Guidelines For Site Selection Site Suitabability Site Planning PDF

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x Wy Be OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT % NATIONAL HOUSING AUTHORITY NHA-MC-2015-0015, GUIDELINES FOR SITE SELECTION, SITE SUITABILITY, AND SITE PLANNING OF NHA HOUSING DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS 4.0 BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE This Memorandum Circular is issued as guidelines for the processes of Site selection, Site Suitability, and Site Planning in the implementation of various housing development programs and projects of the National Housing Authority These entail the selection an planning of sites for housing with the objective of rationalizing the land use of the NHA housing projects considering the many environmental and social issues on housing development vis-a-vis the existing government rules and regulations. 2.0 COVERAGE These guidelines shall cover all housing development projects of NHA, for urban of rural environment, and applicable for a range of densities in housing development, horizontal or vertical, occupied or vacant. Site selection process, however, may be skipped for sites proposed by other entities for consideration by NHA, but which shall still be subjected for review as to its suitability for housing and as to propriety of its site planning if conducted 3.0 FRAMEWORK The general parts of these guidelines are divided into three: 1) Site Selection, 2) Site Suitability, and 3) Site Planning and Detailed Architectural and Engineering Design, corresponding to the processes in preparing and planning any site for housing development. A framework showing relationships of the processes and the responsible units, deliverables, timeline and approval requirement is illustrated in the diagram below: "The guidelines are developed with the contributions from NH penaiipre participated in the Site Selection and Site Plenning workshop organized by HTDO in June 2018] and wir LorOONT ROEDLE aS ORY ffom the Environs Urban and Regional Planners and ftom Matth@w Doolan, an ‘Quezon Memorial Elisticl Read, Dilan, Quezon City 1100 SITE SELECTION hs SITE SUITABILITY Guidelines for Site Selection, Site Suitabilty, and Site Planning of NHA Housing Development Projects Page 2 of 13 | SITE PLANNING [> AND DETAILED | ‘ABE DESIGN ave v Responsible | Regional Offices, Regional Offices, Regional Offices, Units: | Operating Units, Project Offices, Project Offices HTDO, CPO HTDO (if assistance is | requested) | | CIED (for appraisal of L | feasible sites upon request) | 5 | Deliverables: | Housing Sites Map |Site Inspection Report (SIR), | Site Development Plan | (HSM) Pre-Feasiblity Study (PFS) | with detailed A&E | (atleast 3-year term) with Conceptual Pan drawings, costing, and | technical specifications | Timeline Atleast 3 months before | a) SIR within 5 days from | Maximum of 6 months | | the start of the MTPDP date of inspection — | preparation; | | (2017-2022) and its ) PFS with Conceptual | Output completed by | midterm: | plan within 1’ month from target pre-procurement | (Updated every 3 years) date of submission of schedule of the project SIR ‘Approval | HSM for approval of GM | Project Proposal to proceed | GM approval prorto | Requirement | and for notation of the | with the detailed planning, | bidding andiot award NHA Board of Directors | design and budgetary | estimates to concerned | Regional Office Processes of Site Selection and Site Suitability are iterative in the sense that certain aspects of a location's suitability may have already been dealt with during the selection process, such as when specific sites are allocated by local government units as resettlement sites. In any case, site suitability analysis shall be conducted when a project is appropriated (i., targeted in the work program and with budget) for any site, which process shall include the accomplishment of a site inspection report and a pre-feasibility study with conceptual plan. On the other hand, Site Planning and Detailed Architectural and Engineering (A&E) Design process can be conducted only for sites that have been evaluated as suitable for housing, regardless of enhancements or mitigating measures that still need to bo undertaken prior to construction. 4.0 SITE SELECTION 4.1 The site selection process covers the identification of locations that are appropriate for housing development. It involves the urban and regional context analyses, with consideration of these factors a. Looking at sites in relation to densely built-up residential areas, commercial centers, and labor-intensive industrial facilities; b. Present and future transportation networks; c. Physical and social infrastructure networks; d. Vulnerability to geological and envir CONTROLLED COPY [79 -/u oe 42 4.3 44 45 46 AT Guidelines for Site Selection, Site Suitability, and Site Planning of NHA Housing Development Projects Page 3 of 13 This is to be undertaken as a forward planning tool and done through Participatory means through consultation with the operating units and other stakeholders. The planning shall apply the principle of integration by aligning of the plans with other pertinent plans of the government. The objective is to undertake a purposive site selection, instead of being reactive to the escalating demand for housing under the NHA’s mandate. Responsible Units. The task