Smartphone Frequency Shielding With Penta-Bandstop FSS For Security and Electromagnetic Health Applications

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3, JUNE 2019 887

Smartphone Frequency Shielding With

Penta-Bandstop FSS for Security and
Electromagnetic Health Applications
Sanjeev Yadav , Senior Member, IEEE, Chandra Prakash Jain, and Mahendra Mohan Sharma, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—In this paper, a novel penta-bandstop frequency- from medical perspective, the possible consequences cannot
selective surface (FSS) is proposed to shield the frequencies used in be ignored. Over the past two decades, much attention has
smartphone/tablet for security and electromagnetic health appli- been given to health implications with high-frequency EM field
cations. It can be used to provide wireless security and protection
against unwanted electromagnetic radiation. The novelty of the exposure. A large amount of work has recently been published
proposed structure lies in the five stopbands, which can be used for about the biological effects of microwave radiation. Earlier
communication, viz., GSM, GPS, Bluetooth/Wi-Fi, Wi-MAX, and studies on the effects of high frequency to human body have
WLAN. The FSS unit cell consists of a square patch surrounded by shown that exposure to high frequency for a long period is very
five thin modified rectangular rings etched over a one-sided FR4 harmful for the human body [13]–[21].
substrate. Size of the unit cell is 0.135 λ × 0.135 λ, corresponding
to the lowest operating frequency. To validate the proposed FSS, a In some private as well as public places, such as places of wor-
prototype is fabricated and measured. Measured and simulated re- ship, hospitals, airports, schools, colleges, theatres, and other
sults are presented for the fabricated prototype. Stable frequency places where security is a prime concern, there is a need for the
responses are achieved under oblique incidence for the transverse restriction of unwanted radiation while permitting the desired
electric as well as transverse magnetic polarizations. operating frequency. For example, it is important to block the
Index Terms—Electromagnetic (EM), frequency-selective sur- access to mobile communication in prison cells, hospitals, or
face (FSS), radiation, security, shielding, smartphone. aircraft while allowing the transmission of emergency commu-
nications [22]. Similarly, WLAN signals need to be blocked
I. INTRODUCTION inside building to enable frequency reuse and for security pur-
OWADAYS, GPS, GSM-900, GSM-1800, Bluetooth, poses. Wireless communications are not inherently secure. EM
N Wi-Fi, and WLAN/Wi-Max are the most commonly used
technologies in smartphones/tablets. Recently, the number of
waves also cause interference with different radiating channels
and degrade their performance [23].
smartphone and tablet users has increased exponentially, and it To address this issue, a possible solution is to implement fre-
has become an important device in human daily life. Wireless quency selective surface (FSS) filters into walls [23], [24]. Re-
devices use electromagnetic (EM) waves to receive and transmit searchers have first undertaken single-band FSS configurations
data over the air. The wireless devices are designed based on and multilayer FSS for bandstop and bandpass filtering purposes
the IEEE standard 802.11 [1]. The wireless devices have made [22]–[25]. Symmetric designs are employed to enable polariza-
our life easier. However, the potential negative impacts on our tion independence. FSS designs that can isolate the system from
society cannot be ignored. For example, these devices emit unwanted signals as well as enhance the performance of the sys-
harmful radiation that might affect human body. This radiation tem without affecting its electrical size have been attractive to
penetrates our bodies and it may cause many diseases [2]–[12]. the researchers in recent years [26]–[28]. FSS is used to suppress
Although the above matters have not been scientifically proven spurious emissions from a spiral inductor [29] and exhibit EM
shielding applications with high stability to incidence angles
and polarizations [30]. Since there are multiple WLAN frequen-
Manuscript received January 16, 2018; revised March 6, 2018, April 2, 2018,
May 3, 2018, and May 15, 2018; accepted May 19, 2018. Date of publication cies, wideband or multiband operations are present in domestic
June 5, 2018; date of current version June 11, 2019. (Corresponding author: and industrial uses, so for better security bandstop/bandpass,
Sanjeev Yadav.) FSS is necessary for many applications [31]–[34]. Recent uses
S. Yadav is with the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineer-
ing, Government Women Engineering College, Ajmer 305002, India (e-mail:, of FSS include military applications, telecommunications, wireless security, and interference mitigation between adjacent
C. P. Jain is with the Government Engineering College Ajmer, Ajmer 305025, wireless local area networks and many more.
India (e-mail:,
M. M. Sharma is with the National Institute of Electronics and Information In this regard, the proposed FSS can be placed on the windows
Technology, Chandigarh 160071, India, on leave from the Malaviya National or doors like a curtain or film to block the incoming signals, be-
Institute of Technology, Jaipur 302017, India (e-mail:, cause maximum signal strength comes from windows and doors,
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at which may restrict or stop the unwanted EM radiation and wire-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TEMC.2018.2839707 less signal from outside. If security is the main concern, then all

