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Slide: The Earth

Earth is at risk and now we are at race with climate change. It is happening now
and more than ever as time pass around the globe. Earth is not something that we can
buy. It is our home and a place where life survives and grow.
2. Slide: The Nature
It has Natures that provides Home, Foods, clothes and many more and the
plants convert carbon dioxide to Oxygen which is needed for us to breath. It got vast
seas, that provides many things and gives water to replenish our thirst which is needed
for us to survive. Simply Nature made life a reality.
3. Slide: The Human Being
We, the human being, who have higher intelligence than animals. Therefore, we
do things as we please in this planet, but what we did miss is we are too arrogant and
greedy that we didn’t know what we have destroy. There are many mistake we have
done, and some of it are severe like…
4. Slide: The Industrialization
The industrialization and without a doubt it was kick starts the climate change,
Because of our needs and wants, we factories that burns fossil fuels, coal, natural gas
and oil. This is added to the amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and causing
higher temperatures.
5. Slide: The Cutting Tree
Tree’s provide as many things, but during industrialization, many trees were cut
to make houses and buildings, if there were to cut, we would loss lands and biodiversity,
putting landslide and extinction.
6. Slide: Smoking vehicles and their effects on the environment
Upon the rapid population growth, we needed transportation and so we build
vehicles. This vehicle emits carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. This causes air
pollution that is one of the major causes of global warming.
7. Slide: The Green House Gas
On Earth, human activities are changing the natural greenhouse. There are
many gases that are produced but common are Carbon Dioxide. A greenhouse gas is a
gas that absorbs and emits radiant energy. Most of this goes to the atmosphere.
8. Slide: The atmosphere & Heat Up
The atmosphere today contains more greenhouse molecules, so more energy
emitted by the surface ends up being absorbed by the atmosphere. But some of it,
radiates back down to and causes temperature rise.
9. Climate Change
For the last 650, 000 years, there been seven cycles of glacial up and down.
Now, since mid-20th, 95% of changed are caused by human activities. Remember that
this changes causes to make weathers more frequent and extreme. Some examples are.
10. The Yolanda
In the Philippines, there first experience extreme weather phenomenon. The
super typhoon Haiyan was believed by the scientist that is made from increasing
temperature in the Pacific Ocean. It was catastrophe and the damage was
11. The LA Nina in PH
Due to Climate change, recent El Nino has become more frequent and sever.
Now, El Nino threatens many dams of our National Capital Region and causing shortage
of water supply.
12. Slide: The Wildfire in Amazon
2019, there had a mass wild fire in Amazon, locals believed it was cause by some
company, but it was not reported. Now scientist feared the most is the loss of
biodiversity, soil and the huge amount of carbon dioxide being produced.
13. Slide: The Antarctic ocean melt
In the Antarctica, a major land of ice that flow into the ocean, and we know that
it is melting. Some lands already collapse and animals keep losing their biodiversity. This
is due to increasing heat temperature or climate change.
14. Slide: The Sea Rise Theory 100years
With such mass is melting, no wonder our sea level is increasing. From 1900 up
to now, the sea level rose 16-21 cm. If sea level keep increasing, some experts predicted
that 100 years from now, sea level would rise pass us.
15. Slide: Destroy Corals
Climate change would also affect the corals. Corals are homes of the species
underwater and a great biodiversity. This can be destroyed by sea level rise and extreme
storms. Losing this would put us hardship in finding sea foods and many more.
16. Slide: Problems Rise & Economic Inflation
Insurance firms will always have to raise premiums to cover rising cost from
extreme weather and since 1980, extreme weather has cost $1.6 trillion.16 Munich Re,
the world's largest reinsurance firm, blamed climate change. This could make insurance
too expensive for people.
17. Slide: Home Displaced
People are trying to adapt to the changing environment, but
many are being forcibly displaced from their homes by the effects
of climate change and disasters, or are relocating in order to
survive. New displacement patterns, and competition over depleted
natural resources can spark conflict between communities or
compound pre-existing vulnerabilities.If Continue 2?
We are at race with Climate Change, it is happening now and more than ever as time pass.

If this is to let continue, then more environtmetal problems will rise, more suffering,
displacement of people lives. And later it might even hard for human to live and adjust.
And the worst part, is that there is no turning back then.
Accelerated planet-wide warming has been linked to extinction of species, increase
annual heat waves, like what we experiencing now. And lastly this could put the people
in hardship findings essentials like foods.
18. Slide: What can we Do and as a Human Being?
a. Simple things that we can do, like lessen the use of energy.
b. If possible, you can choose bicycle or walk rather than transportation.
c. Recycling is also helps. That’s because re-using materials usually uses less energy, and
thus create less pollutions.
19. Slide: Help Agriculture and Spread Awareness
A major set of sustainable practices that shows great potential to reverse the
effects of climate change is carbon farming. Through photosynthesis, plants serve as
carbon sinks to draw CO2 out of the atmosphere and converts them into oxygen.
Lastly Spread Awareness and persuading people. More friends is less enemy.

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