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S-store is retailer of shoes which sells its products both online and in a physical store. The
Company is registered under sole proprietorship and operates across a nation and its
headquarter in Kathmandu, Nepal. Nepalese market does not offer multi-brand showroom so,
keeping those things in mind I made decision to invest in a shoe market. S-store actually
keeps the shoe collection from various brands like Adidas, Nike, Rebook, Puma, Under
armor, Asics and have an agreement with a respective shoe companies so that a S-store can
directly order the shoes from a company factory operating in various nation. Company also
have its own website so that people living in different region of Nepal can place an order and
will be delivered for free by 4-7 business days. Incase people want it in hurry then overnight
shipping is also an option which delivers a product by next working day after an order is
being placed by a customer but this service is only available in major cities of a country.
While doing an online shopping payment needs to be done in the company website via credit
card, debit card or by E-Sewa. The company also offers a 7 days return or exchange policy if
customer are not satisfied with a product

Vision: “ To reach every possible place and stay connected to people.”


Mission of a company is “ To make it available anywhere and everywhere to every people in

the world.” Company have a five year business plan so according that they want to achieve
their organizational goal. At prior period Company will operate with 2 store, one in a
Durbarmarg and other in Kumaripati. After reviewing the response from a customer
company’s plan is to open another store in Boudha. Second year company’s plan is to further
expand it in Pokhara.

Main components in company’s Mission Statement are:

1. Available anywhere and everywhere.
2. Every people in the world
Organization Structure


operations manager

salesperson Cashier

Company Policies
Use of company property for company’s growth
During the work hour staff can use telephone ,fax, printing machine for company’s work.

Person working for company must be loyal towards organization. Unappropriated activities
such as thief, dishonesty or misuse of company fund for a personal benefit are taken

Dress code
Employees working in a company need to wear an official dress provided by a company. So,
it will be easier for an employee to figure out and ask for staff assistance if they gets confused
while making a purchase.

Alcohol or Drug abuse

Use of alcohol or any drugs are not allowed in a workplace to maintain a peaceful

Sexual Harassment
We will not tolerate any conduct that creates, encourages or permits an intimidating or
otherwise offensive or hostile environment.
The Company is committed to maintain free and safe working environment based on religion,
race, color ,gender or any other factors.
Job Analysis

The Company: S-store is retailer of shoes which sells it both online and in a physical store.
The Company registered under sole proprietorship and operates across a nation and have a
headquarter in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Job Title: Operations Manager

Reporting to: Owner
Salary Scale: (Rs25000-30000)
No of Vacancy: 2
Location: Kathmandu
Managing: look after sales activities and advising salesperson
Term of Employment: Full time – as per contract

Job Specification

Educational level Bachelor or Masters

Experience minimum 2 years of experience

Other specification
Excellent communication skills.
Should have a concrete knowledge of financial management.

Overall purpose of the job

To look after the ongoing activities around the store and make sure an organization is running
as well as it possibly can, with a smooth efficient service that meets the expectations and
needs of customers and clients moreover he/she need to look after inventory.

Key Responsibility and Task include

1. Look after the performance of the Business.

2. Provide inspired leadership for the organization.
3. Add creative ideas to attract customers.
4. Support Employee and train them to build good customer relationship.
5. Organize budgeting, reporting, planning and auditing.
6. Identify and address problems and report to owner if necessary.
Job Analysis
The Company: S-store is retailer of shoes which sells it both online and in a physical store.
The Company registered under sole proprietorship and operates across a nation and have a
headquarter in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Job Title: Financial Manager

Reporting to: Owner
Salary Scale: (Rs25000-35000)
No of Vacancy: 2
Location: Kathmandu
Managing: financial activities and overall transaction
Term of Employment: Full time – as per contract

Job Specification

Educational level Bachelor or Masters

Experience minimum 3 years of experience

Other specification
Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in finance or accounting

Overall purpose of the job

Major purpose of this job is to look after the financial activities that takes place in an
organization, analyze the market trends and look for the various business opportunities to
capitalize the market.