of site selection shall be done through the collaboration of operating units with the Housing Technology Development Office (HTDO) and other units of the NHA who may submit inputs towards the selection of sites for housing, as may be required The HTDO shall issue the guidelines for the operating units and other NHA departments in the submission of prospective sites. It will be responsible for convening the responsible units in preparing the HSM, for consolidating the maps, for submitting it for approval of the General Manager and for notation by the NHA Board of Directors, and for causing the review and update of the map. The HTDO shall ensure that the map remains a useful reference at any time the NHA would require sites for housing Deliverable. The output of planning is a Housing Sites Map (HSM), which shall be the mapped out locations of housing sites for at least the next 3 years, identifying if not exact locations, the indicative areas within specific municipalities/cities whose urbanization capacities. can accommodate housing requirements of the population. This will be the Quiding reference for the annual work program and budget of NHA. It shall also be the reference for land banking if it will be pursued for future expansion, or for emergency-induced relocation (e.g., due to calamities or siege). It may be continuously updated subject to the usual and proper evaluation of any additional sites to be included. A longer term pian, say for the next 6 or up to 30 years, may be Programmed, provided this is supported by sound bases, or that the maps make reference to, and correspond to timeline of, approved long- term plans of the national government The resulting map shall as much as possible indicate the type of density that is most applicable for every selected site, Minimum data that shall be included for every site are the barangay on where it is located, ownership, land area, and zoning The HSM shall be approved by the General Manager prior to its adoption. Any subsequent addition to the approved sites in between updating period shall be subject to approval of the General Manager upon recommendation of HTDO. Timeline. There shall be an updated HSM shall coincide with the Medium Term Philip Development Plan (2G Docun irolienDate CONTROLLED copy 48 4.9 4.10 4 Guidelines for Site Selection, Site Suitability, and Site Planning of NHA Housing Development Projects Page 4 of 13 (MTPDP) and its midterm. The approved HSM shall have been prepared and made available at least 3 months before the period covered by the said MTPDP and its midterm, so that it can be used in work programming for the succeeding year. Site Selection for Emergency Cases. Sites of permanent housing for victims of calamities and other emergency situations shall be selected from the HSM, unless concerned local government unit/s will be able to provide suitable land from its/their respective jurisdiction. The NHA shall be able to recommend sites for temporary housing within half month, and for permanent housing within 1 month the affected settlers are displaced or the settlement/s has/have been determined as inhabitable requiring the relocation of settlers. Informal Settlements for On-Site Development. To be included in the inventory of HSM are the existing informal settiements that may be Pursued as on-site development. Basic information on the property, including ownership and land area shall be indicated in the map. References and Tools. The planning may be guided through analysis and study of the following information, among other useful data and tools it may deem significant in planning a. National Framework for Physical Planning (NFPP) and MTPDP, and such other national plans that may have impact on land uses; b. Land Use or Zoning Maps and/or Comprehensive Land Use Plans (CLUP) of local government units (LGUs); c. Geological Hazard Maps generated by Mines and Geoscience Bureau of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (MGB-DENR) and Indicative Hazard Maps from PHIVOLCS; and such other hazard maps from reliable sources like DOST’s Project National Operational Assessment of Hazards (NOAH) and data from Manila Observatory; d. Ongoing and approved projects for implementation from institutions like the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA), Department of Transportation and Communication (DOTC); e. Demographic data from Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) Guiding Criteria. Site selection will have, but will not be limited to, the following coverage and corresponding criteria 4.11.1, Location. Site selection must be made with both the regional and local context in mind. Proposed sites must be able to link into existing public infrastructure, such as transportation, power and water, health, educational and recreational facilities, and as Much as possible be near or accessible to major employment Opportunities. Sites shall be located outside potential hazard prone and protection areas j | <8 CONTROLLED COPY w Doaament Conor Guidelines for Site Selection, Site Suitability, and Site Planning of NHA Housing Development Projects Page 5 of 13, 4.11.2 Conformity with Land Use. Sites to be offered for housing development should be residential in land use classification based on the approved CLUP of the concerned LGU. Should there be no approved CLUP for the locality, the same site must be approved for housing development purposes by the concerned LGU's Sangguniang Bayan/Panglungsod. Land use conversion and reclassification must be approved by the Sangguniang Bayan/Panglungsod prior to inclusion in the map. 4.11.3 Accessibility. The sites should be able to link to an existing or proposed public transportation system. The sites must likewise have an existing legal road right of way from a major thoroughfare 5.0 SITE SUITABILITY 5.1 Site suitability looks at the intrinsic and specific technical qualities of the site and its capability to address the requirements for housing. This Process involves determining the potentials, constraints and development issues the site may create. 