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Exercise 9 - Self-Defined Test Configuration Parameter

By the end of this exercise, you will be able to set and use self-defined Test configuration parameters.

Why is this important?

Test configuration parameters allow values to be set centrally which can then be used within the TestCases. If the value needs
to be changed, rather than changing each occurrence on every TestStep, the value can be amended just once in the central

1. Duplicate TestCaseFolder “8c ActionMode WaitOn” and rename it “9 Self Defined TCP“.
Add two additional Test configuration parameters to the TestCase:
2. • DiscountName – set Value to “AutomationDiscount2”
• DiscountPercentage – set Value to “0.20”
In the “Shopping Cart Procedures” TestStep use the “DiscountName” TCP in the TestStepValue for ”Enter
Discount Code”.
In the “Verification of Prices” TestStep, amend the Discount calculation to use the “DiscountPercentage”
TCP instead of the numeric value 0.20 to calculate the discount total.
5 Set the Workstate to “COMPLETED”.

»» {CP[]} is the syntax required to use a TCP.


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