Key Responsibility and Task include

1.Strong Excel skills and have knowledge of overviewing financial report.
2.Solid analytical skills along with an ability to solve problems.
3.Good decision maker and better business administration understanding.
4. look after business opportunities and maximize profit.
5. Make sure financial legal requirements are met.
6. try to minimize the operational cost by reviewing the financial report.
Job Analysis
The Company: S-store is retailer of shoes which sells it both online and in a physical store.
The Company registered under sole proprietorship and operates across a nation and have a
headquarter in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Job Title: Cashier

Reporting to: Financial Manager
Salary Scale: (Rs12000-15000)
No of Vacancy: 2
Location: Kathmandu
Managing: handle billing counter and accept payments
Term of Employment: Full time – as per contract

Job Specification

Educational level +2
Experience minimum 3 years of experience

Other specification
+2 in management or diploma in accounting and should have skills to handle customers.
High level of accuracy and should be responsible and attentive to customer needs.

Overall purpose of the job

To receive and manage the payments made by cash, credit card, debit card or check and
maintain clean a workplace.

Key Responsibility and Task include

1. Assist the customers and accept their payments.
2. Bagging or wrapping purchases to ensure safe transport
3. Greeting customers and helping customers to find the products.
4. Processing refunds and exchanges, resolving complaints.
Job Analysis
The Company: S-store is retailer of shoes which sells it both online and in a physical store.
The Company registered under sole proprietorship and operates across a nation and have a
headquarter in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Job Title: Salesperson

Reporting to: Operational Manager
Salary Scale: (Rs8000-10000)
No of Vacancy: 6
Location: Kathmandu
Managing: assist customers that visits store
Term of Employment: Full time or part-time

Job Specification

Educational level S.L.C

Experience not required

Other specification
better communication Skills
Negotiation skill

Overall purpose of the job

To give friendly environment to a customer in a store while shopping. and also to build a
strong customer relationship moreover,their major objective is to match the targeted revenue
set by sales manager.

Key Responsibility and Task include

1. Meeting sales objective.
2. Coordinate sales effort with marketing programs.
3. Promoting company programs.
4. To maintain records of clients
5. Help customer to find and suggest products in a store.

S-store rotates job and personnel transfer effectively, ensuring the sufficient number of
employees in departments and workshops and at busy events such as trade HRM -
Recruitment - Training and development - Performance appraisal - Benefits and
compensations - Working environment Firm performance - Financial performance (Sales,
Productivity, etc.) - Non-Financial performance (Labor Turnover, Absence, Conflict, Quality,
etc.) The company cooperates with other organizations to recruit labor including the Job
Centre. However, recruitment will be improvised in some aspects, as administration function
and HRM function to combine in one division and leads to one person being responsible for
joint tasks. The person is responsible for administrative issues and also charge of wages and
rewarding for employee. Information on vacant positions or task information will be clearly
The cooperation between the administration department, the HR department and other
departments, business units, factories is coordinated, especially in interviewing candidates.
The interviews are conducted with the participation of a department representative.

Selection Process

1. Job analysis

The Human Resource department will overview the activities within of the each
department if any changes required in the company then they will look for an
appropriate employee based on the job description and specification of the job.

2. Advertisement

After the job analysis HR department begin to hunt the talent from the market by
publishing a job online in a social media platform such as using LinkedIn, Facebook
and also publish in a daily newspaper which will help to reach the people wanting a

3. Screening
The HR department will review the submitted application and filter them if they find
it not matching the requirement.

4. Written test

The applicant who went to pass the phase of screening will have to go through a
written test held by a company. Pre-employment tests is to measure an applicant’s
true capabilities and characteristics.

5. Interview

After clearing the written test applicant have to go through the face to face interview
with an interview which is the final stage in the recruitment process to find a right
person for a specific position. This entire interview session is prosecuted by HR

6. Medical Examination

Applicant who went to clear the tough interview session are asked to go through the
regular medical checkup in an affiliated clinic or hospital to know the health status of
the employees.

7. Initial Job offer

In this phase company gives an initial offer to the applicant so that the both the party
can think about whether the particular organization fits the bill or not where, salary,
mode of employment is discussed.