5.2 Coverage. All sites of housing projects targeted for implementation based on NHA's annual work program and budget shall be the priority sites to undergo suitability process While properties included in the HSM are presumed as legally permissible for residential development, the operating units undertaking site suitability shall exercise due diligence in determining that there are no legal issues with the subject property. For sites not included in the HSM (e.g., new sites offered for housing development by other entities such as local government units, other agencies, private developers or civil society organizations), the concerned Project Office shall still carry out the site inspection and suitability analysis. 5.3 Responsible Unit/s. The complete staff work of the site suitability undertaking is lodged with the Project Office concerned, with the support of District and/or Regional Offices. Ocular inspection of subject site is ideally conducted by a team from the Project Office identified to be involved in the project with presence of the landowner or his/her fepresentative/s. Complements from other NHA units shall likewise be invited to the inspection when their assistance is sought for site suitability and/or site planning processes. The same team from the Project Office will also be responsible in preparing the deliverable reports of this process for submission to the Regional Office concerned 5.4 Deliverables. The process of site suitability shall entail _the accomplishment of these documents §y thaypioject Office concemed- q CONTROLLED COPY 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 Guidelines for Site Selection, Site Suitabilly, and Site Planning of NHA Housing Development Projects Page 6 of 13, 5.4.1 Site Inspection Report. A copy of the Site inspection Report (SIR) form is attached in this circular as Annex A. After securing the required documents and actual ocular inspection, the form will be filled out to include analyses and recommendations. Once duly accomplished, the output will provide a profile with enough information to assess its suitability and a basis for appropriate development planning. It shall contain analysis and recommendations as to the site's suitability for a housing project. 5.4.2 Pre-Feasibility Study with Conceptual Plan. Pre-feasibility study is a study conducted before proceeding with a full-blown feasibility study which is an analysis of the viability of a project. It saves time and money in contrast to conducting an FS. A copy of the prescribed form/outiine of the PFS is attached as Annex B for vertical development and Annex 8-1 for horizontal development Timeline. All applicable required documents (see Annex C for the checklist) must have been secured prior to the conduct of site inspection Within 5 days from the date of inspection, the SIR must be submitted by the Project Office to the Regional Office. Then the PFS with Conceptual Plan shall soon follow the submission of SIR within a period of 1 month. Site Specific Considerations. The following considerations are to be closely analyzed and assessed in map form a. Cadastral Mapping — to determine the metes and bounds of the site, extents of adjoining properties, property overlaps and definition of legally-demarcated waterways. b. Topographic and Slope Analysis - to determine unusual characteristics of the site such as depressions, ravines and mounds. It is imperative that the topographic survey extend beyond the boundaries of the site. Plotting various gradients of the land shall be done to determine buildability ¢. Elevation Analysis — to relate the site to mean sea level especially for coastal danger zones as well as to relate to airport aerodromes which may affect building heights. d. Waterways and Drainage — to plot out the paths of rivers and creeks along the boundaries or within the site ©. Vegetation Analysis - mapping of types, coordinates and base elevations of tree locations with trunk diameters of 20cm and bigger. Tools. The conduct of site suitability is aided by the utilization of such tools as mapping, geographic information system (GIS), map overlays, and the SIR form. The output shall be the Site Inspection Report, complete with analysis and recommendations as to the site's suitability for a housing project. Site Suitability Guidelines 5.8.1 Topography wa Se CONTROLLED copy 74 Me (oni ConollenDate 5.8.2 5.8.3 5.8.4 Guidelines for Site Selection, Site Suitability, and Site Planning of NHA Housing Development Projects, Page 7 of 13 Topographic surveys shall extend beyond site limits in accordance with these prescriptions. ‘Size of Site Extent of Survey a] Beyond Site Boundar | Less than 5 hectares 15 meters 5 10 10 hectares 20 meters. 