
opera, quiz, fashion show. ★ 6
Match the words to form phrases. Then use the phrases
to complete sentences 1-5. ★★
1 I prefer to live my own life rather
than follow the daily lives of 1 e sound a packed

others on a daytime soap opera .
..................... 2 a action- b ceremony
2 In the evenings, I like watching 3 d computer- c fiction
my favourite ...................................; 4 c science- d animated
it always make me laugh. 5 b awards e effects
3 news
Watching the ................................... 1 science-fiction film that is set in the
Star Wars is a(n) ......................................
can be depressing because there future and involves the battle of the galaxies.
are so many reports of terrible 2 The ......................................
sound effects of the latest James Bond film were
events. so loud that people jumped every time something exploded.
4 quiz
I really enjoy that ............................ 3 It was a(n) ..........................................
action-packed film with excellent stunts.
show that tests your knowledge 4 Madagascar 3 is a(n) ......................................
computer-animated film about
against that of a 10 year-old. another adventure of four Central Park Zoo animals.
5 fashion show
The charity held a ........................... 5 awards
The actress wore a fabulous evening gown to the ....................
with famous models to raise ceremony
....................................... .
money for their cause. K
I enjoy watching documentaries
6 ...........................
about ancient civilisations.
Use the verbs in the list in the correct tense to complete
the sentences. ★

7 Many chat shows • direct • build • star • release • win
are interesting because you get • play • compose
to listen to people talk about their 1 won
Emma Stone .................................. an Oscar for her role in the
problems. film La La Land in 2017.
composed the music for Phantom of the Opera?
Write four sentences about
types of TV programmes you
2 Who .......................
3 released
Most blockbuster films are .......................................... in the
like/don’t like. ★★ (Suggested answer) summer.
nature programmes
1 I like ................................................. 4 directed
Andrew Stanton ................................... the animated adventure

because I can learn about
............................................ film Finding Dory.
............................ ............................... 5 built
The robot Wall-E was .................................... by humans to
I don t like soap operas because
2 ............................................................ collect rubbish.
the acting is usually awful.
........................................................... 6 plays
Tom Cruise usually ................................... the role of the hero in
........................................................... his films.
I like sports programmes
3 ........................................................... starred
a lot of sports 7 Arnold Schwarzenegger ................................... in many science-
because I play..............................
myself., fiction films.
............................ ...............................
I don t like, watching the news Write a few sentences about your favourite film. Use
it s boring. 8
4 ...........................................................
........................................................... these words/phrases: ★★ (ดู Answer Key Section ท้ายเล่ม)
• was directed • stars • plays the role • wrote music


• The passive

3 a)andUseanswers,
the information to write questions
as in the example. Use the
correct passive form. ★★
Fill in the gaps with is, are, was, were, will
be, has been, have been, can be. ★ Nutwell School
1 was
Mamma Mia ...................................... filmed on
a Greek island in 2008. When: Saturday, 30th June
2 is
Irish traditional music ........................................ Where: the School Hall
played on the tin whistle. Who: We’ve asked last year’s popular band,
can be The Angels, to play again!
3 Michelangelo’s statue of David ........................... Guests: Your friends and parents are all
seen in Florence. welcome.
4 were
Kidnapped and Treasure Island .......................... Tickets: You can buy tickets from the school
secretary. Support a good cause!
written by Robert Louis Stevenson.
We will give all profits
5 Films have been made by Joel and to a local charity.
Ethan Coen since the 1980’s.
6 In the next few years, many more films
1 When and where/held?
will be produced in 3D.
......................... When and where will it be held?
K 7 Because of the recent bad weather, the match It will be held on Saturday, 30th June at the
E has been cancelled.
......................... School Hall.
8 are
New films ........................ released every week. 2
Who/asked to play again?
........ has been asked to play again?
Write the sentences in the correct passive
form. ★★
The .Angels
........ have been asked to play again.
3 Who/invited?
1 The Academy Awards have presented Kathryn Who.....................................................................
........ are invited to the party?
, friends and parents are invited to
Bigelow with an Oscar. Kathryn Bigelow has
Where/tickets bought?
the party.
been presented with an Oscar. Where can tickets be bought?
........ .....................................................................
2 You can see the Acropolis from our hotel. Tickets
........ can be bought from the school
The .Acropolis
........ can be seen from our hotel.
.................................................................... 5
Where/profits given?
3 The Japanese produced the first digital cameras. Where
........ will profits be given?
The .first
........ digital cameras were produced by
.................................................................... Profits
........ will be given to a local charity.
the Japanese.
4 They give a free DVD with this magazine. b) Use the information about the end-of-year
A free
........ DVD is given with this magazine.
..................................................................... party and write a short text about it. Use
5 James Cameron will release a sequel to Avatar. passive form. ★★
A sequel
........ to Avatar will be released by James
..................................................................... The
School s end-of-year party will
Cameron. be held
........ on Saturday, 30th June at the School
6 They have printed Alice in Wonderland in over
100 languages. Hall......................................................................
........ The Angels have been asked to play at the
........ in Wonderland has been printed in over party.
........ Students, friends and parents are invited
100 languages. to the
........ party. Tickets can be bought from the
........ secretary. Profits will be given to a local
WORKBOOK charity.
• The causative • Grammar revision
Complete the sentences using the causative.
Choose the correct items. ★
1 The Himalayas are located in ...... Asia.
1 The make-up artist is doing Lin’s make-up at
A the B – C a
the moment.
Lin is having her make-up done at the moment. 2 The music for The Nutcracker was composed
2 The hairdresser is going to cut Kyle’s hair. ...... Tchaikovsky.
is going to have his hair cut (by the .
Kyle ................................................................. A from B by C of
3 Mr Smith always gets a gardener to do his 3 The Golden Globe awards ceremony ...... every
garden. year.
Mr Smith ..always has his garden done (by .
........................................................ A held B was held C is held
a gardener)
4 Anne’s friend will take her photograph. 4 ...... the Harry Potter films all set in Britain?
will have her photograph taken (by .
Anne ................................................................
her friend)
5 The doctor has just examined Tony’s chest.
A Were B Was C Did
Tony has just had his chest examined
................................................................. . 5 Where ...... William Shakespeare born?
A was B is C did
• Reflexive/Emphatic pronouns
Fill in the gaps with the correct pronouns. ★
1 yourselves
Enjoy ...........................! I hope you both have a
6 Lucy ...... the grass cut yesterday.
A had B is having C has had
great time.
7 The prices can be ...... on the window of the E
hairdresser’s. Y
2 themselves very well
The children behaved ..........................
today. A saw B see C seen
3 yourself
This cake is lovely. Did you make it .................? 8 He packed his bag ...... .
4 myself .
I travelled through Thailand all by ................. A herself B yourself C himself
• a/an – the 9 The film ...... nominated for ten Academy Awards.
Fill in the gaps with a, an, the or -. ★ A has been B have been C can be
10 ...... Browns often come to dinner.
A – B The C A
11 I’m having my laptop ...... at the mall this
an amazing film
is 1) ........... afternoon.
all about 2) ........... A repair B repaired C repairing
Emperor Penguins of
3) ........... The film shows how each
Antarctica. 4) ........... 12 We are going to climb the mountain by ...... .
- winter 6) ...........
5) ........... the penguins make one of A themselves B ourselves C itself
7) ........... - Earth.
most difficult journeys on 8) ...........

Prepare to laugh at 9) ...........
around on 10) ...........
- penguins slipping
ice and cry when 11) ...........
Write five sentences about your friends and/
or family using reflexive pronouns (myself,

leopard seal captures 12) ........... a mother and eats it himself, herself, ourselves, themselves), as
- The photography in
whole for 13) ........... dinner. 14) ........... in the example. ★★(ดู Answer Key Section ท้ายเล่ม)
this film is stunning and 15) ........... Morgan Freeman My mother makes all our clothes herself.
is 16) ...........
a brilliant narrator. Don’t miss it! WORKBOOK

Reading 2 Answer the questions. ★

Read the text and complete the gaps with the correct
missing words. ★★
1 Who visits the Sydney Opera
........ from all over the world.
2 What kind of performances can
you see there?
........ ballet, theatre, live
........ productions and even
........ programmes for children.
3 As well as watching a
performance, what else can
visitors do there?
........ can just walk around or
........ can take a guided tour.
The Sydney Opera House 0) is located in Sydney, 4 Who was the building designed
from all over the world
Australia. Visitors travel 1) ................. by?
K to enjoy performances that range from opera and ballet It was
........ designed by Jorn Utzon.
E and live music productions. There
to theatre 2) ................. .....................................................
Y are even special programmes for children that
3) ................. .....................................................
include dancing, music and theatre. For many people, 5 Why did this person design it?
just visiting the Sydney Opera House is entertaining. Because
........ he won the contest to
It is 4) .................
an impressive piece of architecture design
........ a concert hall in Sydney.
and visitors can spend hours just walking around .....................................................
it . Guided tours are available that take you behind
5) ............... 6 Why did it take a long time to
the scenes in the world-famous Concert Hall or Opera build?
Theatre. Because
........ its unique design

Jorn Utzon, 6) ................. a young architect caused
........ many difficulties.
from Denmark, designed the building. He entered a .....................................................
contest in 1956 to design a concert hall in Sydney and
was announced the winner in 1957. The unique
7) .................
design caused many difficulties and the Opera House was
Would you like to visit the
Sydney Opera House? Why/
until 1973. Fortunately, the building
not completed 8) ................. Why not? ★ (Suggested answer)
became a huge success and is now considered 9) .................
I would to visit the Sydney Opera
House because
........ it is such an amazing
many to be one of the most beautiful buildings in the world.
building. I wouldn
,t want to go during
has earned a reputation
The Sydney Opera House 10) .................
the ........
day because I think it would be too
as a world-class performing arts centre and is a proud
crowded. wouldn,t like to be there
symbol of Sydney. with all those people walking around.
........ .............................................
I would like.............................................
........ to go there at night and
see a live musical performance.
Vocabulary Listening
Do the crossword. ★
5 talking
Listen to Jane
to Doug about a
music performance. For
questions 1-5, choose
A, B or C. ★★
1 You can buy a ticket for
the concert until
A Thursday. B Monday.
C Wednesday.
2 A ticket costs
A £8. B £7.
C £10.
1 m
2 u 3s e u m
3 The concert will take place in
o t the school’s
n t h e
4 a t r e A auditorium. B gym. C theatre.
c 5c d 4 Jane’s friends’ band is called
x h b i t o n
6e i i K
A The 2200s. B The 2001s. E
r r u Y
C The 2020s.
7c i n e m a
u 5 Jane and Doug will meet at
s A 6:30. B 6:45. C 7:00.


A building where valuable items are on display.
Listen and complete the email. ★★

4 A place where people go to see plays.

6 A public show of interesting objects. Hi Hayley!
7 A place where people go to watch films. music concert last night
I went to a great 1) .............................
with my friends! There were lots of bands and they
played all kinds of different music – rock, jazz, pop
Down and 2) ............................
classical . My favourite though was a
1 An event where people get to see a live heavy metal band called ‘Zig Zag’. They were
3) .................................
performance by a band or orchestra. the drums but they
so loud, especially 4) ...............................,
3 A large building where sports events are held.
were fantastic
absolutely 5) ................................! Afterwards,
5 A group of people and animals who travel dinner
we all went out for 6) ................................. . It was an
around to different places and perform under amazing evening. Write back soon.
a big tent. Love,


7d7c& 7e
Vocabulary 2
Fill in the gaps with invented, tube,

1 a) Match the words to form phrases. ★ mouthpiece, beggar, musician, feature. ★
1 The part of a flute that you blow into is called the
1 e string a courts mouthpiece .
2 c ancient b strings 2 feature
This year’s music festival will ............................
3 f made c times performances by Lady GaGa and The Jonas
4 b metal d music Brothers.
5 a royal e instrument 3 invented by a Belgian
The saxophone was .........................
6 d traditional f from man named Adolphe Sax.
b) Use the phrases in Ex. 1a to complete 4 You can store posters by rolling them up and
the gaps in the text. ★ tube
putting them in a cardboard ......................... .
musician is having his picture taken for
5 The ......................
the cover of a famous music magazine.
6 Bob is a rich man but he sometimes dresses
like a .........................
beggar .
Everyday English
Complete the dialogue with the correct
sentences. There is one extra sentence. ★
• Oh no, not that.
The lute is a(n) 1) .........stri
......rum .............. . • I just hate social dramas.
A similar instrument was played • What time is it on?
2) ............anc......ien tim......
......t...... es .............. in countries • Well, Game of Thrones is on later.
such as Egypt, Greece, China and Ind • Do you fancy watching it with me?
and later in Arabia and Persia. The lute Pat: The Flash is on Channel 3 at 8:00.
3) ..................mad from
......e...... .................... wood and glue Do you fancy watching it with me?
1) ....................................................................
only. It has got a pear-shaped body, a sho Justin: Not really.

neck, 4) .................. ngs.............. and an
t Pat: Why not?
unusual head that is bent backwards at a righ Justin: My favourite programme is on at 8 tonight.
angle. This was a very popular instrument You know, The Walking Dead.
16th and 17th century Europe and it was ofte Oh no, not that.
Pat: 2) ....................................................................
played at 5) ...............roy
......rts ................. such
the What else is on?
as that of King Henry VIII of England. In Well, Game of Thrones is on later.
Justin: 3) ....................................................................
1800s, the lute was replaced by the guitar
Pat: What time is it on?
Let’s watch that. 4) .........................................
most places, but it is still used to perform
......ic........... in Middle Eastern
trad......itio......nal......mus Justin: 10:00 on Channel 5.
6) ...............
You are discussing what to watch on TV
tonight with your brother. Write a dialogue.
Use the dialogue in Ex. 3 as a model. ★★
(ดู Answer Key Section ท้ายเล่ม)

• An email about a film 3
Underline the sentences in the email in Ex. 1
which gives Jenny’s opinion about the film,
you saw recommends it to Mark. ★

1 Read and complete with action-packed,
slow, gripping, top-class, exciting, brilliant. 4 (+), negative (-).
Write which recommendations are positive

1 Don’t miss this film! +
To: Mark -
From: Jenny 2 Don’t bother going to see this film. .......
Subject: Great film! 3 If I were you, I wouldn’t see this. -
Hi Mark! 4 I really think you should see this. +
How are you? I went to the cinema last night
with my friends to see Sherlock Holmes. It’s a(n)
action-packed adventure film directed by Guy
1) ............................
Fill in the gaps with cast, plot, directed by,
special effects, acting. ★
Ritchie! special effects in Godzilla are amazing.
1 The .................................
In the film, the famous Victorian detective and his The destruction of the city looks completely real.
friend, Doctor Watson, are trying to find out what
2 Toy directed by Lee Unkrich.
Story 3 was ...............................
happened to Lord Blackthorn. He died and then was ..................................
3 The plot was very exciting. So
seen alive again! much happens in the film!
exciting plot. Also,
The film has a very 2) ............................
4 cast including
The film has an all-star ........................
top-class . Robert Downey
the acting is 3) ............................ K
Johnny Depp & Sandra Bullock and the E
Jr stars as Holmes and Jude Law as Doctor Watson Y
brilliant . The only
and they are both 4) ............................ acting is top-class!
thing I didn’t like was the beginning as I found it
a bit 5) ............................
slow .
I loved this film because I found it exciting and
Read the rubric and underline the key words.
Then answer the questions. ★
gripping . You must go and see it! Let me
6) ............................ This is part of an email from your English
know what you think. penfriend, Peter. Write your reply (60-80 words).
Best wishes, I love films! What’s the last film you saw?
What was it about? What did you think of it?
1 Peter, my English
Who are you writing to? .....................................
Note penfriend.
2 An email.
What are you writing? ........................................
Use a variety of adjectives in your writing 3 What must you include? ..The last film I saw;
instead of good, bad and nice to make your what it was about; what I thought of it.
descriptions more interesting to the reader. ............................................................................
How many words will you write? ...................... 60-80 words.
Read the note. Then replace the adjectives
in bold with interesting, fantastic, poor, 7
Use the plan to write your email about a film
you saw. ★★ (ดู Answer Key Section ท้ายเล่ม)
surprising. ★

1 The fantastic
special effects are good! ............................. Para 1: greet friend, give general details about
film e.g. name, type, director

2 The poor
beginning was very bad. ............................. Para 2: say what it’s about
3 I couldn’t believe what happened in the end. It Para 3: comment on film

was surprising
very good! ................................................... Para 4: give your opinion/recommendation,
4 interesting
I found the plot very good. ................................. make closing remarks

Vocabulary Across
• City life – Country life 4 Flat open space in a town or city.

1 Do the crossword. ★
5 A major road that is for fast travel over long
2 r 6 Building where machines make goods.
i b 8 A very high area of land.
3 4 v e 9 An area of grass or crops on a farm.
p s q u a r e 10 Boats can stay safely here.
a k c r
5 m t r a y
o o w h
h s Down
c t o r y
7 6 f a 1 Fresh water that flows in a long line across
w r the land.
a i n
8 m o u n t 2 An area of sand or stones next to the sea.
o p 3 A long strip of land that people walk on.
9 f i e l d e 4 A very tall building in a city.
10 r
s h a b o u r 7 Large area of trees growing near each other.

• Geography 3
Match the words to form phrases. Use some
Fill in the gaps with flooded, coast,
population, located, runway, structure,
of them to complete the sentences below. ★
1 e public a city
Y notice, ancient. ★ 2 a industrial b beach
1 ancient
The Parthenon in Athens is a(n) .........................
3 d famous c life
temple. It’s about 2,500 years old.
4 b sandy d landmarks
2 After a week of heavy rain, the river burst its
5 g ideal e transport
banks and .............................
f looded the town. 6 h clean f attractions
3 Berlin is ............................
located in the north-east of 7 f tourist g destination
8 c peaceful h sea
4 structure
The pilot saw a huge .............................., possibly 1 peaceful life
We want a(n) ........................................... in the
an old building, as he flew over the field. country, far away from the fast pace of the city.
5 Jane was so interested in her book that she 2 public transport
Madrid has an excellent .....................................
didn’t .............................
notice the man sit down system that helps people move about very
beside her. easily.
6 The plane began to move along the 3 ideal destination
Majorca is a(n) ....................................................
runway ready for takeoff.
............................., for family holidays. There are great beaches and
7 My grandmother has just moved to the clean sea
hotels there and a(n) ..........................................
............................. . She has always wanted to for children to swim in.
live by the sea! 4 industrial city
Manchester is a(n) ..............................................
8 population of about 8
London has a ............................. in the north of England. There are many factories
million people. there.


Choose four phrases from Ex. 3 and write
sentences about places in your country. ★★
Complete the sentences with the correct
words. ★
(Suggested answer)
1 Wat Phra Kaew is one of the most popular
........ attractions in Bangkok.
..................................................................... olomites
Bangkok has many famous landmarks, Milan D Venice
2 ........ .....................................................................
........ the Giant Swing and Wat Pho.
..................................................................... Bologna
3 ........ are many forms of public transport Siena
in Bangkok.
........ ..................................................................... Rome
Bangkok is an ideal destination for families.
4 .............................................................................
Circle the correct words. ★
1 Poor people lived in very basic / easy housing in 1 Milan is in the north-west of Italy.
Britain one hundred years ago. 2 west
Rome is in the ....................................... of Italy.
2 The Archaeological Museum displays a selection 3 south-west
Palermo is in the ................................... of Italy.
of writings from the ancient Egyptian industry / 4 north-east
Venice is in the ...................................... of Italy.
civilisation. 5 north
The Dolomites are in the ....................... of Italy.
3 The building caught fire and burned away / 6 south
Siena is ........................................... of Florence. K
down after lightning hit it. 7 north
Bologna is ...................................... of Florence. E
4 Employees worked in difficult conditions /
situations in factories in the 19th Century.
5 Barcelona has a very alive / lively nightlife.
Answer the questions about your country.
★★ (Suggested answer)
1 Where is the capital city of your country located?
Complete the words. ★ The
located capital
in the citycentral
of Thailand
2 Where is your town/city located? Bangkok. It s

live in Chiang Mai. It is in the north-west.
3 Where is your country’s second biggest city?
1 n  _o _r    _t h_ Chiang ,s second biggest
city. It isMaiin istheThailand
north-west of Bangkok.
4 Are there mountains in your country? Where
8 n   _o    _r    _t h_ - w     _e  _s _ t 2 n o_ _ r    _t h_ - e a_ _s _t exactly? ..............................................................
The mountains are in every part of
my country.

7 w    _e  _s _ t 3 e a_ _s _t 9
Use the vocabulary on this page to write a
short description of your town/city. ★★ (Suggested
I live inChiang Mai
..................., which is in the north-west
................... part
4 s _o   u_ _t _h - e    a_ _s _t
Thailand . My city .....................................
of ..................... offers good housing
6 s     o_    u_ _t h_ - w     _e  _s _ t and working conditions. Another thing that
5 s _o   u_ _t _h locals and tourists enjoy about Chiang Mai
its lively nightlife. The local public transport
red pickup truck which takes you around
the city. Living in Chiang Mai is great!


• Relatives (who/which/where/
Join the sentences. Use the relatives in
brackets. Put commas where necessary. ★
whose) 1 She rented a house. It is very close to the
beach. (which) She rented a house which is

1 Match the phrases to make sentences.
a which has a famous

very close to the beach.
1 f I have a pet 2 John is my best friend. His parents are Italian.
tower. (whose) ..John, whose parents are Italian,
b whose father is a is my....................................................................
best friend.
2 g Peter is a clever .........
boy 3 Swansea is a beautiful city. It’s by the sea.
c that you lent me. (which).................................................................
Swansea is a beautiful city which is
3 e Our neighbours
d where you were by the sea.
are people ......... ....................................................................
4 h He is a 4 Jane is from Italy. Her mother is our maths
e who make a lot of Jane, whose mother is our
successful teacher. (whose) .................................................
director maths....................................................................
......... teacher, is from Italy.
f that lives in my
5 b Is that the girl 5 He is the man. He bought our car. (who) ...........
6 a Pisa is the city He is....................................................................
......... the man who bought our car.
g who can speak five
7 d When did you 6 These are the CDs. David lent them to me.
leave the town (which) ..These are the CDs which David
K 8 c Here is the book h whose films are
lent .to...................................................................
E very popular. .........
Y 7 Hampton Park is a lovely park. People like to
Which sentences contain defining clauses
(D) and which contain non-defining clauses
Hampton Park is a
have picnics there. (where) ................................
......... park where people like to have picnics.
(ND)? Mark each sentence. Put commas 8 Madrid is a city. You can enjoy the nightlife
where necessary. ★★ there. (where) .....................................................
Madrid is a city where you can
1 That’s the new boy whose mother is my enjoy....................................................................
......... the nightlife.
teacher. D
2 This is the hotel which the guide book
recommends. D 4
Use that, which, where or who and your own
ideas to complete the sentences. ★★ (Suggested
3 Tutankhamen, who was an Egyptian Pharaoh,
1 Watching a good film is something ....................
died at a young age. ND
4 The Lost Symbol, which was written by Dan
that .I................................................................
......... do at the weekend .
Brown, is an exciting book. ND 2 A big city is a place ............................................
5 I like sports that you play in a team. D
......... lots of people live and work .
6 Stratford is the town where Shakespeare was 3 My best friend is someone .................................
born. D who .spends
......... lots of time with me
................................................................ .
7 He has a dog that never stops barking. D 4 There is a shop near my home ..........................
8 My cousin, who lives in the countryside, is very which.................................................................
......... sells travel books .
lucky. ND 5 I love meeting people .........................................
9 Do you know a restaurant where they serve who .like
......... the same things I do
................................................................ .
traditional food? D

• Modals 7
Look at the painting. Use must or can’t to

5 Read the signs and use mustn’t, have to,
might, don’t have to and should to complete
make deductions. ★

the sentences. ★


3 4
The two women 1) .........................
must be twins. They
2) ....................... must
be friends. They 3) .......................
can t
be in a carriage. They 4) .............................. be in a
plane. must be
The woman on the left 5) ......................
5 very tired. can,t be at
The two women 6) .........................
work! must be on holiday.
They 7) ....................... K
train ....................
1 The might be delayed because of the 8
Look at the pictures and make as many
deductions as possible. Use must and
storm. can’t. ★★ (Suggested answer)
2 Visitors ....................
have to leave the museum by five
o’clock. 1 2
should all try to save energy.
3 We ....................
mustn,t go in here.
4 You ....................
don,t pay to park here.
5 You ....................
have to

Circle the correct words/phrases. ★
1 Shirley can / could ride a horse when she was 1 They must be on holiday. They can’t be in their
eight years old. They must be lost. They can,t
hometown. .........................................................
2 Andrew was able to / could win the race know where they,re going. etc.
because he trained hard. .............................................................................
3 Phillip can / may visit us this summer, but he .............................................................................
hasn’t decided yet. She .must
2 ........ be working. She must be self-
4 May / Can you play chess? employed.
........ She can,t be at the office. She
5 We might / could not arrive at the airport on must.....................................................................
........ enjoy the outdoors. etc.
time. .............................................................................

Grammar 11 Complete the sentences(Suggested
about yourself.

• -ing form/to-infinitive/infinitive 1 I love ...............................................................

shopping .
without to 2 I hate ...............................................................
doing the washing-up .

9 Putform:the-ing/to-infinitive/infinitive
verbs in brackets into the correct
without 3 I don’t mind .....................................................
helping around the house .
to. ★
4 I’d to visit Mexico
like .............................................................. .
1 being (be) by the sea
Can you imagine .........................
5 I’m playing chess
fond of ....................................................... .
all year round? 6 to study harder
I promise ......................................................... .
prefer ............................
2 I’d to take (take) the train home. 7 go out tonight
I may ............................................................... .
3 to pay (pay)
You have enough money ............................
8 I’d prefer go to the sea than the mountain.
for it.
4 to write (write) to me soon.
He promised ......................... 9 eating an ice cream
I fancy .............................................................. .
5 come
You could ............................... (come) next 10 to be rich
I want .............................................................. .
weekend if you’re free.

6 She’s to visit
gone to Sweden ............................... (visit) • had better/would rather
her sister.
7 waiting
I don’t mind .................................... (wait) for you. 12 Circle
the correct phrases and write
W (warning), O (obligation) or SP (specific
K 8 to tidy (tidy) his
Jack was made ...............................
E room. preference) next to each sentence. ★
10 Putform:the-ing/to-infinitive/infinitive
verbs in brackets into the correct
1 You would rather / had better apologise
for being so rude. W
to. ★ 2 Alison had better / would rather
travel there by train. …… SP
Hi Jessica!