0018-9375 © 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Fig. 2. Proposed FSS array of 11 × 11 units with its expanded view.

5.5 GHz. These frequencies are used for GPS, mobile commu-
Fig. 1. Unit cell geometry of the proposed penta-bandstop FSS with optimized
geometrical dimensions: S = 0.25 mm, S 1 = 0.55 mm, and S 2 = 0.3 mm.
nication, Bluetooth/Wi-Fi, Wi-Max, and WLAN, respectively,
and, hence, these signals cannot pass through the FSS.
The structure needs to be fourfold symmetric for exhibiting
outer walls need to be covered by FSS so that no communication polarization-independent characteristics and stable angular per-
can happen through FSS walls. formance. The array structure and its expanded section geometry
One of the prime features of smartphone/tablet is voice call. is illustrated in Fig. 2. In order to exhibit the required stopband
During voice call, human brain is maximum exposed to EM characteristics, size of the unit cell has to be decided properly.
waves/radiation and it may cause harmful effect [13]–[21]. To As the proposed structure is penta band, lower frequency (i.e.,
address the issue of health due to the unwanted radiation from 1.5 GHz) will be responsible for the size of the unit cell. The
the devices, a possible solution is the implementation of FSS approximate length of the proposed unit cell can be calculated
as a flip cover toward the side of ear so that the user gets mini- by the following equation:
mally exposed toward EM waves coming from the device. This
communicating device also transmits/receives EM waves when c
L=W = 
ε r +1
no voice call is made/received, but its strength is too low to 4fr 2
cause any harmful effect. The novelty is that the proposed FSS
stops the five frequency bands simultaneously which are used where L is the length of the outer square ring, W is the width
for communication using smartphone/tablets. of the outer square ring of the unit cell in mm, c is the speed of
This paper is organized as follows. The EM radiation effect light in vacuum in mm/s, fr is the center frequency in GHz, and
of smartphone/tablet on human along with the uses and different εr is the dielectric constant of the substrate. The length of the
ways to stop the radiation has been discussed in Section I. In outer ring is 25.7 mm, while the periodicity is 27 mm in both
Section II, designing of the proposed FSS structure is discussed. horizontal and vertical directions.
In Section III, simulation results are discussed. In Section IV,
fabrication of the proposed FSS and its measurement setup with III. SIMULATION RESULTS
transmission results along with the comparison of simulated
with measured structure is studied in detail. The transmission The simulation is carried out using commercially avail-
characteristics for different incident angle of incidence on the able CST Microwave Studio, a full-wave simulation tool.
structure is also discussed and compared. The proposed FSS is modeled as an infinite array with pe-
riodic boundary conditions in X-axis and Y-axis, while Z-
axis is kept open for the excitation ports. Floquet mode has
II. DESIGNING OF FSS been implemented in frequency-domain solver with tetrahe-
Fig. 1 illustrates the unit cell geometry of the proposed penta- dral mesh. The FSS unit cell is simulated under TE mode
bandstop FSS with optimized geometrical dimensions. The top and TM mode of operation. The transmission coefficient of
metallic patch of the proposed structure consists of one square the unit cell shows five stopband, i.e., 1.5, 1.8, 2.5, 3.5, and
patch surrounded by four modified square rings inside a square 5.5 GHz which are acheived in TE mode covering −10-dB
ring printed on a dielectric substrate, as shown in Fig. 1. The bandwidth from 1.21 to 1.67 (0.46 GHz), 1.84 to 1.98 (0.14
penta-bandstop characteristic is obtained by designing the unit GHz), 2.45 to 2.7 (0.35 GHz), 3.43 to 3.57 (0.14 GHz),
cell on the FR4 substrate having relative permittivity (εr ) of 4.4 and 4.87 to 6.13 GHz (1.26 GHz), respectively, as shown in
and loss tangent (tanδ) 0.02. The structure is designed in such a Fig. 3. This unit cell has also been simulated for TM mode. The
way to stop five discrete frequencies, viz., 1.5, 1.8, 2.5, 3.5, and simulated transmission coefficient for TE mode and TM mode