8. Acceptance/ Rejection

As initial testing stage or trial of a job gets over it is up to the decision of an

employee whether to continue working for a company or to leave the job that is being
offered by a company.

9. Final Job Offer

Applicant who choose to continue their job are given the letter of appointment which
specifies employee date of joining an office, designation, salary and benefit,
compensation package, employment bond, sick leave, casual leave and earned leave.

Training and development

S-store believes the quality of employees and their development through training and
education are major factors in determining long-term profitability of a business house.
Training often is considered for new employees only. This is a mistake because ongoing
training for current employees helps them adjust to rapidly changing job requirements.

Mentoring : Freshers who just entered the organization need to be backed by experienced
employees so, it will be easy for them to adopt to the working environment. Executive officer
also need to be involve and share their past experience to the employees so they get some
motivation from them as well.

Job Rotation : There are various employees working in a different department and when they
underperform they will be transferred to different department so the organization can know
where the employee exactly fits. Employees can also can gain the knowledge of different
departments and can find where they are more comfortable at the end.

Job shadowing : This allows employee to gain compressive knowledge about what an
employee who holds a particular job does every day. Job shadowing provide enough
information about the new and different job to allay the employee's fear of the unknown.

Committee Assignments : Under the committee assignment, group of trainees are given and
asked to solve an actual organizational problem. The trainees solve the problem jointly. It
develops team work. 

Case study:It is basically done to identify the potential talent of a trainee. Case study helps
them to be more creative, analytical and proactive.

Technical skills development training : S-store believes that employees working in a store
needs to be at their best to deal with a potential client so, they must have a technical skills to
cope with a various challenges occurs in work place.This helps to bring a self believe in the
employees. As employees need to have knowledge of project management, big data analysis,
documentation, statistical analysis, database management and handling emails .

Soft skills development training : Though this skills may not help a learner perform a specific
task or master a job-related topic but helps in better communication, teamwork, time
management, critical analysis, adaptability and problem solving’s.

Performance Appraisal:

S-store believes that the employees are the biggest assets of the company and is concerned
with improving performance of employees so performance appraisals of the employees are
conducted annually. Similarly, supervisors are expected to conduct a performance review for
every employee in time to recommend end of the year employee bonuses. By conducting
appraisal feedback meeting, which will be face to face meeting by giving each employee
feedback about performance and also address areas of performance that could be improved.

S-store will develop a form with the group of employees representing all level of workers in
the company that includes the following elements: job knowledge and skills, quality of work,
productivity or quantity of work, following company policies and procedures, planning and
organizing work, prioritizing work assignments, communication in speaking and writing,
attitude toward job, teamwork and working with coworkers, cooperation and loyalty,
adaptability to change, dependability and punctuality, and initiative and resourcefulness. 

Performance appraisal of S- store is fair and accurate as upper level would be capable of
provide an accurate performance appraisal to the employee. In general, employees need to be
satisfied with performance appraisal and need to improve to encourage a promotion attitude
among employees. Talented employee will receive concrete performance appraisals in
accordance with suitable rewards, promotion or other benefits.

Compensation package:
S-store compensation package which would be provided to employee are as follows:
 Salary and wages are provides equal to their contribution to the Store.
 Bonus & commission
 Provident fund
 Allowance (food allowance, travel allowance, phone allowance is provided)
 Leave entitlement( annual leave, sick leave, vacation leave etc)
 Overtime pay
 Medical benefits and insurance
 Discounts
 Training and knowledge

So, these are the compensation package which S-store will provide to the employee.
Employees are paid based on the performance they do in a job and rather than increasing a
salary frequently their allowance are increased and benefits are provided. S-store will provide
bonus and commission to the employee if there is profit in the store. Employees of the store
are provided with provident fund facility only to those who work in store for more than 5
months. Allowances are provided to the employee like: food allowances, travel allowances,
phone allowance etc. Not only that they are also provided the leave entitlement for
refreshment. As S-store is the online and physical store employee has t overtime as well.
Employee, who work overtime are paid. Similarly, S-store has also provided medical care
benefits and insurance service to the worker. The workers who are working in store and their
family gets heavy discount on buying. The necessary training and knowledge are also
provided to the employee for the better result.

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