How are you? I just wanted 1) ............................
to tell 3 It gets quite hot in the afternoon. We
(tell) you all about my holiday. I’m on an island had better / would rather wear hats. …… O
called Corfu in Greece and it’s amazing! I’ve
made some new friends in our hotel and I love 4 Sam had better / would rather put
2) ............................. (go) to the beach every day W
out that candle before he starts a fire. ……
with them. We spend all day 3) ...........................
(swim) or 4) ........................... (sail) at the beach. 5 You had better / would rather go to
Sailing (sail) is amazing! You should
5) ........................... bed early. …… W
6) ............................ (try) it! My new friends have
6 I had better / would rather drink milk
suggested 7) ............................ (go) on a day trip

together. I hope my parents go
let me 8) ................ after breakfast. …… SP
(go). Well, I’d better 9) ................................ (stop)

writing to help
now. I promised 10) ................................
(help) my friend choose some new sunglasses.
getting (get) together
How about 11) ...............................
next week when I’m back home?


• Linkers of contrast • Grammar revision
13 Circle the correct words/phrases.

15 Choose the correct words/phrases.

1 Despite / Although the heavy traffic, living in a 1 This bag is heavy. ...... you help me carry it?
city has many advantages. A May B Can C Might
2 In spite of the fact that / In spite of the cold 2 Brighton is a seaside resort ...... many people
weather, they went to the beach. go on holiday.
3 Despite the fact that / Despite training hard, John A where B which C who
didn’t win the race. 3 That building ...... be the town hall.
4 In spite of / Although their flight was delayed, A can B must C mustn’t
they arrived on time. 4 You ...... hand your homework in on time.
5 They went out, in spite of / despite the fact that A must B might C could
the heavy rain. 5 That ...... have been Bobby you saw – he’s out
6 In spite of the fact that / In spite of she was of town.
tried, she watched a film with her friends. A must B could C can’t
6 That is the boy ...... father is a top chef.
• Question tags A whose B that C who K
14 Complete

the gaps with the correct question

7 You ...... pay to get into the museum. Y
A mustn’t B shouldn’t
1 aren t you,
You are coming to the concert, ........................? C don’t have to
2 is she
She isn’t here yet, .............................................? 8 This ...... be Mike’s coat. It’s too small.
3 hasn,t he
Thomas has got a camera, ...............................? A must B mustn’t C can’t
4 don,t they
They live in the countryside, ............................?
5 We’ll

,t we
visit Morocco next year, ...........................?
aren,t I
16 Write
correct responses using the modals in
brackets and your own ideas. ★★
6 I’m winning, .....................................................? (Suggested answer)

7 Rebecca’s isn,t she
growing fast, ...................................? 1 A: I have a really bad headache.
8 did he
He didn’t like the restaurant, ............................? should take an aspirin . (should)
B: You ...............................................
9 has she
She hasn’t called yet, .......................................? 2 A: I don’t have any suncream.
10 didn,t they
They played well, .............................................? can use some of mine . (can)
B: You ....................................................
11 are they
They aren’t interesting, .....................................? 3 A: Sally is always late for school.
12 isn,t he
Mark is 13 years old, ........................................?
must live quite far away . (must)
B: She .................................................
You have worked here for 2 years,haven
,t you
4 A: Bill is not answering his phone.
B: He ..might be out at the moment . (might)
14 does she
She doesn’t like cats, ........................................?


Read the article and mark the sentences T (true), F (false) or
DS (doesn’t say). ★

The Middle Ages lasted from about 400–1,500 AD. the roof to let the smoke out. People didn’t have a lot
Life was not easy for people during these years. They of furniture apart from a table and a simple bed.
worked in the fields from the moment the sun came The village was the centre of the world in the Middle
up to the moment it went down. They were out in the Ages. People stayed close to home and didn’t travel
cold snow of winter and the hot sun of summer. They far because they were afraid of strangers. Life wasn’t
gave half of what they grew to the owner of the land. all bad in the Middle Ages, however. People didn’t
Most people lived in villages and each village usually work on Sundays and often gathered together to
had from 10 to 60 families. Families lived in tiny eat, drink and enjoy themselves. There were many
wooden houses with all their animals, which meant holidays and most people actually only worked for
that floors were very dirty. A fire for cooking was 260 days of a year – that’s about the same amount
always burning in the house and there was a hole in as we do today!
K 1 Life was difficult for people in the Middle Ages. T
Y 2 People did not work when the weather was cold. F
3 Meat was too expensive to eat. DS
4 Houses were full of wooden furniture. F
5 People liked to travel long distances. F
6 People usually worked from Monday to Saturday. T
7 We have many of the same holidays as the people in the Middle Ages had. DS

Read again and answer the questions. ★★
1 How long did the Middle Ages last for? 4
Why didn’t people travel far?
The .Middle
........ Ages lasted from about
.................................................................... People
........ didn,t travel far because they were
........ AD.
..................................................................... afraid
........ of strangers.
............................................................................. .............................................................................
2 Why was life difficult for people during that 5
What did people sometimes do when they
time? weren’t working?
Life .was
........ difficult for people during that time ........
.................................................................... they weren,t working, people sometimes
........ they worked hard for many hours and ........
..................................................................... gathered together and enjoyed themselves.
had .....................................................................
........ to give away half of what they produced. .............................................................................
3 What were homes like inside? 6 How much time off did people have?
The .homes
........ were dirty and had very little
.................................................................... People
........ had 105 days off.
........ There was also a fire burning.
..................................................................... .............................................................................
............................................................................. .............................................................................

Vocabulary Listening

3 Read the clues and complete the words to
find the missing word. ★
5 schoolListenproject
to Amy and Sam talking about a
and match the people to their
c o s y favourite places. ★
2 r o o f People Favourite places
3 u g l y 1 b Gary a park
4 f i r e p l a c e b cinema
5 f l a t
2 d Tracy c shopping mall
6 c h i m n e y 3 g James d home
7 g a r d e n e school
8 f r i d g e 4 c Amy f department store
9 m o d e r n g square
5 a Sam h skyscraper
Missing word: courtyard
1 A home that is like this is warm and
comfortable. Dictation
2 This is on top of a house to protect it from the
weather. 6
Listen and fill in the gaps. ★★
3 A home that is unattractive is … . K
4 The place in a room where you can light a fire. Y
5 A set of rooms for living in that are part of a
larger building and are usually all on one floor.
city in the
6 Smoke goes into the air from your house Bristol is a cosmopolitan
through this. 1) ............south........ t ........ of England. It is
with a population
7 An area next to or around the house where you Britain’s tenth largest city,
of 2) .................. 38...... 00..................... . Bristol used
can grow flowers, fruit etc. y with a famous
to be an important port cit
8 This is an appliance that you put food in to keep rbou......r ..... . Now it’s a fantastic mixtureat
3) ............
e the city’s gre
it cool. of the old and new! You will lov
9 A home that is not traditional is … . shop
4)  ...... lls .., art galleries and museums,
ife............ .
as well as its lively 5) ............

Circle the odd word out. ★ You can also take a boat
6) ..................
cruise along the
er ........... Avon. Last but not least,
Riv...... s ..........
1 flat – house – cottage – sofa ......rk......
Bristol has about 450 7) ......

2 bedroom – garden – swimming pool – garage t a short distance
and green spaces and it’s jus
3 quiet – thatched – crowded – traditional
from the 8) ............ untry
co...... ......sid e ..... if you want to
the city.
4 utility room – balcony – stone – fireplace escape the hustle and bustle of
5 cramped – lovely – cosy – comfortable
6 bus stop – mall – parking space – metro


8d8c& 8e
Vocabulary 4
Choose the correct words. ★

1 Fillsource,in themates,
gaps with tiled, bricks, flat, carved,
peaceful, craftsman, ceiling. ★
1 Children were very important / essential in
ancient / old Egypt.
1 craftsman
Uncle John is a very skilled ............................ . 2 The window lets / allows in very few / little
He makes beautiful wooden furniture. light.
The new kitchen is lovely with its ......................tiled
floor and high .................................................. . 3 How do you pass / spend your free time?
3 Children in ancient Egypt played with wooden 4 Which is your favourite broad / board game?
toys like ............................................... animals. 5 Dancing was very popular / favourite among
4 source
The River Nile was a good ................................. teenagers in the 1980s.
of entertainment for the ancient Egyptians. 6 They worked hardly / hard to make a living.
People went fishing and boating on it.
5 mates
Tim often goes out with his ...............................
on Friday evenings. Everyday English
6 peaceful
I like to go somewhere calm and ......................
at the weekends, away from the noise of the city.

5 Complete the dialogue with the correct
sentences. There is one extra sentence. ★
Houses in dry countries often have .................... f lat

roofs. • One more question!
K 8
Most houses in Britain are made of .................. bricks . • That’s perfect.
E • Is it far from here?
Y 2
Replace the words in bold with their
opposites in the list. ★ • What can I do for you?
• small • high • rich • flat • hard • long • Oh, and do you know where there’s a bank?
1 rich
poor people ≠ ................................................. Greg: Hi! Could you help me, please?
2 long
short lives ≠ ................................................. Jane: What can I do for you?
Of course! 1) .....................................................
3 small
big windows ≠ .................................................
Greg: I’m looking for the shopping mall.
4 sloping roofs ≠ .................................................
f lat
5 high
low ceilings ≠ ................................................. Jane: Turn left at the traffic lights and go straight on.
6 hard
easy life ≠ ................................................. Greg: 2) ......................................................................
Is it far from here?
Jane: No. It’s about 2 kms away.
Complete the sentences with the correct
form of the verbs in the list. ★
Greg: Great. 3) ...........................................................
Oh, and do, you know where
there s a bank?
• hang out • look after • let in • spend Jane:
I think there’s one at the crossroads.
• make
Greg: 4) That,s perfect.
Girls in ancient Egypt cooked and ..looked after
.................... Thanks very much.
........................ the home.
2 This room is quite dark. The small window
let in a lot of light.
doesn’t ...........................................
You’re looking for the post office and the
cinema. Write a dialogue about it. Use the
Billy has a busy life but he always .................... makes dialogue in Ex. 5 as a model. ★★
........................ time to relax. (ดู Answer Key Section ท้ายเล่ม)
4 Susan ................................ a lot of her free time
playing computer games and watching TV.
5 hang out
I love to ............................................... with my
WORKBOOK friends at the mall or the local rink at weekends.
• An email about your home &

3 Complete the sentences with safe, fast,
comfortable, helpful, isolated, cramped. ★

neighbourhood 1 helpful
The neighbours are friendly and .......................

1 notReadlikeJenny’s email. What does she like/
about her new home? Complete the
isolated out here in the
so we never feel .........................
table. ★ 2 There isn’t a lot of crime or traffic so it’s a(n)
safe area for children to play.
cosy , big fireplace, sharing a room, feeling 3 fast
I enjoy the ........................ pace of life in the city.
beautiful view, peaceful, bored at weekends cramped
4 Our flat is small so it’s quite .............................
friendly neighbours
for five people.
To: Mary 5 Our living room has big, soft armchairs so it’s
From: Jenny comfortable .
very .........................
Subject: We’ve moved house!
Hi Mary,
Thanks for your email!
Answer the questions about your home/
neighbourhood. ★★ (Suggested answer)
You asked me about where
I live. Well, actually we’ve 1 What kind of home do you live in?
just moved to a great new I live
..... in a f lat in the city.
house in the countryside. ...............................................................................
Let me tell you all about it! K
2 What do you like about your home? E
The new house is a big cottage with a thatched
roof and it’s over four hundred years old! What I It,........................................................................
.... s big and close to a nice park. Y
really like about it is that it’s very cosy with small ...............................................................................
rooms with low ceilings and doorways and big 3 What is your favourite room and why?
fireplaces in nearly every room. My favourite room is My.......................................................................
favourite room is the living room
because it,s cosy and it has
my bedroom. It’s in the attic at the top of the house
so there are beautiful views of the hills around the ................................................ a TV.
village from the window. I don’t like sharing it with 4 What is your neighbourhood like?
my sister, though! My.......................................................................
..... neighbourhood has lots of shops and is
So far I don’t mind living in a village. It’s very close to all means of public transport.
peaceful here and my brother and I enjoy going ................................................ ...............................
on long bike rides around the countryside. The 5 What do you like/not like about it?
neighbours seem very friendly too. The only bad I like it because everyone...............................
................................................ is friendly. I
thing is that I feel a little bit bored at weekends. ,
don t like it when it gets very noisy during
So, what about you? What’s your home and the day.
neighbourhood like? Write back soon,
Jenny 5
Use your answers in Ex. 4 and the plan to
write your reply to Jenny’s email. ★★
(ดู Answer Key Section ท้ายเล่ม)
Which of the following are opening (O),
closing (C) remarks? ★
Para 1: greeting/reason for writing
Para 2: your home & what you like/don’t like
1 It was great to hear from you. O
....... Para 3: your neighbourhood & what you like/
2 Well, I must go now. C
....... don’t like
3 How are you? O
....... Para 4: closing comments
4 I hope you are well. O
5 Hope to see you soon. C

Grammar Bank 1
Pronouns - Possessive determiners • We use the verb have got to:
a) show that something belongs to somebody.
Subject pronouns I, you, he, she, it, we, they Paul has got a motorbike.
Object pronouns me, you, him, her, it, us, them b) describe the characteristics of people, animals
or things. Karen has got long blonde hair.
Possessive determiners my, your, his, her, its, our, their c) talk about relationships. They have got one son.
Possessive pronouns mine,
yours, his, hers, -, ours,
Present simple
• Subject pronouns go before the verb. I am Mary. I sing. He/She/It sings.
• Object pronouns go after the verb or after a Affirmative We/You/They sing.
preposition. He loves me. Look at me.
• Possessive determiners go before a noun. It’s my bike. Negative I don’t sing. He/She/It doesn’t sing.
• Possessive pronouns never go before a noun. We/You/They don’t sing.
This is mine. Interrogative Do I sing? Does he/she/it sing?
Do we/you/they sing?
can - have got Yes, I do. Yes, he/she/it does.
I/You/He/She/It/We/You/They can Yes, we/you/they do.
Affirmative dance. Short answers
No, I don’t. No, he/she/it doesn’t.
I/You/He/She/It/We/You/They No, we/you/they don’t.
Negative cannot/can’t dance.
Interrogative Can I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they Spelling 3rd person singular
dance? • Most verbs take -s.
Yes, I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they I forget – he forgets, I climb – she climbs
K Short answers
can. • Verbs ending in -ss, -sh, -ch, -x or -o take -es.
E No, I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they I miss – he misses, I push – he pushes,
Y can’t. I catch – he catches, I fix – he fixes, I do – he does
• Can is the same in all persons. The negative of can • Verbs ending in a consonant + -y, drop the -y and
is cannot or can’t. (NOT: can not) take -ies. I cry – he cries
• We use can before another verb to express ability. • Verbs ending in a vowel + -y take -s only.
I can ride a bike. I buy – he buys
Affirmative Pronunciation
Long form Short form
-s/-es in the 3rd person singular is pronounced:
• /s/ with verbs ending in /f/, /k/, /p/ or /t/ sounds.
I have got I’ve got knit – knits
You have got You’ve got • /Iz/ with verbs ending in /s/, /S/, /tS/, /dZ/ or /z/
He/She/It has got He/She/It’s got sounds. touch – touches
We/You/They have got We/You/They’ve got • /z/ with verbs ending in all other sounds.
Negative read – reads
Long form Short form We use the present simple for:
I have not got I haven’t got • daily routines. He wakes up at 7:30 every morning.
You have not got You haven’t got • habits. She surfs the Net in the evening.
He/She/It has not got He/She/It hasn’t got • permanent states. Matt lives in London.
We/You/They have not got We/You/They haven’t got • general truths or laws of nature. The sun sets in
the west.
Have I/you/we/they got? Has he/she/it got? Time expressions used with the present simple:
always, usually etc. on Mondays/Tuesdays etc. in
Short answers the morning/afternoon/evening, every day/week etc.
Yes, I/you/we/they have. No, I/you/we/they haven’t. at night/the weekends etc.
Yes, he/she/it has. No, he/she/it hasn’t.

Grammar Bank 1
Pronouns - Possessive have got
3 Look at the table and write sentences, as in

1 Complete the exchanges with the correct
pronouns/possessive  determiners.
the example.
Alex & Max &
Tracey Tom Amy Katie
My name’s Sarah.
1 A: Hi. ............
you Sarah.
B: Pleased to meet ............, laptop ✓ ✗ ✓ ✓
you and Tom good friends?
2 A: Are ............ MP3 player ✓ ✗ ✗ ✗
B:  yes. ............
Oh, We are in the same class at car ✗ ✓ ✓ ✗
3 A: Is that ............
your bag, Danny? 1 Tracey has got a laptop and an MP3 player.
B: it’s not ............
No, mine . I think it’s Emma’s. She hasn’t got a car.
4 A: W our house
e live in this street. That’s ............ 2 Tom has got a car. He hasn,t got a
there. laptop
...... or an MP3 player.
You have got a fantastic garden.
B: Wow! ......... ...........................................................................

5 A: It’s He
Adam’s birthday tomorrow. ...........’s Alex.....................................................................
3 ...... and Amy have got a laptop and a
sixteen. car. They haven , t got an MP3 player.
B: him a CD.
I know. I want to buy ............ ...........................................................................
4 ...... and Katie have got a laptop. They
can haven
, t got an MP3 player or a car.

2 Ask and answer questions, as in the
1 he/go running in the park?
Present simple
Can he go running in the park? 1
No, he can’t.

4 Complete the sentences with the correct
form of the present simple.
2 he/play tennis? 1 finishes
A lice ..................................................... (finish)
..... he play tennis? doesn,t get back
work at 6 o’clock, but .......................................
Yes, ..he can.
..................................... (not/get back) home until 7.
3 he/reach the biscuits? ...............................................
2 What do you want (you/want)
..... he reach, the biscuits? to eat for dinner tonight?
he can t.
No, ........................................ 3 Ellie doesn,t go
............................................... (not/go) out
4 they/dive? goes
during the week. She ................................ (go)
..... they dive? out at the weekend.
Yes, ..they can.
..................................... Do your parents read (your parents/
4 ....................................................

read) a lot of books? Yes, they ....................... do .

5 My drives
uncle ................................................ (drive)
2 4
to work every day.
6 We don,t get up
................................................. (not/get up)
early on Saturdays.
7 Gary lies (lie) on the sofa and
................................. (watch) TV in the evening.
Does Lucy have
8 .......................................... (Lucy/have) Spanish

lessons on Tuesdays? Yes, she ...................... does .

Grammar Bank 1
Adverbs of frequency a/an – some/any – (how) much/
These include always, frequently, often, sometimes,
occasionally, usually, ever, hardly ever, rarely, once,
many – a lot of/lots of – (a) few/
twice, never etc. (a) little
• Adverbs of frequency are normally placed before • We use a/an with nouns when referring to an
the main verb. I rarely drive to work. He hardly ever unspecified thing. Bill has got a car. The car is red.
goes to the cinema. • We use a before singular countable nouns which
• However, adverbs of frequency are placed after the begin with a consonant sound. a house, a unicorn
verb to be and after auxiliary verbs. Susan is often We use an before singular countable nouns which
late for work. I have always wanted to go on safari. begin with a vowel sound. an orange, an hourglass
• We don’t use a/an with uncountable or plural
Question words nouns. In these cases we use some. some milk,
We use the following question words to ask about some apples
people, places, things etc. • Much and many are usually used in negative
• People: who/whose Who is Jason? He’s my brother. or interrogative sentences. Much is used with
Whose pen is this? It’s Mary’s. (possession) uncountable nouns and many is used with
• Things: what/which What is that? It’s a camera. countable nouns. We don’t have much butter.
Which hat is yours? The blue one. Are there many cars on the street?
• Place: where Where is Pete? At school. • How much/How many is used in interrogative
• Time: when/how long (ago)/how often/what time sentences. How much is used with uncountable
When is your birthday? 3rd November. nouns and how many is used with countable
How long is the film? About 2 hours. nouns. How much time is left? How many
How often do you go jogging? Almost every day. potatoes do we need?
What time is it? It’s 7 o’clock. • A lot of/Lots of are used with both plural countable
K • Quantity: how much How much money do you and uncountable nouns. They are normally used
E need? 20.
• Number: how many How many people are at the in affirmative sentences. The of is omitted when
Y a lot/lots are not followed by a noun. Were there
meeting? Twenty.
• Manner: how How are you? I’m fine. lots of people at the party? Yes, there were lots.
• Reason: why Why are you happy? It’s my birthday • A few means not many, but enough. It is used
today. with plural countable nouns. I have a few eggs.
• Age: how old How old are you? I’m sixteen. I can make an omelette.
• A little means not much, but enough. It is used
Prepositions of time/place with uncountable nouns. I have a little cheese in
• We use prepositions of time (on, in, at) to say when the fridge. I could have a sandwich.
something happened, happens or will happen. • Few/Little means hardly any, not enough and can
• At is used for time (at 5 o’clock), holidays (at be used with very for emphasis. There were few
Christmas, at Easter, at the weekend) and in people on the street because of the rain. There is
expressions (at the moment, at present, at dawn, very little milk in the fridge so I need to buy some.
at midnight, at lunchtime, at the same time).
• In is used for months (in January), seasons (in Adverbs of frequency
summer), years (in 2004), centuries (in the 21st
century) and in expressions (in the morning/
afternoon/evening, in an hour, in a minute, in a
week/few days/month/year, in the past, in the

5 Putsentences.
the words in the correct order to make

future). 1 goes/Saturday/Max/out/usually/on/night
• On is used for days (on Friday), dates (on 5th Max usually goes out on Saturday night.
January), a specific part of a particular day (on
Saturday morning) and an adjective + day (on a 2 Fran/friends/phone/the/often/is/on/her/to
cold Tuesday).
• We use prepositions of place (in, on, under, Fran
often on the phone to her friends.
behind, next to, between, in front of, opposite) to 3 restaurants/Harry/out/eats/never/at
say where somebody or something is. Harry never eats out at restaurants.
• We use in with names of cities and countries.
in Madrid, in Spain 4 large/I/always/breakfast/have/a
I always
........... have a large breakfast.

Grammar Bank 1
Question words 8
Look at the picture. Then fill in the gaps with

Complete the exchanges with the correct
question words.
in (×2), next to (×2), on (×2), opposite, above,
in front of, between.
1 A: There’s a new girl in class.
B: Really. ..........................
What ’s her name?
When does the lesson finish?
2 A: ..........................
B: In about ten minutes.
3 A:  Where is the train
Excuse me. ..........................
B: Go down this street and turn left at the
How often does your family eat out?
4 A: ...................... in
The living room is my favourite room 1) ...................
B: About once a month. the house and I spend a lot of time there. I like
Why do you look so sad?
5 A: .......................... sitting 2) ...................
on opposite the TV.
the sofa 3) ...................
B: I can’t go to the football match tonight. between the window and
There is a fireplace 4) ...................
What do you do at the weekend?
6 A: ........................... the door. 5) ...................
Above the fireplace there are some
B: I hang out with my friends.
pictures. There is a small table 6) ...................on the
Which pizza do you want? The big
7 A: ........................... in front of the sofa. There are two armchairs
rug 7) ................... K
one or the small one? in
8) ................... next to
my living room. One is 9) ................... E
B: The big one, of course! next to the
the fireplace and the other is 10) ...................
8 A: .......................... old is this milk? sofa.
B: I think it’s from last week.
a/an – some/any – (how)
Prepositions of time/place much/many – a lot of/lots of –
(a) few/(a) little

7 Fill in the gaps with at, on or in.

1 Dad’s
on 24th August.
birthday is .....................
Come on! The film starts ........................ five

9 Circle the correct words/phrases.
1 We haven’t got any / some eggs in the fridge.
minutes. 2 You can have a / an orange or a / an banana.
3 at Christmas.
Sam always goes skiing ..................... 3 Do you want some / a few ice cream?
4 at
He wants to do some shopping ..................... 4 How much / How many orange juice do you
lunchtime. want?
5 on Sundays.
We always stay at home ..................... 5 There are a few / a little sandwiches on the
6 in
The weather is warm and sunny ..................... plate.
summer. 6 How much pasta do you want? A lot / Lots of.
7 at
The streets are usually empty ..................... 7 Do you have much / many free time?
midnight. 8 There are lots of / a lot people at the restaurant.
8 I can’t hear a word when the twins speak 9 How much / How many biscuits can you eat?
at the same time.
..................... 10 There is a few / a little milk in the bottle.

Grammar Bank 1
Present continuous Present simple vs Present
Affirmative continuous
Long form Short form Present simple Present continuous
I am reading. I’m reading. permanent states actions happening now/
He/She/It is reading. He’s/She’s/It’s reading. & facts around the time of speaking
We/You/They are reading. We’re/You’re/They’re Sam has a red car. Mum’s talking on the phone
reading. Water boils when you at the moment.
heat it.
Negative habits/routines future arrangements
Long form Short form I walk to school every I’m going to the cinema
I am not working. I’m not working. morning. tonight.
He/She/It is not working. He/She/It isn’t working. timetables temporary situations
We/You/They are not We/You/They aren’t The plane arrives at We’re looking for a new
working. working. 4:15 am. house.
Interrogative Time expressions used with the present simple:
Am I talking? Are we/you/they talking? every hour/day/week/month/year etc. usually, always
Is he/she/it talking? etc., every morning/afternoon/evening/night, at noon,
at night, in the morning/afternoon/evening etc.
Short answers Time expressions used with the present continuous:
Yes, I am. No, I’m not. now, at the moment, these days, at present, today,
Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it isn’t. tonight, nowadays etc.
K Yes, we/you/they are. No, we/you/they aren’t.
• Most verbs add -ing. talk - talking, cook - cooking
Present continuous
• Verbs ending in -e, drop the -e and add -ing.
make - making, skate - skating 10 Complete
the exchanges with the correct
form of the present continuous.
• Verbs ending in one stressed vowel between two Is Tom swimming
consonants, double the last consonant and add -ing. 1 A: ................................................ (Tom/swim)?
begin - beginning, stop - stopping he ...............
B: No,
, ,
isn t . He ....................................
is/ s lying
• Verbs ending in -l, double the -l and add -ing. (lie) by the pool.
travel - travelling
• Verbs ending in -ie, drop the -ie and add -y + -ing. is/,s cooking
2 A: Dad .................................................... (cook)
lie - lying dinner tonight.
B: Oh no!
We use the present continuous for:

3 A: The isn,t working
phone ....................................................
• actions taking place now/around the time of (not/work)!
speaking. I’m eating a sandwich. are/
B: Don’t
,re fixing
worry. They .........................................
• future arrangements. Jane’s going to the dentist’s (fix) it at the moment.
• temporary situations. We’re staying in a hotel. 4 A:  ......................................................................
Are Mum and Dad going
Note: Some verbs do not normally have continuous (Mum and Dad/go) out tonight?
tenses because they describe a state rather than an B: Yes, they .......................
are . They ..are/ ,re
action. be, have (=possess), want, like, love, hate, meeting (meet) some friends.
know, believe, prefer etc.


