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6, JUNE 2019

Bandpass FSS With Zeros Adjustable

Quasi-Elliptic Response
Zhenzhen Zhao , Anxue Zhang , Xiaoming Chen , Senior Member, IEEE, Gantao Peng, Jianxing Li ,
Hongyu Shi , and Ahmed A. Kishk , Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—In this letter, a frequency selective surface (FSS) with

quasi-elliptical bandpass filtering response and high-frequency se-
lectivity is proposed. The structure consists of two arrays, i.e., a
hollow metal pipe array and a metal disk array printed on a thin
substrate layer. The FSS exhibits a flat transmission in the pass-
band and fast roll-off. By investigating the electric fields and us-
ing equivalent circuit models, physical insights into the generation
of the transmission/reflection zeros and operating principle of the
whole FSS are obtained. The positions of the transmission zeros
can be independently changed by adjusting the corresponding pa-
rameters that tune the bandwidth of the passband. A prototype is
fabricated and measured to verify the simulation. Fig. 1. Geometry of the proposed FSS.
Index Terms—Bandpass filter, frequency selective surface (FSS),
high-frequency selectivity.
and passband by using dual-cylinder FSS of equal height. How-
ever, the obtained passband in [17] has poor flatness and low-
REQUENCY selective surfaces (FSSs) are usually two-
F dimensional arrays consisting of periodically arranged
metallic elements, exhibiting bandstop or bandpass responses
frequency selectivity at the right side of the passband. Singh and
Srivastava [18] investigated a single 3-D cylindrical structure
and achieved stopband/passband with different heights. Both
[1]–[6]. Bandpass FSS requires a flat transmission response [17] and [18] did not realize flat passband with fast roll-off at
and low insertion loss in the passband and fast decay out of passband edges.
the passband. To meet this requirement, Al-Joumayly and Be- In this letter, to realize efficient filtering and restraint out-
hdad [7], Salehi and Behdad [8], and Liu et al. [9] investi- of-band (OOB) interference at normal incidence, we propose
gated multilayer FSSs and realized a second-order Butterworth a novel and simple bandpass FSS based on a judicious com-
filtering response. The Butterworth response has a flat pass- bination of 3-D metal cylindrical pipes and disks, as well as
band transmission but suffers from slow roll-off. To solve this appropriate dielectric loading. The proposed FSS has two res-
problem, the three-dimensional (3-D) FSS has been proposed. onators, which produce reflection and transmission zeros. The
For bandpass FSS, the 3-D FSS usually consists of periodi- reflection zeros ensure a flat passband, and the transmission ze-
cally arranged waveguide elements [10]–[12], microstrip lines ros reduce the OOB emission. The proposed structure realizes
[13]–[16], etc. In [10]–[12], substrate integrated waveguide quasi-elliptical filtering and shows high-frequency selectivity
combined with etched slots was adopted to realize bandpass at normal incidence. Compared with the traditional FSS, the
with fast roll-off. Through the coupling between the resonating present structure realizes several OOB transmission zeros with
modes, out-of-band transmission zeros are obtained for high- only two resonators. Furthermore, the bandwidth of the proposed
frequency selectivity. In [13]–[16], multiple transmission zeros FSS can be tuned by adjusting the positions of the transmission
at one side of the passband are formed, which improves the fre- zeros. Due to these superior features, the proposed FSS can be
quency selectivity. However, the transmission zeros outside the used as a radome of a directional antenna to realize filtering
passband in these designs are not close to the passband, resulting antenna.
in slow roll-off. The behaviors of the dual-cylinder FSS were in-
vestigated in [17]. The authors realized closely spaced stopband II. ELEMENT DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE EVALUATION
Manuscript received March 21, 2019; revised April 13, 2019; accepted April The proposed FSS structure consists of two arrays, i.e., arrays
14, 2019. Date of publication April 18, 2019; date of current version May 31, A and B, as shown in Fig. 1. Array A is composed of periodically
2019. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of
China under Grant 61601360 and Grant 61501365. (Corresponding authors: inserted hollow metal pipes (with a thickness of h1 = 4.5 mm) in
Anxue Zhang and Xiaoming Chen.) a substrate (i.e., layer 1) through drilled holes. Array B comprises
The authors are with the School of Electronic and Information Engineering, periodic metal disks printed on a thin substrate (i.e., layer 2). The
Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China (e-mail:;; unit cells of arrays A and B are also illustrated in detail in Fig. 1.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LAWP.2019.2911908 The metal and the substrate are denoted in brown and light blue