10 to 50 hectares 25 meters Wore than 50 hectares —50 meters Topography must be relatively flat and slopes of proposed sites should not exceed the 15% maximum gradient considered as buildable slopes for housing development. For sites with rolling terrain, there should be least filling requirement that should not exceed the cost parameters set by the NHA for a developed lot. Slope For projects with above 300 to 600 units per hectare, slope should be below 5%. For projects with density of 300 units and below per hectare, sloping area could be 5% to 15% Sites with sloping area should be developed at a reasonable and affordabie cost, with the assurance of soundness and structural stability for vertical construction. Soil Characteristics Soil characteristics must conform to the suitability standards specified for construction and development by the MGB-DENR to avoid hazards not only in terms of location but in terms of local soil conditions. This is also to avoid or lessen the introduction of mitigating measures that will heavily impact on production costs which will eventually redound upon the project beneficiaries or to the NHA and other implementing government agencies. Facilities Water Supply The site must have a steady and sufficient supply of potable water and that the sources of such a supply should also be established whether it is from a local water company or from the ground or any other alternative source prior to project planning. Secondary data may be provided such as water testing results in the immediate vicinity of the proposed site to determine the potability of water in the area. Water supply must be provided and ensured in conjunction with the program schedule of the local water service provider. Certification as to ‘secured. 3% is CONTROLLED COPY MX [hele Tioaument ContolorDate Guidelines for Site Selection, Site Suitabilty, and Site Planning of NHA Housing Development Projects Page 8 of 13 Power Supply There must be a utility company that will serve the needs of the new community, and that access for power facilities to and from the site must be identified as a requirement for the approval of the identified site for housing project. Provision of these facilities is imperative in the selection of site. Power supply must be provided and ensured in conjunction with the Program schedule of the local power service provider Certification as to its availability must likewise be secured 5.8.5 Drainage Outfall Natural waterways and outfalls shall be established on ground and as far as practicable identify the legal access with regard to outfalls, to and from the site to facilitate the planning of the drainage system. Flooding levels of the identified sites and its immediate vicinity should also be determined prior to site planning. The natural waterways should be retained in order to preserve the ecological balance within and around the site Drainage outfall should be extended directly into the main waterways. Certification of availability of a legal right of way for the drainage outfall from the project office, lot owner, or local government unit concerned shall be submitted. 5.9 A site that has been deemed not suitable for housing, and where no Measures can be feasibly undertaken to make it so, shall find replacement from the inventory of Housing Sites Map. Should another new site be proposed for the given project, it has to go through the full site suitability process and it shall not be considered unless found to be suitable for housing 6.0 SITE PLANNING and DETAILED A&E DESIGN 6.1 Site Planning is undertaken after satisfying the first two processes of Site Selection and Site Suitability. It shall only be commenced for sites considered to be suitable for housing development, and shall consider the proposed enhancements and mitigating measures to be conducted during pre-construction and construction phases of the project as indicated in the Site Inspection Report 6.2 Responsible Unit/s. Site Planning and Detailed A&E Design process, like Site Suitability, is to be undertaken by the Project Office, with the ‘support of concerned Regional Offices Assistance for review of prepared plans may be requested from the HTDO. However, mandatory review by HTDO shall be required for projects: above, b) with multi-storey buildings, ahd c)stag housing for victims of calamities and other emergency situatioy}s. CONTROLLED Copy 6.3 64 6.5 6.6 Guidelines for Site Selection, Site Suitabilty, and Site Planning of NHA Housing Development Projects Page 9 of 13 Deliverables. The output of this process will be the site development plan, complete with detailed drawings, costing, and technical specifications, for approval and signature of the NHA General Manager or delegated authority prior to implementation. Site Development Plans and other Land Development Plans shall be signed and sealed by the appropriate licensed professionals, on the original copy prior to approval, such as the following: Plan/ Documents to be Sigi Licensed Professional Relocation and Boundary Survey | Registered Licensed Geodetic a Engineer | Topographic and Structural Map | Registered Licensed Geodetic Survey Engineer | Z | Site Development Pian with Land | Registered Licensed Architect Use Computations oy Road Layout e Registered Licensed [Road Profile and Lot Grading Plans _|_ Registered Licensed Civil Engineer _| | Subdivision Plan with Comput Registered Licensed