Grammar Bank 1
11 Putsentences.
the words in the correct order to make Present simple vs Present
1 painting/weekend/his/Sam/the/at/room/is/
living ..Sam is painting his living room at
................................................................. 13 FillUse inthethepresent
gaps with the words in brackets.
simple or the present continuous.
..... weekend.
1 A: .....................................................
Do you want (you/want)
2 for/moment/is/new/at/job/the/a/She/looking
to go out?
She .is....................................................................
........ looking for a new job at the moment. am/,m studying
B: I can’t. I ............................................. (study)
for a history test at the moment.
3 snow/the/closing/They/schools/are/of/
2 A: It’s very quiet. Where is everybody?
because/the They are closing the schools
........................................................ is/,s visiting
B: Mum (visit)
........ of the snow.
..................................................................... is/ , s walking
her aunt and Dad .............................................
4 the/tomorrow/is/to/Rebecca/hairdresser’s/
Rebecca is going to the hairdresser,s
going ..................................................................
(walk) the dog.
3 A: We (go) on holiday
.... .........................................................................
every August.
5 now/brother/washing/dishes/the/is/My
B:  are/,re f lying
Us too! We ............................................. (fly)
.... brother is washing the dishes now.
to Italy this year.
............................................................................. does the bus arrive
4 A: What time .....................................................
6 are/the/moment/not/We/at/using/the/
(the bus/arrive)?
computer ............................................................
We are not using the computer K
B: It ..............................
gets (get) here at 6 o’clock. E
.... the moment. Y
5 A:  ...............................................
Is Fran tidying (Fran/tidy) her

12 Read
John’s list. Write questions and
answers, as in the example.

B: No, is/,s lying (lie)
she’s tired. She ................................
(is) watching (watch) TV.
on her bed and ............................
Don’t forget …
lunch with Bill at Italian restaurant at 1 pm 14 Fillthe inpresent
the gaps with the verbs in brackets. Use
simple or the present continuous.
haircut at 2 pm
French lesson at 4 pm
meet Sally at the cinema at 7 pm Dear Jake,
  am/,m writing (write)
How are you? I hope you’re well. I 1) ...............................
1 have/lunch/Sally/today? am/,m doing (do) this summer.
to tell you what I 2) ....................................
A: Is John having lunch with Sally today? stay
Every morning, my brother and I 3) ...........................................
B: No, he’s having lunch with Bill today. surf
(stay) in bed until late. Then I 4) ................................... (surf)
2 get/haircut/at 1 pm? watches (watch)
the Net and my brother 5) ..........................................
A: Is John getting a haircut at 1 pm?
TV. Later I 6) ................................................. (meet) my friends
he,s having a haircut at 2 pm. hang out (hang out) together. I
and we 7) ................................................
B: No, ....................................................................... ,
am/ m having (have) a great time!
8) ................................................
3 have/Italian lesson/at 4 pm? Today’s a little different though. It’s my brother’s birthday
A: Is John having an Italian lesson at 4 pm?
....................................................................... are/,re eating (eat)
and we 9) ............................................. out at a Chinese
B: .No, he,s having a French lesson at 4 pm.
...................................................................... are/ , re going
restaurant. After that we 10) .................................... (go) to the
4 meet/Bill/at the cinema/at 7 pm?
cinema. is/,s calling
Got to go now. Mum 11) .............................................
A: .Is John meeting Bill at the cinema at 7 pm?
...................................................................... (call) me. Write back soon.
B: .No, he,s meeting Sally at the cinema at
...................................................................... Ellie

Grammar Bank 1
Comparatives - Superlatives Adjective Comparative Superlative
Adjective Comparative Superlative little less the least
short slow slower the slowest many/much more the most
adjectives fast faster the fastest good better the best
-y easy easier the easiest
adjectives busy busier the busiest bad worse the worst
longer interesting more the most far farther/further the farthest/furthest
adjectives interesting interesting
• With one-syllable and two-syllable adjectives,
we form the comparatives by adding -er and the
superlatives by adding -est. Comparatives – Superlatives
long - longer - the longest
• With adjectives of more than two syllables, we form
the comparatives with more and the superlatives
15 Circle the correct words/phrases.

with the most. 1 Harry is much / more taller than Ron.

popular - more popular - the most popular 2 Jack is much bravest / braver than Simon.
• We can use less in the comparatives and the least 3 Sultan Kӧsen has got bigger / the biggest hands
in the superlatives as the opposite of more ... than
and the most ... . in the world.
less important - the least important 4 Helen is the younger / youngest girl in the
• With some two-syllable adjectives, such as friendly, family.
clever, narrow etc., we form the comparatives and 5 John’s haircut is better / worst than Freddy’s.
K the superlatives either with -er/-est or with more/
E the most. 6 Jill is the most short / shortest person in my
Y friendly - friendlier - the friendliest or classroom.
friendly - more friendly - the most friendly 7 Helen is very reserved / more reserved than
Use Monica.
• We use the comparatives to compare two people, 8 Sarah is thinner / thinnest than me.
animals, things, places etc. We can use than with
the comparatives. An elephant is bigger than a lion.
• We use the superlatives to compare one person,
animal, thing etc. with more than two persons,
16 Fillmost,in than,
the gaps with very, much, more,
animals, things etc. in the same group. 1 An air traffic controller needs to be more careful
Sue is the prettiest girl in the class. than an interior designer.
We use the ... of/in with the superlatives. We use in ...............
with the superlatives when we talk about places. 2 most interesting
He thinks that acting is the ...............
He’s the cleverest student of all. job in the world.
Russia is the largest country in the world. 3 Mary isn’t ...............
as reliable as Jessica.
(NOT: of the world)
4 Jack is the ...............
most daring person I know.
Study these: 5 Rocky is a ...............
very shy teenager.
• very + adjective/adverb She was very rude. 6 than TV
Stuntmen are more skilful ...................
• much/a lot/far/a little/a bit + comparative form of
the adjective presenters.
He seems much better today than yesterday. 7 Laura is the .................
most outgoing person in her
• (not) as + adjective + as family.
Lucy is (not) as thin as Beth. much more easy-going than his
8 Mark is .................


Grammar Bank 1
17 Complete
each sentence with the
comparative or the superlative form of the
Circle the correct words.
1 Mrs Jones is the friendliest ...... all our
adjective in brackets. neighbours.
1 fitter
An acrobat is ............................................... (fit) A in B than C of
than an air traffic controller.
2 Robert is ...... than Jim.
2 more expensive
Going to the cinema is .......................................
A tall B taller C the tallest
(expensive) than renting a DVD.
3 ..................... fastest
............................... (fast) car in the 3 Mary is ...... patient person I know.
world can travel at 257 mph. A the least B less C little
4 the longest
A woman from China has ................................... 4 Kate is very tall, so she only wears ...... shoes.
(long) hair in the world at 5.627 m. A flat B flattest C much flat
5 happier
Laura is much .................................................... 5 I think the green dress suits you ...... .
(happy) today than she was yesterday. A more well B better C good
6 more daring
A storm chaser needs to be ............................... 6 Alex is ...... more artistic than his sister.
(daring) than a security guard. A very B much C as
7 worse
The weather is much ..........................................
(bad) than yesterday.
8 the biggest
He has ........................................................ (big)
20 Complete
the second sentence so that it
means the same as the first.
collection of toy cars in the world. K
1 The red dress is more expensive than the blue E
18 Compare
the jobs in the table. Use the
comparatives and the superlatives, as in the
as expensive as
The blue dress isn’t ............................................

example. the red one.

Job highly well paid
brave trained 2 I don’t know a kinder person than Burt.
kindest person
Burt is the ...........................................................
Steve ★★★ ★★ ★
(bomb disposal expert) I know.
Martin (airline pilot) ★★ ★★★ ★★ 3 Helen is 1.60 metres and Chris is 1.95 metres
Jeff ★ ★ ★★★ tall.
(computer programmer)
taller than
Chris is much .....................................................
1 Steve is the bravest of the three men. Helen.
Martin is not as brave as Steve.
4 Mrs Thomas is the most patient teacher in our
Jeff is the least brave of the three. school.
2 ...Martin is the most highly trained of the
men. more patient
There isn’t a ........................................................
is not as highly trained as Martin. teacher than Mrs Thomas in our school.
Jeff .is...................................................................
......... the least highly trained of the three. 5 Sarah’s hair isn’t as curly as Tina’s.

Tina’s curlier
hair is .......................................................
Jeff .is...................................................................
3 ......... the most well paid of the three men. than Sarah’s.
......... is not as well paid as Jeff.
.................................................................... 6 Stephen is not nearly as outgoing as Clive.
......... is the least well paid of the three. more outgoing
Clive is much .....................................................
............................................................................. than Stephen.
Grammar Bank 1
Singular/Plural nouns • too ... (for somebody/something) + to-infinitive
(negative meaning)
We use singular verb forms with: T he shelf was too high for me to reach.
• mass nouns: butter, cheese, bread, air, gold, wood (The shelf was very high, so I couldn’t reach it.)
The bread we buy from that bakery is always fresh. Linkers
• school subjects: maths, geography, physics etc. We use linkers to join two sentences together and
Maths is my least favourite subject. show the logical relationship between sentences or
• games: football, billiards, dominoes etc. parts of a sentence.
Jane thinks that dominoes is a boring game.
• diseases: measles, mumps, flu etc. Use­
M  easles is a disease which causes the skin to have • We use and, also, as well or too to join similar
red spots. ideas.
• some other nouns: news, advice, information, James wants to visit Rome and Paris.
money, furniture, hair, homework, rubbish, James wants to visit Rome. He also wants to visit
jewellery, luggage etc. Paris.
The information he gave us was very useful. James wants to visit Rome. He wants to visit Paris
too/as well.
We use plural verb forms with: • We use but, however or on the other hand to join
• objects consisting of two parts: items of clothing opposing ideas.
(pyjamas, trousers, shorts etc.), tools (scissors, pliers  Extreme sports are exciting but they can be
etc.), instruments (binoculars, compasses etc.) dangerous.
• group nouns: family, team, police, staff etc. when Extreme sports are exciting. However/On the other
we mean the individuals that make up the group. hand, they can be dangerous.
However, we use singular verb forms when we
K refer to them as a unit.
E Singular/Plural nouns
Y M y family have different ideas about where we
should spend our holidays. (We mean the individual
members of the family.)
 Christina’s family always spends Christmas
21 Putpresentthe verbs

in brackets into the correct

together. (We refer to them as a unit.) 1 suits

Short hair ................................................... (suit)
too – enough you very much.
• Too comes before adjectives. It has a negative 2 is
Her luggage ................................................. (be)
meaning and shows that something is more than too heavy to lift.
enough, more than necessary or more than wanted.
too + adjective/adverb + to-infinitive 3 do
How much .................................................. (do)
 The sea is too cold for us to swim. the jeans cost?
(The sea is so cold that we can’t swim in it.) 4 looks
Their new furniture ....................................... (look)
• Enough comes before nouns but after adjectives really nice.
or adverbs. It has a positive meaning and shows
that there is as much of something as wanted or 5 The money he gets from his new job ................
needed. .................................................... (be) very good.
adjective/adverb + enough + to-infinitive 6
Do you know any people who .............................. have
enough + noun (have) unusual jobs?
 He plays well enough to be in the school team.
(He can be in the school team.) 7 do not/don,t fit
My new pyjamas ................................................
 They have enough money to go on holiday. (not/fit) me very well.
(They can go on holiday.)
8 Why is
.............................................. (be) there so
• not ... enough + to-infinitive (negative meaning) much rubbish in the garden?
 He is not old enough to drive a car.
(He is young, so he can’t drive a car.) 9 Mrs Laurie always wears jewellery which .........
.......................................................... (cost) a lot.

Grammar Bank 1
too – enough Linkers
22 Rewrite
the sentences using too or enough,
as in the example.
Circle the correct words/phrases.
1 You need to be fit to become a stuntman. You
1 The weather is good. We can have a picnic. as well / also need to be daring.
The weather is good enough for us to have a 2 Surgeons work long hours. They work under
picnic. pressure too / however.
2 Molly can run fast. She can win the race. 3 Angela has got red hair and / but freckles.
Molly can run fast enough to win the race.
............................................................................. 4 Alex is a really easy-going person. He’s very
............................................................................. polite as well / on the other hand.
3 The TV is very expensive. You can’t buy it. 5 Heart surgeons get paid well. On the other hand
The .TV
........ is too expensive for you to buy.
.................................................................... / And, their work is stressful.
............................................................................. 6 This jumper fits you perfectly. Too / However,
4 Tom is very strong. He can move the bookcase. the colour doesn’t really suit you.
........ is strong enough to move the
........ .....................................................................
5 The exercise is very difficult. I can’t do it. 25 Rewrite
the sentences in as many ways as
possible. Use the appropriate linkers.
The .exercise
........ is too difficult for me to do.
1 James wants to buy new jeans. Another thing
............................................................................. K
he wants is a T-shirt. E
6 David is very tired. He can’t go out tonight.
is too tired to go out tonight. James wants to buy new jeans and a T-shirt. Y
James wants to buy new jeans and also a T-shirt.
James wants to buy new jeans as well as a T-shirt.
23 Complete
the second sentence so that it
means the same as the first.
James wants to buy new jeans and a T-shirt too.
2 Sophie is very outgoing. She can be rude at
1 This shirt is too small for me. times.
This shirt isn’t big enough for me. Sophie
........ is very outgoing but she can be rude at times.
2 Kyle isn’t old enough to go to school. Sophie
times. is very outgoing. However, she can be rude at
Kyle is ......................................
too young to go to school. Sophie
be ........rude is very outgoing. On the other hand, she can
at times.
3 Millie is too short to reach the top shelf. .............................................................................
tall enough
Millie isn’t ...................................... to reach the 3 Graphic designers do very creative work. They
top shelf. are not always paid well.
4 The living room is too dark for me. Graphic
........ designers do very creative work but they are
not always paid well.
light enough
The living room isn’t .......................................... Graphic
.........are designers do very creative work. However,
not always paid well.
for me. Graphic
hand, designers do very creative work. On the other
they are not always paid well.
The flat is too expensive to buy. .............................................................................
cheap enough
The flat isn’t ........................................................ 4 Adam has got a moustache. He has got a beard.
to buy. Adam.....................................................................
........ has got a moustache and a beard.
6 Katie speaks too quietly for me to hear. Adam has got a moustache and also a beard.
loud(ly) enough
Katie doesn’t speak ............................................ Adam has got a moustache as well as a beard.
for me to hear. Adam has got a moustache and a beard too.

Grammar Bank 2
Past simple vs Past continuous Note: We can’t use used to for actions which happened
at a stated time in the past. She moved house yesterday.
Past simple (NOT: She used to move house yesterday.)
We use the past simple for: I/You/He/She/It etc.
• an action which happened at a stated time in the Affirmative used to exercise.
past. I/You/He/She/It etc.
 Melanie won the competition last Monday. (The Negative didn’t use to exercise.
time is stated. The action is complete.) Did I/you/he/she/it etc.
• actions which happened immediately one after Interrogative use to exercise?
the other in the past. Yes, I/you/he/she/it etc. did.
She arrived home, went to the kitchen and made a Short answers No, I/you/he/she/it etc. didn’t.
snack. (The time is stated. The actions are complete.) Would
Time expressions used with the past simple: ago, We use would/used to for repeated actions or routines
yesterday, last week/month etc. in the past. We do not use would with stative verbs,
Past continuous because they describe states and not actions.
We use the past continuous for: We would/used to go out on Fridays. (We don’t go out
• an action which was in progress at a stated time in anymore.)
the past. We don’t know when the action started or BUT We used to have a car. (NOT: We would have a car.)
finished. Be used to
Last night, Samuel and Joan were watching a film Be used to + noun/pronoun/-ing form is used to
at the cinema. (We don’t know when they started express habit.
or stopped watching the film.) I’m used to waking up early in the morning.
• a past action which was in progress when another
K action interrupted it. We use the past continuous
for the action in progress (longer action) and the Past continuous
 past simple for the action that interrupted it (shorter
I was surfing the Internet when the lights went out.

1 Complete the exchanges with the past
continuous form of the words in brackets.
• for two or more actions which were happening at 1 A:  was Sally doing
What ..............................................................
the same time in the past (simultaneous actions). (Sally/do) on Thursday afternoon?
Jake was washing the car while Mike was making lunch. was working (work) on her laptop.
B: She .............................
• to give background information in a story.
It was snowing and the wind was blowing when we 2 A: It ..............................................
was raining (rain) earlier
arrived at school. this afternoon.
Time expressions used with the past continuous: while, B:  was walking
I know. I ............................................. (walk)
when, as, all day/night/morning, all day yesterday etc. the dog at that time.
Note: While/As + past continuous (longer action) ..............................................
3 A: Where were you going (you/go)
When + past simple (shorter action) when I saw you?
used to/would/be used to B: I ..............................................
was going (go) to work.
Used to
4 A: What were they arguing
• We use used to to talk about past habits or things (they/argue) about?
that do not happen any more. Used to has the B: I wasn,t listening
don’t know. I ...............................................
same form in all persons, singular and plural, and
is followed by the infinitive. (not/listen).
 Emma used to go swimming when she was young. Were you shopping
5 A: ..................................................... (you/shop)
(Emma doesn’t go swimming any more.) in the town centre yesterday afternoon?
• We form questions with the auxiliary did. B: No. I .................................................
was sleeping (sleep).
D id John use to have short hair when he was young? Was your aunt staying (aunt/stay)
6 A: .....................................................
• We can use the past simple or used to to talk about
past habits with no difference in meaning. with you last weekend?
She used to live in Glasgow. She lived in Glasgow. she ........................
B: Yes, was .

Grammar Bank 2
Complete the text with the past simple or the used to/would/be used to
past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
Write sentences about Sally. Use used to/
didn’t use to.

Nights in
a Tree
D avid George 1) ...................................... (have) a
play with dolls ✓
play computer games ✓
was camping send text messages ✗
terrible experience while he 2) ................................. read a lot of books ✓
................. (camp) out in New Queensland, Australia use a mobile phone ✗

last was returning
summer. As he 3) ......................................

(return) jumped
home, his horse 4) ...................................... 1 She used to play with dolls.
(jump) over some rough ground and David 2 She
.........used to play computer games.
5) ...................................... told
(fall) off. He 6) ................. She .didn
3 ........
, t use to send text messages.
........................ (tell) his horse to carry him back, but She .used
4 ........ to read a lot of books.
the horse 7) ...................................... (take) him into She .didn
5 ........
, t use to use a mobile phone.
dangerous crocodile country. David 8) ......................
...................... (know) that he was in a lot of trouble
so he 9) ...................................... (climb) up , a tree. It
Complete the sentences with the correct
form of the verbs in brackets. Use used to/
was soon midnight, but David 10) ............................. t sleeping didn’t use to.
........................... (not/sleep) because two crocodiles
were waiting (wait) for him at the 1 used to live
Sam ........................................................... (live)
11) ......................................

bottom of the tree. Back home, people 12) ............... were in Liverpool. Now he lives in Glasgow. K
looking (look) for David at the same time
....................... 2 We didn,t use to have
........................................................... (have) E
were looking an Internet connection, but we do now.
as the crocodiles 13) ......................................
(look) for lunch. David 14) ...................................... 3 used to eat
Pete never .................................................. (eat)
(spend) six nights up the tree before a helicopter fruit, but he does now.
15) ...................................... (pull) him to safety. didn,t use to have
4 I ................................................ (have) a laptop,

David had
16) ...................................... (have) only two
but now I can’t live without it.
sandwiches to eat during ,that time, but at least
didn ,t use to wear (wear) glasses,

the didn t have (not/have)
crocodiles 17) ...................................... 5 Sally ...........................................
David to eat. but she needs them now.

Past simple vs Past continuous 6

Circle the correct words/phrases.
1 He is used to / used to working hard.

3 Circle the correct tense.
1 The tornado was hitting / hit the city and
2 They would / used to have a house in the
destroyed / was destroying the houses. 3 Simon left / used to leave an hour ago.
2 Mark was breaking / broke his leg while he 4 She used to watch / watching TV for hours as a
played / was playing football. teenager.
3 When they saw / were seeing the snake, they 5 She didn’t use / isn’t used to driving through a
were starting / started to run. storm.
4 Samantha wrote / was writing a letter when the 6 As a child, Penny would / used to be afraid of
lights were going / went out. lightning.
5 Jason was twisting / twisted his ankle while he 7 James used to sprain / sprained his wrist as he
ran / was running on the sand. was playing tennis.

Grammar Bank 3
Present perfect have been – have gone
Form: have/has + past participle • We use have been to say that someone went
• We form the present perfect with the auxiliary verb somewhere but has come back. She’s been to
have/has and the past participle of the main verb. Paris. (She went to Paris, and she came back. She
• We form the past participle of regular verbs by is no longer there.)
adding -ed to the verb. visit – visited • We use have gone to say that someone went
• We form the past participle of irregular verbs somewhere and is still there. He has gone to the
differently. take – taken (See the list of irregular supermarket. (He has not returned yet.)
verbs on page 135.)
• We form questions by putting have/has before the Present perfect vs Past simple
subject. Have you been to Greece? Past simple – We use the past simple for:
• We form negations by putting not between have/ • an action which happened at a stated time in the
has and the past participle. She has not/hasn’t past. He went to bed at 10. (When? At ten.)
written the letter yet. • an action which started and finished in the past. He
Use lived in Rome for two years. (He isn’t in Rome any
We use the present perfect: more.) BUT She has lived in Rome for two years.
• for actions which happened at an unspecified (She is still in Rome.)
time in the past. The exact time is not mentioned Time expressions used with the past simple: ago,
because it is not important. We put more emphasis yesterday, last week/month/Monday etc.
on the action. She has started a new job. (When
did she start? We don’t mention the exact time Present perfect – We use the present perfect for:
because it is not important. What is important is • an action which happened at an unstated time in
the fact that she has a new job.) the past. He has been to London twice. (When? We
• for actions which started in the past and are still don’t know. The time is not stated.)
K going on in the present. She has lived there since • an action which started in the past and still
E continues in the present. She has been a teacher
Y 1999. (She started living there in 1999, and she is
for ten years. (She became a teacher ten years
still living there.)
• for actions which have recently finished and whose ago and she is still a teacher.)
results are visible in the present. She has lost some • an action which has recently finished and its
weight. (We can see that she lost weight. She used results are visible in the present. She has lost
to be much heavier.) some weight. (So her clothes don’t fit her well.)
• with today, this morning/afternoon etc. when these Present perfect continuous
periods of time are not over at the time of speaking.
 He has read two books this morning. (It’s still Form: have/has + been + verb -ing
morning so this period of time is not finished.) Use
BUT He read the book in the morning. (Now it is We use the present perfect continuous to place
evening.) emphasis on the duration of an action which started
Time expressions used with the present perfect: in the past and continues up to the present. We have
for, since, already, just, always, ever, how long, yet, been walking for the last four hours.
lately, never, so far, today, this morning/afternoon/ Time expressions used with the present perfect
week/month/year etc. continuous: since, for, how long, all day/week etc.
just – yet – already – since – for so – such
• We use just to show that an action finished only a Use
few minutes earlier. He’s just arrived in the office. We use so/such to express the result of something.
• We use yet in questions and negatives. Have you • so + adjective/adverb
finished your work yet? No, I haven’t finished yet. I am so busy (that) I don’t have any free time.
• We use already in positive statements and • such + a/an + adjective + singular countable noun
questions. The film has already started. Have you It was such a boring film (that) we left.
already eaten lunch? • such + adjective + uncountable or plural noun
• We use since to state a starting point. Sam’s I t was such good weather (that) I went for a walk.
worked as a lawyer since 2007. They were such friendly people (that) everyone
• We use for to express duration. Sam’s worked as a liked them.
lawyer for three years.
Grammar Bank 3
Present perfect 4 Putperfectthe orverbsthe inpastbrackets
into the present

1 Putsentences.
the words in the correct order to make
1 I ........................... (speak) to him last Friday, but
1 thieves/The/have/police/arrested/the have not/haven,t seen
I .................................... (not/see) him since then.
.........police have arrested the thieves.
.................................................................... has lived
2 Grace .............................. (live) in Kingston since
2 food/eaten/Chinese/you/ever/Have? she .............................
was (be) four years old.
........ you ever eaten Chinese food? 3 Where ......................................................
have you been (you/be)?
, seen
have not/haven t (not/see) you for ages.
I ........................................
3 morning/five/has/emails/sent/this/Dan
........ has sent five emails this morning. 4 Mark ....................................
lost (lose) his car keys in
4 liked/always/have/basketball/I/playing
the has not/hasn,t found
morning and he ...............................................
I have
........ always liked playing basketball.
..................................................................... (not/find) them yet.
5 known/How/George/you/have/long? have been
5 I ....................................... (be) to the shops twice
........ long have you known George? already. It’s your turn to go now!

just – yet – already – since – for Present perfect vs Present

perfect continuous

2 Circle the correct words.
1 A: Have you seen Liam yet / just?
B: He’s since / just arrived.
Put the verbs in brackets into the present
perfect or the present perfect continuous. K
2 A: Have you worked here for / since long? 1 has already bought
She ..................................................................... Y
B: I’ve worked here for / since February. (already/buy) tickets for the concert.
3 A: Have you tidied your room yet / just? 2 Mark has been playing
........................ (play) football all morning.
B: I’ve already / since finished. 3 has been looking
The rescue team .................................................
4 A: Are we there yet / already? (look) for the missing climber for a week.
B: No, and we’re just / already half an hour late. ..................................................
4 Chris has been exercising (exercise)
We need to hurry up. for weeks and feels terrific.
5 A: I haven’t written to Mary since / for ages.
5 I’m Have you been waiting
sorry I’m late. ...............................................
B: Really? She’s since / just sent me an email. (you/wait) long?
have been – have gone
so – such
Complete the sentences with have/has been
or have/has gone. 6
Fill in the gaps with so or such.
1 has been
Mum ........................................................ to the 1 such
I never knew that snowboarding is.....................
supermarket. The fridge is full of food. an exciting sport.
2 have gone
Daniel and Emma .............................................. 2 such
We were in Barcelona for ....................................
to Germany. They are staying in Berlin. a short time that we didn’t see much.
3 has gone
Gary is not here. He ........................................... 3 so
They went to the airport .............................. late
skateboarding with his friends. that they missed their flight.

4 They have been
......................................................... to the 4 so tired that he cancelled
Nathan felt .....................
cinema twice this month. his squash game.