1536-1225 © 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

Fig. 2. Transmission and reflection responses of the proposed FSS. Fig. 3. Transmission and reflection responses of the (a) TLR-FSS and
(b) RDR-FSS.


Fig. 4. Electric field distributions at transmission and reflection zeros.

(a) fr = 16 GHz. (b) ft = 16.7 GHz.

Through a comprehensive comparison, it can be concluded that

color, respectively. The metal pipe is hollow (full of air) with the proposed FSS has the highest frequency selectivity at normal
inner radius R1 = 3.5 mm and outer radius R2 = 5.5 mm, while incidence.
the radius of the metal disk is R3 = 3.1 mm. The dielectric
substrates in arrays A and B are F4B with a relative permittivity III. OPERATING MECHANISM
of εr = 2.65 and tangential loss of δ = 0.0025. Their thicknesses
For analysis, the proposed FSS structure is divided into two
are h1 = 4.5 mm and h2 = 0.8 mm, respectively. The period of
parts. One part consists of pipes and two substrates layers, form-
the elements is Dx = Dy = 12.9 mm.
ing a transmission line resonator FSS (TLR-FSS). The other part
Fig. 2 shows the simulated transmission and reflection re-
is composed of disks and rings from the bottoms of the pipes,
sponses at normal incidence for y-polarization. In the pass-
forming a ring-disk resonator FSS (RDR-FSS).
band, there are two reflection zeros at 14.4 and 15.3 GHz. The
3 dB bandwidth of the passband is from 14 to 16.3 GHz, with
a center frequency of f0 = 15.15 GHz and a relative band- A. Analysis of TLR-FSS
width of 15.2%. Out of the passband, the transmission curve Fig. 3(a) shows the transmission/reflection responses of the
shows a high-frequency selectivity on both sides of the pass- TRL-FSS at normal incidence. As can be seen, there is one
band due to the three transmission zeros at 13.5, 16.5, and reflection zero at fr = 16 GHz within the band and one OOB
20.2 GHz. transmission zero at ft = 16.7 GHz. The TLR-FSS displays a
The rectangle coefficient k = (B1+Δ)/B1 is used to describe flat passband and fast roll-off at the right side of the passband.
the frequency selectivity, where B1+Δ and B1 are the −10 It is found that the passband in Fig. 3(a) is very consistent with
and −3 dB bandwidth, respectively, with Δ being the transi- the right side of the passband in Fig. 2. It can be concluded that
tion bandwidth. A smaller k means better frequency selectivity. the TRL-FSS plays a crucial role in forming a reflection zero at
k = 1 means perfect filtering. k = 1.12 is achieved in this design. fr2 and transmission zero at ft2 in Fig. 2.
However, it is noted that k depends not only on the roll-off but To gain more insights, we illustrate the electric field distribu-
also the bandwidth. Compared with the traditional FSSs, this tions around two halves of nearby TLR-FSS elements (in the x-y
structure realizes three OOB transmission zeros and higher se- plane) at fr and ft . As shown in Fig. 4(a), the electric field mainly
lectivity with only two resonators. For better comparison, the concentrates in the slots between the pipes at fr = 16 GHz. In
numbers of resonators, OOB transmission zeros, the coefficient this case, adjacent pipe walls form a waveguide with a simi-
k, stopband peak values, and angle stability of various works lar working mechanism as parallel-plate waveguide. Hence, it
are listed in Table I. It can be seen that the proposed FSS has forms a transmission line resonator supporting TEM wave prop-
lower angle stability, yet fewer resonators and more transmis- agations. Fig. 4(b) shows that at ft = 16.7 GHz, the electric
sion zeros than most of the previous works (except for [15]). The field in the slot center points to the negative y-direction, while
FSS in [20] has a slightly smaller k but higher stopband peak. the electric field at slot sides points to the positive y-direction.