Geodetic based on Site Development Pian _ Engineer Waterline Layout Registered Licensed Sanitary | Engineer! Registered Licensed Civil Engineer Registered Licensed Civil Engineer/Registered Sanitary | we Eng nore | Sewage Treatment Piant Design Registered Licensed Mechanical Engineer and Registered Licensed | _ Sanitary Engineer | | Drainage and Sewer Layout Street Lighting Layout and Professional Electrical Engineer | Computations Power Distribution | | |_Layout | | Fire Protection System | Registered Licensed Mechanical | Engineer and Registered Electrical | i Engineer Standard Title Blocks. Standard title block formats to be used as applicable for the above-said deliverable plans is attached as Annex D for reference and compliance. Timeline. The project proposal consisting of the above shall be approved 2 weeks before the target pre-procurement schedule of the project Operating units, depending on the size and complexity of the project may equire a varying length of time in preparing the site plans. On a regular project, they are advised to allocate a maximum of 6 months for preparing the project proposal. Site Planning Principles. As a rule, the basis for planning of all economic and socialized housing is the Implementing Rules and Ri Batas Pambansa 220 (with the latést reyigion by the HLURB in November 2008), the Batas Pambansa B44 rQuidinar recess ibility fan py 1-34 [le Dooithent Cones 9 Guidelines for Site Selection, Site Suitability, and Site Planning of NHA Housing Development Projects, Page 10 of 13, persons with disabilities, the Presidential Decree 1096 or the National Building Code, and the Republic Act No. 9514 for fire code requirements However, in order to come up with a more responsive program as well as a clearer definition of land development infrastructure for the socialized sector and the low-income, the following guidelines shall be adopted 6.5.1 Compliance to Existing Laws, Rules and Regulations. All site planning must be in compliance to existing laws, rules and regulation on housing, whether local or national. In cases of conflict, the more specific provision shall prevail over the general ones, 6.5.2 Adoption of the Green Infrastructure. Planning shall adopt green building and the preservation of existing natural assets of the land such as trees, ground cover and vegetation, and natural waterways. 6.5.3 Promotion of Walkable Communities. Walkability of a community can be achieved by reducing vehicular access to some home-lots and by providing pedestrian walks and access within the site in line with environmental and safety concerns 6.5.4 Land Use Allocation per Site. The land use allocation for each site should not go beyond the ratio of 60% net saleable area and 40% non-saleable area, broken down into the following: For Saleable Areas. The net saleable shall consist of a maximum of 60% of the total gross land area and shall be devoted for residential housing development. For Non-Saleable Areas. The non-saleable areas shall conform to the minimum requirements pursuant to Section C of BP 220 as amended. The non-saleable areas consisting of a minimum of 40% of the total gross land area shall be devoted for other uses as follows: * Circulation’ Road Network + Parks and Playgrounds * Community Facilities * Utility Areas (MRF, STP) # CONTROLLED COPY ty Docdient Conta Guidelines for Site Selection, Site Suitability, and Site Planning of NHA Housing Development Projects Page 11 of 13 6.5.5 Maximum Allowable Density per Hectare. The maximum allowable density per hectare for horizontal development shall be 150 lots/units per hectare. For vertical development or low rise buildings (LRBs), maximum density per hectare shall be as follows” i Maximum Density Pemose) (# of units per hectare) r 2-Storey LRB C 182 3- Storey LRB 252 “4: Storey LRB = 336 I 5. Storey [RB 420 6.5.6 Lot and Building Orientation. Orientation should be considered to maximize solar orientation and breeze access. If locating on sloping sites, this criterion needs to be weighed against slope orientation criterion in order to reduce earthworks It is prescribed that orientation of lots and blocks is guided by the slopes of the site, to wit + For relatively flat lands, or 0-4% slope, orientation shall be guided by solar orientation, at which direction it will be most beneficial in terms of passive lighting and cooling, «For sites over 4% slope up to 15% slope, ensure earthworks is minimized by considering both right of way and building pad orientation. The long axis of building pads should run parallel to the contours to minimize retaining wall heights. Roads can run perpendicular to the contours up to the 15% maximum Toad gradient. This can reduce the need for earthworks by allowing each building pad to be progressively stepped up the slope. * Sites over 15% slope should be referred to an engineer if they can be developed efficiently. 6.5.7 Block Length. Rowhouses on full straight block shall have a maximum of 8 units per row, with end lots shall facing the wider road right of way. Alley between blocks should be at least 2 meters. 