Grammar Bank 4
somebody or something, that is, they describe what
Past perfect somebody or something is like in reality.
Form: had + past participle Order of adjectives
Affirmative I/You/He/She/It/We/They had come. • Opinion adjectives go before fact adjectives.
Negative I/You/He/She/It/We/They hadn’t come. a beautiful young woman
Had I/you/he/she/it/we/they come?
• When there are two or more fact adjectives in a
Interrogative sentence, they usually go in the following order:
Short Yes, I/you/he/she/it/we/they had. Size Age Shape Colour Origin Material Noun
answers No, I/you/he/she/it/we/they hadn’t.
a small old oval green Italian clay pot
Use • We do not usually use a long list of adjectives
We use the past perfect for an action that happened before a single noun. A noun is usually described
before another past action or before a stated time in the by one, two or three adjectives at the most.
past. She had tidied her room before her mum came home. Alan bought a small Italian pot yesterday.
Time expressions used with the past perfect: before,
after, already, for, since, just, until, by, by the time etc. Adjectives: -ing/-ed ending
• Adjectives ending in -ing are used to describe things.
Past perfect continuous T he book was interesting. (What was the book like?
Form: had + been + verb -ing Interesting)
Affirmative I/You/He/She/It/We/They had been running. • Adjectives ending in -ed are used to describe feelings.
I/You/He/She/It/We/They hadn’t been
Mike was bored. (How did Mike feel? Bored)
Negative running. Adverbs
Interrogative Had I/you/he/she/it/we/they been running? • We usually form an adverb by adding -ly to the
K adjective. bad – badly
E Short Yes, I/you/he/she/it/we/they had. • Adjectives ending in -le, drop the -e and take -y.
Y answers No, I/you/he/she/it/we/they hadn’t. possible – possibly
Use • Adjectives ending in a consonant + y, drop the -y
We use the past perfect continuous: and take -ily. easy – easily
• to emphasise the duration of an action that started • Adjectives ending in -l take -ly. hopeful – hopefully
and finished in the past before another past action • Adjectives ending in -ic usually take -ally.
or stated time in the past. They had been searching basic – basically BUT public – publicly
for their cat for six hours before they found it. • Some adverbs are not formed according to the
• for an action which lasted for some time in the above rules. They have either a totally different
past and whose result was visible in the past. Jane form or the same form as the adjective.
was very tired because she had been working in good ➝ well; fast ➝ fast; hard ➝ hard;
the garden all day. early ➝ early; late ➝ late
Time expressions used with the past perfect • Adverbs of frequency go after auxiliary verbs and
continuous: for, since, how long, before, until etc. the verb to be, but before main verbs.
Dan can never wake up early. Sally is always late.
Adjectives Dad sometimes cooks dinner.
• Adjectives describe nouns. They have the same • Adverbs of manner go before the main verb, after
form in the singular and plural. a cheap laptop - the auxiliary verb or at the end of the sentence.
cheap laptops, an expensive car - expensive cars  He easily scored the first goal. She is patiently
• Adjectives go before the nouns they describe. waiting for a bus. Sam closed the door quietly.
It is a long film. • Adverbs of degree (absolutely, completely, totally,
They also go after the verbs: be, look, seem, smell, extremely, very, quite, rather etc.) go before an
sound, feel, taste etc. adjective, an adverb or a main verb, but after an
She is tall. He seems bored. She feels good. auxiliary verb.
• There are  opinion adjectives (beautiful, good etc.) It’s very hot in here. She quite liked the meal.
which show what a person thinks of somebody or I didn’t totally agree with the decision.
something, and fact adjectives (long, strong, young • Adverbs of place and time usually go at the end of
etc.) which give us factual information about the sentence. Let’s go inside. Shall we go now?

Grammar Bank 4
Past perfect vs Past perfect Adjectives: -ing/-ed ending

1 Put the verbs in brackets into the past
Complete the sentences with the adjectives.
perfect or the past simple. 1 surprised
I was very ..........................................................
1 By the time the police arrived, the thieves to see a robot doing Uncle Rob’s housework!
had escaped (escape).
..................................... not ...........................
2 It’s surprising that children learn how
2 broke
Someone .................................................... (break) to use computers from a young age.
into Sam’s house yesterday. bored/boring
3 When she ................................................. (realise) 3 I don’t enjoy playing computer games. I find
her wallet was gone, she started crying. them ......................................
boring .
4 Jenny ..................................................
had never given (never/give) 4 bored
Andy sometimes feels .......................................
a statement to the police before. in the school holidays.
5 had been (be)
The police found out that he ...................... excited/exciting
in trouble with the law many times in the past. 5 excited
Joanne is ............................................. about her
trip to the Science Museum.
Put the verbs in brackets into the past
perfect or the past perfect continuous.
6 New advancements in computer technology
are very ...................................... .
1 had spent
Mr Smith .................................................... (spend) K
Adverbs E
most of his working life as a policeman. Y
Susan was upset because she ............................
had just
(just/find) out that someone
Fill in the gaps with the adverb form of the
adjectives in the list.
had stolen (steal) her car.
.................................. • loud • happy • good • slow
3 The police ...........................................
had been trying (try) to find 1 My brother speaks German really
the stolen goods for weeks. well .
4 Jason ..................................................
had been walking (walk) down 2 I can’t hear you. Can you speak more
the street when he heard a loud crash. loudly
Adjectives .......................,
3 Drive slowly Tom. The roads are icy.
4 “I love my computer”, Sally said
Put the adjectives in the correct order.
1 a pair of brown/new/leather boots
happily .

a ........
pair of new brown leather boots
2 a rectangular/huge/silver screen
Put the adverbs in the correct position.
1 I’m happy with my new printer. (very)
a huge rectangular silver screen , ......very
I ...m happy with my new printer.
........ .....................................................................
3 a plastic/narrow/white brush 2 Sam is playing. (outside)
a white
........ narrow plastic brush
..................................................................... Sam....................................................................
........ is playing outside.
4 a(n) small/expensive/new fax machine 3 John plays computer games. (often)
an expensive
........ small new fax machine
..................................................................... John....................................................................
........ often plays computer games.
4 Jo is going to London. (next week)
Jo is....................................................................
........ going to London next week.

Grammar Bank 5
will (Future simple) Form
Affirmative I am, He/She/It is,
Form We/You/They are going to buy it.
• We form the future simple with will + infinitive I am not, He/She/It is not,
without to. Will is used with all persons. Negative We/You/They are not going to buy it.
I think she’ll call tonight. I think I’ll make some Am I, Is he/she/it, Are we/you/they
soup. Interrogative going to buy it?
• We form the questions by putting will before the Yes, I am./No, I’m not.
subject. Will Jane drive us to school tomorrow? Short Yes, he/she/it is./No, he/she/it isn’t.
• We form negations by adding not after will. The answers Yes, we/you/they are.
short form of will not is won’t. No, we/you/they aren’t.
They will not/won’t lend us the car.
Affirmative Present continuous (fixed arrangements)
Long form Short form • We use the present continuous for fixed
I/You/He/She/It/We/You/ I/You/He/She/It/We/You/ arrangements in the future, especially if we know
They will visit. They’ll visit. the date or time. Sandra’s having a birthday party
on Saturday.
I’m meeting.
Long form Short form Affirmative He’s/She’s/It’s meeting.
I/You/He/She/It/We/You/ I/You/He/She/It/We/You/ We’re/You’re/They’re meeting.
They will not visit. They won’t visit. I’m not meeting.
Interrogative Short answers Negative He/She/It isn’t meeting.
We/You/They aren’t meeting.
K Yes, I/you/he/she/it/we/you/ Am I meeting?
E Will I/you/he/she/it/we/ they will. Interrogative Is he/she/it meeting?
Y you/they visit? No, I/you/he/she/it/we/you/ Are we/you/they meeting?
they won’t.
Yes, I am./No, I’m not.
Use Short Yes, he/she/it is./No, he/she/it isn’t.
We use will: answers Yes, we/you/they are.
• for on-the-spot decisions. No, we/you/they aren’t.
I’m hungry. I’ll cook some pasta.
• to make predictions based on what we think or Future continuous
imagine. Cars will fly in fifty years’ time. I/You/He/She/It/We/They will/’ll be
• with the verbs hope, think, believe, expect etc. Affirmative playing.
I think he’ll pass his exams. I/You/He/She/It/We/They will not/
• with the expressions I’m sure, I’m afraid etc. Negative won’t be playing.
I’m sure she’ll win the race. Will I/you/he/she/it/we/they be
• with the adverbs probably, perhaps etc. Interrogative playing?
Perhaps it’ll rain later. Short Yes, I/you/he/she/it/we/they will.
be going to answers No, I/you/he/she/it/we/they won’t.
Use We use the future continuous for actions:
We use be going to: • which will be in progress at a stated time in the
• to talk about future plans and intentions. future. This time tomorrow Bradon will be swimming.
Martha is going to spend her holidays in Greece • which will definitely happen in the future as the
this summer. (She’s planning to.) result of a routine or arrangement. She will be
• to make predictions based on what we can see. visiting her friends in Rome this summer.
Look at that wave. It is going to hit the boat. Time expressions used with will, be going to and the
present continuous: in a little while, tomorrow, the day
after tomorrow, in two/three etc. days’ time, next week/
month/year, tonight, soon, in a week/month etc.


Grammar Bank 5
will - be going to 3
Choose the correct words/phrases.

Fill in the gaps with will or be going to and
the verbs in brackets.
1 Perhaps Jessica ...... Nathan the truth about the
1 will find
George really hopes he ...................................... A is going to tell B tells C will tell
(find) tickets for the concert. 2 This time next week, David ...... on a warm,
2 Oh, no! I’ve spilt coffee on the carpet. I sandy beach.
......... will clean (clean) it immediately. A will be lying B is lying

3 It’s Linda’s birthday today and we are going to
..................... C is going to lie
take (take) her out to dinner.
.................... 3 Don’t call Jack tomorrow morning. He ...... his
4 is going to start
By the looks of it, it ............................................ driving lesson.
(start) raining pretty soon. A ’ll be having B ’s having
Karen has decided that she
not going to spend C ’ll have
(not/spend) her holidays abroad. 4 The phone is ringing. I ...... it up.
6 ..........Will you see
.............................. (you/see) who’s at the A pick B ’m going to pick
door, please? I’m on the phone. C ’ll pick
I can’t come to the cinema tonight. I .................
,m going 5 Watch out! You ...... into the car in front!
......... to have (have) dinner at A are crashing B will be crashing
my grandparents’. C are going to crash
6 We ...... to the shops tomorrow morning. Do you E
Present continuous (fixed need anything?
arrangements) A are going B go C will go
7 Don’t worry, John ...... your computer as soon as
Complete the dialogue with the present
continuous form of the words in brackets.
he gets here.
A will fix B is fixing
Are we going
A: 1) ......................................................... (we/go) C will be fixing
to the cinema tonight? 8 I’m afraid Mr Jameson ...... back until next week.
B: am helping
Sorry, I can’t. I 2) .............................................. Would you like to leave a message?
(help) my dad fix some shelves. A will not be B is not being
A: What about tomorrow night? C is not going to be
No, I can’t. It’s Mum’s birthday. We 3) ............. are 9 Hurry up! Our bus ...... in a few minutes.
........ ................................ (have) a family meal. A will be leaving B leave C will
A: Friday night then? 10 I ...... Jane for coffee later. Why don’t you join
am meeting (meet) Tom and Alec at the
B: I 4) .......................... us?
park. We play basketball on Friday. Oh, wait, A ’m meeting B going to meet
they can’t come this week. They 5) ...................... C ’ll meet
............................. (visit) their grandparents. 11 Penny has written out the invitations and she
aren,t doing (not/do) anything
A: So you 6) ................................... ...... them off at the post office on her way to
on Friday night? work.
B: No, I’m not. Let’s go to the cinema! A is going to drop B drops
A: OK then. See you there! C will drop

Grammar Bank 5
Conditionals type 0-3 Time words
Conditional clauses consist of two parts: the if-clause • We do not use the future simple after: while,
(hypothesis) and the main clause (result). before, until, as soon as, after, if and when. We
If-clause Main clause use the present simple instead.
(hypothesis) (result)  Wait here until the bus arrives. (NOT: ... until the
if + present bus will arrive.)
Zero conditional simple present simple • When can be used with the future simple if it is
General truth used as a question word.
If you heat iron, it melts.
When will you go on holiday?
Use: something which is always true, laws of nature I’m not sure when the bus will leave.
If-clause Main clause
• When is followed by the present simple if it is used
(hypothesis) (result) as a time word. Give me a phone call when you
First if + present will + bare arrive at the hotel. (NOT: when you will arrive.)
simple infinitive
If he doesn’t wake up early,
(present-future) he will miss the bus. We use the verb wish or the expression if only to
express a wish. If only is more emphatic than wish.
Use: something real, likely to happen in the present • We use wish/if only + past simple when we want
or future to say that we would like something to be different
If-clause Main clause in the present.
(hypothesis) (result) I wish my tooth didn’t hurt. (But my tooth hurts.)
if + past simple would + bare • We use wish/if only to express regret about
infinitive something that did or didn’t happen in the past.
K Second
If I had more money, I would travel They wish they hadn’t bought such a big house.
E conditional
(But they did.)
Y Unreal the world. BUT I don’t have more
(present-future) money. (unreal in the present) Note: After I and we we use could instead of would.
If I were you, I would ask for help. I wish I could travel around the world. (NOT: I wish I
(advice) would travel around the world.)
Use: imaginary situation, unreal in present or future;
also used to give advice
• When the if-clause comes before the main clause, Conditionals type 0-3
the two clauses are separated with a comma.
If I go to the cinema, I will invite my friend. – I will
invite my friend if I go to the cinema.

4 Write zero conditional sentences.
1 you heat ice (it/melt)
• We can use were instead of was for all persons in
the if-clause of Type 2 conditionals. If Tony was/ If you heat ice, it melts.
were taller, he would go on the roller coaster. 2 you eat a lot of junk food (you/put on weight)
Main clause
(result) If you....................................................................
......... eat a lot of junk food, you put on weight.
would have + past 3 you mix red and white (you/get pink) .................
if + past perfect participle
Third conditional If you....................................................................
......... mix red and white, you get pink.
Unreal (past) If he had left earlier,
he would have caught his flight. 4 you heat metal (it/expand) .................................
If you....................................................................
......... heat metal, it expands.
Use: imaginary situation in the past; also used to
express regret or criticism 5 you go out in the rain (you/get wet) ...................
If you....................................................................
......... go out in the rain, you get wet.


Grammar Bank 5
Read the statements. Then write first
conditional sentences, as in the example.
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct
1 “I drive fast.” (you/get a ticket) 1 would be
If more people recycled, there .............................
If you drive fast, you will get a ticket. (be) less rubbish.
2 “We will play well.” (we/win the match) 2 If you volunteer for Clean-up Day, I
If we....................................................................
......... play well, we will win the match. will join
................................... (join) you.
3 “She is going to work late tonight.” (she/miss 3 will become
If you exercise, you ................................................
the party) ............................................................
If she works late tonight, she will (become) fit.
miss .the
......... party.
................................................................... would have visited (visit) more
4 We .......................................................
4 “We want to travel to Brazil.” (we/go on a jungle sights if we had had time.
safari) ..................................................................
If we travel to Brazil, we will go on 5 won,t burn
If there is no air, wood ..........................................
a jungle
......... safari.
.................................................................... (not/burn).
6 There would be less pollution if more people
Write second conditional sentences.
1 The charity doesn’t have enough money, so it
instead of their cars.
(use) public transport

can’t help all the families.

If the charity had enough money, it would help Time words
all the families.
2 He makes fun of people, so he doesn’t have 9
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct
If he didn,t make fun of people,
friends. ............................................................... Y
he would
......... have friends.
.................................................................... 1 finish
When you ............................................... (finish)
3 They don’t have enough money, so they can’t go your homework, give me a call.
on holiday. .If.........................................................
they had enough money, they 2 Don’t start watching the DVD until I
......... go on holiday. arrive
.............................................................. (arrive)!
4 She doesn’t work many hours, so she has time 3 finishes
By the time Jane ................................................
to study. .............................................................
If she worked many hours, she (finish) work, it’ll be dark.
, t have time to study.

4 I’ll get
cook dinner as soon as I ...............................
(get) home.
will you leave (you/leave) for Spain?
Write third conditional sentences.
1 She was upset with him because he lied to her.
5 When

If he hadn’t lied to her, she wouldn’t have been

upset with him.
It rained all day so we didn’t go out. ................. If it hadn,t
10 Use
the situations to make sentences. Start
with I wish/If only:
rained all day, we would have gone out. (ดู Answer Key Section ท้ายเล่ม)
......... .................................................................... • I don’t have time to do sports.
3 Their car broke down and they didn’t visit • I wasn’t polite to my neighbour.
their car hadn,t broken
Stonehenge. ..If...................................................... • It’s very cold today.
......... they would have visited Stonehenge.
down,.................................................................... • My parents didn’t let me get a cat.
He didn’t have a map so he got lost. ................. If he had • I’m afraid of lightning.
had .a...................................................................
map, he wouldn t have got lost. • I lost my sister’s sunglasses.
I wish I had time to do sports.

Grammar Bank 6
Reported speech Certain words and time expressions change as follows:
Reported speech is the exact meaning of what now then
someone said, but not the exact words. We don’t use today, tonight, this that day, that night, that week/
quotation marks with reported speech. We can use week/month/year month/year
that after the introductory verb (say, tell) or we can yesterday, the day before/the previous day,
leave it out. He said that the film was interesting. last week the week before/the previous week
tomorrow, the next/following day,
say – tell next week the following week/the week after
• In reported speech we use say without to (without ago before
a personal object) when we don’t mention the here there
person being spoken to. He said (that) he was this, these that, those
upset. come go
• We use say with to (with a personal object) when
we mention the person being spoken to. He said Reported questions
to me (that) he was upset. • We use ask or want to know to report questions. We
• We use tell without to (with a personal object) use the affirmative form of the verb. The question
when we mention the person being spoken to. mark is omitted and the verb tenses, pronouns and
He told me (that) he was upset. time expressions change as in statements.
Reported statements  “How old is your brother?” Paul asked Kim.
Paul asked Kim how old her brother was.
• In reported speech, personal/possessive pronouns • When the direct question begins with who, where,
and possessive determiners change according to when, why, what or how, we use the same question
the meaning of the sentence. “I’ve published my word in the reported question.
K book,” Ian said. Ian said that he had published his  “What time is it?” he asked. He asked what time it
E book.
Y • The introductory verb is usually in the past simple was.
and the verb tenses change as follows: • When the direct question begins with is, do, have
etc., we use if/whether in the reported question.
present simple ➝ past simple “Are these shoes new?” she asked.
“The film starts at 7 pm,” She said (that) the film She asked if/whether those shoes were new.
she said. started at 7 pm.
present continuous ➝ past continuous Reported commands/requests
“I am not working today,” He said (that) he was not • We use order/tell + sb + (not) to-infinitive to report
he said. working that day. commands.
present perfect ➝ past perfect “Go away!” she said.
“I have lost my keys,” she She said (that) she had lost She ordered/told them to go away.
said. her keys. • We use ask + sb + (not) to-infinitive to report
past simple ➝ past perfect requests. Usually, the direct sentence contains the
said (that) she had lost word ‘please’.
“I lost the game” she said. She
the game. “Please don’t talk,” she said.
She asked them not to talk.
present modal ➝ past modal
“I may leave,” he said. He said (that) he might
will ➝ would
“I will buy a car,” he said. He said (that) he would buy
a car.


Grammar Bank 6
Reported statements Reported questions,
Fill in the gaps with said or told.
  said he was watching the football
1 David ............
Rewrite the questions in reported speech.
1 “Did you like the film E.T.?” Sarah asked Dan.
  said to Mark that her computer was
2 Alice ............ Sarah asked Dan if he liked the film E.T.
broken. 2 “What do you do in your free time?” she asked
 told me he would send me a fax.
3 He ............ them. She asked them what they did in their
  told us they would be late.
4 They ............ free .time.
......... ...................................................................
5 Her friend ............
 said to her that he had sent her a 3 “Have you downloaded any films lately?” he
text message. asked me. He asked me if I had downloaded
  told me that he would send some
6 Jason ............ any films
......... lately.
photos by email. 4 “How will you get to school tomorrow?” Pat

asked her friends. Pat asked her friends how
Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.
1 “Carl is downloading some music,” she told
they ....................................................................
......... would get to school the next day.
5 “Where can I buy a good screen for my PC?”
She told me that Carl was downloading
me. .....................................................................
she asked him. She asked him where she
some music.........................................................
...................... could....................................................................
......... buy a good screen for her PC.
2 “I’ll fix your computer tomorrow,” John told
John told Tina that he would fix her
Tina. ....................................................................
the next day.
Report the following commands.
1 “Turn your PC off!” John told Evelyn.
3 “Mark doesn’t believe there is life in outer John told Evelyn to turn her PC off.

space,” she said. ..She said that Mark didn,t
2 “Don’t be late tomorrow,” she told them.
........ there is life in outer space.
..................................................................... She told
.......... them not to be late the next day.
“I like your new laptop,” she told me. ..She told
3 “Do your homework!” Mum told me.
me that
......... she liked my new laptop.
.................................................................... Mum....................................................................
told me to do my homework.
5 “We went to the cinema last week,” they said. .
said that they had gone to the cinema 4 “Please take the rubbish out,” Helen said to
week before. Pete.
......... asked Pete to take the rubbish out.
6 “You may not be able to use this printer,” he
told us. ...............................................................
He told us that we might not be
able ....................................................................
......... to use that printer. 5
Rewrite Helen’s telephone conversation with
Simon in direct speech.
7 “Mary hasn’t left for Rome yet,” David said. (ดู Answer Key Section ท้ายเล่ม)
......... said that Mary hadn,t left for Rome
David.................................................................... Helen said that she was going shopping, and
yet. .....................................................................
........ asked Simon if he would like to go with her.
8 “I can’t save this file on my computer,” he told He told her he had a science test the following
He told Harry that he couldn,t save
Harry. ................................................................. day and so he was studying for it. She said she
that .file
......... on his computer.
................................................................... would help him. Simon replied that that was
9 “You should get a new mouse for your very nice of her.
Nick said to
computer,” Nick said to Tom. ............................
.... that he should get a new mouse for his
......................................................................... Helen: I’m going ......................................................

Grammar Bank 7
a/an – the The passive
We use a/an: Form
• with nouns when referring to an unspecified thing. We form the passive with the verb to be in the
Jack has got a cat. The cat is black and white. appropriate tense and then add the past participle of
• with singular countable nouns when we want to say the main verb.
what sb/sth is. It’s a kangaroo. Susan is a doctor. The Empire State Building was completed in 1931.
We use a: Active Passive
before singular countable nouns which begin with a Present simple She cooks dinner. Dinner is cooked.
consonant sound (a horse, a unicorn). was
Past simple She cooked dinner. Dinner
We use an:
before singular countable nouns which begin with a Future She will cook Dinner will be
vowel sound (an apple, an hour). dinner. cooked.
She has
Present perfect dinner. cooked Dinner has been
We use the: cooked.
• with nouns when talking about something specific She should cook Dinner should be
or something that has already been mentioned. Modals dinner. cooked.
 Tim has got a pet. The pet is a goldfish.
How about going to the beach? Subject Verb Object
• with nouns that are unique (the sky, the moon etc). Active James Cameron directed Avatar.
• with the names of rivers (the Danube), groups
of islands (the Bahamas), mountain ranges (the
Rocky Mountains), deserts (the Kalahari), oceans Subject Verb Agent
Passive Avatar was by James
K (the Pacific), canals (the Coral Canal), countries
when they include words such as States, Kingdom directed Cameron.
Y  (the UK), Republic, in geographical terms such Changing from the active into the passive
as the North Pole/Arctic/Amazon, the South of a) The object of the active sentence becomes the
England, the North/East/South/West. subject in the passive sentence.
• with the names of musical instruments (the b) The active verb changes into a passive form.
violin). c) The subject of the active sentence becomes the
• with the names of families (the Smiths) and agent in the passive sentence.
nationalities ending in -sh, -ch or -ese (the Use
Spanish). • We use the passive voice when we want to show
• with titles (the King, the Prime Minister) but not that the action of the verb is more important than
with titles including a proper name (King George). the person who carries out the action.
We do not use the: The injured athlete was taken for an X-ray.
• with uncountable and plural nouns when talking • The agent (the person who carries out the action)
about something in general. Snakes can be is introduced with the preposition by.
dangerous. Computers are easy to use. T he role of the robot was played by Robin Williams.
• with proper names. Susan is a doctor. (The identity of the agent is important.)
• with languages, unless they are followed by the • The agent is not mentioned when:
word language. Bob speaks Spanish, Italian and a) it is unknown. The bank was robbed yesterday.
German fluently. BUT The English language (We don’t know who robbed it.)
• with the names of countries which don’t include b) it is unimportant. Wine is made in France. (Who
the word State, Kingdom or Republic: England, makes it is not important.)
France. BUT the Netherlands, the Gambia c) it is obvious from the context. The burglar was
• with the names of streets (Prince’s Street), parks caught. (It is obvious that the police caught
(Hyde Park), cities (Paris), mountains (Mount him.)
Olympus), individual islands (Cyprus), lakes (Lake d) the subject of the sentence is people, one,
Bola) and continents (Europe). someone, they, he etc. People eat rice in
China. – Rice is eaten in China.

