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TestCase FIVE

Exercise 13 - Link TestCases to Requirements

By the end of this exercise, you will be able to link TestCases to Requirements.

Why is this important?

Linking the TestCase to the Requirements supplies an accurate picture of the state of the entire project.

Key elements:

Requirement Requirement Linked

Folder Set TestCase


Navigate to the “Requirements” section, expand all of the Requirements in the Folder named “Webshop
Requirements” (Requirements>>Webshop Requirements).
Drag and drop the TestCases with the TestCase WorkState “COMPLETED” to the following Requirements:
• Exercise 6c “Shipping Costs” to the Requirement “Calculate shipping costs”
• Exercise 7b “Payment Process” to the Requirement “Payment methods”
• Exercise 10 “Discount Code” to the Requirement “Discounts”
• Exercise 11b “Reorder” to the Requirement “Reorder”
• Exercise 12d “Total of All Orders” to the Requirement “Check orders”


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