6.5.8 Circulation and Road Network. The circulation and roads which are part of the non-saleable area of the site must have a minimum width provisions as follows: [ Project Size_ __ Right of Way (in m * This supersedes the specific provision on density as indicated in 17, 2012 creating the guidelines for the implementation of the p-City sea Program for informal settier families ving along danger areas in Metro Manila 1500 meters above sea level Total 100% Use of Existing Bodies of Water 2 Bathing Washing 1 Fishing 13 Source of drinking water 1 Recreation 15 Others (please specify) Other characteristics Presence of river/ereek/canal = Prone to flooding, © Traces of mudflow/lava 3 Within earthquake belt 5 Traversed by transmission lines/irrigation canal/bodies of water 0 Others Socio-Economic Environment © Vacant © With structures Type/number. With occupants Number of Tenants Number of informal Settlers Number of Families ‘Ave. Family Size Source of Livelihood: © Employment a Self-employed Existing Local Organizations Total population of the barangay/s covered by the project: Existing Development None 5 Roadworks _(complete/pay © Earthworks (complete/partial) ot ="“Tcomplete/partial) Water distribution (complete/partial) Hound agatelarigs cOPY nifoller/Date 3 Drainage (complete/partial) 1 Others (complete/partial) Adjacent/Surrounding Areas 1. Status of Development a Developed Describe a Semi-developed 1 Blighted, sparse 1 Undeveloped 2. Land Use of Adjacent Areas 1 Vacant/Idle 11 Residential/Subdivision 2 Commercial 1 Agricultural 5 Others 3. Peace and Order Situation table Qualify Unstable Sketch of Lot/Vicinity (Attach photocopy of lot plan/vicinity map signed and sealed by Geodetic Engineer) (Attach actual site photos with descriptions) hig oe <2 CONTROLLED COPY ‘Bocumont Cori i Wl. Accessibility A. Types of Access Ri ‘oads Servicing the Area 5 Well-paved, cemented or asphalted road —_o Dirt or unsurfaced road 5 Cemented or asphalted road, not maintained B._ Distance to Main Transport Line 3 Along main transportation line 9. 2.0-3.0 kms. from line 51.0 km, from line above 3.0 kms. from line___kms. C. Availability of Public Utility Vehicles (to and from Site) [Public Utilities Route Frequency of Trips Fare 1 Buses Bleepneys 2 Tricycles 10 Others - Availability of Util A. Existing Ut lites and Facil 1. Water Supply «Direct line to waterworks system © Indirect line to waterworks system Specify distance 1 Deepwell ‘Approx. depth 5 With Plans of local water utility company Specify 2. Power Supply Specify se rvice provider 3, Telecommunication and internet Specify ser B. Existing Communit rvice provider ity Facilities Facilities/‘ [Services 1.0-35 kms 4.0 kms. and above Specify name and distance | Specify name and distance [a Schools 2 College © Elementary | 1 High Schoo! | | 5 Day Care Centers © Health Centers; Municipal/City Halls/Barangay Centers | 5/Hospi {/Provincial Is 5 Churches Playgrounds 1 Police Detachment 15 Recreational Facil v, A 9 Facilities/Services 1.0-3.5 kms. | 4.0kms. and above 10 Livelinood/Production Centers ] | Specify name and distance _|_Specify name and distance _ | | | | 10 Other Facilities Existing Commercial and Industrial Areas Facilities/Services 10-35 kms 4.0 kms. and above Specify name and distance | _ Specify name and distance _| 10 Markets/Talipapa 15 Dept. Stores/Groceries [o Industrial/Manufacturing Centers ‘2 Other Faci ies Investigation Results Predicted and Assessed Impacts 1. Pre-Construction/Construction Phase 2. Project Operation Phase Proposed Enhancement/Mitigatin 1g Measures 1. Pre-Construction/Construction Phase 2. Project Operation Phase Findings Recommendation Prepared by: Sr. Architect/ Sr. Engineer Reviewed and Submitted by: Principal Architect/ Principal Engineer Approved by: | a reaioral aia CONTROLLED copy ws dare, 5 1 ‘Docirteh: ControllenDate Annex 8 PRE- FEASIBILITY STUDY (FOR VERTICAL DEVELOPMENT} PROJECT: LOCATION PROGRAM CLASSIFICATION LANDOWNER TARGET BENEFICIARIES TOTAL LAND AREA BASIC INFORMATION | TECHNICAL ASPECT [A Land Use and Classification Area (eam) 1 Saleabie 1 + Residential (Building Footori 2. Non-Saleable + Open space + Circulation (Roads & Pathwalks] [ + Parks and Playground) Parking Area + institutional (Community flies] ‘TOTAL LAND AREA [B. Building (MRB) Data Total No. of Buildings T Total No.of Units per Gullding T Total No.of Units TOTAL AREA OF BUILDING [E OTHERS Parking Space No.of Sots: Ratio to No. of Units: Total Area: Density |. SALEABLE AREA PER BUILDING Total Area of | Total Area of Dwelling Units per} Dwelling Units per floor (sq.m) } Building (sa.m.) No. of Units per Uunmr/TwPe mone. | aRea/ UNIT |sqm,) _ |No. of Units/ Foor] “°° OF Un a 8 c Sub-Total Total <2? CONTROLLED copy why ing Ty Tocantehl Convene Data 2. NON- SALEABLE AREA PER BUILDING "AREATFLOOR | AREA/BULDING (sa.m.) (sam) [Corridors, Stairways, lobby) FINANCIAL ASPECT [ECOSTASSUMPrION/ ESTIMATE Pea Land Cost Building Const. Cost Land Development Cost NO-RESIDENTIAL USE a ae Ta Land Development cost ‘otal direct Cost Total indirect Cost (15%) [rota Pro. Cost Il, AVERAGE COST/ SELLING PRICE TMODELA MODEL WODELC (36sa.m.) (30sa.M.) (24sa.M) AVE. COST/SQ.M.