Grammar Bank 7
a/an – the 3
Answer the questions using the correct
passive form, as in the example.
Fill in the gaps with a/an or the where
necessary. 1 Are most sitcoms filmed on location? (in a studio)
No. Most sitcoms aren’t filmed on location.
We are having ..........- the Greens
dinner with ..........
They’re filmed in a studio.
on Saturday.
A an Irish wind instrument. 2 Will a new TV series be filmed in Los Angeles?
2 .......... tin whistle is ..........
- Bob is ........a the (New York)
3 ........ pilot. He flies all over ........
No. The new TV series will not be filmed in
- - Tuesday at 8:00 Los Angeles.
......... It will be filmed in New York.
4 ......... NCIS is on every ........
3 Has the film been nominated for an award for

its music? (special effects) No. The film hasn t
5  ........
The film Cold Mountain was filmed in ........ the
- Romania. been....................................................................
......... nominated for an award for its music.
Carpathian Mountains in ........
- the Alps in ........
- Europe. It has....................................................................
......... been nominated for an award for its
6 ........ Mont Blanc is in ........ special effects.
4 Was the music for the film Mamma Mia written
a very high mountain.
It’s ........
by U2? (ABBA) No. The music for the film
The passive Mamma
......... Mia wasn,t written by U2. It was
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct
passive form.
......... by ABBA.
5 Is the artist’s work displayed in a museum?
(art gallery) K
is said (say)
1) ............................
No. The
artist,s work isn,t displayed in a
It is displayed in an art gallery.
......... ....................................................................
to be one of the most
successful sitcoms
of all time. It ran for 4
Answer the questions using the words in
brackets in the passive form.
10 years on NBC. It 1 Is he a good actor? Yes. .....................................
was shown
2) ....................................
(show) in over 100 He
.........was nominated for three awards last
countries. The series year.
was filmed
3) .................................................. (he/nominate/for three awards/last year)
(film) in a Warner Bros. Studio. It is about six 2 Who will direct the sequel to the film? ..............
friends who live together and share experiences.
Audiences 4) ..................................
were attracted (attract) instantly A.........
director hasn,t been chosen yet.
to their attempts to make it in New York City. The .............................................................................
were cast
six actors who 5) ......................................... (cast) for (a director/not choose/yet)
the main roles, were almost unknown. After 10 years 3 Have they found a presenter for the new quiz
of one successful season after another, they became show yet? Yes. ...................................................
huge celebrities.
was entitled (entitle)
At first, the sitcom 6) ....................................... It will....................................................................
......... be presented by a popular actor.
was named
‘Insomnia Café’. Finally, it 7) ........................................... .............................................................................
(name) Friends and proved to be the right choice. (it/present/popular actor)
Throughout the ten years the series won a lot of 4 How often is NCIS on TV?....................................
was nominated
awards and 8) ............................................ (nominate) A.........
episode is shown every Tuesday.
for 63 Emmy Awards. Today, reruns of ‘Friends’
are shown
9) ............................................. (show) worldwide. .............................................................................
(a new episode/show/every Tuesday)

Grammar Bank 7
The causative (have sth done) The causative
We use have + object + past participle to say that we
arrange for someone to do something for us.
Anna had her house painted. (She didn’t paint it
Rewrite the sentences using the causative,
as in the example.
herself. Someone else did it for her.) 1 John’s mum baked him a special cake for his
Active Passive birthday.
Present simple He washes his He has his car John had a special cake baked for his birthday.
car. washed.
2 Susan has brought the opera tickets to my
Present He is washing his He is having his car
continuous car. washed. office.
Past simple He washed his He had his car have had the opera tickets brought to my
I ..........................................................................
car. washed. office
..... by Susan.
Future He will wash his He will have his car
car. washed. 3 They will exhibit the artist’s paintings at the art
Present perfect He has washed He has had his car gallery.
his car. washed. The artist ............................................................
will have his paintings exhibited
Be going to He is going to He is going to have at the art gallery.
wash his car. his car washed. .............................................................................
He may wash his He may have his 4 A professional is going to decorate Mary’s
Modals car. car washed. house.
is going to have her house decorated
Mary ...................................................................
Reflexive/Emphatic pronouns by a professional.
K Form
E 5 Mrs Smith pays someone to clean her house
Y myself himself itself yourselves twice a week.
yourself herself ourselves themselves Mrs Smith ...........................................................
has her house cleaned twice a
Use week.
We use reflexive/emphatic pronouns:
• with verbs such as burn, cut, enjoy, hurt, introduce,
look at, teach etc. when the subject and the object
Complete the following exchanges using the
causative, as in the example.
of the verb are the same. 1 A: When are you leaving for your trip?
Ben introduced himself to everyone. B: have my car
I don’t know. I should ...................................
• to emphasise the noun or pronoun of a sentence. serviced
........................................ (my car/service) first.
They usually come after the noun or pronoun they
emphasise or at the end of the sentence. 2 A: Did you get your new TV?
J ohn built this boat himself. (He built it, not
B: Yes, had it delivered
we .........................................................
someone else.) (it/deliver) yesterday.
• with the expressions: enjoy myself (have a good
time), behave yourself (be good), by myself
3 A: Jenna’s hair always looks so stylish!
(without company or without help), make yourself had it done
B: It does! She ...................................................
at home (feel comfortable), help yourself (you are (it/do) by a well-known hairdresser.
welcome to take something if you want).
4 A: What will Joe do with the stray kitten he
will have it taken
B: I’m not sure. I think I ....................................
(it/take) to an animal shelter.
5 A: Our house needs painting.
B:  haven
,t had it painted
I know. We ....................................................
(it/not/paint) since we moved in.

Grammar Bank 7
Read the situations and write
sentences using the causative,
Reflexive/Emphatic pronouns
as in the example. 8
Look at the pictures and match them to the sentences.
Then complete the sentences with the correct emphatic/
1 A famous artist has painted
reflexive pronouns.
Emma’s portrait. What has
Emma done? A 3 B 6 C 2
She has had her portrait painted
by a famous artist.
2 Chris will ask his sister to book
his theatre tickets over the
Internet. What will Chris do?
Chris will have his theatre
..................................................... D 4 E 1 F 5
tickets booked over the
Internet by his sister.
3 The Porters may get someone
to redecorate their house. What
may the Porters do?
The .Porters
........ may have their
............................................ 1 yourself
You can’t carry this heavy box by ........................................... .
house redecorated.
..................................................... 2 Children shouldn’t play with scissors alone, because they may K
themselves .
cut .................................. E
..................................................... Y
4 Dina asked John to burn some 3 herself
Susie fell and hurt ................................... as she was running.
songs onto a CD for her. What 4 myself
I painted this picture .......................................! Do you like it?
did Dina do? 5 ourselves
We all enjoyed ..................................................... at my party.
........ had some songs burnt 6 himself
Sam is careful not to burn ........................................................
onto a CD by John.
..................................................... when he cooks in the oven.
5 Joanna always asks her 9
Fill in the gaps with the correct reflexive/emphatic
pronouns where necessary.
neighbours to feed her cat when 1 John never buys his bread from the bakery; he makes it
she is away. What does Joanna himself
..................................... .
do? 2 -
Dozens of trees burned ................................ in the forest fire.
Joanna always has her cat
..................................................... 3 herself
Patricia has been teaching .......................................................
fed her neighbours when
............................................ how to play the guitar.
away. 4 Though he’s a very talented artist, I don’t think this picture is
6 George is painting Jane’s -
very nice to look at ................................................................ .
bedroom. What is Jane doing?
5 Let’s ourselves
introduce ................................................. . I’m Mary and
........ is having her bedroom this is my brother, David.
painted by George.
..................................................... 6 yourself
If you’re thirsty, you can help ...................................................
..................................................... to some orange juice, Ben.
7 What do you mean your bike is not in the garage? I put it
there myself

Grammar Bank 8
Relatives • When the verb of the sentence is in the past simple,
we use did. You paid the milkman, didn’t you?
• The relative pronouns who/that and which/that and • Some verbs/expressions form question tags
the relative adverb where introduce relative clauses. differently:
Relative pronouns Relative adverbs  I am – aren’t I? I’m late, aren’t I?; Imperative – will
people who/that place where you/won’t you? Close the window, will you/won’t
objects/animals which/that you?; Don’t – will you? Don’t yell, will you?; Let’s
– shall we? Let’s go out, shall we?; I have got –
• We use who/that to refer to people. The man who/ haven’t I? They have got two children, haven’t
that is with Tim is his dad. they?; I have (other meanings) – don’t I? She has
• We use which/that to refer to animals, objects lunch at 1 o’clock, doesn’t she?; There is – isn’t
or ideas. This is the house which/that has got a there? There is a football match tonight, isn’t there?;
swimming pool. This/That is – isn’t it? That’s your mum, isn’t it?
• We use whose to show possession. That’s the
book whose author has won the Nobel Prize. Intonation
• We don’t use a relative pronoun with another • When we are sure of the answer, the voice goes
pronoun (I, you, he, him etc.). down in the question tag. (➘) You live in Oxford,
 I know someone who is an athlete. (NOT: I know don’t you? (➘)
someone who he is an athlete.) • When we are not sure of the answer and want
• We use where to refer to places. Where is used after to check information, the voice goes up in the
nouns like place, house, street, town and country. question tag. (➚) He didn’t go out, did he? (➚)
This is the beach where we go swimming.
There are two types of relative clauses: Relatives
• a defining relative clause gives necessary
information and is essential to the meaning of
the main sentence. We do not put the clause in
Choose the correct words.
1 That shop didn’t have the magazine ...... I
Y commas. The people who moved next door to us
are very friendly. (Which people are friendly? Those wanted.
who moved next door to us.) A that B where C who
• a non-defining relative clause gives extra 2 Jason knows the person ...... stars in the film.
information and is not essential to the meaning of A who B which C whose
the main sentence. The clause is put in commas. We
cannot use that instead of who. Helena Stephens, 3 That’s the girl ...... brother is a doctor.
who used to be a famous ballerina, gives dance A whom B whose C which
lessons to children. (Helena Stephens gives dance 4 I didn’t know anyone ...... was at Lisa’s party.
lessons to children – the meaning of the sentence
is clear. – who used to be a famous ballerina – the A which B whose C who
relative clause gives extra information.) 5 This is the company ...... main offices are located
Question tags in Thailand.
• Question tags are short questions at the end of A whose B who C where
statements. We form them with the auxiliary verb 6 I’ve found those glasses ...... you were looking
or modal verb from the main sentence and the for.
appropriate subject pronoun. You live here, don’t A who B that C where
you? Eric is a policeman, isn’t he?
• We use question tags in speech in order to confirm 7 This is the house ...... John bought a week ago.
something or to find out if something is true or not. A whose B who C that
• A positive statement takes a negative question tag. 8 It’s the best book ...... I have ever read!
Amy has gone to the cinema, hasn’t she?
• A negative statement takes a positive question tag. A whose B that C who
She didn’t finish, did she? He won’t be at the party, 9 I didn’t enjoy the meal ...... she cooked for me.
will he? A who B whose C which
• When the verb of the sentence is in the present 10 This is the place ...... name I can’t remember.
simple, we use do/does in the question tag.
Sarah works in a shop, doesn’t she? A whose B where C which

Grammar Bank 8
Fill in the gaps with the correct relative
Fill in the gaps with the relative pronouns.
Put commas where necessary. Write (D) for
defining, (ND) for non-defining.
This is a city for people 1 Tom, whose sister is in my class, is my best
1) ........................ want friend. ND
to experience culture 2 which has useful
That is the leaflet .................
and 2) ..........................
information for your journey. D
want to have fun too. 3 whose fish market
This is the town .................
where you can visit amazing
It’s a place 3) .......................... D
tourist attractions like the Sagrada Familia and the is the best in the country. ...........
Picasso Museum, but it’s also a great destination for 4 My aunt Sue  , .................
who lives in Panama  ,
those 4) ...........................
who want to relax. Barcelona,
is an archaeologist. ND
5) ........................... great beach is only a short walk 5 whose father has
Natalie is the girl .................
from the city, is also ideal for summer holidays.
travelled all over the world. D
Visit Barcelona and you will have an experience
6) ........................... you will never forget! 6 That elephant    , .................
which is two years
old , was born in the  wild. ND
which is in the USA    ,is
7 New York   ,.................
3 Join the sentences. Use the relatives in
brackets. which never sleeps’.
called ‘the city ................. ...........
1 Florence is a beautiful city. People can see 8 Manchester   , .................
which was the world’s K
industrial city   , is a city with E
historic buildings. (where) ..Florence is a beautiful first
................................ Y
city .where
........ people can see historic buildings.
.................................................................... many attractions. ND
2 This is my friend, Dan. He is studying at
9 The who served me
shopkeeper .................

university. (who) This is my friend, Dan, who
................................................. very helpful.
was D
is........studying at university.
..................................................................... who I
10 John      , ................. went on holiday with ,
3 This is my new bicycle. I bought it last week.
works in the same office as me. ND
(which) ................................................................
This is my new bicycle which
I bought
........ last week.
Question tags
4 These are my old shoes. I’m going to throw
These are my old shoes
them away. (that) ...............................................
Write the correct question tags.

1 Matt isn,t he
is great, ....................................................?
I,m going to throw away.
2 They’ve haven,t they
got a big house, ..................................?
5 My grandparents live in a small cottage. Its roof 3 don,t you
You live in a village, .........................................?

is made of straw. (whose) My grandparents live in 4 They’ll
.................................. won,t they
come to the party, .................................?
a small
........ cottage whose roof is made of straw. 5
..................................................................... Sally went to the beach with you, ....................? didn,t she
6 Torquay is a seaside resort. Lots of people like aren
6 You’re
,t you
14, ..........................................................?

to spend their holidays there. (where) ................ Torquay 7 doesShe doesn’t live close by, .................................? she
is ........a .seaside resort where lots of people like 8 will
.................................................................... he
He won’t arrive until 9:00, ................................?
to spend
........ their holidays.
..................................................................... 9
Andy didn’t play ice hockey today,
7 Mr and Mrs Stokes are my neighbours. Their did he
daughter is my friend. (whose) .......................... and Mrs 10 Joe and Pam like living in the countryside,
Stokes are my neighbours whose daughter don,t they
............................................................................. ...............................?
is my friend. WORKBOOK

Grammar Bank 8
Modals • We use can to ask for or give permission. Can I stay
at my friend’s house, Mum? (Will you let me …?)
must – can’t You can wear my jacket. (You are allowed to.)
logical deductions • We use can to make a request. Can I borrow your
For positive deductions we use must. (= I’m sure/ car for tonight? (Is it OK if I …?)
certain that sth is true/real.) • We use could for general ability in the past. Joan
For negative logical deductions we use can’t. (= I’m could ride a bike when she was three. (She had the
sure/certain that sth isn’t true/real.) ability in the past.)
They must be out. (I’m certain they are out.) • We use was/were able to for specific ability in the
They can’t be at home. (I’m sure they are not at home.) past. Pam was able to find tickets for tomorrow’s
have to – don’t have to show. (Specific ability.)
• We use have to to express necessity. • We use could to make a more polite request.
I have to feed the baby every 4 hours. (It’s Could you move your car, please? (Do you mind
necessary.) …? – more polite)
• We use don’t/doesn’t have to to express lack of should – shouldn’t
necessity. They don’t have to go to school today. We use should/shouldn’t to give advice.
It’s a holiday. (It’s not necessary. There is no You should take an umbrella. (It’s a good idea.)
school on holidays.) They shouldn’t eat junk food! (It’s better if they don’t.)
must – mustn’t
• We use must/mustn’t to express obligation or
K duty. She must finish her work on time. (She has
E a responsibility.) must/can’t (making deductions)
Y • We use must/mustn’t to express very strong advice.
You must drive carefully. You mustn’t drop litter.

6 Complete the exchanges with must or can’t.
1 A: Where’s Katy?
• We use mustn’t to express prohibition. You mustn’t
take photographs in the gallery. (It’s against the
B: She must be at work. She’s very busy this
rules. It’s not allowed.) week.
 Note: Must is only for present tenses. We use have 2 A: Is the city in the picture Los Angeles?
 to for all other tenses. He’ll have to cook dinner can,t be Los Angeles. I think it
B: Well, it ..............
tonight. (future) She had to buy a new mobile must be London because I can see a red
phone last week. (past)
double-decker bus in the distance.
may – might
3 must
A: No one’s answering the door. They ..............
• We use may and might to express possibility. Might
expresses a slightly lower possibility than may. be out.
 The children may enjoy a day at the beach. (It’s can,t be. I can see a light on in the
B: They ..............
possible – 50%) She might come to the cinema with living room.
us. (It’s possible – 40%) 4 A: Look at that big pizza John’s eating. He
• We use may to ask for permission in a more formal must be really hungry!
way. May I see your tickets, please? (Is it OK if I can
,t be! We only ate lunch two hours
B: He ..............
…? – more formal) ago!
• Might is used to express possibility. He might
come with us if he finishes early. (It’s possible.)
can – could – be able to
• We use can/be able to to show ability in the
present. Jack can/is able to cook delicious meals.

Grammar Bank 8
Modals 10 Circle the correct words.

7 Circle the correct
In a big city …
1 you should / can cross busy streets carefully.
At a water park … 2 you must / might keep your bag close to your
1 you must /mustn’t
3 you shouldn’t / don’t walk around alone at
obey the safety rules.
2 you mustn’t / don’t have to wear swimming
4 you can / have to get around easily by public
3 you mustn’t / don’t have to run by the pools.
5 you must / might get stuck in a traffic jam.
4 you don’t have to / have to listen to the
5 you don’t have to / mustn’t be a young child to 11
Circle the correct words/phrases.
1 I mustn’t / don’t have to forget to pay my
enjoy yourself!
electricity bill.
Make sentences using the words/phrases
2 I think it might / must snow tomorrow.
3 I don’t have any pens. Can / Must I borrow
be a good swimmer to go 4 May / Can you turn down the television, please? K
bodysurfing. E
must/have to drop litter in the street. I can’t concentrate.
You mustn’t Y
don’t have to be old to enjoy gardening. 5 We can’t / mustn’t eat food in the classroom.
walk alone in cities. 6 Excuse me sir, may / could you tell me what
be quiet in the library.
the time is, please?
(Suggested answer)
1 You
.........have to be a good swimmer to go bodysurfing. 7 A dog fell into the river yesterday. Luckily,
2 ........ mustn,t drop litter in the street.
You ..................................................................... rescuers were able to / could save it.
3 ........
You .....................................................................
don t have to be old to enjoy gardening. 8 My grandmother could / should speak five
4 ........ mustn,t walk alone in cities.
You ..................................................................... languages fluently.
You .....................................................................
5 ........ must be quiet in the library. 9 To log in to an email account, you may / have to
enter a password.
Match the signs to the meanings. 10 I don’t have to / couldn’t be at work tomorrow.
I’ve got that day off.
11 I might / must go to the beach later. I’ll see
what I feel like.
12 “I’ve got toothache.” “You can / should see a
1 b 2 d 3 a 4 c
a You can’t take photographs. 13 They can / could help you clean the house.
b You can park here. They’re free all afternoon.
c You can dive here. 14 I can’t / might watch that programme on TV if
d You can’t eat or drink here. I’m back home on time.


Grammar Bank 8
-ing form/to-infinitive/infinitive had better/would rather
without to • We use had better + infinitive without to to express
We use the -ing form: obligation, warning, advice or to say what the best
• as a noun. Watching TV is his favourite pastime. thing to do in a particular situation is.
• after the following verbs: like, dislike, love, hate, You had better tell your friend the whole truth.
enjoy, prefer, start, begin, finish, stop etc. It started • We use would rather + infinitive without to to
snowing an hour ago. express specific preference.
• after the verb go when we talk about activities. She would rather not move to a bigger house.
They often go bowling at weekends. Linkers of contrast
• after prepositions. Sam isn’t interested in joining a
sports club. We use linkers of contrast to express contrast
• after the following phrases: be busy, it’s no use, between two ideas.
it’s (not) worth, there’s no point (in), what’s the use Form
of, can’t help, can’t stand, have difficulty (in), look • although/in spite of the fact that/despite the fact
forward to. John is busy making some calls. that + clause
• after the following verbs: avoid, appreciate, admit,  She invited him to her party despite the fact that
 confess, consider, deny, continue, imagine, involve, they had had an argument.
 mind, regret, risk, spend, suggest etc. Susan • in spite of/despite + noun/-ing form
avoids taking the car to the city centre. He kept playing despite the pain in his leg.

K We use the to-infintive:

E • after the following verbs: advise, agree, decide,
Y expect, hope, manage, offer, plan, promise, refuse, -ing form/to-infinitive/infinitive
seem, want, would like etc. She advised him to without to
rent a bigger house.
• after be + adjective (happy, nice, sorry etc.). 12
Circle the correct verb form.
1 We might to go / go to the mall today.
I’m happy to hear your news.
• with the adverbs too and enough. It’s too cold to 2 You mustn’t park / parking here.
have a picnic. 3 Ken is interested in working / to work as a travel
• to express purpose. She bought flour to make a agent.
4 Could you to pass / pass me the salt, please?
We use the infinitive without to:
• after modal verbs (can, may, should etc.). 5 Do you want go / to go ice skating this afternoon?
They may buy a car. 6 I don’t mind helping / to help with the
• after the verbs let and make. housework.
They don’t let their cat leave the house. 7 Brian loves windsurfing / windsurf.
You shouldn’t make him stay. (BUT in the passive:
8 Sally was too angry talking / to talk to anyone.
He shouldn’t be made to stay.)
9 We look forward to travelling / travel to Egypt
this summer.
10 Cindy offered to help / help me look for a new


Grammar Bank 8
13 Use
the words to write true sentences about
Linkers of contrast
like live in a big city 15 Join
the sentences using the words or
phrases in brackets to begin the new
don’t mind meet new people
sentences, as in the example.
would like watch soap operas
might go to museums 1 She got to the airport on time. She left her
want be late for school home late. (Although)
hate play football Although she left her home late, she got to the
(Suggested answer) airport on time.
1 I like going to museums. 2 Kate offered to show them around the city. She
2 I.....don
,t mind living in a big city.
........................................................................ was very tired. (In spite of)
I would
3 ........ like to play football.
..................................................................... In ........................................................................
spite of being very tired, Kate offered
I might be late for school. .....
4 ......... ....................................................................
I want
5 ......... to watch soap operas.
to ........................................................................
..... show them around the city.
I hate....................................................................
6 ......... going to museums. .............................................................................
had better/would rather 3 He went to the museum with them. He isn’t
14 the gaps with had better or would interested in history. (Despite the fact that)
..... the fact that he isn,t interested in
1 You ...................................
had better go now if you want to history,
..... he went to the museum with them.
........................................................................ E
get to the supermarket before it closes. ..............................................................................
would rather not tell him about the party.
2 I .............................. ...............................................................................
I want it to be a surprise. 4 Her room is quite small. It is warm and cosy.
3 You ...........................................
had better slow down. You’re (Although)
over the speed limit. Although
..... her room is quite small, it is warm
4 We ......................................
had better call Mum and tell her and........................................................................
..... cosy.
we’re going to be late. .............................................................................
would rather
5 James .............................................. not spend his
holidays abroad. He doesn’t like travelling long
5 The house is very small. It has its own garden.
6 Sarah .................................
would rather live in the countryside (Despite)
than in the city. Despite
..... having its own garden, the house
had better be careful. If his teacher
7 Alex .............................. is .very
..... small.
catches him chewing gum in class again, he’ll ...............................................................................
be in trouble. ...............................................................................
had better leave early, if you don’t
8 You ..................................
want to miss your flight.

9 It’s had better go to
getting late. We .......................................
bed now.
10 Patrick doesn’t like spending his holidays on
would rather go sightseeing.
the beach. He ..............................

Vocabulary Bank 1
• Jobs

1 Label the pictures.
• security guard • make-up artist • travel agent • dry cleaner • fighter pilot
• shop assistant • computer programmer • graphic designer • bus driver • personal trainer
• TV presenter • heart surgeon • interior decorator • photographer • tour guide
• lifeguard • delivery boy • bank clerk • accountant • truck driver

1 ......................... make-up
2 ......................... interior
3 ......................... dry cleaner
4 ......................... heart surgeon
5 .........................
programmer artist decorator


truck driver
6 .........................
7 ......................... security lifeguard
8 .........................
9 ......................... shop
10 .........................
guard assistant

travel agent
delivery boy
12 .........................
11 ......................... personal
13 ......................... fighter pilot
14 ......................... bus driver
15 .........................

bank clerk
accountant 18 .........................
17 .........................
16 ......................... TV presenter 19 .........................
tour guide graphic
20 .........................

Vocabulary Bank 1
• Clothes

1 Label the pictures.
• polo-neck jumper • tight-fitting jeans • short-sleeved top • flared skirt
• loose-fitting top • tartan skirt • polka-dot dress • flat shoes

1 2 3 4

polka-dot dress
.................................. tartan skirt
.................................. short-sleeved top
.................................. f lared skirt
.................................. .................................. .................................. ..................................
5 6 7 8

loose-fitting top
.................................. tight-fitting jeans
.................................. polo-neck jumper
.................................. f lat shoes
.................................. .................................. .................................. .................................. Y

Circle the correct words.
1 Mary likes wearing tartan / flat
Look at the pictures and fill in the gaps with polka-dot,
tight-fitting, short-sleeved, tartan, polo-neck, loose-fitting.
shoes. She finds them very
1 2 3
2 It’s really hot today, so you should
put on a short-sleeved / polo-neck
top. polo-neck ..................................
.................................. polka-dot ..................................
3 I think I’ll wear my polka-dot dress
/ flared skirt with my short-sleeved 4 5 6
4 I always wear polo-neck / polka-
dot jumpers when it’s cold outside. short-sleeved ..................................
.................................. loose-fitting ..................................
They keep me warm.
5 Tartan / Flat skirts are worn by
Scottish people. They’re part of
Answer the questions about yourself. (Suggested answer)
1 What do you usually wear at home?
their traditional costume. I.....usually wear jeans with a loose-fitting top at home.
6 Where are my tight-fitting / polo- 2
What is your favourite clothing item?
neck jeans? My favourite............................................................................
...................... clothing item is my polka-dot dress.

Vocabulary Bank 2
• Natural phenomena
Label the pictures. 1

• flood • earthquake • tsunami • avalanche • tornado

• volcanic eruption • lightning • hurricane • drought


2 3 4 5

tsunami tornado
.................................. f lood
.................................. lightning
6 7 8 9

volcanic eruption
.................................. avalanche
.................................. hurricane
.................................. earthquake

Do the crossword.
1 2 3
Fill in the gaps with the words from Ex. 1.
t t 1 Many houses were destroyed by the .........................................
o s which measured 6.5 on the Richter scale.
3 r u
d o g h t 2 tsunami .
An earthquake on the sea bed caused the ...............................
n n 3 f lood
Water from the ....................................... filled the streets and
a l a n c h e
4 a v
damaged many houses.
d m 4 tornado travel over the land and
They watched the ............................
o i
lift cars from the roads.
Across drought caused plants and animals to die from
5 The ............................
3 When there is not enough water
a lack of water.
for plants and animals.
6 After the ......................................,
volcanic eruption lava came flowing down the
4 A large amount of ice, snow and
rock that falls down the side of a
Down 4
Complete the sentences about yourself. (Suggested answer)
earthquakes because
1 Air that spins very fast and 1 I am afraid of ........................ ..they are dangerous .
destroys everything in its path. 2 go on my roof
If I were in a flood, I would .................................................... .
2 An enormous wave in the sea. go under a big
3 If there were an earthquake, I would ..................................... .
wooden table
Vocabulary Bank 2
• Injuries, Accidents & First aid

1 What happened to these people? Write sentences.
• burn hand • sprain wrist • hit head • cut leg
• pull a muscle • bruise eye • twist ankle • break leg

He cut his leg while 2 ....................................

1 .................................... She burnt her hand 3 ....................................
He bruised his eye She fell and twisted
4 ...................................
he was climbing. on the saucepan.
.................................... .................................... when he walked her ankle while
.................................... ...................................
into the door. skateboarding.


He fell off his horse 6 ....................................

