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MOTION IN A STRAIGHT LINE CLASS 11 PHYSICS NCERT CHAPTER 3 WITH VIKRANT KIRAR lIT KHARAGPUR ALUMNI YouTube h” ® @ @ © @VikrantKirar ® @ © © @CrashUpNow é Qa. LORS =a az a 806 eG oar Change in position with time is known as motion. Kinematics describes motion without geing into the cause of motion. Motion of objects along a Straight line is knoom as rectilinear motion. A reference point, set of axes 2 a clock constitute o frame of reference . Position is the coordinstes of an object accordi to a frame of reference. IF we change the refeserce Frame, position will Change. Position= 0 feet position = 2m wo Ot wor; 2 3 4 Ss Displacemevit. is the change in position vector. IF we change our Frame of reference, it can change. A displacement of +5m com be -I64 feet in a different frame of reference, Displacement is a vector. The distance moved boy an object is called path length. tis a scaler quantity 2 1s always positive. ee ° ' 2 3 4 S Cm) path length= @m displacement = 42m at crash” Pree Displacement may or may not be equal to the path lengily VELOCITY Average velocity : change in position ox displacemerit divided by the time interval. ae = isfor alas : ooo v= Yar STH = Slope of the blue line Average Speed: the total path length Ayoveled divided by the time interval. total poth length Average speed = “total time Avg. speed is always positive ond is,in general, greater thon the magnitude of velocity. Instantaneous velocity : limit of the overage velocity os the time interval becomes infinitesimally small. Carrow is for vector V= lim 26 = dx at20 St at Gwap! i it is the slope ~ : i 5 “e of the xt graph ot ont Verve Veo V=-ve time +. The magnitude of inctantoneous velocity is Known ag instantaneous speed. @ Magnitude of Vary A avg Speed. Why ? at crash” Pree ACCELERATION Avevage acceleration: Charge in V divided by dt A= AWat ¥ Instantaneous acceleration @=- lim AV. dv dt20 At dt GRAPHS Position-time (ae-t) graphs * Fyrom time t,> to B Slope of line AB= Avg velocit x) Slope of Line C = inst V@ ty ' concave | = negative occ. & = locity — time Wv-t) graph from t- ti y ¢. e Slope. of line AB= AV/at= avg acc. A v@) Yellow area = Sued b= displace med Slope of line C= dvAft = inet. acc. Ty 4, 4)! t Concave \ = no meaning for us Acceleration -time (@-t) graph yellow oxeo = feae- av ae) — Slope = Change “A acceleration = Jerk (out of syllabus) at etl Pree GRAPHS 04 cuss Line ( o- <0? - 4 1 Concave, down ConcoveT traight dine. > -ve acceleration we ace =I Covidlont _v i | = O acceleyation , l i \ ' eV : 1 due’, \ ; ae ' 1 s+ ve 4ve l ve ve. oe = " ys0 ' 5 > 1 1 Veo : \ : Ve-vé i v ' ' ' ' i ' ‘ ' due % : ' qe : 1 e ' oeNT ' a ——— 1 at etl Pree KINEMATIC EQUATIONS S= ul + tat” v= usat V= ue +205 RELATIVE VELOCITY ee a el STOPPING DISTANCE se Velude asrimmal Applied \ Stopped Reaction time Stopping time d Reaction distowce a elopping distomce. Noticed Brakes Pid veo wm yt=ur+ 205 a Stbpping distance = = 20 at crash”

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