| cand cost land Development Cost uilding Cost frotal direc com Inalreet Cost [Fatal Project cost ‘Mark up (20%) selling Price Toanable Amount Eauity ‘Monthly Amortization [Net Disposable income to Aore interest Rate Terms \in-years depending uoon the ope) ‘Average Cost per sam li, PROJECTED INCOME STATEMENT Total Sates T Less: Project Cost Tet Profit Return of investment (ROH a 4 Ae CONTROLLED, corr ey, 244 i ‘Dacament Contoleibate Annex B-1 PRE- FEASIBILITY STUDY (FOR HORIZONTAL DEVELOPMI PROJECT : LOCATION : PROGRAM CLASSIFICATION : LANDOWNER : ‘TARGET BENEFICIARIES : TOTAL LAND AREA : BASIC INFORMATION 1, TECHNICAL ASPECT [A. Land Use and Classification rea (sq.m) a Ai ENT) 1. Saleable * Residential ‘Commercial Industrial 2. Non-Saleable = Open Space = Circulation (Roads & Pathwalks) = Parks and Playground > Parking Area * Institutional (Community facilities) [B. TOTAL NO. OF GENERATED LOTS CLASSIFICATION No. OF LOTS + RESIDENTIAL [ea ee | * COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL ‘= INSTITUTIONAL TOTAL [c. OTHERS = Parking Space No. of Slots: Ratio to No. of Units: Total Area: Density: J w= CONTROLLED COPY dye | TALE Desaanl CanraieTDaTe [COST ASSUMPTION] ESTIMATE iTand Cost Housing Cost Land Development Cost [tand Cost Housing Cost Total direct Cost Total Indirect Cost [Total Proj. Cost ‘RH MODEL A = RH MODEL B + DUPLEX- MODEL C| ll, AVERAGE COST/ SELLING PRICE FLOOR AREA | COST/ HOUSING eit AVE. COST/SQ.M. | Annex B- 1. FINANCIAL ASPECT HOUSE E LOT SELLING PRICE X+¥= Z) MODEL A. MODEL B MODEL C Land Cost Land Development Cost Housing Cost Total direct Cost Indirect Cost Total Project Cost Mark up. Selling Price Loanable Amount, Equity Monthly Amortization Net Disposable Income to Afford Interest Rate Terms (in-years depending upon the age) ‘Average Cost per sq.m. Ill, PROJECTED INCOME STATEMENT Total Sales Less: Project Cost Net Profit Return of Investment (RO!) u | & conrotieo / l Bocuse Contos COPY eo Annex C CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS FOR THE SITE SUITABILITY PROCESS Main documents necessary prior to inspection: Landowner's Letter of Intent to Sell or Offer to Sell Location Plan with Vicinity Map Clean Title - copy certified by the Registry of Deeds Tax Declaration and latest official receipt of tax payment Topography Map and Lot Plan signed by a Geodetic Engineer Certification of Water and Power Supply (from the service provider) Certification on Road Right of Way and Drainage Right of Way NOahons Other documents which may be secured before or after actual inspection of site 8. Zoning Clearance or Land Use Classification issued by concerned Municipal! City Planning and Development Coordinator 9. BIR Zonal Valuation 10. Certificate of Non-Tenancy from DAR-PARO for land previously used as agricultural 14. Environmental Compliance Certificate 12. PHIVOLCS Clearance / Geo-Hazard Clearance from DENR Mines and Geoscience Bureau CONTRORLED:ICOPY Acl & ‘Gegument ContollerDate NHA TITLE BLOCK NOTE:* If there sa need for the ApprovalRecommending Approval af HTDO Department Manag provide a space. a xouuy STANDARD COMMUNITY FACILITIES BASED AREA/ NUMBER OF RATED LOTS HOUSING UNITS ‘Annexe STANDARD DIMENSIONS fn meters BELOWSHECTARES | _30-80HECTARES TiW=Aeainsa m Below 40 Lots Units — | 0 T60 Lote Us COMMUNTY FACILTIES ascres | eeiuad ars [acon] Lo Bulging Footprint | Minimum Lot Sao | Feces | Requrement | Facitesto | Rogurment teProvied| (sam) | beProvéed| (sam) Fra [over Botan Coot (roa [ax o0to 7 eng] B50] 0, Mal: Purpose Covered Besabal Coun [9120 = B60 foxo4= 138000 2 5 a, [breniay Soo! in O5 Bi dx 21 = 128500 7 23500) 0, |Fign Sooo Bulg ax oest soxat = = a. [Wet nd Oy Nar Box 14-480 esx 90 3, [Taipaa Box 15450 ox = 178000 7 a OH) fa. |Troyole Terminal (Ghed Type) axB= 112 eax 15 1 ~ 10000} 1 100.00] 2. eepay Terminal lsxd=a x76 3 a. |Poico Ouest fox asx = 45000 2. [Poke Sb-Stafon laxé=a0 faxes |5._ eras Recovery Fs fax 20x 5 [East woo 1 6 F—|lvettoos& Trang Coir a. Hoel [ex io= m0 : 3. Model is 24x 10> 160 7 wooo] Ta a Heath Cone many 2x 5: [Heath Color Day Coxe 1621 = 1 7 weno] 7 5G fi_|zClasseom Day Car 20x = 160 z z Fo NRK Prose fice 15x 10> 180 25x16 = F600 Tota No.of Facities Total Area tobe Provides: | { é 3410.00 Pecaniage of Total rea for Conmanty Fas 7.00% 682-1137 Spe] Por and Pay Wot ron wi Downe Boom tesosan 1180-1750%m Assumptions ‘Based on 60% saleable and 40% non- saleable land use allocation 180 unis per hectare density 40 sqm. (4.0m x 10.0m) average lt area Notas: Elementary School and High School are 16-classroom, storey bulking ypes. based on DepEd mode! Whenever there i a change in densty, the number ots housing unis stl prevalo determine the number of communty fase o rowde Inthe number o facies to be provided, eg, 1 out 2 means 1 building wah space allaton/ provision fo 2; 2 out 4 means 2 buildings wth space locaton! provision for 4, et Sf COs t Controlleiaie i 0 COPY He ‘Annex E-1 STANDARD COMMUNITY FACILITS BASED ON LAND AREAY NUMER OF GENERATED LOTS HOUSING UNITS. Land Area Requirement of Ste] 501-Ge6HECTARES | 667-100HECTARES | 101-13a3HECTARES | 12:34-200HECTARES Fj S| TET Cor Us —| TT oO [190-20 | RTL real iin: [ Scene [sie | tis comuuryracimes fresno omar [onto] ee ol a pa renal ee or [cree ees emo f 25a i Pos Coe TT ale | be feareun Ss [aaa | Tata | ator | — 'b. [High Schoo! Butding = 1 | 1,285.09 1 1,285. = [aha ai i zal wa co a ca £2 [Treyce Terminal (Shed Type) 1 100.00] 1 150.00] 1 180.00] 2 300.00) oo t acs Oa i mat wot wa al a aS ; t Sf ey i eat sm} saa | [reat rs a @ ModelA 7 650.00] 1 850.00] 4 350.00} eae i aia t = ice : o st soa 3 i ai cone Ora i Ta ip [eomomonter i wa wa iam ena fasta arose Toatmenmbos |e | awe] eae) Te mal ep [Percentage of Total Area for Community Faciinee: | 5.27-7.02% 4.98 -7.48% 5.66 7.55% 472-7.08% oe ree sas Drom co | Sripastewig S| aaL asaya | aaaciaciane | CU aaa Land Area Requirement of Ste] 2001-2666 HECTARES | 2667-32.3HECTARES | 