Fig. 5. Equivalent circuit of the TLR-FSS.

Fig. 7. Equivalent circuit of the FSS. (a) RDR-FSS. (b) Whole FSS (Crr1 =
0.15 pF, Lr = 0.27 nH, Lp1 = 1.01 nH, Lp2 = 0.161 nH, Ca = 0.397 pF, Ld =
4.16 nH, Crd = 0.025 pF, Ls = 0.8 nH, Cs = 0.04 pF).

between neighboring elements. The electric field in these two

positions is out of phase, producing the transmission zero. At

ft1 = 22.45 GHz, the electric field concentrates mainly in three
Fig. 6. Electric field distribution at transmission and reflection zeros.
positions. One is the slot between the ring and disks, another
(a) fr = 16.7 GHz. (b) ft1
 = 13.17 GHz. (c) f  = 22.45 GHz.
one is the slot center between elements, and the last one is the
slot sides between elements. The electric field in the two former
positions has opposite directions to that in the latter position.

These electric fields in opposite directions are propagating out Thus, a transmission zero at ft2 is produced.
of phase, resulting in the transmission zero at ft . A simple equivalent circuit of the RDR-FSS is shown
An equivalent circuit is demonstrated in Fig. 5. The TRL-FSS in Fig. 7(a), marked with a black dotted box. In the cir-
element can be regarded as two transmission line sections. One cuit model, Crr and Lr have the same meaning as those
section is composed of pipe walls and the medium in between, in Fig. 5. Crd denotes the equivalent capacitance between
denoted as TL1 , where the pipe wall is represented by the series the ring and disk, and Ld denotes the equivalent inductance
inductances Lp. The other section TL2 results from the substrate of the disk. The equivalent circuit of the whole FSS can be ob-
layer 2, which is equivalent to the series inductance Ls and the tained by replacing the circuit marked by the bottom black box
two shunt capacitances Cs. Due to the presence of the metal in Fig. 5 with the circuit marked by the black box in Fig. 7(a).
pipes, there are discontinuities at the two ends of TL1 , which The substrate layer 1 and the air in the pipe are equivalent to
can be represented by metal rings. The equivalent circuit of the a series inductance and two shunt capacitances, which are de-
whole TLR-FSS is shown in Fig. 5, where Crr is the equivalent noted by Ls1 , Cs1 , La, and Ca, respectively. After simplifying
capacitance between the rings and Lr is the equivalent induc- the model, the final circuit is shown in Fig. 7(b), where Lp1 is
tance. Lp//Ls1 , Lp2 is Lp//La, and Crr1 is Crr//Cs1 . The corresponding
circuit parameters are extracted by curve fitting.
B. Analysis of RDR-FSS
Fig. 3(b) shows the responses of the RDR-FSS at normal
incidence. It can be observed that there is one reflection zero Through the analysis in Section III, it is learned that the trans-
(fr = 16.7 GHz) in the band, which helps to form the passband. mission zeros of the response are determined by specific struc-

Meanwhile, two transmission zeros ft1 = 13.17 GHz and ture components. Thus, the zeros can be independently changed

ft2 = 22.45 GHz appear out of the band. Compared with the by changing the corresponding parameters. The bandwidth of the
transmission curve of the proposed FSS, it can be found that passband will also be changed accordingly. As seen in Fig. 8(a),
these zeros are close to fr1 , ft1 , and ft3 in Fig. 2. However, the the second transmission zero shifts to the left with increasing
frequencies of these zeros in Figs. 2 and 3(b) are not identical be- Dx, leading to a bandwidth reduction. As analyzed before, the
cause the substrate and the mutual coupling between the whole TLR-FSS can be regarded as a waveguide. In this case, while
pipe and disk are omitted. Based on the analysis above, it is safe increasing Dx, the equivalent size of the waveguide increases, de-
to conclude that the reflection zero fr1 and transmission zeros creasing the working frequency. Effects of the inner radius R1 of
ft2 and ft3 in Fig. 2 are mainly determined by the disks and the the pipe and radius R3 of the disk are investigated in Fig. 8(b) and
bottom of the pipes. (c), respectively. It is demonstrated that, as R1 and R3 increase,
Similar to Fig. 4, the electric field distribution of the RDR- the first transmission zero will shift toward the left, increasing
FSS at fr , ft1