Fig. 3. Simulated transmission coefficient in TE mode and TM mode.

Fig. 5. Top view of the proposed FSS prototype.

Fig. 4. Surface current distribution of the proposed FSS for TE mode at

frequencies: (a) 1.5 GHz, (b) 1.8 GHz, (c) 2.5 GHz, (d) 3.5 GHz, and (e) 5.5 GHz.

overlaps which depicts that the proposed design is polarizaion

To describe the resonant mechanism, an induced current dis- Fig. 6. Measurement setup for measurement of the transmission characteris-
ribution at their respective resonant frequencies of the proposed tics in TM mode.
FSS is shown in Fig. 4. The color of the arrow represents the
intensity and direction of arrow indicates the current flow. In
Fig. 4(a), it is shown that maximum current is distributed on using chemical etching process over FR4 substrate of thickness
the outer square loop, while very weak current is distributed in 1.6 mm. The dimension of protototype is 297 mm × 297 mm, as
the inner modified square loops. Therefore, 1.5 GHz band is shown in Fig. 5. The FSS prototype was measured in Anechoic
determined by the outer square loop. A 1.8 GHz band is de- chamber using standard horn antennas connected to Agilent
termined by the inductance of the outer ring and the coupling N5320A vector network analyzer using free-space measure-
capacitance between outer ring and outer modified square ring, ment technique. Two identical double-ridged horn antennas
as shown in Fig. 4(b). Similarly, 2.5 GHz band is determined by were placed for the measurement of reflection coefficient (S11 )
the modified loop 3, 3.5 GHz is determined by combination of and transmission coefficient (S21 ) during normal incidence of
the modified square loops 1 and 2, and 5.5 GHz is determined the EM wave inside the anechoic chamber, as shown in Fig. 6.
by combination of the modified square loop 1 and the patch, as To ensure the accuracy, measurement was carried out in
shown in Fig. 4(c)–(e), respectively. two steps: first, free-space measurement was done without
the sample; second, measurement was done with the FSS
prototype kept between the antennas. The difference was taken
to mitigate the influence of the environment and test system.
To verify the perfomance of the proposed FSS, a prototype EMI measurement can also be done for FSS [35]. Proposed
containing an array of 11 × 11 unit cells was fabricated FSS prototype has been measured for TE mode and TM mode.

Fig. 7. Simulated and measured transmission coefficient for normal incidence

for TE mode.
Fig. 9. Measured transmission coefficient for different angles of incidence
under TE mode.


Fig. 8. Simulated and measured transmission coefficient under normal inci-

dence for TM mode.