33.34.40 0HECTARES | 4n01-500 HECTARES Projet Size:| 3001-4000 Lots Unts | 4004-5000 Lots Units | 50016000 Lots Units | 6007-71500 Lots! Unie woot | tantara [woot | tandans | oot | tandavs | moot | Landaee COMMUNITY FACILITIES Facies ote] Requiement |Factines obo] Requvement [Facies to be| Regueement fFeiis tobe} Requirement Provides | tsem) | Proviced | eam) | Proved | som) | Provided | (sam) Fra [cored banbal Cour T em] ero] RR] 73001 [Ma Pupase Covered Gastateal Cour 1 135000] 2 | _ 270000] __2 Br ae 2700 Fa [erertary Schoo Zaxoa | 514000] Zones | 500 Sones | 642600) tonal | 771000) igh Schl Bullng ToutorZ | 257000] Towots | 3.85500] zante | 5.14000] zomets | 6.25.09 a, et and Oy Mar 1 TOO] To) 738000) 1.750.00 [Tainan 5 (a. [Tyce Terr (Shed Type) woo] 7 Cc) “ng ®epnay Trial 7 4 0] 7 280.09 [a [Potoe Outpost z TG oi WOR] 5] 100.9 [Pole Sub Staion T a WOR 3006) 5 m0 [5_|Materas Recovery Faciy 7 ae] (mony oo] 7 a [7 [Lvetnood& Trainng Gener Model o wt BOR a i 2. Mosel [Ba [Reath Center fmany oi wow C0 eo] 4 eon) [Heath Center Day Care lz _[2-cesroom Day Care Z wae] 5 ES TEs Zo o_[WaA Pret Ofce 7 1 375.09 sane fees Taameaoterowes | 0 | armon] | tawme) a | mane] | amen [Percentage of Teal Area for Community Facies $14 -685% £25-659% 0 ot-65% [Opn Space Paris and Payounds (2 of =a 1 . ea Prose hDaniye 10 od Sion) | TmS-8SHOM | Sas. TAHSHN | RMCONTRCL ued CORY, x Annex F Mandatory Deliverables and Timelines Part I: Site Selection Activity Deliverables Timeline Responsible Units Remarks 1. |Identitication of locations [Housing Sites Map [Maps per region [Lead: Regional |Updating to be done Ithat are appropriate for (3-year term) |completed by end of | Offices levery 3 years housing development that 3rd quarter of the |Support: HTDO and fare aligned with LGU and year preceding tne [CPO other national agency IMTPOP period and plans based on approved its midterm * [guiding criteria of NHA_ |Approval of the Housing -do- GM [Sites Map 2. fissuance ofthe approved indicalive areas |Submitted by last J HTDO [To be used as guide lhousing sites per region within specific |quarter preceding lfor NHA Work municipalities! cities |the work program Programming (to start period lin 2017) 3. |Site selection for calamity [Temporary sites Jwithin 0.5 month LGU and NHA, NHA |Housing Sites Map to land other emergency jafter the calamity Regional Offices be used as guide aad [Permanent sites [within T month afier |the calamity 27 Part Site Suitability Activity Deliverables Timeline | Responsible Units Remarks [Conduct of Site Sutabilly Ste Inspection [submitted by 4th Regional Office’ Other sites offered by Test of sites identified for |Report (SIR) Jouarter ofthe Project Office the LGU not covered housing development | cadastral Map _ {preceding year for in the HSM may also based on HSM Topo and Structural |P*}ets identified in be inspected if those Map the annual work jin the HSM are found [program of NHA to be not feasible -Elevation Analysis -Waterways and fall required Vegetation Analysis {documents to be LSiope Analysis submitted witin 30 ldays after ocular inspection 11 ]Data gathering prior to site [Accomplished SIRS days fom Gate of [Regional Of inspection, site inspection, inspection Project Orfice lpreparation of SIR |concemed 1.2 Submission to HTDO of — [Consolidated SIRs to |End of month Regional Office |For monitoring of stes; SIRS TOO ound suitable for housing j2. |PreFeasibiity Study |PFSRepor and [1 month from Project Office to Conceptual Plan submission of SIR_|Regional Manager Hogtgrovall Dosa. “Thus, for MTPDP 2017-2022, HSM shall be prepared and approved by last quarter of 2018 and the next updating shail be OF the last quarter of 2019 Annex F-1 Mandatory Deliverables and Timelines Part Il: Site Planning and Detailed A&E Design ‘A._ Regular Projects Activity [__Deliverables Timeline __| Responsible Units Remarks |. JSite Planning of suitable [Site Development | month after site Regional Office, JHTDO shall review sites approved for Pian suitability Project Office ‘site development inclusion in NHA work lconoerned plans for sites with Detailed architectural [3 months land engineering drawings program and areas of 30 hectares and above (2 weeks) [Land Development Pans Building Plans (Cost Estimates 2. [Review of site plans for [Plans reviewed [0.5 month Regional Office and projects with land area of HTDO. 30 hectares and above [Costestimates [0.5 month reviewed 3. JApproval by the General [above documents [0.5 month locM Manager lapproved Total duration for sites below 30 has: TE months from site planning to approval Total duration for sites 30 has, and above: 4.5 months from site planning to approval B. For Mult-Storey Buildings Activity Deliverables Timeline Responsible Units Remarks F_ |Muli-Storey Building Plans Site Development [3 months Regional Ofice, Pian; Land Project Office Preparation Development plans lconcemed and estimates Building plans and estimates Reviews fabove documents [0.5 month TDO reviewed ‘Approval by the General Jabove documents [0.5 month loc Manager approved 2 [Approval of Plans and Bid [Complete Plans and [0.5 month Regional Office [Documents by the General |Bid Documents Manager submitted and proved by the GM Tolal duration Tor stes below 30 has. ‘£5 months fom sie plan preparation o approval of bd documents | % CONTROLS COPY invent Controler/Date

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