5 .................................... She sprained her He pulled a muscle
7 .................................... She hit her head
8 ...................................
and broke his leg. wrist while playing
.................................... .................................... while lifting weights. during a basketball
.................................... ...................................
tennis. game.
Cross out the wrong words.
1 You can break your muscle – leg
Complete the sentences. Use phrases from Ex. 1.
1 Simon .........................................
broke his leg after falling and had to put it
– arm. in a plaster cast.
2 You can sprain your wrist – ankle 2 burnt her hand on the frying pan.
Yesterday my mum .........................................
– head.
7 3 twisted her ankle during basketball
Jane fell and .........................................
3 You can cut your hand – tooth
7 – practice. She was told to put ice on it and keep her foot up.
leg. 4 Mark .........................................
bruised his eye when a ball hit it. He couldn’t
4 You can bruise your hair
7 – leg – see properly for days.
eye. 5 Susan .............................................
sprained her wrist while swinging a golf club.
5 You can twist your ankle – knee – She has to rest her hand for a month.
7 6 Jenny .........................................
hit her head against the door. Now she has
6 You can hit your head – hand – a terrible headache.
7 7 cut his leg
As Tom was climbing the rocks, he .........................................
7 You can burn your hand – face – and it started bleeding.
7 8 pulled a muscle in the
While John was running, he .............................................
back of his leg. It was very painful to walk home.

Vocabulary Bank 2
• Aches & Pains/Illnesses

1 Label the pictures.
• stomach ache • toothache • headache • sore throat • temperature
• cough • cold/flu • backache • a pain in my leg • feel sick • rash
1 2 3 4 5

sore throat cough

............................ ............................ temperature ............................ ............................
............................ toothache cold/f lu
6 7 8 9 10 11

headache stomach ache backache ............................ ............................
............................ ............................
feel sick a pain
in my leg ............................
Y 2
Fill in the gaps with a cold, rash, toothache, cough, feel
sick, backache.
b) Now use phrases (a-e) from
Ex. 3a to fill in the exchanges.
1 If he has ............................,
backache he shouldn’t lift anything heavy. 1 A: I have a really bad headache.
John doesn’t like the taste of milk. It makes him ..feel sick
................ take an aspirin .
B: You should ............................
........................... . 2 A: Mary has a cough.
3 Simon has a terrible ................................. . It’s so loud that it’s take
B: Well, I think she should ...........
keeping everyone awake at night.
some cough syrup.
4 rash
I have a skin ................................................. . It’s very itchy. 3 A: Dad has backache.
5 Jane is sneezing and coughing a lot. I think she has ............ have a rest .
B: He should .............................
a cold .
.......................... 4 A: Mum has a nasty rash.
6 toothache
Paul needs to go the dentist’s immediately. His .................... put some
B: Well, she should ......................
....................... is getting worse.
cream on it .

a) Match the illnesses to the remedies. 4
Complete the sentences about
yourself. (Suggested answer)
1 c rash a take some cough syrup 1 When I have a headache, I .............
2 a cough b take an aspirin take an aspirin
.......................................................... .
3 b headache c put some cream on it 2 When I have toothache, .................
4 d backache d have a rest I go to the dentist,s .
5 e toothache e see a dentist 3 I feel sick when .............................
I smell sour milk
..................................................... .

Vocabulary Bank 3
• Sports
a) Label the pictures.
• bungee jumping • white-water rafting • skateboarding • canoeing • hang-gliding
• rock climbing • motocross • mountain biking • snowboarding • snorkelling
• skydiving • white-water kayaking
1 2 3 4

bungee jumping snowboarding
.................................. white-water
.................................. rock climbing
5 6 7 8

.................................. skateboarding
.................................. hang-gliding
.................................. motocross
.................................. Y
9 10 11 12

skydiving mountain biking
.................................. canoeing
.................................. white-water
b) List the sports from Ex. 1a under the headings.

Water Air Land
white-water rafting bungee jumping snowboarding
snorkelling hang-gliding rock climbing
canoeing skydiving skateboarding
white-water kayaking motocross
mountain biking

Vocabulary Bank 3
Write each sport into the correct group. • Sports equipment
• golf • bungee jumping 1
Match the words to the pictures.
• goggles • flippers • gloves
• white-water rafting • skydiving • racquet • bat • mask • snowboard
• badminton • tennis • canoeing • pads • paddle • helmet
• hang-gliding • rock climbing
• cricket • snowboarding • football 1 2
• mountain biking • hockey

golf, badminton, tennis, cricket, racquet
.................................. gloves
football, hockey
3 4
bungee jumping, white-water rafting,
go skydiving, canoeing, hang-gliding,
rock climbing, snowboarding,
mountain biking
K ..................................
bat f lippers
Match the words to form the sports. 5 6

hang boarding
white-water diving biking
snow pads snowboard
rock jumping .................................. ..................................
sky bungee climbing rafting
7 8
mountain gliding

1 hang-gliding skydiving
5 .................................
2 white-water bungee
rafting 6 ......
................................ jumping
3 ...... mountain
........................... 7 ...... biking
........................... paddle
.................................. mask
4 ...... climbing
9 10

.................................. helmet


Vocabulary Bank 3
• Holiday problems 2
Write what holiday problems these people
Label the pictures.
• miss a flight • lose passport
are talking about.
1 “Oh, no! I can’t travel to Dubai without it!”
• get sunburnt • car breaks down lose passport
• get a puncture • get a flat tyre 2 “It happened while I was on the bus. Someone
• lose luggage • steal a wallet took it from my pocket!”
steal a wallet
1 2 3 “Don’t worry! We’ll catch the next one!”
.... a f light
4 “Don’t touch me! It hurts! Just take me to a
doctor please!”
get sunburnt
......... ....................................................................
5 “All my clothes and even my laptop were in
steal a wallet miss a f light
.................................. there! What am I going to do now?”
........ luggage
3 4 6 “We’ve got a spare tyre in the boot of the car!”
get a....................................................................
......... f lat tyre/a puncture

Circle the correct words.
1 I am so sorry you missed / lost your flight!
What time does the next one fly out?
get a f lat tyre get a puncture
.................................. 2 William lost / missed his passport. He can’t go
anywhere without it!
5 6 3 I got / broke a flat tyre on my way to your house;
that’s why I was late!
4 A man stole / missed my wallet while I was on
the bus to work.
5 I got / lost all my luggage! The first thing I have
to do now is to buy new clothes!
get sunburnt car breaks down 6 Call this number if your car goes / breaks down.

7 8 4
Answer the questions about yourself.
(Suggested answer)
1 What’s the worst thing that has ever
happened to you while on holiday?
.... airline lost my luggage and I had
.......... to wear.
2 Have you ever got sunburnt? What did you do?
lose luggage lose passport Yes, I...................................................................
.......... have been sunburnt.
.................................. .................................. I put ...................................................................
cream on it.

Vocabulary Bank 3
• Food for sport • pasta • mussels • corn • apples

1 Label the food and food categories.
• cucumbers • cheese • beef • trout
• ice cream • cake • chicken • lamb
• octopus • milk • bread • carrots
• bananas • crab • salmon • cereal
• Fruit & Vegetables • Starchy Foods • shrimps • sardines • squid • rice
• Dairy Products • Fats & Sweets ice cream
29 ........................ • strawberries • oranges • turkey
• Meat & Poultry • Fish • Seafood • lobster • tomatoes
28 ........................ Fats & Sweets
Dairy Products
26 ........................ milk
27 ........................

beef Meat & Poultry

19 .......................

18 .......................
20 .......................
E chicken
21 ....................... trout
Y Seafood 23 .......................
17 ....................... Fish
16 ....................... lamb
22 .......................
24 ............................

15 .......................

squid shrimps salmon

25 .......................
13 ....................... 14 .......................

Fruit &
9 ....................... strawberries
10 ....................... bananas
11 ....................... apples
12 .......................

5 ............................ corn
6 ....................... tomatoes
7 ....................... cucumbers
8 ...........................

1 ............................. pasta
2 ............................. rice
3 ............................. cereal
4 .............................

110 Starchy Foods

Vocabulary Bank 4
• Breaking the law 1
Label the pictures.
• robbery • car theft • shoplifting • vandalism • speeding
• arson • burglary • murder • pickpocketing • bribery •  mugging
• kidnapping • hijacking
2 3 4 5

................................ burglary
................................ shoplifting
................................ vandalism
6 7 8 9

................................ robbery
................................ car theft
................................ kidnapping
10 11 12 13 E

................................ hijacking
................................ bribery
................................ murder
Read the clues. Then complete the words on the right.
1 When somebody steals a car, he/she commits … c _a _r t_ h   e_     _f  _t
2 When somebody sprays paint on a wall, he/she commits … v _a  _n  d_  a_ _l   _i   _s   m_
3 When somebody steals from a bank, he/she commits … r    o_    _b   _b   e_ _r    _y
4 When somebody kills someone, he/she commits … m _u _r   d_    e_ _r
5 When somebody drives too fast, he/she commits the act of … s _p  e_   e_   d_ _ i n_ _g
6 When somebody attacks someone and steals something from them
in public, he/she commits the act of … m _u    _g   g_ _ i n    
_ _g
7 When somebody gives money to someone to commit an illegal act,
he/she commits … b    _r _i _b   e_ _r _y
8 When somebody steals money or other things from a person’s
pocket, he/she commits the act of … p   _i c_ _k p    o_    c_ _k   e_ _t _i  n_    _g
9 When somebody sets a forest or a building on fire, he/she
commits … a   _r _s    o_    n_
10 When somebody steals from a shop, he/she commits … s    h_    o_    _p _l    _i _  f _t _ i n_ _g

Vocabulary Bank 4
• Crime

1 Label the pictures.
• arrest • break into a house • murder • mug • kidnap • set fire • shoplift
• hijack • rob a bank • drive fast • put somebody in prison • spray paint • bribe

1 ..................................... break into a house rob a bank
2 ..................................... 3 .....................................


put somebody arrest drive fast
4 ..................................... 5 ..................................... 6 .....................................
in prison

murder shoplift set fire
7 ..................................... 8 ..................................... 9 .....................................

spray paint mug

10 ..................................... 11 ..................................... bribe
12 ..................................... kidnap
13 .....................................

Vocabulary Bank 4
What type of crime occurred in the following
situations? Do the crossword.
Use the words from Ex. 3 in the correct form
to complete the headlines.
Across h
1 i j a c
2k i n g
We’re taking d VAN
1) ... ......DAL ISM.., AFTER SPRAYING
control of this 3b n
6 Slow down!
5a i p u
r b p g 2)  ......RO
You’re going 6s e
to crash the o r n i
car. n y g n
D own g IE...S.
M O R E H O U SE 3)  ...
2 Give us the money and you’ll get your son back. CERNED CITIZENS
3 Take the money and don’t say anything to REPORTED BY CON
4 He hit me on the head, took my bag and ran LOCAL SHOP OWNER CATCHES
away! SHOPL
4) ......... IFTER.... AS SHE TRIES TO
5 The whole building was on fire! But as they said LEAVE CLOTHES SHOP. K
on the news, it wasn’t an accident! E
Complete the table with the words from the
TWO 5) ...KID ......RS
......PPE .... ARE CHARGED
• mugger • mugging • hijack • robbery WITH THE CRIME.
• vandal • pickpocket • kidnap
• shoplifting • murder • shoplifter HIJA......CK......
AEROPLANE 6) ............ IN......
G ....
• hijacking • vandalise • murderer RESULTS IN 100 INJURIES
• spy (x2) • kidnapping • robber
• pickpocketing • burglary • burgle
Verb Person Crime
1) rob robber robbery
2) .................... murderer
.................... murder
3) .................... burglar burglary

4) shoplift shoplifter ....................
.................... shoplifting
5) .................... hijacker hijacking
6) .................... vandal
.................... vandalism

7) pickpocket pickpocket pickpocketing
.................... ....................
8) .................... spy
.................... spying
9) .................... kidnapper kidnapping

10) mug mugger
.................... mugging

Vocabulary Bank 5
• Environmental problems

1 Label the pictures. • rubbish/household waste • water pollution • air pollution • acid rain
1 • endangered species • global warming • energy waste • deforestation
2 3 4

air pollution
................................ endangered species
................................ energy waste
................................ acid rain
5 6 7 8

deforestation water pollution
................................ global warming
................................ rubbish/
household waste
Match the words to form phrases
and then use the phrases to
a) Match the problems to the solutions.

complete the sentences.

1 b 1 air pollution in cities a plant trees
1 e endangered a waste 2 e 2 animals facing b use public transport
2 d air b rain
extinction c clean up beaches
3 a energy c warming
4 b acid d pollution 3 a 3 deforestation d recycle
5 c global e species 4 f 4 energy waste e protect endangered

1 When ......................................
acid rain falls, 5 c 5 polluted beaches species
f turn off power when
old buildings and monuments can 6 d 6 rubbish/household not using appliances
be damaged. waste
Fumes from cars cause ................. air
pollution .
....................... b) Now write sentences using the phrases from Ex. 3a,
3 The increase in the Earth’s as in the example. (Suggested answer)

temperature is called global warming
................... . 1 To avoid air pollution in cities we should use public transport.
4 endangered
People can protect ........................ 2 We
........should protect endangered species that are facing extinction.
............................................ by giving Planting
3 ....... trees will help solve the problem of deforestation.
money to the WWF. To prevent
4 ....... energy waste we should turn off the power when not using
5 One way in which we can reduce 5 ....... should clean up the pollution on our beaches. appliances.
We ..........................................................................................
energy waste is by To reduce
6 ....... rubbish we should recycle more.
washing our clothes at a lower

Vocabulary Bank 5
• Weather
Label the pictures.
• ice • hurricane • heatwave • thunderstorm
• hail • gale • thunder • shower
• lightning • snowfall • tropical
• drizzle • sunshine storm
• sleet
• breeze • tornado sunshine 2 ..........................
1 ......................... snowfall

3 heatwave breeze 5 ..........................

............................ 4 ............................ lightning 6 .........................
ice tornado
7 ..........................


sleet 9 ............................ 10 ..........................
8 ............................ hail hurricane 11 .........................
gale 12 ..........................

tropical storm 14 ............................ 15 ..........................
13 ............................ thunderstorm shower thunder
16 ..........................

Match the words to the definitions.

1 d shower a a type of storm with wind that

2 a tornado spins very quickly over land
b a period of extremely hot weather
3 e sunshine c light rain
4 f gale d a short period of rain
5 b heatwave e light and heat from the sun
6 c drizzle f an extremely strong wind


Vocabulary Bank 5
Fill in the spidergram with drizzle, sunshine, snowfall,
sleet, gale, breeze, heatwave, hail, ice, shower, storm,
Circle the odd one out.
1 tropical storm – earthquake –
tornado. storm – thunderstorm
2 snowfall – tornado – gale – storm
drizzle 3 hail – hurricane – breeze – drizzle
sleet 4 drizzle – shower – tornado – rain
shower 5 hail – sleet – ice – thunder
storm 6 sunshine – heatwave – drought –
................... 7 freezing – wet – frosty – cold
ice sunshine
Write the true sentences about
your country. (Suggested answer)
.................. .................... 1 We often have snow in winter.
.............................. We never have snow in winter.
............................. 2 It seldom rains in my country.
K tornado
.................... It always
........... rains in my country.
E 3 In summer, we sometimes have
heatwaves. In summer,
Circle the correct words.
1 Jane hates sunshine / thunderstorms. She gets scared by the
we often
......... have heatwaves.
4 There is very little sunshine in
flashes of lightning.
summertime.There is a lot of
2 The roads were very dangerous to drive on because of the
........... in summertime.
ice / heatwave. 5 We sometimes have hail storms in
3 There was heavy snowfall / storm last night, so everything is
late winter. We never have
white today.
hail storms
........... in late winter.
4 The light evening gale / breeze felt so good after the long hot 6 The hot weather in summer is very
enjoyable. The hot weather in
5 A flash of tornado / lightning appeared in the sky.
........... is not enjoyable.
6 A Pacific island was hit by a tropical storm / snowfall. 7 In winter, the weather suddenly
7 Last week’s sunshine / heatwave was terrible. It was too hot

becomes very cold. In winter, the
to go outside.
.......... slowly becomes cold.
8 The tornado / gale blew in very quickly and damaged most 8 There is always a nice summer
buildings in the town.

breeze in late August. There is often
9 We should watch the thunder / weather forecast tonight if we
a nice
..... summer breeze in late
want to go on a picnic tomorrow.

10 The showers / hail last night smashed a living room window.


Vocabulary Bank 6
• Means of communication

1 Label the pictures. 1 2

• telephone • fax machine • pager

• mobile phone • Internet • letters
• satellite • email • MMS • SMS Internet
................................ pager

3 4 5 6

mobile phone
................................ telephone
................................ letters
................................ satellite
7 8 Today
9 10

fax machine MMS
................................ SMS
................................ email
Match the words to the definitions.
Fill in the gaps with the words from Ex. 1. Y
1 f fax machine 5 h mobile phone 1 You can send Dr Scott this document on the
2 d satellite 6 e Internet fax machine . He always has his machine on.
3 g telephone 7 c letter 2 Jane and Mary spend hours sending
4 a pager 8 b email SMS
......................... messages to each other on their
a a small electronic device that beeps to signal mobile phones.
the user 3 When I have to do a project for school, I often
b an electronic message that is sent over the use the ....................
Internet . I go online and find the
Internet for somebody to read information I need.
c a written message that you put in an envelope 4 I talked to John about the party on the
d a machine in space that broadcasts signals for mobile phone on a taxi.
radio, television, communication devices etc. 5 The World Cup was transmitted around the
e the computer network that allows the exchange satellite
world by ........................................ .
of information between computers worldwide
f a machine that sends copies of letters and
documents to other places
Answer the questions about yourself.
(Suggested answer)
1 What’s your favourite means of communication?
g a machine that you use to talk to people in
Why? My favourite means of communication
other places
h a small telephone that you can carry with you
email. It is fast and easy.
anywhere 2 Do you use the Internet? How often?
I use .the
........... Internet every day.

Vocabulary Bank 65
• Computers 1
Label the pictures.

• webcam • speakers • screen • keyboard • CD/DVD drive

• mouse • printer • scanner • laptop laptop

2 3 4 5

................................ screen
................................ speakers
................................ keyboard
6 7 8 9

mouse printer
................................ CD/DVD drive
................................ scanner

Circle the correct words.
Read the clues. Then complete the words.
1 My sister cannot live without the Internet. She 1 You use this to burn
..... online all the time and meets new people. CDs/DVDs. C   _ D_ / D  _ V_   D_  d_ _r _i v_ _e
A downloads B chats C saves 2 You can use this
2 You should always ..... a backup of your files, type of computer
otherwise you may lose all the work you’ve anywhere.     _l a    _ _p    _t     o_    p_
done so far. 3 You use this to make
A chat B design C keep a copy of a photo.   _s c    _ a_   n_    n_    e_ _r
3 My teacher liked the PowerPoint presentation I 4 You use this to move
..... on endangered animals. around the screen. m  _ o_   u_ _s _e
A prepared B played C burnt 5 You use this to print
4 My brother, Pete, loves ..... computer games documents.  p_ _r _ i _n    _t e_ _r
when he has free time. 6 You use this to type.  k_ _e   _y _b  o_   a_ _r    _d
A doing B using C playing
5 If you want to ..... a web page, the first step is to
decide what you want to publish on it.
A save B surf C design
Answer the questions about yourself.
(Suggested answer)
1 Do you think webcams are useful? Why?
6 You can’t see your emails if you don’t ..... a Ithat
password. arewebcams
far away.are useful to see people
2 Which one is better, a laptop or a PC? Why?
A have B make C burn A laptop
....... is easier to transport.
7 It’s illegal to ..... music from the Internet unless
3 Do you use a scanner?
you pay for it. ,ve never used a scanner.
No, .I....................................................................
A make B download C prepare


Vocabulary Bank 6
• Body language

1 Label the pictures.
• bow • hug • kiss on the cheek
• shake hands • make the OK gesture
• look somebody in the eyes • cross legs
1 ................................
cross legs 2 ................................
................................ ................................

make the
3 ........................... kiss on
4 ........................... hug
5 ........................... shake hands 7 look
6 ........................... somebody
OK gesture the cheek in the eyes
........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ...........................

Do the crossword.
3 theFill incheeks,
the gaps with makes the OK gesture, kissing on
cross your legs, look somebody in the eyes.
g 1
e k 3 s
2c h e
m on e culture to the next. You ca
n K
r s h Bo dy lan gu ag e dif fer s fro E
ke s an d off en d pe ople from different cultures if Y
4 b o w t a easily ma ke mi sta
Th ailand it is rather rude to
s u k t ca ref ul. Fo r ex am ple , in
you are no Japan it is impolite
s r 5e y e s cros
1)  ...... your......leg
......s ...... ......s. in front of senior people. In re
2)  l oo
......k so
...... me
...... bo dy
...... in
...... .. bu t thi s is not the case in Italian cultu
the eyes dir ec tly at so me on e is natural. French people are
Across where loo kin g
kis sin g
...... on
...... the
...... .... . wh en they meet people for
2 I always kiss my mum on both
very co mf ort ab le 3)  ...... cheekse means you’re pleased to meet
the first time. Kis sin g so meon
....... before I go to school. le
sh people feel very uncomfortab
4 The ballerina gave a ....... after them. On the other hand, Engli sstuthe OK...... in England,
so . Als o, wh en so me
on e 4)
ge ......
re ......
dancing her solo. do ing
tha t so me thi ng is fan tas tic , but in France it simply
5 When people tell lies, they often it means sily
dings of body language can ea
don’t look you in the ....... . means zero. So, misunderstan
ually unintentional.
happen even though they are us
1 The manager always makes an
OK ....... when he is happy with
his staff’s work.
Write T (true) or F (false) about yourself. (Suggested answer)
1 I never cross my legs when I sit on a chair. F
2 When I sit on a chair, I usually 2 When I meet my friends, I kiss them on the cheeks. F
....... my legs. 3 I can’t look somebody in the eyes when I’m lying. T
3 When we meet someone for the 4 I never shake hands when I first meet someone. T
first time, we usually ....... hands 5 I always bow to my teacher. F
with them.

Vocabulary Bank 7
• TV programmes

1 Label the pictures.

Source: Emma Stone ©

• children’s programme • drama • play 1 2
• music programme • sports programme
• fashion show • the news • awards ceremony
• cartoon • police drama • sitcom
• wildlife documentary • comedy show fashion show
................................ sports programme

3 4 5 6 7

a ................................
wards ceremony ................................
the news music programme
................................ wildlife
................................ comedy
documentary show
8 9 10 11 12

Y ,
................................ police drama
................................ cartoon
................................ children s sitcom
................................ ................................
a) Match the words to form collocations. 13

1 a 1 music a programme
2 c 2 soap b drama
3 e 3 comedy c opera

4 b 4 police d ceremony play
5 d 5 awards e shows

b) Complete each sentence with the

collocation from Ex. 2a.
Answer the questions about yourself.
(Suggested answer)
1 Which is your favourite type of TV programme?
1 comedy shows
My little brother loves ..........................................! My favourite TV programme is sitcom.
He can’t stop laughing whenever he watches 2 How often do you watch it?
them. I .watch
.... it once a week.
awards ceremony last
2 I watched the .............................................. 3 Which type of TV programmes don’t you like?
night. Emma Stone won an Oscar. I .don
,t like soap operas.
3 music programme is on.
Your favourite ........................................... 4 Which type of TV programmes do you watch at
They’re playing the video from Leona Lewis’s the weekends?
new song. At the weekend, I watch sports programmes.

Vocabulary Bank 7
• Films

Sources: The LEGO Batman Movie & Wonder Woman ©

1 Label the pictures.

Me Before You ©

• comedy • romance
• fantasy • horror • western 1 .........................
silent film
2 ......................... animated
3 .........................
• silent film • science fiction cartoon
• action • animated cartoon
• musical • historical
• adventure • documentary
• detective
4 ......................... horror
5 ......................... science fiction
6 .........................

7 musical
......................... historical
8 ......................... documentary 10 .........................
9 ......................... detective

11 ......................... adventure
12 ......................... action
13 ......................... romance
14 .........................

Write the types of films. 3
Fill in the gaps with horror, action, animated cartoon,
documentary, westerns.
1 A film that makes people laugh.
  _c    _o  m _  e_   d_    y_ 1 Sue likes .........................
action films like Mission Impossible. She
2 A film about life in space or in the thinks they are very exciting.
future. documentary about snakes on
2 Are you going to watch the .........................
   _s    c_ _ i e    
_ _n    _c   e_    _f   _i c_ _t _  i _o   n_ Channel 9 tonight?
3 A film about a love story. 3 horror films. They scare her and
Amy doesn’t like .........................
    _r   o_  m_   a_    n_    c_    e_ give her nightmares.
4 A film that uses singing and westerns Watching the adventures of
4 Steve is a fan of ......................!
dancing. cowboys in the Wild West is better than anything for him.
_ u_ _s _ i c   
m   _ a_ _ l 5 animated
My cousin Lilly enjoys watching ............................... films. Her
5 A film that scares you. favourite character is Bugs Bunny.  
 h_    o_ _r _ r   o_ _r
6 A black and white film with no
4 1 Which is your favourite type of film?
Answer the questions about yourself. (Suggested answer)

   _s _ i    _l _e   n_     _t My favourite type of............................................................

........................................ film is a documentary.
7 A film about dragons and fairies. 2 Did you watch a film last weekend? What type was it?
    _f    a_    n_ _t     _a    _s _y Yes, I watched a comedy.
........................................ ............................................................

Vocabulary Bank 7

5 definition.
a) Put each verb under the correct
Use the verbs from Ex. 5a in the correct
form to complete the text.
• direct • release • star • compose • play Twilight
Robert Pattinson 1) ...................... in
To be one of the main characters in a film the romantic-fantasy Twilight. It was
1 to ........................................................................ 2) ......................................
directed by Catherine
To act as a character in a film Hardwicke and is about a teenage
2 to ........................................................................ vampire. The film also features Kristen
who 3) ...........................
Stewart plays the girl
To make something (film, video game, CD) who falls in love with Robert
available to the public Pattinson’s character. Carter Burwell
3 to ........................................................................ composed the music for the film which
4) ........................
To write/produce music released
Summit Entertainment 5) ..................................
to compose
........................................................................ in 2008.
To be responsible for a film and tell actors how to
play their roles
5 to ........................................................................
a) Match the words to form collocations.
1 b sound a animated
K b) Put each phrase under the correct 2 a computer- b effects
Y definition. 3 d gripping c cast
• sound effects • excellent cast 4 c excellent d plot
• gripping plot • computer-animated film
• special effects • blockbuster b) Now complete the sentences with the
words from Ex. 7a.
Film showing computer images that look like they’re 1 computer-animated film.
Shrek is a popular .....................................
moving The graphics are so good that the characters
1 .... film
look real.
Talented actors 2 gripping plot
The film has a(n) .......................................... . It
2 ....excellent cast
......................................................................... will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Sounds that make a film more exciting and 3 excellent cast
The film has a(n) ................................................
interesting with many award-winning actors.
3 sound
.... effects
........................................................................ 4 sound effects .
I liked the film because of its ..........................
Very successful film The noises made me feel like I was really in the
........................................................................ middle of a war.