, and ft2
is shown in Fig. 6. At fr = 16.7 GHz, the bandwidth. According to the circuit in Fig. 7(a), increasing
the electric field mainly concentrates in the slots between the R1 and R3 will increase Lr and Crd, respectively. Thus, the fre-
ring and disk, so the ring and disk can be regarded as an aper- quency of the first transmission zero decreases. Fig. 8(d) displays

ture resonator. At ft1 = 13.17 GHz, the electric field concen- that increasing h2 decreases frequencies of all the three trans-
trates mainly in the slot between the ring and disk, and the slot mission zeros because increasing h2 contributes to the increase

Fig. 10. Prototype of the fabricated FSS and measurement setup. (a) Fabricated
FSS. (b) Measurement setup.

Fig. 8. Transmission responses of the proposed FSS with different parameters.

(a) Element period Dx. (b) Inner radius of the pipe R1 . (c) Radius of the disk
R3. (d) Thickness of the substrate layer2, h2 .

Fig. 11. Comparisons between the simulated and measured responses together
with that from the equivalent circuit model.

inserted into the layer. Finally, layer 1 and layer 2 are pressed
together, and the FSS is obtained.
We measured the fabricated FSS in an anechoic chamber, as
shown in Fig. 10(b). Two high-gain horn antennas are placed in
Fig. 9. Transmission of the proposed FSS at oblique incidence. (a) TE polar-
the far field of the FSS. Two absorber blocks are placed beside
ization. (b) TM polarization. the FSS to avoid the edge diffraction. The Agilent E8389B vector
network analyzer is used and the measurement results are given
in Fig. 11. Compared with the simulated transmission response,
the measured one has slightly larger insertion loss in the pass-
of the equivalent dielectric constant of the whole structure. In band, and the passband shifts a little to a higher frequency. For
addition, the first zero shifts to the left more than the second one, the reflection response, frequencies of the first and third trans-
causing a bandwidth enhancement. mission zeros are slightly lower than those of the simulated ones,
Fig. 9 shows the transmission responses under oblique in- while the frequency of the second transmission zero is slightly
cident angles. It can be seen that for TE and TM polarizations, higher than that of the simulated one. This is because these trans-
under the incident angle of 10° and 20°, a flat passband and three mission zeros are relatively independent. The small discrepan-
transmission zeros are still observed, but high-order resonances cies between the measurement and simulation are mainly caused
and reflection/transmission zeros appear out of the passband. by the manufacture tolerance and measurement errors. Never-
Thus, this FSS is not suitable for radome exposed to oblique theless, there are reasonable agreements between the calculated,
incident waves. However, it can be used as a filter of a direc- simulated, and measured results.
tional antenna to realize filtering antenna thanks to its superior
frequency selectivity.
A novel FSS with quasi-elliptical bandpass filtering response
V. FABRICATION AND MEASUREMENT has been proposed. This FSS has achieved a flat transmis-
To validate the design, the FSS prototype shown in Fig. 10 sion performance in the passband and sharp roll-off, thanks
is fabricated. The prototype consists of 20 × 20 elements and to the reflection zeros and transmission zeros. These transmis-
is 258 × 258 mm2 in size. The material of the metal structure sion/reflection zeros work together to form the superior fre-
is copper, and the substrate is F4B. The whole FSS is shown in quency. In addition, the bandwidth of the passband can be
Fig. 10(a). An image of four elements marked by the red box is tuned by independently adjusting the positions of the trans-
zoomed to the top right corner of Fig. 10(a). In the fabrication mission/reflection zeros. Finally, the fabricated prototype has
procedure, the holes in layer 1 are drilled using the printed circuit been measured to verify the simulation. Good agreements are
board drilling technology. Then, the small pipes are manually observed.

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