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Change: Personal Growth

What’s different this year?

Think about yourself as a sophomore compared to yourself in younger years.

1. How has your social life changed? Are you still friends with the same people? Why or why
My social life has changed in the way that I don't have enough time as I used to hang out with
my friends. I'm not friends with the same people as i used to be, i either stopped hanging out
with them, i wasn't as close with them and they weren't as invested in school as i am now.

2. How have your personal interests, hobbies, and/or activities changed or developed?
They’ve changed in a way that i'm more interested in things like reading and gardening than just
doing whatever i find to do around my house.

3. How have you changed or developed as a student?

I've become more academically focused, in the past I used to just do the work to get the grade
but now I actually pay attention to what's assigned and I'm interested in the things I'm learning.

4. How have you grown or developed physically or emotionally?

I've become more accepting that things won't always go the way I want them to go and I won't
always be able to choose what I do want to do and not.

5. How has your relationship with your family changed? What kinds of freedoms, expectations,
responsibilities, or opportunities do you have now that you didn’t have before?
My relationship with my family has gotten worse now that I can stand up for myself. Freedoms
that I have now are that I can finally hang out with my friends outside of school and I have more
of a choice in what I want to do at home.
6. What advice would you give yourself as you look ahead?

Advice that i would give myself is to not overthink everything because that's just going to make
things worse and to do whatever i can to accomplish my goals.

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