Artificially produced images

5 special
.... effects
Answer the questions about yourself.
(Suggested answer)
1 Do you like computer-animated films?
Exciting and interesting events in a story Yes, I think they are very creative and exciting.
6 ....gripping plot
........................................................................ 2 Who is your favourite actor/actress?
.... favourite actor is Robert Pattinson and my
WORKBOOK favourite actress is Emma Watson.
Vocabulary Bank 7
• Musical instruments

1 Label the pictures.
• drum • harmonica • violin • acoustic guitar • sitar • bass guitar • flute • saxophone
• harp • cello • accordion • piano • tin whistle • synthesiser • electric guitar

1 .........................
f lute piano
2 ......................... acoustic guitar
3 ......................... violin
4 ......................... drum
5 .........................

6 ......................... sitar
7 ......................... harp
8 ......................... synthesiser 10 .........................
9 ......................... accordion

11 ......................... electric guitar 13 .........................
12 ......................... saxophone tin whistle
14 ......................... bass guitar
15 .........................

List the musical instruments from Ex. 1 under the
Match the instruments to the
types of music.
1 b cello a folk
2 d saxophone b classical
........................ 3 e electric guitar c electronic
acoustic guitar,
........................ ........................
violin, cello,
........................ drum
........................ 4 c synthesiser d jazz
sitar, harp, ........................
........................ ........................ 5 a tin whistle e heavy metal
electric guitar, ........................
........................ piano, ........................
bass guitar
........................ ........................
........................ ........................
accordion ........................
........................ 4
Answer the questions about
yourself. (Suggested answer)
........................ f lute,
........................ ........................
........................ harmonica,
........................ 1 Which is your favourite type of
........................ saxophone,
........................ music? Jazz is my favourite type
tin whistle
........................ of music.
........... .............................................
........................ 2 Which musical instrument do you
........................ I want to learn to
want to learn? ...............................
play the guitar. WORKBOOK

Vocabulary Bank 8
• City life - Country life
Label the pictures.
• field • woods • cinema • museum • skyscraper
• factory • car park • coast • shops • river
• block of flats • farm • motorway • harbour
• park • metro • mountain • path • square
• shopping centre • department store • airport

1 .........................
coast car park
2 ..........................

3 skyscraper 5 ..........................
............................ 4 ............................ shopping
centre path 7 ..........................
6 ......................... field


8 ............................
woods cinema 11 .........................
9 ............................ 10 .......................... motorway 12 ..........................

13 ............................ shops park
14 ............................ 15 .......................... block of f lats square
16 .......................... 17 ..........................

farm 19 ............................ 20 ..........................

18 ............................ airport metro 21 .......................... 22 ..........................
mountain museum

Vocabulary Bank 8
• Places to visit
Label the pictures.
• castle • beach • square • temple • art gallery • cinema • concert hall • museum
• opera house • stadium • circus • theatre

1 .........................
stadium beach
2 ......................... museum
3 ......................... art gallery
4 .........................

5 ......................... square
6 ......................... circus
7 ......................... opera house
8 .........................

9 ......................... cinema
10 ......................... concert hall
11 ......................... temple
12 .........................

Fill in the gaps with stadium, art gallery, cinema,
museum, circus, concert hall, square.
Answer the questions about
yourself. (Suggested answer)
1 You can see many important objects related to history and 1 What is your favourite place to visit

science museum .
at a(n) ........................ in your city/town?
2 square
Many monuments and buildings surround Trafalgar ................. My ........favourite place to visit is the
in London. cinema.
........ ..................................................
concert hall in New York.
3 Carnegie Hall is a very famous ............................. 2 What types of buildings or places

You can go there to listen to classical and popular music. are near your home and what can
4 The new ........................
cinema complex is the best place in town to you do there?
go to if you want to see the latest films. There..................................................
........ is a cinema to watch films.
5 Many famous paintings and sculptures can be seen at the ..........................................................
art gallery .
........................ 3 Where do you go when you want
6 You can see many amazing performances by people and to have fun or hang out with your
animals at the ................. that’s stopping in town for a week. friends?
7 We went to the new ......................... to watch the football When I hang out with my friends,
match. we
........usually go to the cinema.

Vocabulary Bank 8
• Geography 3
Look at the map in Ex. 2 again and write
Label the pictures.

T (true) or F (false).
1 Oxford is in the south of England. T
• north (N) • north-east (NE) 2 Canterbury is south-east of London. T
• east (E) • south-east (SE) 3 Manchester is in the north of England. F
• south (S) • south-west (SW) 4 York is in the north of England. T
• west (W) • north-west (NW) 5 Birmingham is in the south-east of
England. F
north (N)
1) ...........................
Look at the map and complete the
2) ....................... north-east
3) .......................
(NW) (NE)
west (W)
4) ....................... east (E)
5) .......................

6) ....................... south-east
7) .......................
(SW) (SE)
south (S)
8) .......................

Look at the map and make sentences, as in
the example.

Guarda is in the north-east of Portugal.

1 ........................
2 Lagos is on the south coast of Portugal.
3 Porto
................................. is in the north of Portugal.
4 Castelo Branco
.................................. is in the east of Portugal.
5 Setubal
..................................... is south-east of Lisbon.
6 Monchique
...................................... is north-east of Lagos.

1 London is in the south-east of England.

Write true sentences about cities in your
country. (Suggested answer)
2 south-west of England.
Bristol is in the ................................ 1 in the north
Phathum Thani is ...............................................
3 north-west
Oxford is ........................................... of London. of Bangkok.
4 south-east
Canterbury is .................................... of London. 2 Chiang Mai
The second largest city, ....................................,
5 north-west of England.
Manchester is in the ........................ north
is in the ..................................... of my country.
6 east
Ipswich is in the .............................. of England. Chumphon
3 I like visiting .................................... which is in
7 York is .......................................
north-east of Manchester. the .............................................
south of my country.
8 south-west
Birmingham is ................................................ of 4 Hua Hin
My favourite beachside town is ..........................
Nottingham. south
which is on the .......................... of my country.

Vocabulary Bank 8
• House & Home
Label the pictures.
• pillows • bedside cabinet • stairs • bookcase • curtains • wall • sink • toilet • carpet
• armchair • wardrobe • cushion • cooker • bath • chair • mirror • washbasin • desk
• table • bed • ceiling • fridge • poster • cupboards • door • sofa • painting
1) ........................ bookcase
4) ........................
2) .....................
3) ........................ 11) mirror
11) .................
5) ....................
5) ..................... 10) door
10) ..............

12) .............
12) .................. 13) washbasin
13) ..........................
6) ...................
6) ....................
7) .............
7) ..................

bedside cabinet 9) .............. desk

9) ................
8) ................................
8) .................................... 14) ..............
14) ..................
fridge 16)
15) ..............
15) .................. painting 17)
16) ...................
...................... curtains
17) ...................

sink E
27) ............
27) ................... cooker 24)
25) ............
25) ................. table
24) ..............
.................. sofa
18) ..............
18) ................... Y
22) armchair
22) ..................

19) cushion
19) ....................
cupboards 23)
26) ......................
26) ......................... chair
23) ..............
.................. 20) stairs
20) ................
21) carpet
21) ..................

Put the words below under the correct headings.
• wood • bathroom • traditional • parking space • utility room • bedside cabinet
• garden • cramped • kitchen • sofa • ugly • comfortable • cosy • stairs • cooker
• bedroom • desk • stone • metal • fridge • lovely • balcony • bookcase • hall
• garage • armchair • marble • brick • living room • swimming pool

Rooms Furniture Appliances Material Special Features Adjectives

.......................... bedside cabinet
.......................... cooker
.......................... wood
.......................... parking space
.......................... traditional
utility room
.......................... sofa
.......................... fridge
.......................... stone
.......................... garden
.......................... cramped
.......................... desk
.......................... .......................... metal
.......................... stairs
.......................... ugly
.......................... bookcase
.......................... .......................... marble
.......................... balcony
.......................... comfortable
.......................... armchair
.......................... .......................... brick
.......................... garage
.......................... cosy
living room
.......................... .......................... .......................... .......................... swimming pool
.......................... lovely
.......................... .......................... .......................... .......................... .......................... ..........................

Vocabulary Bank 8
Read the description of the room and fill in the gaps.
Do the crossword.

f 2w 1
r t a i n s
3c u
a i r
r d d
p 4g a r a g e
e e o
t b
5 b e d

3 We hang these from the top of a
I love all the rooms in my house, but my favourite one is my

bedroo m. It’s very cosy because, apart from my 1)    _b   _e   _, window.
d I’ve also

got two comfortable 2)   a_ _ r  m_    _c   h_     a_ _i    _r     _s where I can relax after 4 Cars are parked there.
a tiring day. Between them there’s a small 3)     _t a     _ _b     _l     e_ where I 5 There is one in every bedroom.

someti mes eat. Next to my bed there’s a 4)     _b  e_   d_ _s      _i     d_   e_     
_c    a_     _b    _i n    
_ e_    _t
with lots of photographs on it. My 5)   d_   e_ _s    k_ is near Down
the window. It’s really big. I always do my homework on it. In 1 It keeps food cool and fresh.
my bedroom there’s also a small 6)   w_    _a _r   d_ _ r   _o   b_    e_ next to the 2 You put your clothes in it.
E door. I just love my room! 3 It’s on the floor. It keeps your
feet warm when you walk
Look at the picture and write a short description of the
room you see. Use the words from Ex. 2. (Suggested answer)
around the room.

Now describe your bedroom.
Use Ex. 3 as a model.
(Suggested answer)
In my bedroom .the
Ne a be
is .... ....ds....ide
ca p ....
wi ow....the
My ....ute
........ on....the
is ....
r .... ........ . I....als....o....
ha ....m.
....dr....oo ........
e boo
larg...... se aga
kca...... ......inst the..........
I....lov om....! ....................................

In the living room ...... the...... is a......
re ...... ............ ............
se the
kca...... a tab ......le......wit irs ...
h ...... ....................................................
wal fron......t of
......the ............ ......
it whe re we our......
eat ...... . The
din...... y cos
......roo ......y... ....................................................
aro ............ ............ ............
is ... ....................................................
bec ......pla
a fire
is ...... ...... beh......ind......the......sofa
ce...... The......sofa
............. ............
............ ............
e ...... two......arm
are...... ......cha ......t......
......irs the...
to ...... ....................................................
ver ......abl
......fort ...... ............
sofa . .............................................................................................

Translator’s Corner
Translate these words/phrases into your language. skinny ......................................
overweight ......................................
1 middle-aged
Jobs (Student’s Book pp. 9-11) Clothes (Student’s Book p. 15)
stuntman ...................................... polo-neck jumper ......................................
acrobat ...................................... tight-fitting jeans ......................................
crocodile trainer ...................................... flared skirt ......................................
bomb disposal expert ...................................... loose-fitting top ......................................
air traffic controller ...................................... tartan skirt ......................................
interior decorator ...................................... polka-dot dress ......................................
underwater photographer ...................................... short-sleeved T-shirt ......................................
storm chaser ...................................... flat shoes ......................................
sideshow performer ......................................
fashion designer ...................................... Useful phrases
security guard ......................................
make-up artist ...................................... You look great in ......................................
travel agent ...................................... that dress. ......................................
social worker ...................................... This jumper matches the ......................................
airline pilot ...................................... colour of your eyes. ......................................
shop assistant ...................................... These jeans fit you ...................................... K
graphic designer ...................................... perfectly. ...................................... E
That’s nice of you. ......................................
computer programmer ......................................
bus driver ...................................... What does your brother ......................................
personal trainer ...................................... look like? ......................................
TV presenter ...................................... What is your dad like? ......................................
heart surgeon ...................................... Do you work shifts? ......................................
I can work under ......................................
Character (Student’s Book p. 14) pressure. ......................................
easy-going .................... shy .................. He has a full-time job. ......................................
honest .................... outgoing ..................
sensitive .................... patient .................. Write the sentences in your language.
reserved .................... polite .................. 1 Can you work under pressure?
rude .................... .............................................................................
2 Do you work shifts?
Physical appearance (Student’s Book p. 14) .............................................................................
plump ...................................... 3 I don’t mind working long hours.
wrinkles ...................................... ..............................................................................
straight ...................................... 4 I love what I do, but it isn’t easy.
of medium height ...................................... .............................................................................
moustache ...................................... 5 What do they look like?
beard ...................................... .............................................................................
well built ...................................... 6 What music do they listen to?
spiky ...................................... .............................................................................
wavy ...................................... 7 What do they do in their free time?
curly ...................................... .............................................................................

Translator’s Corner
Natural phenomena (Student’s Book p. 21)
I feel terrible.
What’s wrong?
Why don’t you take
flood ...................................... a painkiller? ......................................
earthquake ...................................... It should make you feel ......................................
tsunami ...................................... better soon. ......................................
avalanche ...................................... I can’t stand it any longer. ......................................
tornado ...................................... I suppose you’re right. ......................................
volcanic eruption ...................................... Then you should see ......................................
lightning ...................................... a dentist. ......................................
hurricane ...................................... Write the sentences in your language.
drought ......................................
1 The poison slowly made its way into his blood.
Injuries, Accidents (Student’s Book p. 23) .............................................................................
burn my hand ...................................... 2 He knew he was in trouble.
sprain my wrist ...................................... .............................................................................
hit my head ...................................... 3 He was lonely and scared.
cut my leg ...................................... .............................................................................
pull a muscle ...................................... 4 The last lightning bolt hit him while he was
bruise my eye ...................................... fishing.
twist my ankle ...................................... .............................................................................
K break my leg ...................................... 5 It burned off his hair.
Y ............................................................................
First aid (Student’s Book p. 23) 6 As he was running, he cut himself.
put an ice pack on it ...................................... ...................................................................................

put some cream on it ......................................
clean the wound ...................................... MODULE
put a dressing on it ......................................
wear a plaster cast ...................................... Sports equipment (Student’s Book p. 35)
have an X-ray ...................................... goggles .................... mask ..................
put a bandage on it ...................................... flippers .................... snowboard
rest it ...................................... gloves .................... pads ..................
Aches & Pains/Illnesses (Student’s Book p. 27) racquet .................... paddle ..................
bat ....................
a stomach ache ......................................
toothache ......................................
a headache ...................................... Useful phrases
a sore throat ...................................... Fancy seeing you here! ......................................
a temperature ...................................... Where are you off to? ......................................
a cough ...................................... Oh, don’t worry ......................................
a cold ...................................... about it. ......................................
the flu ...................................... I’m terribly sorry ......................................
about that. ......................................
Useful phrases It doesn’t matter. ......................................
Are you OK? ...................................... Have a good trip. ......................................
You don’t look well. ......................................

Translator’s Corner
Write the sentences in your language. Bullying (Student’s Book p. 52)
1 She was waiting to catch a wave when she felt call sb names ......................................
a sharp pain. make fun of his ......................................
............................................................................. appearance ......................................
2 She saw the sea turn red. write nasty things ......................................
............................................................................. tell lies about people ......................................
3 She lost 60% of her blood. hit people ......................................
............................................................................. ignore what they say ......................................
4 She managed to escape death.
............................................................................. Useful phrases
5 Her lifestyle hasn’t changed despite losing her
left arm. Let’s go straight to ......................................
............................................................................. the accident. ......................................
6 She hasn’t returned to the beach where her Can you tell me what ......................................
accident happened. you saw? ......................................
............................................................................. Did you see the car’s ......................................
7 Anyone can overcome obstacles if they really number plate? ......................................
try. Thank you for your time. ......................................
................................................................................... You’re welcome. ......................................

Write the sentences in your language.
MODULE 1 The police took the criminals to the court. K
Breaking the law (Student’s Book pp. 45-47) ............................................................................. Y
2 The men who robbed the bank got caught an
rob a bank ...................................... hour later.
steal a car ...................................... .............................................................................
drive over the ...................................... 3 He paid the fine immediately.
speed limit ...................................... .............................................................................
start a forest fire ...................................... 4 They arrested him while he was trying to break
steal a wallet ...................................... into a house.
break into a house ...................................... .............................................................................
robbery ...................................... 5 If he breaks the law again, they will put him in
car theft ...................................... prison.
shoplifting ...................................... .............................................................................
speeding ...................................... 6 The court found the boys guilty of vandalism.
vandalism ...................................... .............................................................................
arson ......................................

burglary ......................................
pickpocketing ...................................... MODULE
commit a crime ...................................... Environmental problems & Solutions
take criminals to court ...................................... (Student’s Book pp. 57-59)
kidnap ......................................
accuse of ...................................... rubbish ......................................
guilty of vandalism ...................................... air pollution ......................................
community service ...................................... endangered species ......................................
put in prison ...................................... deforestation ......................................
energy waste ......................................

Translator’s Corner
water pollution ...................................... I’m sorry, but I can’t. ......................................
cut down trees ...................................... That sounds great. ......................................
recycle things ......................................
factory waste ...................................... Write the sentences in your language.
poison rivers ...................................... 1 Deforestation and hunting are threatening its
car exhaust fumes ...................................... survival.
natural habitat ...................................... .............................................................................
animals become extinct ...................................... 2 This small animal is facing extinction.
rivers dry up ...................................... .............................................................................
global warming ...................................... 3 The list of endangered species is getting
ice melts ...................................... longer.
temperatures rise ...................................... .............................................................................
clean up beaches ...................................... 4 As the hole in the ozone layer continues to grow,
plant trees ...................................... the planet will be in danger.
use public transport ...................................... .............................................................................
turn off power ...................................... 5 The problem with fumes from cars is that they
preserve monuments ...................................... poison the air.
protect endangered ...................................... .............................................................................
species ...................................... 6 There are some solutions to the problem.
Weird phenomena (Student’s Book p. 62) 7 In these ways, we can reduce the amount of air
K glide (v) ...................................... pollution.
Y meteorologist ...................................... .............................................................................

thunderstorm ......................................
freak of nature ...................................... MODULE
forest fire ......................................
volcanic eruption ...................................... Space (Student’s Book pp. 70-71)
float (v) ...................................... space exploration ......................................
moonlight ...................................... spacecraft ......................................
break out ...................................... mission ......................................
tornado ...................................... transmit ......................................
heavy rain ...................................... time capsule ......................................
lightning ...................................... solar system ......................................
launch into space ......................................
Useful phrases transmit signals ......................................
Why don’t we join in? ...................................... explore space ......................................
It sounds like fun. ...................................... Computers (Student’s Book p. 74)
I’m afraid I can’t. ...................................... surf the Internet ......................................
Never mind. ...................................... download music ......................................
I’ll go by myself. ...................................... send emails ......................................
How about meeting ...................................... play computer games ......................................
at 9:30? ...................................... design a web page ......................................
Why don’t you ask ...................................... save files ......................................
them to come ...................................... prepare PowerPoint ......................................
along too? ...................................... presentations ......................................
Sure. Why not? ......................................

Translator’s Corner
burn DVDs
make music compilations
TV programmes (Student’s Book p. 81)
chat online ......................................
use an antivirus ...................................... documentary ......................................
programme ...................................... soap opera ......................................
keep a backup of files ...................................... drama show ......................................
use a nickname ...................................... the news & weather ......................................
have a password ...................................... quiz show ......................................
cartoon ......................................
Useful phrases fashion show ......................................
Can you help me? ...................................... chat show ......................................
First, insert the stick ...................................... sports programme ......................................
into the slot in the ...................................... comedy show ......................................
tower. ...................................... sitcom ......................................
Now go to your files. ...................................... play ......................................
Got it! ...................................... children’s programme ......................................
What’s next? ...................................... awards ceremony ......................................
Click on ‘Copy this file’. ...................................... nature programme ......................................
Then what? ...................................... Films (Student’s Book pp. 82-83)
Is that all? ...................................... science-fiction film ......................................
computer-animated film ......................................
Body language (Student’s Book p. 76) E
bow ...................................... adventure ...................................... Y
hug ...................................... direct a film ......................................
kiss on the cheek ...................................... star in the film ......................................
shake hands ...................................... compose music ......................................
make the OK gesture ...................................... release film ......................................
it’s a must-see ......................................
Write the sentences in your language. sound effects ......................................
1 The Internet helps communication. gripping plot ......................................
............................................................................. excellent cast ......................................
2 How often do you use your computer? What special effects ......................................
for? blockbuster ......................................
............................................................................. Music (Student’s Book p. 88)
3 I often surf the Net in the evening. traditional instruments ......................................
............................................................................. metal string ......................................
4 Which are your favourite websites? musicians ......................................
............................................................................. brass tube ......................................
5 Jason can design web pages. mouthpiece ......................................
............................................................................. traditional music ......................................
6 Do you chat online? musical instruments ......................................
............................................................................. wind instruments ......................................
7 He spends hours in front of the computer string instruments ......................................
screen. percussion instruments ......................................


Translator’s Corner
holiday destination ......................................
Useful phrases sandy beaches ......................................
Do you fancy watching it? ...................................... peaceful village life ......................................
What else is on? ...................................... clean beach ......................................
What channel is it on? ...................................... Compass points (Student’s Book p. 95)
Quiz shows are boring. ......................................
That sounds great. ...................................... north .................... west ..................
What time is it on? ...................................... north-east .................... south-east ..................
Let’s watch it. ...................................... east .................... north-west ..................
I just hate social dramas. ...................................... south .................... south-west ..................
Write the sentences in your language. House & Home (Student’s Book p. 98)
1 It’s a fast, action-packed film with great sound utility room .................... parking ..................
effects. balcony .................... space ..................
............................................................................. cosy place .................... crowded ..................
2 It is a computer-animated film directed by cramped .................... area ..................
Andrew Stanton. room .................... bus stop ..................
............................................................................. traditional .................... the metro ..................
3 The film’s plot kept us on the edge of our seats. . house .................... quiet street ..................
4 The film is based on a novel by Jules Verne. Useful phrases
K ............................................................................. How was your holiday? ......................................
Y 5 The film was released in 2009 and became a So tell me everything! ......................................
success immediately. Where did you stay? ......................................
............................................................................. It must be a lovely place! ......................................
6 Who was the film’s music composed by? That’s nice. ......................................
............................................................................. That’s too bad. ......................................

I’d love to go abroad ......................................
MODULE one day. ......................................
City life - Country life Write the sentences in your language.
(Student’s Book p. 93) 1 Genoa is on the north-west coast of Italy.
woods .................... harbour .................. .............................................................................
field .................... mountain .................. 2 They live there to be safe from floods and wild
skyscraper .................... path .................. animals.
factory .................... farm .................. .............................................................................
car park .................... shopping .................. 3 Their houses are cool in the hot summers and
block of .................... mall .................. warm in the cold winters.
flats .................... square (n) .................. .............................................................................
shops .................... department .................. 4 Their engineers built a system to protect the
motorway .................... store .................. city from floods.
Geography (Student’s Book p. 95) 5 Kamala has a beautiful long sandy beach.
population ...................................... .............................................................................
public transport ...................................... 6 It is ideal for those who want to experience a
industrial city ...................................... quiet village life.
famous landmarks ...................................... .............................................................................

