Exercise 2 - Testcase Structure and Predefined Test Configuration Parameter

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Exercise 2 - TestCase Structure and Predefined Test Configuration Parameter

By the end of this exercise, you will be able to create a logical TestCase structure within Tosca and set a predefined Test
configuration parameter (TCP).

Why is this important?

A logical folder structure within your TestCase makes your work easier to create and maintain. Test configuration parameters
are used to apply specific values to various TestCases; defined for various object types. A common TCP is to set the browser
that Tosca is using to test.
Key elements:

TestCase TestCaseFolder configuration

1. Navigate to the TestCases section.

Create a TestCaseFolder named “TestCase 1”. Within this new Folder, create a Folder named “2 TestCase
Structure and TCP”.

3. Within the TestCase 1 subfolder, create a TestCase named “Shipping Costs”.

Create the following TestStepFolders within the TestCase you just created:
• Precondition
• Order Product
• Start Checkout
4. • Checkout Process
• Verification of Prices
• Confirmation
• Verification of Success
• Postcondition
On the TestCase level create a Test configuration parameter named “Browser” with the value
6. On the “Details” tab on the TestCase level, change the TestCase WorkState from “PLANNED” to “IN_WORK”.

»» The folder structure follows the path taken through the application to order a product
»» Use the shortcut “Ctrl+N, Ctrl+F” to create a new folder
»» Use “Ctrl+,” to create a folder on the same level
»» Folder structures might change during the process of TestCase creation. Folders might need to be added or
deleted – this is normal


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