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Enzymes SL Quiz

1. The part of the enzyme where the substrate binds is known as the .....

A. Active site
B. Catalyst
C. Alpha helix
D. Lock and key

2. When the temperature of an enzyme controlled reaction was increased from 15°C to
30°C the reaction rate also increased. Why?

A. The enzymes have increased in size so more substrate molecules fit in the
active site.
B. The enzymes have more kinetic energy so collide with more substrate
C. The temperature increase has denatured some of the enzymes.
D. The enzymes are now in a higher concentration so react faster.

3. Which is the best explanation of the effect of increasing the substrate

concentration on the rate of an enzyme controlled reaction?

A. The rate increases.

B. The rate decreases.
C. The rate increases up to a maximum rate then stops increasing.
D. The rate increases slowly at first then more quickly later.

4. What would be the effect of increasing the pH of a solution from pH4.0 to pH9.0 on
the rate of a reaction catalysed by an enzyme which has an optimum pH of 7.0 ?

A. The rate would increase and then decrease.

B. The rate would decrease as the pH increases.
C. The rate would increase at the pH increases.
D. The rate would be unaffected by the change in pH

5. Which phrase best describes enzyme substrate specificity.

A. The substrate has a specific active site that only one enzyme can bind to.
B. The enzyme and substrate both have active sites which bind together
C. The enzyme has an active site that only one specific substrate can bind to.
D. Only one specific substrate molecule can react with an enzyme at a time.

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