The measured transmission coefficient is also compared with

the simulated one for TE as well as TM modes of operation,
as shown in Figs. 7 and 8. Comparison of the simulated and TABLE II
measured results is also given in Table I. INCIDENT ANGLE VARIATION WITH BANDWIDTH IN TE MODE
Figs. 7 and 8 illustrate that the measured results are in good
agreement with the simulated ones. The fabricated FSS proto-
type stops all the normal incident EM waves of the frequency
bands 1.5, 1.8, 2.5, 3.5, and 5.5 GHz with bandwidth 0.23, 0.14,
0.29, 0.14, and 0.72 GHz, respectively, in TE and TM modes.
The fabricated FSS was also measured under oblique inci-
dence for TE mode, while the incident angle is varied from 0°
to 45°, as shown in Fig. 9. The figure illustrates that the trans- V. CONCLUSION
mission is approximately same which makes the structure stable
and polarization independent. Bandwidth for all five bands at In this paper, a penta-bandstop FSS is designed, fabricated,
different angles of incidence has been described in Table II. It and validated to shield the frequencies used in smart-
blocks all the EM waves at 1.5, 1.8, 2.5, 3.5, and 5.5 GHz, which phone/tablets. The proposed penta-bandstop FSS can be used
are responsible for mobile communication in smartphones and for security purpose and to moderate the effect of EM radiation
tablets as GPS, GSM communication, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and for preventing from radiation hazards. The structure has been
Wi-Max. Being the structure stable and polarization indepen- designed and optimized in such a way to block five frequencies
dent, EM waves of these frequency bands cannot pass the used in smartphones/tablets, i.e., GSM, GPS, Bluetooth/Wi-Fi,
proposed FSS wall. Wi-MAX, and WLAN. The symmetrical profile of this FSS

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Sanjeev Yadav (M’13–SM’17) received the B.Tech. Mahendra Mohan Sharma (M’87–SM’18) re-
degree in electronics and communication engineer- ceived the B.E. degree in electrical engineering from
ing from Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Noida, the National Institute of Technology (formally Re-
India, in 2007, and the M.Tech. degree in communi- gional Engineering College), Srinagar, India, in 1985,
cation from the Malaviya National Institute of Tech- the M.Tech. degree in computer technology from
nology, Jaipur, India, in 2010. He is currently working Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India, and the
toward the Ph.D. degree at Rajasthan Technical Uni- Ph.D. degree from the Malaviya National Institute of
versity, Kota, India. Technology, Jaipur, India.
Since 2012, he has been an Assistant Professor In 1986, he joined the Department of Electrical
with the Department of Electronics and Communica- Engineering, Malaviya National Institute of Technol-
tion Engineering, Government Women Engineering ogy, as a Lecturer, and designated as an Associate
College, Ajmer, India. He is the author/co-author of more than 100 research pa- Professor there in 1995. He is currently a Professor in the Department of Elec-
pers published in the refereed international/national journals and conferences. tronics and Communication Engineering, Malaviya National Institute of Tech-
His research interests include planar antennas, frequency selective surfaces, and nology, and an Executive Director with the National Institute of Electronics
microwave absorber. and Information Technology, Chandigarh, India. He is the author/co-author of
Dr. Yadav is a Life Member of IETE, India. more than 100 research papers published in the refereed international/national
journals and conferences. His research interests include design and modeling of
antennas, array, and FSS.
Prof. Sharma is a fellow of IETE, India, member of the Broadcasting Engi-
neering Society, India, and Life Member of ISTE professional bodies. He was
Chandra Prakash Jain received the B.E. degree an Honorary Secretary of the IEEE-MTTS India Council Chapter.
from Rajasthan Technical University, Kota, India,
in 2000, the M.Tech. degree from Dr. A.P.J. Abdul
Kalam Technical University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh,
India, in 2006, and the Ph.D. degree from Banasthali
University, Vanasthali, India, in 2016.
He was with Public Sector Company for two
years. Since 2011 he has been an Assistant Pro-
fessor with Government Engineering College Ajmer,
Ajmer, India. He is the author/co-author of more than
15 research papers published in the refereed interna-
tional/national journals and conferences. His research interests include devices
and circuits under extreme environment applications.

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