Irregular Verbs
Infinitive Past Past Participle Infinitive Past Past Participle
be was/were been lead led led
bear bore borne learn learnt (learned) learnt (learned)
beat beat beaten leave left left
become became become lend lent lent
begin began begun let let let
bite bit bitten light lit lit
blow blew blown lose lost lost
break broke broken
bring brought brought make made made
build built built mean meant meant
burn burnt (burned) burnt (burned) meet met met
burst burst burst
buy bought bought pay paid paid
put put put
can could (been able to)
catch caught caught read read read
choose chose chosen ride rode ridden
come came come ring rang rung
cost cost cost rise rose risen
cut cut cut run ran run
deal dealt dealt say said said
dig dug dug see saw seen
do did done sell sold sold
draw drew drawn send sent sent
dream dreamt (dreamed) dreamt (dreamed) set set set
drink drank drunk sew sewed sewn K
drive drove driven shake shook shaken E
shine shone shone Y
eat ate eaten shoot shot shot
show showed shown
fall fell fallen shut shut shut
feed fed fed sing sang sung
feel felt felt sit sat sat
fight fought fought sleep slept slept
find found found smell smelt (smelled) smelt (smelled)
fly flew flown speak spoke spoken
forbid forbade forbidden spell spelt (spelled) spelt (spelled)
forget forgot forgotten spend spent spent
forgive forgave forgiven stand stood stood
freeze froze frozen steal stole stolen
stick stuck stuck
get got got sting stung stung
give gave given swear swore sworn
go went gone sweep swept swept
grow grew grown swim swam swum
hang hung (hanged) hung (hanged) take took taken
have had had teach taught taught
hear heard heard tear tore torn
hide hid hidden tell told told
hit hit hit think thought thought
hold held held throw threw thrown
hurt hurt hurt
understand understood understood
keep kept kept
know knew known wake woke woken
wear wore worn
win won won
write wrote written


American English – British English Guide
American English British English American English British English
account bill/account one-way (ticket) single (ticket)
airplane aeroplane overalls dungarees
apartment flat P
B pants/trousers trousers
bathrobe dressing gown pantyhose/nylons tights
bathtub bath parking lot car park
bill banknote pavement road surface
billion=thousand million billion=million million pedestrian crossing zebra crossing
busy (phone) engaged (phone) (potato) chips (potato) crisps
public school state school
C purse handbag
candy sweets
check bill (restaurant) R
closet wardrobe railroad railway
connect (telephone) put through rest room toilet/cloakroom
cookie biscuit S
crazy mad sales clerk/sales girl shop assistant
D schedule timetable/schedule
desk clerk receptionist shorts (underwear) pants
downtown (city) centre sidewalk pavement
drapes curtains subway underground/the tube
drugstore/pharmacy chemist’s (shop) T
duplex semi-detached truck lorry
E two weeks fortnight/two weeks
eggplant aubergine V
elevator lift vacation holiday(s)
K F vacuum (v) hoover
E fall autumn vacuum cleaner hoover
Y faucet tap vest waistcoat
first floor, second floor ground floor, first floor W
etc. etc. with or without (milk/ black or white
flashlight torch cream in coffee)
French fries chips
front desk (hotel) reception Y
full stop period yard garden
garbage/trash rubbish (pronounced “zee”) (pronounced “zed”)
garbage can dustbin/bin zero nought
gas petrol zip code postcode
gas station petrol station/garage
grade year Spelling
I aluminum aluminium
intermission interval analyze analyse
intersection crossroads center centre
J check cheque
janitor caretaker/porter color colour
honor honour
K jewelry jewellery
kerosene paraffin math maths
practice (n, v) practice (n)
L practise (v)
lawyer/attorney solicitor program programme
line queue realize realise
M tire tyre
mail post trave(l)ler traveller
make a reservation book
motorcycle motorbike/motorcycle Expressions with prepositions and particles
movie film different from/than different from/to
movie house/theater cinema on a team in a team
N on the weekend at the weekend
news-stand newsagent’s Monday through Friday Monday to Friday

Answer Key Section
1b หน้า 6 Exercise 5 (Suggested answer) 1f หน้า 11 Exercise 6 (Suggested answer)
I usually go shopping. John is one of the best people I know. He,s my older brother.
I usually watch a DVD. We have a really good time when we hang out together and
I usually eat with my family. he always helps me when I have a problem.
This weekend, I am playing basketball. John is good-looking and has a great personality. He is
I am going to the cinema. thirteen years old and he is tall. He has got brown hair and
I am eating at a restaurant. brown eyes. He likes to dress in casual clothes and always
wears trainers, jeans and a T-shirt. John is very friendly and
1b หน้า 7 Exercise 11 (Suggested answer) has a lot of friends, but he can be rude at times.
My dad is older than my uncle but my uncle is taller. John has a lot of interests. He like watching DVDs. He has
My sister is shorter than my brother. a collection of DVDs and often goes to the cinema with his
My brother is happier than my sister. friends. He is very good at basketball and is on the school
My mum is more beautiful than my aunt but my aunt is more team. I often go to see him play.
patient. All in all, I believe that John is a great person. I,m glad he is
I am younger than my brother. my brother and I love him very much.
1c หน้า 9 Exercise 6 (Suggested answer) 2a หน้า 13 Exercise 8 (Suggested answer)
Jack goes to school whereas Jamal works in a diamond mine. Jenny was cycling in the park yesterday when she fell off
Jack,s dad drives him to school but Jamal walks to work. her bike and twisted her ankle. She also cut her leg on her
Jack,s parents give him money whereas Jamal gives his family bicycle. Someone in the park called an ambulance and they
money. took her to hospital. A nurse cleaned the wound on her leg
Jack wants to be a lawyer when he grows up but Jamal wants and put a dressing on it. She had an X-ray to see if her ankle
to be a teacher or a doctor. was broken, but it wasn,t. The doctor told her to go home and
rest it. K
1d & 1e หน้า 10 Exercise 5 (Suggested answer) 2b หน้า 15 Exercise 8 (Suggested answer) E
A: Hi, Jack! Your jeans look nice. Are they new? Y
While I was watching TV yesterday afternoon, my cousin
B: Yes, I bought them yesterday with these shoes. phoned me.
A: They fit you perfectly. When my grandmother had her birthday last week, we gave
B: Thanks! You look good too. her a party.
A: Really? Do you like my new polo-neck jumper? As I was walking to school yesterday, I saw a nasty road
B: Yes, it really suits you. accident.
A: Thanks! It,s a gift from my mum. I feel sad since my best friend moved away.
B: She has great taste in clothes, then. Last week was my birthday.
1f หน้า 11 Exercise 2 (Answer key) We were playing football yesterday afternoon.
1 Mark is a very active person. - Mark has got lots of 2d & 2e หน้า 18 Exercise 5 (Suggested answer)
interests. A: Hi, Jane! Are you OK? You don,t look well.
2 Mark looks really good and has a great personality. - Mark B: Oh, I feel terrible, Sue.
looks really cool and is quite popular. A: Oh dear! What,s wrong?
3 In conclusion, I think Mark is fantastic. - All in all, I think B: I,ve got terrible toothache.
that Mark is a great guy. A: Really! Why don,t you take a painkiller?
4 Mark is one of the people I like best. - One of my favourite B: I took one a couple of hours ago.
people is Mark. A: And it still hurts?
B: Yes, and I can,t do my homework. I can,t stand it any
1f หน้า 11 Exercise 5 (Suggested answer) longer.
Para 1: The person is John. He is my older brother. A: Maybe you should see your dentist.
Para 2: He is thirteen years old. He is tall with brown hair B: I suppose you,re right.
and brown eyes. He wears trainers, jeans and a T-shirt. A: Go on then. I can help you with your homework when you
He is very friendly, but he can be rude at times. get back.
Para 3: He likes watching DVDs and playing basketball. B: Thanks. You,re a great friend!
Para 4: I love my brother very much.


Answer Key Section
2f หน้า 19 Exercise 4 (Suggested answer) B: Oh no! Why not?
It was last winter during the school holidays that my parents, A: I didn,t finish my essay, so I have to stay home and work
my brother and I decided to go on a skiing trip to the on it. I,m really sorry.
mountains. It was snowing gently when we set off by car. As B: That,s OK.
we were driving along, everything became covered in soft A: I,m free on Saturday. Why don,t we go surfing then?
white snow and it was like a winter wonderland! B: Sure.
A: Great. I,d better go. Have a good day.
2f หน้า 19 Exercise 6 (Suggested answer) B: Thanks. You too!
It was last winter during the school holidays that my parents, 3f หน้า 27 Exercise 6 (Suggested answer)
my brother and I decided to go on a skiing trip to the Hi Steven,
mountains. It was snowing gently when we set off by car. As Hello from Scotland! I,m having a great time here. We,re
we were driving along, everything became covered in soft staying in a hotel by the lake.
white snow and it was like a winter wonderland! Scotland is a beautiful country. The weather has been a bit
We couldn,t wait to get to our chalet in the mountains. When cold but it hasn,t rained at all since we got here. We have
we arrived, it wasn,t snowing any more. We put on our ski been going for long walks in the countryside and yesterday
gear and went skiing down the slopes. We were going really we found an old castle. I haven,t been swimming in the lake
fast when suddenly my brother hit a tree. I was horrified to yet but I have been canoeing every day. It,s great fun! I have
find him lying unconscious in the snow. I had to think quickly. eaten some delicious food and I have bought a lot of souvenirs
I used my mobile phone to call for help. Fortunately, the for all my friends.
phone was working and I was able to speak to someone. A The Scottish people are very friendly and it has been a great
helicopter came about an hour later and took us to hospital. holiday.
I waited patiently while the doctors examined my brother. See you soon,
I felt sick with worry. Later, when they told me he had a Daniel
K broken leg and arm, I was ready to jump for joy! He was still
E alive and he left hospital after a few days. I was so relieved
Y 4a หน้า 29 Exercise 10 (Suggested answer)
that he was OK. One night, a man came home and found a burglar in his f lat.
3a หน้า 21 Exercise 6 (Suggested answer) The burglar ran away and tried to escape across the roof.
Bethany Hamilton is a very good surfer who ranked 8th in the Unfortunately for him, it was very dark on the roof and he
world when she was 13. She was in Hawaii surfing with her didn,t see the chimney. He ran into it and fell down it. When
friends and waiting to catch a wave when she was attacked the police came, they found the burglar stuck in the chimney
by a shark. Her friends rushed to pull her out of the sea and and crying for help.
carried her onto the beach. She lost her arm but she still 4b หน้า 31 Exercise 9 (Suggested answer)
surfs on a board fitted with a handle. Bethany promised never The old man walked slowly down the street.
to give up surfing. I am quite fond of doing crossword puzzles.
3b หน้า 23 Exercise 9 (Suggested answer) A big computer store is opening in town next week.
Two days ago I went shopping with my sister. I never buy video games - I always borrow my friend,s!
I watched a really good film on TV last night. The bathroom is upstairs - second door on the right.
I haven,t finished that book yet. 4d & 4e หน้า 34 Exercise 4 (Suggested answer)
We haven,t seen Peter since last summer. A: What,s your name, please?
Neil has been in London for two years. B: Jim Evans.
We have missed the bus, it has just gone. A: OK, Mr Evans. You were walking home when you saw the
Yesterday, I ate pizza for dinner. man spray painting. Can you tell me what you saw?
I have lived in Paris for 13 years. B: Yes. There was a man spraying paint on a wall.
I have already read that book. A: What happened then?
3d & 3e หน้า 26 Exercise 5 (Suggested answer) B: He saw me and he ran away.
A: Hi Karen, sorry I,m late. Have you been waiting long? A: Did you see where he went?
B: Hi Sue. No, not long. So, are you ready to go surfing? B: I,m afraid not.
A: Actually, I can,t go surfing today. A: OK. Thanks for your time.
B: You,re welcome.

Answer Key Section
4f หน้า 35 Exercise 5 (Suggested answer) ground because there are not enough bins. Unfortunately,
Dear Laurie, there is no one to pick up the litter.
I was sorry to hear that you don,t feel comfortable about your This means that the playground is full of rubbish and it is
weight. Don,t worry though because I think that I can help becoming too dirty. The litter is building up and there is
you. nowhere to put it.
I think the best thing to do is to change your eating habits. There are some simple solutions to this problem. We could
You should drink more water and fresh fruit juice instead put signs up telling students to use the bins and put more
of fast food. In this way, you won,t put on any more weight. bins in and around the school. We should also ask students to
Why don,t you join a gym or a sports club? This will help you volunteer to pick up the litter every day.
lose weight and keep fit and perhaps you will make some In conclusion, we can all help keep our playground clean for
new friends. After you do these things, you will feel better. everyone to enjoy.
I hope my advice helps you. Remember it is not such a big 6b หน้า 47 Exercise 9 (Suggested answer)
deal and you can easily lose six kilos. Paul said he would meet his friend the week after.
Yours, “Are you going to the football match tomorrow?” Ken said.
Fred She told me she had been working the day before.
5a หน้า 37 Exercise 7 (Suggested answer) He said he had been listening to his MP3 player then.
We all have the power to change things. “I am reading a book now,” he said.
Fumes from cars damage old buildings. She told me she wouldn,t go to work that day.
Global warming threatens cultural sites and monuments. 6d & 6e หน้า 50 Exercise 6 (Suggested answer)
The vets are working hard to save an elephant. A: I don,t know how to copy these photos to my memory
Many rare animals face extinction because of pollution. stick. Can you help me?
Scientists discovered fossils of extinct animals. B: Of course. First insert your memory stick into the slot in the
Stonehenge is one of the most famous historic monuments in K
England. tower. E
A: All right. Y
5d & 5e หน้า 42 Exercise 5 (Suggested answer) B: Now click on the photo folder you want to copy.
A: Hi John. Did you hear that the school is holding a charity A: Got it! What,s next?
basketball tournament to help save the pink dolphin? B: Click on ‘Copy this folder, and a window will open.
B: Really? That sounds great. When is it? A: Then what?
A: Saturday morning at 9 o,clock for 24 hrs. Why don,t we go B: Click on ‘Removable Disk, and then click ‘Paste,.
together? A: Is that all?
B: I,m afraid I can,t. I have to work at the shop. B: Yes.
A: Oh, that,s too bad. Wait! I have an idea. 6f หน้า 51 Exercise 6 (Suggested answer)
Why don,t we ask my sister to work instead? Most teenagers today love chatting online. Is this a harmless
She hates basketball. activity or could it lead to problems?
B: Brilliant idea! Let,s call her. Chat rooms offer a number of advantages. Firstly, you can
5f หน้า 43 Exercise 4 (Answer key) make good friends there, as it is easy to find people online
who share your interests. Also, there are endless opportunities
Problems Effects Solutions to meet interesting people. For example, you can talk to
Students throw Litter everywhere Put signs up telling teachers and experts on various subjects from all around the
sweet wrappers students to use   bins
in playground world.
There are not Students have Put more bins in On the other hand, chat rooms may not always be a good
enough bins nowhere to put and around school thing. Sometimes they can be dangerous. For instance,
their litter strangers may try to harm you. Another point is that chatting
There is no one to The litter builds Four students online often takes up too much time. This means that you fall
pick up litter up volunteer to pick
up litter every day behind with school work or neglect your friends.
All in all, chat rooms are a good thing provided we are
5f หน้า 43 Exercise 5 (Suggested answer) careful about how we use them.
The litter in the school playground is becoming a real problem.
More and more students are throwing sweet wrappers on the

Answer Key Section
7a หน้า 53 Exercise 8 (Suggested answer) 8f หน้า 69 Exercise 5 (Suggested answer)
Avatar is my favourite film. It was directed by James Hi Jenny,
Cameron and stars Sam Worthington and Sigourney Weaver. Thanks for your email. It was great to hear from you. I really
Worthington plays the role of Jake Scully, a soldier who liked reading about your home and neighbourhood. Let me tell
travels to a moon called Pandora. James Horner wrote the you about my home.
music for the film. I live in a nice big f lat in the city. It has three big bedrooms,
a kitchen and a bathroom. There,s also a living room, which
7b หน้า 55 Exercise 8 (Suggested answer) is my favourite part of the house. It has a big TV, which my
I installed the family computer all by myself. family watches it together in the evening. The only thing I
Yesterday, my father made a cake by himself. don,t like about my f lat is that the kitchen is too small.
My sister enjoyed herself at an amusement park last weekend. My neighbourhood is great! It has lots of shops and a beautiful
My sister and I behaved ourselves when we were younger. park nearby. It,s also close to the metro and many bus
My parents bought themselves a TV for their anniversary. stations, so it,s very easy for us to go anywhere we want.
7d & 7e หน้า 58 Exercise 4 (Suggested answer) It gets a bit noisy during the day when the shops are open,
though. And that can be very annoying!
A: T itanic is on Channel 4 tonight. Do you fancy watching it Anyway, that,s all about my home. You should visit me and see
with me? what it,s like for yourself! Write back soon,
B: No thanks! I,ve seen it three times already. What else is Mary
A: Well, there,s a talent show on Channel 2.
B: Oh no. I just hate talent shows. Is there any sport on Grammar Bank 5 หน้า 89 Exercise 10 (Answer key)
tonight? I wish/If only I had been polite to my neighbour.
A: There,s a football match on Channel 3. I wish/If only it wasn,t/weren,t very cold today.
K B: Let,s watch that. What time is it on? I wish/If only my parents had let me get a cat.
E A: 10:00. I wish/If only I wasn,t/weren,t afraid of lightning.
Y I wish/If only I hadn,t lost my sister,s sunglasses.
7f หน้า 59 Exercise 7 (Suggested answer)
Hi Peter! Grammar Bank 6 หน้า 91 Exercise 5
I hope you are well. The last film I saw was Up, which is an (Suggested answer)
animated film. Helen: I,m going shopping. Would you like to go with me?
The film is about an old man who ties thousands of balloons to Simon: No, thank you. I have a science test tomorrow so I am
his house so he can f ly it to South America. The old man has a studying.
lot of exciting adventures. He fights an evil explorer and meets Helen: I will help you study, if you want?
a rare bird named Kevin. Simon: Thanks. That,s very nice of you.
The film has an interesting plot. The main characters are cute.
Up easily qualifies as one of the best films.
Up has a great story and is very funny. I highly recommend it.
Bye for now,
8d & 8e หน้า 68 Exercise 6 (Suggested answer)
Pat: Hello! Could you help me, please?
Tom: Of course! What can I do for you?
Pat: I,m looking for the post office.
Tom: Turn right here and go straight on.
Pat: Is it far from here?
Tom: No. It,s about a kilometre away.
Pat: Great. Oh, and do you know where there,s a cinema?
Tom: There,s one across the street from the post office.
Pat: That,s perfect. Thank you very much.


MODULE 1 Tim: Oh, I see. Did it happen during your football game?
1c หน้า 9 Exercise 7 Nick: No, I was on my way home from playing tennis and I
Steve: Hi Mary. tripped over something on the pavement. There wasn,t
Mary: Hi Steve. How are you? anything to grab hold of so I stumbled and fell into the
Steve: Fine. So, what job are you interested in, Mary? Social street.
worker? Tim: Were you alone?
Mary: Actually, I want to be a fashion designer. I,d love Nick: Yes, but fortunately a friend of mine was walking by so
to make my own clothes some day. he helped me. He called an ambulance as I couldn,t
Steve: Nice! And where are all the others? walk home on it.
Mary: Oh, here and there. Margaret is talking to the doctors Tim: So you went to the hospital then?
over there. She wants to be a heart surgeon. Nick: Yes, and they were very helpful. The doctor offered to
Steve: I,m not surprised. She,s always wanted to take care of give me an injection for the pain, but I didn,t need it,
people. the pain wasn,t that bad. The nurse brought me an ice
Mary: I know. Shelly is the same. She is thinking about pack instead and it helped right away. Luckily I didn,t
becoming a teacher. need a plaster cast.
Steve: Right…and the boys? Tim: How long will it take before you can do sports again?
Mary: Well, Jason wanted to become a lawyer until he spoke Nick:  They told me I should be very careful for the next two
to the pilots over there ... now he wants to be a pilot. weeks and that in about a month I can start playing
Steve: That,s cool! again. Unfortunately, I will miss the end of the year K
Mary: ... yeah ... and well you know Carl. He is always football match. Y
playing around like he,s on TV so he wants to be an Tim: That,s too bad, they,ll miss you. OK, well take care and
actor. I,ll talk to you again soon.
Steve: Good choice! He is good at that. Nick: Thanks Tim. Bye.
1c หน้า 9 Exercise 8 – Dictation 2c หน้า 17 Exercise 8 – Dictation
Alea is a heart surgeon. She works in a hospital in the town Matthew was driving along a forest road when suddenly it
centre. Every morning, she wakes up at 7:30 am and takes started to rain heavily and lightning struck his car. Matthew
the underground to work. She usually starts work at 9 am lost control of the car. It slid off the road and hit a tree.
and finishes at 5 pm. This morning, the sun is shining and Matthew felt a severe pain all over his body. He thought
Alea feels good. She is wearing her favourite dress because that he was in critical condition and was very afraid. Then
she has an interview with a medical magazine to talk about he woke up in hospital in a plaster cast. He escaped with a
her job. On days like today, Alea really loves her job. broken leg. The doctors say he was fortunate to survive such
a serious crash.
2c หน้า 17 Exercise 7 MODULE 3
Tim: Hi Nick. How are you? I heard you sprained your wrist 3c หน้า 25 Exercise 6
last week. What happened? Stewart: Hi, Fiona. Are you going to that new extreme sports
Nick: Hi Tim. No, actually I hurt my leg. At first I thought it camp?
was broken but I only twisted my ankle!


Fiona: No, actually I have decided to go to an outdoor 3c หน้า 25 Exercise 7 – Dictation
activity camp. They have a programme that teaches A passenger boarded a f light from Singapore to London.
canoeing and I want to try it. When he arrived, he didn,t declare anything but customs
Stewart: Oh, that sounds interesting. I have never been off icers found a scorpion in his luggage. They said that he
canoeing. Do you need any special equipment for broke the law because he lied to them and he tried to import
that? endangered species. They arrested him and charged him.
Fiona: The camp provides everything – life jackets,
paddles, helmets and so on. They told us if we want,
we can bring a pair of goggles, but we don,t have 4c หน้า 32 Exercise 3
to. Woman,s voice: You have reached the Callingwood
Stewart: So, you really like sports. It seems you are always Children,s Centre. We are a non-prof it children,s charity
doing something. that helps children with physical and learning disabilities.
Fiona: Yes, I suppose that,s true. I have tried a few The centre gives a variety of lessons such as art and
different things. I play football at the weekend and reading. We accept donations of money and books for our
on Wednesdays I go skateboarding at the skate growing library. We also need volunteers to help in the kids
park. clubs that are held in the evenings and on Saturdays. There
Stewart: Have you ever tried anything really dangerous? is a large outdoor playground, open every afternoon. The
I would like to try an extreme sport one day. centre operates every day from 9 am-8 pm and is closed on
K Fiona: Not me. I enjoy a lot of sports, but I don,t want to Sundays. If you like, please leave a message at the tone and
Y try anything where I could get seriously injured. we will return your call as soon as possible.
Stewart: Yeah, I understand. Last year I was in Australia 4c หน้า 33 Exercise 5 – Dictation
with my family and my mum thought I was taking a Last weekend a burglar broke into my house when I was
chance when I went snorkelling. away. He stole my laptop and some money. I called the police
Fiona: Snorkelling isn,t dangerous. and a few days later they phoned me to tell me they arrested
Stewart: Tell my mum that! She was scared when my brother someone in the neighbourhood. The court sentenced him to six
went f ishing too. Actually, I think she believes any months in prison and I got my laptop back but not my money.
activity near water is dangerous. She was worried
the whole time my dad was swimming in a race. MODULE 5
Fiona: Well you,d better not tell her I am going canoeing 5c หน้า 41 Exercise 5
then. 1 What will the weather be like tomorrow?
Stewart: You,re right. I will tell her you are going to go Girl: I,m fed up with this pouring rain. I want some sun!
camping, but that there will not be any water Boy: Me too! It,s too wet to go out.
around at all. Girl: They say it,ll be cold with some snow tomorrow but at
Fiona: Do you want to come with me? least we,ll be able to dress warm and go to the park.
Stewart: I would, but I have a cricket match. 2 How many people are going to clean up?
Fiona: OK then. Maybe another time ... Boy: Is Sam going to help us clean up the beach?
Girl: Yes, he is! So, that,s three of us.
Boy: Mmmm, we need f ive people really. Do you know two
more people that would come with us?


Girl: Well, Gemma and Bob said they will come. So that will Steven: Well yeah … except no one agreed on anything.
be enough. Mrs Jones uses all the old stuff, you know, fax
3 What will the girl do? machines and letters but none of us use them. I
Girl: I don,t know what to do. I think I,ll phone Francesca. mean I use email and I chat on my mobile phone
Boy: You can,t, she,s gone shopping with her mum. and so on … but I mostly send SMS. It,s the best
Girl: OK then, I,ll cook some pasta for us. way to stay in touch.
Boy: That sounds great! Mum: Maybe for you but everyone has got their favourite
4 How far is the nearest beach? means of communication.
Girl: Is there a beach near here? Steven: Right, but it doesn,t mean that it,s the best. Adrian
Boy: Well, the closest is 7 kms, but the best beach is says he always writes emails because he doesn,t
14 kms. trust SMS … but there are lots of people that don,t
Girl: Are they easy to f ind? have a computer so they can,t use email.
Boy: Yes, you can go to the next town, which is 4 kms Mum: true …
up the road and turn left at the town square. Both Steven: … and of course Helen doesn,t like anything new or
beaches are in the same direction. modern like mobile phones so the only thing she ever
5 What is Katie doing? uses is the telephone at home.
Boy: Hi Katie! Where are you? We,re playing tennis at Mum: Gosh … you mean she doesn,t even have a mobile
3 o,clock. phone or the Internet.
Girl: Sorry Mark, but my bicycle is broken so I,m waiting Steven: No, but her sister Stacy is the opposite. She spends K
for the bus. all day on her mobile. Y
Boy: Oh, OK. See you soon! Mum: Sounds a bit like your mum, doesn,t it?
5c หน้า 41 Exercise 6 – Dictation Steven: Kind of yeah … anyway, we started to argue and
Daniel suggested that we continue the discussion
The Great Barrier Reef in Australia is the world,s largest reef.
tonight in a chat room because he spends all his
It is over 2,300 km long and is home to over 1,500 species
time online chatting. He,s funny! In the end we all
of f ish. Unfortunately, global warming now threatens its
had a good laugh.
existence because coral reefs are very sensitive to
Mum: I see, well it sounds like you had an interesting
temperature change and pollution. Experts say that up to
conversation. You,ll have to let me know if you
95% of the reef may not survive if temperatures continue to
agree on anything in the end.
rise. It,s time to do something or the reef will disappear and
many of its f ish will become extinct. 6c หน้า 49 Exercise 8 – Dictation
Teenagers in the UK spend about 30 hours a week online.
MODULE 6 The majority of them use the Internet to communicate with
6c หน้า 49 Exercise 7 friends and play games. Many also use it to help them with
Steven: Hi, mum. their homework and a few use it to read the news.
Mum: Hi, Steven. How was your day at school?
Steven: It was all right. We had a talk about the best means
of communication.
Mum: Really! That sounds interesting.


7c หน้า 57 Exercise 5 8c หน้า 67 Exercise 5
Jane: Hey, are you going to the school music concert on Amy: Hi Sam. Did you f inish your project?
Thursday? Sam: Oh, hello Amy. Yes, you,re my last person. I have to
Doug: Yes, I want to, but I haven,t got a ticket yet. Have f ind out everyone,s favourite place in town.
you? Amy: Oh, that must have been interesting. What did you f ind
Jane: Yes, I bought my ticket on Monday. Don,t worry, you out?
can buy a ticket in the gym until Wednesday. Sam: Well, Gary likes to go out to the cinema. He likes
Doug: Oh, OK. Are the tickets £7 again like last year? going to the one next to the department store on Main
Jane: Actually, they,re £8 this year. Street because it is big and has a good choice of f ilms.
Doug: Oh, that,s still less than £10. That,s not bad. The Amy: What about Tracy?
concert will take place in the theatre, won,t it? Sam: She surprised me. Her favourite place is home.
Jane: Actually, the theatre,s too small. The gym,s a bit small Amy: Really? Why?
too, so it will be held in the auditorium. Sam: She lives on the top f loor of that new skyscraper and
Doug: Right. I think there will be some really good bands! she says the view is amazing. She can see the entire
Jane: Yes. I can,t wait to see The 2020s. That,s my friends, city.
band. They made their f irst album in 2001. Amy: That would be interesting. I would love to see that.
Doug: Cool! Hey, do you want to meet outside before the Who else did you talk to?
K concert? That way, we can sit together. Sam: Well, James spends his time in the square across from
Y Jane: Sure. I,ve got basketball practice until 6:30 and the the school. He goes skateboarding there all the time.
concert starts at 7 o,clock, so how about meeting at So, that brings me back to you. Where do you like to
6:45? hang out?
Doug: Perfect! See you there. Amy: I spend all of my free time shopping at the mall. What
Jane: OK, bye. about you?
7c หน้า 57 Exercise 6 – Dictation Sam: I go to the park by the lake. It is my favourite place
to go jogging and play football.
Hi Hayley!
Amy: Of course! I should have known that …
I went to a great music concert last night with my friends!
There were lots of bands and they played all kinds of 8c หน้า 67 Exercise 6 – Dictation
different music – rock, jazz, pop and classical. My favourite Bristol is a cosmopolitan city in the south-west of England.
though was a heavy metal band called ‘Zig Zag,. They were It is Britain,s tenth largest city with a population of 380,000.
so loud, especially the drums, but they were absolutely Bristol used to be an important port city with a famous
fantastic! Afterwards, we all went out for dinner. It was an harbour. Now it,s a fantastic mixture of the old and new!
amazing evening. Write back soon. You will love the city,s great shopping malls, art galleries and
Love, museums, as well as its lively nightlife. You can also take a
Christine boat cruise along the River Avon. Last but not least, Bristol
has about 450 parks and green spaces and it,s just a short
distance from the countryside if you want to escape the hustle
and bustle of the city.



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